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SME Annual Meeting

Feb. 28-Mar. 03, 2010, Phoenix, AZ

Preprint 10-033


E. Bakhtavar, Urmia Univ. of Tech., Urmia, Iran

F. S. Namin, Zanjan Univ., Zanjan, Iran
K. Shahriar, Amirkabir Univ. of Tech., Tehran, Iran
K. Oraee, Univ. of Stirling, Stirling, UK


It is considered that the most economical method for the The main idea of the utilized method [7] was concluded from the
exploitation of Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 iron ore mine is to combine open-pit algorithm of Nilsson, which was initially introduced in 1982 and then in
and underground methods. In this regard, the most critical problem is 1992 [8, 9]. In order to reduce the shortcomings of the Nilsson
the determination of optimal final pit depth. In this paper, a method algorithm and to accomplish some modifications, a number of essential
which was recently introduced on the basis of economical block requirements were added to the algorithm, for instance, to take into
models of open-pit and underground is used to determine optimal final consideration to a suitable crown pillar. The target of the model can be
open-pit depth of Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 mine with due regards to the achieved by comparison between the obtained values of various
future underground mining option. Considering a low cost and scenarios of combined mining.
productive underground method as a feasible alternative for extraction
of the lower part of this deposit, room and pillar was selected. It is The new method seek to find an optimal transition depth from
concluded that after the assessment and comparison of different open-pit to underground option including maximum profit through both
values for depth, optimal final open-pit depth was determined to be open-pit and underground In the method, it is necessary to install a
equal to 285 m. long range mining plan for deposits. In this instance, the future pit
volume has been split up into several level-cuts as means of
INTRODUCTION contemplating extraction sequence.
Open-pit method is usually considered to be more favorable and Considering and below each level-cut, an underground option can
dominant than underground method, particularly as regards recovery, be included, but after to bear in mind the most effective crown pillar. At
production capacity, mechanizability, grade control and cut off grade, most, a crown pillar with a height as a multiple of blocks height
ore loss and dilution, economics, and safety. While, underground considering the selected underground mining method and geotechnical
mining can be considered as being more acceptable from investigations must be contemplated. Each alternative comprises three
environmental and social point of view, with a smaller footprint than an elements are: open-pit level-cuts (independent pit), underground level-
open-pit of comparable capacity. cuts (underground lay-out), and a crown pillar between them.
It is remarkable that when an ore deposit changes much in The main part of the present method is associated with decision
geometry along the strike, especially at the end of the deposit, the making and selection a combined mining scenario encompasses
stripping ratio will be too large in the case that the deposit is entirely maximum NPV. Then, the final pit depth in relation to the selected
mined by open-pit method. In this regard, it is more suitable to mine scenario is taken into account as an optimum transition depth.
the deposit by combined method; that is to say, the end part of the ore
body should be mined by underground method. In the case, the most GOL-E-GOHAR AREA 3 IRON ORE
important question emerges: where is the optimal final depth for General description of the site
changing over from open-pit to underground mining? The Gol-e-Gohar iron ore complex (including six Areas) is located
Finding the optimal final open-pit depth considering the combined approximately 60 km southwest of Sirjan city, in the Kerman province
mining has been recently specified as a new challenge for mining of Iran (Fig. 1). The Area 3 zone is approximately 1730 meters above
engineers and the related mines. Some of the biggest open-pit mines sea level in an area of planar desert topography. The Area 3 ore body
worldwide will be achieving their final open-pit limits during the next 10 is generally of tabulate form with an area covering approximately 2200
to 15 years [1]. There are also many mines planning to change from m in the N-S direction and nearly 3.5 km west of the centre of the
open-pit to underground mining due to increasing the extraction depth presently mined Area 1 ore body. The closest approach of the two ore
and environmental considerations [2]. In this regard, block/panel bodies is approximately 1 km [10].
caving will likely enable the operations as an underground method to It has been estimated that the Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 ore body has a
continue achieving a high production rate and low costs [3]. length of about 2200 m (N-S) and an average width of nearly 1800 m
Chuquicamata mine located in the northern part of Chile is a most (E-W). Overburden and waste rock above the ore zone varies from 95
famous one including combined of open-pit and black caving [4]. There to 560 m in thickness and the depth of the ore body varies from 95 m
are also several other open-pit mines were done, or are planning, or at the north end to 600 m at the southern end. Ore body thickness
are in the process of implementing, a transition to underground varies from 15 to 130 m with an average thickness of 40 m.
alternative. For instance, Palabora and Venetia in South Africa,
Bingham Canyon in USA, Mansa Mina in Chile, Mount Keith and Telfer The indicated resources have been estimated to be 496 Mt. In
in Australia [5], and Kiruna mine in Sweden [6]. addition, there is an inferred resource of 147 Mt. With a mining rate of
8.1 Mt/a, including 1.16% dilution, and an approximate extraction rate
The study highlights the determination of optimal final open-pit of 46.04% (with sill pillars in the selected room and pillar method), the
depth of Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 mine considering the future underground Area 3 ore body has a life of about 28 years, with a potential of another
mining option, using a methodology [7], which recently was introduced 8 years of operation.
in this regard.

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 28-Mar. 03, 2010, Phoenix, AZ

• Due to the potential height of the mining, multiple levels would be

required, separated by sill pillars.
• Due to the plunge of the ore body (approximately 20 degrees to
the south) and the potential for low friction contacts (gouge and
broken zones) between the ore zone and hanging wall / foot wall
rocks, it is assumed that pillars left in place will be continuous ribs
generally oriented in a N-S direction (i.e. along dip). This will
prevent the potential for sliding or toppling of the pillars down dip.
Based on the assumptions “room and pillar” mining option was
selected as the most suitable and desired underground method. Room
width is typically governed by rock structure and strength, and can
generally be determined independent of the other criteria. The room
width selected for Gol-e-Gohar is 10 m. The rock support required in
both ore and waste consists of bolts, screen and concrete (for waste).
The 10-m width allows the use of large two-boom jumbos, loaders and
allows trucks to be loaded at the face. Furthermore, pillar width and sill
pillar thickness will be 6.7 m and 10 m, respectively and pillar height
will vary from 60 m at 100-m depth to 9 m at 400 m depth. Under this
condition a 60% of ore extraction and recovery can be obtained.
Figure 1. Location of Gol-e-Gohar iron ore complex and Area 3 mine. Due to the depth of the ore body and the amount of overburden,
access must be via a vertical shaft from surface. During the hoist
Technical considerations of the open-pit option selection process, it was determined that three hoists, each with two
During the Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 open-pit design, in order to skips in balance, would be required to hoist 8.1 Mt of ore and 0.081 Mt
achieve the relatively high-production rate and large size mine of waste per year. A fourth hoist would be required for personnel and
equipment a bench height of 15 m has been selected. The 15-m bench materials. The shafts will be the main access to the ore body for
height coincides with the block height of 15 m used in the block model. personnel, materials and ventilation air, and provide for the hoisting of
The pit slopes used in the study are 45 degrees in ore and waste rock all ore and waste rock to surface. In order to meet these requirements
and 32 to 33 degrees in dry overburden, depending on the thickness of economically, it was decided to construct two shafts, namely, a
overburden. The slope angles include allowances for the haul road. production shaft and a service shaft. In addition to the two hoisting
Required cleaning of rocks off the final open-pit wall will be done by the shafts an exhaust ventilation shaft will also be required. The production
shovel during mining of each individual 15-m bench. If required, a shaft will be circular, concrete lined with a diameter of 6.71 m. this
dozer will be used for ripping at the toe, to ensure that the position of shaft will accommodate four 16.8-ton capacity skips. The service one
the wall is in accordance with the design [10]. will also be a circular, concrete lined shaft with a diameter of 7.62 m. It
A 2-m high safety berm which will occupy a width of 4 m was will accommodate two 16.8-ton capacity skips to be hoisted in balance
considered. Allowance is also made for a 2-m wide drainage ditch. The using a two-mounted-friction hoist, plus a cage and counterweight, also
total required width of the haul road is, therefore, 26 m with a grade of in balance, using a tower mounted-friction hoist. The exhaust
10%. The fleet of four shovels will be equipped with 9-m3 buckets for ventilation shaft will also be circular, concrete lined with a diameter of
use primarily in ore and 15-m3 buckets for use in overburden. In this 7.62 m. It will be equipped with two 2.8-m diameter, horizontal, axial
regard, during the production stage 13 to 29 hauling tracks with vane fans in parallel.
capacity of 136 ton will be required. It is essential to support the Two crusher stations have been located approximately 900 m
operations by using the mining support equipments such as: one wheel south of the shaft. Each crusher can crush 900 ton/hr with a discharge
dozer, four track dozers, two motor graders, one water truck, and etc. of 152 mm. Conveyor belts at the bottom of the crusher will transport
Four rotary blast hole drills can be provide the drilling the crushed ore to a 1000-ton bin that will discharge to an inclined
requirements. Production drilling of blast holes will be carried out by conveyor 1067-mm wide.
rotary drills capable of drilling 251 mm holes and will be suitable for A two-boom, electric-hydraulic drill jumbo will drill off a 10-m wide
drilling 15 m benches with 2 to 3 m of sub-drill. Also, burden by by 5.5-m high round from a single setup. Each 3.66-m long round will
spacing in ore as well as waste rock in dry and wet zones are 5.5m*7m consist of one hundred and third-one 45-mm diameter holes and break
and 5.5m*6m, respectively, whereas in relation to overburden are an average of 3.36 m. The jumbo crew will drill off one of these rounds
8m*10m and 8m*9m in dry and wet zones, respectively. Sub-drilling is per day. A crawler-mounted, Single-boom, electric hydraulic bench drill
1.5 m in ore and waste rock and 2.5 m in overburden. An allowance will drill 12.5-m long, 64-mm diameter holes on a 1.2-m by 1.4-m
has been made for re-drilling of 5% of the holes to compensate for burden and spacing pattern. The bench drill operator will drill six 11-m
locally poor ground conditions. long holes per shift. The top slice rounds will be pneumatically loaded
On an average, blasting will be carried out 3 to 4 times a week. It with ANFO prills and detonated with non-electric caps. Each bench
is estimated that one ANFO / emulsion truck will be required to meet hole will contain 1 m of water gel explosives followed by 8.5 m of
the demand. The mine will reach groundwater at elevation 1690 m. It is ANFO prills and 0.3 m of collar stemming materials. Powder factors will
assumed that all rock above the groundwater table can be blasted with be approximately 0.87 kg/m3 for top-cut blasting and 0.47 kg/m3 for
ANFO and that 50% of all rock below the groundwater table will be bench blasting.
blasted using slurry, while the remaining 50% will allow use of ANFO. Broken ore will be loaded into 50-ton trucks using 16-ton loaders.
Provisions have been made for a pump capable of pumping These trucks will haul a maximum of 500 m to one of the two crushers.
10000 m3 in 24 hours from a depth of 300 m. Simple ditches along pit A total of 17 trucks and 15 loaders working three shifts per day will be
rim perimeters will prevent runoff water from entering the pit. required to haul 25962 ton/day to the crushers.

Technical considerations of the underground option Economical considerations of the open-pit and underground
In order to assess the option of underground mining for this options
deposit, certain assumptions have been made to offer a low cost and A) Estimation of the annual incomes:
productive method for ore extraction. These assumptions are [10]: The actual production of the processing plant was determined to
• Backfilling of openings will not be economically viable; therefore be equal to 6 Mt/year considering a loss of 5% of concentrate to dust in
mining will be by room and pillar or open stoping methods. the plant. Therefore, in order to produce the actual targeted 6 Mt of
concentrate, the annual tonnage of processed ore will be in the range
2 Copyright © 2010 by SME
SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 28-Mar. 03, 2010, Phoenix, AZ

of 8.7 Mt. The price for concentrate is US$0.235 per Fe unit in Final open-pit depth considering the underground option
concentrate based on US$16/t at 68% Fe. The related data with the According to the method that is used to determine final open-pit
annual incomes achieved from open-pit and underground options is depth with considering to an underground option, it is first necessary
summarized in Table 1 [10]. identifying several scenarios of combined mining on the basis of the
benches height of 15-m in open-pit. Each scenario includes three
Table 1. Annual incomes achieving from open-pit and underground components of open-pit, a crown pillar, and underground. Crown pillar
mining. stability will be dependent on numerous parameters including rock
Characteristic Open-pit underground type, rook quality, rock strength, overburden depth, water influence, in-
Annual concentration (ton) 6000000 6000000 situ rock stress, and pillar geometry. At the north end of the ore body
Price of Fe unit (US$) 0.235 0.235 where the ore zone outcrops at bedrock surface, ore will have to be left
Annual income 96585000 96585000 as a crown pillar beneath approximately 100 m of overburden.

B) Estimation of the costs: Then, through the economical comparison between the scenarios,
the most profitable one can be selected and its final open-pit depth will
The operating costs are based on estimated productivity for each be the optimum transition depth for the case. It is notable that the main
type of mine equipment, on costs for consumables and maintenance assessment is done according to the constructed economical block
material and on the anticipated workforce. In this regard, the total models of open-pit and underground mining.
operating cost was estimated to be equal to 554.65 (US$ million).
As it shown in Fig. 3, with take into account a discount rate of
It is notable that here operating cost is divided into three groups of 12%, a net present value of 63 (US$ million) is achieved due to the
mining, processing, and general and administration. Among the related scenario of open-pit depth of 285 m. It means that the optimal
operating cost groups, processing cost as well as general and final open-pit depth considering the room and pillar mining to be equal
administration cost are the same in both open-pit and underground. An to 285 m achieving a 63 (US$ million) of net present value.
average process operating cost for Area 3 was estimated to be US
$3.00/ton per feed ore, based on a processing rate of 8.1 Mt/a of
undiluted ore resulting is 6 Mt/a of concentrate. In addition, general
and administration cost was estimated to be equal to 2.3 (US$
million/year). Therefore, the operating cost of processing plant for
open-pit and underground mining is calculated to be 26.17 and 24.7
(US$ million/year), respectively.
It is evident that with increasing open-pit depth and consequently
the removable waste rocks (stripping), stripping costs will be
increased. For the reason, ascendant trend of operating cost per each
tonnage of produced ore in regard to different open-pit mine sizes, is
assessed using whittle 4-X software (Fig. 2). As it is clear in Fig. 2, in
relation to an open-pit mine including 130 Mt of ore, mining operating
cost is US$2.28 per each tonnage of produced ore. This operating cost Figure 2. Mining operating costs of open-pit and underground.
is considered only during production years of open-pit, whereas, during
the three years of overburden removal, operating cost of mine is taken
into account to be equal to US$0.4 per each tonnage of overburden
removal. Therefore, before ore production and during development
stage mining cost will be 13.666 (US$ million/year). Generally, capital
cost of open-pit mining is determined regarding to the mine size. In this
relation, on the basis of an open-pit mine with maximum production
capacity of 130.87 Mt of ore capital cost is considered to be 100.712
(US$ million).
It was planned that a period of 4-years is essential for the
development and accessing to the desired ore deposit in the
underground mining. An estimation of the underground mine capital
cost and mine operating costs, in addition, the direct, underground
operating and maintenance labour requirements and the type, sizes
and number of major pieces of underground equipment has been
done. All estimates are in US dollars, using 2002 prices, and have an
error of estimate of 25%. A 15% contingency has been added to all Figure 3. Net present values of the combined mining scenarios with a
cost estimates. discount rate of 12%.
Capital costs are those costs incurred during the first years of CONCLUSION
construction and prior to mine production. The capital costs include:
124.962 (US$ million) for underground mobile mining equipment, 17.34 Due to the significance of determining the optimal open-pit depth
(US$ million) for miscellaneous mine equipment, 36.453 (US$ million) considering an underground option for Gol-e-Gohar Area 3 ore body,
for shaft development and installations, 33.119 (US$ million) for mine an effective method was used. In this regard, according to the benches
development, 2.2 (US$ million) for mine construction, 2.919 (US$ height of 15-m several scenarios of combined mining of open-pit and
million) for miscellaneous mine operating, 5.23 (US$ million) for staff room and pillar were initially considered. Then, with considering a
and labour. discount rate of 12% the related NPV of each scenario was
determined. After that, during an economical comparison between the
As it shown in Fig. 2, the total operating cost for direct operating scenarios, the most profitable one was selected. In this relation, the
and maintenance supplies and labour for stope and production optimal open-pit depth was assessed to be equal to 285 m, which
development, room and pillar mining has been estimated to be equal to achieves a total NPV of 63 (US$ million).
4.47 (US$/ton, Milled). Therefore, mining cost of the room and pillar
will be 36.9 (US$ million/year). On the basis of the room and pillar REFERENCES
mine with maximum production capacity of 122.455 Mt of ore capital
cost is considered to be 208.142 (US$ million). 1. Fuentes S. S. (2004), "Going to an underground (UG) mining
method", Proceedings of MassMin Conference, Santiago, Chile,
3 Copyright © 2010 by SME
SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 28-Mar. 03, 2010, Phoenix, AZ

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4 Copyright © 2010 by SME

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