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The University of Poonch Rawalakot Azad Kashmir

Subjective Examination (Sessional)

Time: 50Min. Total Marks: 20 Class: BS English 3rd

Q No.2 Answer all the Questions with example 2 * 5 = 10

a. Define product concept?

b. What do you know about 4 P’s?

c. What is marketing mix?

d. Explain Market penetration?

e. Explain the concept of De marketing?

QNo.3. Define Marketing? Explain Marketing Process? 5*1 = 5

QNo.4. Explain product expansion Grid strategies? 5*1 = 5

The University of Poonch Rawalakot Azad Kashmir

Subjective Examination (Sessional)
Time: 50Min. Total Marks: 20 Class: BS English 3rd

Q No.2 Answer all the Questions with example 2 * 5 = 10

a. Define Marketing?

b. What is called as strategic marketing?

c. Explain Business portfolio?

d. Define Marketing Myopia?

e. Define Downsizing?

QNo.3. Define Marketing? Explain Marketing Process? 5*1 = 5

QNo.4. Explain product expansion Grid strategies? 5*1 = 5

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