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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 1.0 14 12 1.3 14 15 16 |. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Scope This section of works includes Mobilization, Demobilzation, Provision of Field Office Mobilization Mobilization shall include transportation to the site of Contractor's plant, materials, equipment, employees and furnishing of contractor's temporary facilities. Demobilization Demobilization includes dismantling and removal from the site of Contractor's plant, materials and equipment and all temporary facilities. Demobilization shall also include clean-up of the site after completion of the Contract Work as approved by the Engineer and transportation from the site of Contractor's employee. Field Office Contractor Field Office shall be located at a site designated by the Engineer and it shall be a wood type. The building walls and ceiling shall be painted. It shall have one (1) toilet. Appropriate signs acceptable to the Engineer shall be installed to identify the Engineer's Field Office. Operation and Maintenance of Field Office Building ‘The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all facilities to be provided during the duration of the contract. The Contractor, if requested by the Engineer, shall immediately replace assigned personnel for reasons arising from misconduct and/or unsatisfactory performance. The Contractor shall pay for all electric, water and telephone bills during the entire duration of the Contract. ‘Occupational Safety and Health Program ‘The Contractor shall provide Safety Officer and First Aide Personnel to maintain adequate safety measures that shall prevent undue damage, injury or loss of life and property. Safety regulations of Rule XV of the National Building Code (PD 1096) shall at all times be observed. Page 2 of 27 SECTION 2.0 24 22 23 24 Il. SITE WORKS Scope This section includes Site Clearing, Earthworks and Site Development. Site Clearing Site Clearing includes Clearing, Grubbing and Removal of Trees. Earthworks ‘The work includes excavation, filing, backfling and grading required and necessary for the proper completion of the project. Site Development Site Development shall consist of furnishing and installation as per approved Plans of the complete site development work consisting of excavation, turfing, planting, mowing, concrete works, carpentry works, delivery of materials and other labor necessary for the completion of the project. Page 3 of 27 SECTION 3.0 34 3.2 Ill. CONCRETE AND REINFORCING STEEL BAR Scope The work includes concrete construction complete in accordance with the plans and standard specifications for concrete and reinforced concrete works. Reference Standards The latest edition of following standards shall form part of this specification: ACI ‘American Concrete Institute 211.01-85 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for National and Heavyweight Concrete 318-83 (R26) Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials M173-84 Conerete Joint Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type Joint Filler for Concrete ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials A615-87 Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforced 33-86 Concrete Aggregates 31-88 Standard Practice for Marking, Curing Concrete Test Specimen in the Field 39-86 Compressive Strength of Cylinder Conerete Cylinder Specimen C94-86 ‘Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete C143-78 ‘Standard Test Method for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete 150-86 Portland Cement, Specification 309-81 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete 494-86 Chemical Admixtures Page 4 of 27 3.3 Materials 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.6 General Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, water and admixtures as specified, all thoroughly mixed and brought to the proper consistency, uniformity and temperature for final placement. Cement ‘Cement shail be Portland cement conforming to ASTM Specification C150, Type 1 Water Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel Fine Aggregates Fine aggregates shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combination thereof. if the fine aggregate shall be a combination of separately processed sizes, or if hatching shall resutt in a combination of natural and manufactured sand, the different components shall be hatched separately. Fine aggregates shall consist of hard, tough, durable, uncoated particles. The specified percentages of fines in the sand may be obtained either by the processing of natural sand or by the production of a suitably graded manufactured sand. The shape of the particles shall be generally rounded or cubical and reasonably free from flat or elongated pieces. The use of beach sand shall be prohibited. Coarse Aggregate Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel or rock, or a combination thereof. The coarse aggregate as delivered to the batching plant, shall have a uniform and stable moisture content. The approval deposits shall not be construed as constituting the approval of all materials taken from the deposits, and the Contractor shall be held responsible for the specified quality of all such materials used in the work. Coarse aggregate shall consist of hard, tough, durable, clean and uncoated particles. All foreign materials and dust shall be removed by adequate processing. The particle shape of the smallest size of crushed coarse aggregate shall be generally rounded or cubical, and the coarse aggregate shall be reasonably free from flat and elongated particles. A thin, flat and elongated particle can be defined as a particle having a maximum dimension greater than five times the minimum dimension. The coarse aggregate shall be well graded from fine to coarse. It shall be separated into size groups. - Use 19mm (3/4") coarse aggregate for slab on grade, columns, beams, suspended slabs and tie beams Page § of 27 3.4 Storage of Materials 3.4.1 3.4.2 Cement Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure shall be as airtight as practicable; floors shall be elevated above the ground, which shall be sufficient to prevent the absorption of moisture. Bags shall be stocked close together to reduce circulation of air but shall not be stocked against outside walls. The manner of storage shall permit easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment. Cement that has been in storage for so long that there may be doubt of its quality shall be tested by standard mortar tests to determine its suitability for use, and shall not be used without approval of the Engineer. Aggregates Aggregate shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid the inclusion of foreign materials. Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate piles. Stockpiles of coarse aggregate shall be built in horizontal layers not exceeding 1200mm in depth to avoid segregation. Should the coarse aggregate become segregated, it shall be remixed to conform to the grading requirements given herein before. Sufficient stockpiles shall be maintained at all times to permit continuous placement of concrete at the rate specified. 3.8 Proportions, Mixing, Transport, Placing, Protection and Curing 3.5.1 3.6.2 Proportions The proportions of all materials in concrete shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall employ at his own expense an approved testing laboratory which shall design the mix proportions in accordance with ACI- 211.01-85. Strength requirements shall be 20.7MPa (3000psi) or as required by the Engineer. The adequacy of this test shall be verified by a test on aminimum of 3 cylinders; 1 tested at 7 days, 1 at 14 days, in accordance with ASTM C38. If, at any time during construction, the concrete resulting from the approved mix design proves to be unsatisfactory for any reason such as too much water, lack of sufficient plasticity to prevent segregation, honeycomb, etc., or insufficient strength, the Contractor shall notify the Testing Laboratory and the Engineer. The Laboratory shall modify the design, subject to the approval of the Engineer until a satisfactory concrete is obtained. Concrete Samples and Testing ‘The Contractor shall be required to make test on concrete samples taken from actual pouring of concrete on site under the supervision of the Engineer. Throughout the period that the concrete is being poured into the forms and while spading operation are being done, sets of test samples in cylinder shall be taken from fresh concrete from the forms. Page 6 of 27 The following tests shall be made each 10 cu. m. of concrete or fraction, thereof, but not less than one (1) set of test, shall be made from any one batch of concrete and all there (3) tests shall be made from the same batch: Compression Tests The Contractor shall furnish six (6) standard 6 to 12mm cylinder molds and place the fresh concrete inside the cylinder in three (3) separate equal layers rodded separately with 16mm diameter rod 25 strokes, with the tamping end rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter. Level the surface with trowel and label the samples identifying the proportion of concrete, date taken and place taken. These samples are to be cured in the same manner as to the concrete in the construction is cured. Test on cylinder at the age of seven (7) days, and one cylinder at the age of twenty eight (28) days test does not meet the requirements, The Contractor shall make additional cylindrical samples as required or as directed by the Engineer, to check strength of concrete in the construction. Test Reports ‘The Contractor shall submit four (4) copies of the test cylinder reports which are to include as far as applicable the following items; Location of pour in the structure, concrete design mix number, concrete design strength type and manufacturer of cement, amount of any admixture used, slump tests, date of sampling, cylinder application number, days cured in the field, days cured in the laboratory, age at time of testing, crushing stress, type of failure, who mad the samples, who shipped the samples to the laboratory and whether concrete strength meets the specifications. 3.5.3 Mixing Concrete Site Mixed Concrete All concrete shall be machine-mixed for at least 1% minutes after all materials including water are in the mixing drum. The time elapse between the introduction of the mixing water to the cement aggregates and placing of the concrete in final position shall not exceed 45 minutes. Placing of material in mixer shall be done in such a way that the first batch of concrete materials in the mixer shall contain sufficient excess of cement, sand and water to coat the inside of the drum without reducing the cement content of the mix to be discarded. The tampering of concrete, that is, placing additional cement, aggregate or water during mixing period shall not be permitted. No hand mixing shall be allowed except in case of emergency such as breakdown during pouring operations subject to the approval of the Engineer, and shall stop at the first allowed construction joints. Ready-Mixed Concrete Ready-mixed concrete, when used shall be batched, mixed, and delivered from a plant approved by the Engineer and shall be in strict accordance with the requirements set forth in ASTM C-94. The rate of delivery of the mixed concrete shall be such that the interval Page 7 of 27 36 between placing the successive batches shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. ‘The elapsed time between the introduction of mixing water to cement and aggregate, and completion of discharge shall not exceed one (1)hour or not more than 1% hours if a retarder is used. It should be kept constantly agitated during the transit period. Delivery tickets shall not exceed one (1) hour and contains the weight of sand, gravel and amount of cement and water added. The Contractor shall keep legible copies available for examination of the Engineer. Re-tempering of concrete shall not be permitted. The Contactor shall mix only such quantities that are required for immediate use and mixture which has developed setting shall not be used. Concrete such has partially hardened shall not be re-tempered. 3.5.4 Concrete Placing Concrete shall be placed only after all formworks, installation of materials to be embedded, and preparation of surface involved in the placing have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide equipment and shall employ methods which will minimize separation of aggregates from the concrete mix. 3.5.5 Protection and Curing General Conerete surfaces exposed to conditions causing premature drying shall be protected as soon as possible with canvas, straw, burlap, sand and other satisfactory material and kept moist; or if the surfaces are not covered, they shall be kept moist by flushing or sprinkling, as directed by the Engineer. Alll concrete shall be moist cured for a period of less than seven (7) consecutive days after placing by an approved method or combination of methods applicable to local conditions. Moist Curing The surface of the conerete shall be kept continuously wet with water for a period of seven (7) days by spraying or by covering with burlap or other approved material thoroughly saturated with water and keeping thecovering wet by spraying or intermittent hosing. Water for curing shall be generally clean and free from any element which might cause objectionable staining or discoloration on the concrete. Reinforcing Steel 3.6.1 General 3.6.2 3.6.3 Steel reinforcement shall be provided together with all necessary wire ties, chairs, spacers, supports, and other necessary devices. Material Reinforcing steel shall be locally manufactured deformed billet-steel bars conforming to Phil pine Standard, Grade 40, Intermediate Grade (40,000 psi). Storage Reinforcing steel shall be stored in a manner that will prevent excessive rusting or coating with grease, oil, dirt and other objectionable materials. Page 8 of 27 SECTION 4.0 44 42 43 44 45 IV. MASONRY Scope The work includes furnishing labor, equipment and materials, and performing all operations required to complete concrete masonry work as shown and specified on the drawings and specifications. Applicable Documents The following specifications and standards (latest edition) shall form part of this specification to the extent required by the references thereto: ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials 144-87 Aggregate for Masonry Mortar, Standard Specifications PSA Product Standards Agency Pub. Phils. PNS 16-84 Concrete Hollow Blocks, Specs for Requirements Concrete masonry work of the type indicated shall be provided and shall be properly coordinated with the work of other trades. Materials 4.4.1. Concrete Hollow Blocks Conerete shall be a standard product of a recognized manufacturer conforming to PNS 16, sizes as indicated on the drawings. 4.4.2 Cement, Reinforcing Steel and Water ‘Cement, reinforcing steel and water shall be as specified in Section 3.0 — Conerete. 4.4.3 Delivery, Storage and Protection of Materials, Deliver, storage and protection of materials shall be as specified in Section 3.0 — Concrete, and as specified herein. Installation 4.5.1. Workmanship Masonry walls shall be placed level and plumb all around. One section of the walls shall not be placed in advance of the others, unless specifically approved. Unfinished work shall be stepped back for jointing with new work; toothing shall not be permitted. Heights of masonry shall be checked with an instrument at skills and heads of openings to maintain the level of the walls. Door and window frames, louvered openings, anchors, pipes and conduits shall be installed Page 9 of 27 452 45.3 454 455 carefully and neatly as the masonry work progresses. Spaces around metal door frames shall be filed solidly with mortar. Drilling, cutting, fitting and patching, to accommodate the work of others, shall be performed by skilled workers. Bolts, anchors, inserts, plugs, ties and miscellaneous metal work specified elsewhere shall be placed in position as the work progresses. Chases of approved dimensions for pipes and other purposes shall be provided; where indicated or necessary. Tops of exposed walls and partitions, not being worked on, shall be covered with a waterproof membrane, well secured in place. Walls and partitions shall be structurally bonded or anchored to each other and to concrete walls, beams, and columns. Mortar Mixing Mortar materials shall be measured in approved containers, which shall insure that the specified proportions of materials can be controlled and accurately maintained during the progress of the work. Unless specified otherwise, mortar shall be mixed in proportions by volume. The aggregates shall be introduced and mixed in such a manner that the materials will be distriouted uniformly throughout the mass. A sufficient amount of water shall be added gradually and the mass further mixed, not less than 3 minutes, until a mortar of the plasticity necessary for the purpose intended shall be obtained. The mortar shall be mixed in a manner such that the quantity of water can be controlled accurately and uniformly. Mortar boxes, pans, or mixer drums shall be kept clean and free of debris or dried mortar. The mortar shall be used before the initial setting fo the cement has taken place; re-tempering of mortar in which cement has started to set shall not be permitted. Proportion Mortar shall be mixed in the volumetric proportions of one-part Portland Cement, part hydrated lime and 3-parts sand. Mortar Joints Mortar joints shall be uniform in thickness, and the average thickness of any three consecutive joints shall be 9.50mm. “Gage rods” shall be made and approved prior to starting the work and shall be used throughout the work. Changes in coursing or bonding after the work has started shall not be permitted Exposed joints shall be tolled slightly concave with a round or approved jointer, when mortar is thumbprint hard. The jointer shall be slightly larger than the width of the joint, so that complete contact shall be made along the edges of the units, compressing and sealing the surface of the joints. Joints in masonry which will not be exposed shall be struck flush. Horizontal joints shall be tolled first. Joints shall be brushed to remove all loose and excess mortar. All horizontal joints shall be level; vertical joints shall be plumbs and in alignment from top to bottom of wall within a tolerance of +#12mm. Conerete Masonry Unit Work The first course of concrete masonry unit, shall be laid in full bed of mortar, for the full width of the unit; the succeeding courses shall be laid with broken joints. Conerete masonry units with the cells vertical shall have bed-joints formed by applying the mortar to the entire top surfaces of the inner and outer face shells, and the head joints formed by applying the mortar for a width of about 25mm to the ends of the adjoining units laid previously. The mortar for joints shall be ‘smooth, not furrowed, and shall be of such thickness that it will be forced out of joints as the units laid are being placed in position. Where anchors, bots, ties Page 10 0f 27 ‘and reinforcing bars occur within the cells of the units, such cells shall be solidly filled with mortar or grout as the work progresses. Horizontal tie reinforcement shall be provided where indicated. Reinforcement shall be continuous and provided in the longest available lengths. Reinforcement above and below openings shall extend and be embedded into the columns, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Splices shall overlap not less than 150mm. Reinforcement shall be embedded in the mortar joints in such manner that all parts shall be protected by mortar. The two top courses of filler block walls shall have their cores filled with grout when placed in position. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the size and spacing of vertical bars shall be as follows: For 150mm (6") CHB — 12mm (1/2") diameter at 600mm (24") on centers For 100mm (4”) CHB — 10mm (3/8") diameter at 600mm (24") on centers For horizontal bars — 12mm (1/2") diameter at 600mm (24”) on centers (every third course) for 150mm (6") and 100mm (4") CHBs Page 11 of 27 EEE EEE ee ECO PE PLE aL aii ib SECTION 5.0 5A 5.3 Vv. METAL Scope The work includes the furnishing, fabrication, erection or installation, complete of all structural steel and miscellaneous metalwork in accordance with this specification unless required otherwise in the drawings. Applicable Documents The following specifications and standards (latest edition) but referred to hereinafter by basic designation only, shall form part of this specification: ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials A36/A36M-88D ‘Structural Steel A53-88 Steel Pipe (Galvanized) Zinc Coated and Seamless Black and Hot Dip 307-87 Low Carbon Stee! Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners (Tentative) ‘870-85 Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip Structural Quality A611-85 Steel, Cold-Rolled Sheet, Carbon, Structural Quality AWS American Welding Society D1.1-85 Structural Welding Code, Stee! AISC American Institute of Steel Construction Specification for the design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings AISI American Iron and Steel Institute Specification for the Design of Light Gage Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members SDI Steel Deck Institute Design Manual NScP National Structural Code of the Philippines Requirements 5.3.1. Materials 1) Structural steel shapes, plates and bars, unless otherwise shown or specified on the drawings shall conform to ASTM Specification A36/A36M. 2) Light-gage steel, cold formed, shall conform to ASTM Specification A570 or Page 12 of 27 5.3.2 5.3.3 ‘A611, with a minimum yield point of 33,000psi, unless otherwise shown or specified in the drawings. 3) Bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to specification ASTM A307-87, Grade A, unless otherwise shown or specified in the drawings. 4) Screws and expansion bolts shall be of a standard commercial grade, as approved by the Engineer, and of the sizes and types indicated. 5) Electrodes for arc welding shall be E60 or E70, AWSD1.1 6) Pipe columns and railings shall be zinc-coated steel pipe of standard weight conforming to ASTM A53-88. 7) Galvanizing - unless otherwise specified, galvanizing shall be of standard quality, hot-dipped process of 1.25 ounces per square foot of coating. Galvanized surfaces that are damaged prior to final acceptance shall be Tepaired using an approved repair compound to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 8) Miscellaneous metal items including accessories, incidentals, fastenings, and anchorages, not specifically mentioned herein or in other sections but ate required to complete work, and for which there are no detail drawings, shall be provided and installed in accordance with standard practice of the trades as approved by the Engineer. Fabrication The work shall be well formed to the shape and size shown and assembled as detailed. Structural members shall be fabricated and assembled in the shop to the greatest extent possible. Shearing and punching shall produce a clean, true lines and surfaces with burrs removed. Connections shall be welded or bolted as indicated. Unless otherwise shown, screws in exposed work shall be countersunk. Nuts shall be drawn up tight. Joints which are to be exposed to the weather shall be watertight. Holes shall be cut, drilled or punched at right angles to the surface of the metal and shall not be made or enlarged by burning. Holes in base or bearing plates shall be drilled 41) Welding of structural stee! shall be in accordance with the standard code of Are and Gas welding in Building Construction of the American Welding Society. All welding works shall be performed by qualified welders only with accredited certification. 2) Shop Painting — unless otherwise specified or indicated in the drawings, all structural stee! works (except galvanized surfaces and surfaces that will be painted with epoxy) shall be given a shop coat of read lead or zinc chromate primer. Erection The steel structure shall be erected true to line and grades. Bracing and supports shall be introduced whenever necessary to take care of all the loads to which the structure may be subjected. Such bracing shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety. As erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted to take care of all the dead loads, wind and erection stresses. No reaming of undersize bolt holes will be permitted, and erection bolts shall not be used for lining up members. Page 13 0f 27 4) 5) Drift Pins ~ may be used only to bring together several parts; they shall not be used in such manner as to distort or damage the metal Gas Cutting - the use of a gas cutting torch in the field for correcting fabrication errors shall not be permitted on any major member in the structural framing. Its use may be permitted only when the member is not under stress, and under subject to the approval of the Engineer. Base Plates and Bearing Plates — shall be supported on steel wedges or shims until the supported members have been plumbed, following whichthe entire bearing area shall be grouted with non-shrink cement grout. Grouting mortar for setting base plates - shall be non-shrinking type of grouting mortar. The mortar, subject to the approval by the Engineer, can either be a mixture of Portland Cement, well-graded fine aggregate, aluminum powder, and water or an approved commercial grouting mortar containing non-metallic chemical oxidizing agent. If adopted, the approved product shall be delivered to the site of the work in original sealed container bearing the trade name of the manufacturer. Surfaces to receive the mortar shall be cleaned and shall be moistened thoroughly before placing the mortar. Exposed surfaces of mortar shall be water-cured with wet burlap for at least seven (7) days. Setting-up — Steel shall be erected plumb, level and properly guyed. In setting or erecting of structural steel, the individual piece shall be considered plumb or level where the errors does not exceed 1 to 500. Page 14 of 27 SECTION 6.0 64 6.2 Scope The work includes carpentry and joinery, complete in accordance with this specification unless VI. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY specified otherwise in the drawings. Requirements 6.21 6.2.2 6.23 General ‘The work includes furnishing of materials, equipment and labor and performing all the works on carpentry and joinery. All framing members, where not indicated or specified, shall be provided as necessary for the proper completion of the work. Materials «Lumber shall be of the following species and grades unless otherwise specified in the drawings: Use Specie Grade Jambs, transoms, mullions, headers, sills, frames Mahogany % Quality of Lumber. Lumber shall be of approved quality of the respective kinds required for the various parts of the work, well-seasoned, thoroughly dry, and free from large, loose, or unsound knots, saps, shakes, and other imperfections impairing its strength, durability and appearance. Door heads and jambs shall be air dried and well-seasoned for at least two (2) months before use. * Substitutions. Any lumber equally good for the purpose may be substituted for the kinds specified provided that the substitution shall be acceptable to the Engineer. ‘* Cement Fiber Board — 4.5mm. thick shall be used for ceilings and walls as indicated on plans, supported by metal furring channels. Preservative Treatment All lumber and plywood shall be pressure preservative treated or its equivalent, ‘subject to the approval of the Engineer. Preservative treatment ‘shall be in accordance with the manual of recommended practice of the “American Wood Preservers Association". All lumber surfaces in contact with concrete or masonry shall be coated with one (1) brush coat of asphalt paint. Page 15 of 27 624 625 626 Protection and Storage Lumber shall be protected and kept under cover both in transit and at the job site. Materials shall not be delivered long before it is required for the work Workmanship Framing lumber and other carpentry shall be fitted closely, set accurately to the required lines and levels, and shall be secured in place in a rigid and substantial manner. Spiking, nailing and bolting shall be done in an approved manner, spikes, nails and bolts shall be of the proper size and care shall be taken so as not to split the members. All frames coming in contact with concrete ormasonry shall be anchored by means of nails spaced sufficiently apart all around the contact surfaces. Bolt holes shall be drilled accurately and shall have a diameter of 3mm more than the bolt size. All exposed wood surfaces shall be smoothly dressed and if so required, shall be well sand-papered to an even smooth surface ready for finishing. Hardware Items of hardware to be installed shall be as directed or as specified in the drawings and shall be fitted carefully and attached securely. Care shall be exercised not to mar or injure the work. Page 16 of 27 SECTION 7.0 7A Scope Vil. DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS The section covers the supply and installation of doors, windows and glass walls complete with frames and accessories. 7.2 Doors The doors, depending on their usages shall be made of wood, glass, steel and phenolic with sizes and materials as indicated in the plan Unless indicated in the plan, the doors will be as follows: 724 Type of Door Usage Wood Glass Door Emeence ‘Stee! Door Fire Exit Phenolic Door ick Phenolic U Comfort Room Cubicle ‘Wooden Doors This item shall consist of such fabricated wooden doors complete with jambs and hardwares necessary for the proper functioning thereafter as called for in this specification unless indicated otherwise in the drawings. * Type of Wooden Doors a) Solid Core Door of standard thickness shall be made of tanguile or equivalent b) Phenolic Door shall have a laminated finish © Door Jamb Door jambs shall be made of mahogany or equivalent * Accessories Locksets, hinges and flashbotts shall be in accordance with manufacturer requirements Page 17 of 27 7.2.2 Glass Doors This item shall consist of such fabricated glass doors complete with frames and hardwares necessary for the proper functioning thereafter as called for in this specification unless indicated otherwise in the drawings. Type of Glass Doors a) Swing and Sliding-type Glass Door shall have a standard thickness and a powder coated finish Door Frame Door frames shall be made of aluminum Accessories Glass door accessories shall be in accordance with manufacturer requirements 7.2.3 Steel Doors This item shall consist of such fabricated steel doors complete with frames and hardwares necessary for the proper functioning thereafter as called for in this, specification unless indicated otherwise in the drawings. Type of Steel Doors. Fire-rated Stee! Doors shall be of high grade materials and meet the standards of fire rating test. a) Swing-type Steel Door shall be paint finish Door Frame Door frames shall be made of metal Accessories Steel door accessories shall be in accordance with manufacturer requirement 7.24 Requirements Pre-fiting and Factory-Priming or Factory Finishing. Doors with surfaces to receive paint finish shall be furnished factory primed, and pre-finished. Final finishing shall be done in site in accordance with painting and varnishing specifications. Adhesive and Bonds. Adhesive and bond shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for all types of doors subject to the approval of the Engineer. Adhesive for doors with natural finish shall be non- staining. Page 18 of 27 73 74 725 Installations Door shall be installed only after completion of other work. Doors shall be fitted and trimmed as required by the opening they will cover. Doors shall have clearance in accordance with door manufacturer's requirements. Doors shall be installed only by highly trained personnel and with assistance from the manufacturer. Windows. Windows, depending on their usage shall be of tempered glass and galvanized blades. Glass and Glazing 744 742 743 744 ‘Scope of Work The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary for the satisfactory performance of all works for glass and glazing, including mirrors as shown in the drawings and as specified herein Materials + Materials shall be delivered and stored in a safe location. ‘* Label shall be affixed to each pane at the factory and shall remain intact until final cleaning. ‘* Quality and thickness of glass shall be as mentioned in USGM Specification No. 123 insofar as it is established as a requirement. For other qualities and thickness, recognized commercial standards can be referred to subject to the approval of the Engineer. Quality of Glass and Glazing Materials * All glass sheets for doors (12mm) and windows (10mm), unless otherwise specified herein or otherwise indicated in the drawings, shall be locally manufactured. * Plate glass for mirrors shall be 6mm (1/4”) thick, polished glass mirror, copper-backed, with exposed edges, level and polished. Mirrors should project a clear image without refractory effect. «Samples of all glass and glazing shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to any installation work. Workmanship « Allglass shall be accurately cut to fit openings and set with equal bearing on the entire width of the panel. * The Contractor shall be responsible for all glass broken due to faulty setting and shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ‘© Putty shall be nearly run in straight lines parallel with inside of glazing frame. Comers shall be carefully made; all excess putty shall be removed and surfaces left clean. Page 19 of 27 7.4.5 Installation «Set glass after metal framing have been primed and dried «All glass shall be bedded, back and face puttied secured in place. Apply putty uniformly in straight lines, with accurately formed levels and clean-out corners; remove excess putty from glass. Secure glass in wood doors with glazing stops; secure stops on doors with screws. «Improperly set glass shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 7.5 Finish Hardware and Specialties 7.5.1 General Requirements * The Contractor shall provide all rough hardware required for the completion of the work, including nails, spikes, bolts, screws, etc., and shall provide and fit in place all finishing hardware. ‘© The Contractor shall provide and fit in place all hardware not herein specifically mentioned but necessary to complete the work. All such hardware, should there be any, shall conform in every respect to the hardware herein specified. © Finishing hardware, suitable to the service required to fully equip in the most satisfactory operative condition, for all doors, windows transom sashes, drawers, lockers and other operating members throughout the project shall be furnished and installed or fitted by the Contractor. Where the exact types of hardware specified are not adaptable to the finishing, shape or size of members requiring the hardware, suitable types as applicable to same operation and quality as the corresponding individual types specified shall be furnished subject to the approval of the Engineer. 7.5.2 Make ‘The model numbers herein given designate the quality and style (type, design, ‘operation, materials and finish) of hardware designed. Any other hardware equally good, may be substituted only in cases of urgent necessity and subject to the written approval of the Engineer. 7.5.3. Finish Unless otherwise specified, exposed surfaces shall have the following U.S. Standard Finishes: a) US9 (Polished, Bright Brass or Bronze). Bronze surfaces exposed on exterior of building not specified to have US26 finish. b) US26 (Polished Chromium plated over nickel or brass). Brass or bronze surfaces exposed in toilets, lavatory and all others in the interior of the offices. Page 20 of 27 MO TT eee al lalallala 7.5.4 755 756 757 75.8 ©) USP (Prime Coatedfor Painting) Ferrous metal surfaces, unless zinc coated Fastenings Fastening of suitable size, quality and type shall be provided to secure hardware in position. Machine screws and expansion shields shall be provided for securing items of hardware to concrete, brick tile or masonry instead of wood screws. Exposed Items of Hardware * After hardware has been properly fitted, all exposed items such as knobs, plates, pulls, locks, etc., shall be removed until final coat of painter's finish has been applied, and then hardware installed. © Other items of hardware that are not to be removed before painting shall be properly marked or completely covered until final coat of painter's finish has been applied after which such protective cover shall be removed. Placing Order of Hardware The Contractor shall schedule his order for all hardware in such a way to avoid delay in the job. «No request for extension of time will be entertained by the Engineer consequence to the Contractor's delay in placing his order. ‘* No substitution of hardware shall be allowed due to negligence of Contractor to place his order ahead of time. Door Knobs, Lock and Latch Strikes Allllock and latch strikes shall be installed in door frames at the same height from the floor. Door knobs shall be so located that the center of the knob is 1.05m. from the finished floor. Butt Hinges «Each panel of hinged doors shall be provided with two (2) butts for doors 1.50m. or less in height; three (3) butts, over 1.50m. high and not over 2.10m.,; four (4) butts, over 2.10m. in height. ‘Doors of a greater height than 2.10m., unless otherwise specified, shall be provided with an additional one (1) butt for each 0.65m. or fraction thereof. © Size of Butt Hinges required: Thickness of Door —_ Width of Door Size of Butt Hinges 21mm. or 25mm. 63mm. (2-1/2") (718° oF 1") 28mm. (1-1/8") 75mm x 75mm (3'x3") 35mm (1-3/8") 0.90m.(3")orless —(3-1/2" x 3-1/2") 44mm (1-3/4") 445mm x 115mm (4-112" x 4-112") Page 21 of 27 759 7.5.10 75.11 75.12 75.13 7.5.14 56mm x 63mm 425mm x 125mm (2-114" x 2-112") ( x5") «Where size of the butt hinges is not sufficient to allow door to clear door trim in open position, same shall be increased. ‘+ Unless otherwise specified, and except for toilet or water closet compartment doors, provide in all double acting doors type Nu-Jamb No. 42024-1/2 double acting hinge or approved equivalent. Door Stops Wall type door stops, cast or brass, of approved type or as specified shall be provided at all doors where the door or any item of hardware thereon strikes a wall, column or other construction member. Butt Hinges (Make) For all doors in butt hinges, unless otherwise specified, use button tip butts, highly polished and plated with non-raising pin for door opening outside. For size and number to each doors, refer to Section of this section of the specifications. Extension Flush Bolts * Hinged double wood doors, except bar doors and double acting doors, shall be fitted on top and at the bottom with extension flush bolts, 600mm. long (24 inches), cast bronze, polished plate 169mm x 31mm (6-3/4" x 1-1/4") with dust proof strike, only on the astragaii side (inactive door). Flush extension bolts may be used «For high doors, the top bolt shall be provided with sufficient length to allow the flush plate within reach from the floor. Bar Doors Provide and fit a set gravity type hinges nickel polished finish for each bar in all toilet rooms. Locally made may be acceptable subject to the approval by the Engineer. Locks The Contractor shall provide and set complete, ready for operation, one pin tumbler cylinder lock of the medium or standard type, for each door in accordance with the schedule below. US standard finishes as specified in Section shall apply to all locks. The trademark and plate numbers given herein are to designate only the quality, type, operation, materials and style (design) required. ‘Schedule of Lockset and Door Closers © Use lockset (bright chrome) and door closer (Aluminum) bronze finish installed compiete ready for service in accordance with the manufacturer's institutions for the doors. «Use lockset (bright chrome) for all toilet doors. Page 22 of 27 SECTION 8.0 Vill, PLUMBING WORKS 81 General Except as specified, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer approval. The Contractor shall assume the cost of and the entire responsibility for any change in the work as shown on contract drawings, which may be ‘occasioned by approval of materials other than those specified 8.1.1 Pipes and Fitlings Schedule 1) Potable Water Lines a) All water risers and main distribution lines shall be copper tubing conforming to ASTM B88, seamless, type L, fittings shall be as per ANSI/ASME B 16.23 Cast Brass or ANSI ASTM B 32, solder, grade 95TA, with fiberglass insulation. b) All roughing-in of toilets and lateral water distribution lines shall be copper tubing conforming to ASTM B88, seamless, type L, fittings shall be as per ANSVASME B 16.23 Cast Brass or ANSI ASTM B 32, solder, grade 95TA, with fiberglass insulation, 2) Flushing Water lines a) All water lines shall be high density PPRC (Polypropylene Random Copolymer) class PN-20. b) Fittings shall be fusion weld type, imported conforming to German technology DIN 8077-8078 and ASTM 1281-83. c) All roughing-in of toilet and lateral water distribution lines shall be high density PPRC (Polypropylene Random Copolymer) class PN-25 Polypropylene pipe materials. Fittings shall be fusion weld type, imported conforming to German technology DIN 8077-8078 and ASTM 1281-93. 3) Installation a) The pipings shall be extended to all fixtures, outlets and equipment from the gate valves installed in the branch near the riser. b) Unions shall be provided where required for disconnection. ©) All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements and shall be worked into place without springing or facing. Care shall be taken so as hot to weaken the structural portions of the building. d) All service pipes valves and fittings shall be kept at sufficient Page 23 of 27 8.2 Plumbing Fixtures, Fittings and Accessor 8.2.1 distance from work to permit finished covering not less than 15 mm from such work or from finished covering on the different service. e) Changes in pipes shall be made with reducing fittings, f) Accessible Contraction-expansion joints shall be made wherein necessary. Horizontal runs of pipe over 15 m. in the length shall be anchored to wall or the supporting structure midway on the run to force expansion and contraction equally towards the ends. 4) Hose Bibbs a) All hose bibbs within offices, rentable spaces shall be 20mma with male tapered threads standard hose connection, polished chromium plated finished provided with escutcheon plate. b) All hose bibbs general area (parking, planters, deck, etc.) shall be 20mma with male tapered threads standard hose connection brass finished. Scope The work it includes the furnishing and installation of plumbing fixtures and fittings, complete and operational 8.2.2 General Requirements 8.23 a) The Trade Contractor shall furnish and install plumbing fixtures and fittings as indicated on the Drawings complete with trimmings and accessories unless otherwise specified under this item. b) Fittings and trimmings for fixtures shall be chromium plated polished brass, unless otherwise specified. Where corrosion resisting metal is mentioned, same shall be chromium plated and shall contain not less than 13% chromium and less than 8% nickel alloy c) Generally, fixtures except water closets shall have the water supply discharge below the rim, equipped with back-flow preventors, angle stops, or stops. Stops integral with the faucets shall be furnished and installed with fixture. Exposed traps and supply pipes for all fixtures and equipment shall be connected to the rough piping system at the wall unless otherwise specified. Installation a) All installation work shall conform to the applicable standard set forth byte Philippine Plumbing Code. b) Fixtures shall be fastened and/or supported in accordance with the requirements of this section. Page 24 of 27 SECTION 9.0 of 9.2 IX. ELECTRICAL WORKS GENERAL PROVISIONS a) b) Provide all materials and equipment and perform all the work necessary for the complete execution of all the electrical works as shown on the electrical drawings and specifications. Except as otherwise excluded, and which without excluding the generality of the foregoing, shall include but Not limited to the following principal items of work: 4. A system of lighting and power wiring including all feeders, branch Circuits and connection to all devices and fixtures. 2. All lighting fixtures and battery operated emergency lighting. 3. Installation and connection of electrical equipment such as panelboards. 4. Testing and Commissioning. If anything has been omitted or not enumerated in the specifications and the plans of any item of work, which is necessary and usually furnished with the materials and standard practice in electrical installations, then such items must be are hereby included in this electrical work. WIRES Provide building wires, flexible cords, splices, taps, and terminations as required for electrical work covered by the Contract Documents. 9.2.1 Products °) 4. Conductors shall be new and shall show the name and trademark of, the manufacturer and shall be tagged showing acceptance by Underwriters Laboratories, Conductors shall be identified in accordance with Philippine Electrical Code color coding. Conductors shall be 600 volts insulated and shall be 3.5 mm? or larger unless otherwise noted. Sizes larger than 3.5 mm? are noted on the drawings. 2. Conductors shall be stranded copper. 3. Conductors used in fluorescent fixture channels shall be rated 90°C. 4. Conductors for power circuits shall be type THHN/THWN 5. Conductors for wiring in high ambient areas shall be stranded flexible tinned copper. Silicone rubber insulated with heat and moisture resistant glass braid jacket, rated 200 °C intermittent operating temperature, 180°C continuous. Insulation Types shall be as follows: 4. Type THHN/THWN conductor insulation shall be polyvinyl chloride plastic. Rating shall be 90°C in wet or dry locations. Page 25 of 27 9.3 94 2) Flexible Cords a) Flexible cords shall be furnished for pendent connections to lighting fixtures and connections to portable equipment. BOXES a.) All boxes shall meet the requirements of the Philippine electrical code. b) All boxes shall be Underwriter’s Laboratories listed, ¢) All boxes shall meet the requirements of the National electrical code, 9.2.1 Products 4.) Outlet Boxes For Surface Ounted Fixtures Shall Be: a.) 4” octagonal or square as required. b.) A minimum of 1-1/2" deep. c.) Fumished with fixture studs where required. 4) Boxes which support fixtures shall be supported from the structure. They shall not be supported by the suspended ceiling grid e) Deep concrete boxes for poured concrete ceiling construction. ) Installed with plaster rings on suspended ceilings. g) 4" octagonal or square for all exposed conduit work with fixture extension pan or deep fixture canopy to enclose the box 2.) Outlet Boxes For Recessed Fixtures Shall Be: a.) 4" octagonal or square. b.) A minimum of 1-1/2" deep. ¢.) Complete with blank cover. d.) Installed above fixture opening, e.) Installed with Flexible Metal Conduit from fixture outlet box to allow fixture tobe dropped for servicing. 3) Pull Boxes And Junction Boxes Shall Be: a) Installed in all runs of conduit having the equivalent of four 90 deg. bends. b) Installed in all runs of conduit more than 100 ft. in length. ©) #16-gauge galvanized steel up to 12" x 12" x 12" insize d) #12-gauge galvanized steel over 12" x 12" x 12" in size. e) Entirely accessible. f) Complete with covers of same gauge as boxes and secured to boxes with screws. WIRING DEVICES ‘Section Includes. a.) Wall switches. b) Receptacles. c) Device plates and decorative box covers. Page 26 of 27 9.5 LIGHTING FIXTURES Description The work required under this section consists of the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the lighting fixtures and associated equipment and materials. The works also includes providing lighting fixtures and associated accessories mounted on the interior surface of the buildings. Quality Assurance Industry Referenced Standards: The following specifications and standards are incorporated into and become part of this specification by reference. Except where a specific date is given, the issue in effect (including amendments, addenda, revisions, supplements and errata) on the date of invitation for bids, shall apply. In text, such specifications and standards are referenced to be basic designation only. Page 27 of 27

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