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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

Final Examination

Name: _________________________________________ Course/Year& Section: ______________

Address: _______________________________________ Contact Number: ___________________
Instructor’s Name: _______________________________Deadline Period: ___________________

Instruction. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and select the correct answer from the
given choices.

1. It is a social contract specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and
women are to follow.
a. Social roles
b. Gender
c. Sex
d. Gender roles
2. It is the social roles and relations between men and women in the society.
a. Social roles
b. Gender
c. Sex
d. Gender roles
3. It changes overtime; it is what we expect men and omen do and behave.
a. Social roles
b. Gender
c. Sex
d. Gender roles
4. It is categorized as male or female.
a. Social roles
b. Gender
c. Sex
d. Gender roles
5. It refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as the genitalia and
genetic differences.
a. Social roles
b. Gender
c. Sex
d. Gender roles
6. He coined the term gender role and was the first to use it in print in a scientific trade journal.
a. John Money
b. John Meyer
c. Sigmund Freud
d. John Locke
7. Although gender and sex are separate concepts, they are interlinked in that gender
discrimination often results from stereotypes based on what is expected of members of each
a. True
b. False
8. The following are the characteristics of gender, except:
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

a. Socially, culturally, and historically determined.

b. Learned through socialization
c. Does not change across time and space
d. Unequally valued
9. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Gender is fixed at birth.
b. Sex tends to denote the social and cultural role of each sex within a given society.
c. Sex is learned through socialization.
d. The differences between male and female sexes are anatomical and physiological.
10. It refers to a personal identification with a particular gender and gender role.
a. Gender mainstreaming
b. Gender identity
c. Gender equality
d. Gender equity
11. It means that those who have greater needs, irregardless of gender shall be provided with
more resources.
a. Gender mainstreaming
b. Gender identity
c. Gender equality
d. Gender equity
12. It is a set of prcessess and strategies to integrate women concerns and experiences in the
design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs, in all political,
economic, and social agenda of government.
a. Gender mainstreaming
b. Gender identity
c. Gender equality
d. Gender equity
13. Which of the following best describe gender socialization?
a. In gender socialization, girls and boys are expected to act in certain ways that are
socialized from birth.
b. Gender socialization is the process by which norms ad expectations in relation to
gender are learned by women and men.
c. Gender socialization is a form of prejudgment, bias or limitation given to roles and
expectations of males and females.
d. Gender socialization essentially represents the whole process of learning through life
course and is a central influence on the behavior, beliefs, and actions of adults as well
as of children.
14. It is a form of prejudgment, bias or limitation given to roles and expectations of males and
a. Gender socialization
b. Gender stereotypes
c. Gender equality
d. Gender mainstreaming
15. Which of the following describes Gender and Development?
a. It refers to the development perspective, which recognizes the equal contribution of
women and men in all aspects/sectors of development.

Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

b. It refers to a cognitive stage of development of children at which they come to

understand that their gender is fixed and cannot change over time.
c. GAD proposes that children develop their gender identity through internal motivation
to conform to what society expects based on their biological sex.
d. GAD is manifested through a multitude of actions, including forced marriage of
young girls.
16. Which of the following is the purpose of Gender and Development?
a. GAD seeks to equalize the status and condition of and relations between women and
men by influencing the process and output of policy-making, planning, budgeting,
implementation and monitorirng, and evaluation so that they would deliberately
address the gender issues and concerns affecting the full development of women.
b. To ensure that both men and women can participate in, and benefit from,
development in a way that is equitable.
c. GAD is violence targeted at individuals or group on the basis of their gender.
d. Having an understanding of the marginalized position of women and consciously
challenging attitudes, behavior, and structures in the society that reinforce women’s
subordinate status.
17. Which of the following is the goal of GAD?
a. GAD seeks to equalize the status and condition of and relations between women and
men by influencing the process and output of policy-making, planning, budgeting,
implementation and monitorirng, and evaluation so that they would deliberately
address the gender issues and concerns affecting the full development of women.
b. To ensure that both men and women can participate in, and benefit from,
development in a way that is equitable.
c. GAD is violence targeted at individuals or group on the basis of their gender.
d. Having an understanding of the marginalized position of women and consciously
challenging attitudes, behavior, and structures in the society that reinforce women’s
subordinate status.
18. This practice encompasses actions such as aborting female fetuses and killing girl babies.
a. Battering
b. Female Infanticide
c. Harmful traditional practices
d. Sexual violence
19. It is a strategy used to assert power over the victim and to cause long-term suffering for the
victim by turning an experience that should be associated with pleasure into one associated
with harm.
a. Battering
b. Female Infanticide
c. Harmful traditional practices
d. Sexual violence
20. It is a series of physical, emotional and psychological abuse.
a. Battering
b. Female Infanticide
c. Harmful traditional practices
d. Sexual violence
21. A practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another.
a. Expedition

Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

b. Colonialism
c. Voyage
d. Excursion
22. Colonialism was practiced by empires such as Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient
Egypt, and Phoenicia.
a. True
b. False
23. The following are the purpose of colonialism, except:
a. To serve as a source of inexpensive labor and natural resources.
b. Led to large trade enterprises and economic benefits for colonial powers.
c. To create a hierarchy of power and wealth.
d. To promote inequality, poverty and all sorts of deprivation for the majority of the
24. Colonial power and the colony not only destroy the opportunity of industrialization, but also
damage the benefits of any competition.
a. True
b. False
25. The following are the active threats to Indigenous People, except:
a. Eviction from our native lands, carried out by governments, so that our assets can be
exploited by outside interests.
b. State discrimination, such as withholding citizenship or rights afforded other citizens,
the tactical use of violence to intimidate and control, and legislation that defines basic
Indigenous activities as illegal and punishable by imprisonment, torture and death.
c. Exclusion from philanthropic, state and charitable funding and support. Less
than .01% of all development funding goes directly to Indigenous communities. The
funding that is intended to benefit Indigenous Peoples is placed in the hands of
outsiders who often do not act in our best interest, or simply do not understand what
we need.
d. Exploitation of intellectual property, such as our stories, traditional ways and artwork,
without compensation because we do not have access to patents or other legal
framework for ownership.
26. The following are the passive threats to Indigenous People, except:
a. State discrimination, such as withholding citizenship or rights afforded other citizens,
the tactical use of violence to intimidate and control, and legislation that defines basic
Indigenous activities as illegal and punishable by imprisonment, torture and death.
b. Few countries recognize Indigenous Peoples as legitimate groups, leading to our
exclusion from political forums in which to defend our rights.
c. Exclusion from philanthropic, state and charitable funding and support. Less
than .01% of all development funding goes directly to Indigenous communities. The
funding that is intended to benefit Indigenous Peoples is placed in the hands of
outsiders who often do not act in our best interest, or simply do not understand what
we need.
d. Denial of access to legal avenues to secure and defend our rights. Many governments
have laws to protect Indigenous Peoples, but they are not enforced or the legal
process required in order to benefit from them is prohibitively difficult (such as the
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

right to hunt on our lands requiring a 15-hour drive to a capital city in order to apply
for a short-term permit).
27. When assets are stripped, or the benefits of those are diverted outside of a community, the
community becomes impoverished. What kind of threat to Indigenous People is described?
a. Violence
b. External threats
c. Cultural Losses
d. Poverty
28. When a community is stripped of its assets, displaced from its homeland and denied access to
its sacred places. What kind of threat to Indigenous People is described?
a. Violence
b. External threats
c. Cultural Losses
d. Poverty
29. When Indigenous people are often beaten or killed during evictions, or to intimidate them
into giving up their rights; their homes are burned, and their property destroyed. What kind
of threat to Indigenous People is described?
a. Violence
b. External threats
c. Cultural Losses
d. Poverty
30. Eviction, environmental degradation and assimilation result in, except:
a. Loss of language
b. Loss of clanship
c. Loss of traditional knowledge that sustains our societies and contributes to the
medicine, science and technology.
d. With the extinction of whole cultures, the world’s diversity is increased.
31. It is a international instrument adopted by the UN on September 13, 2007, to enshrine the
rights that “constitute the minimum standards for the survival, dignity, and well-being of the
indigenous people of the world.”
32. Due to loss of cultural practices and diaspora, family ties break down. This results in loss of
identity and sense of belonging.
a. True
b. False
33. This protects collective rights that may not be addressed in other human rights charters that
emphasize individual rights, and it also safeguards the individual rights of Indigenous people.
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

34. . Indigenous Peoples provide the world’s best examples of sustainable living.
a. True
b. False
35. The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People is the product of almost 30 years of
deliberation by U.N. member states and Indigenous groups.
a. True
b. False
36. A person responsible for setting up a business or an enterprise; the one who has the initiative,
skill for innovation and who looks for high achievement.
a. Venture
b. Seller
c. Entrepreneur
d. Tycoon
37. The word _____________________ is derived from the French verb “entreprendre”; it
means “to undertake.”
a. Entrepreneurship
b. Industrialist
c. Capitalist
d. Entrepreneur
38. It consists of intelligence and creative thinking. What characteristic of an entrepreneur is
being described?
a. Clear objectives
b. Mental ability
c. Business secrecy
d. Human relations ability
39. The most important personality traits contributing to the success of an entrepreneur are
emotional stability, personal relations, consideration and tactfulness.What characteristic of an
entrepreneur is being described?
a. Clear objectives
b. Mental ability
c. Business secrecy
d. Human relations ability
40. Leakage of business secrets to trade competitors is a serious matter which should be carefully
guarded against by an entrepreneur.What characteristic of an entrepreneur is being
a. Clear objectives
b. Mental ability
c. Business secrecy
d. Human relations ability
41. A successful entrepreneur may also have the objective to establish the products, to make
profit or to render social service.What characteristic of an entrepreneur is being described?
a. Clear objectives
b. Mental ability
c. Business secrecy
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

d. Human relations ability

42. An entrepreneur must build a team, keep it motivated and provide an environment for
individual growth and career development.
a. Motivator
b. Self confidence
c. Goal setter
d. Initiative
43. Entrepreneurs must have belief in themselves and the ability to achieve their goals.
a. Motivator
b. Self confidence
c. Goal setter
d. Initiative
44. Success of an entrepreneur demands the ability to work long hours for sustained periods of
a. Long term involvement
b. Persistent problem solver
c. High energy level
d. Goal setter
45. An entrepreneur must have an intense desire to complete a task or solve a problem. Creativity
is an essential ingredient.
a. Long term involvement
b. Persistent problem solver
c. High energy level
d. Initiative
46. An entrepreneur must have initiative accepting personal responsibility for actions and above
all make good use of resource.
a. Long term involvement
b. Persistent problem solver
c. High energy level
d. Initiative
47. Individuals who conceive an idea for a new product or service and then create a business to
materialize their idea into reality.
a. Business entrepreneur
b. Trading entrepreneur
c. Industrial entrepreneur
d. Corporate entrepreneur
e. Agricultural entrepreneur
48. A person who demonstrates his innovative skill in organizing and managing corporate
a. Business entrepreneur
b. Trading entrepreneur
c. Industrial entrepreneur
d. Corporate entrepreneur
e. Agricultural entrepreneur
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras
GE 11 – Social Science and Philosophy

49. A manufacturer who identifies the potential needs of customers and tailors a product or
service to meet the marketing needs.
a. Business entrepreneur
b. Trading entrepreneur
c. Industrial entrepreneur
d. Corporate entrepreneur
e. Agricultural entrepreneur
50. Entrepreneurs who undertake the agricultural activities as raising and marketing of crops,
fertilizers and other inputs of agriculture.
a. Business entrepreneur
b. Trading entrepreneur
c. Industrial entrepreneur
d. Corporate entrepreneur
e. Agricultural entrepreneur


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