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Alan Douglas Poole1 and Jaqueline Nascimento Poole2

International Energy Consultant, 2939 Van Ness St, NW, Apt.1247, Washington DC
20008 – USA, email:
Tutor in UFCG/ABEAS - 2939 Van Ness St, NW, Apt.1247, Washington DC 20008 –
USA, email:

Abstract: The use of performance contracts to increase the energy efficiency of the
public sector is widely regarded as an attractive option throughout the world. However,
in Brazil as elsewhere, it has been difficult to find a model which fits the regulations for
government procurement and is viable from a business perspective. This paper proposes
a new approach to procure energy efficiency retrofit projects, using the resources of the
existing public benefit wire-charge on electricity distribution utilities’ revenues known as
the Programa de Eficiência Energética (PEE). A reformed PEE could have vastly greater
impact on public sector energy use than the current use of grants. Copyright © 2009

Keywords: Energy efficiency in the public sector, performance contracts, public benefit
wire-charge for energy efficiency.

Palavras Chaves: Eficiência energética no setor público, contrato de performance,

Programa de Eficiência Energética (PEE) fiscalizada pela ANEEL.

1 INTRODUÇÃO for private sector consumers (including

Brazil’s public sector consumed 34,840 GWh/year in businesses); increasing volume and reducing
2007, or 9.2% of total electricity supplied from the grid the costs of supply; establishing standards.
in Brazil. This consumption is divided roughly equally • Contributes to general improvement in
between government buildings (11,220 GWh), street national energy rationalization, which is
lighting (11,098 GWh) and other public services important considering the huge challenge of
(10,947 GWh, excluding rail transport). The cost of reconciling climate change restrictions with
this electricity was about R$ 7.3 billion in 2007, the last the need for economies like Brazil’s to grow
full year for which data are available for a calculation. substantially.
As in other countries, there has been interest in • Like energy efficiency projects in general,
achieving energy savings in the public sector for contributes to more employment than the
various motives: equivalent supply would.
• Reduces the operating costs of government – To improve the efficiency of energy use in the public
quite substantially. It is likely that sector, various segments of the market need to be
consumption could be reduced by 30-40% on addressed with different approaches:
average. This translates to R$2-2.5 billion per 1. For equipment procurement (e.g. computers &
year of possible savings.1 office equipment, appliances) use life-cycle
• Helps to consolidate the market for energy costing.
efficiency goods and services by: 2. Norms for new buildings and other new
strengthening their familiarity and credibility facilities.
3. Retrofits to increase the energy efficiency of
We exclude the small share of electricity for public public buildings and of public services such as
services which goes to rail passenger transport.
street lighting, water & sewage companies. have been implemented with resources from the PEE –
These retrofits involve modernizing energy Programa de Eficiência Energética. Under the PEE,
use systems, not the simpler replacements in which is regulated by the power sector’s regulator,
segment (1) above. ANEEL, the distribution utilities are required to spend
0.5% of their gross revenue on energy efficiency
In this paper we focus on the third area – retrofits.
More specifically we consider the procurement of
energy efficiency retrofit projects using “performance
contracts” with firms specialized in this kind of service,
which are called ESCOs. The popularity of seeking
this approach throughout the world is due to the fact 2 THE PEE AND PROJECTS IN THE
that most government agencies lack the skills required PUBLIC SECTOR TODAY
to design and implement energy retrofit projects “in-
house”. ESCOs may also help by providing a channel The PEE mechanism was established in 1998 to assure
for financing the investment in energy efficiency. that electricity distribution utilities would continue to
invest in energy efficiency projects with consumers (as
Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to achieve savings well as R&D) after their privatization. Projects are
using performance contracts. Brazil, like most proposed and implemented by the distribution utilities
developing countries, has not gotten very far. Many under the oversight of ANEEL, the Federal regulator of
common problems are confronted throughout the world, the power sector. Through mid-2006, the PEE had
ranging from lack of incentives, lack of technical provided more than R$1.8 billion in resources for
capability to legal difficulties and high transaction energy efficiency projects (Jannuzzi et alii, 2008). The
costs. current level of disbursement is well over R$ 300
In general it is difficult to find a model which million per year. It is by far the largest energy
reconciles the regulations for government procurement efficiency program in Brazil.
with the needs for a viable business transaction in this
The share of these resources going to projects in the
public sector has been substantial – roughly R$ 670
Much attention is now being given to this problem million between the project cycle of 2000/01 to
internationally. The World Bank is preparing an 20006/07, as shown in Table 1. Until 2005 more than
analysis later this year. There is in principle an inter- 60% of the PEE’s resources was allocated to projects in
ministerial Task Force addressing the issues at the the public sector, being that almost 40% was allocated
Federal level. However there has been little evolution to public street lighting projects alone. After 2005
since the difficulties were systematically identified investment in public street lighting was halted, due to
back in early 2004 (Nexant, 2004). the existence of another large program of Eletrobrás –
called RELUZ – which also specifically targeted this
Until now only two projects have been implemented in end-use. Investments in other segments of the
Brazil. One began in 2000 with Infraero, another in government, such as buildings and water & sewage
2006 with SABESP. Both were successful, but treatment facilities also declined somewhat - from 23%
probably neither of the RFPs (edital da licitação) would to 18% of the total. It should be noted that since 2005,
have survived a court challenge, if there had been one. at least 50% of PEE resources must go to programs for
A new more robust model for procurement of ESCOs is low income residential consumers (in fact more than
needed. Yet even if all the basic problems are resolved 60% have gone to this end). Thus, despite the large
satisfactorily, a program involving the competitive absolute decline in investments in public sector
procurement of EE services by government agencies in projects, they remain the next largest category.
Brazil is likely to suffer from significant handicaps.
For example, there will almost certainly be a legal limit Unfortunately, the relatively large investment in public
on the length of contracts which allows only four years sector projects – which has been more than R$ 40
after the commissioning of projects for the ESCO to be million per year since 2005 - has so far contributed
remunerated. This time is insufficient for many almost nothing to consolidate improved government
measures to be adequately remunerated and would procedures to contract energy efficiency goods and
seriously restrict the possibilities for investments. At services. All of the projects have been funded as grants
the same time, the bidding process will have high (usually for the full cost of the project). While
transaction costs and there is likely to be conservatism obviously attractive to the lucky recipients, this mode
of projected savings in the bids due to the uncertainties of funding meant there was little stimulus to develop a
the ESCOs will face when they make their bids more sustainable approach where the public sector
(Nexant, 2004; Poole, 2008). actually pays for the investments in efficiency. Indeed,
this steady flow of “freebies” has probably stunted
In light of all these difficulties facing the procurement interest in more economically sustainable practices.
of energy efficiency performance contracts and the
sparse results achieved so far, it is interesting to In addition, the habit of doling out grants has severely
observe that hundreds of energy efficiency projects limited the impact of the PEE. While there have been
have been implemented by utilities in Brazil’s public hundreds of projects (usually quite superficial in the
sector – at all levels of the Federation. These projects measures taken), this must be compared with the more
than 465,000 government owned buildings in Brazil limited capability. While this kind project is currently
plus 125,000 accounts for street lighting and other only possible at the municipal level there is no big
public services (data from ANEEL). Only about 1% of reason why it could not be extended to other levels of
government buildings have been touched by the PEE in government if experience were satisfactory.
its ten years of existence.
A second, more radical, approach would simply bypass
the competitive procurement process at the level of the
Table 1. Planned Investments by Category during Two public sector agency. In this, the local utility might
Periods sign an agreement with the public agency – say a
school district – to retrofit a series of buildings. This
agreement would have elements of a “performance
contract” along the lines of a model already required by
the PEE with private sector beneficiaries. In this
model, the public agency would never pay more than its

Category P
prior (inflation adjusted) electricity bill while it
amortized the investments.

In the existing model of the PEE for projects with the

private sector, the performance contract is between the

executed by ESCOs who are sub-contracted by the

utility and the consumer. Most of the projects are

utility under standard “cost-plus” engineering services


The first question is whether it would in fact be

possible to avoid the competitive procurement of
energy efficiency services by the interested public

sector agency. The preliminary response has been that
it would be possible. This is due to the fact that the
utility already has a monopoly (or “sole source”)
relationship with most public agencies. The fact that
the PEE is a Federaly regulated program also helps.
Source: Based on Jannuzzi et alii, 2008
* Planned investment used because of long delays in final
reporting of realized investment.
** Estimates for the 2006/07 annual cycle are partial, due to
An intriguing additional possibility is that, since
payments for the EE investment are made to the same
entity which is supplying the electricity, it may well be

Public street
incomplete data. possible to avoid the disconnect between budget items
(especially between operating and investment costs)
This wasteful model could be changed under the which creates so much risk and other difficulties (such
existing regulatory framework. In early 2008 the PEE as estimating values for the separate items) for the

lighting 374.6
underwent a substantial reform with the explicit conventional procurement of performance contracts.
objective of increasing its impact in terms of There would only be a single formal budgetary
transforming markets for energy efficiency (ANEEL, reference – the electricity bill before the investments
2008 & Jannuzzi et alii, 2008). The changes made have were made. It may even be possible to avoid the limit
on the length of the performance contracts – currently 4

Residential 133.5
opened possibilities to support the widespread
contracting of energy efficiency services with years – which in practice eliminates measures with
performance contracts. simple payback times longer than 18 months.

Since the projects would no longer be funded on a grant


Industrial 96.0
basis, it would be possible to re-invest in an increasing
MUCH LARGER PORTFOLIO IN volume of projects as time passes, even with the same
THE PUBLIC SECTOR volume of new funds each year. A kind of “revolving
fund” could in effect be created.
There are two broad ways, not mutually exclusive, that

the PEE could be adapted towards achieving this At first glance, the impact on the capacity to increase
objective. In the first approach, resources would be the volume of projects unfortunately seems rather slow.
used to help prepare the RFPs for the procurement of For example, if one assumes an average amortization of
performance contractors by the public sector. As part 4 years, it is possible to double the annual project

Services 91.3
of the recent reform “energy management” projects volume only after at least four years have passed. Of
involving only studies or audits (without actual course, at the end of this period the Revolving Fund can
investments in hardware) are now permitted at the expect substantial income over the next 4 years, while
municipal level. It would be possible to bring in comparison there would be nothing with current

Education 80.9
substantial technical capabilities to bear on the RFP’s practice. This has very favorable implications for
preparation, bolstering the public agency’s usually very program sustainability or introducing future policy

options. But the increase in shorter term impact is (but doable) target could be very interesting to mobilize
relatively small. serious political support for a program of this sort.

However, moving to the “performance contract” mode A concern with using the PEE as a mechanism is that
can also open the way to obtaining credit. This would utilities may not naturally seek to maximize
permit a substantial leveraging of PEE resources, which economically viable savings among public sector
could come to be viewed as equivalent to “equity” in consumers. But even if they only do the kinds of
projects. superficial projects that they have mostly done
historically, they will at least be doing more of them,
Figure 1 illustrates the idea with a simple simulation. with some additional benefits.
In the Baseline Case (current practice or Scenario A)
However it should be possible to do much better than
R$ 50 million are invested each year on a grant basis
this. There are several possible ways. A key aspect of
over 5 years and 10 years, (in order to simplify, we
the recent reform of the PEE is that it allows for the
ignore the growth of electricity consumption and
creation of a new category of project, called “Priority
receipts). Then we show a Revolving Fund Case
Programs” (ANEEL, 2008). Whereas all other projects
(Scenario B), where projects are amortized in four years
are proposed and implemented by the utilities – subject
and these receipts are reinvested. Finally there is
only to approval by ANEEL – under a Priority Program
Scenario C - a Revolving Fund with Debt Financing,
the government has wide latitude to establish the
where we assume that PEE resources provide 25% of
institutional mechanism or procedures which are most
the project financing, with 75% debt. We do not
appropriate to achieve results towards what is, by
include return on equity capital in the reinvestment.
definition, a policy priority.
Figure 1: Impact of Modes of Funding on Cumulative Thus it is possible, in principle, to escape the
Project Volume limitations of a classic “DSM” approach where the
distribution utility takes the lead in defining and
implementing projects. One possible approach would
be possible to create a mechanism which has an
institution focused on the market for energy efficiency.
This entity – a kind of “energy efficiency utility” –
would be selected by the government, preferably in a
competitive process. There are many different possible
ways to define the role of the “energy efficiency
utility”, and its relation to the electric utilities. To some
extent this new entity would take the place of the
electric utility’s DSM activity, but they might also work
together in some market segments.
There is a successful working model for this “energy
We can see that in Scenario C - Revolving Fund with efficiency utility” approach. The State of Vermont
Debt Financing, the cumulative volume of projects established “Efficiency Vermont” in 2000.3 It uses
funded is 6 times higher than with current practice resources collected via a “public benefit wire-charge”,
(grants) after five years and more than eight times as this is called in the US – a procedure very similar to
higher after 10 years. It is also far higher than can be that of the PEE in Brazil.4 The results are closely
achieved just by going from grant mode to a Revolving monitored and have been among the greatest,
Fund. Defining a practical way to obtain loans for proportionally, of any State in the USA.
these projects should be a key part of designing an We imagine that the instinctive reaction of most
initiative to promote energy efficiency retrofits in the utilities to this sort of institutional arrangement would
public sector. be negative. After all, they lose control of some
Supposing one’s objective really is to maximize the spending – though it must be remembered that the
savings which can be achieved, this simplified example resources of the “wire-charge” do not really belong to
illustrates the importance of using the PEE to leverage the utility; nor is it proposed that all of these resources
additional resources. Simplified calculations suggest be disbursed through this new channel. .
that doubling the annual flow of new PEE resources to
R$100 million under Scenario C one would probably be
increased if projects are associated with some improvement in
close to retrofitting all the major government buildings, energy service quality or quantity. This “something more”
street lighting and water and sanitation facilities in can be an important incentive to mobilize government agents,
Brazil within a decade.2 Having a clear and ambitious as was shown in the RELUZ street lighting program.
Efficiency Vermont,
2, is operated by an
Assumes that a 30% average reduction in electricity costs
(currently ~R$ 7.6 billion) would require projects with on NGO, Vermont Efficiency Investment Corporation
average 4.5 - 5 years of payback (including simple payback of .
equipment plus engineering services and profit). Thus: R$ There is confusion in translating the term “wire-charge”
2.3 billion x 4 = R$ 9 billion (or R$ 11 billion with 5 years). from English to Portuguese. In Portuguese “taxa-de-fio”
Obviously this is a crude calculation. Investment might be suggests the price for transmitting electricity.
There are some factors which may increase of fuel and water use (with the important exception of
acceptability to the utilities (though they should not be cogeneration projects) would probably be off-limits.
the final arbiters). For a start, the majority of Brazil’s Since the public sector energy consumption is almost
64 distribution utilities have quite small PEE programs totally in the form of electricity, so this is not such an
and cannot afford to have the specialized capabilities to important restriction as in countries with large fuel use
design good projects in different sectors.5 There is no for heating. If adapting the PEE to “performance
need for a “one size fits all” approach; in the case of contracts in the public sector proves to be successful it
larger utilities the new entity’s role might be smaller. should be possible to extend the same basic approach to
include water and natural gas since these are also
The desirability of bringing complementary debt
supplied by publically regulated utilities which have a
financing to the process and the practical issues this
comparable “sole source” relationship with the
raises may also condition attitudes both of utilities and
consumer. Expanding coverage might be facilitated by
the government policymakers who design the program.
having an entity such as an energy efficiency utility.
With one exception, RELUZ, the resources of the PEE
have never been used in projects together with loans –
not even in the projects under “performance contracts”
with private sector consumers (whose model is a
starting point for this proposal). In the case of RELUZ 4 REFERENCES
the loans were from the RGR fund of Eletrobrás and ANEEL: Manual para Elaboracão do Programa de
represent a special case. Resources from the BNDES, Eficiência Energética – 2008 (2008). SPE –
for example, have not been leveraged. The objective to Superintendência de Pesquisa e
introduce borrowing may be a factor which makes Desenvolvimento e Eficiência Energética;
letting someone else do it a more attractive option to Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica; approved
some utilities. by the Normative Resolution nº 300 of February
12, 2008.
It is not necessary to solve all the issues at once. A step
Jannuzzi, G.M., Saidel, M.A., Haddad, J., Poole, A.D.
by step process is possible. The first step is to start to
& Johnson, T.M.; Brazil’s Energy Efficiency
gain experience by implementing some performance
Program for Electricity Utilities: Evaluation of
contracts with government consumers. Then adapt
the Program and Recommendations for Revising
some vehicle for loan financing. The energy efficiency
Current Regulations (2008). Part I of “Brazil
utility could come later if it comes at all. Initiatives
Energy Efficiency Studies”, World
could start at a State level in dialogue with ANEEL
Bank/ESMAP, May 2008.
When defining the process of preparing projects within Nexant Ltda: Contratos de Desempenho para Serviços
this new approach, there should be clear objective to de Eficiência Energética no Setor Público do
maximize the economically viable savings in Brazil’s Brasil: Questões Jurídicas e Possíveis Soluções
public sector and keep the costs of achieving those (2004). report for the U.S. Agency for
savings as low as possible – i.e. maximizing the Net International Development and Brazil’s Ministry
Present Value (NPV) of energy savings.6 of Mines and Energy, Brasília DF, 2004
Poole, A.D.; The Procurement of Energy Efficiency
Performance Contracts in Brazil’s Public Sector
One advantage of having the distribution utility and/or
(2008). Study prepared for ESMAP/World Bank,
a new “EE utility” as intermediaries, is that projects
December, 2008.
need not be limited to four years, as is likely to be the
case with direct contracting by the government agency,
as mentioned earlier. Another advantage is that it is
possible to envisage a step-by-step process where
proposals are developed in an incremental way much
closer to that found in the private sector. This would
mitigate the likely tendency for conservatism in the
proposals in conventional public sector bidding and
could also enhance the value added that ESCOs can
The PEE is by definition restricted to improving the
efficiency of electricity use. Increasing the efficiency
Less than a dozen out of 64 utilities have programs whose
total annual expenditure exceeds R$ 10 million (US$ 4-5
million) per year. About half have total expenditures smaller
than R$ 1 million. From this total value at least 50% must
immediately be deducted for projects targeting low income
residential consumers. See Jannuzzi et alii, 2008.
Fortunately, the necessary guidelines and parameters for
analysis of NPV in most EE projects have already been
established in the PEE by ANEEL.

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