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FINAL  body's largest serous membrane, and it wraps

around most abdominopelvic organs

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  visceral peritoneum forms the "serosa" of the
alimentary canal and covers other intra-
Gastroenterology – study of the gastrointestinal system abdominal organs
 then continues around the abdominal wall as
Functions: the parietal peritoneum (adhere)
 ingestion
 secretion Unlike the pericardium and pleurae, which smoothly
 digestion (chemical and mechanical) cover the heart and lungs, the peritoneum contains
 mixing and propulsion large folds that bind the organs to one another and to
 absorption the cavity walls.
 defecation
There are five major peritoneal folds:
Also called the gastrointestinal system, composed of 1. greater omentum - drapes over the transverse
the alimentary canal (GI tract), and the accessory organs colon and the anterior coils of the small
 alimentary canal extends from the mouth to intestine like a 'fatty apron'
the anus through the ventral body cavity 2. falciform ligament - attaches the liver to the
(approximately 9m or 30ft) anterior abdominal wall
 accessory organs include teeth, tongue, salivary 3. lesser omentum - stomach and duodenum
glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas 4. mesentery - small intestines
5. mesocolon - large intestines
The GI tract and accessory organs like the liver and
pancreas, are responsible for facilitating the body's Some abdominopelvic organs are covered by visceral
metabolic processes peritoneum only on their anterior surfaces. The portion
 Catabolism - breakdown of large, complicated of the organ that lies behind the peritoneum is said to
molecules into smaller ones in order to produce be “retroperitoneal”
energy (e.g. glycolysis – the first step in the
breakdown of glucose to extract energy for Organs in the retroperitoneal space includes:
cellular metabolism)  kidneys and ureters
 Anabolism - smaller molecules are used as  most of the pancreas
building blocks for larger molecules (e.g.  adrenal gland
gluconeogenesis – when the liver and kidneys  aorta and inferior vena cava
produce glucose from non-carbohydrate
Mechanical digestion includes all movements that Digestive activities of the gastrointestinal tract occur in
facilitate catabolic processes: three overlapping phases:
 mastication or chewing - teeth 1. Cephalic phase
 swallowing - tongue  smell, sight, though, or initial taste of food
 mixing - stomach activates neural centers in the cerebral cortex,
 peristalsis - movement of muscles within the GI hypothalamus, and brain stem to prepare for
tract that facilitates downward movement of digestion
food  the brain stem activates the facial (CN VII) and
glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerves to stimulate
Chemical digestion is mainly accomplished by using secretion of saliva, while vagus nerves (CN X)
water to break chemical bonds (hydrolysis) stimulate secretion gastric juice
 fats are broken down into fatty acids and 2. Gastric phase - once food reaches the stomach
glycerol 3. Intestinal phase - once food enters the small
 carbohydrates are broken down from intestine
polysaccharides into monosaccharides
 proteins are broken down into polypeptides
and amino acids MOUTH
 oral or buccal cavity, formed by the cheeks, hard
and soft palates, and the tongue
ANATOMY OVERVIEW  mechanical digestion of food through mastication
The wall of GI tract from the lower esophagus to the (chewing) enables it to be mixed with saliva to form
anal canal has the same basic, four-layered a soft flexible bolus that can be easily swallowed
arrangement of tissues
Saliva starts the process of chemical digestion of food
The four layers of the tract, from deep to superficial are:  Saliva is 99.5% water, with tiny amounts pf
1. mucosa dissolved ions. IgA, lysozyme (a bacteriolytic
2. submucosa enzyme), and salivary amylase (a digestive
3. muscularis enzyme that acts on starch)
4. serosa/adventitia
The lumen is the inside of the tube  large salivary glands - secrete most of the saliva:
the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands
 smaller glands - found on the lips (labial), cheeks
Peritoneum (buccal), palate (palatal), and tongue (lingual)
 daily salivary secretion average 1 – 1 ½ liters  because a meal can be eaten much more quickly
than the intestines can digest and absorb it, one of
Tongue the functions of the stomach is to serve as a mixing
 composed of skeletal muscle under voluntary chamber and the holding reservoir
somatic motor control – it forces the moistened
food bolus into position for swallowing A variety of specialized exocrine and endocrine cell
(deglutition) and places the bolus into contact types populate the gastric glands and pits.
with the teeth for chewing
 extrinsic muscles – attach to bones in the area Exocrine gland cells include:
and move the tongue from side to side  mucous neck cells - w hich produce mucus
 intrinsic muscle – originate within the tongue  parietal cells - which produce intrinsic factor
and alter its shape and size for speech and and HCl
swallowing  Also secrete a glycoprotein called the
intrinsic factor (IF). IF is crucial for the
Teeth or Dentes transportation and absorption of vitamin
 located in sockets of the alveolar processes of B12 in the final section of the small
the mandible and maxillae intestine (the ileum)
 a typical tooth has three major external regions:  chief cells - which secrete the protease
the crown, neck, and root pepsinogen and gastric lipase
 humans have two dentitions or sets of teeth
 20 deciduous or "baby teeth" which begin Enteroedocrince
to erupt around 6 months of age; all are lost  g cells - secrete the hormone gastrin into the
between 6-12 years of age blood stream
 32 permanent teeth  gastrin is a peptide hormone that
stimulates secretion of gastric acid (HCl)
Mastication or Chewing  G cells secrete gastrin into systemic
 voluntary process regulated by the CNS and circulation, which allows delivery of gastrin
performed by the muscles above and below to parietal cells and enterochromaffin-like
mandible cells in the gastric fundus and cardia
 during chewing food is cut and ground by teeth
and manipulated by the tongue, lips, and The strongly acidic nature of gastric juice kills many
cheeks microbes, partially denatures proteins in food, and
converts pepsinogen into pepsin
Deglutition  pepsin – the only proteolytic enzyme in the
 act of swallowing food stomach
 the oropharynx and laryngopharynx have  proteolytic enzymes – group of enzymes
digestive as well as respiratory functions, and that work to breakdown the molecules of
swallowed food must transit them both on the proteins – amino acids
way to the esophagus  gastric lipase – splits triglycerides
 deglutition has 3 stages: voluntary, pharyngeal,  triglycerides – main constituents of natural
and esophageal fats and oils
 intrinsic factor – needed for absorption of
vitamin B12 in the terminal ileum
ESOPHAGUS  Vitamin B12 is needed for RBC production
 only function is propulsion (moving food into the
stomach) Gentle, rippling, peristaltic movements called mixing
 a muscular tube that begins inferior to the waves pass over the stomach every 15 to 25 seconds
laryngopharynx, and positioned posterior to the  these waves macerate food, mix it with
trachea secretions of the gastric glands, and reduce it to
 Upper and lower esophageal sphincters (UES and a soupy liquid called chyme
LES) are situated at each end of the tube
 Lower esophageal sphincters - regulates the Within 2 to 4 hours after eating a meal, the stomach has
movement of food from the esophagus into the emptied its contents into the duodenum
stomach  food rich in carbohydrate spend the least time
 Incompetence of the LES results in  high-protein foods remain somewhat longer
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which  emptying is slowest after a fat-laden meal
manifests as 'heart burn' containing large amounts of triglycerides

At appropriate intervals, the stomach allows a small

STOMACH amount of chyme to pass through the pyloric sphincter
 J-shaped enlargement of GI tract situated between and enter the duodenum to begin the intestinal phase
the esophagus and the first part of the small of digestion
intestines (the duodenum)  completion of digestion is collective effort of
 main function: digestion pancreatic juice, bile, and intestinal juice in the
 Rugae - large folds in the mucosa of the empty small intestine
stomach which enable gastric distension, depending
on the amount of stomach contents
 4 main regions: cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus PANCREAS
 About 1-1.5 liters of alkaline pancreatic juice is  The large intestine is about 5 feet in length. Starting
secreted into the duodenum each day. It creates at the ileocecal valve, the large intestine has 4
the proper pH for the following digestive enzymes parts:
in the small intestine: 1. The cecum
 A starch digesting enzyme called pancreatic 2. The colon
amylase a. ascending
 Starch is made of chains of glucose molecules - b. transverse
carbohydrates c. descending
 Pancreatic lipase, the major triglyceride (fat) d. sigmoid
digesting enzyme in adults 3. The rectum
4. The anal canal
 There are no circular folds or villi in the large
 The liver is the body's largest gland and second  The mucosa is mostly an absorptive epithelium
largest organ. (mainly for water), and microvilli are plentiful.
 It has 2 main lobes (right and left - divided by the  Interspersed goblet cells produce mucous, but no
falciform ligament) and is covered by visceral digestive enzymes are secreted
peritoneum.  Teniae coli are 3 separate longitudinal ribbons of
 Hepatocytes are the major functional cells of the smooth muscle that run the length of the colon.
liver.  Because the teniae coli is shorter than the
 The liver is responsible for filtering the blood in intestine, the colon becomes sacculated into
the body and breaking down harmful small pouches called haustra (giving it a
substances like alcohol and drugs. It also segmented appearance).
produces bile, which helps to digest fats and  Hanging inferior to the ileocecal valve is the cecum,
eliminate waste products. a small pouch about 2.5 in long.
 Hepatocytes secrete about 1 liter of bile per  Attached to the cecum is a 3 in coiled tube called
day the appendix.
 Gallbladder - A pear-shaped reservoir located just  The open end of the cecum merges with a long tube
under the liver that receives and stores bile made in called the colon, with its various parts.
the liver. The gallbladder sends this stored bile into  The rectum is the last in of the GI tract and lies
the small intestine to aid in the digestion of food. anterior to the sacrum and coccyx.
 Bile, an excretory product that helps emulsify fats  The terminal in of the rectum is called the anal
for the watery environment of small intestine canal
digestive juices.  The opening of the anal canal to the exterior is
 Under the influence of the hormone called the anus.
cholecystokinin (CCK), the gallbladder contracts
and ejects stored bile. Although not necessary for
life, normal gall bladder function is highly desirable.
 Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a hormone secreted by
cells of the upper small intestine in response to
fat, protein.
 After surgical removal of the gall bladder (called
a cholecystectomy), a person would experience
severe indigestion if they ate a large meal high
in fat content

 The small intestine is divided into 3 regions:
1. The duodenum (10 in)
2. The jejunum (8 ft)
3. The ileum (12 ft)
 Mechanical digestion in the small intestine is a
localized mixing contraction called segmentations. The mechanical events associated with defecation
 The small intestinal mucosa contains (intestinal include localized haustral churning and peristalsis.
glands) that secrete intestinal juice. Its function is
to complete the digestive process begun by Two autonomic nervous system reflexes that initiate
pancreatic juice. strong bouts of mass peristalsis are the gastroileal
 90% of intestinal absorption occurs in the small reflex and the gastrocolic reflex.
intestine. a. The gastroileal reflex causes relaxation of the
 Most of the enzymatic digestion in the small ileocecal valve, intensifies peristalsis in the
intestine occurs inside the epithelial cells or on their ileum, and forces any chyme into the cecum.
surfaces (rather than in the lumen of the tube) as b. The gastrocolic reflex intensifies strong
intestinal juice comes in contact with the brush peristaltic waves that begin at about the middle
border of the villi. of the transverse colon and quickly drive the
contents of the colon into the rectum.

Feces are the waste leftover after digesting and

LARGE INTESTINE absorbing all the nutrients we can from eaten material.
Though it is lower in energy than the food it came from, As with any surgery, complications can occur.
feces may still contain a large amount of energy, often Some complications may include:
50% of that of the original food.  Bleeding
 The characteristic brown coloration comes  Infection
from a combination of bile and bilirubin.  Blockage of the blood vessels to the new kidney
 The distinctive odor is due to bacterial action -  Leakage of urine or blockage of urine in the
both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria participate. ureter
 Lack of function of the new kidney at first.
The defecation reflex is activated by stretch receptors
stimulated by filling of the rectum. The events leading
to defecation include:
 Food in the stomach stimulates mass peristalsis.
 Food moves through the intestine into the
 Rectal pressoreceptors respond to distention
and longitudinal muscles shorten the rectum.
 ANS releases the internal anal sphincter and
gives a conscious awareness of distention.
 Release of external sphincter is under conscious

URINARY SYSTEM  A ureter (approximately 25 cm long) originates near
 The urinary systems consists of the kidneys, ureters, an indented area of each kidney called the hilum
bladder, and urethra, along with its associated and travels to the base of the bladder.
nerves and blood vessels.  The ureters transport urine from the renal pelvis of
 The system maintains homeostasis by: the kidneys to the bladder using peristaltic waves,
- Regulating blood volume, pressure, pH, and hydrostatic pressure and gravity to move the urine.
concentration of electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca²+, Cl,
- Reabsorbing glucose and excreting wastes  The urinary bladder is a hollow, distensible
- Releasing certain hormones like renin and EPO muscular organ with a capacity that averages 700-
 When volume increases, stretch receptors send
RENAL ANATOMY signals to a micturition center in the spinal cord
KIDNEY triggering a spinal reflex - the micturition reflex.
 The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located just  In early childhood, we learn to initiate and stop the
above the waist between the peritoneum and the reflex voluntarily.
posterior wall of the abdomen (in the
retroperitoneal space).
 They are partially protected by the eleventh and
twelfth pairs of ribs.
 Because of the position of the liver, the right kidney
is slightly lower than the left.

What is a kidney transplant?

A kidney transplant is a surgery done to replace
a diseased kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor.
The kidney may come from a deceased organ donor or
*pudendal nerve – pons
from a living donor. Family members or others who are
a good match may be able to donate one of their
kidneys. This type of transplant is called a living
transplant. People who donate a kidney can live healthy
 The urethra is the vessel responsible for
lives with one healthy kidney,
transporting urine from the bladder to an external
A person getting a transplant most often gets
opening in the perineum.
just 1 kidney. In rare situations, he or she may get 2
 From the bladder, the urethra (4 cm in length in
kidneys from a deceased donor. The diseased kidneys
women and 24 cm in length in men) allows urine to
are usually left in place. The transplanted kidney is
be excreted.
placed in the lower belly on the front side of the body.
 In males, it is also used to discharge semen.
 Internal Urethral Sphincter (involuntary) to External
Why might I need a kidney transplant?
Urethral Sphincter in deep muscles of the perineum
You may need a kidney transplant if you have
end stage renal disease (ESRD). This is a permanent
condition of kidney failure it often needs dialysis. This is
a process used to remove wastes and other substances
from the blood.
 A frontal section through the kidney reveals two
What are the risks for kidney transplant? distinct regions of internal anatomy, the cortex and
 The main function of the cortex is filtration to form Blood plasma is filtered through the glomerular
urine. capillaries into the glomerular capsule. Filtered fluid
 The main function of the medulla is to collect and passes into the renal tubule, which has three main
excrete urine. sections:
 The renal pyramids within the medulla that 1. the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
contain the kidney's secreting apparatus and 2. the loop of Henle
tubules. 3. the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
 The renal papilla is the location where the
medullary pyramids empty urine into cuplike  The distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons
structures called minor and major calyces. empty into a single collecting duct. Collecting ducts
 Once the filtrate enters the calyces, it becomes unite and converge into several hundred large
urine because no further reabsorption can occur. papillary ducts which drain into the minor calyces,
 From the major calyces, urine drains into a single major calyces, renal pelvis, and ureters.
large cavity called the renal pelvis and then out  The first part of the loop of Henle (the descending
through the ureter. limb) dips into the renal medulla. It then makes a
 The hilum expands into a cavity within the kidney hairpin turn and returns to the renal cortex as the
called the renal sinus, which contains part of the ascending limb
renal pelvis, the calyces, and branches of the renal  Based on the length of the loop of Henle, nephrons
blood vessels and nerves. can be sorted into two populations: cortical and

RENAL BLOOD FLOW 1. Cortical nephrons make up about 80-85% of the 1

 The renal artery and renal vein pass into the million microscopic nephrons that comprise each
substance of the kidney at the hilum. kidney. Their renal corpuscles are located in the
 Arterial blood enters via the renal artery and exits outer portion of the cortex, with short loops of
the renal vein. Henle that penetrate only a small way into the
 Nephrons with short loops receive their blood
THE NEPHRON supply from peritubular capillaries
 The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney.
 Each nephron is composed of renal corpuscles and 2. The other 15-20% of the nephrons are
a renal tubule. juxtamedullary nephrons. Their renal corpuscles lie
deep in the cortex, close to the medulla, and they
The Renal Corpuscle consists of two structures: have long loops of Henle that extend into the
1. The glomerular capillaries – tangled, ball-shaped deepest region of the medulla.
capillaries  Nephrons with long loops receive their blood
2. The glomerular capsule (Bowman's capsule) – a supply from the vasa recta
double-walled epithelial cup that surrounds the
glomerular capillaries.

 Podocytes (or visceral epithelial cells) are cells of

the visceral epithelium in the kidneys and form a
crucial component of the glomerular filtration
barrier and maintaining a massive filtration
 The epithelium of the visceral and parietal layers of
the renal corpuscle form fenestrations (pores)
which act as a filtration (dialysis) membrane.
 Protein albumin if present in urinalysis marks
the malfunction of nephrons.
 Fluid filtered from the Bowman's space, (the space
between the two layers of the glomerular capillaries
 In each nephron, the final part of the ascending
enters glomerular capsule), which is the lumen of
limb of the loop of Henle makes contact with the
the urinary tube
afferent arteriole serving that renal corpuscle.
Because the columnar tubule cells in this region are
crowded together, they are known as the macula
 Alongside the macula densa, the wall of the afferent
arteriole contains modified smooth muscle fibers
called juxtaglomerular (JG) cells.
1. Fenestration (pore) of glomerular endothelial cell:  Together with the macula densa, they constitute
prevents filtration of blood cells but allows all the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA).
components of blood plasma to pass through
2. Basement membrane of glomerulus: prevents  The cells of the macula densa are sensitive to the
filtration of larger proteins ionic content and water volume of the fluid in the
3. Slit membrane between pedicels: prevents tubule.
filtration of medium sized proteins  If low water volume is detected by these cells, they
will produce molecular signals that promote renin
secretion by other cells of the juxtaglomerular blood plasma through the filtration membrane.
apparatus called the juxtaglomerular cells. (promotes filtration)
 The release of renin is an essential component of
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), 2. Capsular hydrostatic pressure (CHP) is the
which regulates blood pressure and volume. hydrostatic pressure exerted against the filtration
membrane by fluid already in the capsular space
and renal tubule. CHP opposes filtration and
represents a "back pressure" of about 15 mmHg.
(opposes filtration)

3. Blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP), which is

due to the presence of proteins such as albumin,
globulins, and fibrinogen in blood plasma, also
opposes filtration. The average BCOP in glomerular
capillaries is 30 mmHg. (pressure of plasma proteins
“pulling” on water - opposes filtration)

 Net filtration pressure (NFP), the total pressure

that promotes filtration, is determined as follows:
 Net filtration pressure (NFP) = GBHP-CHP -
 By substituting the values just given, normal NFP
The 3 basic functions performed by nephrons and may be calculated:
collecting ducts are:  NFP = 55 mmHg-15 mmHg-30 mmHg 10 mmHg
 Thus, a pressure of only 10 mmHg causes a normal
1. Glomerular filtration – pressure forces filtration of amount of blood plasma (minus plasma proteins) to
waste-laden blood in the glomerulus. The filter from the glomerulus into the capsular space.
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the amount of
filtrate formed in all the renal corpuscles of both Total Amount Amount Amount in
kidneys each minute. Amount in 180 L returned to Urine
in of blood/d (/day)
Plasma filtrate (reabsorbed
2. Tubular reabsorption – the process of returning
(/day) )
important substances from the filtrate back to the Water 3L 180 L 178-179 L 1-2 L
body. Protein 200 g 2g 1.9 g 0.1 g
Glucose 3g 162 g 162 g 0g
3. Tubular secretion – the movement of waste Urea 1g 54 g 24 g (about 30 g (about
materials from the body to the filtrate. ½) ½)
Creatinine 0.03 g 1.6 g 0 g (all 1.6 g (none
filtered) reabsorbed)

 Urea – final end product of protein metabolism
 Glomerular filtration is the formation of a protein- (becomes toxin if not secreted)
free filtrate of plasma across the glomerular
 Complications associated with urea’s high levels
include renal insufficiency, liver failure, heart
 Only a portion of the blood plasma delivered to the failure, or neurological disorders.
kidney via the renal artery is filtered.
 Creatine – a chemical that your body uses to supply
 Plasma which escapes filtration, along with its your muscles with energy. As your muscles use
protein and cellular elements, exits the renal energy the tissue that makes up your muscles
corpuscle via the efferent arteriole, perfuses the breaks down.
tubular capillary beds, and is eventually collected in
 This natural breakdown of muscle tissues
the renal venous system
causes creatinine to be released into your
bloodstream. End product of creatine is


Regulation of the GFR is critical to maintaining
homeostasis and is regulated by an assortment of local
and systemic mechanisms:
a. Renal autoregulation occurs when the kidneys
themselves regulate GFR.
b. Neural regulation occurs when the ANS
regulates renal blood flow and GFR.
c. Hormonal regulation involves angiotensin II and
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).

1. Glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP) is Neural regulation of GFR is possible because the renal
the blood pressure in glomerular capillaries. blood vessels are supplied by sympathetic ANS fibers
Generally, GBHP is about 55 mmHg. It promotes that release norepinephrine causing vasoconstriction.
filtration by forcing “pushes” water and solutes in
Sympathetic input to the kidneys is most important with white blood cells, red blood cells to name a
extreme drops of BP (as occurs with hemorrhage). few).
 In addition to a urinalysis, two blood tests are
commonly done clinically to assess the adequacy of
renal function.
Hormonal regulation  Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measures nitrogen
Two hormones contribute to regulation of GFR wastes in blood from catabolism and
a. Angiotensin II – drop in BP deamination of amino acids (protein).
b. A sudden large increase in BP stretches the  Creatinine levels appear in the blood as a result
cardiac atria and releases atrial natriuretic of catabolism of creatine phosphate in skeletal
peptide (ANP). ANP causes the glomerulus to muscle.
relax, increasing the surface area for filtration.  The serum creatinine test measures the
(vasodilation) amount of creatinine in the blood, which
increases in states of renal dysfunction.


 Sexual Reproduction is the process in which
organisms produce offspring by means of uniting
gametes (sperm and egg)
 Male reproductive organs secrete androgen
hormones, produce gametes (sperm), and
facilitate fertilization
 Female reproductive organs secrete female
hormones, produce gametes (ova), facilitate
fertilization and sustain growth of the embryo
 Tubular reabsorption is the process of returning and fetus
important substances ("good stuff") from the
filtrate back into the renal interstitium, then into  UROLOGY is the medical specialty that treats
the renal blood vessels... and ultimately back into disorders and diseases of the male reproductive
the body. system
 The "good stuff" is glucose, electrolytes, vitamins,  GYNECOLOGY is the medical specialty that treats
water, amino acids, and any small proteins disorders and diseases of the female reproductive
 Ninety nine percent of the glomerular filtrate is system
reabsorbed (most of it before the end of the PCT)!  OBSTETRICS focuses on the care of women
In the proximal convoluted tubules it’s already during pregnancy
The genitals are all the structures of reproduction
1. Gonads – gamete (sperm) and hormone production
2. Ducts – store and transport gametes
 Tubular secretion is the movement of substances
3. Accessory sex glands – produce secretions to
from the capillaries which surround the nephron
protect the sperm from the acidic environment
into the filtrate.
4. Supporting structures – deliver and/or assist in
 The process of tubular secretion controls pH.
joining gametes (penis in male, vagina and uterus in
 Hydrogen and ammonium ions are secreted to
decrease the acidity in the body, and bicarbonate is
 Maintaining the body's proper pH requires ANATOMY
cooperation mainly between the lungs and the  The MALE GONADS: the testes (singular: testis)
kidneys.  Male reproductive GLANDS are the:
 The lungs eliminate CO₂. 1. seminal vesicles (2)
 The kidneys eliminate H+ and NH₂+ ions and 2. prostate (1)
conserve bicarbonate. 3. bulbourethral glands (2)
 The DUCTS of the male reproductive system are
URINE 1. vas deferens (ductus deferens)
 A urinalysis analyzes the physical, chemical and 2. ejaculatory ducts
microscopic properties of urine. 3. urethra
 Water accounts for 95% of total urine volume.
 The solutes normally present in urine are  The SCROTUM is a supporting structure for the
filtered and secreted substances that are not testes
reabsorbed.  It consists of a sac of loose skin and superficial
 If disease alters metabolism or kidney function, fascia that hangs from the root of the penis
traces of substances normally not present or  The location and contraction of muscle fibers
normal constituents in abnormal amounts may (dartos and cremaster muscles) regulates the
appear (bacteria, albumin protein, glucose, testicular temp to that required for sperm
production (2-3° below the core temp)
 It secretes a protective alkaline mucus that
• The SPERMATIC CORD is a supportive structure that decreases sperm damage in the urethra (pre-
ascends "out of" the scrotum, and consists of: ejaculatory fluid)
 The vas deferens
 The testicular artery
 Veins and lymphatics that drain the testes and PHYSIOLOGY
carry testosterone to the body • Prenatal secretion of testosterone assists testicular
 Autonomic nerve descent and development of male external genital
 The TUNICA ALBUGINEA (collagen) forms septa that • Secretion of testosterone at puberty leads to
divide each testis into compartments called lobules development of male secondary sexual
 Each lobule contains 1-3 seminiferous tubules characteristics
where sperm are produced  stimulation of anabolism (musculoskeletal and
protein growth)
 Supporting structure – deliver and/or assist in  hair growth patterns
joining gametes  lowering of the voice
 The PENIS contains the urethra and is a passageway  development of libido (sexual drive)
for the ejaculation of semen and the excretion of  cryptorchidism – one or both of the testes fail to
urine descend from the abdomen into the scrotum
 It is cylindrical in shape and consists of a body,
glans penis, and a root
 The two dorsolateral masses are the corpora
 Spermatozoa are produced in the seminiferous
cavernosa penis, and the smaller midventral mass is
the corpus spongiosum penis (contains the spongy tubules by sperm stem cells called spermatogonia
urethra and keeps it open during ejaculation)  At the beginning of puberty, the anterior pituitary
increases secretion of the gonadotrophs: LH and
Arteries and veins carry blood to and from the  Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates
penis. These blood vessels play an important role in Sertoli cells and increases the rate of
erections. spermatogenesis
 LH stimulates Leydig cells, which are located
During an erection, the arteries expand to increase
between seminiferous tubules, to secrete the
blood flow to the penis. The blood fills two tubes of
hormone testosterone
spongy tissue in the penis (corpus cavernosa). This
 Once the degree of spermatogenesis (sperm
causes them to swell, making the penis larger and stiff,
formation) required for male reproductive functions
so it angles out from the body. The veins narrow, which
has been achieved, Sertoli cells release inhibin, a
traps the blood and maintains the erection.
hormone that inhibits FSH
After the man ejaculates or is no longer sexually
aroused, the veins expand and the trapped blood flows
back to the body. The penis returns to its normal size SPERMATOZOA
and becomes soft (flaccid).  Each day about 300 million sperm complete the
process of spermatogenesis.
 A sperm contains several structures that are highly
 The ACCESSORY GLANDS contribute greatly to the adapted for reaching and penetrating a secondary
constituents of the ejaculate oocyte
 The major parts of a sperm are the head and the
1. SEMINAL VESICLES secrete a viscous, alkaline fluid tail
(mainly during ejaculation) which makes up 60% of  The nucleus contains 23 highly condensed
the total volume. chromosomes (half the normal number)
 It contains fructose (for energy), prostaglandins  The acrosome is a cap-like vesicle filled with
(to stimulate smooth muscle contractions), and enzymes (hyaluronidase and proteases) that help a
clotting proteins (fibrinogen) sperm to penetrate a secondary oocyte to bring
 *peristaltic movement of sperm about fertilization
 the alkalinity neutralizes the acidity of the  The middle piece contains many mitochondria
male urethra and the female reproductive tract which provide the energy (ATP) for locomotion
 The seminal vesicles are a pair of glands along the  Before ejaculation, sperm travel via the following
back of the bladder base in men and are part of the route:
male genital system. Their main function is to 1. Seminiferous tubules
produce a fluid that makes up semen, which is 2. Rete testis (network)
released during ejaculation. 3. Efferent ducts
4. Ductus epididymis
2. PROSTATE is a chestnut-sized, donut-shaped gland 5. Vas (ductus) deferens
that secretes about 25% of ejaculate volume.
 Prostatic fluid is a milky, slightly acidic solution
containing citric acid (for energy), acid SEMEN
phosphatase, and proteolytic enzymes (PSA  Semen is a mixture of sperm and seminal fluid, a
and hyaluronidase) liquid that consists of the secretions of the
seminiferous tubules, seminal vesicles, prostate,
3. BULBOURETHRAL (COWPER'S) GLAND is a pea- and bulbourethral glands
sized gland inferior to the prostate.  The volume of semen in a typical ejaculation is 2.5-5
milliliters (ml), with 50-150 million sperm per mL
 when the number falls below 20 million/mL, the UTERUS
male is likely to be infertile  The uterus is a pear shaped organ situated between
the urinary bladder and the rectum
 It serves as part of the pathway for sperm
MALE SEXUAL RESPONSE  It is also the site of implantation of a fertilized
 Upon sexual stimulation (visual, tactile, auditory, ovum
olfactory, or imagined), sacral parasympathetic  During reproductive cycles when implantation does
fibers initiate and maintain an erection not occur, the uterus is the source of menstrual
 Under the influence of nitric oxide released from flow
parasympathetic neurons (“neurogenic NO”), CERVIX
arteries that supply the penis dilate and blood  The cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that
enters penile sinuses in the erectile tissue; NO also connects the vagina and uterus.
causes the smooth muscle within the erectile tissue
to relax, resulting in widening of the blood sinuses VAGINA
 After an erection, sympathetic stimulation is  The vagina is a fibromuscular canal lined with
necessary for the rest of the sexual response, mucous membrane
including ejaculation ✓ Serve as a passageway for menstrual flow
 The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the ✓ Receive sperm
urinary bladder must close, followed by semen ✓ Form the lower birth canal
being propelled into the penile portion of the  The vulva (female external genitalia)
urethra (emission)  Mons pubis (created by adipose tissue)
 Powerful contractions culminate in the release of  Erectile tissue of the clitoris
semen from the urethra to the exterior  Labia majora (outer limits of vulva) and labia
 Sympathetic – male ejaculation minora (covers the vestibule)
 Parasympathetic – male erection  Vestibule, the area between the labia minora
 Vaginal orifice (opening)
 Benign prostatic hypertrophy is an enlargement of  Anterior to the vaginal orifice and posterior to the
the prostate gland in the absence of cancer. It is a clitoris is the opening of the external urethral
very common affliction as men age, resulting in orifice
obstruction of urine flow and inability to completely  Mucus-secreting paraurethral glands flank the
empty the bladder orifice (homologous to the prostate gland in
 Impotence is the inability to maintain erection long males)
enough for sexual intercourse  On either side of the vaginal orifice itself are the
 Primary infertility describes couples who have greater vestibular (Bartholin's) glands. They
never been able to become pregnant after at least 1 produce a small quantity of lubricating mucous
year of unprotected sex during sexual arousal.
 Most experts define infertility as not being able
to get pregnant after at least one year of trying. PERINIUM
Secondary infertility describes couples who  The perineum denotes the diamond-shaped area
have been pregnant at least once, but have not medial to the thighs and buttocks of females (and
been able to become pregnant again. Women males) - the entire undersurface of the pelvis
who are able to get pregnant but then have  It contains the external genitalia and anus
repeat miscarriages are also said to be infertile.
 The breasts (mammary glands) are modified
sudoriferous glands that produce milk: Each
contains 15-20 lobes divided into lobules
 Each lobule is composed of milk-secreting glands
called alveoli. The nipple has a pigmented area
 The primary role of the ovaries are to produce
(areola)and openings for the lactiferous ducts
mature secondary oocytes (female gametes) and
release one (ovulation)
 Another important function of the ovaries are to PHYSIOLOGY
secrete the female hormones estrogen,
 During reproductive years, non-pregnant females
progesterone, inhibin, and relaxin
normally exhibit cyclical changes in the ovaries and
 Each cycle takes about a month and involves
 After receiving the secondary oocyte at the
both oogenesis (ovarian cycle) and preparation
infundibulum the uterine tube (fallopian tube)
of the uterus (uterine cycle) with hormones
provide a site for fertilization, and then transport
secreted by the hypothalamus, anterior
for the ovum if fertilization occurs.
pituitary, and ovaries controlling the main
The main anchors for the ovaries are the suspensory
 The hormones secreted in the brain constitute the
ligaments of the ovary (for pelvic wall attachment), and
part of the cycle called the hypothalamic/pituitary
the ovarian ligament (provides an attachment to the
cycle (GnRH, FSH, and LH)
side wall of the uterus)
 The reproductive organs in the female respond to  At ovulation the 3° follicle (mature Graafian follicle)
the brain hormones by cycling at two "lower" levels ruptures to expel the 2° oocyte into the pelvic
 ovarian cycle – occurs in the ovaries where 1°, cavity, normally to be swept into the uterine tube if
2° and 3° follicles are formed not fertilized, it degenerates
 uterine cycle – refers to the monthly cycling of  if sperm are present and one penetrates the 2°
the endometrium oocyte, meiosis Il resumes


 The formation of gametes in the ovaries is termed  In the ovary, the mature Graafian follicle has
oogenesis. In contrast to spermatogenesis, which become a corpus luteum, a temporary structure
begins in males at puberty, oogenesis is more essential for establishing and maintaining
complex and begins in females before they are even pregnancy in females
born  It secretes estrogens and progesterone, which
 During early fetal development, primordial germ are responsible for the thickening of the
cells differentiate into oogonia endometrium and its development and
 Germ cells are the only cells in the body that maintenance
have half the amount of chromosomes,  After approx. 14 days, if the 2° oocyte is not
undergo both mitosis and meiosis and in males fertilized, the corpus luteum stops secreting
produce the gamete, sperm. progesterone and degenerates into a corpus
 At birth, ~ 200,000 to 2,000,000 primary oocytes albicans (just a mass of fibrous scar tissue)
remain in each ovary.  Without estrogen and progesterone, the uterine
 Even before birth, most oogonia degenerate, lining cannot be maintained and it sloughs (menses)
though a few develop into larger cells called 1° menstruation
oocytes  On the other hand, pregnancy occurs, the corpus
 Of these, about 40,000 are still present at puberty, luteum is "rescued" from degeneration by an LH-
and around 400 will mature and ovulate during a like hormone called human chorionic
woman's reproductive years. (SECONDARY OOCYTE) gonadotrophin (hCG- produced by the developing
OOGENESIS  With hCG support, the corpus luteum goes on to
produce hormones well into the 1st trimester until
the placenta can take over
 The window of opportunity for fertilization to
happen is – 2 days before ovulation to 1 day after
ovulation (the sperm can survive 48-72 hrs in the
uterine tube)
 At the moment of conception, the successful sperm
penetrates the plasma membrane of the 2° oocyte
and the nuclear material of the two cells unite to
reconstitute the new diploid cell is called a zygote

 In many ways the uterine or menstrual cycle closely
parallels the events happening in the ovaries
 Under the influence of the ovarian hormones, the
uterine lining undergoes cyclic events (4 phases)
every 28 days (on average)
 At puberty, under the influence of LH and FSH (the
1. Menses (menstruation) marks the beginning of
brain gonadotropins), several primordial follicles
the cycle, day 1 to day 5
will be stimulated each month
2. This is followed at day 5 by the pre-ovulatory
 Maturing oocytes within maturing follicles undergo
phase (follicular phase)
a series of developmental stages which ultimately
3. Ovulation occurs on about day 14
brings one 2° oocyte
4. After which the post-ovulatory phase (luteal
 ***granulosa cells inside the follicle
phase) begins

 Menses (MENSTRUATION) manifests as a
degeneration of the endometrium when levels of
progesterone become insufficient
 Prostaglandin released by the "unsupported"
endometrium causes constriction of supply arteries
causing a reduction in blood flow: Bloody
endometrial tissue eventually sloughs, and is passed
out through the two uterine os and into the vagina
 Menstruation lasts 1-7 days with 50-150 ml of fluids
and cells lost


 Estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, and inhibin are all
secreted by ovaries (and the placenta during
 Estrogen is responsible for the presence of
secondary sex characteristics (adipose tissue in the
breasts, mons pubis, abdomen, and hips, voice
pitch, and broad pelvis)
 Progesterone is the principal hormone responsible
for maturation of the uterine endometrium, as well
as an important player in stimulating breast
development. It inhibits GnRH and LH through a
negative feedback loop
 Relaxin is released by the corpus luteum; it relaxes
the myometrium and the pubic symphysis at the
end of pregnancy
 Inhibin is released by granulosa cells, and then in
large amount by the corpus luteum; it inhibits FSH
and LH


 As in the male, the initiation of the sexual response
results in stimulation of sacral parasympathetic
fibers and nitric oxide dilation of the erectile tissue
– in this case, of the clitoris
 Sexual climax culminates in a sympathetic
discharge, accompanied by quick cycles of muscle
contraction in the lower pelvic muscles and an
intense feeling of euphoria
 During this time, release of the neurohormones
oxytocin and prolactin produce a feeling of
 Release of these hormones (and others, like
vasopressin) also serves as a reward mechanism
that regulates pair-bonding and sexual imprinting
between the partners

 Amenorrhea – absence of menstruation
 Dysmenorrhea – unusual menstrual discomfort
(usually indicates an excess of prostaglandin
 Disfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) – abnormal
uterine bleeding in the absence of organic disease
(usually an estrogen/progesterone imbalance)
 Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – indicates a mild
distress near end of postovulatory (luteal) phase
MIDTERM  Decreased: Pericardial Friction Rub (+)
CARDIOVASCULAR / CIRCULATORY SYSTEM  Increased: Cardiac Tamponade (+) Cardiac
 heart and blood vessels transport water, gases (O 2,
CO2, N2), proteins, and hormones throughout the INTERSTITIAL FLUID
body  Fluid between the cells or body parts.
 regulates temperature and blood pH, and facilitate  Fluid that is found outside the circulatory
the functions of the immune system system and also outside cells
 A closed-circuit system composed of the heart,
blood vessels, and blood.
THREE COMPONENTS: 1. Epicardium (Visceral Serous Pericardium)
1. Heart - outermost layer
2. Blood vessels - contains blood vessels, lymphatics, and vessels
3. Blood that supply the myocardium
2. Myocardium
HEART - pumping action
 pumps blood throughout the circulatory system - contains cardiac muscle tissue (involuntary)
 weighs about 350g (about the size of a closed fist) 3. Endocardium
 beats more than 10,000 times per day - provides a smooth lining for chambers and
covers the valves
LOCATION: - minimizes surface friction as blood passes
 Mediastinum – extends anteriorly in sternum, through the heart
posteriorly in vertebral column, and medially - thin sheet of endothelium that lines the heart
between the two lungs; and the pleural chambers, it is continuous with the linings of
membranes that cover them the blood vessels
 Space between the lungs where the heart
 heart rest on top of diaphragm
Upper Chambers or Receiving Chambers
1. Right Atrium
2. Left Atrium
 2/3 of the heart’s mass is just barely to the left
Lower Chambers or Pumping Chamber
of the midline
3. Right Ventricle
 Base of the heart – tipped up medially and
4. Left Ventricle
posteriorly right pointing
 Top part of the heart that is broad
 Apex of the heart – inferiorly and laterally left
 consists of the right atrium and right ventricle
 taking venous (deoxygenated) blood from the
 The pointed end of the heart that rests on
body and pumping it to the lungs for
the diaphragm (it is directed toward the left
 consists of the left atrium and left ventricle
PERICARDIUM  taking freshly pulmonary (oxygenated) blood
 membrane that surrounds and protects the and pumping it systematically
heart and retains its position in the
mediastinum AORTA
 The major artery of the cardiovascular system;
TWO LAYERS OF PERICARDIUM arises from the left ventricle of the heart.
1. Fibrous Pericardium
- outermost layer
- prevents overstretch
 prevents backflow of the blood
- serves as an anchor
2. Serous Pericardium AV (Atrioventicular) Valves / Inlet
- innermost layer  Between the atrial and the ventricular
chambers on each side.
TWO TYPES OF SEROUS PERICARDIUM 1. Tricuspid Valve at (R) – regulates blood flow
a. Parietal Serous Pericardium – adheres tightly to between right atrium and right ventricle
fibrous pericardium 2. Bicuspid/Mitral Valve at (L) – lets oxygen-rich
b. Visceral Serous Pericardium (Epicardium) – blood pass from the left atrium into the left
adheres tightly in the heart ventricle
SL (Semilunar) Valves / Outlet
PERICARDIAL FLUID  Set of valves that guards the bases of the 2
 Function: decreases the friction of the heart large arteries leaving the ventricular chambers
 Location: between visceral and parietal serous 3. Pulmonic Valve – controls blood flow from the
pericardium (pericardial cavity) right ventricle into the pulmonary arteries
 Amount: 50mL
4. Aortic Valve – opens the way for oxygen-rich
blood to pass from the left ventricle into the


 A blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood
away from the heart to vital organs and the
 always conduct blood away from the heart
 contains oxygenated blood (except fetal
circulation = deoxygenated blood)
 most are thick-walled, and exposed to high
pressures and friction forces

 Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood
toward the heart from vital organs and the CAPILLARIES
extremities.  The smallest blood vessels that supply blood to
 always bring blood back to the heart the tissues, and the site of all gas and nutrient
exchange in the cardiovascular system. They
 contains deoxygenated blood (except fetal
connect the arterial and venous systems.
circulation = oxygenated blood)
 most are thin-walled, and exposed to low
pressures and friction forces
 Small-diameter blood vessels that extend and
branch out from an artery and lead to
BLOOD FLOW TRHOUGH THE HEART capillaries; the primary site of vascular
1. Systemic Circuit resistance.
- ejects blood into the aorta, systemic arteries,
and arterioles VENULES
- powered by the left side of the heart  Smaller divisions of veins.
- The circulatory vessels of the body.
- ejects blood into the pulmonary trunk  The veins that bring in blood from the upper
- powered by the right side of the heart and lower parts of the body to the heart
- The circulatory vessels of the lungs; involved in
the circulation of blood from the right ventricle AUTORHYTHMICITY
of the heart to the lungs and back to the left
 rhythmical electrical activity that produced by
atrium of the heart.
 heart muscle is autorhythmic, it does not rely on
CORONARY CIRCULATION the central nervous system to sustain a lifelong
 innermost tissues lining the chambers of the heart heartbeat
 myocardium (and other tissues of the thick cardiac  when transplanted hearts are re-warmed
walls) must get nutrients from blood flowing following cardiopulmonary bypass, they once
through the coronary circulation again begin to beat without the need to
 only during the relaxation phase of ventricular connect outside nerves or use life-long
diastole, will blood actually flow through the pacemaker devices
coronary circulation  75 heart beat per minute

 Starting at the aortic root, the direction of blood Cardiac Action Potential
flow is from the aorta to the left and right
 self-excitable myocytes that "act like nerves"
coronary arteries
 forming the conduction system of the heart
 Left Coronary Artery – to anterior
and acting as pacemakers within that system
interventricular and circumflex branches
a. Conduction – transmission of impulse
 Right Coronary Artery – to marginal and b. Pacemaker – generates electrical activity
posterior atrioventricular branches which will influence your heart to beat
 Coronary veins all collect into the coronary 1. Sinoatrial (SA) node
sinus on the back part of the heart  natural or normal pacemaker of the heart
 Coronary sinus – empties into the right atrium because it initiates all heartbeat
where the deoxygenated coronary blood joins  has the fastest rate of depolarization
with oxygen-depleted blood from the rest of
the body
 Location: right atrial wall just below where the
superior vena cava enters the chamber

2. Atrioventricular (AV) node

 Refractory Period – time for the atria to empty
the blood before the ventricles contract
 the signal is slowed, allowing the atrium a
chance to mechanically move blood into the
 prevent backflow into the atria when the
ventricles contract
 Location: by propagating throughout the wall of
Cardioacceleratory Center
the atria to the AV node in the interatrial
 nervous system regulation of the heart
originates in the cardiovascular (CV) center
 Interatrial or intraventricular septum –
 found in the medulla oblongata
divides the heart longitudinally
 sensory information from baroreceptors in the
carotid body and in the arch of the aorta relay
3. Atrioventricular (AV) Bundle (Bundle of His)
information about blood pressure and blood
 only site where action potentials can conduct
flow to the cardioacceleratory center
from the atria to the ventricles
4. Right and Left Bundle Branches
 sympathetic nerves are present throughout the
 extend through the interventricular septum
atria (especially in the SA node) and ventricles
toward the apex of the heart
 sympathetic activity increases the heart rate
 Interventricular Septum – Muscular wall
and the strength of myocardiac contraction to
that separates the right and left sides of the
increase blood flow out of the heart (ejection
heart, preventing the mixing of blood from
the two sides of the heart.
Cardioinhibitory Center
5. Purkinje Fibers
 medulla also contains the cell bodies of the
 largest pacemaker
neurons that make up the cardioinhibitory
 conduct the action potential throughout the
 same sensory information coming in from
 Location: ventricle walls
peripheral baroreceptors goes to this area as
Describe how the Intrinsic Conduction System Works
1. 1st the SA node (a tiny cell mass) starts each Parasympathetic
heartbeat and sets the pace.  When cardioinhibitory center is stimulated,
2. 2nd From the SA node, the impulses spreads parasympathetic fibers in CN X, the vagus
through the atria to the AV node to cause a nerve, release acetylcholine that decreases the
contraction heart rate and strength of contraction
3. 3rd Once the AV node is finished contracting it is
passed though the AV bundle, the bundle of his, the
bundle braches and the purkinjie fibers.


 Functional Syncytium – formed when the bands of  action potential (AP) initiated by the SA node
muscle wind around the heart and work as a unit, travels along the conduction system and
although anatomically the heart consist of spreads out to excite the “working” atrial and
individual cells ventricular muscle fibers
 it allows the top and bottom parts to contract in  have a stable RMP of -90mV
their own unique way  The AP propagates throughout the heart
 Atrial Muscle Syncytium – contracts as a sing unit by opening and closing Na+ and K+
to force blood down into the ventricles channels
 Syncytium of Ventricular Muscle – starts  2 K+ out : 3 Na+ in
contracting at the apex (inferiorly), squeezing blood
upward to exit the outflow tracts
An action potential occurs in a contractile fiber as
 Role of ANS input: regulate changes in blood  rapid depolarization due to Na+ inflow when
pressure, blood flow, and blood volume to maintain voltage-gated fast Na+ channels open
enough cardiac output to provide for all organs at 2. Plateau
all times (if possible)  plateau (maintained depolarization) due to
 although the heart does not rely on outside nerves Ca2+ inflow when voltage-gated slow Ca2+
for its basic rhythm, there is abundant sympathetic channels open and K+ outflow when some K+
and parasympathetic innervation which alters the channels open
rate and force of heart contractions
 the more the heart muscle is stretched (filled)
before contraction (preload), the more
3. Repolarization / K+ Efflux forcefully the heart will contract
 repolarization due to closure of Ca2+ channels  increased preload – increased cardiac
and K+ outflow when additional voltage-gated contraction
K+ channels open

HEMODYNAMICS  usually measured in the larger conducting arteries
Cardiac Cycle where the high and low pulsations of the heart can
 The period from the beginning of one heartbeat be detected – usually the brachial artery
to the beginning of the next heartbeat; the  The pressure the blood exerts against the inner
systolic and diastolic phases and the interval in walls of the blood vessels, it is the only force that
between. keeps blood circulating continuously even between
 includes all events associated with one heartbeats
heartbeat, including diastole (relaxation phase)
and systole (contraction phase) of both the atria a. Systolic BP – is the higher pressure measured
and the ventricles during left ventricular systole when the aortic valve
 in each cycle, atria and ventricles alternately is open
contract and relax  pressure in the arteries at the peak of
a. during atrial systole, the ventricles are ventricular contraction
relaxed  Normal Systolic BP: 110-140 mm Hg
b. during ventricle systole, the atria are b. Diastolic BP – is the lower pressure measured
relaxed during left ventricular diastole when the valve is
 Two principal events of the cycle: closed
a. ventricular filling during ventricular diastole  pressure when the ventricles are relaxing
b. ventricular ejection during ventricular  Normal Diastolic BP: 70-80 mm Hg
 the blood pressure that we measure in the arm  Normal BP varies by age, but is approximately 120
is a reflection of the pressure developed by the mmHg systolic over 80 mmHg diastolic in a healthy
left ventricle, before and after left ventricular young adult (in females, the pressures are often 8–
systole 10 mmHg less.)
 people who are in good physical condition or
Systole who have a favorable genetic predisposition
 The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle. have lower BPs
 When the ventricles contract
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
Diastole  average pressure in large arteries
 The period of filling of the heart between  roughly 1/3 of the way between the diastolic
contractions; resting phase of the heart. and systolic BP
 When the ventricles relax  Formula: 1/3 (systolic BP – diastolic BP) +
diastolic BP
 during the cardiac cycle, all 4 of the heart valves
have a chance to open and close ELECTROCARDIODIAGRAM (ECG)
 sounds that the heart makes  recording of the electrical changes on the surface of
the body resulting from the depolarization and
S1 “lubb”, closure of AV valve repolarization of the myocardium
S2 “dubb”, closure of SL valve  ECG recordings measure the presence or absence of
blood turbulence during rapid fillings of certain waveforms (deflections), the size of the
S3 waves, and the time intervals of the cardiac cycle
S4 blood turbulence during atrial systole  help us determine normal from abnormal cardiac
Cardiac Output  abnormal ECGs show problems within the
conduction pathways, whether or not the heart
 The amount of blood pumped by each side of
is enlarged, or if certain regions are damaged
the heart (actually each ventricle) in one minute
 volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle
(or the right ventricle) into the aorta (or
pulmonary trunk) each minute
 Resting Cardiac Output: 4 – 6 Liters
 Formula: CO (mL/min) = SV (mL/beat) x HR
 Cardiac Output – amount of blood ejected
in each minute
 Stroke Volume – amount of blood ejected in
every heart beat

Starling’s Law of the Heart

 Plasma is 92% water, with dissolved solutes
consisting mostly of various proteins, electrolytes,
and gasses
 The liquid portion of the blood responsible for
carrying hormones, plasma proteins, food materials
(e.g., carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids), ions (e.g.,
sodium, chloride, bicarbonate), and gases (e.g.,
oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) throughout the

Red Blood Cells (RBCs) or Erythrocytes
 make up the bulk of the blood cells, with many
fewer white blood cells (WBCs) interspersed in
among them
The major deflections and intervals in ECG normal
 Hematocrit (Hct) – normal RBC is between 40-
50% by volume, and corresponds to 4-6 x
1. P Wave – atrial depolarization or contraction
106/mm3 by number
2. P-Q Interval – time it takes for the atrial kick to fill
the ventricles (refractory period)
White Blood Cells (WBCs) or Leukocytes
3. QRS Wave/Complex – atrial repolarization and
 by number, make up between 5-10 x 10 3/mm3
ventricular depolarization
 RBCs outnumbered WBCs by about 700:1
4. S-T Segment – time it takes to empty the ventricles
 there are 5 different types of WBCs, all with
before they repolarize
varying functions
5. T Wave – ventricular repolarization or relaxation
6. Q-T Interval – from contraction to relaxation
VASOCONTRICTION  huge cells that splinter into 2000 to 3000
fragments while still in the red bone marrow
 Narrowing of the blood, the major action of the
sympathetic nervous system  Platelet – each fragment, enclosed by a piece of
the plasma membrane
 Cold has a vasoconstricting effect while heat
has a vasodilating effect  Platelets leave the red bone marrow and
enter the circulation as an irregularly
BLOOD shaped disc with many vesicles but no
 contributes to homeostasis by transporting nucleus
respiratory gasses, nutrients, and hormones to
and from your body’s cells Platelets or Thrombocytes
 helps regulate body pH and temperature, and  more numerous than WBCs (150-400 x
provides protection through its clotting 103/mm3)
mechanisms and immune defenses  have a short life span (5 to 9 days) and don’t
 primary function is transportation have much mass
 about 4x more viscous than water  appear as little specks interspersed among the
 Temperature: about 1°C higher than measured many red cells
body temperature  One of the disc-shaped components of the
blood; involved in clotting.
Constituents of Blood
 blood is a liquid connective tissue that contains:
 plasma, a liquid ground substance  process by which the formed elements of blood
 dissolved protein fibers develop
 whole blood can be separated into liquid  in adults, blood cells are formed in red bone
component and cellular components using a marrow from pluripotent stem cells, they mature in
machine called a centrifuge bone marrow or lymphoid tissue
 Pluripotent stem cell – is the progenitor of all
the other red bone marrow cells

 part of hematopoiesis that deals with the 2. Agranulocytes – are the monocytes and
production of RBCs lymphocytes
 increases when states of hypoxia (O 2 deficiency)
stimulates the kidneys to release the hormone Neutrophils or Polymorphonucleocyte (PMN)
erythropoietin (EPO)  most numerous WBC in normal blood (60-70%)
 EPO – circulates to the red marrow and  have pinkish cytoplasm, and they are one of the
speeds up the maturation and release of two major phagocytes in the body
immature red cells  phagocytic cell
 principle role is to fight bacterial infections
 Chemotaxis – a phenomenon when chemicals
RED BLOOD CELLS released by microbes and inflamed tissues
 bi-concave discs attract phagocytes
 mature RBCs don't have a nucleus or any protein
making machinery and are destined to die in about Eosinophils
120 days  much less numerous than neutrophils (2-4% of
 not really cells, but remnants of cells with a very circulating WBCs)
specific purpose – to carry O2 to the tissues of the  characterized by their large red granules
body  phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes
 the characteristic RBC shape increases the cell  also destroy some types of parasitic worms
surface area and gives them a high oxygen carrying  but their numbers increase slightly with
capacity parasitic infection
 because they lack mitochondria, they don’t use  have also been associated with the
any of the oxygen they carry development of allergies
 their shape also allows them to deform and fit
in small capillary beds Basophils
 lowest number of circulating WBCs (only 0-1%)
 release histamine (large, dark blue containing
 rate of erythropoiesis is measured by the granules) and other chemical defenses
number of immature RBCs (called reticulocytes
 play important role in inflammatory responses
or “retics”) in the peripheral circulation
(allergic reactions)
 a low retic count (<.5%) indicates a low rate
 Mast cells – when basophils leave the
of erythropoiesis while an elevated rate
bloodstream and enter the tissues
(>2%) indicates a high rate of erythropoiesis
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
 they come from the same immediate precursor
 a protein molecule adapted to carry O 2 (and CO2
cell as the 3 granulocytes (the myeloid stem
as well), and each RBC contains 280 million
molecules of Hgb
 major group of phagocytic cell along with
 Hgb molecule consists of 4 large globin proteins
(2 alpha and 2 beta chains), each embedding an
 phagocytize bacteria, cell fragments, dead
iron-containing heme center
cells, and debris
 Macrophages – when monocytes leave the
Red Blood Cell Life Cycle
bloodstream and enter the tissues
 RBCs live only about 120 days
 Phagocytize foreign substances and help
 to maintain normal numbers, new mature cells
activate T-cells
must enter the circulation at the astonishing
rate of at least 2 million/second, a pace that
balances the equally high rate of RBC
 approximately 20-30% of circulating white cells
 the cornerstone of the specific immune
 Ruptured RBCs are removed from
circulation and destroyed by fixed
 quite different; develop as responders to very
phagocytic macrophages in the spleen and
specific foreign antigens
liver — the breakdown products are
a. T-lymphocytes (T-cells) – manage and
recycled and used in numerous metabolic
direct an immune response – cancer cells
processes, including the formation of new
 Manage the immune response AND
attack and destroy foreign cells
 Phagocytosis – eating mechanism of a cell
 mature in Thymus Gland
b. B-lymphocytes (B-cells) - stimulated to
WHITE BLOOD CELL become plasma cells and produce
 have nuclei and a full complement of other antibodies
organelles - but they do not contain the protein Hgb  produce plasma cells which secrete
Two Groups depending on whether they contain  mature in bone marrow
conspicuous chemical-filled cytoplasmic granules (when c. Natural killer cells (NK cells) - attack
stained) abnormal and infected tissue cells (tumor)
1. Granulocytes – include the neutrophils, eosinophils,  These leucocytes kill by "touch killing."
and basophils They contact a foreign cell and release
perforins and they also cause apoptosis.
 an increase above this number is called a 1. Albumin – smallest, most abundant (58%); act as
lymphocytosis and often represents an acute transport proteins that carry ions, hormones, and
viral infection some lipids in the blood.
 most lymphocytes continually move among 2. Globulin – 37%; immunoglobulins or antibodies.
lymphoid tissues, lymph, and blood, spending 3. Fibrinogen – 4%; responsible for blood clot
only a few hours at a time in blood formation.
4. Regulatory proteins – include enzymes to
WBC Indices accelerate chemical reactions in the blood
 For diagnostic purposes, physicians measure
the total number of circulating WBCs
a. leukocytosis – any WBC count >
10,000/mm3, and usually indicate an  2 micrometers in diameter (less than one-fourth the
infectious process or a cancer size of an erythrocyte).
b. leukopenia – any WBC count < 5,000/mm 3,  continually produced in the red bone marrow by
and usually indicates a severe disease (AIDS, cells called megakaryocytes
bone marrow failure, severe malnutrition,  activated by severe trauma to a blood vessel causes
or chemotherapy) the blood to coagulate, or clot
 components in the plasma produce a web of
WBC Differential fibrin that traps erythrocytes and platelets in
 to enhance the diagnostic value of a WBC the web to halt blood flow (increase the bond
count, the percentages of each of the 5 types of between the platelets)
WBCs is determined by using a machine to do a
statistical analysis of the blood sample HEMOSTASIS
 sequence of responses that stops bleeding
PLASMA  when blood vessels are damaged or ruptured, the
 the fluid component of the blood and contains hemostatic response must be quick, localized to the
everything in blood except the formed elements, region of damage, and carefully controlled in order
which, for collection purposes, have been to be effective
centrifuged out  Calcium (Ca2+) – plays an important role throughout
 contains mostly water, with electrolytes, hormones, the clotting system, and many steps have positive or
proteins, dissolved gasses, and glucose and other negative feedback on various other steps to
nutrients propagate the process, yet maintain control
 most abundant plasma protein which regulates THREE MECHANISMS (REDUCE BLOOD LOSS)
movement of water between tissue pores and 1. Vascular Spasm
blood vessels via osmosis  occurs as damaged blood vessels constrict
 major protein that has many clotting proteins,  decrease in blood vessel diameter =
antibodies, and enzymes decrease of blood flow
 relatively simple, water soluble protein with a 2. Formation of a Platelet Plug
low molecular weight – it forms small heart-  platelets adhere to damaged endothelium to
shaped globules just over 8 nm in size form a platelet plug
 synthesized in the liver and contributes 3. Blood Clotting (Coagulation)
significantly to the blood viscosity and the  possible because of the presence of several
body’s ability to maintain blood pressure clotting proteins
 plays an important role as a carrier molecule a. Extrinsic Pathway – has few steps and
occurs rapidly, often within seconds, once
Globulins the protein “tissue factor” (TF) leaks into
 plasma proteins that acts as a transport the blood
molecule; act as antibodies in response to b. Intrinsic Pathway – more complex and
antigens occurs more slowly in response to damage
 control blood osmotic pressure and act as to endothelial cells or phospholipids
carrier molecules released by activated platelets
a. α-globulins – carry bilirubin and steroids
b. β- globulins – carry copper and iron CLOTTING FACTORS
c. δ-globulins – are immunoglobulins 1. Fibrinogen
(antibodies) made by activated B 2. Prothrombin
lymphocytes called plasma cells 3. Tissue Factor Or Tissue Thromboplastin
4. Calcuim
Fibrinogen 5. Proaccelerain
 Plasma protein that contributes to formation of 6. Accelerin / Factor 5a
blood clots 7. Stable Factor or Proconvertin
8. Antihemophilic Factor A
9. Christmass Factor / Antihemophilic Factor B
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 10. Staurt Prower Factor
(BLOOB PART II) 11. Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent
12. Hageman Factor
PLASMA PROTEINS 13. Fibrin Stabilizing Factor
EXTRINSIC PATHWAY  Blood clots sometimes form unexpectedly within
outside trauma (tissue trauma) the cardiovascular system.
 Clotting in an unbroken blood vessel (usually a vein)
is called thrombosis
 the clot itself, called a thrombus
 low density lipoprotein became plaque
 Such clots may be initiated by roughened
endothelial surfaces of a blood vessel resulting from
atherosclerosis, trauma, or infection
 Intravascular clots may also form when blood flows
too slowly (stasis), allowing clotting factors to
accumulate locally and initiate the coagulation
 Having an undamaged blood vessels with smooth
surfaces, good circulation, and non-sticky platelets
are important factors that inhibit thrombosis
 administration of anticoagulants and platelet
inhibiting drugs (aspirin-like drugs) can also
hinder thrombus formation or reverse a
thrombus that has formed
 A thrombus may become dislodged and be swept
away in the blood
INTRINSIC PATHWAY  Embolus – when a blood clot, air bubble, piece
trauma to the blood cells (exposure of blood to of fat or other debris is transported by the
collagen) bloodstream
 Embolic stroke – blockage by embolus can
cause death of the tissue

Blood Transfusion
 the process of transferring blood or blood products
from one person to another
 Whole blood is fractionated into units of packed
red blood cells (PRBCs), fresh frozen plasma (FFP),
platelets, and WBCs
 Albumin, coagulation factors, and antibodies can be
individually collected
 Serum – if the liquid part of blood is allowed to
coagulate; serum is just plasma without the clotting
 Serum is stable at room temperature and can
be stored on a shelf
 it is also used for diagnostic testing because it
won’t coagulate in the machine

 RBC – have proteins on their surface which act as
antigens or surface markers
 Even within the same species, the antigens of one
individual are not necessarily compatible with
those of another.
FIBRINOLYSIS  For this reason, before donor blood cells can be
 after the coagulation process, a clot has a tendency transfused to another person the major surface
to enlarge, creating the potential for impairment of antigens must be determined
blood flow through undamaged vessels  the most significant of the 100 markers currently
 Fibrinolytic System – dissolves small, inappropriate known to exist on RBCs are the A and B antigens
clots; it also dissolves clots at a site of damage once
the damage is repaired
 both body tissues and blood contain substances BLOOD TYPE
that can activate plasminogen to become  In transfusion medicine the presence or absence of
plasmin, (the enzyme that actively dissolves the A and B red cell antigens forms the basis of the
clots) ABO blood group system
 Another major red cell antigen is the Rh antigen,
which 85% of the population have, and comprises
INTRAVASCULAR CLOTTING another important blood grouping
 For reason that are not totally clear, serum contains  Inflammation of the pericardium that results in
anti-ABO antibodies of a type opposite to the ABO the decrease in the serous fluid.
antigen on the red cell surface
 By knowing the status of the A antigen, B antigen, MYOCARDIAL INFRACTION
and Rh antigen, most of the major blood  Heart Attack, heart cells die because of
incompatibility issues can be avoided prolonges oxygen deprivation
 Type AB – “universal recipients” because they
has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in their
 Bacterial infection of endocardium (Enlarges
serum that would destroy transfused RBCs
 Type O – “universal donors” because their RBCs
have no antigens on the cell surface that can ANGINA PECTORIS
potentially react with the recipients serum  When the myocardium is deprived of oxygen
and results in a crushing chest pain.
 Blood typing for ABO status is done using single ISCHEMIA
drops of blood mixed with different antisera  Lack of blood supply to the heart muscle
 Agglutination with an antisera indicates the
presence of that antigen on the RBC FIBRILLATION
 A rapid uncoordinated shuddering of the heart
TRANSFUSION REACTION muscle, major cause of death in heart attacks
 Hemolysis – if the recipient receives the wrong
blood type, antigen-antibody reactions will cause a TACHYCARDIA
rapid destruction of the donor red blood cells  Rapid Heart Beat (over 100 beats per minute)
 Giving the wrong type blood can cause the patient
to develop a fever, develop serious renal failure, or BRADYCARDIA
go into shock  Slow Hear Beat (less than 60 beats per minute)
 Clerical Error – most common cause (i.e. the
wrong unit of blood being given to the patient) PULMONARY EDEMA
 Blood vessels become swollen with blood, fluid
RH INCOMPATIBILITY leaks from the circulation into the lung tissue, if
 Normally, blood plasma does not contain anti-Rh untreated a person suffocates
antibodies  Edema If the lymphatic system did not return
 individuals whose RBCs have the Rh antigen are fluid to the blood stream
said to be Rh+ while those who lack the Rh
antigen are Rh-
 Shortness of breath
 Rh incompatibility can cause problems with any
blood transfusion, so it is screened just as carefully
as the ABO group
 perhaps the biggest problem with Rh
 assists in circulating body fluids and helps defend
incompatibility, however, involves mother and
the body against disease-causing agents
child in pregnancy
 acts like a drainage system which removes the
 2nd pregnancy - have already Rh antibodies
excess fluids in body tissues and returns it in the
 fetus = Rh+ and mother = Rh-
 Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) results
when an Rh+ fetus develops in the womb of an
Rh- woman
 Fluid and nutrient transport, lymphocyte
 To prevent HDN, mothers who are Rh - are given a
development, and the immune response.
injection of RhoGAM - a commercially produced
 Reabsorbs excess interstitial fluid: returns it to the
anti-Rh antibody – at various points in her
venous circulation; maintain blood volume levels;
prevent interstitial fluid levels from rising out of
 The administered RhoGAM destroys any Rh +
cells from the baby before the mother’s
 Interstitial fluid – fluid inside the cell
immune system can become sensitized to them
 Transport dietary lipids: lymphatic vessels transport
and produce her own anti-Rh antibody. For this
lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K)
same reason, RhoGAM is given to Rh - patients
absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract
who have abortions or miscarriages


I. Lymph (fluid)
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS  “lymph” once the fluid enters the lymphatic
 A chronic disease in which thickening, vessels
hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial  A clear fluid that resembles plasma
walls result in impaired blood circulation;  made up of water, electrolytes, waste products
develops with again, and in hypertension, and proteins
diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and other conditions.  Approximately 20 liters of lymph filter through
from the interstitium each day.
PERICARDITIS  Lymph is returned to the venous blood.
II. Lymphatic Vessels – the distribution of lymphatic
vessels is similar to that of the veins Two Mechanisms in order to circulate:
a. Lymphatic Capillaries The same two “pumps” that aid the return of venous
b. Lymphatic Vessels blood to the heart maintain the flow of lymph.
c. Lymphatic Trunks 1. Skeletal Muscle Pump – “milking action” of the
d. Lymphatic Ducts skeletal muscles contraction
III. Lymphatic Organs/Tissues – proliferation site; 2. Respiratory Pump – pressure changes that occur
specialized form of reticular connective tissue that during inhalation and exhalation (abdominal
contains large numbers of lymphocytes (B cells & T pressure – thoracic pressure)
 These cells areresponsible for immune response
b. Lymph Nodes 1. Primary Lymphatic Organs – site where stem cells
c. Spleen divide (become T cells, B cells, NK cells)
d. Red bone marrow a. Red bone marrow
e. Lymph nodes b. Thymus
f. Lymph nodules 2. Secondary Lymphatic Organs – site where immune
responses occur
a. Spleen
 The lymphatic network begins with microscopic c. Lymphatic nodules
vessels called lymphatic capillaries and act as one-
way valves Primary Lymphatic Organs
 Lymphatic capillaries merge to form larger Thymus
structures known as lymphatic vessels  bilobed organ located in the anterior
 Lymphatic vessels bring lymph to a lymph node mediastinum or between lungs
where it is examined for foreign on pathogenic  T cells maturation occurs
material  Increases in size and is most active during
 Lymph node acts like a filter (pathogens) childhood. Stops growing during adolescence
and then gradually atrophies.
Trunks  Differs from other lymphoid organs in
1. Jugular Trunk – drain the excess fluid from the head important ways.
2. Subclavian Trunk – drain the excess fluid from both  It functions strictly in T lymphocyte maturation.
upper extremities It does not directly fight antigens.
3. Bronchomediastinal Trunk – drain the excess fluid
from the thoracic area, and intestinal (digestive Red Bone Marrow
organs)  site for hematopoiesis
4. Lumbar Trunk – drain the excess fluid from lumbar
area and both lower extremities

Ducts – where lymph flow going

back to heart
1. Right Lymphatic Duct
2. Thoracic Duct – drains most
of the body lymph
 arises from the cisterna
chyli and drains the rest
of the body
 dumped into the left

 The left thoracic duct drains ¾ of the body's lymph.

 The majority of the body's lymph is drained from
the left side
Secondary Lymphatic Organs
 The remaining lymph is drained from the right Spleen
upper quadrant of the body.
 Largest lymphoid organs
 True: Once the fluid from the right side of the body
 largest single mass of lymphatic tissue in the
is dumped into the right subclavian vein, it is no
longer lymph fluid, it is blood.
 Site of lymphocyte proliferation and immune
 True: swollen, tender lymph nodes mean that the
surveillance and response.
lymph is active
 Cleanses the blood of aged cells and platelets
 False (decrease in size):  The lymphoid tissue
and debris.
gradually increases in size once you hit puberty
 Composed of 2 kinds of tissue:
 True: The thymus gland involutes (shrinks) with age.
a. White pulp – consisting mostly of
 True: by the end of the lymphatic cycle, lymph fluid lymphocytes and macrophages
has been cleaned several times
 around central arteries Mostly
 True: Lymphatic capillaries have more and larger lymphocytes on reticular fibers and
pores than regular capillaries involved in immune functions
 True: lymphatics start blindly at the tissue space
 Lymphoid tissue surrounding the blood  does not interfere with response to
vessels infections
b. Red pulp – consists of blood-filled venous
sinuses and cords of splenic tissue called Lymph Nodes
splenic cords or Billroth’s cords.  These lymph system structures are designed to
 blood cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, ensure that foreign cells meet with
plasma cells, and granulocytes lymphocytes. As such, they serve as outposts of
 in venous sinuses and splenic cords Rich the immune system
in macrophages for disposal of worn-  Afferent vessels carry lymph toward the lymph
out RBCs and bloodborne pathogens node
 blood -filled venous sinuses that also  Efferent vessels carry lymph away from the
contain lymphocytes and macrophages lymph node.
 Small pea shaped patches of lymphatic tissue
Four Functions of Spleen which filter lymph as it flows through the
1. Initiates an immune response when antigens vessels.
are found in the blood (a white pulp function).  Principal lymphoid organs of the body
2. Serves as a reservoir for erythrocytes and  filters pathogens
platelets (red pulp function).  located along lymphatic vessels are about 600
3. Phagocytizes old, defective erythrocytes and bean-shaped
platelets (red pulp function).  covered by a capsule of dense connective tissue
4. Phagocytizes bacteria and other foreign  group of lymph nodes
materials. a. Axillary lymph nodes receive lymph from the
breast, axilla, and upper limb.
Splenectomy b. Inguinal lymph nodes receive lymph from the
 ruptured spleen causes hemorrhage and shock; lower limb and pelvis
prompt removal of the spleen to prevent death c. Cervical lymph nodes receive lymph from the
due to bleeding head and neck
 red bone marrow & liver take over the function
 prone to Sepsis (a blood infection) due to loss IMMUNE SYSTEM
of the filtering and phagocytic functions of Immune Response
spleen  B lymphocytes produce soluble proteins called
antibodies bind to and immobilize the foreign or
Lymphatic Nodules (Follicles) abnormal agent damaging it or identifying it to
 are egg-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue that other elements of the immune system.
are not surrounded by a capsule  T lymphocytes attack and destroy the antigen
 nodules are solid, spherical bodies of tightly directly.
packed reticular elements and cells  Memory cells (B and T) and remember the past
 Because they are scattered throughout the antigen encounters. This will initiate an even faster
lamina propria (connective tissue) of mucous and more powerful response should the same
membranes lining the gastrointestinal, urinary, antigen appear again.
and reprductive tracts and the respiratory  The Natural Killer (NK Cells) are also called large
airways granular Lymphocytes.
 lymphatic nodules in these areas are also  They make up the remaining small percentage of
referred to as mucosa-associated body lymphocytes.
lymphatic tissue (MALT)  NK cells (plasma membrane) tend to have CD16
 Aggregates of B cells and T cells receptors.
 Tonsils aggregated lymphatic follicles  detecting infected cells or cancerous cells
 Simplest lymphoid organs  NK cells can kill a wide variety of infected cells and
some cancerous cells.
Function of Tonsils
 They consist of multiple germinal centers and Five Classes of Antibodies
have invaginated outer edges called crypts. 1. IgG
 The crypts help trap material and facilitate  most abundant about 8-% of all antibodies in
its identification by lymphocytes blood
Locations:  found in blood, lymph, and intestines
 Pharyngeal tonsils (or adenoids) - in the  monomer (one-unit) structure
posterior wall of the nasopharynx.  protects against bacteria and viruses by
 Palatine tonsils – in the posterolateral region of enhancing phagocytosis, neutralizing toxins,
the oral cavity. and triggering complement system
 Lingual tonsils – along the posterior one third  the only class of antibody to cross placenta
of the tongue from mother to fetus, conferring considerable
immune protection in newborns
 infection or inflammation of the tonsils 2. IgA
 caused by virus or bacteria that cause strep  found mainly in sweat, tears, saliva, mucus,
throat breast milk (colostrum), and gastrointestinal
 Tonsillectomy – removal of tonsil secretions
 smaller quantities are present in blood and Functions:
lymph  Transport air into the lungs and facilitate diffusion
 makes up 10-15% of all antibodies in blood of oxygen into the blood stream, expels CO2
 occurs as monomers and dimers (two units)
 levels decrease during stress, lowering 1. Ventilation – act of moving air in and out of the
resistance to infection lungs
 provides localized protection of mucous  Boyle’s Law: gas law, stating that the pressure
membranes against bacteria and viruses and volume of a gas have an inverse
relationship, when temperature is held
3. IgM constant.
 about 5-10% of all antibodies in blood  pump - vacuum activity that allows for us to
 found in lymph breathe
 occurs as pentamers (five units)
 first antibody class to be secreted by plasma cell 2. Perfusion – blood flow to the lungs; the greatest
after initial exposure to any antigen amount of perfusion is at the base of the lungs
 activates complement and causes agglutination pulmonary alveolar ventilation (V )

and lysis of microbes pulmonary capillary perfusion (Q)
 also present as monomers on surfaces of B 4 liters per minute
cells, where they serve as antigen receptors  V/Q =
5 liters per minute
 in blood plasma, anti-A and anti-B antibodies of  V/Q = 0.8
ABO blood group, which bind to A and B
antigens during incompatible blood transfusion 3. Respiration
 Diffusion of gas across the alveolar-capillary
4. IgD membrane
 mainly found on surfaces of B cells as antigen  Transport of O2 and CO2
receptors  Diffusion of O2 and CO2 from a higher to lower
 occurs as monomers concentration
 involved in activation of B cells Two Types of Respiration:
 about 0.2% of all antibodies in blood a. External Respiration – between alveoli and
5. IgE b. Internal Respiration – between tissues and
 less than 0.1% of all antibodies in blood capillaries
 occurs as monomers
 located on mast cells and basophils Pleura - Membrane surrounding the lungs that help the
 involved in allergic and hypersensitivity organ slide smoothly against the ribs and muscles
 provides protection against parasitic worms UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT
1. Nose (Nasal Cavity)
 lined with mucosa, a mucous membrane that
IMMUNE RESPONSE humidifies the air and produces mucus.
 Our immune response includes innate and adaptive  filters, warms, and humidifies air
responses:  Vibrissae – hair in the nose that filters the air
1. Innate (inborn)
2. Adaptive (acquired) 2. Pharynx (Throat)
a. Cell mediated  Pharynx serves as both respiratory and digestive
b. Antibody mediated system
 a common passageway for inhaled air, exhaled
air, and food
 Nasopharynx – same function as the nose; lined
by ciliated epithelium that helps circulate
mucus & filter/moisten air
 Oropharynx and Laryngopharynx – conduits of
air *channel

3. Larynx (Voice Box)

 remains open during respiration and speech,
allowing air to pass in and out thru the vocal
  connects upper and lower airways
 voice or sound production
 ensures that air will pass through the trachea
1. First Line of Defense – physical barrier (skin) a. Thyroid
2. Second Line of Defense – innate b. Corniculate
3. Third Line of Defense – acquired c. Cricoid
d. Cuneiform
e. Arytenoid
 Closes during swallowing to prevent food
from entering the nasal cavity. THORACIC BOUNDARIES
 leaf shape cartilage that has a sphincter a. Anterior – sternum
function b. Posterior – thoracic cage
 protects larynx from aspiration c. Lateral – ribs
 “guardian of the airways” d. Superior – thoracic outlet
e. Inferior – diaphragm muscle


A. Conducting Zone – passageway for air MUSCLES FOR RESPIRATION
1. Trachea – flexible and can flatten to make room 1. Relaxed Inspiration
when food passes thru the esophagus, a. Diaphragm (Phrenic Nerve)
passageway for inhaled and exhaled air  Primary muscle for respiration
2. Main Bronchi b. External Intercostals
3. Lobar Bronchi  Increase intercostal space between ribs 1, 2
4. Segmental Bronchi and 3
5. Terminal Bronchi
2. Foced Inspiration
Bronchi - lumen is central opening where air passes,  SCM
provide support, smallest bronchioles have smooth  Upper Trapezius
muscle around them but no cartilage  Pectoralis Major, Minor
 Ant, Mid & Post Scalenes
B. Respiratory Zone – exchange of gases (ACINUS)  Serratus Ant, S. Post Sup
1. Respiratory Bronchioles
2. Alveolar Ducts 3. Relaxed Expiration
3. Alveolar Sacs  No muscles involved because
4. Alveoli - Clusters of thin-walled sacs surrounded
by capillaries that allow for quick exchange of 4. Forced Expiration
oxygen and carbon dioxide.  Abdominal
5. Capillaries - Smallest of the blood vessels  Serratus Posterior Inf
through which exchanges take place between  Internal intercostals
the blood and cells of the body  (decrease intercostal space)

Lungs  Midbrain and Pons – controls respiration
 Right Lung – has three lobes  Medulla Oblongata – autonomic respiratory center
 Left Lung – has two lobes
 Pleural Space – contains pleural fluid that A. Dorsal Respiratory Group
serves as a shock absorber  Location: Dorsal Respiratory medulla
 Pressure: -4 mmHg  Function: Inspiration
 (+) pressure: gunshot wound = pneumothrax  Inspiratory Ramp Signal: 2 sec on, 3 seconds off
a. Parietal Pleura B. Ventral Respiratory Grp
 outer covering  Location: Ventrolateral medulla
 also covers the thoracic cavity  Function: Expiration & Inspiration
 sensitive to pain
b. Visceral Pleura C. Pneumotaxic Center
 membrane covering the lungs and tissues  Location: Upper pons
 sensitive to stretch  Function: Limits inspiration by switching off the

CELLS D. Apneustic Center

 Flat cells that lines the alveoli  Function: prevents switching off IRS
 Responsible for gas exchange between alveoli
and capillary
 Synthesizes ‘surfactant’
 Reduces the surface tension
 Prevents atelectasis

Hering-Breuer Reflex
 A stretch/inflation reflex that prevents over
inflation of the lungs
Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Hyaline Membrane
 Condition of newborn where surfactant in the
lungs is inadequate
1. Respiratory Alkalosis: Alveolar hyperventilation; 1. Emphysema
Hyperventilation syndrome  over distention of air spaces distal to the
 dizziness terminal bronchioles with destruction of
 early tetany alveolar septa
 numbness  May be genetic in origin (alpha-1 Antitrypsin
 tingling protein deficiency)
 syncope  There is progressive destruction of alveolar
walls and adjacent capillaries
2. Repiratory Acidosis: COPD, ALS, GBS. MG
 anxiety
 reslessness
 dyspnea
 disorientation
 somnolence
 coma

3. Metabolic Alkalosis: loss of chloride due to

prolonged vomiting
 weakness
 early tetany
 mental dullness 2. Asthma
 increased DTRs  hypersensitivity of bronchial smooth muscle
 muscle twitching due to various stimuli resulting to widespread
4. Metabolic Acidosis: diabetes, ketoacidosis  TRIAD: Coughing, Wheezing, Dyspnea
 nausea Triggering factors:
 lethargy a. Intrinsic – exercise, inhaled irritant, stress, cold,
 coma ingestion of certain drugs
 Kussmaul's breathing b. Extrinsic – food, pollen, dust

Status Asthmaticus
LUNG VOLUME  severe form of asthma
1. Tidal Volume - gas inhaled/exhaled during normal  Persist from days to weeks; fatal
resting breath  Px requires mechanical ventilator
2. Inspiratory reserve volume - gas that can be
inhaled beyond a normal tidal inhalation (inhale 3. Broncheictasis
inhale)  Permanent dilation of bronchioles d/t recurrent
3. Expiratory Reserve volume - gas that can be pulmonary infection
exhaled beyond normal resting tidal exhalation
 Most common area affected: terminal
(exhale exhale)
4. Residual Volume - gas that remains in the lungs
 S/Sx – Hemoptysis, dyspnea, fever, coughing
afyer ERV has been exhaled
4. Cystic Fibrosis
 Autosomal-recessive; defect of long arm of
1. Functional Residual Capacity - amount of air left
chromosome 7
inside the lungs after normal exhalation
 Widespread abnormalities of the exocrine
2. Inspiratory Capacity - amount of air that can be
maximally inspired after normal expiration
 Triad: Bronchial Mucus Glands; Exocrine cells of
3. Vital Capacity - amount of air that can be maximally
the pancreas; Sweat glands
expired after maximal inspiration
 S/SX: (+) honeycomb lungs in x-ray, Productive
4. Total Lung Capacity - amount of air that can be
contained inside the lungs after a forceful/maximal
1. Tuberculosis
 caused by mycobacterium tubercculae
 Incubation period: 2-10 wks
 Maximally infectious at first 2 weeks
 *Primary Complex - Tuberculosis of children
 Rifampicin
 Isoniazid
 Pyrazinamide
 Ethambutol
 Streptomycin

2. Atelectasis
 Partial or total collapse of alveoli, lung
segments or lobes.
 Usually from hypoventilation or ineffective
pulmonary secretion clearance

3. Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis (Human-Rich

 Idiopathic
 Associated with smoking, family history,
collagen disease
 CARDINAL SIGN: Progressive dyspnea
 DEATH usually in 5-6 years after dx

4. Pneumonia
 Multi-staged inflammatory reaction airways of
the distal from:
a. Bacterial (Streptococcal)
b. Viral
c. Aspiration
 Fever
 Chills
 Chest pain
 May be single or multiple lobes
 Clearance of pneumonia can take up to 6 weeks

5. Pulmonary Embolism
 Lodging of large or small particles into the
pulmonary venous circulation
 Commonly from a dislodged DVT
 Sudden acute pain
 Cough
 dyspnea
PRELIM 3. Tissue Level
 Tissues – group of cells and materials
Human Anatomy
 Four Basic Types of Tissues:
 science of body structures and relationships
a. Epithelial
 derived from Greek, means “to cut” or “cutting
b. Connective
backwards” (putting things together from slices)
c. Muscular
 imaging techniques
d. Nervous
Human Physiology 4. Organ Level
 science of body functions, including the study of  Organs – structures that are composed of two
homeostasis or more different types of tissues
 specific functions and recognizable shapes
Structure and Function
5. System Level
 structure mirrors function
 System – consists of related organs with a
 structure of a part of the body allows
common function
performance of certain functions
 Organ-system Level
Subdivision of Anatomy - eleven systems of the human body
1. Surface Anatomy – study of form and marking of 6. Organismal Level
the body surface, often explored through  Organism – living individual
visualization or palpation (without any “cutting”)  all parts of the body functioning together
2. Gross Anatomy – study of anatomical structures
visible to unaided eye. After making the
Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques
appropriate surface marking in the prior picture, the
 Inspection of the body to observe any changes
gross dissection proceeds through “cutting.”
1. Palpation – gently touching body surfaces
a. Systematic Approach/Anatomy – study of the
with hands
blood vessels, or all of the muscles, or all of the
2. Auscultation – listening to body sounds
using stethoscope
b. Regional Approach/Anatomy – study of all
3. Percussion – tapping on the body surface
anatomical structures of a specific region (e.g.
with fingertips and listening to echoes
the thorax, or the head and neck)
3. Developmental Anatomy – study of the fertilized
egg developing into its adult form Characteristics of Living Human Organism:
a. Embryology – subcategory of a developmental Life Processes
anatomy (conception of 8th week of gestation) 1. Metabolism – sum of all the chemical process that
4. Histology – study of tissues by using a microscope, occur in the body
but restricts the study to individual cellular a. Catabolism – breakdown of complex chemical
structures substances into simpler components
5. Pathology – study of anatomical changes due to b. Anabolism – building up of complex chemical
disease substances from smaller, simpler components
2. Responsiveness – body’s ability to detect and
respond to changes
Clinical Correlation
3. Movement – motion of the whole body
 Autopsy – a postmortem (after death)
4. Growth – increase in body size
examination of the body and internal organs
5. Differentiation – development of a cell from an
performed by a pathologist
unspecialized to specialized state
 An autopsy is usually done to:
 Stem cells – give rise to cells that undergo
1. Determine the cause of death
2. Identify diseases not detected during life
6. Reproduction – formation of new cells (growth,
3. Determine the extent of injuries and
repair, or replacement) or the production of a new
contribution to death
4. Identify hereditary conditions

Level of Organization
 a condition of equilibrium (balance) in the
1. Chemical Level
body’s internal movement
a. Atoms – smallest unit of matter
 a dynamic condition meant to keep body
b. Molecules – two or more atoms joined together
functions in the narrow range compatible with
2. Cellular Level
maintaining life
 Cells – basic structural and functional units of
 Maintaining the volume and composition of
an organism
body fluids are important
 cytologist can recognize under light microscopy
about 210 different kinds of cells Body Fluids
 dilute, watery solutions containing dissolved
chemicals inside or outside of the cell
a. Intracellular Fluid (ICF) – fluid within cells 4. Oblique Plane – passes through the body or an
b. Extracellular Fluid (ECF) – fluid outside cells organ at an angle
 Interstitial Fluid – ECF between cells
and tissues Meaning
 Blood Plasma – ECF within blood vessels
toward the hear or upper part of a
 Lymph – ECF within lymphatic vessels superior
 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) – ECF in the away from head, or lower part of
brain and spinal cord inferior
a structure
 Synovial Fluid – ECF in joints nearer to or at the front of the
 Aqueous Humor – ECF in eyes body
nearer to or at the back of the
Homeostasis is constantly being disrupted by: posterior
 Physical insults – intense hear of lack of oxygen an imaginary vertical line that
 Changes in the internal environment – drop in midline
divides the body equally
glucose due to lack of food medial nearer to midline
 Physiological stress – demands of work or lateral farther from midline
school intermediate between two structures
 Disruptions on the same side of the body as
a. Mild Disruptions – temporary; balance is another structure
quickly restored on the opposite side of the body
b. Intense Disruptions – prolonged; poisoning from another structure
or severe infections nearer to the origination of a
farther to the origination of a
Feedback System distal
Three Basic Components: toward or close to the surface of
1. Receptor – monitors changes in a controlled superficial
the body
condition and sends input to the control center deep away from the surface of the body
2. Control Center (Brain) – sets the range values
to be maintained; receives input from receptors
Body Cavities
and generates output command to the effector
 Spaces within the body that help to protect,
3. Effector – receives output from the control
separate, and support internal organs
center and produces a response or effect
Types of Body Cavities
Types of Feedback System
1. Cranial Cavity – protects brain
1. Negative Feedback System – reserves a change
2. Thoracic Cavity – chest cavity
in controlled condition
a. Pericardial Cavity – fluid-filled space that
2. Positive Feedback System – strengthen or
surround the heart
reinforce a change in one of the body’s
b. Pleural Cavity – two fluid-filled spaces that that
controlled conditions
surround each lung
3. Abdominopelvic Cavity
Anatomical Terminologies a. Abdominal Cavity – stomach, liver, gallbladder,
small and large intestines
Anatomical Position
b. Pelvic Cavity – urinary bladder, internal organs
 body is standing erect
of reproductive system, and portions of the
 face facing upward
large intestine
 feet are flat on the floor and forward
4. Oral Cavity – mouth
 upper limbs to the sides
5. Nasal Cavity – nose
 palms turned forward
6. Orbital Cavities – eyeball
a. Prone Position – body is lying face down
7. Middle Ear Cavities – small bones of the middle ear
b. Supine Position – body is lying face up
8. Synovial Cavities – joints

Abdominopelvic Regions
1. Sagittal Plane – vertical plane divides the body
1. Tic-Tac-Toe Grid
into right and left sides
a. Right and Left Hypochondriac Region
a. Midsagittal Plane – divides body into equal
b. Epigastric Region
right and left sides
c. Right and Left Lumbar Region
b. Parasagittal Plane – divides body into
d. Umbilical Region
unequal right and left sides
e. Right and Left Inguinal (Ilicac) Region
2. Frontal or Coronal Plane – divides the body or
f. Hypogastric (pubic) Region
an organ into anterior (front) and posterior
i. Subcostal Line – top horizontal
(back) portions
ii. Transtubercular Line – bottom horizontal
3. Transverse Plane (Cross-Sectional or Horizontal
iii. Midclavicular Lines – two vertical lines
Plane) – divides the body or an organ into
2. Quadrants
superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions
a. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
b. Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
c. Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
d. Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ) Epidermal Layers
1. Stratum Basale or Stratum Germinativum –
deepest layer, where continuous cell division occurs
Includes the skin and its derivatives including which produces all the other layers
hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. 2. Stratum Spinosum – layer of 8-10 keratinocytes
3. Stratum Granulosum – includes keratohyalin
(keratin) and lamellar granules; non-dividing cells
 cutaneous membrane that covers the body
 largest organ of the body by surface area and
4. Stratum Lucidum – only present in thick skin
(fingertips, palms, and soles)
Functions 5. Stratum Corneum - composed of many sublayers of
 protection flat, dead keratinocytes (20 layers of flat cell-
 prevention of water loss remnants that are like “bags of turtle wax”) called
 temperature regulation corneocytes or squames that are continuously shed
 secretion of Vitamin D and replaced by cells from deeper strata
 immune defense
 sensory reception Dermis
 excretion  composed of cells of the connective tissue
proper and primarily of collagen fibers,
Tissue Component although both elastic and reticular fibers are
1. Epithelium – surface covering also present
2. Connective Tissue – provides nutrients, strength,
Two Major Regions
and resilience
1. Papillary Region (superficial)
3. Smooth Muscle – controls blood vessels diameter
- consists of areolar connective tissue (1/5 of the
and hair position
thickness of the total layer)
4. Neural Tissue – sensory receptors in the skin
- containing thin collagen and elastic fibers,
Layers of the Skin dermal papillae (including capillary loops),
1. Epidermis – keratinized stratifies squamous corpuscles of touch, nerve ending, and free
epithelium nerve endings
2. Dermis – deeper layer; dense irregular connective 2. Reticular Region (deeper)
3. Hypodermis/Subcutaneous – deep to dermis; - attached to subQ layer
areolar and adipose connective tissue - consists of dense irregular connective tissue
containing collagen and elastic fibers adipose
Structural Basis of the Skin
cells, hair follicles, nerves, sebaceous (oil)
1. Hemoglobin – oxygen-binding protein present in
glands, and sudoriferous (sweat) glands
red blood cells (bright red)
2. Melanin – pigment produced and stored in cells Skin Color as DX Clue
called melanocytes (yellow, reddish, tan, brown, 1. Cynotic – bluish; decreased in O2
and black shades) 2. Jaundice – yellowish; build-up of pigment
3. Carotene – comes primarily from diet (yellow- bilirubin
orange) 3. Erythema – redness; engorgement of capillaries
4. Pallor – paleness; shock or anemia
Epidermis: Four Types of Cell
1. Keratinocytes (90%) – produce keratin and lamellar
granules, which is tough fibrous protein that Accessory Structures of the Skin
provides protection 1. Nail
2. Melanocytes (9%) – produce the pigment melanin - scale-like modifications of the epidermis that
(color) that protects against damage by ultraviolet form on the dorsal surfaces of the tips of the
radiation fingers and toes
a. Albinism – inherited inability to produce - protects the exposed distal tips and prevent
melanin damage or distortion during jumping, kicking,
b. Vitiligo – condition In which there is a partial or catching, or grasping
complete loss of melanocytes from patches of - made up of a hard derivatives formed from the
skin stratum corneum layer of the epidermis
3. Intraepidermal Macrophages “Langerhans Cells” –  free edge
involved in immune responses (guard from  transparent nail body (plate) with a whitish
microbes), arise from red bone marrow lunula at its base (white because of the
4. Tactile Epithelial “Merkel Cells” (least numerous) – thick end region of epithelium)
function in the sensation of touch along with the  nail root embedded in a fold of skin
adjacent tactile discs
2. Hair (pili)
- guards the scalp from injury and sun’s rays perineum 1%
- decrease heat loss from the scalp Rule of 9s (Child)
- touch receptors (hair root plexuses) front back total
- Hirsutism - excessive hair growth; tumor; head 9% 9% 18%
increase in androgens chest 18% 18% 36%
- Alopecia - partial or loss of hair right arm 4.5% 4.5% 9%
left arm 4.5% 4.5% 9%
a. Lanugo – fine, non-pigmented, downy hairs
right leg 6.75% 6.75% 13.5%
that cover the body of the fetus
left leg 6.75% 6.75% 13.5%
b. Vellus Hair – short, fine, pale hairs and
perineum 1%
barely visible
Skin Grafting
c. Terminal Hair – long, coarse, heavily
 done by surgeon when there is a severe
pigment hairs
damage in skin (cannot regenerate)
a. Autograft – getting skin from self
3. Skin Glands
b. Isograft – from identical donor
 Sweat (Sudoriferous) Gland
- regulates body temperature
a. Eccrine – cold sweat (fear or Skin Wound Healing
embarrassment) Skin damage – sets in motion a sequence of events that
b. Apocrine – located mainly in the skin of repairs the skin to its normal (or near-normal) structure
the axilla, groin, areolae, and bearded and function
facial regions (emotional stress and
Epidermal Wound Healing
sexual excitement)
 Common types: abrasion and minor burns
 Oil (Sebaceous) Gland
1. Basal cells – contact with the basement
- oily material that coats hairs shafts; prevent
hairs from drying out, prevent water loss
2. Enlarge and migrate across the wound
from skin, keeps skin soft, inhibit growth of
3. When epidermal cells encounter one another,
some bacteria
they stop migrating due to a cellular response
 Ceruminous Gland
called contact inhibition
- secretes cerumen (earwax); impede
4. As the basal epidermal cells migrate, a
entrance of foreign bodies and insects into hormone called epidermal growth factor
external ear canal stimulates basal stem cells to divide and replace
the ones that have moved into the wound
Burns 5. The relocated basal epidermal cells divide to
 major cause of accidental death, primarily as a build new strata, thus thickening the new
result of their effects on the skin epidermis
 results primarily from fluid loss, infection, and
Deep Wound Healing
the effects of burned, dead tissue
 Deep wound healing occurs when an injury extends
Classification of Burns Based on Depth to the dermis and subcutaneous layer.
Partial Thickness Burn: 1. Inflammatory phase
1. First Degree (3-6 days) “Superficial Burn” - blood clot forms and loosely unites the
- involves only epidermis wound edges
- characterized by redness, pain, and slight - vascular and cellular response
edema 2. Migratory Phase
- sunburn - clot becomes a scab, and epithelial cells
2. Second Degree (3-4 weeks) “Deep Partial Burn” migrate beneath the scab to bridge the
- involves the epidermis and part of the dermis wound
- skin appears red, tan, or white, and is blistered - fibroblasts migrate along fibrin threads and
and painful begin synthesizing scar tissue and damaged
- scald blood vessels begin to regrow
Full Thickness Burn: 3. Proliferative phase
3. Third Degree Burn - extensive growth of epithelial cells beneath
- involves the epidermis, dermis, and the scab, deposition by fibroblasts of
subcutaneous layer, which are often destroyed collagen fiber and continued growth of
blood vessels
Classification of Burns Based on Body Surface Area 4. Maturation phase
Rule of 9s (Adult) - scab sloughs off once the epidermis has
front back total been restored to normal thickness
head 4.5% 4.5% 9% - collagen fibers become more organized,
chest 18% 18% 36% fibroblasts decrease in number, and blood
right arm 4.5% 4.5% 9% vessels are restored to normal
left arm 4.5% 4.5% 9%
right leg 9% 9% 18%
left leg 9% 9% 18%
 Keloid Scars – result of an overly aggressive Corn
healing process  painful conical thickening of the stratum
 Hypertrophic Scars – are raised, red scars that corneum of the epidermis
are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the  found over toe joints and between the toes
boundary of the injury  caused by friction or pressure

Skin Disorders Eczema

Skin Cancer  inflammation of the skin characterized by
 excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from patches of red, blistering, dry, extremely itchy
the sun or tanning beds skin
a. Basal Cell Carcinomas  occurs mostly in skin creases in the wrists, back
b. Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the knees, and front of the elbows
c. Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas (Non-
Melanoma Skin Cancer)
 local destruction of skin and subcutaneous
d. Malignant Melanomas (neoplasm of
tissue on exposed surfaces as a result of
melanocytes) – most dangerous type
extreme cold
Burns  hands and feet are prone to frostbite because
 tissue damage caused by excessive heat, they are distal to our body
electricity, radioactivity, or corrosive chemical
that denature (breakdown) proteins in the skin
 localized benign tumor of the skin and
a. First Degree Burn (Superficial Partial
subcutaneous layer
Thickness Burn)
 results from an abnormal increase in the
b. Second Degree Burn (Deep Partial Thickness
number of blood vessels
c. Third Degree Burn (Full Thickness Burn) Hives or Urticaria
 reddened elevated patches of skin that are
Pressure Ulcers (Decubitus Ulcers or Bedsores)
often itchy
 caused by a constant deficiency of blood flow to
 caused by infections, physical trauma,
medications, emotional stress, food additives,
 bedridden people are prone to this disease
and certain food allergies
 chronic skin disorder in which keratinocytes
 elevated, irregular darkened area of excess scar
divide and move more quickly than normal from
the stratum basale to the stratum corneum
 caused by collagen formation during wound
Pruritus healing
 most common dermatological disorder
 itching, caused by skin disorders (infections),
 small, round skin elevation less than 1 cm in
systemic disorder (cancer, kidney failure),
psychogenic factors (emotional stess), or
allergic reactions

Tinea Corporis (Ringworm) SKELETAL SYSTEM: BONE TISSUE

 fungal infection characterized by scaling,
itching, and sometimes painful lesions A bone is an organ made up of several different
 may appear on any part of the body tissues working together. The entire framework of
bones and their cartilages constitute the skeletal
Wart system.
 mass produce by uncontrolled growth of
epithelial skin cells Functions:
 caused by papillomavirus  Supports soft tissue and provides attachment
 non-cancerous for skeletal muscles
 Protects internal organs
Contact Dermatitis  Assists in movement, along with skeletal
 Inflammation of the skin characterized by muscles
redness, itching, and swelling  Stores and releases minerals to maintain
 Caused by exposure of the skin to chemicals homeostasis
that bring about an allergic reaction  Contains red bone marrow, which produces
blood cells (process called hemopoiesis)
Comedo or Blackhead
 Contains yellow bone marrow, which stores
 collection of sebaceous material and dead cells
triglycerides (fats)
in the hair follicle and excretory duct of the
sebaceous (oil) gland Compact Bone Tissue
 usually found over the face, chest, and back;  contains few spaces and strongest form of bone
commonly occur during adolescence tissue
 protection and support and resists the stresses a. Growth Hormone (GH) – promotes general
produced by weight and movement growth of all body tissues
b. Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs) – stimulates
Spongy Bone Tissue (Trabecular/Cancellous Bone
growth hormone
c. Thyroid hormones (T2 and T4) – stimulates
 interior of a bone, protected by a covering of
compact bone
d. Insulin – increase the synthesis of bone proteins
 consists of trabeculae
e. Sex Hormones (Estrogens and Testosterone) –
stimulates osteoblasts and promote “growth
Structure of Bone f. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) – promotes bone
1. Diaphysis – bone’s shaft or body; long cylindrical, resorption by osteoclasts
main portion of the bone g. Calcitonin (CT) – inhibits bone resorption
2. Epiphyses – proximal and distal ends of the bone 4. Exercise – weight-bearing activities stimulate
3. Metaphyses osteoblasts
a. Epiphyseal (growth) plate are visible in a 5. Aging – level of sex hormones diminishes during
growing bone middle age to older adulthood; bone resorption by
b. Epiphyseal lines are the remnants of epiphyseal osteoclasts outplaces bone deposition by
plates in a mature bone osteoblasts
4. Articular Cartilage – thin layer of hyaline cartilage
covering the part of the epiphysis; reduces friction
5. Periosteum – tough connective tissue sheath and its
Axial Skeleton
associated blood supply; attached to perforating
 80 bones
fibers or “Sharpey’s fibers”
 bones that lie around the longitudinal axis of
a. Outer fibrous layer of dense irregular
the body
connective tissue
 skull (8 cranium, 14 face), 1 hyoid bone, 6
b. Inner osteogenic layer that consist of cells
auditory ossicles, 26 vertebral column, thorax (1
6. Medullar Cavity (Marrow Cavity) – hollow space
sternum, 24 ribs)
within the diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone
7. Endosteum – lines the medullary cavity; contains a Types of Bone
single layer of bone-forming cells 1. Long Bones
- greater length than width
- slightly curved for strength
Four Types of Cells
- femur (thigh bone), tibia and fibula (leg bones),
1. Osteoprogenitor Cells – only bone cells to undergo
humerus (arm bone), ulna and radius (forearm
cell divison; develop into osteoblasts
bones), phalanges (finger and toe bones
2. Osteoblasts – bone-building cells; build the
2. Short Bones
extracellular matrix (bone deposition)
- somewhat cube-shaped and consists of spongy
3. Osteocytes (main cells) – mature bone cells and
bone tissue
maintain its daily metabolism
- most carpal (wrist bones) and tarsal (ankle
4. Osteoclasts – breakdown of bone extracellular
matrix (bone resorption)
3. Flat Bones
- thin and composed of two nearly parallel plates
Factors Affecting Bone Growth of compact bone
1. Minerals - cranial bones, sternum (breastbone), ribs,
a. Calcium and Phosphorus – make bone scapulae (shoulder blades)
extracellular matrix hard 4. Irregular Bones
b. Magnesium – helps form bone extracellular - complex shapes
matrix - vertebrae (back bones), hip bones, certain facial
c. Fluoride – helps strengthen bone extracellular bones, calcaneus
matrix 5. Sesamoid Bones
d. Manganese – synthesis of bone extracellular - develop in certain tendons where there is
matrix considerable friction, tension, and physical
2. Vitamins stress
a. Vitamin A – stimulates activity of osteoblast - protect tendons from excessive wear and tear
b. Vitamin C – synthesis of collagen (main bone - palms and soles
protein) 6. Sutural Bones
c. Vitamin D – increase absorption of calcium - small bones and their numbers varies greatly
from gastrointestinal into blood from person to person
d. Vitamin K and B12 – synthesis of bone protein - sutures (joints), certain cranial bones
3. Hormones

 bony framework of the head a. 7 cervical vertebrae (neck region)
 contains 22 bones (cranial and facial bones) b. 12 thoracic vertebrae (posterior to the
thoracic cavity)
Two Categories of the Skull
c. 5 lumbar vertebrae (supporting the lower
1. Cranial Bones
- encloses and protects the brain
d. 1 sacrum (five fused sacral vertebrae)
- frontal bone, 2 parietal bones, 2 temporal
e. 1 coccyx (four fused coccygeal vertebrae)
bones, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid

2. Facial Bones
- 2 nasal bones, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomatic bones, Vertebral Regions
mandible, 2 lacrimal bones, 2 palatine bones, 2 1. Cervical Vertebrae (C1-C7)
inferior nasal conchae, vomer - smaller than all other vertebrae except those
that form the coccyx
Cranial Bones a. Atlas (C1) – ring of bone with anterior and
1. Frontal Bone – forehead, roofs of the orbits (eye posterior arches and large lateral masses
sockets) and most of the anterior part of the cranial b. Axis (C2) – have vertebral body
floor c. Vertebra Prominens (C7) – may be seen
2. Parietal Bones – greater portion of the sides and and felt at the base of the neck
roof of the cranial cavity 2. Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)
3. Temporal Bones – inferior lateral aspects of the - larger and stronger than cervical vertebrae
cranium and part of the cranial floor a. T1 to T10 – long, laterally flattened, and
4. Occipital Bone – posterior part and most of the directed inferiorly; articulate with the ribs
base of the cranium b. T11 and T12 – shorter, broader, and
5. Sphenoid Bone – middle part of the base of the directed more posteriorly
skull, it’s the keystone of the cranial floor - Vertebrocostal joints are the articulations
6. Ethmoid Bone – anterior part of the cranial floor between the thoracic vertebrae and ribs
medial to the orbits a. Facet – formed when the head of a rib
Facial Bones articulates with the body of one vertebra
1. Nasal Bones – small, flattened, rectangular-shaped; b. Demifacet – formed when the head of a rib
form the bridge of the nose articulates with two adjacent vertebral
2. Lacrimal Bones – smallest, thin and roughly bodies
resemble a fingernail; form a part of the medial wall 3. Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
of each orbit - largest and strongest of the unfused bones
3. Palatine Bones – form the posterior portion of the - amount of body weight supported by the
hard palate, part of the floor and lateral wall of the vertebrae increases toward the inferior end of
nasal cavity, and a small portion of the floors of the the backbone
orbits 4. Sacrum
4. Inferior Nasal Conchae – form a part of the inferior - formed by union of five sacral vertebrae (S1-S5)
lateral wall of the nasal cavity - serves as a strong foundation for the pelvic
5. Vomer – triangular bone on the floor of the nasal girdle
cavity; forms the inferior portion of the bony nasal 5. Coccyx
septum (partition that divides the nasal cavity) - formed by the fusion of usually four coccygeal
6. Maxillae – form the upper jawbone vertebrae (Co1-Co4)
7. Zygomatic Bones (cheekbones) – form the
prominences of the cheeks Thorax
8. Mandible (lower jawbone) – largest, strongest  entire chest region
facial bone; only movable skull bone  Throcic Cage – bony enclosure formed by the
sternum, ribs, and their costal cartilages, and
Hyoid Bone the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae
 does not articulate with any other bone a. Sternum (breastbone)
 supports tongue, providing attachment sites for – flat, narrow bone located in the center
some tongue muscles and for muscles of the of the thoracic wall that measures
neck and pharynx about 15 cm
– sternal angle formed by junction of the
manubrium and body
Vertebral Column – suprasternal notch is the depression on
 also called spine, backbone, or spinal column its superior surface of the manubrium
 composed of series of bones called vertebrae – clavicular notches that articulate with
 supports the head and serves as a point of the medial ends of the clavicles to form
attachment for the ribs, pelvic girdle, and the sternoclavicular joints
muscles of the back and upper limbs b. Ribs
- numbered 1-12 from superior to - articulates with the manubrium of the sternum
inferior at the sternoclavicular joint
- True Ribs (Vertebrosternal) are first 2. Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
through seventh pairs of ribs - large, triangular, flat bone
 direct anterior attachment to the - articulates with the clavicle at the
sternum by costal cartilage (strip of acromioclavicular joint and with the humerus at
hyaline cartilage) the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
 costal cartilage contribute elasticity
– False Ribs (Vertebrochondral) are
Upper Limb (Extremity)
eleventh and twelfth pairs of ribs
 has 30 bones in three locations
 designated as floating ribs
- humerus in the arm
 does not attach to the sternum at
- ulna and radius in the forearm
- 8 carpals in the carpus (wrist)
- 5 metacarpals in the metacarpus (palm)
- 14 phalanges (bones of the digits) in the
Normal Curves of the Vertebral Column
1. Thoracic and Sacral Curves – primary curves
because they retain; concave (cupping in) Components Upper Limb (Extremity)
2. Cervical and Lumbar Curves – secondary curves 1. Humerus (arm bone) – longest and largest bone of
because they begin to form later; convex (bulging the upper limb
out) 2. Ulna – medial aspect (little-finger side) of the
forearm and is longer than radius
Abnormal Curves of the Vertebral Column
3. Radius – smaller bone of the forearm and located
1. Scoliosis – most common; lateral bending of the
on the lateral aspect (thumb side) of the forearm
vertebral column
4. Carpus (wrist) – proximal region of the hand and
2. Kyphosis – increase in the thoracic curve; produces
consists of eight small bones called carpals
a “hunchback” look
Proximal row, from lateral to medial:
3. Lordosis (hollow back) – increase in the lumbar
a. Scaphoid – boat-like
b. Lunate – moon shaped
Spina Bifida c. Triquetrum – three cornered
Spina Bifida – congenital defect of the vertebral d. Pisiform – pea shaped
column, which laminae of L5 and/or S1 fail to develop Distal row, from lateral to medial:
e. Trapezium – four-sided figure with no two sides
1. Open (Compound) – broken ends of the bone
f. Trapezoid – four-sided figure with two sides
protrude through the skin
2. Close (Simple) – fracture does not break the skin
g. Capitate – head shaped
3. Greenstick – partial fracture that only occurs in
h. Hamate – hooked
children; one side is broken and other side bends
5. Metacarpus (palm) – intermediate region of the
4. Impacted – forcefully driven into the interior of
hand and consists of five bones called metacarpals
6. Phalanges (bones of the digits) – make up the distal
5. Pott – fracture of the distal end of the lateral bone
part of the hand; phalanx (single bone of a digit)
(fibula); serious injury of the distal tibial articualtion
a. Pollex (thumb) – proximal and distal phalanges
6. Colles – fracture of the distal end of the lateral
b. Other four digits – proximal, middle, and distal
forearm bone (radius); distal fragment is displaced

Pelvic (Hip) Girdle

SKELETAL SYSTEM: APPENDICULAR SKELETON - unite anteriorly at a joint called pubic symphysis
- consists of two hip bones also called coxal, or
Appendicular Skeleton pelvic bones, or os coxa
 126 bones
 primary function is movement Components of Pelvic (Hip) Girdle
 upper and lower limbs (extremities or 1. Ilium (hip pointer) – superior; largest hip bone
appendages), two girdles 2. Ischium – inferior and posterior of the hip bone
3. Pubis (pubic bone) – inferior and anterior of the hip
Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
 attach the bones of the upper limbs to the axial True and False Pelvis
skeleton 1. False (greater) Pelvis – portion of the bony pelvis
superior to the pelvic brim
Two Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle 2. True (lesser) Pelvis – portion of the bony pelvis
1. Clavicle (Collarbone) inferior to the pelvic brim
- s-shaped

Lower Limb (Extremity)

 consists of 30 bones in four location  Blood vessels, airways, and most organs in the
- femur in the thigh abdominopelvic cavity
- patella (kneecap)  Controlled by autonomic (involuntary) division
- tibia and fibula in the leg  Looks non-striated, which is why it is referred to
- 7 tarsals in the metatarsus as smooth
- 14 phalanges (bones of the digits) in the
Components of Lower Limb (Extremity) 1. Producing body movements – movement of the
1. Femur (thigh bone) – longest, heaviest, and whole body
strongest bone in the body 2. Stabilizing body positions – skeletal muscle
2. Patella (kneecap) – located anterior to the knee contractions stabilize joints and help maintain body
joint; sesamoid bone positions
3. Tibia (shin bone) - larger, medial, weight-bearing 3. Storing and moving substances within the body
bone of the leg; means flute - smooth muscles “sphincters” for storage
4. Fibula – parallel and lateral to the tibia, (urinary bladder, stomach);
considerably smaller - cardiac muscles for moving substances
5. Tarsus (ankle) – proximal region of the foot and (contractions of the heart pump blood through
consists of 7 tarsal bones the blood vessels of the body)
Posterior part: 4. Generating heat “Thermogenesis” – involuntary
a. Talus – ankle bone contractions of skeletal muscles, known as
b. Calcaneus – heel; strongest tarsal shivering, can increase the rate of heat production
Anterior part:
c. Navicular – like a little boat PROPERTIES OF MUSCULAR TISSUE
d. Three Cuneiform Bones – wedge shaped 1. Electrical excitability
 third (lateral), second (intermediate), and - Respond to stimulus “action potential”
first (medial) - Two main types: autorhythmic (electrical signal)
e. Cuboid – cube-shaped such as heart’s pacemaker; and chemical stimuli
6. Metatarsus – intermediate region of the foot and such as neurotransmitters
consists of 5 metatarsal bones (I-V or 1-5) 2. Contractility
a. proximal base – Ability to contract forcefully when stimulated by
b. intermediate shaft an action potential
c. distal head – Generates tension (force of contraction)
7. Phalanges – distal component of the foot and 3. Extensibility
resemble those of the hand both in number and - Ability to stretch within limits without being
arrangement damaged
a. Hallux (great or big) toe - Normally, smooth muscle is subject to the
b. Other four toes
greatest amount of stretching (e.g., stomach)
Arches of the Foot - Cardiac muscle also is stretched each time the
1. Longitudinal Arch – tarsal and metatarsal bones heart fills with blood
arranged to form an arch from the anterior to the 4. Elasticity – ability to return to its original length and
posterior part of the foot shape after contraction or extension
2. Transverse Arch – medial and lateral aspects of the
foot and is formed by the navicular, three
cuneiforms, and the bases of the five metatarsals THREE LAYERS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE
1. Epimysium – outer layer, encircling the entire
MUSCULAR SYSTEM 2. Perimysium – surrounds groups of 10 to 100 or
more muscle fibers called “fascicles”
TYPES OF MUSCULAR TISSUE 3. Endomysium – penetrates the interior of each
1. Skeletal Muscle Tissue fascicle and separates individual muscle fibers
 Bones of the skeleton
 Controlled by somatic (voluntary) division The epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium are all
 Most are controlled subconsciously continuous with the connective tissue that attaches
 e.g., diaphragm – continues to alternately skeletal muscle to other structures.
contract and relax; and skeletal muscles –
 Tendon (ropelike) – formed when all three
maintain posture or stabilize body position
layers extend beyond the muscle fibers that
2. Cardiac Muscle Tissue
attaches the muscle to the periosteum of a
 Forms the heart wall
 Controlled by autonomic (involuntary) division;
 Aponeurosis – when the connective tissue
 Autorhythmicity (built-in rhythm) – ability to
elements extend as a broad, flat sheet
contract on its own
3. Smooth Muscle Tissue
 Located in walls of hollow internal structures MICROSCOPIC ORGANIZATION OF SKELETAL MUSCLE
Skeletal Muscle Fiber 5. Dystrophin – links thin filaments of sarcomere
- Most important components of skeletal muscle to integral membrane proteins in sarcolemma
- Arises during embryonic development from the
fusion of small mesodermal cells called
Sarcolemma, Transverse Tubules, and Sarcoplasm Contraction Cycle
 Sarcolemma – plasma membrane of a muscle - Repeating sequence of events that causes the
cell filaments to slide
 Transverse (T) Tubules – tiny invaginations of - Only continues if ATP is available and Ca2+ level
sarcolemma; “highway” of action potential or in sarcoplasm is high
stimulus - Key of the cycle: Calcium ions (Ca2+)
 Sarcoplasm – presence of glycogen (used for
synthesis of ATP); and myoglobin (protein that 1. ATP hydrolysis – larger molecules breakdown to
binds oxygen molecules) smaller molecules; myosin head hydrolyzes ATP and
becomes energized and oriented
Myofibrils and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
2. Attachment of myosin to actin – myosin head binds
 Myofibrils – contractile organelles of skeletal
to actin, forming a “cross-bridge”
3. Power stroke – myosin head rotate, pulling the thin
 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) – fluid-filled
filament past the thick filament toward center of
system of membranous sacs that encircles each
the sarcomere
4. Detachment of myosin from actin – as myosin head
Filaments and the Sarcomere binds ATP, the cross-bridge detaches from actin
 Filaments or Myofilaments
- Within myofibrils are smaller protein
Somatic Motor Neurons – the neurons that stimulate
structures skeletal muscle fibers to contract
- Arranged in compartments called
“sarcomeres” Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ) – synapse between a
 Sarcomere somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber
- Basic functional units of myofibril
Synapse – region where communication occurs
- Z Discs: separate one sarcomere from
between a somatic motor neuron and a muscle fiber
the next  Presynaptic Membrane
- A Band: dark, extends the entire length  Postsynaptic Membrane
of the thick filaments (myosin); zone of
overlap Synaptic Cleft – small gap that separates the two cells
- I Band: lighter, less dense area that
Neurotransmitter – chemical messenger
contains the rest of the thin filaments
(actin) but no thick filaments A nerve impulse (nerve action potential) elicits a muscle
- H Zone: center of each A band contains action potential in the following way:
thick filaments but not thin filaments
1. Release of acetylcholine – Ach is released from
- M Line: middle of the sarcomere
synaptic vesicle
 Axon terminal – end of the motor neuron and
MUSCLE PROTEINS divides into a cluster of synaptic end bulbs
Contractile Proteins – generate force during  Synaptic end bulbs – neural part of the NMJ
contraction; responsible for muscles to move  Acetylcholine – neurotransmitter released at
1. Myosin – thick filaments; motor protein the NMJ
2. Actin – thin filaments; myosin-binding site 2. Activation of ACh receptors – ACh binds to ACh
Regulatory Proteins – help switch the contraction
 Motor end plate - muscular part of the NMJ
process on and off; also part of the actin (thin filament)
 Acetylcholine receptors – integral trans-
1. Tropomyosin – cover the actin “myosin-
membrane proteins to which ACh specifically
binds; abundant in junction folds
2. Troponin – molecule; undergoes a
 Junction folds – deep grooves in the motor end
conformational change (change in shape)
plate that provide a large surface area for Ach
Structural Proteins – keep proper alignment 3. Production of muscle action potential – change in
1. Titin – helping to stabilize thick filament the membrane potential triggers a muscle action
position potential
2. α-Actin – attaches to actin molecules of thin 4. Termination of ACh activity - effect of ACh binding
filaments and to titin molecules lasts only briefly
3. Myomesin – forms M line of sarcomere  Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) – breakdown
4. Nebulin – wraps around entire length of each Ach
thin filament
1. Phosphocreatine – energy-rich molecule that is - Spasm – sudden involuntary contraction of a
found in muscle fibers single group of muscles
2. Glycolysis (Anaerobic Cellular Respiration) – - Cramp – painful spasmodic contraction
breakdown of glucose gives rise to lactic acid when (inadequate blood flow, overuse of muscle,
oxygen is absent or at a low concentration dehydration, decrease in potassium level)
3. Oxidative Metabolism (Aerobic Cellular - Tremor – rhythmic, involuntary, purposeless
Respiration) – series of oxygen-requiring reactions contraction that produced shaking movements
(the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain) (problem in nervous stem)
that produce ATP, carbon dioxide, water, and heat - Fasciculation – involuntary, quick twitch; visible
under the skin
TYPES OF SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBER - Fibrillation – spontaneous contraction but not
1. Slow Oxidative Fibers visible under the skin (detected by
- Small, appear dark red, and least powerful type Electromyography or EMG)
- Fatigue resistant
- Used for endurance like running a marathon;
maintaining posture NERVOUS SYSTEM
2. Fast Oxidative-Glycolytic Fiber Nervous system is one of the smallest and yet
- Intermediate in size, appear dark red the most complex of the 11 body systems.
- Moderately resistant to fatigue
- Used for walking, sprinting Functions:
3. Fast Glycolytic Fibers  Sensory Function – detect internal stimuli or
- Large, white, and powerful external stimuli
- Suited to intense anaerobic activity of short  Integrative Function – process sensory
information by making decision for response
- Rapid, intense movement in short duration
 Motor Function – may elicit an appropriate
motor response by activation effectors (muscles
 Red muscle fibers (the dark meat in chicken legs)
and glands)
have a high myoglobin content, more mitochondria,
 Transmits information, and controls coordinates
more energy stores, and a greater blood supply
all essential functions of the body
 White muscle fibers (the white meat in chicken
breasts) have less myoglobin, mitochondria, and
blood supply Two Main Subdivision of Nervous System
1. Central Nervous System
TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION - consists of the brain and spinal cord
1. Isometric Muscle Contraction  Brain – contains about 85 billion neurons
- Important for maintaining posture and  Spinal Cord – contains about 100 million
supporting objects in a fixed position neurons
- Tension or force: increase greatly - main centers: meninges, CSF, skull and vertebral
- Muscle length: no change column
- Movements: none - composed of neurons which are supported by
- Example: holding a book steady neuroglia
2. Peripheral Nervous System
2. Isotonic Muscle Contraction
- consists of all nervous tissue outside the CNS
- Important for body movements and for moving
(cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and associated
- Tension or force: remains constant
 Nerve – bundle of hundreds to thousands
- Muscle length: increases or decreases
of axons (nerve fibers)
- Movements: yes
 12 pairs of cranial nerves
- Example: picking or lowering a book
 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- conduct information to and from the CNS and
Myasthenia Gravis
- Autoimmune chronic disease
Basic Cell of the Nervous System
- Progressive destruction of NMJ
Muscular Dystrophy  smaller cells, but they greatly outnumber
- Inherited neurons—perhaps by as much as 25 times
- Muscle destroying disease  support, nourish, and protect neurons, and
- Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle maintain the interstitial fluid that bathes them
- Mutation of protein dystrophin (structural Neuron
protein)  basic functional cell of nervous system
 transmits impulses up to 250 mph
Abnormal Contraction of Skeletal Muscles
 sensing, thinking, remembering, controlling
muscle activity, and regulating glandular Primitive Structure of Neuron
secretion 1. Ectoderm – outermost; composed of columnar
 Electrical Excitability – ability to respond to a epithelium and forms the nervous system
stimulus and convert into action potential 2. Mesoderm – gives rise to muscles, connective
 Stimulus – any change in the environment tissues, and vascular system
that initiate an action potential 3. Endoderm – innermost; gives rise to
 Action Potential – electrical signal gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and the liver

Parts of a Neuron
1. Dendrite – receive stimulus and carries it impulses Development of the Nervous System
toward the cell body Neurulation
2. Soma (cell body) – contains nucleus and most  marks the beginning of the formation of the
cytoplasm central nervous system
3. Axon – fiber which carries impulses away from the  process whereby neural plate forms into a
cell body toward another neuron neural tube
4. Schwann Cells – produce myelin sheath (fat layer in  begins in 3rd week of development and
the peripheral nervous system); oligodendrocytes completes in the 4th week
(fat layer in the central nervous system)
5. Myelin Sheath – dense lipid layer which insulates Peripheral Nervous System
the axon A. Somatic Nervous System (Voluntary)
6. Node of Ranvier – gaps or nodes in the myelin  relays information from skin, sense organs and
sheath skeletal muscles to CNS
 bring responses back to skeletal muscles for
Three Types of Neurons voluntary responses
1. Sensory Neuron or Afferent Neuron – bring a. Cranial Nerves
messages to CNS (brain and spinal cord) - 12 pairs
2. Motor Neuron or Efferent Neuron – carry messages - attached to undersurface of brain
from CNS - classified as sensory, motor, or mixed
3. Interneurons – between sensory and motor sensory and motor
neurons in the CNS b. Spinal Nerves
- 31 pairs
A. Impulse - attached to spinal cord
 Stimulus – change in the environment with c. Meninges
sufficient strength to initiate a response
Cranial Nerves
 Excitability – ability of neuron to respond to the
 Olfactory (I) – sensory; olfaction (smell)
stimulus and convert it into a nerve impulse
 Optic (II) – sensory; vision (sight)
 All of Nothing Rule – stimulus Is either strong
 Oculomotor (III), Trochlear (IV), Abducens (VI) –
enough to start an impulse or nothing happens
motor; extraocular muscles of the eye
 impulses are always the same strength along a
 Trigeminal (V) – mixed; masseter
given neuron and they are self-propagation –
 Facial (VII) – mixed; taste on the 2/3 of tongue,
once it starts it continues to the end of the
swallowing, and phonation (produce certain
neuron in only one direction- from dendrite to
cell body to axon
 Vestibulocochlear (VIII) – sensory; equilibrium and
 nerve impulse causes a movement of ions
across the cell membrane of the nerve cell
 Glossopharyngeal (IX) – mixed; taste on the
posterior 1/3 of the tongue
B. Synapse
 Vagus (X) – mixed; wanderer
 small gap or space between the axon of one
 Spinal Accessory (XI) – motor; trapezius muscles
neuron and the dendrite of another
and sternocleidomastoid (SCM); assist movement of
 the neurons do not actually touch at the
synapse head and pectoral girdle
 it is junction between neurons which uses  Hypoglossal (XII) – motor; tongue movement
neurotransmitters to start the impulse in the Spinal Nerves
second neuron or an effector (muscle or gland)
Mixed nerve, which carries motor, sensory, and
 synapse insures one-way transmission of
autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the
C. Neurotransmitters  Cervical Nerves (C1 – C8)
 chemicals in the junction which allow impulses  Thoracic Nerves (T1 – T12)
to be started in the second neuron  Lumbar Nerves (L1 – L5)
 Inhibitory – GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric  Sacral Nerves (S1 – S5)
Acid)  Coccygeal Nerve (C0)
 Excitatory – Acetylcholine, Glutamate
B. Autonomic Nervous System (Involuntary) 2. Basal Ganglia
 concerned with the innervation of involuntary - helps coordinate slow, sustained movements
structures; heart, smooth muscles, and glands - suppresses useless patterns of movement
a. Sympathetic 3. Thalamus
- prepare the body for an emergency - relays most sensory information from the spinal
- “fight of flight response” cord and certain parts of the brain to the
b. Parasympathetic cerebral cortex
- conserving and restoring energy - interprets certain sensory messages such as
- “rest and digest” those of pain, temperature, and pressure
4. Hypothalamus
Sympathetic Autonomic Nervous System
- controls various homeostatic functions such as
 increase heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume
body temperature, respiration, and heartbeat
 increase in blood pressure (peripheral
- directs hormone secretions of the pituitary
5. Cerebellum
 decrease in digestion (constipation)
- coordinates subconscious movements
 bronchodilation
- contributes to muscle tone, posture, and
 mydriasis (pupillary dilation)
 dilates pupils; inhibits salivation; relaxes bronchi;
6. Brain Stem
accelerates heartbeat; inhibits digestive activity;
- origin of many cranial nerves
stimulates glucose release by liver; relaxes bladder
- reflex center for movements of eyeballs, head,
Parasympathetic Autonomic Nervous System and trunk
 decrease in heart rate, cardiac output, stroke - regulates heartbeat and breathing
volume - plays a role in consciousness
 increase in digestion - transmits impulses between brain and spinal
 increase in juice production cord
 bronchoconstriction
 miosis (pupillary constriction)
 contracts pupils; stimulates salivation; contracts Cerebral Cortex/ Cerebrum
bronchi; slows heartbeat; stimulates digestive  largest portion of the brain, encompasses about
activity; stimulates gallbladder; contracts bladder two-thirds of the brains mass
 consists of two hemisphere (left and right) divided
by a medial longitudinal fissure, connected by the
Central Nervous System corpus callosum
Meninges (Protection)  includes cerebral cortex, medullary body, and basal
Composed of neurons supported by specialized ganglia
neuroglial cell
 Gray Matter – consists of nerve cells and the Lobes of Cerebrum
proximal portions of their processes (projections), 1. Frontal – motor area involved in movement and
embedded in the neuroglia (cell body) in planning and coordinating behavior
 White Matter – consist of nerve fibers (axons) 2. Parietal – sensory processing, attention, and
embedded in neuroglia; myelin sheath language
3. Temporal – auditory perception, speech, and
Layers of the Meninges complex visual perceptions
1. Dura Mater – outermost layer, very tough 4. Occipital (visual center) – plays a role in
2. Arachnoid Mater – middle layer; adheres to the processing visual information
dura mater and has web-like attachments to the
innermost layer (pia mater)
a. Pia Mater – very thin, transparent, but Medullary Body – white matter if the cerebrum and
tough; covers the entire brain, following it consists of myelinated axons
into all its crevices (sulci) and spinal cord a. Commissural Fibers – conduct impulses
between the hemispheres and form corpus
Cerebrospinal Fluid (80 – 150mL) – buffers, nourishes, callosum
and detoxifies the brain and spinal cord; flows through b. Projection Fibers – conduct impulse in and out
the subarachnoid space, between arachnoid mater and of the cerebral hemispheres (thalamus,
pia mater brainstem, and spinal cord)
c. Association Fibers – conduct impulses within
Regions of Central Nervous System the hemispheres
1. Cerebral Cortex/ Cerebrum
- receives sensory information Hemispheres of the Brain
- sends messages to move skeletal muscles 1. Left Hemisphere (Dominant Hemisphere)
- integrates incoming and outgoing nerve - left brain; right side of body control
impulses - number skills
- performs activities such as thinking, learning, - math/scientific skills
and remembering - written language
- spoken language Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
- objectivity - acute demyelinating disorder in which
- analytical macrophages strip myelin from axons in the
- logic PNS (myelin sheath: Schwann cells)
- reasoning - may result from the immune system’s response
2. Right Hemisphere (Non-Dominant Hemisphere) to a bacterial infection
- right brain; left side of body control
- 3D shapes
- music/art awareness ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
- intuition
Endocrine System
- creativity  2nd great controlling system in the body
- imagination  composed of ductless glans and produce
- subjectivity hormones in the blood or lymph system
- synthesizing
- emotion Functions:
- face recognition  regulating almost body functions, including
metabolism, growth and development, water
and electrolyte balance, reproduction, and
Diseases of the Nervous System behavior
Multiple Sclerosis  endocrine system is controlled by the feedback
- progressive destruction of myelin sheaths mechanism
surrounding neurons in the CNS
(oligodendrocyte); autoimmune disease Feedback Mechanism
- usually appears between the ages of 20 and 40 1. Negative Feedback Mechanism
- females twice as often as males - major mechanism of hormone action; its effects
causes the process to slow down or turn off
2. Positive Feedback Mechanism
- accelerates the original process. It can ensure
that the pathway continues to run can speed up
Epilepsy its activities
- characterized by short, recurrent attacks of
Three General Types of Hormones
motor, sensory, or psychological malfunction
1. Proteins and Polypeptides
- initiated by abnormal, synchronous electrical
- anterior and posterior pituitary gland:
discharges from millions of neurons
- the pancreas (insulin and glucagon)
- causes, including brain damage at birth (the
- parathyroid gland (parathyroid hormone)
most common cause); metabolic disturbances
2. Steroids
(hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, uremia, hypoxia);
- adrenal cortex (cortisol and aldosterone)
infections (encephalitis or meningitis); toxins
(alcohol, tranquilizers, hallucinogens); vascular - ovaries (estrogen and progesterone)
disturbances (hemorrhage, hypotension); head - testes (testosterone)
injuries; and tumors and abscesses of the brain - placenta (estrogen and progesterone)
3. Derivatives of Amino Acids Tyrosine
Excitotoxicity - thyroid (thyroxine and triiodothyronine)
- high level of glutamate (excitatory - adrenal medullae (epinephrine and
neurotransmitter) in the interstitial fluid of the norepinephrine)
- most common cause of excitotoxicity is oxygen
deprivation of the brain due to ischemia Glands
(inadequate blood flow), as happens during a A. Hypothalamus
stroke  master control center of the endocrine system
- Decreased Oxygen = Increased Glutamate =  indirect control
Brain Cell Damage  Functions: temperature regulation, control the
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) body weight, drive to eat and drink, emotions.
- chronic autoimmune, neuromuscular disease
B. Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)
(neuromuscular junction)
 Lies inferior to the hypothalamus
-  antibodies (immune proteins produced by the
 Connected thru the infundibulum
body’s immune system) block, alter, or destroy
the receptors for acetylcholine at the Division of Pituitary Gland
neuromuscular junction, which prevents the 1. Anterior Pituitary Gland/ Adenohypophysis
muscle from contracting a. Growth Hormone (GH) / Somatotropin –
-  hallmark of myasthenia gravis is muscle stimulates protein synthesis and overall growth
weakness that worsens after periods of activity of most cell (i.e. osteoblast) and tissues
and improves after periods of rest b. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) – thyroid
gland; stimulates synthesis and secretion of
thyroid hormones (thyroxine and - stimulates osteoclasts to resorb bone and
triiodothyronine) release calcium ions from bone matrix into
c. Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) – renal or kidney; the bloodstream
stimulates synthesis and secretion of - stimulates calcitriol hormone synthesis in
adrenocortical hormones (cortisol, androgens, the kidney
and aldosterone) - promotes calcium absorption in the small
d. Prolactin – promotes development of the intestine
female breasts and secretion of milk - prevents the loss of calcium ions during the
e. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – male: formation of urine
stimulates release of sperm; female: initiates
development of oocytes and induces ovarian G. Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal)
release of estrogen  The two adrenal glands, each of which weighs
f. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – male: stimulates about 4 grams, lie at the superior poles of the
testosterone synthesis in Leydig cells of testes; two kidneys
female: stimulates ovulation, formation of
corpus luteum, and estrogen and progesterone Kinds of Adrenal Gland
synthesis in ovaries 1. Adrenal Medulla
g. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) – - the central 20 percent of the gland, is
increases skin pigmentation functionally related to the sympathetic nervous
2. Posterior Pituitary Gland/ Neurohypophysis - Secretes catecholamine hormones:
a. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) / Vasopressin – a. the hormones epinephrine (slightly more of
increases water reabsorption by the kidneys an effect on your heart); and
and causes vasoconstriction and increased b. norepinephrine (more of an effect on your
blood pressure blood vessels)
b. Oxytocin – stimulates milk ejection from - They are the flight-or-fight hormones that are
breasts and uterine contractions; milk ejection released when the body is under extreme
via sucking reflex stress.

C. Pineal Gland
 small endocrine gland attached to the roof of
the third ventricle of the brain at the midline
 Part of the epithalamus, it is positioned 2. Adrenal Cortex
between the two superior colliculi, has a mass - secretes an entirely different group of
of 0.1–0.2g hormones, called corticosteroids
 Melatonin: controls the body's biological clock a. ZONA GLOMERULOSA – Mineralocorticoids
D. Thymus Gland - Increases renal sodium reabsorption,
 located behind the sternum between the lungs potassium secretion, and hydrogen ion
 thymosin, thymic humoral factor (THF), thymic secretion;
factor (TF), and thymopoietin — promote the - increase water and electrolyte
maturation of T cells (a type of white blood cell reabsorption
that destroys microbes and foreign substances) b. ZONA FASCICULATA – Glucocorticoids
and may retard the aging process (Cortisol)
- Has multiple metabolic functions for
E. Thyroid Gland controlling metabolism of proteins,
 located immediately below the larynx on each carbohydrates, and fats;
side and anterior to the trachea - also has anti-inflammatory effects;
 one of the largest of the endocrine glands, - resistance to stress
normally weighing 15 to 20 grams in adults c. ZONA RETICULARIS Androgen (Secondary
a. T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine) – sex characteristics of males)
increase body metabolic rate; important in - Stimulate growth of axillary and pubic
growth and development hair
b. Calcitonin – parafollicular cells of the - If more in females they develop male
thyroid gland; reduces blood calcium levels characteristics, clitoris develops
by acting on osteoclasts in the process of - similar to penis
bone resorption
H. Pancreas
F. Parathyroid Gland  flattened organ that measures about 12.5–15
 embedded in the posterior surface of the lateral cm (5–6 in.) in length, the pancreas is located in
lobe of the thyroid gland the curve of the duodenum (first part of the
 small, brownish-red glands small intestine) and consists of a head, a body,
 Parathyroid Hormone and a tail
Pancreatic Islet (Islet of Langerhans) 3. Calcitriol : Aids in absorption of dietary calcium
1. Alpha Cells – glucagon, increases blood sugar levels and phosphorus
2. Beta Cells – insulin, decreases blood glucose levels
3. Delta Cells – somatostatin, balance/controls the D. Heart
number of insulin and glucagon (acts like mediator); a. Atrial natriuretic peptide: Increases sodium
inhibit both insulin and glucagon release from excretion by kidneys, reduces blood pressure
neighboring beta and alpha cells
4. F Cells – pancreatic polypeptide, inhibits E. Adipose Tissue
somatostatin secretion, gallbladder contraction, and a. Leptin: Inhibits appetite and thermogenesis
secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas (body heat)

I. Gonads
 Ovaries (Female) Homeostatic Imbalances of Endocrine System
a. Estrogens: Promotes growth and
development of female reproductive Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
system, female breasts, and female  most common abnormality associated with
secondary sexual characteristics dysfunction of the posterior pituitary
b. Progesterone: Stimulates secretion of  This disorder is due to defects in antidiuretic
“uterine milk” by the uterine endometrial hormone (ADH) receptors or an inability to
glands and promotes development of secrete ADH
secretory apparatus of breasts  Neurogenic diabetes insipidus & Nephrogenic
c. Relaxin: Increases flexibility of pubic diabetes insipidus
symphysis during pregnancy; helps dilate  A common symptom of both forms of DI is
uterine cervix during labor and delivery excretion of large volumes of urine
d. Inhibin: Inhibits secretion of FSH from Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
anterior pituitary  deficiency or absence of insulin secretion of the
 Testes (Male) beta cells of the pancreas or by defects of the
a. Testosterone: Promotes development of insulin receptors
male reproductive system and male  Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM); also known
secondary sexual characteristics as insulin-dependent, juvenile-onset diabetes
b. Inhibin: Inhibits secretion of FSH from while
anterior pituitary.  Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), also known as
ORGANS non-insulin dependent, adult onset diabetes.
 Characteristics: polyuria, excessive urine
A. Placenta production due to an inability of the kidneys to
 Pregnancy: reabsorb water; polydipsia, excessive thirst;
1. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and polyphagia, excessive eating
Stimulates corpus luteum in ovary to
continue production of estrogens and Thyroid Gland Diseases
progesterone to maintain pregnancy • Graves Disease “Hyperthyroidism “
2. Human somatomammotropin (hCS): • autoimmune disorder in which the person
Stimulates development of mammary produces antibodies that mimic the action of
glands for lactation thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
3. Estrogen: help prepare mammary glands to • Characteristics: Goiter is simply an enlarged
secrete milk. thyroid gland. It may be associated with
4. Progesterone hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or
euthyroidism which means normal secretion of
B. Stomach thyroid hormone.
1. Gastrin : Promotes secretion of gastric juice; • Myxedema “Hypothyroidism”
increases movements of the stomach (dissolves Parathyroid Gland Disorders
what we eat)  Hypoparathyroidism (Hyporcalcemia) - too
2. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide little parathyroid hormone which leads to a
(GIP): Stimulates release of insulin by pancreatic deficiency of blood Ca2++ ; leads to twitches,
beta cells (to balance the blood sugar level) spasms, and tetany (maintained contraction) of
3. Ghrelin: hunger hormone skeletal muscle
 Hyperparathyroidism (Hypercalcemia) -
C. Kidney excessive resorption of bone matrix, raising the
1. Renin: part of reaction sequence that raises blood levels of calcium and phosphate ions and
blood pressure by bringing about causing bones to become soft and easily
vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels) fractured
and secretion of aldosterone
2. Erythropoietin: increases rate of red blood cell Adrenal Gland Diseases
formation  Cushing’s Syndrome - hypersecretion of cortisol
by the adrenal cortex;
- Symptoms: elevated level of cortisol causes
hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, weakness,
hypertension, increased susceptibility to
infection, decreased resistance to stress, and
mood swings
 Addison’s Disease - hyposecretion of
glucocorticoids and aldosterone;
- Symptoms: which typically do not appear until
90% of the adrenal cortex has been destroyed,
include mental lethargy, anorexia, nausea and
vomiting, weight loss, hypoglycemia, and
muscular weakness

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