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NAME : Kobe Ryan N.

Directions: Answer the questions comprehensively.
Grading System: The criterion for grading is embedded on the next page.
1. Why do countries trade? (15pts)
- A country can’t always produce the good or possess the natural resources it needs. In
order to gain those things, countries establish trade relationship so country that produce a
surplus of certain goods can sell it to another country in need. Trade between countries had
existed since thousands of years ago and it becomes more important today.

Trade empowers people to buy goods and services that are not produced in their countries.
In addition, revenues from the export of goods and services help determine the amount that
can be spent on imports, as well as the amount of foreign credit that countries can afford.
Trades can stimulate a country's development and economic growth. It helps create new
jobs, improve living standards and empowers people to manage their lives. International
trades without barriers in the form of tariffs, quotas and government subsidies can benefit
people in all countries, developed and developing alike.

As consumers, people are given the opportunity to choose goods of a wider range, higher
quality and lower cost.

As sellers, people are able to sell their products in more markets

2. Give the importance of financial institutions in the economy. (15pts)

- The financial system comprises many different types of financial institutions (banks,
insurance companies, mutual funds, finance companies, investment banks). All of these
institutions are heavily regulated by the government. Financial Intermediaries are institutions
that borrow from savers and lend to those who need funds.

Banks accept deposits and make loans. Banks include commercial banks, savings and loan
associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions. People who want to borrow money
usually go to their local banks.

Most people keep a sizeable portion of their wealth in banks in checking accounts, savings
accounts, and other types of bank deposits. Banks are the largest financial intermediaries in
the economy.

The impact of Financial Institutions on economy:

1. They control how much they lend and how they lend.
2. Some control the interest rates (the federal reserve).
3. Some help investors save for their futures with their own mutual funds which
invest on a set of criteria.
4. They make loans to businesses.
Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before submitting.

Criteria 5 4 3 2

There is one clear, well There is one clear, well There is one topic. Main The topic and main ideas are
focused topic. Main ideas focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are somewhat clear. not clear.
Focus and Detail are clear and are well clear but are not well
supported by detailed and supported by detailed
accurate information. information.

The introduction is inviting, The introduction states the The introduction states the There is no clear introduction,
states the main topic, and main topic and provides an main topic. A conclusion is structure, or conclusion.
provides an overview of the overview of the paper. A included.
Organization paper. conclusion is included.

Information is relevant and

presented in a logical order.
The conclusion is strong.

Word Choice The author uses vivid words The author uses vivid words The author uses words that The writer uses a limited
and phrases. The choice and and phrases. The choice and communicate clearly, but the vocabulary. Jargon or clichés
placement of words seems placement of words is writing lacks variety. may be present and detract
accurate, natural, and not inaccurate at times and/or from the meaning.
forced. seems overdone.

All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are well Sentences sound awkward,
constructed and have varied constructed and have varied constructed, but they have a are distractingly repetitive, or
structure and length. structure and length. similar structure and/or are difficult to understand.
Sentence Structure, length.
The author makes no errors The author makes a few The author makes numerous
Grammar, Mechanics, & in grammar, mechanics, errors in grammar, The author makes several errors in grammar,
Spelling and/or spelling. mechanics, and/or spelling, errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling
but they do not interfere with mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with
understanding. that interfere with understanding.

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