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A. Answer the following questions based on the dialog below!

1. Rony : Finally, I’ve finished polishing my shoes. What do you think?
Tina : __________________
How would Tina say to answer Rony’s question?
A. They are new
B. They are shining
C. You look fabulous
D. I think you are genius
E. Is that what you want to do?
2. Yadi : I heard that the students won’t be allowed to bring cellphones or tablets
to school. What would you say about that?
Devi : __________________
How would Devi say to answer Yadi’s question?
A. Please put it here
B. That’s very kind of you
C. I don’t think that’s a good idea
D. There are many application you can share
E. Let’s see an electronic exhibition this afternoon
3. Anita : What do you think of my new shoes?
Aneta : ___________________
What is Aneta’s suitable response?
A. They look nice
B. Let’s meet Mr. Johan
C. Yes, I think you should apologize
D. I don’t believe you said that
E. Yes, you are absolutely right
4. Mr. John : The forest fires which occur at several places in our country cause air
pollution which affect human’s health.
Dony : ___________________
What is Dony’s suitable response?
A. It’s a good idea
B. It will be fine, thank you
C. I don’t agree with your idea
D. Don’t worry. I can handle it
E. You’re right. It is a very bad situation
The dialog is for questions 5 and 6.

Mrs. Ella : This backpack looks strong enough to carry many books.
What do you think?
Roby : Sorry, Mom. It looks old fashioned.
Mrs. Ella : Hmm….what about this one?
Roby : I like it. It looks strong and has three compartments, one for
my laptop computer.
Mrs. Ella : So will you take it?
Roby : Let me have a look in more detail, Mom.

5. What is the dialog about?

A. A backpack
B. Many books
C. Handbag
D. A modern bag
E. A bag for a laptop computer

6. Roby says, “It looks old fashioned.” What does he express?

A. He expresses grief
B. He expresses an opinion
C. He expresses affection
D. He whishes her good look
E. He gives information

The dialog is for questions 7 and 8.

Budi : What would you like to order, Lia?

Lia : I don’t know. All seem delicious.
Budi : May I choose for you?
Lia : Yes, please.
Budi : I think fried chicken is the best.
Lia : Sorry, I have eaten too much chicken lately. What about milkfish?
Budi : O.K., that’s a good choice.

7. Where does the dialog take place?

A. At home
B. In a fashion shop
C. In a shoe shop
D. In a restaurant
E. At school
8. Lia asks, “What about milkfish?’ What does she express?
A. She asks for information
B. She asks for a plan
C. She offers beverage
D. She expresses gratitude
E. She asks for an opinion

The dialog is for questions 9 to 12.

Amoye : Bad news! There will be a bus-driver strike tomorrow morning.

Ance : OH no! How shall we go to school?
Amoye : I have an idea. What do you think about hiring a taxi?
Ance : It’s expensive.
Amoye : So, what’s your idea?
Ance : There is my father’s motorcycle at home, but no one can ride it.
My father is out of town.
Amoye : Do you mind if I ride it? Don’t worry, I have a driving license.
Ance : O.K., but let me ask my Mom first.
Amoye : Sure

9. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Why they can’t take a taxi
B. How they will go to school
C. When a bus-driver strike takes place
D. Why all bus drivers strike tomorrow
E. How to ask for a person’s permission

10. Why does Ance disagree with Amoye’s idea to take a taxi to school?
A. It costs much to pay for its fare
B. They have no taxi phone number
C. She has a bad experience when taking a taxi
D. It s quite difficult to get a taxi in the morning
E. They don’t have enough money to pay for a taxi fare

11. What can we infer from the dialog?

A. They can’t decide how to go to school
B. Amoye’s father has a business in another town
C. All buses will not operate tomorrow morning
D. All taxi drivers will strike tomorrow morning
E. Ance’s mother will drive them to school.

12. What is the sentence to ask for an opinion?

A. What do you think about hiring a taxi?
B. O.K., but let me ask my Mom first
C. How shall we go to school?
D. Do you mind if I ride it?
E. So, what’s your idea?
For questions 13 to 15, choose the correct words to complete the following text.

Every Sunday morning Farhan and his family, clean the house together. Farhan
and his father are outside gardening, while his mother and sister, Angela are indoors.
“Mom, I have swept and (13)______ the dining room. Is there anything else I can
do?” asks Angela.
“Hmm….do you (14) ______ I taught you how to use a vacuum cleaner, dear?”
asks her mother.
“Yeah, I do, Mom.”
“If that’s so, would you vacuum the carpet, please?” asks her mother.
“Sure, Mom,” Angela replies.
“Just remember, you (15)_______ use the appliance carefully,” says her mother.
“I will, Mom. Don’t worry,” Angela replies.

13. __________
A. mended
B. cleaned
C. washed
D. repaired
E. closed

14. __________
A. recall
B. inform
C. forget
D. remind
E. remember
15. ___________
A. should
B. would
C. could
D. will
E. can

The following dialog is for questions 27 to 30.

Melly : We will visit Riris at the hospital after school, won’t we?
Anita : Yes, we will.
Melly : So, let’s raise funds to buy fruit.
Anita : I don’t think it’s a good idea. I suggest we give her the money we collect.
Melly : That’s a good idea. I agree!
Anita : One more thing, we will use the money from the treasure box,
because not all of us have spare money.
Melly : However, next time we have to return the money, right?
Anita : Yup!
Melly : I can’t say no.

16. What will Melly and Anita do after school?

A. Buy food and drinks for Riris.
B. Look after Riris at the hospital.
C. Fetch Riris from the hospital.
D. Take Riris to the hospital.
E. Visit Riris at the hospital.

17. What is Melly’s opinion?

A. Buy food and drinks from spare money.
B. Collect money and give it to their friend.
C. Raise funds and meet Mr. Johan.
D. Raise funds to bring Riris to a hospital.
E. Collect money to buy fruit for Riris.

18. Which sentence shows a suggestion?

A. I can say no.
B. That’s a good idea. I agree!
C. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
D. So, let’s raise funds to buy fruit.
E. One more thing, we will use the money from the treasure box.

19. Melly says, “However, next time we have to return the money, right?”
The word ‘to return’ means ______.
A. to turn back
B. to give back
C. to collect
D. to compile
E. to retreat

For questions 20 to 22, choose the correct words to complete the following text.
Have you ever received missed calls from unknown numbers? It must be very
disturbing, especially when you received the calls at night. If you have such a problem, I (20)
_______that you do the following.
When you receive a call, find out who the caller is. If the number is unknown, you (21)
_______ ignore the call. However, if it rings many times, you may answer it. Perhaps it’s from
your friend or relative who has a new phone number. If the call is from a person who does it for
fun, you may (22)_______ what his/her purpose is. Tell him/her that you are busy. He/she
should know that you don’t like to be disturbed.
20. __________
A. offer
B. need
C. invite
D. suggest
E. command
21. __________
A. will
B. would
C. should
D. could
E. might
22. __________
A. ask
B. asks
C. asked
D. asking
E. is asked

23. A : You look weak. I suggest you _______school now and see a doctor.
B : I think so. I will ask for permission first.
A. leaving
B. leaves
C. to leave
D. left
E. leave

For questions 24 and 25, arrange the following sentences to form a sequential text.

24. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?

(1) Anna : May I know why?
(2) Anna : You’re welcome
(3) Anna : I see. What about a bag? I think this tote bag is nice.
(4) Anna : So, why don’t you buy shoes for your sister’s birthday gift?
(5) Anna : The goods here are cheap and of good quality, aren’t they?
(6) Laura : I don’t think it’s a good idea.
(7) Laura : You’re right. Besides, she hasn’t had a tote bag and the price is
affordable. O.K., I will buy her this bag. Thanks for your suggestion, Anna.
(8) Laura : I think so.
(9) Laura : Well, she has several pairs of shoes already.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is _______.
A. 5 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 9 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 2
B. 5 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 3 – 7 – 2
C. 5 – 8 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 9 – 3 – 7 – 2
D. 5 – 6 – 9 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 8 – 7 – 2
E. 5 – 8 – 3 – 9 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 2

25. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?

(1) Rati : Listen! Forget about medicine. Try this herbal remedy.
(2) Rati : But this herbal medicine doesn’t have any side effect. Trust me.
(3) Rati : Ninno, what seems to be the problem?
(4) Rati : You harm your kidneys if you drink too much medicine.
(5) Mabi : I don’t think so. The doctor knows the dosage.
(6) Mabi : Thanks for your offer, but I prefer this medicine. Please don’t force me
to take herbal medicine.
(7) Mabi : Well, I have a sore throat and the doctor prescribed medicine.
(8) Mabi : No thanks.

The correct arrangement of the sentences is _______.

A. 3 – 7 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6
B. 3 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 4 – 6
C. 3 – 5 – 4 – 7 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 8
D. 3 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7
E. 3 – 7 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 8 – 4 – 5

B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog below!

Yudi : back....

Mrs. Artika : What happened, dear?
Yudi : It’s very painful.
Mrs. Artika : You must have a backache. Don’t worry. I’ll smear balm on your back.
Yudi : Thank you, Mom.
Mrs. Artika : You look very tired. I suggest you stop cleaning the backyard and have a rest.
Yudi : But, Mom, I haven’t finished yet.
Mrs. Artika : I know, but you should have a rest. Amelia has arrived and she can help me.
Yudi : O.K., Mom. Thank you.

1. What happened to Yudi?
2. What will Mrs. Artika do knowing of Yudi’s condition?
3. Why does Mrs. Artika suggest Yudi have a rest?
4. Mrs. Artika says, “I know, but you should have a rest.”
What does she express?
5. Mrs. Artika says, “I suggest you stop working....”
What is the antonym of the underlined word?

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