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no Test Case Feature Steps to Execute Test Data/ Expected

Input Result
1 Verify all the text boxes, User Interface 1. Go to the Site. UI should be
buttons, links, titles, etc. perfect.
are at their defined

2 Verify the required fields Required Fields 1. Go to the Site. Validation error
by not filling any data. 2. Click on the Login message for
button required fields
should be
3 Verify if blank spaces are Required Fields 1. Go to the Site. Those Blank
passed in required fields. 2. Passed blank spaces spaces should
in required fields. trim and
3. Click on the Login Validation error
button message for
required fields
should be
4 Check When passing User login 1. Enter valid Email User should
correct Email and invalid 2. Enter incorrect not log in and
password password should show
3. Click on Login Button proper error
5 Check Keeping Password User login 1. Enter valid Email User should
blank 2. Do not enter not log in and
password should show
3. Click on Login Button proper error
6 Check when pass correct User login 1. Enter valid Email User should log
email and password 2. Enter valid password in.
3. Click on Login Button

7 Verify new user should User login 1. Go to the amazon User should get
get the welcome email login page. the welcome
once after the login. 2. Enter Login Email. email on
his/her email
8 Verify when passing User login 1. Enter incorrect Email. User should
incorrect Email and 2. Enter the correct not be able to
correct password password. log in and the
3. Click on the Login error message
Button. should be
9 Verify when passing both User login 1. Enter incorrect Email. User should
incorrect Email and 2. Enter the correct not be able to
password password. log in and the
3. Click on the Login error message
Button. should be
10 Verify Forgot Password User Forgot Password. 1. Click on the Forgot User should get
sends a forgot password Password link. the forgot
link. 2. Enter Email and click password link
on the send button. on his/her
email id.

This is some positive and negative test scenarios of login page:-

Positive Test Case

1.Verify the Correct username,Correct password - Login Successfully.

Negative Test Cases

1. Verify the Incorrect username,incorrect password- Can't Login

2. Verify the Incorrect username,correct password- Can't Login

3. Verify valid username and empty password. -Can't Login

4. Verify empty username and valid password. - Can't Login

5. Verify some password(can be a registered/unregistered)- Can't Login

6 Verify case changed username /password.- Can't Login

7. Verify registered user's login id and password -Can't Login

8. Verify registered username and password.- Can't Login

9. Verify to enter disable(Blocked) email address.- Can't Login

10. Verify to unverified Email address. - Can't Login

11. Is the username allowed to contain non printable characters? If not, this is invalid on the 'create
user' section.

12. If the username is allowed to contain non printable characters, the code handling login can deal with
them and no error is thrown.

13. Empty fields on the login screen stop the user logging in.

14. The user must be logged in to access any other area of the site
15. The user must be logged in to call any web-services.

16. try to login when you opened multiple application

17. while getting calls try to login

18. try to login when battery is low or full

19. try to login multiple devices in the same time.

20. try to login when device is charging

21. try to login when you connected with different networks

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