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Iterative Statements in JAVA

Loop – It is the process of repeating a block of statements till the

condition is true.

for loop

It allows a set of statements to repeat for a fixed number of times

depending on the condition.


for (initialization ; condition; increment/decrement)


Initialization: Here, we initialize the loop variable with a

valid value. It marks the start of a for loop. Initialization
takes place only once for any loop.

Condition: It is used for testing the exit condition for a loop.

Till the condition is true the set of statements keeps on
repeating and when the condition becomes false, the loop

Statements: If the condition is evaluated to true, the

statements in the loop body are executed.

Increment/Decrement: It is used for updating the loop

variable for next iteration. The value can either increase or
Example 1: Example 2:

for (int i=1 ; i<=5 ; i++) for (int i=2 ; i<11; i=i+2)
{ {
System.out.println( i ); System.out.println( i );
} }
Output: Output:
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10

Example 3: Example 4:

for (int i=9 ; i>=1; i=i-2) for (int i=5 ; i>1; i--)
{ {
System.out.println( i ); System.out.println( i );
} }
Output: Output:
9 5
7 4
5 3
3 2

Example 5: Example 6:

for (int i=1 ; i<5; i++) for (int i=7 ; i>=0; i=i-3)

{ {

System.out.println( i*i ); System.out.println( i -1);

} }

Output: Output:

1 6
4 3
9 0

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