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Applied Physics-I (Syllabus)

Applied Physics-I (Syllabus Conti…….)
Marking Scheme As Per GGSIPU
 Theory Total Marks: 100 =(One Credit)
 End Term Paper: 75
 Internal: 25 = Mid Term Test 15 + 10 (Marks=04 Quiz Test
+Class Test =04 + Case Study=02)
 SYLLABUS : Interference - Introduction,
Interference due to division of wave front :
Fresnel’s Biprism, Interference due to division
of amplitude: Wedge shaped film, Newton’s
Definition of Interference & its types
• “When two waves superimpose, then their intensity is redistributed,
this effect of light is called Interference of light waves.”
• Types of interference: Two types of interference :-
Constructive interference : Leads to enhancement of the resulting
amplitude with respect to that of the constituents.
Destructive interference :Leads to diminution of the resulting amplitude
with respect to that of the constituents. Interference produces an alternating
spatial pattern of fringes.
Coherent Sources: Two sources are coherent if they emit waves that
have a constant phase relationship.
Conditions Sustained for Good Interference:
Young Double Slit Expt.
Expression for Fringe Width (

Let us consider YDS experiment set up for calculating fringe

width as shown in fig.
In the figure,
d = Slit separation
D = Slit and screen separation
= Wavelength of light
y = distance of interfering point from the centre of slit .
= Path difference coming from the light S1 and S2 .
Optical path difference between the rays coming through S1 and S2
Applications of Fresnel’s Biprism
Determination of fringe width
When the fringes are observed in the field of view of the eyepiece, the
vertical cross wire is made to coincide with the centre of one of the
fringes. The position of the eyepiece is read on the scale, say X0 .The
micrometer screw of the eyepiece is moved slowly and the number of
the bright fringes N that pass across the cross-wire is counted. The
position of the cross-wire is again read, say .The fringe width is then
given by

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