Traditional Chinese Medicine

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QNO: 1

What does Yin-Yang represents?

Yin is for “female” or “moon,” represents darkness, femininity, passivity, and the earth. Yang is
for “sun” or “male” represents light, masculinity, activity, and the heavens. The balance of yin
and yang were seen to influence health and order within an individual, society, and the entire
universe. This symbol represents the interconnectedness of the world, particularly the natural
world. There can be no positive without a negative, no open without closed, no light without
shadow. The yin yang symbol itself portrays that interrelatedness. Looking at the symbol, we can
see it doesn't have a straight line going through the center to represent the divide between yin and
yang. Inside, the dividing line is a soft S-shape. It shows how yin and yang are connected and
constantly flowing into and out of each other. At top of the symbol, as yang swells, the yin
contracts. At the bottom, yin swells as yang contracts. The ideal situation is when there is an
equal balance between the two, as that is when harmony is achieved. Within the symbol, not only
do the white and black segments fit perfectly with each other to form a circle, each has a small
circle of the other color within it to further show the connection between the two. The small
circles also show that nothing is absolute. In all yin, there is a little yang, and vice versa. This
further demonstrates the connection between the two. The outer circle of the yin yang symbol
represents the entirety of the universe. It shows that yin and yang represent everything that we
know, as well as things we don't understand.

QNO: 2

What is Qi? How does it influence the health of a person?

It means the life force or vital energy. It is very important for body. It is complex process.
Everything in the world is made up of Qi, including the physical body and the feelings a person
has. Followers and practitioners of TCM believe that to be balanced in life and free from
physical or mental health issues, a person must have balanced Qi. They suggest that illnesses or
other conditions only appear when there is a Qi imbalance or deficiency in the body. They are
two types of Qi:

1. One is that flows in the veins

2. Other is that exists in muscles and tissues

Roles of Qi are as follows:

1. It fuels life processes and provide energy necessary to live.

2. It provides warmth or rather the heat needed to survive.
3. It provides defense and immunity from diseases.
4. It provides containment or rather holding the body intact.
5. It provides transformations, such as transforming food into energy, energy into blood an
life forces and so on.

People with balanced Qi can quickly fight off a virus, for example, they can bounce back after an
injury. They typically have good endurance, digestion, and immunity, as well as a clear state of
mind. People with a healthy amount of Qi feel as if they have enough energy to meet their
body’s needs, they sleep well, wake rested, and are able to complete their daily tasks.”

People who do not have enough Qi will likely be fatigued and might feel as though some of their
body’s systems aren’t working properly. This could mean anything from difficulty digesting
food, no appetite, and catching colds easily to allergies, anemia, and depression. A Qi deficiency
can also be emotional. It’s also possible to have excess Qi. People with excess Qi might appear
irritable, stressed, or tense. And anytime you experience pain, you likely have “stuck” Qi, This is
where acupuncture comes into play, as the goal of the needles is to move your stuck Qi around.
In short, anytime we’re dealing with a medical problem, our Qi is likely out of balance.

QNO: 3

Which tip of health care particularly interests you? Give reason.

The following health care tips interest me more:

1. Have a good breakfast, a full lunch and a light supper keep chances of diabetes low:

I think it is one of most simple and healthy tip to follow. We can perform it on our end without
too much efforts. Also there is a saying regarding this that “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a
prince; dinner like a pauper.” There's a wealth of scientific evidence that suggests front-loading
calories to the earlier part of the day supports both weight loss and may help reduce risk factors
for heart disease.

2. Foot bath/Soak

It is another tip that intrigues me. A foot soak is relaxing and can have many health benefits. A
foot soak is more than just relaxing with feet in warm or hot water. Doing so includes number of
health benefits like:

 Relieves stress and helps you feel relaxed

 Eases pain and muscle cramps
 Boosts nerve and muscle function
 Helps prevent blood clots
It also has more specific uses like:

 Reduces and prevents athlete’s foot

 Loosens skin to remove splinters
 Treats toenail fungus
 Soothes pain from sprains and bruises‌
 Eases gout pain and discomfort

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