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Academic Year 2021-2022

1st Semester

Participation and Teaching Assistantship


(Cooperating School)

Submitted by:

Christian Rhey S. Nebre

BSED 4 (Mathematics)

Submitted to:


FS2 Teacher

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its
To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
proactive contribution to Sustainable Development
relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
through equitable and inclusive programs and services and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
by 2030. human resources capabilities and institutionalPage

Title Page / Cover Page………………………………………………. 1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………... 2
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………... 4
Statement of the Purpose of the Portfolio…………………………… 8
Organization of the Portfolio………………………………………… 12

Portfolio Entries:
Learning Episode 1: The Teacher that I am 5
Learning Episode 2: Designing the Learning Environment 6
Learning Episode 3: Planning Classroom Routines and 7
Learning Episode 4: Writing Lesson Plans 8
Learning Episode 5: Selecting Instructional Resources 9
Learning Episode 6: Designing and Organizing 9
Learning Episode 7: Designing Learning Assessment 9
Learning Episode 8: Learning Delivery 9
Learning Episode 9: Grading and Reporting 59
Learning Episode 10: Enhancing teaching practice 62
Action Research

Classroom Observation 115

Documentation 116
Personal Reflections on the Portfolio ……………………………….. 117
Comments of the Resource Teacher ………………………………... 118
Rubrics of the Portfolio ……………………………………………… 119
Student’s Self Rating Competency Checklist ………………………. 120


Christian rhey Nebre

Field Study Student

Upper tuyo, Balanga city Bataan.



Gender : Male
Birthday : 12/24/1999
Birthplace : Panilao, Pilar, Bataan
Age : 22
Blood Type : Type o
Height : 178cm
Weight : 60kg
Civil Status : single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Iglesia ni cristo
Languages : 3
Name of Mother : Maria, cristina Nebre
Name of Father : Reynaldo S. Nebre



San Ramon, Dinalupihan Bataan


Balanga, city Bataan


Balanga, city Bataan



Balanga, Bataan


Title of Seminar : 8th Annual Gender Focal Point System Solidarity

Roadshow on VAWC
Conducted by : Bataan Peninsula State University
Conducted Date : December 08, 2021

Title of Seminar :
Conducted by :
Conducted Date :

Position : Stockman
Company : Madrid optical
Address : Ibayo, Balanga city Bataan
Inclusive Date : 2021

1. Analytical skills
2. Problem solving
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________

Name : ____________________________________________
Position :
Address :


This course is a continuation of Field Study 1. It is school based
and allows a pre-service student to participate and assist in limited
actual teaching-learning activities that relate to assessment of
learning, preparation of instructional materials, preparation of the
bulletin boards, and other routines in the classroom. A portfolio which
will contain sample lesson or learning plans and demonstration
teaching of at least one subject content area will be required. An
action research shall be encouraged to start in this course and
conclude during the internship.

1. Reflect learnings in filed study 1
2. Create portfolio in field study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

(Portfolio Entries)

Participation and Teaching Assistantship

(PRED 2313)
Learning Module
The Reflective
Course Packet 01
The Teacher that I am
Course Packet 01

The Teacher that I am


In this course packet, we will try to observe and reflect on personal qualities and professional
competence of teachers that you have learned in “The Teaching Profession.” The standards for
teacher quality are especially emphasized in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers and
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. You are expected to work with this course packet for 3
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to cite personal qualities and professional
competencies of a teacher that students possess or still need to develop.

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Recall personal qualities and professional competencies of a teacher, as emphasized
in the PPST.
2. Here are some possible readings if you wish to refresh your memory on these
qualities and competence:
a. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers:
b. PPST:
3. Observe the qualities of your resource teacher which you believe have made
him/her an effective teacher?
4. Reflect which of these qualities and competencies you already possess. Which of
these competencies do you still need to work on?
Activity Sheet 01
INSTRUCTION: What are the qualities and competencies you have observed in your Resource
Teacher which you would like to possess or develop as a future educator? Answer in 100-200

One good quality a teacher should have is, respect for the students. Each person’s ideas
and opinions should be valued and not judged. They should be able to express themselves
without feeling insecure. Another good quality is, having high expectations for your students.
Each student should be encouraged to do their best and achieve goals that they may have never
met before. Another good quality is, I believe teacher should have is good communication
skills. They should keep not only the students informed on what is going on in the class, they
should definitely keep the parents informed as well. Teachers need to know how to
communicate with all their students because some are at different levels than others.

Also, it is important that students respect their teacher while her is she is talking, since teachers
do the same thing when students are talking. This is good practice of good manners in the
classroom 4. Put forth your best effort. I chose this rule because it makes students responsible
for their actions in the classroom. It also challenges them to perform their best.

Teachers respect students who try hard and even if they don’t succeed; students should also
respect their teacher. Teaching is not going to be easy from day to day, but being educator you
still have to do what it takes to encourage the students to keep up the good work. When a
student isn’t doing well in a particular subject it is your job to make sure you have covered all
necessary step in order for the student to understand. Students learn differently so when you
find creative ways to get the lessons across to the students it makes you feel like you have
accomplished something. Respect goes a long way in education.
Assessment 01
INSTRUCTION: Evaluate your own qualities using this self-assessment tool which is based on the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

Rating Descriptive Rating Qualitative Description

NN No Need I don’t really think teachers need this.

NTD Need to Develop This is something I still need to learn or develop to

become an effective teacher.

OTW On the Way I am still learning this.

GT Got this! I already have it in me.


1. As a future teacher, I ensure that I am physically, mentally, /
and morally fit.
2. As a future teacher, I exercise all constitutional rights and /
3. As a future teacher, I am confident that I am able to provide /
an environment conducive for learning and growth of the
4. I behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from /
such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other
excesses much illicit relations.
5. I study the local customs and traditions in order to have /
sympathetic attitude, and refrain from disparaging the
6. I maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official /
relations with other professionals, parents, with government
officials, and with people collectively or individually.
7. I have the enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble /
8. I uphold the highest possible standards of quality education. /
9. I am willing to engage in continuing professional education to /
improve my efficiency and strengthen my competence,
virtues, and productivity.
10. I do not take credit for a work which is not my own. Instead, I /
give credit to the work of others that I have used.
11. I could respect confidentiality of information. /
12. I would not discriminate against any learner. /
13. I will not accept any gift from learners or parents in exchange /
for requested concessions.
14. I will only base the evaluation of the student on the merit and /
quality of academic performance.
15. In case of mutual attraction with student, I will exercise /
utmost professional discretion and avoid scandal, gossip, and
preferential treatment of the student.
16. I will not inflict corporal punishment on offending student or /
deductions in their scholastic rating for acts which are not
manifestation of their scholarship.
17. I will maintain good reputation with regards to financial /
18. I will maintain a dignified personality, worthy of emulation /
of all learners and peers.
19. I will always recognize Almighty God as a guide of my own /
destiny and the destinies of men and nations.

The Reflective
Course Packet 02

Designing the Learning
Course Packet 02

Designing the Learning Environment


In your course Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching, you have learned the importance of a safe
and conducive learning environment for all learners. This is true whether the learning is happening
in a face-to-face classroom or in a flexible setting (e.g. online). In this course packet, you will be
observing the authentic learning environment. You could analyze the setting and reflect how you, as
a future teacher could design a conducive learning milieu that will support your students. You are
expected to work with this course packet for 6 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to propose a design for a safe and conducive
learning environment

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Observe the learning environment in the flexible mode. You could ask your resource teacher
why it was designed that way. You will be interested to know the limitations, resources, and
contexts that needed to be considered to come up with this design.  
2. You could also ask your Resource Teacher how the learning environment was designed
during the face to face classes, and what makes it different from the current set-up.
3. If you will be handling a class in flexible and face-to-face setting, reflect how you could
make it a safe place for your students.
4. Consider the learning environment that you have observed. Try to identify a problem
situation that you could match with a probable action through AR. Focus on aspect of the
flexible learning environment which could be improved. Use this template for capsule AR
proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems
systematically, and search for probable action.
Activity Sheet 02
INSTRUCTIONS: What are the important features that you need to consider to ensure that your
learning environment will be safe and conducive for your students in the future. You could choose
to focus on the flexible or face-to-face setting. Answer in 100-200 words.

The importance of designing and to know the features of our learning environment, it is
because, we don’t know if the environment of the school was have good or bad results to thier
learnings. What do i mean by good and bad results? First in good effects was: for example if you
have design a classroom environment like posting illustrations about the history of mathematcians
behind the invention of formulas and equations. Like rene desacrtes, the modern mathematician
invented about the cartesian plane and its axis. If the students, saw the illustrations the learning is
occur and exists on thier minds. And the bad effects was if the classroom have a lot of vandalism of
course it has bad effects or in wrong process of learning will be occur. And also somtimes the
learning resoruces such as in pandemic period the laptips, wifi or intertent and other digital tools
that can be use in teaching and lesrning. Because studnts or some of the students can not afford to
buy gadgets so for me students can accomplished thier task through offline resources like books and
printed materials.
Assessment 02
INSTRUCTIONS: Consider the learning environment that you have observed. Try to identify a
problem situation that you could match with a probable action through AR. Use this template for
capsule AR proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems
systematically, and search for probable action.


Name of FS Student: Christian rhey s. Nebre

Course & Section: BSED-4-mathematics

Problem/ Context
Insuffcient of learning resources equipment and bulittien boards such as: books and digital
equipments, computers and desktos. Also school bulittiens and illudtrations that promotes
learning and to plant knowledge to the students.

 The significance of the AR was to know what is needed to accomplished that affects
the learning of students.
 Affects also the usage of books. Lack enough counts of books here students are
searching or looking for ideas and knowledge
 Also the additional of illustrations for the motivavtion of learning of students.

Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy

The porposed of this AR or study was to give attention and more attention to the learning
resoruces including bulittien boards to promote learning.also the strategy of promoting some
topic’s and lessons that to beimg posted on the board and illustrations. And also for the
purpose of promoting learning resources such as: books,destops and printed materilas ,
because some students can not afford to buy digital tools that the can use for thier learning.

The Reflective
Course Packet 03

Planning Classroom
Routines and Procedures
Course Packet 03

Planning Classroom Routines and Procedures


In your course Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching, you have learned the importance of carefully
planned classroom routines and procedures. These are important to maximize the very important
resource of time in education. This is true whether the learning is happening in a face-to-face
classroom or in a flexible setting (e.g. online). In this course packet, you will be observing the
authentic classroom teaching and reflect on the importance of these routines and procedures to
ensure smooth class transition. You are expected to work with this course packet for 3 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to propose routines and procedures for efficient
class operation.

Observation/Participation Guidelines

 Observe the classroom procedures and routines used by the teacher in the flexible mode. You
could ask your resource teacher why these routines and procedures were adopted.
 You could also interview your Resource Teacher how these are different from the routines
and procedures that they implemented in the face to face classes.
 Reflect: If you will be handling a class in flexible class and face-to-face class, which of these
routines and procedures you are going to adopt?
 Consider the routines and procedures that you have observed. Try to identify a problem
situation that you could match with a probable action through AR. Remember to focus on the
routines and procedures which could be improved. Use this template for capsule AR
proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems
systematically, and search for probable action
Activity Sheet 03
INSTRUCTIONS: Which of the routines and procedures that you have observed do you wish to
adopt for your classes in the future. Focus on the flexible setting that you have observed in your FS
School. Answer in 100-200 words.

 In my observation in Field study 1. I observed in my resource teacher even though were

suffering still pandemic.the routines was go on. Previous, observation I adopted prayer and
review of the past lesson was , for me is my power to promote my new lesson Cause of
reviewing such lessons and Sometimes the application in activities and drills and that's what
you called the motivation.the motivation also is the tool in teaching to have a life in you're
lesson and to introduce something new topic that student's think and Cooperate to commit
bird's eye view in the new topic. Also was The lesson proper and application and Evaluation
because after you discussed lessons and topics. Such as Rules and examples. You may try to
them a level of difficulty in a way of generalizing and application. And after that if you think
student's absorb the lesson from you, you may proceed to evaluation process. Here student's
needs to asses something if they learned and if they can apply particular situations and cases.
Assessment 03
INSTRUCTION: Consider the routines and procedures that you have observed. Try to identify a
problem situation that you could match with a probable action through AR. Remember to focus on
the routines and procedures which could be improved. Use this template for capsule AR proposal.
The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems systematically, and
search for probable action.
Name of FS Student: Christian rhey S. Nebre
Course & Section: BSED-4-MATH
Problem/ Context
Now were, still suffering pandemic period. learning modalities got affected, such as: flows,
routines and procedures.so as a future educator, we cannot easily integrate well the starting
routines of the class, because of such problem in Virtual class. Sometimes teachers they not
accomplish the routines and procedures properly.

 The significance of the proposal was to reflect, future teachers and teachers about the
delivery of procedures in pandemic period.
 It signifies also the development and innovation in the virtual class.

Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy

The purpose of this study, was to integrate teachers, future teachers and also the students. For
us to come up the flow and Natural delivery in our teaching hours. strategies, methods, and
approaches that can also use and Have a level and Evolution on the process of teaching
especially in virtual class. Also we can also inovate our instructional Materials and learning
materials to set a good plan that appropriate to the online class.

The Reflective
Course Packet 04

Writing Lesson Plans 
Writing Lesson Plans

In your course Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching, you have learned the importance of a
carefully planned lesson. It is important to make sure that all elements of your plan are aligned with
the objectives that you wish to attain. Templates for LP varies but all of them include the objective,
content, procedures, and assessment. In this course, you are expected to learn how to write a lesson
plan in your field of specialization, under the mentoring of your Resource Teacher. You are
expected to work with this course packet for 3 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to write a lesson plan that takes into
consideration students’ diversity and contexts.

Observation/Participation Guidelines

a) Recall your discussion in Lesson Planning. Remember that formats and templates of LP
may vary but their core elements are always the same.
b) For sample DLL used by teachers in the K to 12, see sample here:
c) You will better understand this format (especially the identification of objective) if you
completely understand how to use the Curriculum Guide. See the following links for
CG in EPP and TLE.
a. EPP CG: https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EPP-CG.pdf
d) Ask your Resource Teacher for a template for LP. Remember that your RT will be the
final authority on the template that you will be using.
e) Inquire your RT for the objective that you could write lesson plan on. Develop a
DETAILED LESSON PLAN on this objective. Make sure that you consider the needs
and contexts of your target learners.
f) Request your RT to review and comment on your DLP.
g) Revise and finalize your DLP based on your RT’s comments and suggestions.
h) Remember that this DLP is going to be your major course output for midterm. You will
be expected to turn in your first draft with your RT’s comments and suggestions and
the final draft.
Activity Sheet 04
INSTRUCTIONS: Describe the needs and contexts of your learners and the school that you need to
take into consideration in writing your lesson plan. Answer in 100-200 words.

lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done
effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities and develop
strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. Having a carefully constructed lesson plan for
each 3-hour lesson allows you to enter the classroom with more confidence and maximizes your
chance of having a meaningful learning experience with your students.
lesson. that I will teach in January 27, I will be handling grade 8 class the topic was all about logical
reasoning, specifically , forms of if then -statement. So We preceded that we set a learning
objectives that student's need to attain at the end of class session. And the needs should be founded
in my lesson plan.


City of Balanga, Bataan



In Mathematics Grade 8

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a. Identify the inverse, converse, and contrapositive of an if-then statement
b. Transform if-then statements to converse, inverse, and contrapositive
Topic: Logical reasoning: Inverse, Converse, and Contrapositive if-then Statements

1.Teacher’s Grade 8 teacher’s guide
2. Learner’s Learner’s Module (2020) page. 297-300
3. Learning ck12.org/book/ck-12-precalculus-concepts/section/16.4/
resources exasgateway.org/resource/writing-converse-inverse-and-

Materials: Google meet, canvas.com and Power point presentation.

Values: logical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and analytical thinking skill

Teachers’ Activity Students' Activity

A. Daily routine

“Let us pray.”
(Students will pray)
“Good morning, Class!”
“Good morning, sir!

“Ms. Secretary are any of your classmates absent for today?

(The secretary will answer.)


“Before we proceed to the next lesson for

today, let us first have a quick review of our
previous lesson. what is if and then
“If and then statement is a conditional
statement formed by joining two statements
which are the hypothesis and its
“What is a conditional statement?

A conditional statement is statement that

can be written in the form “If P then Q,”
where P and Q are sentences. For this
We answered
conditional “Inverse, Pconverse,
statement, and the
is called both
hypothesis, and Q is called the conclusion.

Our lesson for today is all about logical

reasoning including three statements
inverse, converse, and contrapositive.

Ok very good!

Lesson Proper

A. Motivation
Title: FIND!
Materials: laptop, Google Meet, and

You will be given one minute to

answer each question and anyone who got
the correct answer will be given additional
points for recitation and a prize.”

““Class, I will show you figures and

statements. Analyze the given questions and
give the correct answer.
Hypothesis: Two angles have the same
1.) What brand of shoes is this? Conclusion: Two angles are congruent

If two angles have the same measure, then

they are congruent.
Converse sir!

Ok very good! Give him/her 5 claps!

2.) What is another term for reverse?

Ok correct! Inverse sir!

3.) What is the sign of the coordinates x and y

in Quadrant III in the Cartesian plane?”
Both negative.
Ok class, what are the terms mentioned in the

Ok class, so what do you think is our lesson for

today based on the words that you answered

Precisely class!
Yes sir!
Ok so that will be our lesson for today about:
TOPIC: logical reasoning including three
statements inverse, converse, and

B. Ok, class our lesson for today is all about

the forms in conditional statement p and q
in three forms such as inverse, converse,
and Contrapositive. Ok class, I have here
an example of sentence, and let us
transform it into conditional statement.

1. Statement: Two angles with the same

measure are defined to be congruent.
Ok class, first identify the hypothesis and

Yes sir!
Given the hypothesis and conclusion, transform
the sentence into conditional statement or if-
then form

Ok, very good class! I think you still remember

about conditional statement. So now class. Let
us define first the following: converse, inverse,
and Contrapositive.
 The converse of the conditional
statement is formed by interchanging
the hypothesis and the conclusion for
p: Two angles have the same measure
instance the converse of p →q is q → p
q: Two angles are congruent
means if q , then p it may be also true or

Conditional statement:
If two angles have the same meausre, then they
are congruent.

None, sir.

Hypothesis: Two angles have the same


Conclusion: Two angles are congruent

Converse: If two angles are congruent, then
two angles have same measure

Can you follow class?

p: you are a native Kapampangan
Very good! Next, q: you are born in Pampanga
 The inverse of the conditional statement
is formed by negating both hypothesis
and Conclusions. For instance. The
inverse of p →q is − p →−q if not p
,then not q .
Conditional statement:
If two angles have the same meausre, then they
are congruent. None!

Hypothesis: Two angles have the same p: Two angles are complementary
measure q: The sum of their measures is 90.
Conclusion: Two angles are congruent If the sum of the measure of two angles is
90, then they are complementary.
Inverse: If two angles have not the same Yes sir!
measure, then they are not congruent

Ok class its everything clear?

p: Two angles form linear pairs
 The contrapositive of the conditional q: they are supplementary.
statement is formed by interchanging
hypothesis and conclusions and
negating both. For instance. The
contrapositive of p→q is -q→-p if not
q, then not p.

Conditional statement:
If two angles have the same meausre, then they
are congruent. If you do not live in Davao, then you do not
Ok class identify the p and q? live in Mindanao.

Ok very good! After you identified p and q

let’s transform it into Contrapositive statement.

Our contrapositive statement would be: If two

angles are not congruent, then the two angles
have not same measure
Class questions? About these three forms of
conditional statement?
P: You are born in Pampanga
Ok good job class! q: You are a native Kapampangan.

C. New skill #1

Let’s do it transform the first example about the

converse of the conditional statement: p →q .
Conditional Statement: If you are a native
Kapampangan, then you are born in Pampanga.
Yes sir!
Ok class, let’s identify first the p and q

p: You live in Davao

Ok very good! q: You live in Mindanao

After identifying the p and q,transform it now If you not live in Mindanao, then you not
into converse. live in Davao
1.) Converse: q → p
If you are born in Pampanga, then you are a
native Kapampangan.

Ok class it's your turn.

1. Conditional: p →q :

If two angles are complementary, then the sum

of their measures is 90. anyone?

Contrapositive:−q →−p

Ok class, very good! Can you follow?

2.) How about the inverse. Let's try an

Conditional statement. p →q
1. ) If two angles form linear pairs, then
they are supplementary. Ok class,
Identify again the p and q.
who wants to try? _
ok class that’s correct! Now by negating both p
and q.
Inverse: − p →−q (if not p, then not q). Converse: q → p
If two angles do not form linear pair, then they
are not supplementary.
2.) Now it's your turn
Conditional statement: p →q
If you live in Davao, then you live in

Inverse: − p →−q ??
Inverse: − p →−q
Very good class!

3. Let's move to illustrate an example in

Conditional statement: p →q
If you are born in Pampanga, then you are a
native Kapampangan.

Identify p and q class?

Very good now, convert into contrapositive


Contrapositive:−q →−p
If you are not a native Kapampangan, then you Converse: q → p
are not born in Pampanga If you are a Musician, then you are a guitar
Ok class can you follow? player.
Ok class, its your turn: Identify first p and q Inverse: − p →−q
and transform it into contrapositive statement If you are not a guitar player, then you are
Conditional statement: If you live in Davao, not a musician.
then you live in Mindanao
Contrapositive:−q →−p
If you are not a musician, then you are not a
guitar player.
Very good Class!
D. New skill #2
Rewrite into symbols and identify its form

1.) Conditional statement: If a polygon is

a square, then it is also a quadrilateral.
Identify first the p and q statement.
Converse denotes the Interchanging the
p: polygon is a square. hypothesis and conclusion. denoted by :
q: it is also a quadrilateral q→ p
If a polygon is not a quadrilateral, then it is
not also a square. After identified p and q Inverse negating both hypothesis and
what form of conditional statement is this? conclusion. Denoted by -p→-q

Very good class! Contrapositive conditional statement is

formed by interchanging hypothesis and
2.) Conditional Statement: If you are a conclusions and negating both.
native Kapampangan, then you are born
in Pampanga.

Again class, Identify first the p and q


p: you are a native Kapampangan

q: you are born in Pampanga.

If m∠ LA is not equal to 100, then ∠ LA is

If you are born in Pampanga, then you are not obtuse. Inverse
native Kapampangan. After identifying p and
q what form of conditional statement is this?

Ok class excellent! If it is not equilateral triangle, then it is not a

triangle. Contrapositive
3.) Conditional statement: If you live in
Davao, then you live in Mindanao

If you do not live in Davao, then you do not If ∠ LA is acute angle, then m∠ LA = 40
live in Mindanao Converse.


Ok class, let’s have now an individual task. I
hope that you have understand concepts of
different forms of conditional statements.

Direction: 1. Transform the given conditional

statements in Inverse, converse, and
contrapositive and symbols using p and q. this Converse
is 9 points.

1. If you a guitar player, then you are a

Converse: q → p
If they are congruent, then the two angles
have the same measure.

F. GENERALIZATION Inverse: − p →−q

If the two angles do have not the same
“Let’s have a quick summary of our lesson measure, then they are not congruent.
today. Again, what is converse?
Contrapositive: −q →−p

How about inverse? If they are not congruent, then the two
angles do not have the same measure.

And lastly, how about the contrapositive?

Converse: q → p
If you passed the bar exam, then you are a

Task1: Transform the following conditional Inverse: − p →−q

statements to the indicated forms. If you are not a lawyer, then you have not
passed the bar exam.
1.If m∠ LA=100 then ∠ LA is an obtuse Contrapositive: -q →−p
angle. Transform into− p →−q
If you did not pass the bar exam, then you
are not a lawyer.
2. If the sides of a triangle are equal, then It is
equilateral triangle. Transform into −q →−p

3) If m∠ A=40, then ∠ LA is acute angle

Transform to q→p
Task2: Given the following conditional
statements, identify if it is converse, inverse
and contrapositive
b. Converse: q → p
Given conditional statement: If you get a 100 If the sum of measure of two angles is 90,
on your final exam, then your teacher will give then the two angles are complementary.
you an “A “. .
1.If you not get a 100 on your final exam, then
your teacher will not give you an “A “.

Given conditional statement: If there is no

school, then it is weekend
2.If it is weekend, then there is no school

Given conditional statement: If the measure of

∠ x +∠ y = 180 degrees, then the two angles are c. Contrapositive: -q →−p
If x ≠ 2, then 5x – 1
3.If the two angles are not supplementary, then ≠ 9.
the measure of ∠ x +∠ y is not equal to 180


A. Convert the following conditional
statements into, inverse, converse, and
contrapositive and the corresponding

1.) If two angles have the same

measure, then they are

P: Number is divisible by 10
q: the number ends in zero

Converse: q → p
If the number ends in zero, then the number
is divisible by 10
2.If you are a lawyer, then you passed the bar
Inverse: − p →−q
If the number is not divisible by 10, then the
number not ends in zero

Contrapositive: −q →−p
If the number not ends in zero, then the
number is not divisible by 10

B. Select the statement that is converse to:

1.Conditional statement:
If the two angles are
complementary, then the
sum of their measures is

a.) If the sum of measure of two angles is

not 90, then the two angles are not
b.) If the sum of measure of two angles is
90, then the two angles are
c.) If the two angles are not
complementary, then then the sum of
two measures are not 90.

2.Select the statement that is

contrapositive to
Conditional statement: “If 5x – 1= 9, then x =

a.)  If x = 2, then 5x – 1 =

b.) If 5x – 1 ≠ 9, then x ≠
c.) If x ≠ 2, then 5x – 1 ≠

Direction: Fill in the blanks and get
the inverse, converse and
contrapositive statements and using
corresponding symbols
1.If a number is divisible by 10, then the
number ends in zero.
 The “If” statement or p is  ____________.
 The “then” statement or q  __________.
Learning Module

The Reflective
Course Packet 05
Selecting Instructional Resources

In your past lessons in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 and 2, you have learned the different
instructional tools to support teaching and learning. We remember that it is not really about how
sophisticated your tools are. What matters most is its appropriateness or suitability to the objective,
content, and learners, as well as its availability. High tech or not, the best instructional resource is the
one which supports learning effectively. In this course packet, you are expected to reflect on the
considerations in selecting instructional resources. You are expected to work with this course packet for
3 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to analyze the selection of instructional resources
based on context and needs

Observation/Participation Guidelines
a) Recall the different Instructional Resources that support teaching and learning. They could be
conventional (e.g. chalkboard, charts) or digital.
b) Observe the instructional tools that are being used by your RT. You could ask him/her regarding
his/her considerations for choosing these instructional tools.
c) You could also ask him/her what tools they used to teach these competencies during the face-to-
face set-up.
d) Reflect on the factors that affect selection of instructional resources apart from pedagogical
e) Reflect on your own considerations in selecting the most suitable instructional tool if you will be
teaching the same objective to your future students in face-to-face and flexible set-up.
Activity Sheet 05
INSTRUCTIONS. Reflect on the factors that affect selection of instructional resources apart from
pedagogical considerations. Answer in 100-200 words. resource

Pedagogy and andragogy refer to the philosophical and empirical assumptions that instructors make
about what and how people learn. These assumptions guide much of the subsequent instructional design
process, including learning objectives, learning experiences, assessment techniques, and more. Most of
the existing literature in evaluator education is descriptive in nature, and there has been limited attention
to research on pedagogy specific to evaluation or identification of effective practices for teaching
evaluation. As a result, we know very little about the theoretical or practical pedagogy of evaluation. As
a first step in understanding this pedagogy, this article first synthesizes relevant concepts, principles of
learning, and models of instructional design principles of learning developed in the field of education.
The authors then offer case examples of how these ideas, principles, models, and pedagogies apply to
five evaluation-specific courses.
The following sections describe the four primary categories of criteria that teachers said they use when
selecting instructional materials: accuracy and visual appeal, alignment to standards and depth of
knowledge, ease of use and support, and engagement and ability to meet student needs.
Assessment 05
INSTRUCTIONS: Reflect on your own considerations in selecting the most suitable instructional tool
if you will be teaching the same objective to your future students in face-to-face and flexible set-up.
Use the template below.

Grade Level 9
The learner demonstrates understanding
Content Standard
of key concepts of variation and radicals.
The learner is able to formulate and
Performance Standard solve accurately problems involving
Cognitive: Understand the radical
Affective: Solve equations involving
Learning Competencies radicals.
Psychomotor: Realize the role of
systematic planning in solving equations
involving radical equations.
Solving Equations Involving Radical
Instructional Resources that I would use
Face-to Face Setting Flexible Setting
I would use in face to face setting , was I would use, google meet , power point
Visu aids, chalk board and learning and canvas.com. these materials are
printed materials. As well as mostly in digital tools that can be apply
demonstration teaching, here This tools in virtual learning. also there are many
and materials may be used in my innovations and development especially
Showing the proofs of Equations and it is the uploading and giving a task via
easily to Manipulate things and ideas. google classrooms and Group chats and
That was effective and Need effort To emails. Also students advantage digital
make in creative and you're material's tools and teachers and future teacher's
that you delivered in the class was may be learned from them. And also a
meaningful. Next was the usage of new delivery of the lesson. and it is
traditional assessment, especially when happening in current events that we have
they are deriving equations used Pencil now. The pandemic era.
and paper test and used activities group
work and Presentation of solutions by
solving on the board and i think it was

Learning Module

The Reflective
Course Packet 06

Designing and Organizing
Instructional Materials 
Designing and Organizing Instructional Materials 
In your past lessons in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 and 2, you have learned the different
instructional tools to support teaching and learning. It is not only important that they are well designed.
They should also be well-organized. In this course packet, you are expected to reflect on the process of
developing and organizing IRs. You are expected to work with this course packet for 6 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to develop and organize instructional materials to
facilitate learning

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Request your RT for a format for the learning module that they are using.
2. Ask your RT for objective that your group could work on your module development.
3. As a group, develop a learning module for the assigned learning competence.
4. Exchange modules with other groups. The other group will answer the module and will provide
comments regarding their experience in working with your module.
5. Check the answered learning module.
6. Reflect on your experience in developing, organizing, and using the module. Take into
consideration the comments of the end-users.
Activity Sheet 06
 Request your RT for a format for the learning module that they are using.
 Ask your RT for objective that your group could work on your module development.
 As a group, develop a learning module for the assigned learning competence.
 Exchange modules with other groups. The other group will answer the module and will provide
comments regarding their experience in working with your module.
 Check the answered learning module.

Mathematics 8
Quarter 3 Solve Corresponding Parts of
Congruent Triangle
Author: Jennie Roiz L. Caviente
Christian Rhey Nebre
Abigail B. Llagas
Vanessa M. Roque

Introductory Message
Welcome to the Mathematics – Grade 8 Learning Modules on Solve Corresponding Parts
of Congruent Triangle.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by field study student
from Bataan National High School as a requirement for our Learning Episode 6
(Designing and Organizing Instructional Materials) of Field Study 2.
This learning resource aims to engage students in guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and in their own time. Furthermore, this aims to assist learners
in acquiring the necessary 21st century skills while taking their needs and circumstances
into account.
This module was created to provide you with enjoyable and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and on your own time. As an active
learner, you will be able to process the contents of the learning resource.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know

This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to check what you already know about the lesson
to take. If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip this module

What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you in various ways such as a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity or a situation.

What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills

What’s More
This comprises activities for independent practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers to the exercises using the Answer Key at
the end of the module

What I Have Learned

This includes questions or blank sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what you
learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also tends retention of learned concepts.

Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the module.
At the end of this module you will also find: References
This is a list of all sources used in developing this module
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you are having trouble answering the tasks in this module, please do not hesitate to
consult a field study student from Bataan National High School. Keep in mind that you
are not alone. We hope that you will gain a deep understanding of the relevant
competencies and experience meaningful learning as a result of this material. You've got

What I Know
Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer

1. In congruent triangles, corresponding parts are always .

a. opposite b. acute c. congruent
2. Which statement is always true if ∆ABC ≅ ∆XYZ ?
a. AB ≅ YZ b. ∠B ≅ ∠C c. ∠C ≅ ∠Z d. AC ≅ XY
3. Which segment is congruent to DE if ∆DEF ≅ ∆RST ?
a. DR b. DF c. RS d. DT
4. Which is the other correct way of writing the congruence statement of two
triangles? Given: ∆ABC ≅ ∆XYZ
a. ∆ABC ≅ ∆YXZ
b. ∆ACB ≅ ∆XYZ
c. ∆ACB ≅ ∆XZY
d. ∆BAC ≅ ∆XZY
5. Which angle is congruent to ∠D of the right side figure
a. ∠A c. ∠C
b. ∠B d. ∠E
Use this statement for items 6 – 8 : ∆KLM ≅ ∆NOP, m∠K = 3x + 7,
m∠N = 2x + 24, m∠L = 5x − 42, m∠O = 4x − 25.
6. What is the value of x?
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
7. What is the measure of ∠𝐾?
a. 43° b. 58° c. 60° d. 65°
8. What is the measure of ∠L?
a. 43° b. 45° c. 58° d. 60°
For items 9 – 10 : refer to the following conditions below.

Suppose the measures in inches are,
QR = 12, RS = 23, QS = 24, RT = 12, TV = 24, and RV = 23
9. Which is not corresponding congruent angle and not corresponding congruent
side of the triangles given above?
a. ∠Q ≅ QR ≅ TR c. ∠QRS ≅ TRV, RS ≅ RV
b. ∠S ≅ QS ≅ TV d. ∠S ≅ ∠T, QS ≅ RV
10. What is the congruence statement of the two triangles?
a. ∆QRS ≅ ∆TRY c. ∆SQR ≅ ∆VTR
b. ∆QSR ≅ ∆TVR d. ∆RSQ ≅ ∆RTV

What’s In
How could you determine whether two triangles are congruent by using
congruence postulates? The Congruence Postulates could have been used to
make all sets of corresponding elements are congruent. The statement happens
to be true because the figures are congruent if their corresponding parts of the
congruent triangle are equal.

Let’s take a look…

 Two triangles are considered congruent if their vertices might have been
paired in the same way and their angles as well as sides are equal.
 Triangle Congruence is defined by these three postulates:
• SAS Congruence -The triangles are congruent if two sides
and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to the
two sides and the included angle of the other triangle.
• ASA Congruence -The triangles are congruent if two angles
and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the
two angles and the included side of another triangle.
• SSS congruence -The triangles are congruent if the three
sides of one triangle are congruent with the three sides of
another triangle.
• SAA/ AAS Congruence -The triangles are congruent if the
two angles and non-included side of one triangle are
congruent with the two angles and non-included side of
another triangle or vice versa.

I.Study the given triangles below. Determine whether they are congruent or not.
Write C if it is congruent then, identify the corresponding congruence postulate
(SAS, ASA or SSS). Write NC if not.

1) 2)

3) 4)

II. Given that all of the pair triangles are congruent. In each of the following:

a. Identify the postulate / theorem that would prove the two triangles are
congruent. (i.e. SAS, SSS, ASA or SAA)
b. Name the triangles that are congruent by filling in the blanks. (NOTE:
The order in which you write the letters for the triangles must be in the
order of the congruent parts)

1) 2)

Congruence: Congruence:
∆ABC ≈ ∆ ∆DOG ≈ ∆


∆BAD ≈ ∆

What’s NEW:
CPCTC is an acronym for corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
congruent. CPCTC is commonly used at or near the end of a proof which asks the
student to show that two angles or two sides are congruent. It means that once two
triangles are proven to be congruent, then the three pairs of sides that
correspond must be congruent and the three pairs of angles that correspond
must be congruent.

In these two triangles BAC and EDC, let us identify the 6 parts: i.e. the three
corresponding sides and the three corresponding angles.
If ∆BAC ≅ ∆EDC

Then, BA=ED


What is It:

Example 1

Given: ∆CAB ≅ ∆CED

The letter C, E and D for the vertices of ∆CED correspond to the letter C,A and B,
respectively, for the vertices of ∆CAB.
̅C̅E̅ ≅ ̅C̅A̅

̅E̅D̅ ≅ ̅A̅B̅

̅C̅D̅ ≅




Example 2

If the two triangles given are congruent by SAA postulate then identify the value
of angle Q.
a. If two angles and the non-included side of one
triangle is congruent to two angles and non-
included side of another triangle then the two
triangles are congruent by SAA postulate.

b. As the given triangles are congruent by SAA





c. And given ∠DEF = 80° it implies ∠PQR =

80° by SAA postulate

What’s more : Direction: Using the figure below. Complete the statement
90° E

1. m∠D = 2. m∠BCA =
∠D ≅ ∠ ∠BCA ≅ ∠
3. m∠E =

∠E ≅ ∠
4. AC = AC ≅

5. ∆ABC ≅ ∆

B.Direction: Use the following conditions below to help you answer the
questions that follow (NOTE: ∠A ≅ ∠D


x+4 2x – 24


Answer the following

1. Solve for x

2. Find the m∠A and m∠D

3. Find the measures of AB and DE

4. Find the measures of AC and DF

5. Is ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF ?

What I Have Learned: Direction: Encircle the mistakes of the given

statement, then rewrite to make it correct. If there are no mistakes, put a (✓) check
mark on the space provided.

4cm 6cm

61° 30°

4cm 6cm 89°
4cm 6cm

61° 30° 61° 30°

9cm F 9cm H
Correct Statement
1. ∠S is congruent to ∠𝐺. ( )
2. RS is congruent to GH. ( )
3. ∠T is congruent to∠F. ( )
4. ST is congruent to GH. ( )
5. ∆RST ≅ ∆FGH. ( )
Correct Statement
5. ∠S is congruent to ∠𝐺. ( )
6. RS is congruent to GH. ( )
7. ∠T is congruent to∠F. ( )
8. ST is congruent to GH. ( )
5. ∆RST ≅ ∆FGH. ( )

3x - 20

x + 50 °
2x + 10

Statement S Correct Statement

6. ∆RST ≅ UVW, ∠R ≅ ∠U. ( ) 6.

7. ∠R ≅ ∠U if m∠R = 2x + 20 7.
and m∠U = x + 50, then the value of x
is 30. ( )

8. RS ≅ UW. ( ) 8.

9. TR ≅ WU ( ) 9.
if mTR = x + 6 and mWU = 2x – 24,
then the value of x is 20. ( )

10. ∆RST ≅ ∆UWV. ( ) 10.

What I Can Do :
Answer the following:
1. Given: ∆LMN ≈ ∆PQR 2. Given: ∆CAT ≈ ∆DOG

Find PQ, LN, and m<P Find m<D, OG and m<x

3. Given: ∆STU ≈ ∆ABC

 y if m<T ≈ m<B
 x if ST ≈ AB

Assessment : Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer.
. 1.What do you call these triangles having the same size and shape?

a. similar b. congruent
c. equilateral d. equiangular
2. In the figure ∆ABC ≅ ∆DCE, what angle correspond to ∠ABC?
a. ∠BAC
b. ∠CDE
c. ∠DEC
d. ∠BCA C D
3. Which segment is congruent to LM?

a. NM L N
b. LP M
c. NO
d. OM

4. ∆ACR ≅ ∆OEG, which angle is congruent to ∠C ?
a. ∠A G O
b. ∠R
c. ∠E
d. ∠O
5. ∆CAT ≅ ∆ DOG, what is the measure of DO?
a. 3


3 5


6. . ∆PLM ≅ ∆ONM, find a.

a. 38° L N
b. 49° M
c. 40°

d. 90° a

7. Which statement is true when ∆ABC ≅ ∆QRS?

a. AB ≅ RS c. AC ≅ QS
b ∠B ≅ ∠Q d. ∠C ≅ ∠R

8. Which statement is true about the figure given at the right?

a. ∠NKM ≅ ∠KML N
b. ∠NML ≅ ∠NKL
c. MN ≅ KL M
d. KN ≅ KL

9 – 10: Solving

9. Given ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF, find the value of x and y.


45° 42
5y - 8

80° 55° 2x + 3°
10. Given ∆MAH ≅ ∆TAH, find the value of a and b.


30° T
3a + 12

Additional Activities: Explain the following briefly.

1. Let ABCD be a parallelogram and AC be one of its diagonals. What can you say
triangles ABC and CDA? Explain your answer.

2. Let ABCD be a square and AC be one of its diagonals. What can you say about
triangle ABC and CDA? Explain your answer.

Answer Key

What I Know

1. C 4. C 7. B 10. D
2. C 5. B 8. A
3. C 6. C 9. D
What’s In
I. 5. NC
1. NC II.
2. C/ SSS 1. SSS/ ∆DEF
3. C/ SAS 2. SAS/ ∆SPY
4. C/ASA 3. SAS/ YAD
What’s More
A. B.
1. 73° , ∠B 1. x = 30
2. 39° , ∠DCE 2. 105°
3. 68° , ∠A 3. 75
4. 14, EC 4. 34
5. ∆ECD 9. yes
What I have learned A.

1. ✓ 3. ∠T is congruent to ∠H
2. RS is congruent to FG 4. ✓
5. ✓
B. 8. RS ≅ UV
6. ∠R ≅ ∠U 9. 30
7. ✓
10. ∆RST ≅ ∆UVW
What I Can Do

1.) PQ =24cm m<P= 57 LN= 15 cm

2.) m<D= 74 OG= 10 cm m<x= 71
3.) y+10 =2y-40
10+40 = 2y-y

2x+11 = 3x-9
11+9 = 3x-2x
20 = x

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. x = 26, y = 10
10. a = 9, b = 61
Additional Activities

1. In a parallelogram, opposite sides are congruent. Hence sides BC and AD are

congruent, and also sides AB and CD are congruent. In a parallelogram opposite
angles are congruent. Hence angles ABC and CDA are congruent. Two sides and
an included angle of triangle ABC are congruent to two corresponding sides and
an included angle in triangle CDA. According to the above postulate the two
triangles ABC and CDA are congruent.
In a square, all four sides are congruent. Hence sides AB and CD are congruent,
and also sides BC and DA are congruent. The two triangles also have a common
side: AC. Triangles ABC has three sides congruent to the corresponding three
sides in triangle CDA. According to the above postulate the two triangles are
congruent. The triangles are also right triangles and isosceles.

Bass, LE. et al (1998). Geometry: Tools for a Changing World. Prentice – Hall, Inc. pp.102- 109

Boyd, et al (2008). Texas Geometry. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. pp.242 - 258

Clemens, S. et al (1990). Addison-Wesley Geometry. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,

Inc. pp.148 – 167

Hoffer, A. R. et al (1998). Focus on Geometry. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. pp.256-281

Scheer, F.L. et al (2007). Mathematics Course 2. Harcourt Education Company. pp.484-488

Serra, M. (2003). Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach. Key Curriculum Press.

(no written author). Solve Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangle

with- solutions.html
Nd0V5ZMqdXy2VOsG0eeKmD2CYpDLk https://virtualnerd.com/worksheetHelper.php?
Learning Module
The Reflective
Course Packet 07
Designing Learning Assessment 
Course Packet 07

Designing Learning Assessment 

You have learned that assessment is an important part of teaching and learning. There are
different types of assessment for different purposes. There are assessment of, as, and for
learning. In this course, you are expected to reflect and assist in selecting and designing of
learning assessment. You are expected to work with this course packet for 6 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to assist in selecting and designing
assessment FOR, AS, OF learning.

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Observe or interview your RT to determine how he/she conducts assessment OF, FOR,
and AS learning.
2. You may ask him/her why these tools were used.
3. Reflect on the teachers’ consideration for coming up with his/her selection.
4. Consider the problem areas in learning assessment that had been shared by your RT.
Try to match the problem situation with a probable action through AR. Use this
template for capsule AR proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your
mind to look for problems systematically, and search for probable action.
Activity Sheet 07
INSTRUCTIONS: Reflect on the teachers’ consideration for coming up with his/her selection. What
are the new things that you have learned about the process of selecting and developing learning
assessment tools? Answer in 100-200 words.
The major purpose of assessment in schools should be to provide interpretative information to teachers
and school leaders about their impact on students, so that these educators have the best information
possible about what steps to take with instruction and how they need to change and adapt. So often we
use assessment in schools to inform students of their progress and attainment. Ofcourse this is important,
but it is more critical to use this information to inform teachers about their impact on students. Using
assessments as feedback for teachers is powerful. And this power is truly maximized when the
assessments are timely, informative, and related to what teachers are actually teaching.
Example:Formative assessment, or assessment for learning, is what teachers do in their classrooms to
gather information about how students are learning. It can be formal, like a quiz, or informal such as a
verbal question and answer session with students. Teachers can incorporate formative assessments such
as these into both traditional and project-based learning classrooms across all content areas.
Assessment 07
INSTRUCTION: Consider the problem areas in learning assessment that had been shared by your RT.
Try to match the problem situation with a probable action through AR. Use this template for capsule
AR proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems
systematically, and search for probable action.

Name of FS Student: Christian Rhey S. Nebre
Course & Section: BSED-math major
Problem/ Context

Assessment Challenge – Grading

Teachers assess the performance of students based on their tests, exams, assignments and
projects. It serves four major roles like evaluating the student work, communicating with
students, helping in motivating students to focus and also involving in the course

√ to Retain good performance of grading system
√ develop assessment tools

Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy

Teachers now can help students to asses, their students correctly and no hussle in creating also
Application and activities that to be seen in the learning assessment tools.


Learning Module
The Reflective
Course Packet 08
Learning Delivery 
Course Packet 08

Learning Delivery
In Facilitating Learner-Centered teaching, we have learned how to deliver learning using
different methods and techniques. In this course packet, you will be reflecting on the strategies
for effective learning delivery in authentic settings. You are expected to work with this course
packet for 3 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to analyze strategies for effective lesson

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Observe the teacher in delivery of learning. Take note of the strategies and techniques
2. You could interview the teacher after the lessons why those techniques were selected.
You may also ask him or her regarding the possible change in his/her choice of strategy
if the topic had been taught in face -to-face setting.
3. Reflect on the in selecting your strategies and techniques for effective learning delivery.
4. Consider the problem areas in lesson delivery in the flexible learning mode. Try to
match the problem situation with a probable action through AR. Use this template for
capsule AR proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for
problems systematically, and search for probable action.
Activity Sheet 08
INSTRUCTIONS: Reflect on the considerations in selecting your strategies and techniques for effective
learning delivery. Answer in 100-200 words.

The good learning is occur to the teachers. Teachers should master his/her lesson and after he/she
mastered the lesson, they can manipulate delivery of discussion and for that you may applied strategies
and approaches that fits and aligned to the learning competencies of the students. Good lesson planning
is essential to the process of teaching and learning. A teacher who is prepared is well on his/her way to
a successful instructional experience. The development of interesting lessons takes a great deal of time
and effort. As a new teacher you must be committed to spending the necessary time in this endeavor.

It is also important to realize that the best planned lesson is worthless if interesting delivery procedures,
along with good classroom management techniques, are not in evidence. There is a large body of
research available pertaining to lesson development and delivery and the significance of classroom
management. They are skills that must be researched, structured to your individual style, implemented
in a teacher/learning situation, and constantly evaluated and revamped when necessary. Consistency is
of the utmost importance in the implementation of a classroom management plan.
Assessment 08
INSTRUCTION: Consider the problem areas in lesson delivery in the flexible learning mode. Try to
match the problem situation with a probable action through AR. Use this template for capsule AR
proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for problems systematically,
and search for probable action.

Name of FS Student: Christian Rhey S. Nebre
Course & Section: BSED-4-MATH
Problem/ Context
Pandemic era about virtual learning using ICT
As a future math major , we don't have any experiences on how we delivered lesson properly
especially in my major. Also students we want to supervised them about on what kind of
learning they have.

√ to established ICT tools in pandemic period
√ established also the 21st century skills in Using ICT in virtual learning in discussing

Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy

The reason to choose Virtual learning may be have a negative factors that we encountered and
follow up problems. As future teacher. in my self I want to learn using ICT tools also
established the skills of students using the ICT.

Student Teacher: Subject:

Date: Time:

5 - Excellent 4 - Very Good 3 - Good 2 - Fair 1 - Poor

5 4 3 2 1
A. Objectives are stated in behavioral terms
B. There was congruence between:
1. Objective and subject matter
2. Objective and teaching procedure
3. Objective and formative test
4. Objective and assessment
A. Methods used were suited to the needs and capabilities of the
B. Presents lesson in an appropriate scope and sequence through
pre-planned technology integration
C. Technology being utilized is relevant to the purpose and
importance of the lesson
D. Teacher checks for understanding and adjusts based on student
E. Uses variety of instructional methods or technology techniques
A. The teacher had a systematic way of checking the attendance
and other preliminary activities
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

B. Maintains classroom discipline and control

C. Uses time wisely
D. Maintains effective e-platform management
E. The teacher made effective use of the formative test after
A. The teacher spoke clearly with a well-modulated voice
B. The teacher used correct grammar in speaking
C. Uses a clear voice, strong projection, proper enunciation and
standard English
D. Establishes a classroom environment or online course
conducive to learning
E. Correct responses were given by the students through the
teacher’s skillful questioning.
A. The teacher is neat and well-groomed
B. The teacher is free from mannerism that tends to disturb the
student’s attention
C. The teacher’s self-confidence was evident
D. The teacher’s personality is strong enough to command respect
and attention

Name of Observer & Signature: ______________________________

Designation: Resource Teacher

PRED 2313 69
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph


PRED 2313 70
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph


PRED 2313 71
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

2x2 Picture
(Name of over Signature)
Field Study 2
BEEd 4 (A)

PRED 2313 72
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph


PRED 2313 73
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

2x2 Picture
(Name of Resource Teacher
over Signature
Resource Teacher


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Has a 90%- Has 75%- Has 60%- Has a 60%- Has a less
Content of 100% of 889% of the 74% of the 74% than the
1 the the needed needed needed needed 59% of the
Portfolio content. content. content. content. needed
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Most
Objectives are SMART are SMART are SMART are SMART objectives
2 of the and cover and cover and cover and do not are not
Portfolio the whole 75% of the only less cover the cover only
course. course. than 75% of whole a
the course. course. minimum
of the
Entries are Entries are Entries are Some Few
Quality of best of of better of better entries are entries are
3 Entries quality. quality, quality, of of
many are some are acceptable acceptable
well selected well quality quality,
and selected limited not

PRED 2313 74
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

substantial. and selected selected

substantial. and and very
substantial. minimal
Creativity, Creativity, Creativity, Minimal No
Pre- neat and neat and has neat and creativity, creativity
4 sensation has a very a strong has an neat with in
of Entries strong impact or average minimal disarray,
impact or appeal. impact or impact or no impact
appeal. appeal. appeal. or appeal.
Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted
Promptness ahead of on schedule. 10 days from 11-30 from 31 or
5 schedule. after the days after more after
schedule. schedule. schedule.


I I am I can do
cannot learning this, but I I can do
COMPETENCY do this how to need to this very
yet do this learn more well
and improve
1. Determines an environment that
provide social, psychological and
physical environment supportive of

PRED 2313 75
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

2. Differentiates learners of varied

learning characteristic and needs.
3. Manage time, space and
resources to provide and
environment conducive to learning
4. Recognizes multi-cultural
background of learners when
providing learning opportunities.
5. Determines teaching approaches
and techniques appropriate to the
6. Determines, understands and
accept the learner’s diverse
7. Relates the learner’s background
to their performance in the
8. Reflects on the impact of home
and family life to learning.
9. Expounds on one’s
understanding of the learning
process and the role of the teacher
in facilitating these processes in
their students.
10. Accepts personal accountability
to learner’s achievement and

PRED 2313 76
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Telefax: (6347) 4811765
Dinalupihan Campus Website: www.bpsu.edu.ph
Dinalupihan Bataan, 2100 E-mail: batpenstateu@yahoo.com.ph

PRED 2313 77
Field Study 2
Participation and Teaching Assistantship

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