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Project Report on


Submitted for the partial fulfillment

“Master of Personnel Management”
(BHEL) of
Sinhgad Institute Of
Management,Pune University,Pune.
Submitted To
Submitted By
Mr. Arif Ahmad Siddiqui
MPM (II-Sem.)
HRM Department
BHEL, Bhopal (M.P.)



sem.of Sinhgad Institute Of Management,
PuneUniversity, Pune. Hereby declare that the
summer project report submitted entitled



To whomsoever it may concern

This is a certify that miss KUMARI MANISHA student

of M.P.M. of S.I.O.M.,PUNE has successfully completed
vocation training as a part of professional studies for the
period of six weeks i.e. for 17/5/2010 to 26/6/2010 on the
topic “Employee Welfare in BHEL” from Bharat Heavy
Electicals limited (Bhopal unit).

This project work has been carried out under the

supervision and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant
is presentation for the examination leading to degree of
M.P.M. of Pune University,PUNE .

I wish them a successful professional career.

Mr. Arif Ahmad Siddiqui

Manager (HR)
BHEL, Bhopal
Personnel Management occupies the prime position of all disciplines in
Management which deals with many resources. According to Adam Smith, these
were land, labor and capital. Later these resources were expanded to include,
among others, the following: Men, materials, machinery, money, etc
In these definitions of resources, we find human beings playing a dual role-
a resource as well as a motive force for all other resources for example, manpower
as such fill in the role of one of the resources. In addition to that role, human
beings are also responsible for manipulating all other resources. In addition to that
role, human beings are also responsible for manipulating all other resources by
way of developing, utilizing, commanding and controlling them like materials,
machines, money, information, land, infrastructure, etc.
Ideological conflict between US and USSR blocks further defocused their
attention away from “human beings”, to that of ‘Capital’ and ‘Labor’ respectively.
While this war of attrition was going on between the two “ideological blocks”,
Japan was the only country who realized the importance of ‘human ware’. In
globalization successful industries are becoming “knowledge based” and “skill
intensive”. This is possible by developing “creative spirit” in employees and
employing ‘innovative management techniques. When Japan as a nation realized
this truth and recognized “human values”, they achieved unprecedented progress
in all fields. Stagnation in economic progress of USA compared to Japan is again
attributed to this lack of focus on ‘human ware’. In India we are endowed with
millions of hectares of land, rich in mineral and oceanic wealth, possess large
population, acclaimed as No. 2 in the World in terms of possessing trained
manpower. Trained manpower, we became independent alpmot in the same period
as that of Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Taiwan. After 50 years of
independence we find India is still struggling for basic needs like drinking
water, healthcare and food. 30% of our population lives below poverty line.
Compared to this we find Japan has become a world power, Taiwan has got
redesign Ted as a Newly Industrialized Country (NIC). Singapore is way
ahead of us; Malaysia showing rapid strides of economic progress and
South Korea is following the foot-steps of Japan and flooding the
international market with their products. In 1947 all these nations were
worse off than India. Of all the resources, we have seen manpower is the
most important. Unfortunately, in India, we attach least importance to
manpower. Because of this apathy, we pay minimum attention to manpower
development: be it labors students, educated unemployed, supervisor or
manager. Human resources management (HRM) plays a decisive role in this
effort. Proper H.R.M. can develop right type of shop floor ethos and values
which improve productivity and personal satisfaction of employees.
A successful project is a fruitful
culmination of the efforts of many people. I express
my gratitude to the personnel department of BHEL,
Bhopal for giving me an opportunity to carry out this
project in their organization.

I would like to thank Mr.Arif Ahmad Siddiqui

and Mr. H.D. Malviya for being the guiding and
encouraging figures all through the duration of this
project. Without their cheering and Invaluable insight
into this project, the project work would not have
been accomplished.

Last but not the least I would also like to

thank my family members and my friends for
encouraging me all the time.


Chapter I : Introduction

Chapter II : Company Profile

ChapterIII : Objective of the study

ChapterIV : Research Methodology

ChapterV : Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter VI : Observations and Findings

Chpter VII : Conclusions and Suggestions

Organization productivity to determine by many factors, welfare is just one
of term.
Nevertheless, it is an important factor is an organization personnel
department affects the welfare through almost every activity that they
perform. Whether it may be related to training and development,
compensation, benefits and services, security and health, satisfaction of
employees certainly is effected by how personnel departments handle these
challenges, industrial relatives also play a very important role in raising the
satisfaction level given the commitment and leadership of top management
personnel specialists can help the organization achieve high levels of
productivity and quality through a satisfied and motivated work force.

Walfare :

Welfare are the services provided to the employee by the employer

government with which employees view their work. The discussion of
welfare focus on employees attitudes toward the overall organization and
commitment are of major interest to the field of organizational behavior and
the practices of human resource management.

What is meant by welfare :

Looks gives a comprehensive definition of “welfare are the services”

provided by the employer or government to its employees which ultimately
help the employees through improved productivity.
Welfare of two types:

1. Statutory
2. Non statutory

In compliance with the provisions of the factories Act. 1948, BHEL Bhopal
has undertaken a number of welfare measures for the welfare of its
employees and their family members. The various statutory & non statutory
welfare measures are discussed as below :-

Statutory welfare schemes:-

1. Washing facilities :- washing facilities like soap, cleaning powder are

being provided for the workers at their work place.

2. Facilities for storing :- in all the manufacturing blocks as well as in all

annexes, the employees have been provided with cupboard/almirahs
to keep their personal belongings.

3. Facilities for sitting :- workers have been provided with suitable sitting
facilities while worker may find a pause to rest.

4. First-aid & ambulance room :- As on date 158 first-aid boxes have been
provided to manufacturing blocks/annexes, canteens. These boxes are
kept with employees having knowledge of first-aid procedures with
training n medical care being provided to them of and on . The
contents of these boxes are periodically checked and filled in as and
when necessary.

5. Canteens :- there are 03 works canteen at present pulse one staff

canteen catering to the needs of employees . Besides these, one
canteen is functioning in Hospital for the patients. These canteens
supply Meals, tea, coffee, snacks, and sweets. In works canteen No.3
special provision for women employees has been made for their
meals, snacks etc.
6. Creche :- Adjacent to works canteen No.3 there is provision for crèche
. children up to the age of 6 years of the working mother are kept
from 7.00 am to 5.00 pm. Provision is made for fruits, biscuits, milk,
meals to these children. Presently about 30 childeren have been
accommodated in the crèche.

7. Shelter, rest rooms and lunch rooms :- Both in works canteen and in staff
canteen suitable arrangements have been made for workers who bring
meals with them.

8. Labour welfare Officers :- Under Human Resources Management

Division 12 welfare offices and 16 labor welfare supervision are
functioning to look after the welfare of employees.

Non-Statutory welfare schemes.

1. Educational facilities :- In BHEL township there are four Hr. Sec.

Schools functioning under BHEL Education Society. Two colleges
and a nursing college are also functioning in the township.

2. House accommodations :- All employees (100%) have been provided

with residential accommodations. BHEL Bhopal has also allotted
land to their employees who have constructed their own house.

3. Medical facilities :- BHEL Bhopal has a well – equipped kasturba

Hospital along with four peripheral dispensaries in each of its four
townships plus one occupational health center in the factory premises;
equipped with necessary health facilities & infrastructure. Employees
and their dependents are given free medical treatment. A highly
subsidized contributory health scheme exists for retired employees.
Kasturba Hospital is a 400 bedded hospital with nearly 88 doctors and
91 nurses and with a staff of over 285 employees. Besides the regular
employees numbering 8000+, Other beneficiaries include nearly
42000 dependents and 14000 retired employees. Some of the most
sophisticated surgical procedures in the field of Cardiac and
neurocare, complex orthopedic, operations like knee and hip surgeries
are being done.

4. Different Social/ Cultural Associations :- For the social and cultural

activities of the residents of BHEL township,09 clubs exist, 17
cultural associations like Malayalee Association, Tamil sangam,
Bangla Sanskritik Parishad, etc. exist. Infrastructural support by way
of accommodation, water, light is provided by BHEL.

5. (a) Other welfare schemes :- DRS scheme :- On death of a regular

employee, with a view to provide immediate relief , an amount of
Rs.2500/- is given as assistance which is benevolent & non
refundable. An amount of Rs.5/- per employee as contribution from
each DRS member is collected and the same is given to the nomnee
of the bereaved family. At present we are able to give an amount of
approx. Rs.40000/- to the dependents by way of DRS.

(b) GSLIS :- Contributions are deducted from employees and risk

factor is born by the employer. On death of member employee,
amount of Rs.10,000/-, 20,000/-, 40,000/-, and 80,000/- are
given to the nominee of the deceased employee, depending
upon the category of the employee. On retirement of the
member employee, the total amount accumulated on this
account along with interest thereon is given to the retiring

(c) GIS+EDLIS:- These two LIC policies are maintained and

coordinated by BHEL Corporate Office. On death of an
employee following amounts are being given to the nominee of
the deceased employee :-

Category of A B C D
A1,B1, to S1 to S3 E1 to E4 E5 &above

EDLI 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000

GIS 10,000 20,000 35,000 50,000
72,000 82,000 97,000 1,12,000

6. Parks: - 19 parks are being maintained in the township.

7. Sports Activities: - To promote sports activities BHEL management has
provided for one huge sports complex (including a sports stadium and
golf course). Facilities for almost all sports and games are provided
(both indoor and out-door).A sports Authority has also been
established to look after such facilities, inter-unit tournaments etc.
This sports complex is NIS certified.
recognized across the industrial world. BHEL rank's among the top twelve
leading international companies in the power field and it is the largest
engineering and manufacturing enterprises of it's kind in India.

Now we can say that BHEL is the biggest and the most valuable
diamond in the crown of mother India .it caters the cores sector of Indian
economy viz.-power, industry, transportation, power transmission and
utilization, defense, oil and gas exploration, telecommunication etc. BHEL
is a gas and steam turbine manufacture in India. It is one of India's nine
largest public sector undertakings known as the navratnas or 'the nine
Founded in the late 1950s, BHEL is today a key player in the
power sector through the construction, commising power and servicing of
power plants all over the world. BHEL today is a key player in the power
sector over the world. BHEL has around 14 manufacturing divisions, four
power sector regional centers, over 100 project sites, 8 service centers and
18 regional offices.

As engineering conglomerated BHEL offers over a wide

spectrum of products and services for core sectors including power,
generation, transmission and distribution, transportation and oil and gas, as
w ell as the supply of non convectional energy systems.

Over 65% of power generate in India comes from BHEL

supplied equipments. Over all it has installed power equipment with a total
capacity of over 90,000 MW. The present chairman (as of April 2008) of
BHEL is Mr. K. Ravi Kumar.

BHEL manufactures over 180 products under 30 major product

groups and caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., power
generation & transmission, industry, Transportation, Telecommunication,
renewable energy, etc. The wide network of BHEL’s 14 manufacturing
divisions, four power sector regional centers, over 100 project sites, eight
service centers and 18 regional offices, enables the company to promptly
serve its customers and provide them with suitable products, systems and
services efficiently and at competitive prices. The high level of quality &
reliability of its products is due to the emphasis on design, engineering and
manufacturing to international standards by acquiring and adapting some of
the best technologies from leading companies in the world, together with
technologies developed in its own R & D centers.

Business Mission :

To achieve and maintain a leading position as suppliers of quality

equipments mission, system and service to serve the national and
international market in the fields of energy. The area of interest the
conversion, transmission, utilization and conservation for energy for
application in the electric power, industrial and transportation fields. To
strive for technological excellence and market leadership in these areas.

Growth :

To ensure a steady growth by enhancing the completive edge of BHEL in

existing business, new area and international operation’s.

Profitability :

To provide a responsible and adequate return on a capital employed

primarily through improvement in operational efficiency, capacity
utilization and productivity and generate international resources to finance
the company’s growth.

Customer Focus :

To level a high degree of customer confidence by providing increased value

for his money through international stand of product quality, performance
and superior customer service.
People Orientation:

To enable each employee to achieve his potential improve capabilities

perceive his responsibility and success of the company. To invest in human
resources continuously and the alive to their needs.

Technology :

To achieve technological excellence in operation by development of

indigenous technologies to suit business needs and priorities and provide a
competitive advantage to the company.

Image :

To fulfill the expectation which store holders like government as owner,

employers, customers and country at large have for BHEL.

The product range of BHEL is as follows:


Steam turbines and generators of up to 500MW capacity for utility and

combined cycle applications; capability to manufacture steam turbines with
super critical steam cycle parameters and matching generator up to 1000
MW unit size. Steam turbines for CPP applications; capability to
manufacture condensing, extraction, back pressure, injection or any
combination of these types.


Gas turbines of up to 260 MW (ISO) rating. Gas turbine based co-

generation and combined cycle systems for industry and utility application.


Custom built conventional hydro turbines of Kaplan, Francis and Pelt on

types with matching generators pump turbines with matching motor
generators. Mini/micro hydro sets. Spherical, butterfly and rotary valves and
auxiliaries for hydro station DG POWER PLANTS HSD, LDO, FO, LSHS,
natural gas/ biogas based diesel power plants, unit rating up to 20MW and
voltage up to 11kV, for emergency, peaking as well as base load operations
on turnkey basis.

Steam generators for utilities, ranging from 30 to 500 MW capacity, using

coal, lignite, oil natural gas or a combination of these fuels : capability to
manufacture builders with super critical parameters up to 1000MW unit
size. Steam generators for industrial applications, ranging from 40 to
450t/hour capacity using coal, natural gas, industrial gases, biomass, lignite,
oil, biogases or a combination of these fuels.

♦ Pulverized fuel fired boilers.

♦ Stoker boilers.
♦ Atmospheric fluidized bed combustion boilers
♦ Circulating fluidized bed combustion boilers
♦ Waste heat recovery boilers.

Chemical recovery boilers for paper industry, ranging from capacity of 100
to 1000t/ day of dry solids.


Switchgear of the various types for indoor and out door applications and
voltage ratings up to 400 kV.
• Minimum Oil circuit breakers (66K – 132 kV.)
• SF6 circuit breakers (132 kV – 400 kV).
• Vacuum circuit breakers
• Gas insulated switchgears (36 kV)

Bus ducts with associated equipment to suit generator power output of

utilities of up to 500 MW capacities.


Power transformers for voltage up to 400 kV HVDC transformers and

reactors up to + 500 kV rating.


1. Control gear for industrial application with air break vacuum

2. Contractors.
3. Traction control gear, control gear, equipment for railways and other.
4. Control relay panels for power station and transformers tap changers.
5. Application


1. Medium voltage and high rating up to 400kv system.

2. Non PCB application.
3. Coupling capacitors.
4. up to 400kv class.
5. Surgle capacitors for perfection.
6. Electrical machines.

 Bowls mills of slow and medium speed of capacity up to 100 t/hour.

 Tube mills for pulverizing low-grade coal with high-ash content.


 High and medium pressure valves of cast and forged steel material-

slide, globe, non-return (swing –check and piston lift check) type
valves for steam, water, oil, gas and other applications. Valves up to
210kg/cm2 pressure, and 5400 C temperature.
 High pressure, high capacity safety valves; valves; automatic

electrically operated pressure, relief valves for set pressures upto 210
kg/cm2 and temperatures upto 6000 C.
 Safety relief valves- with wide constructional and material variations

for applications in power, process and other industries. Maximum set

pressures upto 420kg/cm2 and temperatures upto 5650C.
 High Pressure and Low Pressure steam By System valves for utilities
with connected/hydraulic-electronic control equipment.


 Long retractable soot blowers (travel up to 12.2m), wall deslaggers,

rotary blower and temperature probes and related control panels
operating on pneumatic, electric or manual mode.
 Swivel arm type soot blowers for regenerative air-preheaters.
Bharat heavy Electricals Limited, Bhopal
Heavy Electrical Plant, Bhopal is the mother plant of Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited, the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in
India in the energy-related and infrastructure sector, today. It is located at
about 7 kms. From Bhopal Railway Station, about 5 kms. From habibganj
Railway Station and about 18 kms. From Raja Bhoj Airport. With technical
assistance from Associated Electricals (india) Ldt., a UK based company, it
came into existence on 29th of August, 1956. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, first
Prime minister of India dedicated this plant to the nation on 6th of
November, 1960.
BHEL, Bhopal with state of –the art facilities, manufactures wide range of
electrical equipments. It’s product range includes Hydro, steam, Marine
&Nuclear Turbines, heat Exchangers, Hydro & Turbo Generators,
Transformers, Switchgears, Control Gears, Transportation Equipment,
Capacitors, Bushings, Electrical Motors, Rectifiers, Oil drilling Rig
Equipments and Diesel Generating sets.
BHEL, Bhopal certified to ISO: 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, is
moving towards excellence by adopting TQM as per EFQM/CII model of
Business Excellence. Heat Exchanger Division is accredited with ASME
‘U’ Stamp. With the slogan of “Kadam Kadam milana hai, grahak safal
banana hai”, it is committed to the customers.
BHEL Bhopal’s strength is it’s employees. The company continuously
invests in Human Resources and pays utmost attention to their needs. The
plant’s Township, well known for its greenery is spread over an area of
around 20sq kms. And provides all facilities to the residents like, parks,
community halls, library, shopping centers, banks, post office free he
services is extended to all the employees through 350 bedded (inclusive of
50 floating beds) Kasturba Hospital and chain of dispensaries.
Organizational Hierarchy of BHEL, Bhopal
Human Resource Management

Human resources is an increasingly broadening term that refers to

managing “human capital,” the people of an organization.; the field has
moved from a traditionally administrative function to a strategic one that
recognizes the link between talented and engaged people and
organizational success. The field draws upon concepts developed in
Industrial/Organizational Psychology and System Theory. Human
resources have at least two related interpretations depending on context.
The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where
it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production
although this perspective is changing as a function of new and ongoing
research into more strategic approaches at national levels. This firs usage
is used more in terms of ‘human resources development’, and can go
beyond just organizations to the level of nations. The more traditional
usage within corporations and business refers to the individuals within a
firm or agency, and to the portion of the organization that deals with
hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues, typically referred to as
‘human resources.
Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent
approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets the
people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the
achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms “human
resource management” and “human resources” (HR) have involved in
managing people in organizations. In simple sense, HRM mans
employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and
compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational

The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety

of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you
have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill
these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are
high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your
personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.
Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits
and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually
small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these
activities themselves because they can’t yet afford part-or full-time help.
However, they should always ensure that employees have—and are
aware of – personnel policies which conform to current regulations.
These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all
employees have.

Some people distinguish a difference between HRM (a manor

management activity) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a
profession). Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that
HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside
of organizations, including, e.g., career development, training,
organization development etc.

The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous

change over the past 20-30 year. Mammy year ago, large organization
looked to the “personal Department”, mostly to manage the paperwork
around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations role in
staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the
organization are performing at maximum capability in highly fulfilling

Human resources management surprises several processes, these processes

can be performed in an HR department, but some takes can also be out
sources or performed by line managers or other departments. When
effectively integrated they provide significant economic benefit to the

• Strategic workforce planning

• Recruitment
• Training and development
• Performance appraisal
• Promotion Transfer
• Industrial Relation
• Compensation
• Skills management
• Employee benefits administration
• Salary/ pay grades



HRM HRDCs TAD Horticulture P & PR

Section head









Primary Objective:

• To suggest and recommend method to increase the level of Employee

welfare activities at BHEL

Secondary Objectives :

• To check the performance level of employee of BHEL.

• To study the welfare facilities provided by BHEL to employee.

The various source of information are:

Primary Data
1. Questionnaires and Interviews
2. Discussion with Management Memebers.
3. Interacting with different employees.

Secondary Data
1. Referring Manuals and Magazines.
2. Referring Office file and Records.
3. Checking Personal Manuals.

For this Project, I have mainly used the questionnaire method. The
questionnaire was distributed to 50 employees t find out the views of the
employees. Random Sampling technique was used in taking the sample. The
employees in solving the questionnaire have received 100% response.

The scope of the study will be analyzing the various

Employee welfare schemes existing in BHEL, Bhopal, to
find out the gaps and suggest remedial measures.

There are certain Limitations that cannot be ruled out after

taking all possible precautions. These are:

1. The sample chosen doesn’t fully represent the total

2. There are naturally many misunderstanding &
inaccuracies between the respondents and interviewers,
editing errors, etc.
3. Some of them needed help in answering the
questionnaire since they found difficulty in
understanding the language which I had to translate and
get it filled.
4. Time constraint was there as we had to cover the whole
project within 8 weeks.

Q1. Since how many years have you been working with BHEL?

Options Percentage of Respondents

0-5 Years 26
5-10 Years 16
10 to 15 Years 18
More than 15 Years 40

0-5 Years 5-10 Years 10 to 15 Years More than
15 Years


Out of 100% respondents 26% respondents were working from 0-5

Years, 16% were working from 5-10 Years, 18 from 10-15 Years
and around 40% of the employees are working from more than 15
Q2. Since how many years have you been working with BHEL?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Yes 88
No 2
Can’t Say 10

Yes No Can’t Say


Most of the employees are aware of welfare facilities prevailed by

Q3. Are you getting those welfare facilities and services from

Percentage of
House Rent Allowance 80
Medical Allowance 14
Traveling/Conveyance Allowance 6

House Rent Allowance Medical Traveling
Conveyance Allowance Allowance


80% of the respondents are getting House Rent Allowance, 14% say
Medical Allowances, 6 Say Traveling Allowance.
Q4. Are you satisfied with the welfare facilities and services
provided by the BHEL?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Satisfied 80
Not Satisfied 8
Partially Satisfied 12




Satisfied Not Satisfied Partially


80% of the employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities

provided by the BHEL.
Q5. Do you feel any change in performance level after providing
certain facilities?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Yes 78
No 22





Yes No


78% of the employees feel change in performance level after

providing certain facilitates to the employees.

Q6. Are you satisfied with the present salary & Wages Structure of BHEL
Options Percentage of Respondents
Yes 78
No 22





Yes No


78% of the employees are satisfied with the wage structure of the
Q7. Do the welfare facilities help to increase?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Your Efficiency 8
Production Level 10
Standard of Leaving 22
All above 66

You’re Production Standard of All above
Efficiency Level Leaving


Most of the respondents feel that welfare facilities help to increase,

efficiencies, production level, and standard of leaving.

Q8. Are you agree with the help of welfare facilities organization can
maintain good relationship with employees?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Yes 78
No 22





Yes No


78% of the respondents feel that the organization can maintain

good relationship with employees.

Q9. Is any recreation facility is given by BHEL (Library, Recreation Room,


Options Percentage of Respondents

Yes 24
No 76





Yes No


24% of the respondents say that there is facility of library for


Q10. Are there any special services for female Employees (Crèches, Rest
Maternity leave)

Options Percentage of Respondents

Yes 74
No 26



Yes No


74% of the respondents say yes there are certain services for female


1. The present system of dealing with the cases is quite

2. Some of the respondents feel that the system should be
revised lat regular.
3. Personnel procedures and information regarding internal
circulars etc. should be communicated to the workers at
the right time and should be easily available.
4. Novel system of performance appraisal.
5. Generally employees are satisfied with the general job
conditions and welfare activities to varying degrees. It
was observed that in almost all the aspects most of the
respondents are either satisfied or somewhat satisfied,
very few have responded to be highly satisfied with the
general job conditions.
6. The relation between the management and employees was
found quiet cooperative and constructive in nature.

Welfare center if BHEL Bhopal is one of the most

important welfare center if M.P. state running by the
government for the welfare of workers and employees. And
some welfare centers also running in M.P. as BURGANPUR,
REEVA, JABALPUR, and BHOPAL. Bhopal welfare center
is most important welfare center from the workers and
employees point of view. It touches everybody life. After
providing these welfare facilities to the BHEL employees the
company gets the benefit.

1. House facilities
2. Education facilities
3. Medical facilities
4. Maternity benefit
5. Allowances
6. Religious institutions for different religion of people
7. Recreation facilities

The company can get full efforts and whole presence of mind
of the workers and employees of his work for the upliftment of
the company.

I would like to give some suggestion to the BHEL power sector.

1. They should develop an incentive scheme.

2. They should improve their working capacity.

3. They should improve the promotion policy.

4. There should be the 50 years of retirement age of employees.

5. The inter organization competition should be held for the

welfare of workers.

6. Salary should be link with performance.

7. Pay structure should be revised.


• Aswathpa k. (2004) Human Resource and Management, Tata

McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

• Kothari, C.R. (2006) ‘Research Methodology’ New Age International

Publisher Limited, New Delhi.

• Gupta Shashi k joshi Rosy (2006) Organizational Behavioral.


• Personnel Manual of BHEL, Bhopal

• Handbook on E-Map and EPMS- BHEL.

Websites :


Name: _____________________________

Address : ______________________________

Q1. Since how many years have you been working with BHEL?

a. 0-5 years
b. 5-10 years
c. 10 to 15 years
d. More than 15 years
Q2. Are you aware of welfare facilities prevailing in BHEL?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t say

Q3. Are you getting those welfare facilities and services from BHEL

a. House rent Allowance

b. Medical Allowance
c. Traveling/Conveyance Allowance

Q4. Are you satisfied with the welfare facilities and services provided
by the BHEL?
a. Satisfied
b. Not satisfied
c. Partially satisfied
Q5. Do you feel any change in performance level after providing
certain facilities?
a. Yes
b. No
Q6. Are you satisfied with the present salary & Wages Structure of BHEL
a. Yes
b. No

Q7. Do the welfare facilities help to increase?

a. Your Efficiency
b. Production Level
c. Standard of Living
d. All above

Q8. Are you agree with the help of welfare facilities organization can
maintain good relationship with employees?
a. Yes
b. No

Q9. Is any recreation facilities is given by BHEL ( Library, Recreation

Room, Reading Room)?
a. Yes
b. No

Q10. Are there any special services for female employee of your BHEL?
a. Yes
b. No

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