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A IM S : Language related to: travel, timetables, countries, nationalities • Predicting answers

• Recognizing number formats and spellings • Form completion • Note completion

• Multiple-choice questions

Part 1: Vocabulary
Nations and nationalities

1 Quiz: Can you match these countries to the names in the box?

Egypt Malaysia Portugal Japan United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Nationalities are often formed by changing the endings of the names of countries.
Look at the examples in the table below.

Country + ending Nationality

Australia _n Australian
Egypt _ian Egyptian
Britain _ish British
Japan _ese Japanese
Pakistan _i Pakistani

8 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 1

Complete the following sentences about national airlines with the correct nationality.

1 Japan Airlines is a ........... ............... airline. Departure ^

2 Air China is a .................... ...... airline.
Arrival —^
3 Egyptair is a n ................... airline.
y Gaie (Gate \ - -ym
4 Emirates is a n .................. .........airline. ' 20 I 21 / |_/5( Customs control / '

5 TAP Portugal is a ............................airline.

* P -^ o o n .ro , 71
6 Malaysia Airlines is a ...... .....................airline
Terminal 1 —^ Gates 1-29 T I I I
Gates 30-54 7* I 'T T 'I
I f n i Check-in Gates 55-79

Complete these notes with information from the flight arrivals board below.

SDflkusli -flu a lit arrived a t ( ± ) ................................. ........

F li g h t C C A ± 5 5 0 from , iZ . ) ..................... ............. arrived at &>.oo...................

Ew&ratL f l i g h t m (s ) ......................... . — delayed.

.... F l l a h t 1 A P 1 3 3 0 due. 0 fro m . ( 4 ) ... ...............

ime due From Airline Flight Terminal Status

05.00 Madrid Iberia IBE0567 50 Arrived 04.50

06.15 Beijing Air China CCA1550 15 Arrived 06.00

06.50 Dubai Emirates UAE1880 13 Delayed

07.30 Lisbon TAP TAP1330 16 Landed

^ ))) 4 Now listen to a taxi driver talking to a travel agent about the flight arrivals and check your
01 answers.

Friends abroad 9
Part 2: Skills development

Exam information I Section one

In Section One of the Listening test you will hear tw o people talking in an everyday
or social situation. You may have to com plete notes or a form w ith details of names,
addresses, tim es or dates. You w ill need to listen carefully for spellings and numbers

Exam tip
Before you listen, look at the information you have been given to com plete. Predicting
the kind of answers you need w ill help you to focus on w hat you are going to hear.

^ ))) 1 You will hear a conversation between two friends planning a visit. Predict the kind of
02 information you will have to listen for (numbers, letters, time, name, etc.). Then listen and
complete the notes

k (a ,tc & O c o t/
It's easy to confuse certain numbers that sound similar, for example: fifteen and fifty.
Listen very carefully to hear which part of the w ord is spoken w ith more emphasis.

^ ))) 2 Listen and circle the numbers you hear. Then match them with their written forms.
03 .............................................................................................................................................................
© 13 15 30 80 40 14 50

fifteen thirteen eighteen fourteen fifty forty eighty thirty

^ j)) 3 Now listen to these sentences and write down the numbers you hear.
1 .................. 2 .................. 3 .................. 4 .................. 5 ..................

^ ))) 4 Listen to the following conversations and choose the correct letter a, b or c.
/ a M cKeon b M cE w an c MacKeon

ii a W e stb o rn e b W esterb orn e c W estbourne

^ ))) 5 You will hear a telephone conversation in which Sam is booking a taxi. First look at the form
07 below and think about the kind of information you will need. Then listen and complete the form.

10 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 1

Exam tip
You w ill be expected to know the spellings of com m on w ords and names. Any usual
names w ill be spelt out for you. An answ er spelt w rongly w ill be marked incorrect, so
get plenty of practice before the exam.




PICK-UP W id &thJ u l y
DATE A N D T IM E : ( 1 ) ....................

NO. & STREET: (2) .......................... W IL L O W S It> E B .A N K
TOW N: ( 3 ) .......................................................................
POSTCODE: ( 4 ) .......................................................................

M O B ILE N U M BER : (5) o j- y z j..........................


*» ) 6 You will hear a conversation between a flight attendant and a passenger completing a
08 landing card before arriving in the UK. Complete the form.

LAN DING CARD Please complete clearly in English and BLOCK CAPITALS
immigration Act 1971

Family name
First name(s)

(1) ......................................................
Sex Date of birth
, D D . M M, Y Y Y Y ,
□ M 0 F (2) I I I I I I I I I

Town and country of birth

Nationality Occupation
Contact address in the UK (in full)

(3) ...............................................................

Friends abroad 11
Part 3: Exam Practice

Exam tip
When you com plete a form, it is im portant to keep to the required num ber of words
for each answer. You will be told how many words to use, e.g. NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. If you w rite too many words, your answer w ill be
marked incorrect.
A hyphenated word counts as one word, e.g. mother-in-law. A num ber can be w ritten
in letters or numbers, e.g. twelve or 72; either way, it counts as one word.

Section 1

^ ))) Questions 1 -7
You will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel receptionist and a caller making
a reservation. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Silver Tu ip Hotel

N um ber of nights i

Type o f room : (circle one) (1) Single / Double - tw in beds / Double - king-sized bed

Nam e (2)

H om e address (3) .................................................................... Avenue,

Cam bridge

Postcode (4)

Transport (5)

M eals (6)

Date of arrival (7)

12 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 1
^ ))) Questions 8 - 1 0
Listen to the next part of the conversation and choose the correct letter, a, b or c.

8 The custom er's m obile phone num ber is:

a 07976 122577.
b 07961 122577.
c 07961 121597.

9 The custom er w ould also like to:

a receive tourist inform ation,

b make a restaurant booking,
c book tickets for the theatre.

10 He leaves a m essage for:

a M rA la m i.
b M r El Fassi.
c M rA laoui.

Exam tip
During the exam, listen very carefully and don't presum e the first inform ation you hear
is always correct. Som etim es the speaker can change his/her m ind and correct the
inform ation given.

Now listen again to check your answers before you look at the answer key.

Progress check

How many boxes can you tick? You should work towards being able to tick them all.

Did you ...

listen closely for num bers that sound similar?
check your spellings?
check that you have w ritten the correct num ber of w ords in the answers?

Friends abroad 13

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