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Shoulder Problem Spine of the scapula

Evaluation 6 Articulations or Joints

1. Coraco Clavicular
Shoulder assessment 2. Sterno Clavicular
3. Acromio Clavicular
• Second most common musculoskeletal 4. Gleno Humeral
5. Scapulo Thoracic
complaint 6. Sub Acromial Space
Difficult joint to examine
Separation- sternoclavicular separation/
• Multidirectional range of motion-
UNIQUE! a) Sternoclavicular- common anterior
• Shoulder injury can affect nearly every dislocation
b) Acromion – superior dislocation
sport and many daily activities
c) Shoulder – anterior dislocation

Dislocations and separations are protected by

Bony Anatomy both “static” and “dynamic” stabilizers
Anterior a) Static – ligament (not moving)
b) Dynamic – provided by muscles
Glenohumeral Joint
• Shallow (“golf ball sitting on a tee”)
Bones Scapula & -Inherently unstable (maximizes ROM)
• Static stabilizers
-Move as a unit
-glenohumeral ligaments, glenoid labrum
-Clavicle’s articulation and capsule
with sternum is only
bony link to axial ➢ Dynamic stabilizers
-Predominantly rotator cuff muscles
Bones -Also scapular stabilizers (Trapezius,
leavator scapulae, serratus anterior,
Key bony landmarks
rhomboids )
• Manubrium
• Clavicle The Rotator Cuff Muscles: SITS
• Coracoid process ✓ Supraspinatus ABD (rotate externally)
• Acromion process
✓ Infraspinatus ER (rotates externally)
• Glenoid fossa
✓ Teres minor ER ( rotates externally)
• Lateral border
• Inferior angle ✓ Supscapularis IR ( do internal rotation)
• Medial border -Depress humeral head against glenoid to
• Acromion process allow full abduction
• Glenoid fossa
• Lateral border
• Inferior angle
• Medial border
• Superior angle
• Rotation of head to opp. Side
Shoulder Complex Muscles
• Lateral flexion of head to opp. Side
Scapular Muscles Middle Trapezius
Levator Scapulae O-
• Inferior part of ligamentum
O– Transverse processes of C1-C4 nuchea
I – Medial border of scapula between • T1-T5 spinous processes
superior angle and root of spine of I–
• Medial margin of acromion
N – Nerve root C3-5
F- (scapular elevation, retraction)
• Superior lip of spine of scapula
Rhomboid Major (OIN)
N – Spinal accessory
F –Scapular retraction
• Major – T2-T5 spinous processes
Lower Trapezius
• Minor – Ligamentum nuchae, C7- O-T6-T12 spinous processes
T1 spinour processes I –Tubercle at apex of root of spine of
I– scapula
• Major – Medial borde of scapula N – spinal accessory
between spine and inferior angle F –Scapular depression, retraction
• Minor – medial border at root of and upward rotation
spine of scapula Serratus Anterior
N– O-
Dorsal Scapular Outer surfaces and superior border of
Upper Trapezius (OINF) ribs 1-8
O- I–
• Medial 1/3 of nuchal line Ventral scapular surface on medial
• Upper part of ligamentum nuchae border from superior angle to inferior
• C7 spinous process angle
I– N–
• Posterior border of lateral 1/3 of Long Thoracic
clavicle F–
• Acromion process Scapular protraction, upward rotation
N – spinal accessory Scapular depression (lower fibers)
F– Scapular elevation (upper fibers
• Scapular elevation, retraction
Pectoralis Minor Pectoralis Major
O- O-
• Superior margins and outer • Sternal – anterior surface of sternum,
surface ribs 3-5 near cartilages cartilages of ribs 1-6 or7
• Fascia overlying corresponding • Clavicular – anterior surface of sternal
intercostal muscles ½ clavicle
I– I – crest of humerus’s greater tuberosity
Medial border, superior surface of N–
coracoid process • Sternal – medial pectoral
N– • Clavicular – lateral pectora
Medial Pectoral F – GH ADD, H. ADD and IR
F– Anterior Deltoid
Scapular depression, downward O- Anterior border, superior surface of
rotation, protraction lateral third of clavicle
Biceps Brachii I –Deltoid tuberosity
O- N – Axillary
• Short head – coracoid process F–
• Long head – supraglenoid tubercle • GH H. ADD, flexion
of scapula • IR when in supine position
I– Middle Deltoid
• Radial tuberosity O -Lateral margin and superior
• Biceps brachii aponeurosis surface of acromion
N – Musculocutaneous I –Deltoid Tuberosity
F– N –Axillary
• Shoulder – flexion F –GH ABD
• Elbow – flexion, forearm Posterior Deltoid
supination O- Inferior lip of posterior border of
Coracobrachialis spine of scapula
O – Coracoid process I –Deltoid tuberosity
I- Medial surface of mid-humerus, N – Axillary
opposite to deltoid tuberosity F–
N –Musculocutaneous • GH extension, H. ABD,
F – GH flexion, adduction, Hor. • ER when in prone position
Triceps Brachii Supraspinatus
O– O -Medial 2/3 supraspinatus fossa
• Long Head – infraglenoid tubercle I–
• Lateral Head – lateral and Superior portion of greater tuberosity
posterior surface of proximal ½ of N – Suprascapular
body of humerus F–
• Medial Head – distal 2/3 of medial • Intiates shoulder ABD
and posterior surfaces of humerus • Humeral head stabilization
below radial groove
I – Posterior surface of olecranon process Infraspinatus
N – Radial O – Medial 2/3 infraspinatus fossa
F– I – Middle portion of greater tuberosity
• Shoulder – long head – Ext and N – Suprascapular
• Elbow -- extension • GH ER
Latissimus Dorsi • Humeral head stabilization
• Posterior layer of lumbodorsal Teres Minor
fascia, then attaching to the T6- O –Upper 2/3 dorsal surface of lateral
T12, lumbar and sacral vertabrae border of scapula
• External lip of iliace creast lateral I -- Lowest portion of greater tuberosity
to erector spinae N –Axillary
• Ribs 9-12 F–

• Slip from inferior angle of scapula • GH ER

I – Intertubercular groove (distal aspect) • Humeral head stabilization
N – Thoracodorsal
F – GH IR, ADD, Ext, Subscapularis
Teres Major (Lat’s Little Helper) O – Subscapular Fossa
O- I-
• Dorsal surface of inferior angle Lesser tuberosity

• Lower 1/3 of scapula lateral border Anterior capsule of GH joint

I –Crest of lesser tuberosity N –Upper and lower subscapular

N – Lower Subscapular F–

F –GH IR, ADD, Ext • GH IR

• Humeral head stabilization

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