NSTP 2 Activity 4

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Beness C.

NSTP 2- 10213

1. Wearing of masks...
The minor thing I can contribute to my

community is simply wearing my mask

whenever I go out and meet other people. The

pandemic has already brought much stress to

the world. People are afraid to get affected

by it. Doing minimal things like wearing masks

properly outside can relieve my peers that

they are protected from whatever bacteria I

am carrying.

2. Extend help if you can...

Community pantries are a godsend help

during the pandemic. Extending my

support to my community by donating

some goods like clothes and food will

already be considered a big help. This will

also help those individuals who need these

life stocks. We all know the pandemic hit

us hard in life, and many people had lost

their jobs. Thus, I can lessen their burden

and help them get through life a little with

this act of helping.

3. Stay at home
Staying at home during these times equates to

saving lives. I have been avoiding going

outdoors as much as I can. The lesser there are

people outside, the lesser the contact; thus,

the lesser people will get infected. With fewer

infected people in my community, the stress

brought by the pandemic will no longer burden

the community as a whole, and people will be

more relieved to think that they are safe

enough in their own homes.

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