IZONE T NG H P Bài Task 1

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1. Bar chart ............................................................................... 2
2. Bar chart ............................................................................... 4
3. Bar chart ............................................................................... 6
4. Pie chart ................................................................................ 8
5. Pie chart .............................................................................. 10
6. Pie chart .............................................................................. 12
7. Pie Chart.............................................................................. 14
8. Table ................................................................................... 16
9. Map .................................................................................... 18
10. Process .............................................................................. 20
11. Line and Pie ....................................................................... 22
12. Bar and Pie chart ............................................................... 25

1. Bar chart

Đề bài: The bar chart below shows the percentage of adults of different age
groups in the UK who used the Internet everyday from 2003 to 2006.


The bar chart given provides in insight into the percentage change in UK citizens
who used the Internet. The figures are given from 2003 to 2006 and across five
different age groups.

By and large, it is noticeable that 16 to 24-year-old U.K. citizens used the Internet
the most, while the age group with the lowest percentage of Internet use is senior
citizens. There was a general upward trend for Internet popularity in all age
groups from 2003 to 2005.

The proportion of people from the age group of 16 to 24 years old was highest
among all age group and years in 2003 at 80%, followed by the data of the
residents in age group of 25 to 44, 45 to 54 and 55 to 64 at 50% respectively.
Meanwhile, no figure was given for people at 65 year olds and above in 2003.
From 2003 to 2004, the data of 16 to 24-year-old citizens remained the same,
whereas a steady increase was witnessed in the figure for other age groups. In
2004, the rate of Internet users from 45 to 54 years old reached its peak at 60%,
while the data of inhabitants at 65 years old and above surged from
approximately 0 to 10%.

In the period from 2004 to 2006, the number of people from 25 to 44 and 55 to
65 years old who went online rose gradually and reached 80% and 50%
respectively in 2006. In contrast, the data for both young adults (ranging from 16
to 24) and the senior citizens increased to 90% and 15% respectively in 2005, but
then dropped slightly in 2006. After experiencing a significant drop of 10% from
2004 to 2005, there was a slow growth in the percentage of Internet users from
45 to 64 years old in 2006. Finally, it is of note that the group with the most
significant number of Internet users in 2006 remained in the 16-24 demographic,
but the gap between the figure for 16 to 24 and 25 to 44 age groups had been
significantly narrowed.

2. Bar chart
Đề thi 16/09/2018


A quick glance at the bar graph reveals the amount of power converted from
wind in India, Denmark, Germany and the US in 1985 and 2000.

Apparently, no countries in the group could surpass USA in terms of wind energy
production in both of the years under study/in question. In addition, a slight
increase was witnessed in the amount of power generated by all nations except
for Germany.

As the leading country in harnessing wind power, American wind farms were able
to generate as much as nearly 120 million units in 1985, which approximately
doubled that of the second most productive nation, Germany, in the same year.

This figure then rose to approximately 140 million units fifteen years later. Over
the same period, Germany – experienced quite opposite a trend. Starting from
under 60 million units (1985), power conversion by this nation dipped to around
50 million units in 2000.

India and Denmark, however, appeared to be less dominant in this domain. India
was only able to produce/tap into about 30 million units of wind power in 1985,
but this statistic then underwent a substantial increase to rival that of Germany
after a decade and a half. The same upward pattern was recorded in Denmark,
which, despite a twofold rise to 20 million units in 2000, was the least prolific
country in terms of wind power generation.

3. Bar chart
The chart below gives Information about the percentage of the adult population
who were overweight in four different countries in 1980, 1990 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.


The chart provides a glimpse of the proportion of overweight adults in Japan,

Finland, Australia, and the USA over a two-decade period.

Overall, while Japan was the country with the lowest rates of overweight grown-
ups in the 3 years, the USA had the highest figures in this category. Also, the rates
in the four countries all underwent a surge after 20 years.

The percentage of overweight adults in Japan and Finland increased slightly from
1980 to 1990. However, the shift in Japan’s figures is barely noticeable while that
in Finland was around 1 percent. Between 1990 and 2000, there were wider
percentage gaps in both Japan and Finland, but the overall figures for Japan never
exceeded 5% while Finland’s reached 10% at the end of the period surveyed.

There were more significant changes in Australia and the USA. The two countries
experienced a sharp rise in corpulent adults, with the figures for both Australia
and the USA almost doubling over the period of 20 years, from around 10 percent
in 1980 to more than 20 percent in 2000 for Australia, and around 15 percent in
1980 to over 30 percent for the USA. It is notable that the percentage of
overweight adults in the USA in 1990 was already higher than the highest figure
for any other country in all three years observed.

4. Pie chart
Đề bài: The charts show the reasons why undergraduates and postgraduates
choose to go to Parker University.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and
make comparisons where relevant.

The bar charts report on why students, both at university/tertiary level and at
higher levels of education, attend Parker University.

In general, the university’s standing/status and tuition fees are the primary
determinants for the selection of the majority of students in both groups, (and
the most substantial recorded lies in the source of recommendation).

From the charts, it is evident that the university’s prestige is by far the most
important driver of students’ preference, as evidenced by 35% of undergraduates
and 42% of postgraduates in the sample. The cost incurred is ranked second in
the order of importance, which accounts for roughly one fourth of students in the
first group and almost one third of students in the second group. It can be seen
that to these two factors are far more significant to postgraduates’ choice of
school (almost three fourth) than undergraduates’ (56%).

While university status and costs are more prevalent among postgraduates as
reasons for school selection, the reverse is true for the remaing factors. In fact,
university students are three times more likely to apply for Parker University
through the recommendation of a friend than their postgraduate counterparts (at
18% and 6% respectively). Location, availability of accommodation and others are
also of minor concern to Parker University students, regardless of their levels, at
around 6% to 8% for each.

5. Pie chart
The two pie charts below show the pollution entering a particular part of ocean
in 1997 and 2007.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and
make comparisons where relevant.


The provided pie charts compare the proportions of different contantminants

discharged/released into the sea between the two particular years - 1997 and

As can be seen from the set of figures, except for inland sewage and offshore oil,
all categories/groups of pollutants experienced a percentage fall (of different
magnitudes/degrees) after a decade. Additionally, litter, which had been (known
as) a source of sea contamination in 1997, even ceased to add to ocean pollution
in 2007.

Air pollutants were the most substantial/significant contributor to oceanic

pollution in 1997, with 30% of total pollution traceable to substances in the air.
The next most environmentally-damaging group (of sea contamination) went to
the marine (just over one fifth), and this was slightly higher than waste water and
industrial discharge (at 18% and 17% respectively). The remaining three groups
(namely litter, agricultural waste, and costal oil spills) made up an insignificant
part of ocean pollution by comparison (5% or less in each category).

Ten years later, considerable changes were recorded in the proportions of all
pollution sources except for that of air, which managed to stay largely the same in
both in percentage terms (29%) and in terms of pollutant ranking/hierarchy (still
the most potent catalyst to sea pollution). Both domestic sewage and offshore oil
underwent a rise in the pollution chart, but the former grew by over one a half
times to be on par with toxic air pollutants (29%), while the latter grew by a factor
of almost 3 (14% as of 2007). Meanwhile, marine as a sea pollutant source went
down slightly in percentage (from 22 to 17%), whereas a 50% drop was seen in
industrial waste and farm waste (from 17% to 9% and from 4% to 2%
respectively). In 2007, litter had no part to play in sea contamination.

6. Pie chart
Đề Task 1 02/12/2017


The charts report on the percentages of graduates with a Degree in either Science
or Arts in a company in the two years 1990 and 2010.

By and large, it is clear that while Master Art graduates accounted for the highest
proportion in 1990, the most substantial proportions in 2010 went to First Degree
of both areas. The three remaining categories experienced insignificant changes
during the period shown.

In 1990, one quarter of the company employees earned a degree of Master Art,
making it the most popular degree in that year. However, this figure fell
dramatically to merely 15% in 2010, causing it to be only the third most popular in

the categories investigated/examined. By contrast, although First Degree Art and

First Degree Science shared the third place in popularity ranking in 1990, with
18% of the company graduates for each, these figures underwent a sharp climb
and made up over half of the company employees in 2010, with 24% for the
former and 27% for the latter.

The percentage changes that the three remaining categories of students

underwent were comparatively less dramatic. Master Science graduates
accounted for one fifth of the company in 1990, prior to a slight decrease in
percentage terms of only 3% in 2010. Meanwhile, minor changes in the
percentage of PhD graduates could be seen, but the figures remained around 10%
in both areas studied.

7. Pie Chart
The pie charts show the TV programs enjoyed by people of different age groups.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.


The pie charts compare the popularity of different TV shows among three
distinctive age groups.

It is clear that cartoon and sport are the most popular TV programs among people
from the youngest age group. Meanwhile, viewers aged 16 to 20 favor TV series
and young adults are most likely to watch news.

As can be seen from the charts, animated movies is the most prevalent show
among people aged 10 to 15, with more than one fourth of people voting for it,
much higher than the figure of the late teenager group (15%) and the eldest age
group (20%). The proportion of viewers who like to watch movies from three age
groups are almost the same, which accounts for approximately one fifth in each
group. Moreover, a large number of people aged 21 to 25 (33%) choose news as
their favorite TV program. Meanwhile, that figure of teenagers was 18%, which is
three times as high as the data of children from 10 to 15 years old.

Drama attracts teenagers at the age of 16 to 20 the most, with nearly one third of
people expressing/showing interest. However, the number of people from two
other age groups who are into TV series is almost the same, at around one fifth of
the total. People from the youngest age group are most likely to watch sport, with
26% of viewers choosing it, meanwhile people from two other age groups showed
almost no interest in that program. Sport is the least popular TV show with both
teenagers and adults, with 14% and 4% of viewers voting for it, respectively.

8. Table
Đề thi ngày 17/12/2017

The table below shows the change in the percentages of people joining in
different sports in an European country from 1999 to 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

1999 2004 2009

Tennis 25% 30% 33%
Swimming 32% 34% 34%
Football 57% 52% 48%
Golf 8% 13% 17%
Volleyball 17% 20% 18%
Basketball 26% 25% 24%
Yoga 10% 10% 13%


The table indicates how prefference for 7 different sports changed over the
course of 10 years, measured in percentage term. In general, the three favourite
sports remain unchanged in terms of popularity ranking, while the remaining four
sports underwent changes of different magnitudes.

It is immediately evident that football remained by some distance the most

popular atheletic activity during the whole decade, with football players
accounting for around half of the population. Second and third in the list were
swimming and tennis, whose figures approximate one third of the population
base for both categories. It is also noteworthy that football saw a noticeable
decrease of 9% in the proportion of participants, and the opposite trend was
observed in the other two sports mentioned.

Among the less popular sports in the list, a remarkable twofold growth in the
percentage of golf players was recorded, making it more preferred than yoga in

2010, at 17% and 13% respectively. At the same time , the proportion of people
taking part in volleyball ended the period with 1% more participants than the
beginning figure despite the 1% dip in the latter half of the phase. By contrast,
basketball players declined slightly by 1% every 5 years.

9. Map
Compare and summarize the changes of Conference Center.


The plans compare the present-day layout of a Conference Center with that in the
future, following some proposed changes.

Generally, most of the changes will take place in the centre and the right side of
the map of the Center, while the western part will remain mostly the same in

fuctionality as well as layout. The new Center will feature several new facilities,
including a fitness center, a kitchen and a reference.

The two meeting rooms at the upperleft corner catering for the main function of
the Conference Center will remain the same both in terms of their
functionality/purpose and room design. To the east of the meeting rooms, a
toilet can be found in a separate block of rooms running paralelly to/alongside
the road. This block of rooms remain unchanged in their exterior, but the toilet is
the only room of the three that stay the same it its fuction.

The other two rooms in the chain of blocks, namely the current reception and
café (adjoining to the toilet), are planned to be turned into/remodelled into a
reference room and fitness center respectively. The hall in the central area, which
takes up/occupies the most space, is expected to be halved in size to make room
for an addtional cafe and kitchen, which together would take up the other half of
the current hall area. In the right-hand area of the Center, the oval-shaped
garden in the north will be expanded without changing inshape. On the other
hand, the rounded car park below the garden will be reshaped into a rectangular
one, and instead of having only one entrance, it is expected to have two eparate
enter and exit from the road.

10. Process
The flowchart below shows how banana chips are made. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.


The diagram gives an illustration of how banana chips are produced & packaged
& distributed

As can be seen from the graph, it takes 10 steps in total from raw banana to
packaged banana chips ready for consumption, starting with peeling the bananas
and ending with distributing sachets of chips to stores worldwide.

In the first stage of the process, bananas are peeled by a special machine before
being soaked in water to remain in good condition. In the following step, the
soaked bananas are put into a chipping machine where they are cut crosswire
evenly into thin slices. After being entered a drying lamp to dry, these banana
slices would be fried in hot oil in a large fryer until they turn crispy.

The process continues with using a special sieve to remove the cooked chips from
the fryer and also to drain the oil from the chips. This step is followed by a
cooling process, and then by flavouring, in which seasoning is added to the chips
for extra taste. Finally, the banana chips are packaged and ready to be delivered
and distributed to stores throughout the world.

11. Line and Pie

Đề bài: (13/08/2016)

The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days
in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average
English home.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and
make comparisons where relevant.


The line graph puts in comparison the variations in electrical usage throughout a
conventional summer and that of a winter day, while the pie chart illustrates the
allocation of electricity in everyday use in a standard English household in
percentage terms.

In general, there exists a much higher demand for power during winter times than
in summer times, and power usage in both seasons fluctuates during the day, but
of different magnitudes.The primary/principal use of domestic energy goes to
heating purposes.

From the line graph, it is evident that power consumption in a winter’s day
doubles that in a summer's day. However, the patterns recorded in both seasons
showed some similarities in the better half of the day. They both undergo an
initial fall as the day progresses, reaching a low of 15,000 in the summer and
30,000 in the winter, before resuming to 20,000 and 30,000 respectively at
around 3.00 p.m. From then on, demand continues to rise during the rest of a
winter day and peaks at nearly 50,000 energy units at about 10 p.m. Meanwhile,

during the hotter months, electricity consumption reaches the highest points
both in the early afternoon and late at night with around 20000 units.

According to the pie chart, room heating and water heating, which account for
more than half (52%) of the domestic electricity consumption, are by far the most
power-consuming activities in a conventional English home. The second most
power-intensive group are cooking and washing, with ovens, kettles and washing
machines together taking up 18% of the total energy usage. The remaining 30% of
electricity is equally distributed between lighting, TV, radio as a group/on the one
hand and vacuum cleaners, food mixers, electrical tools as a group/on the other

12. Bar and Pie chart


The pie charts show the popularity of 3 activities among UK men and women,
measured in percentage terms; and the bar charts show those activities
proportions with reference to age.

It can be seen that there is no major difference in the scales of interest between
the two genders. With regards to age, however, the proportions between
interests vary slightly from the age of 16 to 50, while the two age ranges above 50
see a distinct difference.

Regarding the bottom three age groups in the bar chart, the figures for the age
group 16 to 24 and 35 to 50 are identical at 71%, and marginally lower than that
of the 24-35 age group (at 76%). The rate of gardening enthusiasts are the same
across these 3 age groups, at 9 percent. People between the age 24 and 35 are
least interested in studying, only 15 percent, while 76 percent of them prefer

For the age groups of 50-75 and above 75, there're marked contrasts in all 3
interests. The figures for travelling in the group 50-75 double that in the 75 and
above segment, at 50 and 25 percent respectively. Meanwhile, the interest for
gardening in the oldest group is the highest across all ages, at 72 percent.

The ratio of personal interests between males and females is roughly similar.
Gardening is both men and women’s most preferred activity, 38 percent for the
former and 35 percent for the latter. The interest for studying in both genders are
the same, at 32 percent, while that for travelling in women is slightly lower than
men’s, 29 percent and 32 percent.

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