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(2nd Quarter: Weeks 1-2)

Multimedia and ICT
Background Information

Multimedia is the heart of every presentation, website and online interface in the context of the 21st
century. It triggers the different senses to function well and catches the attention of the user which aims to
satisfy the audience through the use of different multimedia content like texts, music, photos or images,
interactive contents, animations, and videos.
The user experience serves as a tool to measure the usefulness of a product or service. It is his
behavior as a person towards the application or product that evaluates through his reaction while using the
For that reason, you, the learner, is encouraged to know and understand the connection of multimedia and
ICT. By knowing their connection, you can easily understand, assess and determine rich content of each
online application. And as a future developer of a multimedia application, this will give you the right
insights on how to create meaningful content.
Majority of the existing websites on the internet are interactive. The content can be modified based
on the preference of the users. It allows users to interact with the site even to comment or create their own
account. It also gives the user enough space such as file storage and let them use the web browser instead of
just using their site. There are some instances that there are ads that will flash on the screen of the website
that encourage the users to use and subscribe on it. Those are the promotional materials generated by the
web host and it is an example of a Web 3.0.
Types of Multimedia Content
Multimedia triggers the different senses to function well through the use of different multimedia contents
like texts, music, photos or images, interactive content, animations, and videos.

These are the following Multimedia Contents that you can see on an interactive website:
1. Videos – is a digital moving visual image generated through video hosting sites
(e.g., YouTube).

2. Sound, Music, or Audio – If you just want to listen in the plain speech, you can
always record a sound through your gadget and share it to the entire world. (e.g.,

3. Online Games – Most of the developers of online games has created

“Browser-based Games” today where you do not need to download and install in
your PC and it is playable online via browser (e.g., EverWing, Word Blitz, Piano

4. Online Tests – These are the online survey forms that automatically
tabulate and calculate the results when it’s done (e.g., Online IQ, and
Personality Test).

5. Courseware – is an alternative tool to educate learners through online

coaching. (e.g., Moodle Mobile).

6. Podcasts – A series of a digital audio files that is available on the internet for
downloading to desktops or mobile devices. (e.g., TED Talks)

7. Vodcasts – A series of videos streamed online that is available on the

internet for downloading to mobile devices. (e.g., YouTube series).

Uses of Multimedia in Different Fields

 Education – Multimedia plays a vital role on the learning process of the learners.
Multimedia content improves the learning process and motivate the students to
interact well in the class.

 Entertainment – The special effects and animations that are being applied in all
modern movies are the products of multimedia content. For that reason, there
have been a drastic evolution on the world of online games, majority of the online
games today that are highly interactive.

 Business – Many businesses integrate media content on their advertisement as their

marketing strategy to attract prospect clients or consumers.

 Medicine – The field of medicine integrates multimedia content to analyze

further their field of study and to train future doctors and practitioners easily
through visual presentation.

 Mathematics and Scientific Research – When we heard Mathematics and

Scientific research, we imagine that all the problems and issues related to them are
very difficult to analyze, understand, and solve. However, with the help of the
videos, models, and courseware, we can easily understand the methods used to
solve complex problems.

Government – Multimedia is very useful in all government agencies around the

Learning Competency:
world. They use multimedia to deliver information, procedures, and regulations
1. explorefrom
theone place to of
principles another.
interactivity and rich content in the context of Web 2.0 and the
participation of the user in the online experience
2. share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a social movement, change, or cause
to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship

Is your environmental advocacy campaign successful? It is a very challenging task
yet a fulfilling one to successfully create a website that supports a specific global issue.
This task is difficult especially if you do not have enough knowledge about the content
on how to create an interactive website (you may go back to previous modules on the
development of web page).

Using the two pictures below, compare and contrast the content of the two websites.
Write your observation inside the Venn diagram and answer the following questions

Figure 1 Figure 2

1. Which of the two websites has a professional look?

2. Which has more appealing content?
3. Which of the two websites offer an interactive interface?

Directions: Fill in the Blanks. Complete paragraph by choosing your answer on the box

Most of the websites integrate multimedia content to make their website more
appealing to the audience. It is one of the strategies of the developer to catch the
attention of the user and let the site visitors interact with each other on the website.
Multimedia content comprises of , , , , ,______,________.

The users may also use video hosting sites like YouTube to upload videos on your
blog post by simply copying the URL or the embedded code from the Embed tab in share


It is time to level up your skills in website designing by applying what you learned
from this module. Below are your tasks in creating your own interactive environmental
advocacy website. Make your website interactive by simply adding media content like
stylish texts, photos, audio and videos from different media application.

1. Create a homepage indicating a brief explanation about the content of the

2. Create a detailed flow of the content of your website.

3. Record a video showing your love and your personal contribution on the
rehabilitation of the environment.

4. Upload your video on YouTube then share it on your website.

Prepared by:

Bagabag National High School

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