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The Creation Story is a biblical story about how God created all that

exists. He created everything to work together in harmony.

It reveals the orderliness of God. 2. It shows that God created the
world/earth by the power of his spoken word. It exposes the beautiful
nature of God, because Creation was a unique and unrepeatable event.
Through events from the genesis , man can see the authority of God, the
authority of God's words, and the power of God. Because only God
possesses such power, and thus only God has such authority; Moreover,
This power cannot be held or replaced by any human beings . Each day
of the six days of creation God created something different.
It is important for us to understand, as we can learn from the scriptures,
that God is eternal, that His creations are eternal, and that His truths are
eternal. God created everything. In my opinion The creation story
demonstrates God's love for us. God is the creator of the universe. He
cares for the creation including human beings. As humans we are a part
of God’s creation. God created, and will create all things new every
The story of creation reminds us that God is good, because God’s
creation is good, full of beauty, order, complexity, and variety.
God created the world, and gave humans a special role, status and
purpose in it.

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