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Test on Present Tenses (+ Past Simple,

+ will in the principal part of the sentence with the subordinate cause of time or condition)

Task I. Complete this text, using the correct form of the verb.

I (1) think (to think) bicycles are great! In fact, I (2) have been riding (to ride) a bicycle safely for
many years, but recently I (3) have had (have) a silly accident. It (4) happened (to happen) about
two weeks ago. I (5) went (to go) off the road and (6) hit (to hit) a tree and (7) broke (to break)
my arm, and since then I (8) haven′t been able (not to be able) to ride, of course. So, I (9) will
have(to have) to take a bus when I (10) go (to go) to work. I (11) am not looking forward (not to
look forward) to this, as I really (12) hate (to hate) it! Actually, I (13)gave up (to give up) buses
about five years ago when I (14) started (to start) cycling everywhere. Since that time, I (15) have
very rarely been (very rarely, to be) ill, and I am much slimmer than I was. If you (16)have been
trying (to try) to lose weight for ages, why not try cycling? You might end up with a broken arm
like me, but that kind of thing (17)doesn′t happen (not to happen) very often. At least, not if you
are careful!

Task II. Correct the mistakes. Some of the sentences might be right or might be not.

1. How long do you live in London?

How long have you lived in London?
2. Yesterday evening I have seen a really good film.
Yesterday evening I saw a really good film.
3. I’ll phone you as soon as I’ll arrive.
I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive.
4. I have been doing the exercises. Now I am prepared for my grammar class.
I have done the exercises. Now I am preparing for my grammar class.
5. I work in this office since 1992.
I have been working in this office since 1992.
6. Have you doing this exercise for 2 hours?
Have you been doing this exercise for 2 hours?
7. I went to Canada last year. So have I.
I went to Canada last year. So did I.
8. He has been having a car since he was 18.
He has had a car since he was 18.
9. On weekdays we’re usually getting up at six thirty.
On weekdays we usually get up at six thirty.
I has been waited since 12 o’clock. Here you are at last!
I have been waiting since 12 o’clock. Here you are at last!
10. Could you tell me how much does this cost?
Could you tell me how much this costs?
11. He has been cutting his finger. It’s bleeding.
He has cut his finger. It’s bleeding
12. “What’s the matter?” – “I’ve just been seeing a car accident.”
“What’s the matter?” – “I’ve just seen a car accident.”
13. “Where is James?” – “He does the washing up in the kitchen.”
“Where is James?” – “He is doing the washing up in the kitchen.”
14. Who did prepare all those things yesterday?
15. Who prepared all those things yesterday?
16. Her eyes are red. She has cried.
Her eyes are red. She has been crying.
17. If I’ll get a “9” for this test, I’ll be very happy.
If I get a “9” for this test, I’ll be very happy.

Scoring Scheme
Total: 34 points
10 0 errors
9 1-2 errors
8 3-4 errors
7 5-7 errors
6 8-10 errors
5 11-15 errors

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