MS 26 Previous Year Question Papers by Ignouassignmentguru

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MS-26

Term-End Examination 01191
December, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weigh tage 70%)
Note :
(i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any four questions from Section A. Each

question carries 15 marks.

(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Briefly discuss the tenets of strategic alliances and
the need for it. Explain how these alliances could
be made to work ?

2. Explain the importance of cohesiveness in groups

and briefly describe the role of motivational
approach to alienation.

3. Why is decentralisation important in

organisations ? Briefly discuss the dimensions of
power sharing.

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4. Explain the process of organisational learning

and its mechanisms.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following.

(a) Boss

(b) Transformational leadership

(c) Cross-cultural Dynamics

(d) Types of power

(e) Business Ethics.

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6. Read the following case carefully and answer
the questions given at the end :
On Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m., two
young auto workers, disgruntled over failing to
get their supervisor fired, scaled the 10-foot fence
of a power control area, shut off the power and
closed down a Transpower Corporation assembly
line. They simply took matters into their own
hands when the union's grievance procedure did
not work fast enough to satisfy them. For 13 hours
thereafter, Subhash and Satish carried on their
protest in the six-by-seven foot facility known as
the power cage, as fellow workers shouted
This dramatic protest ended in victory with
the delivery to the power cage of a signed
statement from the plant manager, officially
reporting that the supervisor had been fired and
that there would be no reprisal against the
protesters. Subhash and Satish were carried from
the plant on the shoulders of their fellow workers.
They were back in the plant working as spot
welders the next day, but the fired supervisor,
Grover, was out of his job, although he hoped to
get another job with the company.

Grover, who has four children and who was

fired for "personnel violations," claimed the

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action was unjust. In explaining the events that

led to the power cage protest and his subsequent
firing, Grover said that production on the
assembly line had been chronically below quota
before he was named supervisor. At the time
Grover was made supervisor, the plant manager
had plainly told him that his job was to improve
the production rate, and production had, in fact,
improved markedly in the short time that he was
Grover said his firing would set a damaging
precedent. "The company's action creates a
situation where the operations of the plant are
subject to the whims of any employee with a
grudge," he said. This possibility was emphasized
by the comment of a union leader who said there
were other conditions in the plant that needed
i mproving-such as the cafeteria food and relief
from the more than 100-degree heat in the metal
shop. Moreover, the leader said, there was at
least one other supervisor who should be fired.
His manner implied that the successful power cage
protest would facilitate attaining these ends, too.
The union leader's final comment was that two
men on an unauthorized wildcat strike had
clearly accomplished the same thing as a full
blown strike.
While commenting to a news reporter about
the power cage strike, the two auto workers

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reportedly said, "We knew we were going to win.

When you cut the power, you've got the power.
Every minute we were in there was costing the
company money, and we weren't going to leave.
It showed the power of the workers to control
the company,"
The protest at the Transpower plant cost the
company the production of 900 to 950 automotive
units valued at Rs. 8,000 each and one reliable
supervisor, according to newspaper accounts.
As the plant manager began to prepare a
report on the power cage protest for his superior,
the division Vice-President, he reviewed the events
of the day, the decisions he had made, and the
implications for the future. He wondered if the
situation might not have been dealt with more
Questions :
1. Did Subhash and Satish actually have as
much power as they claimed to have ?
2. What other alternatives did the company
have ? How good were thes'e alternatives ?
3. What will be the long-term consequences of
the company's decision ? What did the
company gain or lose by this incident ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MS-26


Term-End Examination 03620

June, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40

1. Explain the concept of alienation and describe the
sociological causes and variants of alienation in
the organizational context.

2. How do you tackle stress at work ? What is the

difference between 'eustress' and distress ? Cite
suitable examples.

3. What are the different bases of powers in an

organizations. Discuss empowerment as a
process ?

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4. Discuss the assumptions of the organizational

culture. Discuss its behavioural consequences.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i) Learning organization
(ii) Decentralization
(iii) Approaches to delay with diversity
(iv) Strategic Alliances and Coalitions
(v) Ethics and values

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6. Read the case and answer the questions given at
the end :
Girish and Anant are friends. Anant
persuaded Girish to accept the position of CEO
of Shah group of hotels, which happens to be the
fourth large hotel chain in the country, with
eleven properties. Soon after Yashwant Shah's
son Vikramaditya had taken over the reins of the
group, aggressive expansion plans had been
announced, including a couple of acquisitions
Girish's predecessor, Praksh had been
Yashwant's right hand man for 17 long
years until he proposed to move out to have
his own business at Goa. Yashwant requested
him to continue upto Vikramaditya's completion
of MBA programme. Vikramaditya had no
patience and suggested for a new CEO to replace
Praksh. That's when Anant suggested Girish's
name, Girish's career was moving steadily, but
slowly. At 45, he was Senior Vice President,
Marketing and Operations of starling Hotels. This
group had five properties and not having plans
to expand. So, the chance to join Shah group as
CEO came as a big opportunity for Girish.
Girish and Anant had met in a pub and
Anant enquired about Girish's experience at Shah
group since his joining six months back. Girish

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comment was "well actually, things are not

rolling as well as I expected. Vikramaditya has
aggressive plans, but at this stage, I think he lacks
the maturity and vision to carry the organization
forward on his shoulders. Moreover he has been
travelling a lot over these six months and
Yashwant has more or less refined. To top it all,
people are still adjusting to the change from
Prakash to me . The transition .... well is all to
sudden". Anant listening intently urged Girish
to go out. Girish continued- "I have worked in a
family run organization before, but in the Shah
group, the family is everywhere. Atul and Ritesh
have the final say in all financial matters. Tarunesh
must be consulted in all supply matters. And
Devyani Shah must give consent on
administrative matters, including design of new
uniforms and table napkins. I am learning to deal
with it. But what really troubles me is the work
culture. Things take ages to get done".
Anant nodded knowingly" I agree its not a
super - paced company, and yes, the family
members have their areas of authority, but only
at the board level. I don't think any portfolio or
function is headed by a family member, am I
right ?"
"Yes, the entire senior management team
consists of professionals from the industry; but
nothing moves without the family bosses"-

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retorted Girish and continued" when I joined, I

knew that I have to professionalize a traditional
family run organization. Top priority on my
agenda was culture change. Prakash though was
an outsider, I feel that because of his long
association he had become part of the family
literally and closely aligned with family interests.
Praksh was just a CEO designate and every move
he made was Yashwant's move. May be that's
why people here are waiting for instructions and
seldom take initiative. 1 tried to change this by
forwarding new ideas with. HR's Vaidehi, Ishwar
of supply chain management and Sudesh of
marketing divisions. Everyone is receptive but
when it comes to action - Here is nothing but
delays delays only delays.
"But do you have any quick fix formula" ?
enquired Anant. "Yes", Girish replied, "I am
trying to set a target of groups profit margins by
15% in my first year". Anant raised his eyebrows -
"that's a very high target for your first year".
Girish replied," I have done it in the past. But
can I repeat it here with the set of people available
here ? Or shall I get new blood ?" Anant asked,
"What is your equation with Atul, Ritesh, Devyani
and Tarunesh ?" I am being careful to stay in
everyone's good books. But I am yet to share my
action plan with them before 1 share it with
Vikramaditya. He is very stubborn and

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independent minded person. If I can sell my ideas

successfully to him I can rope others in. "But can
you ?" retorted Anant and observed "I am getting
the feeling that you are the loneranger" here
fighting a battle single handedly. Why don't you
take your senior manager's trust in your plan ?"
Girish replied "Technically, yes that sounds
like a good idea. Except .... everyone here is too
much part of the old system. They don't see the
situation prudently and impartially. I am
convinced we need a few new people to man
senior roles, especially for marketing and
Anant replied" OK ! Good luck !! come out
of the sticky wicket !!!
(i) What are the main issues inherent in this
case ?
(ii) What kind of culture you assume the
organization has ?
(iii) What is you understanding of the
relationship between Girish and Anant and
how does it affect the organization ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 8 1 MS-26 I

Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Maximum ,Marks : 100
Time : 3 hours
(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40


1. Why do groups joins ? Discuss various stages of

group development with suitable examples.

2. Explain the concept and systems of roles. Briefly

describe the concepts of role space and role set
with examples.

3. What are the dimensions of power sharing ?

Explain the need for integrating the mechanisms
of decentralization.

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4. Discuss the concept, process and mechanisms of

organizational learning.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Empowerment in organizations
(b) Transformational leadership
(c) Corporate Social Responsibility
(d) Diversity Management
(e) Strategic alliance

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6. Read the case and answer the questions given at

the end.

"Mr. Nagrath as you know, last month we

conducted our first employee satisfaction survey
on line and we received tremendous response
from all over the organisation. I am going to make
a formal presentation in the management
committee meet. But before that, I would like to
share the results of your division with you, as I'll
be doing with each functional head separately"
said Ragini. The V.P. (HR) to Jayesh Nagrath
who had worked in Speedstar Tyres for 28 years
and second in command to Mr. Anurag Bashin,
the CEO.

Nagrath raised his eyes briefly to look up at

her (who had joined two years back in the
company) and then went back to shuffling
through the heap of papers on his desk, beckoning
to her with casual wave to continue. Ragini
ignoring his disinterest said that, "well your
division seems to have the lowest employee
satisfaction scores compared to other divisions."

Nagrath shrugged, as if unaffected. "People

will write anything in a survey. I dont take this

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"I think we need to take at seriously,

Mr. Nagrath as the survey is conducted by Gallup
- world leaders in employee satisfaction research."
said Ragini.
"So what next" asked Nagrath casually ?
Ragini said, "we have several issues on hand
which need to be addressed". Nagrath retorted,
"issues, what issues ?"
"Most importantly, a large number of people
have mentioned that they feel restricted in making
decisions, and that they need more space to work
independently". Nagrath was frowning now. He
looked at her intently and said "what does that
mean ?" Ragini hesitated a bit and said... "there
seem to be leadership issues."
"What do you know ? You have been here
since two years. Do you mean to say that we are
a bunch of fools sitting here, running this
company ? All that we have been doing has been
wrong ?"

Ragini fumbled, "Mr. Nagrath, this is not

what I said". That seems to fuel his anger even
more. "Are you saying I am deaf ? That's exactly
what you said. You want to say that we don't
know how to manage our people.... and they are
unclear about their roles ? Don't I understand
what you really mean ? You are accusing me of
being a bad leader ? What do you know about

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leadership ? Do I have to learn the basics of

leadership from the novices like you ?" Nagrath
was almost shouting at her.
"Will you let me explain ?" She ventured,
as he paused to take a breath. He shook his head
vehemently and said No...No...not at all ! I refuse
to have any further discussions with you. I
cannot believe Anurag hired you as the V.P. (HR).
I would never have considered you as a manager
in my team !" retorted Nagrath.
That was it. He had crossed all limits of
decency. "I cannot believe you just said that !"
Ragini pushed back her chair and rose. Her voice
was surprisingly calm, though she was trembling
with anger. She said, "you are arrogant to the
point of being rude and you may be used to
stepping all over people and getting away with
it, but I will not take this from you."
"What ???" For a second Nagrath was
taken aback. In his 28 years at Speedstar Tyres,
no body had ever talked to him like that before.
She stamped out of the room before he could react.
She needed to cool down and helped herself with
coffee from the vending machine.
There was no more anger in her, only
disappointment .... and depression. She had
accomplished a lot over her short stint as VP (HR)
in the 800 crore tyre manufacturing company.

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The company had recently completed a foreign

collaboration and CEO, Anurag Bhasin was
pushing for modernization and aggressive growth
on all fronts. The only hitch in the way was Jayesh
Nagrath, the senior Vice President in charge of
operations and manufacturing. He would find
flaws with every new initiative.
Nagrath had been an autocratic boss, a style
he had developed to perfection while dealing with
trade unions during his formative years. He had
no formal management education, but his armory
of astute intuition and negotiation, skills made him
a hero in labour relations. When he rose to become
corporate head of operations and manufacturing
at 54 years, it was too late to change. Perhaps his
long years in the company and over dependance
of Anurag on him, made him arrogant and the
senior management team believed that he is not
receptive to new ideas and change. They
accepted his abrasive style as a rub - off of his
powerful position and authority.
But ever since Speedstar's joint venture with
a French company, Nagrath's influence over
Bhasin's decisions was getting diluted. But Bhasin
never wanted to lose Nagrath as he was the hero
of 1990s turnaround.
Ragini over last two years learnt about how
people functioned at Speedstar. She in her

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inimical style of working with people could sell

her modern management ideas to everybody.
Only Nagrath was not impressed with her. She
thought that gradually she can change Nagrath
too, but after today's incident, she did not want
to try anymore.
Gautam, the head of marketing greeted
Ragini when she was musing on the incident with
Nagrath. He too confided in Ragini, that all his
global plans are resisted by Nagrath and he is
insulted for giving new product plans. He was
also contemplating to share his views with
Anurag Bhasin, the CEO.
Ragini also confided in Gautam about her
altercations with Nagrath and sought views of
Gautam about talking to Bhasin on the issue as
Nagrath and Bhasin have good equations.
Gautam observed that, "Equations don't
make companies succeed, strategy and hard work
does. Let us not make Nagrath types to stop us to
change and develop. It is better to talk to Bhasin.
Ragini reflected over what Gautam had just
said. Was it a good idea to confide in Bhasin ?
After all, it was not just the employee satisfaction
survey. She would face resistance from Nagrath
every step of the way, in everything she would
initiate. Wouldn't she become vulnerable if she
let Bhasin know she couldn't handle Nagrath ?

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Questions :
(a) Identify the conflicting issues that appear
in the deliberations of the organizational
(b) What kind of culture the organization
has ?
(c) What interventions do you suggest to
resolves the issues ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 8 MS-26


Term-End Examination
June, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40


1. Discuss the process and stages for formation of

groups in an organisation. Why is cohesiveness
important for group effectiveness ? Explain with

2. Analyse decentralisation as a structured

mechanism of empowerment. Discuss the need
of integrating mechanisms with decentralisation.
Explain with suitable examples.

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3. Define 'Burnout' and discuss the main reasons of

Burnout. Identifying various stages of Burnout,
describe how does an individual reach the 'Hitting
the wall' stage. Cite examples.

4. Define and discuss the nature and forms of

strategic Alliances. Briefly describe the tenets of
strategic Alliances, with relevant examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Compliance
(b) Dimensions of Diversity
(c) Transformational leadership
(d) Role systems
(e) Social Responsibility of Organisations.

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6. Please read the case given below and answer the

questions given at the end.

On 15 March 1949, Merry Joseph came in

to see Mr. John, the plant personnel director, to
talk over a problem that was troubling her. Merry
was a hand assembly production worker in a
modern 600-employee branch plant located in a
large eastern city. After Merry told Mr. John her
story, he asked her to write out a description of
the situation. Her statement is reproduced here.

Reconsider this case not unusual nor typical,

but as having happened to me and to a few others.
As I am not equipped to do the work, it offers
little or no solution to the problem at hand. I
would not be writing this report if I had not
remembered the advice given by Mr. John of
Personnel. He told a group that should we have
a problem, to please consult him before walking
out. However, I will mention here that I have
seen a few very conscientious workers walk out
without "fighting the case".

When I was first hired, Mr. Nair, the

foreman, introduced me to the young lady who
taught me the process of soldering lead wires. I

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asked her how much production I would be

expected to turn in daily, and she secured this
information for me from the other girls. This
seemed at the moment like a fantastic sum, but
she assured me that after a few days I would
become quite efficient, which I soon did. I am
not one to "bite the hand that feeds me", so I
began working and finally developed the system
into a sort of game.
A few weeks later, one of the girls asked me
how I was doing, and I told her that I was doing
fine. She looked at my production sheet and
swore. She was astonished to see how much I
was producing each hour. She bitterly reminded
me that girls that had been here for several
months or even years were not producing what I
had accomplished in a few weeks ! I laughed that
off as somewhat of a compliment. That was my
big mistake as far as co-operating with the
company or satisfying my gregarious tendencies
was concerned. I was immediately and severely

During the weeks that ensued, I noticed I

was not completely alone; there were a few others
who were also "friendless". However, it was soon
apparent that ostracism was not satisfying the
desires of their fiendish little plan. Threats were
to follow and they did follow.

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Having worked in the "violent ward" of a

psychopathic hospital, I was not the least bit
nervous because of these threats but others were.
I noticed a few things about the character,
temperament and education of those who were
apparently "bossing". They were usually the old-
timers and loafers __ girls with great deal of
confidence and little reason for it. Sometimes,
their reasons for fighting the enormous business
organisation which represents their security, were
quite convincing: "Your work is never
appreciated," "They'll always want more and
more", "You haven't got a chance to get a merit
wage increase unless you go out with the boss..."
After this general talking to, the poor girls began
to wonder; some of them stayed a few days and
then didn't turn up for work. The clique had
scored again.

I sat and wondered as I worked. What to

do ? I was assured I had the bosses on my side,
but the... The long dead silence and the vulgar,
stupid remarks of the other girls soon began to
get under my skin. I worked quite a while at the
psychopathic hospital, and "they" never bothered
me, but these stupid little people and their moronic
remarks soon began to annoy me terribly. Because
my production was high, I was asked to work
Saturdays. This brought a violent counter thrust
from the rebels.

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Soon their campaign began to affect me

exactly as they had planned. (Or am I giving
them too much credit ?) My production was
dropping. The assistant foreman, Bert, asked
me if I was ill. When I told him my troubles, he
advised me to see Mr. Nair, which I did. Mr.
Nair listened attentively and asked the names
of the rebels, which I readily gave, not feeling at
all like an informer. He then assured me, though
stammering, that justice would prevail. I noticed
little change.

The little minds had other desires than to

keep their jobs secure; they wanted to jeopardize
the position of their immediate superiors. Philip,
who had advised me to talk to Mr. Nair,
commonly held the reputation of being a
communist, nailed on him by "my rebels". I
have always maintained in my philosophy that
if one cannot become great by one's own
methods of accomplishment, then one will
probably pull everyone else down below him,
until by comparison he is above the mob, hence
great. This is commonly known as
"scapegoatism". These girls carried this farther
than I ever dreamed would be done.
Scapegoating is a common activity of the
uneducated. Education of the population while
not the solution, will greatly aid in the eventual
solution of this problem.

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However, back to the practical aspects of

the problem at hand. I had convinced myself that
most of the girls were not the kind I would care
to associate with, anyway, so my scope of activity
was not ruptured too severely, As they ignored
me, I ignored them. However, something
happened that I had not counted on. I became
physically ill from the entire situation. Having
had a few lectures on psychosomatic diseases, I
knew I had not incorrectly diagnosed the case.

My relief came in the form of a temporary

transfer to another department. I know it would
take some time before the girls would become
acquainted with my case, and the rest was
welcome. I was shocked to find that no one was
interested in my "reputation". I was further
shocked when I began to notice that harmony,
tranquility, and cooperation prevailed in this
department. It is my opinion that part of the cause
for such cooperation in this department may be
attributed to the fact of one boss and a capable,
understanding man, at that.

Then, I was told to return to my former

department, where I was greeted by my boss with:
"Enjoy your vacation". This does not strike me
as being very complimentary to one who has been
conscientious from the beginning.

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I had been taught to report all inferior-grade

materials, and this particular morning I found the
wire defective. After reeling yards of red tape
from a few of my bosses, I finally was sent to
Mr. Nair. Again, Mr. Nair was glad to see me, "I
want you to get back to your machine, sit down,
and mind your own business. Your production
is falling. Why ?" This I was told before I had a
chance to speak. Here, I explained about the
strain I was under and about the inferior
materials. He then told me to work as best I could
with the inferior materials, as he didn't want to
send any of the girls home. I then told him I had
thought of leaving. He sarcastically mentioned
that perhaps it was for the best. This shock drove
me to Mr. John of Personnel, and to standing here
in my living room dictating this to my husband,
the typist of the family.
Questions :
(a) What is the case issue in the case ? Explain.
(b) Critically evaluate the work culture and
climate of the organisation.
(c) How do you see the act and record of Merry
vis-a-vis her colleagues in this case ? Explain
with reasons.
(d) What would be your recommendations to
the management ? Justify.

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MS-26

Term-End Examination
December, 2013

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A Each
question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Discuss the important factors which necessitate

the development of a group. Also describe the
factors which hinder the process and make it
ineffective. Cite relevant examples.

2. Define and differentiate between Role Analysis,

Job Analysis and Task Analysis. Describe the
techniques of Role Analysis . Justify your answer
with suitable examples.

3. Define and describe the concept of power. Discuss

the bases of power in the context of managerial

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4. Explain the importance of Business Ethics in the

present day context. Discuss various ethical issues
in management functions. Give examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Alienation
(b) Empowerment Audit
(c) Cross Cultural Issues
(d) Strategic Alliances
(e) BOSS


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end :
Winthrop Hospital is located in a medium - sized
suburban community. A general hospital, it serves
a large portion of the surrounding area and is
usually operating at , near or sometimes beyond
its capacity. Each floor of the hospital has its own
particular structure with regard to the nurses who
staff it. This formalized hierarchy runs from the
supervisor ( who must be a registered nurse) to
registered nurses (RNs) to licensed practical nurses
(LPNs) to students and nurses aides.
Professionally there are some duties that are
supposed to be performed only by the RNs : these
are spelt out in the hospital manual. In practice,
however , the LPNs do much of the work that is
supposed to be done by the RNs. The RNs are glad
for the help because they are very busy with other
duties. Through time the work done by the RNs
and the LPNs has meshed so thoroughly that one
just does the work without thinking of whose job
it is supposed to be. The hospital is normally so
crowded that, even with everyone performing all

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types of work, there never seems to be enough

time or enough help.

The procedural manual used at Winthrop Hospital

was first used in 1947 and has not been revised.
Everyone connected with the hospital realizes that
it is extremely outdated and actual practice varies
so greatly as to have no similarity to what is
prescribed in the manual. Even the courses that
the student nurses take teach things entirely
differently from what is prescribed in Winthrop's

The vacation privilages for nurses at the hospital

show extreme differences for the different types
of nurses. RNs receive two weeks' vacation after
nine months on the job, whereas LPNs must be
on the staff for ten years before receiving their
second week of vacation. The LPNs believe this
to be extremely unfair and have been trying to
have the privileges somewhat more equalized.
Their efforts have met with little cooperation and
no success. The hospital superiors have simply
told them that the terms for vacation are those
stated in the hospital manual and that they saw
no need to change them.

Some of the individual nurses at Winthrop then

began to take matters into their own hands. The
LPNs on the fourth floor of the hospital decided
that if they couldn't have the extra vacation
because of what was written in the manual then
they would follow the manual in all phases and
go strictly according to the book. Difficulties
surfaced as soon as the LPNs began to behave in
this manner. The RNs now seemed to have more

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work than they could handle adequately and the

LPNs were just as busy doing solely their
"prescribed" duties. The same amount of effort
put forth previously was being exerted, but less
was being accomplished because of the need to
jump around from place to place and job to job in
order to work strictly according to the book. An
example of this wasted effort occurred in the
taking of doctors orders. Doctors phone in the
type of treatment that a patient is to receive -
medicines, times for dispensing such diet, and so
forth. These doctors' orders are supposed to be
taken by an RN, but in practice whoever was
nearest the phone had taken the order. If an LPN
took the order she had it signed by the supervisor
( stationed at the desk) as a safeguard. This
procedure saved the time and effort involved in
getting an RN to the phone for every order. Now,
however, the LPNs refused to take the doctors
orders and called for an RN. The RN had to leave
the work she was doing, go to the phone, take
the order, then go back to her unfinished work.
This procedure wasted the time of the doctors,
the RN, and the LPN who had to locate the RN.
The LPNs' practice of going by the book brought
about hostile feelings among both groups of nurses
and among the doctors who had to work on the
floor. The conflicts led to a lessening in the high
degree of care that the patients had been receiving.

The conflict initiated by the difference in vacation

privileges brought about more complaints from
both parties. In the manual the categories for
vacation privileges listed : ' supervisors", "RNs",
"lab technicians" and "others". The LPNs
resented being placed in the "others" category.

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They felt that they deserved a separate listing,

especially because they had the same amount of
training as other groups, such as the lab
technicians. Adding further fuel to the fire was
the fact that the lab technicians got a second week
of vacation after only one year on the job. Another
item of controversy was the fact that RNs were
allowed to sign themselves in on the job when
they reported. Whereas the LPNs were required
to punch in. The LPNs felt that the RNs thus could
hide any incidents of lateness ; whereas the LPNs
had strict account kept of their time and were
docked in salary for any time missed.
The RNs now complained to the hospital superiors
more vehemently than ever about being
understaffed. They felt that they simply needed
more RNs on every floor on every shift to , meet
what was required of them; this was a demand
they had been voicing even before the conflict
began. The shortage was especially acute at nights,
when unfamilarity with individual patients often
led to mix-ups in the treatments.
The ill - feelings led to arguments among the
nurses. The LPNs felt that they were always doing
more work than the RNs, that they spent more
time with the patients, because the RNs had more
to do at the desk, and that they knew more about
treatments because they more often accompanied
doctors on their rounds. They now voiced these
opinions. The RNs argued superiority on the basis
of a longer period of formal training.
All these factors combined to bring about a
tremandous drop in morale and a marked
decrease in efficiency, and the conflict was in
danger of spreading to the other floors in the

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Questions :

(a) Identify case issues involved in this case.

(b) What are the potential reasons of conflict
between these groups and why ?
(c) What are the consequences of this conflict ?
(d) What could be possible remedies to alleviate
the problem ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MS-26

Term-End Examination
June, 2014 02750

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Explain the importance of groups in

Organisational Dynamics. What are the strategies
adopted to integrate groups formally into the
organisational design ?

2. Discuss French and Ravens' five sources of power

used by managers to instill obedience and
conformity in work situations.

3. What is transformational leadership ? How the

transformational processes can be designed and
implemented ? Give suitable examples.
4. Explain the concept essenced functions of
organisational culture. Discuss with relevant

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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Alienation
(b) Organisational role stress.
(c) Corporate Social Responsibility
(d) Learning Organisations
(e) Diversity management


6. Read the case carefully and answer the questions

given at the end.
During the 1990s, M&M, manufacturer of jeeps
and tractors, started facing new challenges.
Liberalisation had opened the door to competition
from global players. With capacity increases in
the industry, the market was shifting in favour of
the buyer, and technological advancements were
forcing a shift in the product and process
parameters. The company realised that it was not
geared to meet these emerging demands. There
were a number of issues that needed to be
addressed, for example, low productivity levels,
too much complacency and segmentation within
the company, large variations in technology across
locations, duplication of manufacturing activities,
fragmented supply base, and a lack of customer

The initial efforts to rectify the situation were

limited to initiatives like introduction of JQI,
Kaizen, quality circles, ISO 9000 pursuits at
individual sites, etc. But these efforts were
isolated, and the results not very impressive. For
instance, at a point of time the company had 127
quality circles, involving 1,200 employees, yet
improvements did not seem to be forthcoming

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because these quality circles were still working

within segmented functional boundaries, whereas
most of the critical problems were of a
cross-functional nature. M&M realised the need
for a more radical approach.

It was then that M&M decided to set some tough

goals for itself : to increase the production of
tractors from 40,000 to 60,000 per annum; to
reduce customer complaints by 90 percent; to
increase sales per employee by 175 percent; to
increase productivity by 100 percent; to increase
stock turnover fourfold; to achieve 100 percent
adherence to schedule, and so on. What made
these goals even more challenging was the
decision to achieve them without adding any new
equipment or personnel to the existing

Having fixed the target, M&M was forced to work

backward to identify the areas that could be
improved. The company bench-marked the
systems followed by its suppliers, Lucas
Engineering and Sundaram Fasteners, and found
that their work practices were superior. This, too,
helped the company identify its inefficient
operating systems and non-productive work

What followed was one of the largest

re-engineering exercises in India. M&M redefined
itself in terms of its three core processes : logistics,
strategic sourcing, and manufacturing. To create
a process-based organisation, the tall hierarchy
was flattened to reduce flab; at the factory level,
the number of years was crunched from eight to

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three. Additional manpower was retrenched

and/or redeployed. The factories were
re-engineered both in terms of physical layout and
work-flow processes. The shop-floor was
restructured into manufacturing cells which were
part of the autonomous product units. Each cell,
which consisted of many machines, was now to
be responsible for a complete process, and product
unit for the complete product.

M&M was aware that these were more than just

structural changes, the successful implementation
of which required a mind-set change and a sense
of ownership among the workmen. To achieve
this, the company took many initiatives; for
instance, teams of both workers and managers
were sent abroad for training and industrial visits.
This provided first-hand exposure to the viability
of change. When these teams returned, the
members were asked to make presentations to
their peers, which helped in dissemination of

The other initiative to increase the sense of

ownership was the formation of teams at the
shop-floor level. In the new work design, each cell
was managed by a team of workers, who set their
own targets. To create greater flexibility within
the team, people were trained in multi-skilling and
multi-machine manning. The product units too
were managed by cross-functional teams,
responsible for interacting with customers, and
responding to their feedback. This way each unit
could interact with the customer and supplier and
get a feel of the market-place. For instance, the
shop-floor engineers would visit customers across

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the country twice a month, videotape their

interactions, and play them back to the workmen.
Thus, a customer's complaint or reaction that
would have reached the shop-floor via internal
memos, could now be heard live by the technical

The results of these changes soon started becoming

visible. For instance, during April-June 1995, the
production of tractors increased by 50 percent.
The flat and team-based structure also helped in
reducing the bill-processing time from 12 days to
less than three. Similarly, productivity increased
from 1,100 people producing 85 tractors per day
to 670 employees producing 120 tractors per day.

Questions :

(a) Identify and discuss the core issues in the

(b) Critically evaluate the structural
adjustments initiated by the organisation.
(c) Identify the role of cultural components in
the management of change being effected
in the organisation.

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MS-26

Term-End Examination
December, 2014 03850

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Define group and team. Briefly discuss the
formation, nature and purpose of a team in an
organization. Justify your answer with suitable

2. Explain the concept of 'role' in relation to role

space and role set. How does role become a source
of conflict ? Explain with an organisation based
experience as organisation is a system of roles.

3. Explain the coercive and persuasive bases of

power by giving suitable examples. Is information
a base of power ?

4. Discuss the imperativeness of workforce diversity

in modern organizations. Explain briefly the
measures to be taken to manage diversity.

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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Groups and committees
(b) Empowerment
(c) Organisational values and ethics
(d) Organization culture
(e) Strategic alliances


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end.
Mr. Vidya Rajan was a Non-Residential
Indian (NRI) based at Chicago, United States.
Mr. Vidya Rajan was a graduate in Commerce
and had specialised as Chartered Accountant. He
had a roaring practice in Chicago. In 1981-82,
Government of India had appealed NRIs to invest
in various businesses in India. The idea had
clicked to Mr. Vidya Rajan's mind, who had long
been thinking to come back to India. Though he
was living in Chicago for quite some time but this
call prompted him to take up a business in India.
Rajan wanted a responsible business partner for
his business. While talking to one of his friends,
Dr. V.K. Rao, Mr. Vidya Rajan referred to the call
given by Government of India to invest in business
in India. Dr. Rao promptly responded to his
friend's suggestion and they decided to start a
business jointly in Delhi. Both of them wanted to
run the business not only to earn money but to
serve their countrymen also.

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While looking into various proposals of
business, both of them thought of utilising each
others expertise. Dr. Rao was renowned
cardiologist and was a very successful practitioner
and Mr. Vidya Rajan had commercial expertise.
Both of them decided to start a cardiology centre
in Delhi on their own. This business, they thought,
is the best way to serve the people back home as
well as to earn money.
They also started looking for one more
partner having experience in the related field,
either on payment basis or on the partnership
basis. They tied up with one Dr. Vinay Ghosh
who had specialised in the surgery of heart valves
and related fields. Dr. Ghosh was one of the
renowned doctors of United States in his field,
with 20 years of experience. Dr. Ghosh agreed to
associate himself on a very high salary of
Z 30,000 per month. Dr. Rao and Mr. Vidya Rajan
agreed to this deal looking into the expertise and
experience of Dr. Ghosh.
While planning their business, they
prepared a list of most sophisticated and modern
equipments and apparatuses required for their
proposed cardiology centre. All the details of
project were prepared in consultation with each
other. Construction work of the centre was given
to a very professional civil contractor. Mr. Vidya
Rajan himself ensured the quality of construction.
The building was ready within a year and was
furnished on European pattern. Flooring, roofing
and furniture work was excellent. All the possible
provisions and facilities were made for outdoor
and indoor patients. All the rooms were well
ventilated and spacious.

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The centre required about 50 technicians,
nurses and other staff. Mr. Vidya Rajan had
entrusted the work of recruitment and selection
to one of his relative who was settled in Delhi.
The centre was ready to take off within a year.
The centre was inaugurated some time in 1983
by the then Health Minister, Government of India.

Mr. Vidya Rajan had also involved a

professional advertising company to advertise
about the centre. The centre had all the latest
facilities of investigations from Angiography,
Cat-scanning to blood testing. All the equipments
for testing were imported from United States.
Dr. Rao had himself ensured the quality of these
equipments. Mr. Vidya Rajan was working as
operating partner whereas Dr. Ghosh was
working on centre's payroll. Dr. Ghosh and
Dr. Rao were both directly involved in diagnosing
and operation activities, and Mr. Vidya Rajan
looked into finance and administration. Mr. Vidya
Rajan ensured that both the doctors got best
personal comfort and facilities. All of them were
doing their best for successful running of the

The centre started its business on a good note

and soon started getting queues of patients due
to the name, qualifications and efforts of
renowned cardiologists that were associated with
the centre. The charges were also not very high.
Most of the good practitioners of Northern India
started referring the complicated cases of their
heart patients to this centre.

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However, after about six months time, there

were few patients seeking the treatment from the
centre. It was because the emphasis was on the
team leaders, building and equipments, and not
on other members of the team namely technicians,
nurses etc. There was not much importance given
to them at the time of selection or during the
operation of the business. Hence, the centre failed
to provide good services to the patients and the
situation was worsened to the extent that Dr. Rao
requested Dr. Ghosh to look for alternative job.
Dr. Ghosh decided to go back to United States.
Dr. Ghosh, who had a very successful career in
USA, again started his practice in USA. In
another month's time, they had to close down
their business. Dr. Rao too went back to USA
and started his practice.

Mr. Vidya Rajan was a most disgusted man.

He started analysing what had gone wrong with
his business and the reasons for the failure of the

Questions :
(a) Identify and discuss the core issues in the
(b) What went wrong in the management of
the centre, which led to the crisis ?
(c) If you were a process consultant, what you
would have done to avoid precipitation of
the crisis ?
(d) Do you agree with the action/ approach/
feelings of Mr. Vidya Rajan ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MS-26

O Term-End Examination
June, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
(iii) Each question carries 20 marks.
(iv) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Distinguish between 'natural' and 'created'
groups. How do they manifest in organisations
and what are their importance ? Explain with
suitable examples.

2. Explain organisation as a system of roles and

illustrate with example as to how role systems can
be mapped ?

3. Define delegation. Briefly describe the concept,

process forces influencing delegation citing

4. Discuss the concept and process of organisational


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5. Explain the relevance of ethics in modern

organizations. Briefly discuss the issues involved
in business ethics.

6. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Conformity and obedience in groups
(b) RAT propounded by Thomas and Dayal
(c) Transformational leadership
(d) Diversity management
(e) Empowerment


7. Read the case and answer the questions given

at the end.

Jagannath (Jaggu for his friends) is an

over-ambitious young man. For him ends justify

With a diploma in engineering, Jaggu

joined, in 1977, a Bangalore based company as
Technical Assistant. He got himself enrolled as a
student in an evening college and obtained his
degree in engineering in 1982. Recognising his
improved qualification, Jaggu was promoted as
Engineer-Sales in 1984.

Jaggu excelled himself in the new role and

became the blue-eyed boy of the management.
Promotions came to him in quick succession. He
was made Manager-Sales in 1986 and Senior
Manager-Marketing in 1988.

Jaggu did not forget his academic pursuits.

After being promoted as Engineer-Sales, he joined

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the M.B.A. (part-time) programme. After

completing his M.B.A., Jaggu became a Ph.D.
scholar and obtained his Doctorate in 1989.

Functioning as Senior Manager-Marketing,

Jaggu eyed on things beyond his jurisdiction. He
started complaining against Suresh, Section Head
and Prahalad the Unit Chief (both production)
to Ravi, the Executive-Vice President. The
complaints included - delay in executing orders,
poor quality, customer rejections, etc. Most of the
complaints were concocted.

Ravi was convinced and requested Jaggu to

head the production section so that things could
be straightened up there. Jaggu became the
Section Head and Suresh was shifted to sales.

Jaggu started spreading his wings. He

prevailed upon Ravi and got sales and quality
under his control, in addition to production.
Suresh, an equal in status, was now subordinated
to Jaggu.

Success had gone to Jaggu's head. He had

everything going in his favour - position, power,
money and qualification. He divided workers and
used them as pawns. He ignored Prahalad and
established direct link with Ravi. Unable to bear
the humiliation, Prahalad quit the company.
Jaggu was promoted as General Manager. He
became a megalomaniac.

Things had to end at some point. It

happened in Jaggu's life too. There were
complaints against him. He had inducted his

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brother-in-law, Ganesh, as an engineer. Ganesh

was by nature corrupt, he stole copper worth
Z 5 lakh and was suspended. Jaggu tried to
defend Ganesh but failed in his effort. Corruption
charges were also levelled against Jaggu who was
reported to have made nearly Z 20 lakh for himself.

On the New Year day of 1993, Jaggu was

reverted back to his old position - sales. Suresh
was promoted and was asked to head production.
Roles got reversed. Suresh became boss to Jaggu.

Unable to swallow the insult, Jaggu put in

his papers.

Back home, Jaggu started his own

consultancy claiming himself as an authority in
quality management. He poached on his previous
company and picked up two best brains in quality.

From 1977 to 1993, Jaggu's career graph had

a steep rise and a sudden fall. Whether there
would be another hump in the curve is a big
question ?

Questions :
(a) What is the core issue in the case ? Discuss.
(b) How do you see the rise and fall of Jaggu
vis-a-vis prevailing power dynamics and
overall organisational policies of the
company ?
(c) What would you do if you were :
(i) Suresh and
(ii) Prahalad

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MS 26 -

Term-End Examination
0 December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
(iii) Each question carries 20 marks.
(iv). Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Why are groups formed ? Explain the stages of
group development. Cite suitable examples.
2. What is burnout ? Discuss its sources and
3. What role can empowerment play in enhancing
organizational effectiveness ?
4. What are nature, forms and tenets of strategic
alliance ? Explain with a suitable example.

5. Write short notes on any three the following :

(a) The Alienation.
(b) Comprehensive role analysis.
(c) Cross-cultural dynamics.
(d) Social responsibilities of organizations.
(e) Types of power.

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6. Read the case carefully and answer the

Adam Mynott had a different kind of
company in mind when he launched Apogee
Advertising in 1989. Repelled by the pretentious,
cut-throat world of the big-name ad agencies,
Mynott built Apogee on a set of core values that
expressly rejected the Madison Avenue
model-values that spurned pretense and
extravagance and instead embraced belonging,
employee growth, diversity and work-life balance.
Mynott located Apogee's offices in an unassuming
warehouse district and gave each member of his
small staff a festive company shirt with a logo on
the back and their name stitched over the front
pocket, like shirts mechanics wear. He provided
a company wide profit-sharing plan,
above - market salaries, and perks like free lunch
on Friday, and he encouraged people to head
home by six o' clock. He recruited employees
whose varied races, backgrounds, and lifestyles
broadcast Apogee's commitment to diversity, and
on the weekends he let a minority youth
organization use the company's offices. He spoke
passionately to everyone about Apogee's people-
oriented values and promoted them in company
posters, client materials, and the employee
handbook. In short, Mynott did everything right.
And by all accounts, Apogee in its early years was
a great place to work-employees were motivated,
loyal, hard working, and enthusiastically
committed to the company and the ideals Mynott
promoted. Then the denouncements and finger
pointing began.

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Apogee is a young company that grew from

12 to 30 employees between 1994 and 1999.
During the period, there was a remarkable shift
in how the staff perceived the company - and its
leader. Not surprisingly, most employees felt that
Apogee's values were among the best things about
the company. But values, they felt, were among
the worst things about the company as well.
Employees felt that the CEO had violated the very
beliefs he articulated - an incongruity, they felt,
that undermined their commitment and
creativity. When employees sense that a leader's
decisions are at odds with company values even
when they're not - they are quick to conclude that
the leader lacks personal commitment to the
values. He's seen as a hypocrite.
In the case of Apogee Advertising,
employees' perception of their leader changed
drastically after a pivotal event : Mynott's decision
in 1995 to grow the company, doubling its staff
and projects. For Mynott, the expansion was a
way to provide growth opportunities for staff
members and deliver greater rewards to those
who participated in the company's profit-sharing
plan. But employees took a very different view.
They saw the plan as motivated by greed. And
they feared it would erode company values by
widening the compensation gap and disrupting
the company's close-knit community. Other
developments brought similar complaints. When
Mynott decided to give four long- term employees
shares in the company, an unprecedented reward
for their extraordinary loyalty and handwork,
some employees saw it as a violation of Apogee's
commitment to equality. Others saw it as an
affront to the company's commitment to diversity,

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because three of the four new shareholders were

white men. Even Mynott's purchase of a new
home in a well -to-do neighborhood dismayed the
staff, who considered it a breach of the company
value of unpretentiousness. These, along with
other perceived infringements of values, fed the
staff's growing disillusionment. The employees,
however, never shared their negative perceptions
with the CEO, leaving him largely unaware of
their shared pain and frustration.

(a) Explain the problem in the case.

(b) Are the staff right in their perception of the
CEO's values ?
(c) If you are Mynott how will you handle the
staff's unexpressed disgruntlement ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MS-26 I

Term-End Examination
O June, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. Each
question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Distinguish between 'natural' and 'created'
groups. Explain the group process underlying
team building.

2. Discuss in detail what is role analysis. Cite

suitable examples.

3. Explain the significance of transformational

leadership. How a transformational leader can
bring effective changes in organization ?

4. How different cultures change the pattern of

organizational behaviour ? Explain with

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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Causes and Correlates of alienation
(b) Burnout
(c) Business ethics
(d) Affirmative action
(e) Coalition Formation


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end.
Jagarmath (Jaggu for his friends) is an over-
ambitious young man. For him ends justify
With a diploma in engineering, Jaggu
joined, in 1977, a Bangalore based company as
Technical Assistant. He got himself enrolled as a
student in an evening college and obtained his
degree in engineering in 1982. Recognising his
improved qualification, Jaggu was promoted as
Engineer-Sales in 1984.
Jaggu excelled himself in the new role and
became the blue-eyed boy of the management.
Promotions came to him in quick succession. He
was made Manager-Sales in 1986 and Senior
Manager-Marketing in 1988.
Jaggu did not forget his academic pursuits.
After being promoted as Engineer-Sales, he joined
the M.B.A. (part-time) programme. After
completing his M.B.A., Jaggu became a Ph.D.
Scholar and obtained his Doctorate in 1989.

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Functioning as Senior Manager-Marketing,

Jaggu eyed on things beyond his jurisdiction. He
started complaining against Suresh, Section Head
and Prahalad the Unit Chief (both production)
to Ravi, the Executive-Vice President. The
complaints included delay in executing orders,
poor quality, customer rejections, etc. Most of the
complaints were concocted.
Ravi was convinced and requested Jaggu to
head the production section so that things could
be straightened up there. Jaggu became the
Section Head and Suresh was shifted to sales.
Jaggu started spreading his wings. He
prevailed upon Ravi and got sales and quality
under his control, in addition to production.
Suresh, an equal in status, was now subordinated
to Jaggu.
Success had gone to Jaggu's head. He had
everything going in his favour - position, power,
money and qualification. He divided workers and
used them as pawns. He ignored Prahalad and
established direct link with Ravi. Unable to bear
the humiliation, Prahalad quit the company.
Jaggu was promoted as General Manager. He
became a megalomaniac.
Things had to end at some point. It
happened in Jaggu's life too. There were
complaints against him. He had inducted his
brother-in-law, Ganesh, a_s an engineer. Ganesh
was by nature corrupt, he stole copper worth
5 lakh and was suspended. Jaggu tried to
defend Ganesh but failed in his effort. Corruption

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charges were also levelled against Jaggu who was

reported to have made nearly 20 lakh for
On the new year day of 1993, Jaggu was
reverted back to his old position - sales. Suresh
was promoted and was asked to head production.
Roles got reversed. Suresh became boss to Jaggu.
Unable to swallow the insult, Jaggu put in
his papers.
Back home, Jaggu started own consultancy
claiming himself as an authority in quality
management. He poached on his previous
company and picked up two best brains in quality.
From 1977 to 1993, Jaggu's career graph had
a steep rise and a sudden fall. Whether there
would be another hump in the curve is a big
question ?
Questions :
(a) What is the core issue in the case ? Discuss.
(b) How do you see the rise and fall of Jaggu
vis-a-vis prevailing power dynamics and
overall organisational policies of the
company ? Support your answer with logic.
(c) What would you do if you were Suresh ?
(d) What would be your action if you were the
Managing Director of the company ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 I MS-0261

Term-End Examination
00 December, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(We ightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Discuss the theories of group and group


2. Define role stress. Discuss how role stress leads to

organisational stress. Provide suitable examples.

3. Explain the concept of organisational culture.

Discuss how culture affects behavioural patterns.
Justify your answer.

4. Discuss the process of empowerment. How to

empower different units of the organization ?
Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Group Cohesiveness
(b) Comprehensive Role Analysis (CRA)
(c) Delegation and decentralisation
(d) Ethics and values
(e) Socio-cultural aspects of diversity

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the
questions given at the end.
When Mahesh joined the Indian Bank in
1985, he had one clear goal - to prove his
potentiality. He did prove that and has been
promoted five times since his entry into the bank.
Compared to others, his progress has been the
fastest. Currently, his job demands that Mahesh
should work 10 hours a day with practically no
holiday. At least, two days in a week Mahesh is
required to travel.
Peers and subordinates at the bank have
appreciation for Mahesh. They don't grudge the
success achieved by Mahesh, though there are
some who wish they too had been promoted as
The post of a general manager fell vacant.
One should work as GM a couple of years if he
were to climb up to the top of the ladder. Mahesh
applied for the post along with others in the bank.
The chairman has assured Mahesh that the post
would be his.
A sudden development took place, which
almost wrecked Mahesh's chances. The bank has
the practice of subjecting all its executives to
medical check-up, once a year. The medical
reports go straight to the chairman who would
initiate remedial measures, where necessary.

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Though Mahesh was only 35, he, too, was required

to undergo the test.
The chairman of the bank received a copy
of Mahesh's medical examination results, along
with a note from the doctor. The note explained
that Mahesh was seriously overworked and
recommended that he be given an immediate
four-weeks vacation. The doctor also recommended
that Mahesh must take physical exercise,
everyday. The note warned that if Mahesh did
not care for the advice, he would be in for heart
trouble in another six months.
After reading the doctor's note the chairman
sat back in his chair and started brooding over
the situation. Three issues were the uppermost in
his mind.
(a) How would Mahesh take this news ?
(b) How many others would have similar fitness
problems ?
(c) Since the environment in the bank helps
create problem, what could he do to
alleviate it ?
The idea of holding a stress - management
programme flashed in his mind and, suddenly,
he instructed his secretary to set up a meeting
with the doctor and some key members at the
Questions :
(i) Highlight the significant issues in this case.
(ii) What was wrong with Mahesh ?
(iii) What will be your suggestion in such a
situation ?

MS-026 3
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 I MS-0261

Term-End Examination 00175
June, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. What are the reasons for formation of groups and

explain the concept of cohesiveness and it's

2. Explain Burnout and it's stages. Discuss different

sources of Burnout with relevant examples.

3. Discuss the need for Transformational leaders in

organizations with examples.

4. How Business ethics has become relevant in

today's context. Discuss.

MS-026 1 P.T.O.
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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Strategic alliances
(b) Dimensions of Power-sharing
(c) Coping with Stress
(d) Compliance
(e) Learning organizations

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the
questions given at the end :

Winthrop Hospital is located in a medium-

sized suburban community. A general hospital,
it serves a large portion of the surrounding area
and is usually operating at, near, or sometimes
beyond its capacity. Each floor of the hospital
has its own particular structure with regard to
the nurses who staff it. This formalized hierarchy
runs from the supervisor (who must be a
registered nurse) to Registered Nurses (RNs) to
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to students and
nurses aides. Professionally, there are some duties
that are supposed to be performed only by the
RNs : these are spelt out in the hospital manual.
In practice, however, the LPNs do much of the
work that is supposed to be done by the RNs. The
RNs are glad for the help because they are very
busy with other duties. Through time the work
done by the RNs and the LPNs has meshed so
thoroughly that one just does the work without
thinking of whose job it is supposed to be. The
hospital is normally so crowded that, even with
everyone performing all types of work, there never
seems to be enough time or enough help.

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The procedural manual used at Winthrop

Hospital was first used in 1947 and has not been
revised. Everyone connected with the hospital
realizes that it is extremely outdated, and actual
practice varies so greatly as to have no similarity
to what is prescribed in the manual. Even the
courses that the student nurses take teach things
entirely differently from what is prescribed in
Winthrop's manual.

The vacation privileges for nurses at the

hospital show extrer differences for the different
types of nurses. RNs receive two weeks' vacation
after nine months on the job, whereas LPNs must
be on the staff for ten years before receiving their
second week of vacation. The LPNs believe this
to be extremely unfair and have been trying to
have the privileges somewhat more equalized.
Their efforts have met with little cooperation and
no success. The hospital superiors have simply
told them that the terms for vacation are those
stated in the hospital manual and that they saw
no need to change them.

Some of the individual nurses at Winthrop

then began to take matters into their own hands.
The LPNs on the fourth floor of the hospital
decided that if they couldn't have the extra
vacation because of what was written in the
manual then they would follow the manual in all
phases and go strictly according to the book.
Difficulties surfaced as soon as the LPNs began
to behave in this manner. The RNs now seemed
to have more work than they could handle

MS-026 3
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adequately and the LPNs were just as busy doing

solely their "prescribed" duties. The same amount
of effort put forth previously was being exerted,
but less was being accomplished because of the
need to jump around from place to place and job
to job in order to work strictly according to the
book. An example of this wasted effort occurred
in the taking of doctors' orders. Doctors phone
in the type of treatment that a patient is to receive-
medicines, times for dispensing such diet, and so
forth. These doctors' orders are supposed to be
taken by an RN, but in practice whoever was
nearest the phone had taken the order. If an LPN
took the order she had it signed by the supervisor
(stationed at the desk) as a safeguard. This
procedure saved the time and effort involved in
getting an RN to the phone for every order. Now,
however, the LPNs refused to take the doctors'
orders and called token RN. The RN had to leave
the work she was doing, go to the phone, take
the order, then go back to her unfinished work.
This procedure wasted the time of the doctors,
the RN, and the LPN who had to locate the RN.
The LPNs' practice of going by the book brought
about hostile feelings among both groups of nurses
and among the doctors who had to work on the
floor. The conflicts led to a lessening in the high
degree of care that the patients had been receiving.

The conflict initiated by the difference in

vacation privileges brought about more complaints
from both parties. In the manual the categories
for vacation privileges listed : "supervisors",
"RNs", "lab technicians", and "others". The
LPNs resented being placed in the "others"

MS-026 4 P.T.O.
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category. They felt that they deserved a separate

listing, especially because they had the same
amount of training as other groups, such as the
lab technicians. Adding further fuel to the fire
was the fact that the lab technicians got a second
week of vacation after only one year on the job.
Another item of controversy was the fact that RNs
were allowed to sign themselves in on the job
when they reported, whereas the LPNs were
required to punch in. The LPNs felt that the RNs
thus could hide any incidents of lateness, whereas
the LPNs has strict account kept of their time and
were docked in salary for any time missed.

The RNs now complained to the hospital

superiors more vehemently than ever about being
understaffed. They felt that they simply needed
more RNs on every floor on every shift to meet
what was required of them; this was a demand
they had been voicing even before the conflict
began. The shortage was especially acute at
nights, when unfamiliarity with individual
patients often led to mix-ups in the treatments.

The ill-feelings led to arguments among the

nurses. The LPNs felt that they were always
doing more work than the RNs, that they spent
more time with the patients because the RNs had
more to do at the desk, and that they knew more
about treatments because they more often
accompanied doctors on their rounds. They now
voiced these opinions. The RNs argued
superiority on the basis of a longer period of formal

MS-026 5 P.T.O.
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All these factors combined to bring about a

tremendous drop in morale and a marked
decrease in efficiency, and the conflict was in
danger of spreading to the other floors in the
Questions :
(a) What are the issues involved in this case ?
(b) Why is there such conflict between these
groups ?
(c) What could be the consequences of this
conflict ?
(d) What might be done to alleviate the
problem ?

MS-026 6
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I M S -026I

Term-End Examination
December, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A.
Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section -; B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Discuss the importance of Diversity in today's

context. Briefly describe different approaches in
dealing with Diversity.

2. Briefly describe the evolution of Alliance

structures in Emerging markets and explain how
to manage an alliance ?

3. Explain the concept, process and forces

influencing delegation with relevant examples.

4. Briefly explain the importance of role analysis in

organizations. Illustrate with example.

MS-026 1 P.T.O.
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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Bases of power
(b) Organizational culture
(c) Organizational values
(d) Milgram's study
(e) Exchange theory


6. Read the case carefully and answer the questions

given at the end.
Global Electronics, a reputed company
manufacturing automatic electronic controls, has
an annual turnover of about Z. 200 crores with a
workforce of about 800. The company conducts
campus interviews to recruit candidates from
technical institutions as 'officer trainees' to be
ultimately posted in the lower management cadre.
Mr. Krishnan, an electronics engineer, was
selected as a Trainee for one year on a consolidated
monthly stipend. He was a well-behaved person
and was eager to make full use of the training
provided to him. His conduct and performance
were found to be highly satisfactory during this
period of training and his superiors were quite
happy with his work. At the end of the training,
the head of the department recommended his case
for regularisation in the appropriate officer grade.
His overall rating and the comments of the
Personnel Department confirmed his outstanding
performance. Accordingly, the personal file of
Mr. Krishnan, complete with the required
recommendations and comments, was forwarded
to the top management for regularisation of his

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In another development, the head of the

department under whom Mr. Krishnan had
undergone training, resigned and left and some
changes also took place at the top management
level. With the reshuffle, the management's
immediate concern was to fortify the
organisational structure, and unfortunately, the
personal file of Mr. Krishnan was forgotten for
the time being.
On the other hand, Mr. Krishnan was
getting increasingly anxious about his position in
the organisation and since the delay in finalising
his case had extended to well over four months,
he started feeling let down and there appeared a
marked decline in his overall performance. The
new head of the department was critical of
Mr. Krishnan's performance, and was quite vocal
in his displeasure. Finding himself condemned by
everyone, Mr. Krishnan's personality underwent
a drastic change for the worse. He began to show
signs of irregularity in attending to his duties, his
behaviour deteriorated and he became a pitiable
wretch. Then suddenly, Mr. Krishnan's file drew
the attention of top management and a review of
his performance was ordered.
Quite obviously, Mr. Krishnan, who was
earlier found outstanding, was now rated poorly
and it was also wondered, what would happen,
if it was decided not to regularise his services,
(considering that, under normal circumstances,
having completed his training, Mr. Krishnan
would have been working as an officer for about
five months). On learning of this renewed exercise
of reviewing his performance all over again by
individuals who had not seen his best,
Mr. Krishnan felt greatly disturbed. Finally, after

MS-026 3 P.T.O.
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another month of agony, strain and anxiety, he

w s given a letter, regularising his services at the
lowest salary in the applicable grade.
Mr. Krishnan, a bright engineering graduate, had
looked forward to an exciting career when he had
joined as a trainee. He was very capable and
proved his worth during his one year training
period. His hopes for a suitable and timely
reward, however, gradually faded and eventually
disappeared, with increasing delay in finalising
his regular placement in the appropriate grade.
Mr. Krishnan resigned and left, loaded with
sheer bitterness, frustration and disillusionment.
Questions :
(a) Give your assessment of the case in view of
the investment made by the company in the
training of Mr. Krishnan.
(b) What according you should have been the
right course on the part of the management
in relation to Mr. Krishnan ?
(c) Why did Mr Krishan resign and leave the
(d) What changes would you recommend in
the staffing policies of the company ?

MS-026 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MS-026

Term-End Examination
June, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A.
All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Explain how groups play an important role in an
organization and discuss the development of
Teams and their growing relevance in
organizations with examples.

2. What is Burnout ? Discuss different sources of

burnout and it's stages. Give examples.

3. Why there is need for Transformational Leaders

in the present day context ? Explain how these
leaders create a motivating vision ?

4. Briefly explain the essence and functions of

organizational culture and discuss how the
patterns of behaviour help in building
organizational culture.

MS-026 1 P.T.O.
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5. Write short notes in any three of the following :

(a) Ethics and values
(b) Diversity management
(c) Strategic alliances
(d) Dimensions of power sharing
(e) Compliance

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the
questions given at the end.
Jagannath (Jaggu for his friends) is an over
ambitious young man. For him ends justify
With a diploma in engineering, Jaggu
joined, in 1977, a Bangalore based company as
Technical Assistant. He got himself enrolled as a
student in an evening college and obtained his
degree in engineering in 1982. Recognising his
improved qualification, Jaggu was promoted as
Engineer-Sales in 1984.
Jaggu excelled himself in the new role and
became the blue-eyed boy of the management.
Promotions came to him in quick succession. He
was made Manager-Sales in 1986 and Senior
Manager-Marketing in 1988.
Jaggu did not forget his academic pursuits.
After being promoted as Engineer-Sales, he joined
the M.B.A. (part-time) programme. After
completing his M.B.A., Jaggu became a Ph.D.
Scholar and obtained his Doctorate in 1989.
Functioning as Senior Manager-Marketing,
Jaggu eyed on things beyond his jurisdiction. He
started complaining against Suresh, Section Head
and Prahalad the Unit Chief (both production)
with Ravi, the EVP (Executive-Vice-President).

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The complaints included delay in executing

orders, poor quality, customer rejections, etc.
Most of the complaints were concocted.
Ravi was convinced and requested Jaggu to
head the production section so that things could
be straightened up there. Jaggu became the
Section Head and Suresh was shifted to sales.
Jaggu started spreading his wings. He
prevailed upon Ravi and got sales and quality
under his control, in addition to production.
Suresh, an equal in status, was now subordinated
to Jaggu.
Success had gone to Jaggu's head. He had
everything going in his favour-position, power,
money, and qualification. He divided workers
and used them as pawns. He ignored Prahalad
and established direct link with Ravi. Unable to
bear the humiliation, Prahalad quit the company.
Jaggu was promoted as General Manager. He
became a megalomaniac.
Things had to end at some point. It
happened in Jaggu's life too. There were
complaints against him, he had inducted his
brother-in-law, Ganesh, as an engineer. Ganesh
was by nature corrupt, he stole copper worth
5 lakh and was suspended. Jaggu tried to
defend Ganesh but failed in his effort. Corruption
charges were also levelled against Jaggu who was
reported to have made nearly 20 lakh for himself.
On the new year day of 1993, Jaggu was
reverted back to his old position-sales. Suresh was
promoted and was asked to head production.
Roles get reversed. Suresh became boss to Jaggu.
Unable to swallow the insult, Jaggu put in
his papers.

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Back home, Jaggu started his own

consultancy claiming himself as an authority in
quality management. He poached on his previous
company and picked up two best brains in quality.
From 1977 to 1993, Jaggu's career graph had
a steep rise and a sudden fall. Whether there
would be another hump in the curve is a big

Questions :
(a) Identify the strategies did Jaggu used to gain
(b) What would you do if you were (i) Suresh,
(ii) Prahalad or (iii) Ravi ?
(c) Bring out the ethical issues involved in this
case study.

MS-026 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 I MS-0261

Term-End Examination
December, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(VVeightage 70%)

Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A.
All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Briefly discuss different approaches in

understanding alienation and it's effects in
organization. Cite suitable examples.

2. Describe the importance of empowerment in

organizations and explain how the empowerment
can be instituted in organizations.

3. Explain the role and significance of Ethics and

Values in an organization.

4. Explain the reasons for company to manage

cultural diversity and highlight the sources and
dimensions of diversity.

MS-026 1 P.T.O.
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5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Role - Analysis technique
(b) Transformational leadership
(c) Group cohesiveness
(d) Burnout
(e) Types of power


6. Read the following case carefully and answer

the questions given at the end :

Winthrop Hospital is located in a medium -

sized suburban community. A general hospital,
it serves a large portion of the surrounding area
and is usually operating at, near, or sometimes
beyond its capacity. Each floor of the hospital
has its own particular structure with regard to
the nurses who staff it. This formalized hierarchy
runs from the supervisor (who must be a
registered nurse) to Registered Nurses (RNs) to
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to students and
nurses' aides. Professionally, there are some duties
that are supposed to be performed only by the
RNs : these are spelt out in the hospital manual.
In practice, however, the LPNs do much of the
work that is supposed to be done by the RNs. The
RNs are glad for the help because they are very
busy with other duties. Through time the work
done by the RNs and the LPNs has meshed so
thoroughly that one just does the work without
thinking of whose job it is supposed to be. The
hospital is normally so crowded that, even with
everyone performing all types of work, there never
seems to be enough time or enough help.

MS-026 2
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The procedural manual used at Winthrop

Hospital was first used in 1947
and has not been revised. Everyone connected,
with the hospital realizes that it is extremely
outdated, and actual practice varies so greatly as
to have no similarity to what is prescribed in the
manual. Even the courses that the student nurses
take teach things entirely differently from what
is prescribed in Winthrop's manual.

The vacation privileges for nurses at the

hospital show extreme differences for the different
types of nurses. RNs receive two week's vacation
after nine months on the job, whereas LPNs must
be on the staff for ten years before receiving their
second week of vacation. The LPNs believe this
to be extremely unfair and have been trying to
have the privileges somewhat more equalized.
Their efforts have met with little cooperation and
no success. The hospital superiors have simply
told them that the terms for vacation are those
stated in the hospital manual and that they saw
no need to change them.

Some of the individual nurses at Winthrop

then began to take matters into their own hands.
The LPNs on the fourth floor of the hospital
decided that if they couldn't have the extra
vacation because of what was written in the
manual then they would follow the manual in all
phases and go strictly according to the book.
Difficulties surfaced as soon as the LPNs began
to behave in this manner. The RNs now seemed
to have more work than they could handle
adequately and the LPNs were just as busy doing
solely their "Prescribed" duties. The same amount

MS-026 3
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of effort put forth previously was being exerted,

but less was being accomplished because of the
need to jump around from place to place and job
to job in order to work strictly according to the
book. An example of this wasted effort occurred
in the taking of doctors' orders. Doctors phone in
the type of treatment that a patient is to receive -
medicines, times for dispensing such, diet, and so
forth. These doctors' orders are supposed to be
taken by an RN, but in practice whoever was
nearest the phone had taken the order. If an LPN
took the order she had it signed by the supervisor
(stationed at the desk) as a safeguard. This
procedure saved the time and effort involved in
getting an RN to the phone for every order. Now,
however, the LPNs refused to take the doctors'
orders and called for an RN. The RN had to leave
the work she was doing, go to the phone, take
the order, then go back to her unfinished work.
This procedure wasted the time of the doctor's,
the RN, and the LPN who had to locate the RN.
The LPNs' practice of going by the book brought
about hostile feelings among both groups of nurses
and among the doctors who had to work on the
floor. The conflicts led to a lessening in the high
degree of care that the patients had been receiving.

The conflict initiated by the difference in

vacation privileges brought about more complaints
from both parties. In the m.anual the categories
for vacation privileges listed : "Supervisors",
"RNs", "lab technicians", and "others". The LPNs
resented being placed in the "others" category.
They felt that they deserved a separate listing
especially because they had the same amount of
training as other groups, such as the lab

MS-026 4 P.T.O.
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technicians. Adding further fuel to the fire was

the fact that the lab technicians got a second week
of vacation after only one year on the job. Another
item of controversy was the fact that RNs were
allowed to sign themselves in on the job when
they reported, whereas the LPNs were required
to punch in. The LPNs felt that the RNs thus could
hide any incidents of lateness, whereas the LPNs
had strict account kept of their time and were
docked in salary for any time missed.

The RNs now complained to the hospital

superiors more vehemently than ever about being
understaffed. They felt that they simply needed
more RNs on every floor on every shift to meet
what was required of them; this was a demand
they had been voicing even before the conflict
began. The shortage was especially acute at
nights, when unfamiliarity with individual
patients often led to mix-ups in the treatments.

The ill feelings led to arguments among the

nurses. The LPNs felt that they were always doing
more work than the RNs, that they spent more
time with the patients because the RNs had more
to do at the desk, and that they knew more about
treatments because they more often accompanied
doctors on their rounds. They now voiced these
opinions. The RNs argued superiority on the basis
of a longer period of formal training.

All these factors combined to bring about a

tremendous drop in morale and a marked
decrease in efficiency, and the conflict was in
danger of spreading to the other floors in the

MS-026 5 P.T.O.
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Questions :
(a) What are the issues involved in this case ?
(b) Why is there such conflict between these
groups ? Explain.
(c) What are the consequences of this conflict ?
(d) What might be done to alleviate the
problem ? Discuss.

MS-026 6
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C 1 ')
No. of Printed Pages : 6 I MS-026 I

Term-End Examination, 2019

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)

Note : There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three

questions from Section-A. Each question carries 20
marks. Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


Briefly discuss the reasons for Formation of Groups.

Explain the Stages of Group Development with examples.

2. Describe the concept of Role Analysis and its need.

Discuss the coping strategies in dealing with Role Stress.
Give examples.

3. Describe organisational culture with a dynamic view. Give

suitable examples.

MS-026 ( I ) W.11 0.]

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4. Briefly discuss the formation of Strategic Alliances and

explain how to make them work citing relevant examples.

5. Write Short Notes on any three of the following :

(a) Learning Organisation

(b) Dimensions of Power Sharing

(c) Alienation

(d) Business Ethics

(e) Importance of Diversity


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end.

Vista Industries Ltd., was a family-owned

company. Having been founded by Prakash Joshi in 1970,
the firm initially traded in paints. Later it set-up its own
manufacturing facilities. As years went by, it also began
to manufacture wooden furniture and sanitaryware.

By 1985, Vista had secured a good market share

in each of the three product lines. The turnover had

MS-026 (2)
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reached Rs. 25 crore. In mid 1985, since the magnitude

of operations had increased and Joshi himself wanted
to concentrate on exports, he decided to go
'professional'. He brought in George Jacob, a chemical
engineer who had worked as general manager with a
multinational consumer products firm, as president.
George in turn recruited three general managers as profit
center heads for the three divisions respectively. A month
later, the company went public. But the change was only
cosmetic because Joshi was still the largest shareholder
and remained the chairman and managing director. He
also retained the critical finance portfolio within the family
by inducting his son, Suresh Joshi, a young chartered
accountant, as general manager (finance), reporting to

The organisational structure was somewhat

ambiguous. But it seemed to work largely because
George got along well with both the Joshis at a personal
level. There were occasional irritants though. While the
elder Joshi would often lapse into his feudal style of
functioning that would distort formal reporting
relationships in the company, the younger one would be
brash at times. But George skilfully managed each

MS-026 (3) [P.T.o.i

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situation and provided a shield for this general managers

who in turn enjoyed sufficient autonomy.

In addition to being a good team builder, George

was strong on conceptual skills. He was also ambitious.
He knew that Vista had a good future. The home
decoratives market, of which the company's three
product lines were a part, had an assured demand, thanks
to the emerging consumer boom in the country. George
anticipated further diversification into related product
groups like wall papers, soft furnishings and kitchenware
in about two years. He visualized that each would have
its own independent production, marketing and
distribution facilities and operate as an autonomous profit
centre. Although he had not spelt it out to the elder Joshi,
George imagined that he himself would some day have
a full-time place on the board which for the moment
comprised only non-executive members.

But all his dreams now seemed to come crashing

down. He felt that his career with Vista was at an end.
And he did not even know why.

It had started in a trivial way. A week earlier, the

younger Joshi had withheld a few transport vouchers

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from the paints division although the payments had been

certified by the concerned general manager and
approved by George. On a routine follow-up over the
telephone by the general manager, the -younger Joshi
called him to his office and pulled him up saying that a
lot of false vouchers were being put up for payment. He
also said that hereafter all the three general managers
would be reporting to him directly on all matters.

On being informed about the incident by the

general manager who also told George that he now
wished to be relieved. George sought to see the younger
Joshi immediately. But he was 'busy' and 'unavailable'.
Efforts to meet even the elder Joshi proved futile. This
was unusual.

Things were clearly amiss. George felt a sense

of vacuum for the first time. He was sure that the target
of the younger Joshi's ire was not the general manager
but George himself. He was being sidetracked. He
wondered whether he had made a mistake after all in
leaving multinational firm and joining a family owned
business. Perhaps he should resign immediately. Or
may be there was misunderstanding which could still be
MS-026 ( 5 ) [P.T.01
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Questions :

(a) Discuss the basic problems in this case.

(b) Based on the case, can you differentiate between

a family owned business and a multinational firm
from a cultural perspective ?

(c) What type of conflict has been experienced by

the owner as well as George ?

(d) What would you do, if you were George ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 4

MO2366 I MS-26

Term-End Examination,
December 2019
Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Section A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. Each
question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

Section - A
1. Explain the importance of Decentralization in an
organization. Describe the process of delegation,
Facilitating and Hindering forces of delegation. Give
suitable examples.

2. Describe the assumptions of the organizational culture

perspective. Briefly discuss the Patterns of behaviour in
the culture of an organization.

3. Explain the meaning of cohesiveness and alienation.

Describe any two approaches of alienation.

4. Discuss the growing importance of business ethics and

values in the present day context. Giving examples
elaborate as to how practising ethics has made an impact
in organizations.

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5. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a) Transformational Leadership
b) Burnout
c) Managing Diversity
d) Compliance
e) Development of Teams
Section - B
Please read the cases and answer the questions given at
the end.
Quite recently, Mr. George has joined Marketing
group of a large industrial concern having an annual
turnover of Rs.70 crores. In their anxiety to cope with
the external and internal environment the concern has
decided to design its products to suit the needs of the
target customer, both in India and abroad, as also to
offer an acceptable level of service to the customer and
their value for money. Accordingly, various changes in
the organizational structure were done and the product
concept was introduced.
The demand of the marketing group was very
heavy. Based on his past experience and professional
competency, Mr. George was specifically chosen to head
the marketing group.
In the initial stages, Mr. George has to take stock of
the working of this group and he was soon able to
observe that majority of its members were adopting the
group norms, were very nice and polite to each other,
were quite free to probe each other about their feelings,
and a sort of friendly, cooperative and congenial
atmosphere prevailed in this group. There was
harmonious working relationship among its members
which facilitated maximum contribution of everybody
and high degree of acceptance Mr. George for his
inclusion in the group.

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On a six-monthly review„ it transpired that because

of concerned efforts of each and every member of this
Marketing group the overall performance of the concern
in terms of booking of orders, growth, profitability, etc.,
improved considerably. The concern received high
recognition and various awards for its emergence as a
successful marketer as also in building up a high degree
of customer's confidence by sustaining international
standards of excellence in product quality, performance
and service, particularly in regard to supply of spares
and after-sales-service.
The management issued appreciation letters to its
employees and the members of the Marketing group, in
particular, were suitably rewarded for their grand
Encouraged by the six-monthly operating results,
the management decided to go in for further expansion
of its business in order to retain market leadership in the
manufacture of sophisticated industrial machinery and
for this purpose they decided to have excellent
collaboration with leading companies abroad, of course,
by adopting requisite formalities. Need was accordingly
felt to induct marketing specialists and that was how
Mr.Thomas, along with a few professionals, jointed this
group. Mr. Thomas, though equally capable like Mr.
George, was placed as number two. After a lapse of one
month it was noticed that this marketing group was
having an entirely different atmosphere. There were signs
of very few high participators and the number of low
participators went up: The highs became quiet, the lows
suddenly became talkative.
A sort of rivalry started plaguing in this group
resulting in withdrawing tendency of most of its
members and prevalence of mounting tensions. Different
patterns of interactions started developing in the group
and sub-groupings were noticed-One sub-group was

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supporting Mr. George and the other one was under

Mr. Thomas who was in constant disagreement and busy
in creating negative feelings and adopting undesirable
group norms. All this ultimately resulted in hindrance
to the smooth working of the marketing group. The very
purpose of the management for developing/
strengthening this group has been defeated and the
management had to suffer a great setback. All its hopes
were shattered. The overall performance of the concern
during this period showed downward trend and the
management could hardly afford to be a silent spectator
to this odd situation. Therefore, immediate corrective
steps had to be undertaken by the management and Mr.
Thomas, along with a few trouble-makers (Who were
found responsible for vitiating group atmosphere), were
transferred to other group, with a note of warning about
their conduct.
At the end of the year, on reviewing the performance
of the concerned persons in general and that of the
Marketing group in particular, it transpired that the
Marketing group under Mr. George was coming up
smoothly and there was a very effective team work within
the small group who was trying hard to make up the
deficiency for the earlier period. The ultimate result was
that, by virtue of sincere efforts of this group along with
other group, the concern was able to keep us its image
and was also to fulfil national expectations.
a) Identify the salient issues in the case.
b) Suggest the measures you would adopt to improve
the group environment in the organization.
c) "Clever marketing strategy is the sine qua non of
existence amidst the fierce competition for survival".
Please examine.

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Term-End Examination
June, 2020

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

( Weightage : 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections— A and B.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from

Section A, each question carrying

20 marks.

(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries

40 marks.


1. Discuss the importance of Diversity

Management in the present day context with
relevant examples.

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Explain the concept of Role with reference to

Role Set and Role Space. How does the conflicts

emerge from Role ? Explain with examples.

3. Discuss the concept and need for

Transformational Leaders. Briefly explain the

process of creating a Motivating Vision by

Transformational Leader, with an example.

4. "The concept of learning has traditionally been

used in the context of individual persons (and

animals). Recently this concept has been

extended to organisation, distinct on being

made between Individual Learning and

Organisational Learning."

Discuss the above statement.

5. Write short notes on any three

of the following :

(a) Strategic Alliances

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( 31 MS-26

(b) Functions of Organisational Culture

0) Team Development

(d) Compliance

(e) Sources of Burnout


6. Read the following case carefully and answer

the questions given at the end :

Jagannath (Jaggu for his friends) is an over-

ambitious young man. For him ends justify


With a diploma in engineering, Jaggu joined, in

1977, a Bangalore based company as Technical

Assistant. He got himself enrolled as a student

in an evenig college and obtained his degree in

engineering in 1982. Recognising his improved

P. T. O.
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qualification, Jaggu was promoted as Engineer..

Sales in 1984.

Jaggu excelled himself in the new role and

became the blue-eyed boy of the management.

Promotions came to him in quiek succession. He

was made Manager-Sales in 1986 and Senior

Manager-Marketing in 1988.

Jaggu did not forget his academic pursuits.

After being promoted as Engineer-Sales, he

joined the M. B. A. (part-time) programme.

After completing his M. B. A., Jaggu became a

Ph. D. Scholar and obtained his Doctorate in


Functioning as Senior Manager-Marketing,

Jaggu eyed on things beyond his jurisdiction.

He started complaining against Suresh, Section

Head and Prahalad the Unit Chief (both

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[ 51 MS-26

production) to Ravi, the Executive-Vice

President. The complaints included delay in

executing orders, poor quality, customer

rejections, etc. Most of the complaints were


Ravi was convinced and requested Jaggu to

head the production section so that things could

be straightened up there. Jaggu became the

Section Head and Suresh was shifted to sales.

Jaggu started spreading his wings. He

prevailed upon Ravi and got sales and quality

under his control, in addition to production.

Suresh, an equal in status, was now

subordinated to Jaggu. Success had gone to

Jaggu's head. He -had everything going in his

favour—position, power, money, and

qualification. He divided workers and used

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161 MS-26

them as pawns. He ignored Prahalad and

established direct link with Ravi. Unable to

bear the humiliation, Prahalad quit the

company, Jaggu was promoted as General

Manager. He became a megalomaniac.

Things had to end at some point. It happened in

Jaggu's life too. There were complaints against

him. He had inducted his brother-in-law,

Ganesh, as an engineer. Ganesh was by nature

corrupt, he stole copper worth 5 lakh and was

suspended. Jaggu tried to defend Ganesh but

failed in his effort. Corruption charges were

also levelled against Jaggu who was reported to

have made nearly 20 lakh for himself.

On the new year day of 1993, Jaggu was

reverted back to his old position—sales. Suresh

was promoted and was asked to head

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[71 MS-26

production. Roles got reversed. Suresh became

boss to Jaggu. Unable to swallow the insult,

Jaggu put in his papers.

Back home, Jaggu started own consultancy

claiming himself as an authority in quality

management. He poached on his previous

company and picked up two best brains in

quality. From 1977 to 1993, Jaggu's career

graph had a steep rise and a sudden fall.

Whether there would be another hump in the

curve is a big question ?

Questions :

(a) What is the core issue in the case ?


(b) How do you see the rise and fall of Jaggu

vis-a-vis prevailing power dynamics and

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[8[ MS-26

overall organisational policies of the

company ?

(c) What would you do if you were :

(i) Suresh


(iii) Ravi ?

(d) What will you do if you were the

Managing Director of the company ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MS-026


Term-End Examination

February, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note :
(i) There are two sections — A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A,
each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. What is Organisational Stress ? Explain how

stress leads to burnout with examples.

2. Explain ‘Bases of Power’ and the ‘Role of

Coercive’ and ‘Persuasive Powers’ in an
organisation with examples.

MS-026 1 P.T.O.
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3. Describe different theories of ethics and explain

how do ethics and values play an important role
in an organisation in the present scenario. Give

4. How does Group Cohesiveness help

organisations ? Explain with examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Empowerment

(b) Transformational Leader

(c) Learning Organisation

(d) Diversity Management

(e) Role Analysis

MS-026 2
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6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end :
Arun joins ‘ZAPTO’ chain of casual wear
stores as a sales representative, immediately
after the completion of graduation and a diploma
in sales management. The firm was very happy
with his extremely good performance. Arun was
awarded the ‘Star Performer Prize’ for his
continuous display of the highest sales volume
record for 12 consecutive months. The General
Manager of ‘ZAPTO’ chain of stores, Rajkumar,
was informed by his Marketing Manager,
Madhuraj, that Arun was a very aggressive and
dynamic sales representative having a strong
target commitment and orientation.

Within a span of two years, based on his good

performance appraisal, Arun was promoted to
the position of Assistant Marketing Manager.
Under his new assignment, Arun had 8 sales
representatives reporting to him and also to
ensure that the sales target of his shop was met.
Arun took to his new promoted assignments with
the same zeal and enthusiasm. Arun now set the
targets to be met by his team members for the
first month and communicated the same, clearly
indicating that all the team members have to
meet the target without fail. The eight team

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members (sales representatives) felt that the

targets set were too ambitious but declined to
comment on it directly. After the meeting, during
an informal chat, all the team members
discussed the matter amongst themselves and
then dispersed.

Arun called for a review meeting at the end

of a fortnight to take stock of the situation and
was shocked and disappointed to learn that all
the representatives were well behind the target
set for them. Arun could not control his
disappointment and openly and bluntly
condemned them for not reaching the target. He
once again reiterated that he expected all his
team members to achieve their targets by the end
of the month. After the meeting, the team
members amongst themselves admitted that they
found Arun to be a difficult person with an
unapproachable mind-set. However, they also
decided to give in their best efforts to achieve the
targets assigned to them. But even with their
sustained efforts they could achieve only 70 per
cent of the target set by Arun, by the end of the

At the end of the month, when Arun

reviewed the sales statements of his team, he
was disappointed though slightly happy with the
marginal improved efforts of his team. However,
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in the meeting, instead of praising and

encouraging his team’s efforts, Arun
communicated his displeasure and once again
was emphatic and told his team that lack of
commitment from them was stopping them from
attaining their target, so they had to try hard
once again. This outburst was not liked by his
team. And in the next month-end briefing, Arun
was greeted with well below the target set. Arun
now openly rebuked his sales representatives
team, for their slow performance and refused to
accept that he had set too high targets for his
team. Ultimately, the team members met their
Marketing Manager, Madhuraj and conveyed
everything to him. Madhuraj was shocked but
promised to talk to Arun.

Questions for discussion :

(a) In the above case, what are the problems
affecting the team’s effectiveness and
performance ?
(b) Do you feel Madhuraj should modify team
members’ roles before talking to Arun ?
(c) Can you suggest ways by which Arun can be
developed as a good team leader ?

MS-026 5 P.T.O.

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