Assignment 9

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Assignment 9: Complete the following chart by defining the injury/illness, listing signs/symptoms, and listing first aid


Injury Definition Signs/Symptoms First Aid Treatment

1st Degree Burn Only affects outer layer skin Red, painful, and dry skin Cool and bandage the burn

2nd Degree Burn Burns thtat effect the Red skin, blisters, and Protect from further harm,
epidermis and some of the swollen skin check if breathing, elevate
dermis. burn area, call 911

3rd Degree Burn Burns destroyed the Dry skin, swelling, no pain Protect from further harm,
epidermis and dermis because of destroyed nerve check if breathing, elevate
endings burn area, call 911

Inhalation Burn Damage to the respiratory Cough, shortness of breath, Call 911, remove victims
tract by heat, smoke, or headache, skin change, and from area, CPR if necessary
chemical irritants chest pain

Chemical Burn When a chemical substance Red skin, bruising, pain Put on gloves, rinse burn
burns the skin area

Electrical Burn Skin burn that happens Skin can be dry, red, Don’t touch them, call 911
when electricity come in painful, blistered and immediately
contact with your body change color

Heat Stroke When your body Flushed skin, headache, Cool victim down with water
temperature rises rapidly fainting, nausea and
and you’re unable to cool vomiting

Heat Exhaustion Body overheating Heavy sweating, dizziness, Move out of heat, cool
confusion, rapid pulse victim down with water

Heat Crams Muscle spasms from heat Muscle spasms that are Cool victim down, hydrate
painful, involuntary and

Immersion Hypothermia Hypothermia cause by Shivering, confusion Cover victim with foil os
being immured in water space blanket, or use own
body heat to help

Frostbite Injury caused by freezing of Cold skin, numbness and Remove wet clothes if any,
the skin and underlying inflamed skin protect affected area, call
tissues 911

Work cited

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