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NSTP 2 – 10213


FEBRUARY 5, 2022

Volunteerism is considered to be the most fundamental move of society where

it serves as the bridge to make the society function effectively. It is the initiative of
doing a deed in your own freewill by contributing your own time, skills, knowledge,
talent or even resources with no constraints and without expecting a return just to
make a difference. Most of all, it promotes unity among the community and helps in
attaining harmony. Being a volunteer chooses no boundaries which basically means
that it does not require a certain age, social status, ethnicity, race, religion and requires
no gender.

If I were to be given a change to promote my ideas of Volunteerism, making a

good impression among my peers and colleagues is one idea that I would use. Making
a good impression in a way wherein making myself approachable to other people and
being positive in all the areas especially in doing the deed makes the work easier to
do. Another strategy would be being true to myself. Self-deception is not needed when
entering the world of volunteerism. I can’t just say I can do it alone when in fact, I
needed the help of other volunteers. This also applies where I can give personal advice
based on my personal experiences in order to boost my other volunteers’ hope and
fuel their passion that if I can do something to make a difference, then they can surely
do it too.

Back when I was in high school, my cousins and I used to volunteer ourselves
in our municipality to be street cleaners. Although we are given food and snacks after
our activity, we do not receive any money as a compensation for our work. We do it
because we care for our environment, and it was also because my auntie is part of our
barangay’s council. So, every summer, we volunteer to clean the areas of our
municipality’s plaza during Saturday afternoon. It has been fun and yes, there are
times where I used to ask myself why I am doing this when in fact I can just spend my
time surfing the internet, but the pros weigh more. In doing this, I can help my
municipality to be cleaner and be an example among my peers. I also encourage my
cousins to do it with more inspiration whenever they find it absurd and give them advice
as to how a single step can already make a big impact.

All in all, I truly believe that the greatest strategy that a person can use in
promoting the ideas of volunteerism or share the usefulness of the action is to be an
example of the society. You do not need to promote it through advertisements or
offering something but by being yourself and sharing your knowledge to other people,
you already are an inspiration and with this, they would be more motivated to be a
volunteer and make a difference.

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