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Department of Mechanical Engineering acoustic

College of Engineering and Design
Silliman University

CHS - 3

Cultural Issues: Obscenity and Pornography

Submitted to:

Sir Emerenciano Jr. Guazon.

Submitted by:

Kim Russell C. San Juan

Melisa Cesah Marie P. Sarita

Cultural Issues: Obscenity and

Obscenity and pornography, an infinite cultural issue around the globe. From films,
news articles/print media, theatre, and online websites with sexual content. Ever since
the year 1900’s there has been a debate to whether or not these kinds of content or
actions are acceptable. But as a quick background, according to our source (Obscenity,
pornography and censorship by Perry c. Cotham; introduction) the entertainment
industry like film, print media, theatre and etc., include such sexual content to catch the
attention of the progressing community specially that new inventions during those
times are emerging, they need to stay in the industry. One way to catch the youth’s
attention and interest is to include such pornographic content into print medias, films,
theatre, since they greatly depend on the youth to buy magazines, watch shows and
attend certain events; making tremendous amounts of profits. Naturally, in a Christian
community obscenity and pornography are scandalous and are condemnable by the

Is freedom of expression to be blamed as to why people act this bold in public or the
people’s wants for pleasure? this question addresses how humans adjust and make
laws for a society to stay in harmony, and as to what is the root cause of being

What is Obscenity and Pornography?

According to Cotham, Obscenity and Pornography have different meaning which is

often misunderstood by most people even saying “Christian activists who cannot spell
the words but who are positive that they know beyond a shadow of doubt what is
obscene and pornographic and what is not” 1, this tells us about how we have come into
terms as to why some actions are considered obscene and pornographic when the terms
have not reached a consensus on definitions and meanings.

There various meaning and interpretation as to what Obscenity and Pornography really
is. Here are some of its meanings:


Obscenity: from the Latin word “obscenus” meaning inauspicious, ill-omened, a bad

Havelock Ellis: suggests that the word may be an alteration on the Latin word “scena” -
“Off the scene”

obscena, meaning "mud," and that it came to have three meanings "filthy," "ominous,"
and "indecent " (Scanzonn, “Pornography: Symposium”. March 1974. Page 16).

Pornography: From the Greek “porno” meaning dirty or filthy and “graphos” meaning

■ Initially meant “low erotic art”; written by prostitutes or about prostitutes

intending to arouse man’s sexual desire.

etymologically "pornography" means the writing of prostitutes (Stob, “Pornography:

Symposium”. March 1974. Page 19).

The Dictionary


Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary: Obscene is “1. Disgusting to the senses:
repulsive, 2. Abhorrent to morality or virtue.”2

English Dictionary by Oxford languages: “the state or quality of being obscene; obscene
behavior, language, or images.”3
"Obscene" The Oxford English Dictionary gives a definition "Offensive to the senses or to taste
or refinement, disgusting, repulsive, filthy, vile, abominable or loathsome " 4

According to individuals cited in the book:

Pornography is “Material that deals with sexual life”, “Anything either written or in
pictures which arouses sexual feelings”, (Irving Youngster, Fred Waller. “We the people
speak Inc.,”)

■ If the definition stated above are to be followed then passionate films portraying
the ideals of love, such as The kiss by Auguste Rodins will be fitted into the
bracket of Pornography. Even art have no escape in identifying pornographic
materials, take for example, Michaelagelo’s David Sculpture, a very popular
master piece, would also be considered as Pornographic in a sense.

The court/law

"This court has defined obscene material as material which deals with sex in a manner
appealing to prurient interest " (J. Feikens. “Pornography: a symposium”, 1974)

The Law of United States about Obscenity and Pornography

Law implemented by the Supreme Court, the material or work in question is qualified
to be pornographic and obscene when it has the following:

(1) “The dominant theme of the material taken as a whole must appeal to the
prurient interest in sex.”
(2) The material must be “patently offensive because it affronts contemporary
community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual
(3) The material must be “utterly without redeeming social value.”
- The law determining such works as pornography and obscene gives a
common denominator in the society though there are some loop holes as to
this statute.

Philippine Law about Obscenity and Pornography.

Anti – Obscenity and Pornography Act of 2008 provided

SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. -As used in this Act, the following terms shall


(a) "Obscene" refers to anything that is indecent or offensive or contrary to

good customs or religious beliefs, principles or doctrines, or tends to corrupt or

deprave the human mind, or is calculated to excite impure thoughts or arouse

prurient interest, or violates the proprieties of language and human behavior,

regardless of the motive of the producer, printer, publisher, writer, importer,

seller, distributor or exhibitor such as, but not limited to:

(1) showing, depicting or describing sexual acts;

(2) showing, depicting or describing human sexual organs or the

(3) showing, depicting or describing completely nude human

(4) describing erotic reactions, feelings or experiences on sexual female breasts; bodies;
acts; or

(5) performing live sexual acts of whatever form.

(b) "Pornographic or pornography" refers to objects or subjects of film,

television shows, photography, illustrations, music, games, paintings, drawings,

illustrations, advertisements, writings, literature or narratives, contained in any

format, whether audio or visual, still or moving pictures, in all forms of film, print,

electronic, outdoor or broadcast mass media, or whatever future technologies to

be developed, which are calculated to excite, stimulate or arouse impure

thoughts and prurient interest, regardless of the motive of the author thereof.

(c) "Mass media" refers to film, print, broadcast, electronic and outdoor

media including, but not limited to, internet, newspapers, tabloids, magazines,

newsletters, books, comic books, billboards, calendars, posters, optical discs,

magnetic media, future technologies, and the like.

(d) "Materials" refers to all movies, films, television shows, photographs,

music, games, paintings, drawings, illustrations, advertisements, writings,

literature or narratives, whether produced in the Philippines or abroad.

(e) "Sex" refers to the area of human behavior concerning sexual activity,

sexual desires and instinct, and their expressions.

(9 "Sexual act" refers to having sex or the act of satisfying one's sexual.


Pornography defined by Anthropologist Margaret Mead as, “cross-culturally, as words

or acts or representations that are calculated to stimulate sex feelings independent of the
presence of another loved and chosen human being.” (Cited by P. Cotham. Obscenity,
Pornography and Censorship: “The role of Culture.”)

A number of her writings highlights the essential role of culture when it comes to
defining pornographic and obscene materials, and how a Christian community
conforms to the standards of decency with their beliefs or their etiquette in cultural

As to Fashion choices in the years prior to 1966 or 1967, mini-skirts are only worn by
prostitutes unlike today, almost any young girl can wear it freely without public

Special mention: Aesthetic Distance and Intent or Art.

“pornography is the representation of directly or indirectly erotic acts with an intrusive

vividness which offends decency without aesthetic justification” – George P. Elliott,
essayist and novelist. (P.Cotham. Obscenity, Pornography and Censorship: Aesthetic
Distance and Intent)

■ As discussed in the Book “Obscenity, Pornography and Censorship” Perry Cotham

further explains the view of Elliott on Pornography, Art is an exemption of
Pornography, a “Nude” art is interpreted according to its intention and how the
viewer see and understand the work. There is a detachment as to the meaning of
a “nude” art and pornography, as he calls it a “psychic distance” of the art and
onlookers. But to make an erotic realism art with solely the intention of earning
profit diminishes the art’s meaning and beauty.


Pornography in the Philippines

During the year 1820 to 1887, for 67 years, the Filipinos where given freedom of the
press by the Spanish Government. That freedom ended when the Philippine National
Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, had the Noli me Tangere (Touch me not), his first novel published
in Germany. The novel written in Spanish revealed the manipulative rules of the
Spaniards, oppressing Filipinos to obey and exposing injustices committed by the
Spanish rulers.

In the early 1900s, Francisco Balagtas, a Filipino novelist, published a romantic novel
Florante at Laura.

In 1946, the Philippines became a republic, after 48 years of being colonized by the
Americans. Magazines started to come in from American and foreign countries.
However, magazines with pornographic content are prohibited from being sold and
distributed in the country, but even with these restrictions, wealthy people and
individuals whom have gained interest into this type of magazines found a way to
bring in erotic magazines.

In the 1960s, Women’s magazines began to be patronized by Filipinos, from homes to

public businesses, magazines can be found everywhere. There is a lack of concrete data
regarding the selling and distribution of pornographic material in the country, but such
work is certainly available somewhere. Pornography and erotica reached to a point that
such materials are socially accepted and new markets are introduced. Pornography is
usually interpreted as to being liberated or a kind of sexual liberation.

Videocassettes were used to distribute pornographic content.

The sale of Pornography is often imported from foreign countries, distributed by video
shops and newsstands.


The image above is the data pertaining to website traffic demographics of Pornhub in
the Philippines. According to an article of, the Philippines is one of the listed
Top 10 countries contributing to Pornhub’s daily website traffic (traffic is the amount of
viewers in a website or the amount of people visiting a website). The site visits
increased around 5 billion compared to the previous year, totaling up to 33.5 billion
web visits in 2018.

In addition, according to the Philippine Statistic Authority, from the results of the 2013
Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS) conducted by the University of the
Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and Demographic Research Development
Foundation, aged 15 – 24 years old, 3 out of 4 male Filipinos have watched
pornographic movies/videos and 2 out of 5 females watch such content.
Stats on How People Perceive Porn (U.S.A)

Categorization of people involved: Teens (13-17), Young Adults (18-24), Millennials (25-
40), Gen - Xers (41-56), Boomers (57-75).

When they talk about porn with their friends, teens and young adults perceive porn;
90% of teens and 96% of young adults are either encouraging, accepting, or neutral.

55% of adults (25 y.o and above) believe porn is wrong.

Not recycling wastes is believed to be worse than watching pornography, that is
according to the opinions of the Teens and young adults (13-24 y.o).

43% of teens, 31% of young adults (ages 18-24), 51% of Millennials, 44% Gen-Xers, and
59% of Boomers believe porn is bad for society.
Child Exploitation & Child Pornography in The Philippines

During this time of a global pandemic child sexual exploitation/child pornography is

more likely to rise which is brought up by a concern from Save the Children
Philippines, worsened poverty caused by the pandemic, people being laid off from
work and children strictly not allowed to go out, resorting to families seeking online
solutions for them to survive.
According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), citing data from the US-based National
Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), cases of OSAEC (Online Sexual
Abuse and Exploitation of Children) in the Philippines increased by 264.6 % or 202,605
more reports since the start of ECQ (enhanced community quarantine) from March to
May 2020, a big leap from 76,561 cases during the same period in 2019.

Child Sexual Exploitation/Child Pornography: Fueled by poverty

Poverty propelled the illegal child pornography which is traded internationally. In

Manila, one out of three people live in slums, with poor living conditions and lack of job
opportunities. Oftentimes these people are targets of illegal recruiters offering easy

two individuals living in the slum areas in Manila were interviewed about the live-
stream sexual abuse and they said, “The operator ran an open house, with ‘shows’
every other night, if children in the slum were hungry, they knew they could come for
food and shelter, plus 150 pesos for taking part in the ‘show’.”

In some cases, children are brought to the open house by their own parents, convincing
themselves that what they are doing is not abuse, because the children are not touched
physically by the perpetrator. But the reality says otherwise, this is a criminal offense
for Child abuse, and this is quite harmful for the children’s mental and physical
development. Later in life these child victims may have trouble forming good
relationships, and can possibly continue sex work in the future, or even abuse others as

The widespread availability of internet in the nation is also a contributing factor of the
rising cases of child pornography in the Philippines. Since 1970’s sex offenders and
perpetrators have been visiting the Philippines.
In the year 2009, with the help of the advocacy of UNICEF (United Nations Children’s
Fund) and others, child pornography materials were made illegal in the Philippines for
the first time. But a more alarming factor about child pornography in the Philippines is
that as young as 12 years old is the legal age for sexual consent.


● Psychological effects

A Psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, Edward Donnerstein, says

watching or being exposed to violent forms of pornography could potentially
lead to antisocial attitudes and behavior. Males who watch porn is more
aggressive toward women, less sympathetic to rape victims, and more inclined to
believe in myths about rape.

Researchers discovered that exposure to pornography (even more on violent

pornography), can contribute to a person’s sexual motive like rape, sexual
coercion, and rape fantasies.

An experiment conducted by James Check, of the York University in Canada,

was about exposing men to different kinds of pornography (violent and
nonviolent). It is later realized that all men, whether have watched violent or
nonviolent pornography had the same change in attitude; higher urge to become
more aggressive in sex.

With all studies relating to violent pornography, sexual aggression and rape, is
not further proven to have a direct link towards each other but rather an effect of
watching such pornographic material. Not all porn watchers become rapists and
is not proven by various studies about it. Kind of a limbo rock between
pornography and rape, not 100% sure but also not 0% impossible.
Between 1956 and 1979, sexual assault cases in Michigan were viewed as an
example of the adverse effects of pornography. 41% of the 38,000 perpetrators
watched pornographic content before or during the crime.

● Addiction to Pornography

According to Psychologist, Victor Cline, documented how men become addicted

to pornography and the process as to which they end up executing what they
have seen on the pornographic material. Victor explained " memories of
experiences that occurred at times of emotional arousal (which could include
sexual arousal) are imprinted on the brain by epinephrine, an adrenal gland
hormone, and are difficult to erase. This may partly explain pornography's
addicting effect."

A five-step pattern was identified by Psychologists about pornographic


1. Exposure

Range of exposure from, Sexual abuse as children to viewing publicly

available pornographic magazines.

2. Addiction

Wanting to consume more and more pornographic materials for sexual


3. Escalation

Now being bored with only pornographic materials, leading them to seek
more bizarre forms of sexual behavior.

4. Desensitization
Pornography is now unavoidable and has now been a part of an everyday
life. Emotional attachment is now less as a concern due to their desire for
sexual experience.

5. Acting out fantasies

From an idea to an action, but not all people addicted to pornography

becomes a serial killer or rapist. But the majority of porn addicts look for
ways to satisfy their sexual fantasies.


While the word “pornography” did not appear in the Bible, it used different terms to
convey its messages. in such words as lasciviousness, wantonness and licentiousness. In
fact, the word "fornication" is from the Greek word porneia, from which we get our
English word "pornography." Porneia includes sexual immorality of all kinds. The New
King James version of the Bible usually translates this word as "sexual immorality"
instead of "fornication." (Padfield, 2021). Therefore, these Bible Verses do not exactly
mention pornography or obscenity but can be interpreted in that way

In John 2:16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.

In Galatians 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and

In Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his heart.
In James 1: 14-15 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own
evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin,
when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

In 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are
outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.


The authority of the Catholic Church interprets Matthew 5:28 to mean that since the
goal of pornography is to create sexual desire, and for people who view it to lust, in the
Bible, to lust is to commit adultery.

Pope John Paul II also said that “Pornography is a marked tendency to accentuate the
sexual element when reproducing the human body or human love in a work of art, with
the object of inducing the reader or viewer to believe that sexual values are the only real
values of the person, and that love is nothing more than the experience, individual or
shared, of those values alone.” (Wojtyla, 1981).

When a person constantly views the eroticism of pornography. He or she will have a
hard time relating to people. With the constant exposure to such things, his mind will
reduce its function to seeing other people as merely an “object to be used” (Percy, 2005).

In conclusion, The Roman Catholic Church is against pornography. For the highest
authority of the church interpreted pornography as adultery.

According to Pastor Gilles Boucomont, "The Bible does not talk about pornography. It
says that sexuality is lived properly as part of a commitment, marriage. Outside of this
context, sexuality is adultery if one is already married or sexual misconduct if one is not
yet married. Misconduct and adultery break the unity that God wants for the married
man and woman ... Watching pornography is not doing a sexual act with anyone,
certainly. However, Jesus considers that adultery begins in the eye (Matthew 5:28).
There is also no need for a large dissertation to explain that viewing such films does not
favor the formation or continuity of stable couples. The second aspect of our problem
lies in our responsibility for the people who shoot such films. Jesus asks us to love our
neighbor as ourselves. If we do not think we have to surrender our bodies for money,
because that is not God's good will for the human, we cannot support this practice.”

The Genevan Consistory, regularly censured literature they deemed dangerous for
public morals, including pornography. (Manetsch, 2015)

There was also a concern that eroticism is linked to idolatry that went against God’s
rational value. (Sayer, 2002)

Jerry Falwell has also criticized pornography, saying sex is reserved for heterosexual
married couples, to be used only in accordance with God's will (more specifically, to
both solidify the emotional bonds between the man and his lawfully wedded wife, and
to help propagate the human race "Be fruitful, and multiply."), and asserts that use of
pornography involves indulgence in lust towards people other than one's spouse
(which in Christianity is a sin) and leads to an overall increase in sexually immoral
behavior (including, for example, adultery, rape, and/or even child molestation).

Martin E. Marty notes that, today, both mainstream and evangelical Protestants remain
overwhelmingly opposed to pornography and that you will find "very, very few
theological statements that go light on pornography."


1. Pornography gives a novice a wide range of experiences to choose from when

trying to increase personal knowledge about sexuality. There are all sorts of interesting
ideas that may emanate from porn. These things include sexual positions, attire, role-
play, and the use of accessories (lubrication, toys, handcuffs, etc.).

2. Pornography may facilitate arousal for individuals and couples who are looking
to heat things up. Women and men who struggle with arousal may find this visual
stimulation tantalizing.

3. Pornography may be used for self-pleasuring in the absence of a partner. The

absence may be the result of being single, temporary distance, or unavailability due to
inconsistent sexual needs. Whatever the cause, porn offers one easy solution.

4. Sharing pornography with one’s partner may be a form of intimacy. It allows a

person to freely express their sexual interests without fear of judgment.

5. Pornography will never approximate a relationship that has true intimacy and
pleasure as consistent ingredients. Therefore, the use of pornography might increase
one’s appreciation for their real partner (reverse contrast effect).

1. Consistent use of pornography can become compulsive. Thus, laying the foundation
for addiction. Men are particularly at risk, given that they are more likely to use it

2. Pornography creates a contrast effect. Many individuals begin to compare their

partner’s body and sexual performance to that of a porn star. Pornography is not real.
While it may provide useful ideas, it is by no means an accurate depiction of realistic

3. Excessive use of porn may lead to psychological numbing. With increased usage, a
tolerance develops and thus creates a need for more intense forms of stimulation. This
may interfere with partnered sex.

4. People often view pornography in secrecy, thus making room for deception and
distance in a relationship. This also creates internal shame or guilt.

5. Viewing pornography is often a solitary activity accompanied by self-pleasuring.

Once a person has satisfied their sexual needs, the desire to engage in partnered sex
may diminish, thus creating distance and conflict between partners.

6. It is a sin to watch porn.


Till this day we are in great dilemma as to the way pornography and Obscenity affected
our society, ethical values, and individual opinions. Though we ought to take action to
mitigate the harmful outcomes of such obscene actions in the society. The right for
freedom of expression and its restrictions are still up for debate, sexual actions to be
made by consenting adults are not punishable whether the public perceive it as an
offensive and sinful action.
In a democratic political setting as most countries adapt, liberated individuals are
allowed to follow their own preferences as a right for individual freedom and as a right
in society. The prevailing judgement as to the ethical conscience of society towards
pornography and Obscenity continues as a contested issue regarding individual rights
and public decency. May it be that a person’s liberty should not step on anyone and
cause harm to others in the society.

In any case, there are numerous others who are struggling that need help. It isn’t
sufficient enough to say that pornography isn’t right. We should be ready to share the
clear teaching of the Bible concerning the risks of pornography. We should do all that
we can to prevent individuals from exposing themselves to this destructive material.
For those already stimulated to impure thoughts through exposure, we need to share
biblical insights on how to accomplish forgiveness and liberation from this addiction.

11, 2
P.C.Cotham, Obscenity , Pornography & Censorship ( Grand Rapids : Michigan Baker Book House,
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Wolterstorff, N. (1974). Pornography: a symposium. Reformed Journal, 24(3), 16–31.
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