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Nama Program Studi : Doktor Ilmu Manajemen

Nama Matakuiah : Manajemen Pemasaran Lanjut

Kode Matakuliah : MJ 802
Bobot SKS : 3 SKS
Jenjang : S-3
Semester :1
Nama Dosen : Prof. Dr. H. Agus Rahayu, MP
Dr. Vanessa Gaffar, SE. Ak, MBA

Minggu/ Topik Bahan Kajian/Materi Ajar

Pert ke
4 Silabus Perkuliahan: Pendahuluan:
September Materi perkuliahan  Pembahasan silabus
2021 / 1  Tata tertib perkuliahan
 Evaluasi perkuliahan
11 STRATEGIC  Market Driven Strategy
September MARKETING:  Corporate, Business and Marketing
2021 / 2 Introduction of Market-Driven Strategy
Strategy  Challanges of New Era of Strategic
 Cases
18 MARKETS, SEGMENTS  Markets and Strategies
September AND CUSTOMER VALUE:  Matching Needs with Product Benefits
2021 / 3 - Analysis Situation  Describing and Analyzing End Users
Marketing  Analyzing Competition
- Strategic Marketing  Market Size Estimation
Segmentation  Developing a Strategic Vision About the
 Cases
 Levels and Type of Market
 Market-Driven Strategy and
 Activities and Decisions in Market
 Segmentation
 Defining the Market to Be Segmented
 Identifying Market Segments
 Forming Market Segments
 FinerSegmentation Strategies
 Selecting the Segmentaton Strategies
 Cases

25 DESIGNING MARKET –  Market Targeting Strategy

September DRIVEN STRATEGIES  Targeting in Different Marketing
2021 / 4 - Market Targeting  Environments
- Strategic Positioning  Positioning Strategy
 Developing the Positioning Strategy
 Determining Positioning Effectiveness
7 Oktober - Strategic Relationships  The Relationle for Inteorganizational
2021 / 5 Relationships
 Forms of Organizational Relationships
 Managing Interorganizational
 Global Relationships Among

14 Oktober - Innovation and New Product  Innovation as a Customer Driven

2021 / 6 Strategy Process
 New Product Planning
 Ide Generation
 Screeming, Evaluating and Business
 Product and Process Development
 Marketing Strategy and Market Testing
 Commercilazation
 Variations in the Generic New Product
 Planning Process
21 Oktober MARKET DRIVEN  Strategic Brand Management
2021 / 7 PROGRAM  Strategic Brand Analysis
DEVELOPMENT  Brand Equity Measurement and
- Strategic Brand Management
Management  Brand Identity Strategy
 Managing Brand Strategy
 Managing the Brand Portofolio
 Brand Leveraging Strategy


2021 / 8
6 November - Value Chain Strategy  Strategic Role of Value Chain
2021 / 9  Channel Strategy
 Managing the Channel
 International Channels

13 - Pricing Strategy  Strategic Role of Price

November  Analyzing the Pricing Situation
2021 / 10  Slecting the pricing Strategy
 Determining Specific Prices and Policies
20 - Promotion, Advertising and  Promotion Strategy
November Sales Promotion Strategies  Advertising Strategy
2021 / 11 - Sales Force, Internet and  Sales Promotion Strategy
Direct Marketing Strategies  Sales Force Strategy
 Internet Strategy
 Direct Marketing Strategies
27 IMPLEMENTING AND  Trend in Organization Design
November MANAGING MARKET-  Organizing for Market Driven Strategy
2021 / 12 DRIVEN STRATEGIES  Marketing Departements
- Designing Market Driven  Structuring Marketing Resoruces
Organization  Organizing for Global Marketing and
- Marketing Strategy Global Customers
Implementation and Control  The Strategy Marketing Planning
 Implementing the Strategic Marketing
 Strategic Marketing Evaluation and
 Marketing Performance Measurement
 Global Issues for Planning,
Implementation and Control
4 Desember Service Dominant Logic  Service Dominant Mindest
2021 / 13  Root and Heritage
 Axioms and Foundational Premises
 Service of a Guiding Framework
 It’s All about Actor to Actor
 The Nature, Scope and Integration of
 Collaboration
 Service Ecosystem
 Strategic Thinking
11 Consumer Culture Theory  Consumption and Identity
Desember  Marketplace Cultures
2021 / 14  The Socio-historic Paternity of
 The Ideological Shopping of
Consumer Practices and
Consumer Co Creative
18 Mini Research
2021 / 15

Cravens, David W. and Nigel F. Piercy, 2013, Strategic Marketing, 10th Edition, International Edition,
McGraw-Hill, Boston. New York.Marketing Management

Day, George S. 2012. The Market Driven Organization: Understanding, Attracting and Keeping
Valuable Customers. The Free Press
Eric J. Arnould and Craig J. Thompson. 2018. Consumer Culture Theory. SAGE.

O.C. Ferrel and Michael D. Hartline. 2014. Marketing Strategic. South Western College – Gengage

Phillip Kotler and Kevin Keller. 2016. Marketing Management. Pearson

Phillip Kotler and Gary Armstrong. 2016. Principles of Marketing. Pearson

Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo. 2014. Service Dominant Logic: Premises, Perspectives,
Possibilities. Cambridge University Press

Shelby D. Hunt. 2014. Marketing Theory: Foundations, Controversy, Strategy and Resource
Advantage Theory. Routledge

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