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Detailed Lesson Plan in English-2

I Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify action words
b. Determine the use of verbs and
c. Construct sentence using common verbs.

II Subject Matter

Topic: Verbs
Reference: Third Edition English This Way 2
Author: Erlita T. Perez
Pages: 94-100
Materials: Pictures, Flash Cards and Visual Aids
Values: Cooperation

III Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

A. Prayer

Let us all stand and pray In the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit Amen!

B. Greetings

Good morning Class! Good morning Sir Mark!

You may now take your seats. Thank you Sir Mark.

C. Review

Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes, Teacher!

What is it all about? Demonstrative Pronoun

Very good!
What are Demonstrative Pronouns? These

Very good!

B. Developmental Activities
a. Motivation

Do you have a Favourite Cartoon Character? Yes, Teacher!

Who is your favourite Cartoon Character?

Yes, Harl? SpongeBob, Teacher!

How about you, Sarah? Power puff girls, Teacher!

I also have here my favorite cartoon character:

Yes, Teacher!
Do you want to meet them?

His name is Phineas and Ferb.

Hi, Phineas and Ferb!
Say Hi to Phineas and Ferb!
Yes, Teacher!
Would you like to hear a story about Phineas?

The story is entitled “The outer space

adventure of Phineas and Ferb” One day, While
they were sitting at their yard Phineas and Ferb,
had a strange Idea, they Plan to a big rocket,
which they will be using to go to the Moon.
When they finally got to the moon their
excitement brought them to jump vigorously.
Phineas and Ferb had a great time playing in
outer space. They sing a lullaby, they Dance
energetically and also they run all over the
different regions of the moon. The two boys
had wonderful experience playing together.
That’s why Phineas and Ferb felt tired. At that
point, They decided to back to their house and
take a rest. The end. Yes, Teacher!

Phineas and Ferb, Teacher!

b. Presentation
At the moon, Teacher!
Did you understand the story?
They play, Teacher!
Who are the Characters of the story?

Where did they go?

What did they do in the moon?

Very good!

They jump, Teacher!

c. Discussion

Let’s go back to the story. What do Phineas and They sing, Teacher!
Ferb does first in the moon, when they arrived?

Very good After that, what are the activities

they do all over the moon? They dance, Teacher!
Yes, Kurt? They run, Teacher!

Very good!

What else Very good! Jumping

And lastly? Dancing
Very good!
The pictures show actions.
What are the activities they do?

Action words, Teacher!

What have you noticed on the pictures?

Very good! Verbs, Teacher!

What do you mean by those words?

Very good! Verbs are words that show action.

What do you call the words that show action?

Very good!
Eating, Teacher!
What do we mean by verbs?

Very good!

Who can give me an example of a verb?

Walking teacher!
Yes, Gian?

Very good!
Talking, Teacher!
What else?

Yes, Danah?

Very good!
Yes, Teacher!
Another? Yes, Vincent?
None. Teacher
Very good!

Did you now understand Verbs?

Are there any questions about verbs?

d. Application Yes, Teacher!

We are going play Word hunting, I will group
you into five (5). All you have to do is to
search for the words inside the word hunt as I Cry
give you clues for every word that you are
going to look for. Laugh

Is that clear?
Let’s start!
1. What did you do when you’re very sad?
2. What did you do when you see something

3. What did you do when you’re in a hurry?

Verbs are words that show action.
4. What did you do when you see a book?

5. What did you do when you’re hungry?

Verbs, Teacher!
e. Generalization

Let us see if you really understand the lesson.

What are Verbs?

Very good!

What do we call to the word that shows


Very good!

IV Evaluation
Fill in each Blank with the correct verb from Isulat ang T kung tama ang pahayag at M
the box. naman kung ito ay mali

Push Playing Swims Throw 1. Matanda man o bata ay kabilang sa

Write komunidad
2. Mahalaga ang komunidad asa bawat tao
3. Ang komunidad ay tirahan ng mga
1. The swimmers __________ in the pool. pangkat ng tao.
2. The boy __________ his name. 4. Gawin mo ang nais mo at huwag
3. The runners’ ________ around the oval intindihin ang nasa paligid ng iyong
tracks. komunidad.
4. The Basketball player _______ the ball. 5. Kailangan magkaisa ang tao sa
5. The girl is _______ her doll. komunidad.

V. Assignment

Construct five (5) sentences using common

Detailed Lesson Plan in English-3

I Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. recognize the use of interrogative pronoun
b. form correct questions with interrogative pronoun
c. appreciate the use of interrogative pronoun in our daily life

II Subject Matter
Topic: Using Interrogative Pronoun
Reference: Crossing Boundaries through English 3
By Teresita Arcos-Surot, p153
Materials: Books and Manila Paper

III Procedures
Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity
I. Preliminary Activity

A. Pre-Assessment Activity
1. Prayer Heavenly Father.
Before we start may I ask Aica to lead a

2. Greetings Good Morning Teacher. Thank you.

Good morning class. You may now take your
Yes Ma’am.
3. Checking of attendance.
Is everybody’s present?
It’s about pronoun.
4. Review Pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun
What is our lesson yesterday? or noun phrase.
What is pronoun? I, you, we, they, its Yes. It’s asking questions /
What are the examples of pronoun?

Can we move on to our next

B. Motivation
I will divide the class into four. Each group
will pick a piece of paper and answer the
question written in the paper. Look at the
underline words inside the paper. What have
you notice?

C. Presentation
Let us read the MOTHER & SON
DIALOGUE. I am going to read a part of a
mother and you read the part of the son.
Son: I know, mom, but I don't like school and
classes are boring.

Mother: Son, it's time to go to school.

Son: Why do I have to graduate? What's the
Son: I know, mom, but I don't like school and point? I know lots of people who don't like
classes are boring. studying.

Mother: I know what you mean, dear, bit I do

want you to graduate.
Son: Like who?
Son: Why do I have to graduate? What's the
point? I know lots of people who don't like

Mother: I know what you mean, dear, but it

seems to me that it's better to graduate than not
graduate. Many people who studied hard at Son: What did they learn in school?
school and got good school records became

Son: Like who?

Son: You don't know, mother, do you? Any
Mother: Well, let's see, for example, big case, I don't want to be a president, or famous
company presidents, prime ministers, famous or what.
baseball players and actors.

Son: What did they learn in school?

Mother: I'm not sure, Son, but they studied Son: Don't know yet, want to be kind, loved by
hard. everybody, especially beautiful girls.

Son: You don't know, mother, do you? Any

case, I don't want to be a president, or famous
or what.
Son: Ok, I will. By the way, mother, what did
Mother: Dear, what do you want to be when you study at school?
you become an adult?

Son: Don't know yet, want to be kind, loved by

everybody, especially beautiful girls.

Mother: I know what you mean; love affairs

are very exciting and fun but in order to have
them you need to study very hard. Son: I know, mom, but I don't like school and
Son: What do I have to study for that? Mother: classes are boring.
I'm not sure, Son, let me think...I have a great
idea. Please talk to your teacher next time you
see her.

Son: Ok, I will. By the way, mother, what did Son: Mother, don't misunderstand me, I want
you study at school? to be loved by everybody not just girls.

Mother: That's a very good question, dear, I'm Son: I know, mother, but I still don't like
not sure I can answer that but it was fun to go school.
because there were a lot of handsome boys
who chased me. I was very busy.

The son is always asking question to his

Son: Mother, don't misunderstand me, I want mother.
to be loved by everybody not just girls.
It’s about asking questions.
Mother: Oh, I'm so sorry; you're wonderful,
always thinking about others. It's a great
ambition and I know you'll graduate one day.

Son: I know, mother, but I still don't like

Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that ask
What do you observe about the dialogue? questions. Example of these are what, who,
which, how, why, when, and where. They are
What do you think about our lesson for today? used to begin the questions.

Alright, let’s find out. .

What is an interrogative pronoun? Kindly read
What is your name?
What are you doing?
Interrogative pronouns are:
What is ask for persons, animals and things in

What`s the point?
What did they learn from school? Which color do you want? Black or white?
What do you want to be when you Which country you want to visit? Japan or
become an adult? India?

Class, Can you give me an interrogative

pronoun that begins with what?

Which is ask for persons, animals and things

from a limited numbers?

Which language you are compatible to speak Who is your sister?
of? English or Filipino? Who are you?
Which is pet would you like to have? Who is the owner of the school?
Dog or Cat?

Class, Can you give me an interrogative

pronoun begins with which?

Who is asking for persons

Where are you going?
Where is my bag?

Who is she talking to?
Who is your teacher?

Class, Can you give me an interrogative

pronoun begins with who?
When is the party`s happen?
Where is ask for places When is your vacation?

Where is my money?
Where is your mother?

Class, can you give me an interrogative

pronoun begins with Where
Why are you late?
When is asks for dates/days. Why are you here?

When is your birthday?
When is the Christmas party?

Class, can you give me an interrogative How to wash your hands properly?
pronoun begins with when. How to solve the puzzle?
Why is asks for a reasons.

Why do I have to graduate?
1. What
Class, can you give me an interrogative 2. Why
pronoun begins with why 3. Where
4. Who
How is asks for steps or instructions. 5. When
6. Which
Examples: 7. How
How did you do that?
How to bake a cake?

Class, can you give me an interrogative Interrogative pronouns.

pronoun begins with how No Yes it is.

For us to gather information.

Again, what are the seven interrogative
pronouns? Yes it is.

1. What To understand the thing that we want to know.

2. Why
3. Where
4. Who
5. When
6. Which
7. How

D. Generalization

What are uses in asking questions?

If we don’t use interrogative pronouns, can
you understand everything? 1. Where
Is it important to ask questions? 2. Who
Why? 3. What
Is interrogative pronouns use in our daily 4. How
lives? 5. Which
Why? 6. When
7. Why
8. Who
E. Application 9. Which
Fill in the blanks with proper interrogative 10. What
pronouns to complete each sentence below. 11. Who
Choose the proper interrogative pronoun inside 12. Where
the box. 13. How

What Which When

Where Who Why

1. ________ do you work?

2. ________ are you waiting for?
3. ________ kind of film do you like?
4. ________ many pupils do you have?
5. Tea or coffee, ______ would you like?
6. ________ is the periodical test?
7. ________ don’t you want coffee?
8. ________ are you?
9. ________ car is yours?
10. ________ is your dog’s name?
11. ________ is going to be a first honor?
12. ________ is your car?
13. ________ is that thing happened?

IV. Evaluation
(Answer exercise 1 on page 154 in your book.)

Exercise 1
Underline the proper interrogative pronoun in
the parenthesis to complete each sentence

1. (How, Why, What) did they go there?

2. (Who, Which, What) did the children do?
3. (Who, What, Which) cook the porridge?
4. (What, Who, Why) did the children become
5. (Who, Where, What) did the children find
the old man?
6. (What, Which, How) lesson did you learn
from the story?
7. (How, Why, Where) were the children
thankful to the old man?
8. (Who, What, Which) of the children decided
to open the gate?
9. (Why, When, How) did the old man treat his
neighbours when he got well?
10. (How, Why, Where) did the old man feel
sorry about his attitude before?

V. Assignment

Answer the exercise 2 on page 154-156 in your


Credits to the owner

Jane Basto
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6

I Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the singular and plural form nouns
b. Value the importance of knowing
c. Write the plural form of nouns

II Subject Matter
Topic: Forming the Plural of Nouns
Reference: Language for you and me, by Cada etal page 46-47
Materials: Pictures, Flash cards and Visual Aids

III Procedure

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

A. Preparatory activity

Prayer (Students will pray)

Class, let us all stand and put ourselves in the
presence of the Lord as we pray.

Greetings Good morning, teacher

Good morning, class.

Checking of attendance
Nobody is absent, teacher.
Is there any absent for today’s class?
Very good!

Perfect attendance

Class Agreement
As we go on to our formal and very interesting
discussion I want you to know first that we
have an agreements that should be followed:
1. Sit properly
2. Listen and participate to the discussion Yes, teacher
3. Raise your right hand if you want to Ask
question and clarification.
Nouns are words that name a person, a place,
or a thing.
B. Review

We had already finished discussing about Concrete nouns are nouns that can be seen and
nouns. Before we move on to the next topic, let touched.
us have a recall of what are the nouns?

Some nouns are concrete nouns.

What are the concrete nouns? Emmabelle? Abstract nouns are nouns that name concept
and ideas.

Very good Emmabelle.

There are also nouns known as abstract nouns.
What is the abstract noun?
Yes, Rhea Mae?

Very good Rhea Mae. Those are cookies, teacher.

C. Motivation
That is a cookie!
I brought something with me today. (The
teacher will hold up plate of cookies.)
The first answer included all the cookies, and
What is on the plate?
the second was just one of the cookies.
(Teacher will hold up one cookie and ask.)
What is this?
It is the letter “s”, teacher.
What is the difference between your first and
second answer? Yes Jorge?

Very good Jorge.

You are right! The first answer has what letter

at the end that made it more than one?

A word that tells about more than one item is a

plural word. When we said “cookie” without
the “s” it was singular, just one. The first picture is a key while the other one are

D. Development of the lesson

The first picture is an apple while the other one
Presentation are apples.

The teacher will show pictures of:

Key and keys The first picture is a leaf while the other one
are leaves.

Apple and apples The first picture is a lady while the other one
are ladies.

Leaf and leaves

Lady and ladies

What can you say in the picture?

Very good.
The picture shows the forms of the nouns.
The plural form of the word school is schools.

Most nouns forms their plural by adding –s or –

es. Other nouns form their plural irregularly.
Here are the rules in forming the plural of
1. Most nouns form their plural by adding –s.
Ex. Nation – nations How about the word
Yes, Lilian?

Very good Lilian. The plural form of the word church is churches.

2. For nouns that ends in s, ss, ch, and x Simply

add –es.
Ex: gas – gasses
Glass – glasses
Box – boxes The plural form of the word sky is skies.
Dish - dishes

How about the word church?

Yes, Jeckin?

Very good Jeckin.

The plural form of the noun joy is joys.
3. For nouns that end in y preceded by a
consonant, change y to I and add –es.
Ex: pony – ponies
How about the noun sky?
Yes, Aya?

Very good Aya.

The plural form of the word tomato is
4. For nouns that ends in y, preceded by a tomatoes.
vowel, simply add –s.
Ex: monkey – monkeys
How about the noun joy?
Yes, Rotchelle?

Very good Rotchelle.

5. For some nouns ending in o, add only –s.

Ex: contralto – contraltos
Cameo - Cameos
The plural form of the noun safe is safes
For some, add –es.
Ex: hero – heroes
How about the noun tomato?
Yes, Stephanie?

Very good Stephanie.

6. For nouns ending in f or fe, change f or fe

too ve and add –es.
Ex. Shelf – shelves
Wife – wives The plural form of the noun mouse is mise.
There are few exemption. Some merely add –s.
Ex: roof – roofs
Belief – beliefs
dwarf -dwarfs
How about the noun safe?
Yes, leah?

Very good leah. The plural form of the noun swine is also
7. There are a few common and highly
irregular plural.
Ex: ox – oxen
man – men
tooth – teeth
child – children
woman – women
How about the mouse? The plural form of the noun stimulus is stimuli.
Yes Jimboy?

Very good Jimboy.

8. There are also a few nouns that have the

same foerm for the singular and plural.
Ex: sheep – sheep We should learn to form the plural of nouns so
moose – moose that we can easily identify the number of nouns
deer – deer you are trying to refer, whether it is only one or
How about the noun swine? two or more.
Yes Carmina?

Very good Carmina.

9. Some foreign nouns form their plural as in We are going to add letter s, teacher.
the original language.
Ex: analysis – analyses
bacterium - bacteria
alumnus - alumni
How about the stimulus? We just simply add –s, teacher.
Yes Ailyn?
Very good Ailyn.

If you want to be sure of the correct plural

forms of nouns, consult a dictionary.
We are going to add –s, but some we are going
Valuing to add –es.

Why we should know how to form the plural

of nouns?
We are going to change f or fe to v and add es,
but there are exemption.


For most noun we only add what letter to form

their plural?
Yes Jocel?

Very good Jocel.

How about the nouns that end in y preceded by Rule number 1

a vowel?
Yes Pamela? Rule number 6
Very good Pamela. Rule number 1
Rule number 1
For nouns ending in O?
Yes, Cyril? Rule number 2

Very good Cyril.

How about for nouns ending in f or fe?

Yes, Marjorie?

- countries
Very good Marjorie. - lives
Application - leaves
- poems
Class, I will divide you into 4 groups and you -radios
will identify which rule number is the given - watches
word. Each group will write your answers in - echoes
the black side of the illustration board - oranges
provided. - geese






Direction: In a ½ crosswise copy these nouns

and give the plural forms:

1. Country
2. Life
3. Leaf
4. Poem
5. Radio
6. Watch
7. Echo
8. Orange
9. Goose
10. Roof


Direction: Copy these sentences in your

notebook then circle the correct form of noun.

1. A (mother, mothers) knows what’s best for

her children.
2. (Monkeys, Monkies) act like human beings.
3. Filipinos are multicultural thus, we have
different (beliefs, believes)
4. The Philippines known for its beautiful
(beach, beaches)
5. (Headlines, Headline) make me want to read
the whole news.
6. There are (drugs store, drugstores) which
stay open for 24 hours.
7. I have to solve (crosswords, crossword)
8. Keep (knife, knives) out of children’s reach.
9. I am afraid of (oxen, oxens).
10. I collect old (pennys, pennies) as a hobby.

Credits to the owner

#11 Jason E. Digal
#24 Judelyn F. Mayol

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

I Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the elements of short story
b. create a story map ; and
c. value everything on its own value

II Subject Matter
Topic: Elements of Short Story
Material: Pictures, Flash cards and Visual Aids

III Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity
a. Prayer

Let us all stand and pray In the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit Amen

b. Greetings

Good morning Class! Good morning Teacher Dess! Good morning

Teacher Cha! Good morning classmates!
c. Checking of Attendance

Now, let us check the attendance, row leaders,

do we have absentees today?
I’m glad to report that everybody is present in
Row 1. our row

Row 2 I’m glad to report that everybody is present in

our row

Row 3 I’m glad to report that everybody is present in

our row

Row 4 I’m glad to report that everybody is present in

our row

d. Review

Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes, Teacher!

What is it all about? Demonstrative Pronoun

Very good!

What are Demonstrative Pronouns? This

Very good! Those
Did I give you an assignment? Yes Teacher!

What was it? Define the following:

What is short story?
Very good!

Okay everybody pass your assignment in front.

Yes, Teacher!
b. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

Do you have a favorite animal?

Yes, Teacher!
What is your favorite animal?

Yes, Ana? Dog, Teacher!

How about you, Sarah? Cat, Teacher!
I also have here my favorite animals:

Do you want to meet them? Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!

They are Lion and Mouse. Would you like to
hear a story about the Lion and the Mouse?

Before I will tell the story, what are our rules Seat properly
when teacher is going to tell a story in front? Hands on the desk
Do not talk
Pay attention
Listen carefully

Very good!

The Story is entitled

“The Lion and The Mouse”

A lion was sleeping in a forest. A mouse

started playing on it. The lion was disturbed and
arose from his sleep. It caught up the mouse
angrily and tried to crush it to death.

Then the mouse prayed the lion to leave him off

and assured that it would help him when it
needed. The lion laughed at it and let him off.

One day the lion was caught in a net spread by

a hunter. It roared and tried to escape but in
vain. The mouse heard the lion's roaring and
came there. It started cutting the net with its
teeth. The lion escaped and thanked the mouse.
Yes, Teacher!
2. Activity

Did you understand the story?

Very good!
Now, I will group you into 4 groups. By rows.

Before I will give you the task, what are our

rules in doing our activities?

Very good!

I have here an envelope. Inside the envelope are

materials that you are going to use to create a
story map. I will give you 10 minutes to finish
the activity.

After ten minutes group leaders will post your

work in the board and I will be checking your
story map.

Okay, row 1 to 4 group leaders get your

envelope here in front. And you may start

(Teacher checks the work of the students after

ten minutes.) A character is a person, or sometimes even an
animal, who takes part in the action of a short
3. Abstraction story.
As I remember I have ask you to research
something. The Lion and the Rat.

Did I? Get your notes.

What is character?

Yes, Rose

The time and place in which the story happens.

From the story that I have shared a while ago,
who are the Characters of the story?

Yes, Abby!

Very good! In the forest Teacher!

What is setting?

Yes, John!

A series of events in the story.

In the story, where was the story happen?

Yes, Kyle!
The lion caught up the mouse and tried to crush
Very good! it to death.

What is plot? The Lion was caught in the net spread by the
Yes, Aileen!
What did the Lion do to the Rat when he wakes
up? Yes, Teacher!

Yes, Ana! Cutting the net with his teeth

Very good!
Yes, Teacher!
What happen to the Lion in the Forest?

Yes, Val!

Very good!
We must value even the little one. One day they
Did the Rat help the Lion? will be helpful to us.

How did the Rat help the Lion?

Did the Lion escape?

What have you learn from the story?

Yes, Janice!

Very good!
Yes, Teacher!

Be quiet Listen to the instruction

Be cooperative
4. Application
Do it well
We are going play Word hunting; you will be
group according to your rows, so we have four
groups. All you have to do is to search for the
words inside the word box as I give you clues
for every word that you are going to look for.
Is that clear?

Before I will give you the task, what are our Setting
rules in doing our activities?

Very good! Plot

Let’s start! Short Story

1. a person, or sometimes even an animal, who

takes part in the action of a short story

2. The time and place in which the story


3. A series of events in the story.

4. Brief and narrative written story
5. Assessment

Get 1 whole sheet of paper. Plot

Copy and answer the following. Identify the
elements of short story ask in the statement.
Short Story
Plot Character Short Story


1. Person or sometimes animal that act in the


2. Series of events in the short story.

3. The place or time where the event or story


4. A brief narration of story.

6. Assignment

Read the short story; the three little pigs in your

English book, pages 102 and 103 and make a
story map.

Credits to the owner

Rodessa Marie P. Canillas
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

I Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. state the rule of Subject-Verb agreement
b. sustain interest in Subject-Verb agreement; and
c. construct their own sentence using the Subject-Verb agreement

II Subject Matter
Topic: Subject-Verb Agreement
Reference: Communication Values English II; Dadufaliza, Dela Rosa pp 45-4
Materials: Visual Aids, Chalk Board

III Procedure

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity


Class, let us all stand and put ourselves in the (Student’s will pray)
presence of the Lord as we pray.

Good morning, ma’am.
Good morning, class.

Checking of Attendance
Nobody is absent, ma’am.
Is there any absent for today’s class?

Very good!

Perfect attendance.

B. Review of the Past Lesson

The two basic parts of the sentence are the
We have already finished discussing about subject and predicate.
Reference of Pronouns. Before we move on
to the next topic, let us have a recall of what
are the basic parts of a sentence. The subject may be a noun or pronoun; the
predicate may be an adjective but most of the
time it is a verb.

The subject is the one being talked about while

the predicate tells the action of the subject or
How are the subject and predicate related to action given to the subject.
each other?

Correct. The reason why I asked you about

the subject and the verb is that our topic for
today is all about the Subject – Verb
Agreement and the rules that govern it.

There are seven rules which govern Subject –

Verb Agreement. I will tell you each of the
rules and give an example. Afterwards, you
will give your own example.
(The students will write their answers on a half
C. Motivation pad paper for two minutes)

Before anything else, I would like you to

write ten verbs.

Very good! Now, we will discuss all those

verbs as we move on with the lesson.

D. Presentation

Remember class that verbs, unlike nouns,

have the S-form of the word for the singular
form and the base form for its plural form.
Please take a look at the example.
S-form(singular): S-form(singular)
Sings, dances, writes, eats Notices, smells, looks,
Base Form(plural)
Sing, dance, write, eat Base Form(plural)
Notice, smell, look
Give some more examples

Very good. Now we will move on with

thelesson regarding the rules on the Subject –
Verb Agreement.

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs.

Plural subjects take plural verbs.

Envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide. Miley Cyrus attends the Academy Awards.
(singular) (singular)
Percy and Annabeth are one of the characters of
We recognize our own rejected thoughts. The Lightning Thief. (plural)

Now, give me your own example.

2. The verb agrees only with its subject.

Words between subject and verb do not affect
the number of the subject. (intervening

Example: One of the obstacles of self-reliance is

The luster of the firmament of bards and conformity.
sages dazzles people.

Notice that although the intervening words

are in plural form, both the subject and the
verb are in singular form.

Now, give your own example.

3. The words some, all, most, any are singular

when they refer to quantity or a collection
taken as one. On the other hand, they are All of the dish was done by my Logan.
plural when they refer to a number or a Any of the students are allowed to participate.
collection taken as several items. (number)
Example: Most of the work was begun by
original thinkers. (quantity)

Some of the ideas exposed by Emerson were

misunderstood. (number)

Now, give your own example.

4. A compound subject joined by and takes a The actress and the model are going to have a
plural verb. When they referred to as one unit, movie together. (separate units)
it takes singular verb.

Example: Peanut butter and jelly is her favourite. (as one

Conformity and consistency are two obstacles unit)
of self-reliance. (separate units)

The writer and the lecturer of great renown

was a speaker at Harvard. (one unit)

Now, give your own example.

Jon, along with the other students thinks of

pursuing a science career.

Very good class! There is a good chance of thunderstorms in

Metro Manila today.
Before we continue our discussion with the
three remaining rules, let us first have some
fun. Hannah is one of the office workers who still
E. Application: attends classes.

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Jon, along with the other students, (think,

thinks) of pursuing a science career.

2. There (is, are) a good chance of

thunderstorms in Metro Manila today.

3. Hannah is one of the office workers who

still (attend, attends) classes.

F. Generalization

Singular subjects take singular verb; plural

subjects take plural verb.

The verb agrees only to its subject.

Intervening words do not affect the number of
the subject.

Some, all, most, and any are singular when

they refer to a quantity. They are plural when
they refer to a number.

A compound subject joined by and takes

plural verb. When the compound subject
refers to one unit, it takes singular verb.

IV. Evaluation

If the sentence is grammatically correct, write

C before the number. If there is an error in
subject-verb agreement, write the correct
form of the verb.

1. The date and the place of the Girl Scouts’

Jamboree has been set.
2. The photographs in the yearbook are her
3. One of todays’s English lessons are not
easy to comprehend. Yes, ma’am.
4. The president, with his cabinet, is going to
the luncheon meeting. Yes. Ma’am, you only stated four riles but you
5. Are you aware that the sale of the tickets said earlier that there are seven rules regarding
have started? the subject-verb agreement. What about the
6. The decision of the director stand. remaining three rules?
7. Everyone on these islands are very
friendly. Like an assignment or homework?
8. On the beach, Jackson sings.
9. The child looks at the picture inside the
10. Beneath these buildings are an
underground stream.
1. Have 6. Stands . (Students will say goodbye and will clean the
2. C 7. Is room.)
3. Is 8. C
4. C 9. C
5. Has 10. Is

V. Assignment

Now, was the topic clear class?

Any questions about the topic?

Well, that is for you to find out.

Yes, here’s what you are going to do.

1. Write examples for each of the first four

rules of the subject-verb agreement.
2. Give the three remaining rules and give
examples for each of the remaining rules.

Put your answers on your notebook.

Credits to the owner:

Maria Monica M. Angeles

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