The Merciad, Jan. 19, 2005

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Res Life W i t h e t h i C S (McQufflen

works for [named
students interim
By Jason Endress
Contributing writer president
While there have been rumors that By Jon ell e Davis
female students will not be placed in News editor
basement apartments in the future, this
is essentially unfounded. nf On Friday, Jan. 14 the Mercyhurst Col-
As mentioned in last week's article, lege Board of Trustees announced that
there is not, nor will there be any policy Dr. Michael J. McQuillen, former Vice
prohibiting females from living in a loca- President of Aca-
tion of their choice, basements included demic Affairs and
college officials said. dean, would take
Housing, as students are well aware, is the position of
determined by a lottery. While this does interim president
mean that choices can become limited, of the college,
students have as much choice as possible once Dr. William
given the circumstances. R Garvey retires
During selection, students are made on Feb. 23. File photo
aware that they have chosen a base- When asked to Dr. McQuillen
ment apartment, and if students wish discuss his future """"" 35
to change their decision, or move later presidency, McQuillen first said he was
in the year, every consideration is given honored to accept the position. "I am
to them. honored that the board and Mercyhurst
"1 think the college is more commit- Community has chosen me and hope I
ted to making the campus safe rather do not disappoint9'
than prohibiting living in basement "I am gratified by the support I have
apartments," said Laura Zirkle, Director received from the community and will
of Residence Life. dedicate myself to working with them
Zirkle pointed out that the Housing to ensure that Mercyhurst continues its
Department will move students if they growth toward a recognized college,"
are unsatisfied with their living arrange- said McQuillen.
ment, but added, "sometimes they have When asked about his goals during his
to make a choice," meaning that a dif- interim presidency McQuillen stated,
ferent apartment could very well be in Katie McAdams/Pholo editor "My goal is to try and help the college
a bad location. factured under human rights. focused upon our primary mission by
As many are aware, the most identifi- giving quality education to students
able safety issue is the accessibility of
student housing; propped doors are one
Mercyhurst Bookstore works to prevent human right violations and creating a wonderful atmosphere
that prepares for a bright future. I will
of the major threats to student safety* tag to see where it was manufactured. store can live up to the Mercyhurst | prepare for the incoming long-term
, "Far more of a threat I think, than
By Jen Helbig In fact; the only time you might look at mission statement in guaranteeing that president so that they will be able to
Features editor^ the tag will be in a few weeks when you "the values of truth, individual integrity, come and lead Mercyhurst to the next
anything else," said Zirkle. To counter
this risk as well as others, Police and go to toss it into the washing machine. human dignity, mercy, and justice," are level." 5 »
Safety foot patrols have been increased
When you go to a hockey game, there's However, what if you checked and upheld through its actions. McQuillen also hopes to remain teach-
recently and the campus is constantly
nothing else like being a Mercyhurst fan found that your garment was manufac- Sometimes students would like to ing at Mercyhurst but is dedicated fully
re-examining the lighting system.and letting everyone know it tured in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico hide in Mercyworld and pretend that to his new position.
The camera system is monitored regu-
Even though you are surrounded by or China? everyone in the larger world is treated "I hope to (continue teaching), but
larly by Police and Safety, and as Zirkle
ice, you keep toasty warm. Maybe it is What if there was a tag on it that said, equally and fairly; however, this is not convinced myself that in the first few
noted, Maintenance has been especially
all of the warm bodies jumping and "Made in slavery?" always the case. As illustrated in the last months in office I must focus on the
quick to fix broken doors and other
cheering around you, but maybe all of Luckily, no Mercyhurst bookstore week, Mercyhurst will do whatever it presidency, and in the fall I can teach
problems. the warm clothing you ate wearing has customer will ever need to worry can to avoid being associated with any one course," said McQuillen.
Both Residence Life and Police and
something to do with it as well. about checking the tags again, because human rights abuses. According to a press release obtained
Safety are always looking for "new and
You are decked out in a new green zip- recently the administration, along with To start, education is a key for every- from the Mercyhurst College Website,
effective ways to address the issues." said
up hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants Dan Cullen, the bookstore general one to understand the problem of Marlene Mosco, chair of the Board of
that you bought from the bookstore
Zirkle. The campus' reaction to attacks manager, agreed to sign Mercyhurst on human abuse. Sweatshop is applied Trustees, feels that Dr. McQuillen is
with your last paycheck. You probably
and problems is based foremost on the as a member college in the Fair Labor as a blanket term and is frequently perfect for the position.
dropped the 60 or so dollars on your
speedy dissemination of information. Association, or FLA for short. misused. "Dr. McQuillen epitomizes the words,
Please see Res Life on Page 2. new outfit without even glancing at the As a member of the FLA, the book- Please see Bookstore on Page 3. 'scholar and gentleman,'" said Mosco.
"He was attractive to the board
because of his background as a senior

'Hurst celebrates the life faculty member with extensive senior

administrative experience. He is well
respected by the faculty, administration,
of Martin Luther King Jr. staff and student body, and his appoint-
ment should create an almost seamless
transition in leadership at the college,"
performed by the Martin Luther King said Mosco. I
By Zoe Contes Holiday Choir. The event, which was In the press release, Mosco also added
Contributing writer organized by Diversity 101, received a that "Dr. McQuillen understands the
turnout the club was pleased with. Mercyhurst culture and the board found
Mercyhurst College students are On Monday, Jan 17, Rev. Martin his college record of experience in both
encouraged to pay tribute to the legacy Luther King Jr. Day was observed as teaching and administration, as well as
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr by par- a national holiday. While all over the his personal qualities, to be compelling as
ticipating in activities Sunday, Jan, 16, nation people paid tribute, Mercyhurst our leadership choice for this transition
through Thursday, Jan. 20. students, faculty and administration did period at the college "
The celebration gives students and fac- the same. McQuillen will begin his presidency
ulty alike a chance to honor King's life For many, the day began with a at the beginning of spring term on
and accomplishments not only during breakfast served in the Mercy Heritage March 7.
the national holiday, but also throughout Room that was held in honor of Martin He will continue to act as president
the week. Luther King Jr. Diversity 101 sponsored until the board selects the next perma-
The celebration began Sunday, Jan. the event where students, faculty and| nent president, which will take approxi-
15, at the Performing Arts Center administration were among around 75 mately 12 to 18 months.
Katie McAdams/Pnolo editor
where many gathered to listen to an people who attended.
The breakdancers In the PAC celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Interdenominational Gospel Concert Please see 'Hurst on Page 3. Please see McQuillen Page 2.

QJ News Opinon Features Index

Try the Anime club for some cultur- News.. £....2
• I s there too much lead in the •Thoughts on President Garvey's
pending retirement and his newly ally unique fun. It's a great way to News 3
water you're drinking? Students
named temporary replacement.. meet creative students. Features............ 4
test water fountains around
Page 6 Features ...5
campus. Page 2 Page 5 Opinion » 6
I Opinion ....»,. 7
Mercyhurst e-mail capac- Arts & Entertainment
Sports I A&E I *...|.8
ity was originally set too high. •Ani DiPranco releases her new
Ol Fixing the problem may affect Men's volleyball sweeps a pair from I A&E ....y..I...u 9
album "Knuckle Down." For the first
your account time DiFranco is collaborating with visiting Clarke University to open up Sports L lo
other artists. MIVA play. I T |B i Sports 11
Page 3 Page 8 Page 10 Sports 12

PAGE 2 January 19, 2005

NEWS^ To contact

T o o m u c h l e a d i nM e r c y h u r s t d r i n k i n g water?
Students test w a t e r fountains a r o u n d c a m p u s a n d results s h o w high levels
Concerned with this because of any symptoms of illness.
By Joshua Wilwohl
lead pipes," "It is not hazardous to your
Layout assistant
Spudich said that the pipes health per se," said Spudich.
pumping water to fountains "It's hard to predict unsafe,
Dr. Thomas Spudich's chem- around campus could contain since everyone's safety level is Headaches a i d memory loss
istry of life classes thought it dormant water that is pulling in different" -, V
was going to be just another lead as it sits, eventually dispers- Even though these numbers
experiment ing the contaminated water to may be below EPA standards, loss of appetite
They were to fill a glass with the fountains. some students are still concerned. Nausea and vomiting
water from the many drinking Zurn's second and third floors, Freshman Lindsey Smith is upset Highbfoodpi \
fountains found throughout cam- though a bit lower from the first with the results of the test and Sleeping difficulty
pus and measure the amounts of at 2.45 ppb and 4.05 ppb, respec- feels that something should be Weight loss
lead within each cup. tively, are still high, compared to done. "My high school had the Decreased sex drive•
The results, however, were other campus locations. water fountains checked for lead
shocking. Spudich's chemistry of life every year and put purifiers on
"There is a large fluctuation classes sampled 44 water foun- them to protect us," she said. "It [Simons
(of lead) between the buildings tains ranging from Old Main to is really dangerous for students Convulsions
on campus that are supplied the Hirt Building - with Baldwin and for the environment" Paralysis
with water by fountains/* said Hall's basement floor landing Spudich agrees. "We should Learrw^ difficulties
Spudich. Large indeed. the safest spot to drink water consider placing filters (on the Hyperactivity
Weakness In feet
The results of the study placed on campus at .02 ppb, followed fountains) or check the pipes
Old Main's first floor west water by the west fountain on the first depending on the use of that
fountain at .04 points per billion floor of Old Main at .04 ppb, and water fountain," he said. Lead affects many areas of the human body.
(ppb) as compared to Zurn's first then Zurn's third floor refrigera- However, some students, such
floor fountain at 6.12 ppb. tor at .13 ppb. as junior Chris VanHorn have times contribute to elevated is not high enough to produce choosing where to grab a quick
Now, before eyes widen at the The Athletic Center's right few concerns about water safety. blood lead levels. such effects after consumption, drink of water, rethinking before
difference, according to the En- fountain comes in at a mediocre "They wouldn't let us drink tap The EPA has estimated that but he is taking no chances. He drinking may be the best idea.
vironmental Protection Agency's number of 1.55 ppb and the water if it wasn't safe," said on average up to 20 percent of submitted the water report to su- "I would not choose Zurn,"
(EPA) guidelines for drinking library's third floor at 1.13 ppb. VanHorn. "If it is not going to a child's total lead exposure can periors — chemistry director, Dr. said Spudich, who is getting
water, a concentration of lead be- But, Zurn's floors rank as the all kill me tomorrow, I am going to potentially be attributed to lead- Ronald Brown and Director of water from the refrigerator that
low 15 ppb is considered safe. time high. drink it" contaminated water" Academic Affairs, Dr. Thomas contains a filter. "I would choose
Spudich, though, said that does Even though there is a large Lead within the water may Initial symptoms of such lead Gamble — for further review. Old Main f he said.
not matter. difference between the amounts not kill, but in some cases it poisoning are flu like and then "It (the report) is interesting To see the full report, go to
"Zurn is roughly 10 times of lead found within the water, may cause severe sickness and progress to nausea, abdominal and somewhat indicative of the
higher than others (drinking according to Spudich one would long term disability. According pain, weight loss and irritability. things that could be done to help and click on news.
fountains) around campus," have to consume gallons of wa- to the National Safety Council, Spudich says the lead found improve Zurn," said Brown.
Spudich said. c<We need to be ter to become sick or to notice "Drinking water can some- within Mercyhurst's water supply When it comes down to

Portraits of the sisters of Mercy have by 3 feet," said Sr. Geri. She called walking through the halls Charles Weschler, a Sister of
a sign in place of the missing follow up on any tips that they
By Katie McAdams
reported the picture missing to of Zurn and noticed that another Mercy who is a member of the portrait, which says to contact receive.
Photo editor
Board of Trustees and still lives her to in regards to its disap- In the meantime, Sr. Geri still
at the Motherhouse. pearance. hopes that the portraits will be
It seems that Mercyhurst has a The portrait had been painted Director of Police and Safety returned.
case of art theft on its hands. for Sister Mary Charles as an Ken Sidun has not had any leads "It would be a welcome sur-
Believe it or not, since Septem- award from the Mercy Center on the missing portrait case thus prise that they have been return
ber two portraits of Sisters of of Women in 1997 as one of far. I i P f iS* to the right place, and I still live
Mercy seem to have disappeared the 12 people that they honor "Someone could have easily in that hqpp,#\^Jioever has taken
without a trace. ,. ... . annually. . K / ' J j have hid it in their shirt, or placed these portraits has removed, part
The portraits, which had ifien, Sr. Mary Charles re- it in bag," Sidun said. of the history and the images
been donated to the college, were ceived her portrait as a gift from Police and Safety could not tell of two of the last sisters whose
taken from the Student Union her nieces and nephews; she de- from their cameras in the Student presence was significant" said Sr.
and Zurn Hall. cided to donate it to Mercyhurst Union or in Zurn who took these Geri, with a teary expression.
The first missing picture was an College, where she completed portraits. Despite the lack of informa-
enlargement of a photograph on her undergraduate degree and "Depending on how they took tion on this case, whoever took
the cover of Mercyhurst Maga- eventually taught for more than it out, our cameras would not be these portraits is asked to please
zine, containing Sister Carolyn 30 years. able to catch it," said Sidun. return them to their rightful spot
Hermann, for whom the Student The college then hung the No further investigation about in Zurn or the Union.
Union is named. picture in front of the chemis- this crime has taken place be- The portraits not only hold a
The seventh president of Mer- try department for Sister Mary cause there have not been any significant part of Mercyhurst^
cyhurst, Sr. Carolyn had her Charles' love and passion of sci- leads to this case. history, but also are a large
picture taken with the first group ence, as she founded the science Police and Safety has a tip line symbol of the accomplishments
of men that attended Mercyhurst program at Mercyhurst and was set up where anyone with any of those Sisters of Mercy who
and it had been hanging in the chair of the department information can report an anony- proudly stood within them.
Union since the building's dedi- Sister Geri asked around Zurn mous tip about the portraits or
Katie McAdams/Pholo editor any crime. Police and Safety will
cation in 1990. to see if anyone knew of the
Sr. Geraldine Rosinski was the Many portraits like this are missing around campus. whereabouts of the portrait of
first to notice that the picture Weschler. McQuillen named interim president
was missing. Kathy Thornton, who was a
"This enlargement of a picture Police and Safety secretary in Zurn in the begin- Continued from Page L served on the president's cabi-
portrait was missing
A week later, Sr. Geri then re- ning of the school year, posted net for eight years.
was not small, it was about 2 feet This painting was of Sr. Mary
McQuillen has been with Mer- McQuillen was also co-chair
cyhurst since 1971. Some of his of the 1992 Middle States Self-

Religious studies department takes students achievements include serving as

Vice President of Academic Af-
fairs of the college from 1988-
Study Evaluation team and
received the prestigious 'Teach-
ing Excellence Award" from

to Europe to explore their classes first hand 1994, Associate Dean from
1994-1996 and Dean of librar-
ies from 1999-2002, working as
the college in 2003 by vote of
his peers in recognition of his
commitment to the teaching
Students will receive one-third get ahead by two classes. will also travel to London to see
By Jaime Myers a former director of the history profession and for upholding
of their grade during the spring This trip will be a perfect Westminster Abbey and St, Paul's
Contributing writer Cathedral. department, and of the Egan the highest standards in educa-
semester. way for students and faculty to
And the 3-hour seminars and The group will also sightsee Scholars program, chair of the tion as a master teacher and role
meet on new levels. And they
How does traveling to Europe field trips they will take will all be all the exciting and famous tour- division of social sciences, and model at the college.
can make other connections
with your friends and earning six material that will appear on the throughout the world. ist attractions. They will hire a
credits sound? To 22 Mercyhurst essay tests. Ostromecki also said she has a bus for a couple day trips out of
students, it sounds pretty good. Mercyhurst has never done a pen pal from Italy, so this is the the cities.
Students ranging from sopho- trip like this where students can perfect opportunity. "He agreed Globalization will be the main • • • •

mores to seniors are taking travel and receive class credits. to come meet me somewhere focus of the Ethics course. Stu-
advantage of study abroad op- McFee and Livingston started while I'm there. I have been talk- dents will be able to see three
portunities within the college. planning last summer, and they ing to him for a few years now, so different cultures and see how
Dr. Daniel McFee, Dr. David have been working hard on this is a really big deal." they are all the same.
Livingston and Dr, Mary Hem-
brow Snyder are traveling with
creating this opportunity for
Each city was picked specially
to relate to the college and each
McFee's example: look up and
see Westminster Abbey. Then AQU^AUIR
the students for one week each "The administration is very of the classes. Rome is the birth look right next to it and see a
in Rome, Italy; Dublin, Ireland supportive and the students are place of Western Christianity. Starbucks.
and Oxford, UK- flexible," said McFee. "We have The group will be staying in a McFee says he hopes that this «HfetchSt
Students will receive credits a great group of people. The monastery and will visit the Ro- kind of experience will become 5fe5y*. • I t

in both Social Ethics (taught by students are wonderful at work- man Ruins. They will also visit something regular that Mercy-
McFee) and Western Christian ing with us because it is our first the Vatican to do a field study. hurst will offer. #+* m
Heritage (Livingston), which are time and we are trying to feel our Next stop will be Dublin, the "Hopefully we are paving the Instant TAN Results Guaranteed
two core courses. way through it/* world headquarters of the Sisters groundwork for other profes-
Classes will meet once a week There was a good response to of Mercy. They will make some sors to set up trips with course
during this spring term, then the trip. Some students are on a contacts with the Sisters of credit"
learning will continue on location waiting list hoping that someone Mercy there and hopefully have Mercyhurst offers a number of
from June 9 — 30, decides not to go, a service learning project. studying abroad opportunities,
In Europe, classes will meet Students like Kayti Ostromecki They will be visiting Glendal- but they are all through other
for about three hours a day, then are taking this trip as a way to ough, which is an ancient Celtic schools.
the group will go to a variety of catch up on credits. Christian monastery south of This type of trip will keep
sites to learn more about both "The most convenient thing Dublin. T the credits and courses internal
was that I am going to Australia Lastly, they will travel to Ox- while still having an abroad ex-
next year for four months, so I ford because of its academic perience.
All 22 are enrolled in both class-
es, they will travel together and will be missing a few credits," excellence. They will visit a
said sophomore Ostromecki. Biotech Center to study issues
learn about the same things.
"So with this trip, I am able to for the ethics course and they
And yes, they will be tested.
January 19,2005

7b contact News

SAC provides^ activities! for students Vandalism on
'Hurst campus?
than anything. Now I have to
By Heather Huesdash
deal with getting itfixed.It's just
Contributing writer
annoying/' Kramer said.
The school can monitor crimes
Mercyhurst students experi- like these through surveillance
enced car vandalism firsthand in cameras, but they are not respon-
the Briggs parking lot on Satur- sible for the price of vandalism
day, Jan. 15. The person respon- incidents on campus.
sible for the vandalism has been The name of the individual
caught and will pay the damage is not being released, but he is
costs for every vehicle. js being turned over to the Erie
At leastfourcars were targeted, Police Department When asked
all with the same damage includ- about the incident, Police Chief
ing mirrors smashed or broken of Police and Safety Ken Sidun
off. All had the damage done to said, 'It's unfortunate. The of-
the same mirror. fender was a young man who had
These cars were all parked in been involved with alcohol. He
the top half of the Briggs lot, is a freshman from a college in
and the owners all found their Ohio who was visiting someone
Can you count the asses? Students enjoyed a funfilled night of Donkey Basketball with SAC. Don't miss Comedian
cars in this state the following at Mercyhurst"
morning. "He has criminal charges being
Eddie Ifft on Jan 21 at 10 p.m. In the Walker Recital Hall and Fiesta Night on Jan. 22 from 10 p.m. until 12 p.m. in the
Union. According to Deanna Kramer, pressed for four of the five cars
whose car was vandalized, the he damaged. He will be paying

Hurst limits e-mail storage space

incident was more irritating than well over $ 1,000 dollars in fines,"
anything else. said Sidun.
"If s more of an inconvenience

By Josh West
Contributing writer
accessible through the campus
< y
H drive. If an account is dis-
covered to be in excess of the
Students whosefileshave been
moved can reach Frownfelter at
campus extension 3360 or by
might lose die majority of that
Students in excess of their
Residence life
Some students may unknow-
ingly have surpassed the storage
20MB limit, all folders will be
cleaned out and relocated to the
'H' drive in a text format.
e-mail at 1 vandyke@mercyhurst.
edu. The process is simple and
no data will be lost
20MB limit can fix the problem
now by deleting old messages
and attachments or moving them
works for students
limit for their Mercyhurst e-mail The cleaned out e-mail will Pat Benekos, Director of In- to a new location, such as a ContinuedfromPage I. mean that students can't expect
account be replaced by a message from formation Technology, has rec- personal hard drive or the cam- to see something completely
Over the summer, Informa- Systems Administrator Lorraine ognized the problem. pus 'H* drive. Picture files are Though specific action de- new from Residence Life. In
tion Technology became aware Frownfelter, who will help stu- "We realized that it was our especially large and moving or pends on the nature of the at- fact, a new program, introduced
of a number of students whose dents to recover anything that error. The limits should not deleting them can free up a great tack, all problems are addressed this year, is now into its second
e-mail storage capacities had they want from the 'H* drive. have been set that high," Benekos deal of space.* in a crime alert, which gives the week.
been set at 250 megabytes (MB), Frowrtfelter will temporarily said. Rectifying the problem now students as much information The Progressive Passive Pro-
much higher than the prescribed increase available storage in or- The accidentally high limits rather than waiting for a problem as can be accurately given. The gramming Project (P3 project)
20MB available to most der to simplify the recovery and are being discovered on a case- to occur can help make the ad- alerts, said Zirlde are intended is a three-week long series of
The 20MB limit applies to reinstitute the 20MB limit once by-case basis, so some students justment less of a problem. to "get information to students programming designed by RAs,
total storage space of all of four a student has secured any needed may still be subject to a change Frownfelter and the IT staff as fast and as comprehensively which differs from building to
message folders within a student messages or attachments. in their account are available to help any student as we can." building. "Its goal is to get the
e-mail account ' 1 will usually give students a Even those who have gotten with concerns about their cam- Zirlde stressed that both the residents the resources they need
9 to deal with the winter blues,"
All students also have access to week, and then we bring the limit away with the higher limit for pus e-mail account !^ students physical and emo-
an additional 500MB of storage back down." Frownfelter said. years need to be aware that they tional safety were of the utmost said Sarah Allen, one of the As-
— concern and that Residence Life sistant Directors in Res. life.
does all it can to ^minimize the
Bookstore promotes human* rights
As the P3 instructions read,]
trauma" Residence-life has a winter blues is ". ..that blah feel-
- «
great deal of options at their, ing that happens to us Whefl we
ContinuedfromPage 1. really have a handle on what is we need to go through the effort this organization is, say there has disposal to help students through don't see the sun for days on end,
fair within those countries. Each to become members also? been a violation at one of the problems, and students are ac- when the cold is just a bit colder
There is nothing wrong with country is a litde different For Cullen said that the companies plants, it's not a reflection of the tively involved in the handling than we want it to be, when it's
women, men or even teens work- example, their religious beliefs will come to Mercyhurst to sell FLA or any of the schools that of the issue. Zirlde cited the use January and we know this is go-
ing at a clothing factor)' in a third dictate what they can and can't their products, and thefirstthing participate. But now we know of the Counseling Center and ing to last 3 more months." The
world country, as long as their do. It's pretty impreslive how that he will ask is to see their code about it, and the FLA digs into an increase in the Police pres- program builds over three weeks,
job complies with the minimum thorough the FLA is." of conduct However, the only it They find what the remedies ence in the area as some of the centering on the buildings' bulle-
wage and workers' rights laws in Until about a week ago, way to really know that their code are, and if they don't correct it, many tools Res Life has at their tin board, and educates students
their specific country. the only safeguard on where of conduct is being enforced is they notify the members on their disposal. f on methods to handle seasonal
In fact, without these "sweat- the clothing came from was if Mercyhurst is proactive and list I think that's what we could Beyond the obvious advisories depression.
shops," many third world coun- through the National Associa- stays on top of them through a benefit from/' against leaving doors open or The Residence Life staff
tries would lose a main force in tion of College Stores (NACS). third-party organization such as ' I f XYZ company is one of unlocked, Zirkle believes that was mixed during the develop-
their economy, and employees Mercyhurst has long been a the FLA. if* our suppliers and they are not education is the key to improving ment of the P3 program, which
would be left jobless. member of NACS, which in the 'They (NACS) went through living up to that code of con- campus safety. Zirkle also advises enabled the RAs a chance to
Bookstore general manager past had played the role of being some changes in the past two duct, I want to know about it. students to "be careful with in- interact with each other. Groups
Dan Culler recognized that a watchdog for clothing going years with new board presidents They've come a long way in the formation you give out" of three RAs developed a three
many misunderstand the term into college stores; however, it and in certain areas they have last couple of years (the FLA). However, new methods of week series of programming, and
"sweatshop." | was not the main role of that taken their focus off. They are They're starting to get into it with dealing with security are being applied the program to their own
"I think sweatshop has a differ- organization. trying to cut expenses in certain a lot of worldwide attention. And discussed regularly. Zirkle men- buildings.
ent meaning to different people," Mercyhurst will not terminate ways. This is an issue that was in they really seem to be doing a tioned the recent addition of a Themed decorations, informa-
Cullen said. its affiliation with the NACS. great debate and then once the pretty good job." swipe card system to the fresh- tion on depression and winter ac-
"I don't think that the FLA Being a member of NACS con- FLA was virtually doing what gl"Again, it's about human rights. men dorms and suggested that tivities are among the things that
is demanding they get paid the tinues to be beneficial because, they wanted, they didn't want Human dignity is the bottom line the same system may be installed can be found on apartment bul-
same minimum wage (as in according to Cullen, it "is a huge to have an in-house police staff here," Cullen said. "And if we at the apartments. Zirkle also letin boards across campus and
America), but that they are given tool for the bookstore industry. going around to all these compa- don't believe in what our mis- mentioned that entry codes were residents can expect to see this
a fair working environment that We get to compare ourselves nies. So, since the FLA is doing it, sion statement is, then we have one of the other ideas under new addition to Residence Life,
is non-threatening" to the other ones. We're ranked that's where they're recommend- a problem. But we don't" consideration. as well as continued development
It would be next to impossible in efficiency on this side of the ing us to go. At least that's what So students can buy a sweatshirt "I think the school will con- of security evolve as winter and
for Cullen or any other Mercy- country at number 16. We ate an I'm going to recommend that we to show off Mercyhurst pride, tinue building on what they're future months drag on.
hurst employee to travel to each independent, Mercyhurst-owned do, too," Cullen said. being proud of their school and doing," said Zirkle. This does not
individual clothing factory to bookstore where a lot of college Cullen said that in the past the support of human rights.
evaluate the safeness and fairness bookstores are operated by out- few years, the FLA has become Check out http://www.fairlabor.
of the working environment side corporations." more powerful in its monitoring org/ for additional information
That is where the FLA can You may wonder if the compa- capabilities and has gotten more on the mission and work done
step in. . i^f- nies that we buy products from teeth to it by the FLA.
Cullen said, "They seem to are members of the FLA, why do "My understanding, too, from

'Hurst celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.

Continuedfr6m Page L Center sponsors a week called marchers. part series presented by Diversity
King Holiday Week that occurred "I really thought it was ama2ing^JllU*-3^ Matters
Students were excused from this year from Jan. 10 -untir^anr howsoffiafiypeople braved the of Race" takes a look at race
Expires 2/28/05
class and encouraged to partici- 17. One of the events included bitter cold and snow to celebrate & the role it plays in American
pate in as many of the activities in the 'Holiday Week' was a one man's great triumph of such democracy.
as possible. march offered to the public, 1
a tough cultural struggle/ said Part 2 of the scries will be $30 off 1 Month UNLIMITED
During the breakfast, voice which students and faculty of Maggie Wilkins, vice president shown on Wednesday. Both I
major Eric Marshall and fac- Mercyhurst participated in. of the social work club. parts begin at 7 p.m. and will
ulty member, Lisa Laymen, per- In the future, Keddell said "Personally, I have a huge di- be shown in the Student Union I
formed a collection of spiritual Diversity 101 and MSG will be verse group of friends and if it Great Room.
Expires 2/28/05
songs. x* working to better coordinate the were not for Martin Luther King Mercyhurst Student Govern-
President of Diversity 101, activities the city provides with I may not have been able to have ment presents a play called, "The
Arian Keddell, said she wanted to the college's and participate in
more events the Martin Luther
that same group of friends that I Meeting" on Thursday; Jan. 20th.
have," said Aisha Jasper, a mem- The play is about a fictitious
tefleetthe dub's artistic qualities, $5 OFF any package over $20
as well, as their cultural quali-
King Jr. Center offers.
After the breakfast, many
ber of the Diversity 101 club. meeting between Martin Luther
She stressed that it is important King J r. and Malcolm X staged in I
ties. for people to understand that it the early 60's in a Harlem apart- Excludes month unlimited Expires 2/28/05
headed to Perry Square in down-
Members of the dance depart- town Erie to participate in the is not just an African American ment. The show begins at 8:30
ment also performed an "inspi- march.
rational" dance. Keddell, who Mercyhurst Student Govern-
holiday, but also a holiday that p.m. in Taylor litde Theatre and
our country as a whole should is an offering of the MSG Speak- 30% OFF ALL lotion I
was choreographer of the dance, ment Association, Diversity 101
gained her inspiration from the Club and the Mercyhurst Social
celebrate. ers Series. Admission is free and
The celebration continues on open to the public i
song "May It Be". / Work Club were among the Tuesday with the first of a two mOoesnot Include shots Expires 2/28/05
The Martin Luther King Jr.
January 19,2005 PAGE 4

FEATURES To contact:

M c A n d r e w earns honorary doctorate

H a r d w o r k a n d p a s s i o n f o r h i s field p a y s off after 4 0 y e a r s of s e r v i c e t o t h e c o l l e g e
Degree has never been awarded
By Melissa Brandt to an internal member of the
Contributing writer
U scholarly community at Mercy-

The resident Shakespearian at

Some are born great, hurst- until now. / &.
For his service and dedication,
Mercyhurst College and English
Department Chair ML Paul Bar-
ry McAndrew will be retiring this
some achieve greatness, McAndrew was the unsuspecting
recipient of the Honorary Doc-
tor of Letters Degree. h
year after teaching at Mercyhurst
College for 40 years.
and some have greatness "It blew me away," he recalled.
"It was one of the great mo-
However, his dedication and
service to the college has ensured
that his career at Mercyhurst will
thrust upon them. • > • >
ments in my career."
As it is especially rare for an
internal member of the college
end with a bang. to receive this award. It truly is
It takes someone truly devoted an amazing honor.
to their life's work to be emphatic As the longest serving lay fac-
about his job after 40 years* - William Shakespeare ulty member in the school, Dr.
I "love to teach.. .1 never once Garvey obviously found it appro-
regretted taking the position at Katie McAdams/ Photo editor priate and agreed that McAndrew
Mercyhurst," McAndrew said. Barry McAndrew's long time dedication to Mercyhurst has drew has been performing in the just an act of fate, it was at the should receive this honor.
Mr. McAndrew has been a earned him a prestigious award. Canterbury Feast at The Station party this year that McAndrew "I am delighted but humbled
beloved asset to the English curriculum. Mercyhurst was the freedom Dinner Theater (affiliated with received the knowledge that he that the school would see fit to
Department, specializing in "I love seeing students respond he received in pursuing his own the National Dinner Theatre As- would be receiving a very presti- honor me in this way," McAn-
British Literature, especially positively to the literature, how interests here, and then the free sociation) in Erie for 23 years. gious award. drew said.
Shakespeare. their lives open up because of reign to incorporate them into Whether it was his outgoing ^.Normally given to a distin- The Honorary Degree will be
Every year students in his class it.. .it's a great ride to watch," he the classroom. nature that got him appointed as guished member of society in presented to McAndrew at this
c< 1
have directed and produced se- remarked. With that knowledge, it's no the Master of Ceremonies ' for recognition for exemplary and year's graduation ceremonies for
lected productions at the Taylor One of the reasons McAn- surprise his students are required Mercyhurst's Annual Christmas distinguished community service, the class of 2005.
Little Theater as part of the drew became so attached to to put on a production, as McAn- party several years in running or the Honorary Doctor of Letters

F u n a r o u n d Erie in the winter? Try skiing

30 miles. bring some quarters or dollar
By Jen Helbig
Their rates are comparable to bills if you are going to leave any
Features editor the former, from about $28 to clothing in the lockers back at the
$35 for lift tickets depending on lodge. You may not want to leave
I have a big problem with the when and how long you go. everything in the car or in your
word bored. I always yell at my Ski rental costs from $19 to pockets, so lockers are a great
roommates when I hear them $26, and snowboard rental costs idea to keep your stuff safe.
saying it from $24 to $31. - ^ ^ R«i Bring about $10 - $15 for food
Maybe you're even bored right Holiday Valley is a third skiing for the day. Chances are you
now and so you are reading this destination which is about an might be too tired to go out to
article, but don't worry- you hour and 45 minutes away, or 82 dinner later and you'll just want
won't be bored anymore when miles from Erie. to eat at the lodge.
you try my suggestion. Their ski rental runs about $16- Hot chocolate tastes wonder-
Go skiing! $27 and for the entire weekend it ful, no matter where you are after
Whether you are 4'8" or 6'2", runs $42. Snowboard rental costs a few hours on the slopes.
you can save up a week's worth $24 - $38 and is $54 for the entire As for safety, we would all
of work-study money, pack up weekend. wear padded helmets In a perfect flfekjaa
• a^fcwi friends and head to the lift rickets c6st from $24 to world, buV hot niany'dcj.' •-'' • 1 •

slopes. $40 depending on how long Make sure that you avoid get-
Erie is actually a wonderful you stay. ting hurt by sticking to your skill
location to be because there are For those of you who wish to level.
a few skiing locations in various stay in Pennsylvania, try Seven Sid resorts rank their hills by
directions from here. Springs Mountain Resort assigning them colors for their
First of all, Boston Mills/ It is about three hours away, or level of difficulty. Make sure you
Brandywine is about two hours, 182 miles. start on the easiest and work your Jody Mello/ Contributing photographer
or 115 miles away from Erie. Their rates again fall into about way up. Skiing is not difficult, Tired of just building snowmen In the winter? It Is time to try skiing. Not only can It be
A complete ski package (with the same price range, at $27- $41 but for a first time go it would fun, but it is also great exercise for the long winter months.
boots and poles) runs $22, for a lift pass depending on how not be smart to hop on the most Gfi? JP
where you'll stay warm,! waist-length coat with pockets ski resort
whereas a complete snowboard long you go. difficult hills right away.
will also spend awhile coming and a pair of snowpants is a The staff understands that
package runs $25. Ski rental costs $18- $23, and Make sure you wear a little bit
back up the hills where the wind very good idea for a skiier of any some people are beginners, and
Lift tickets cost from $22 to the entire weekend runs about of sunblock, or girls, wear your
is very cold. leveL This will keep you dry and I know when I first skied, the
$39 depending on how long you $42. Snowboard rental costs summer cover up with a little bit
That brings up the next issue: comfortable. It will also act as man who ran the lift would slow
will be staying. $19- $36, and $55 for the entire of the SPF 15. You really don't
clothing. Make sure you layer. padding if you happen to fall. it down for me every time that
Boston Mills is actually a sepa- weekend. want a bum in the shape of your
Wear some cotten long-johns If you are apprehensive about I came by.
rate skiing area than Brandywine, With these four locations fairly goggles for the week following
under your clothes so you aren't going for your first time, don't So get out there and enjoy
but both are comparable in hill dose, all that you need to do is your skiing adventure.
sweaty and sticky. worry. As long as you start out yourself Skiing is good for your
size and skill level get out and go. Bring along lip balm and tis- small, or even take a quick les-
Next pile on a sweatshirt and body and getting out for the day
Next, Peek'n Peak is in New For a beginner, though, there sues. You will be spending a lot son, you should feel secure at a
some athletic pants. A good is great for your mind.
York, about 30 minutes away, or are a few things to expect First, of time on the ground moving

Getting a jump Ion winter car care knowledge

By Jen Helbig
A shovel. It should cost
about $10 for a decent one. Es-
Features editor* pecially in Erie, it's impossible
for a plow to come between
For the lucky students who and around every single car, so
have a car at school, some may chances are, snow will be piled
have found out the hard way this up under your hood, possibly
winter that they need to give a blocking you from leaving your
little extra TLC to their wheels parking space. BUY 1 MONTH UNLIMITED
every now and then* • A bag of rock salt It costs
I happen to be one of those about $5. Your car may need a Tanning Package for $35
people. little extra weight in the back for
I went out to the car, and had control, but there is an advantage
30 minutes to be at my service to salt over sand. If your tires are
learning site for the first time. ever spinning out when you are
parked, try putting a little salt
After 15 minutes of bailing the
snow off with numb fingers, I Katie McAdams/ Photo editor under them to melt the snow and
fumbled with the key only to be You'll never have to fear a low battery if you carry Jumper get some traction.
met with the battery light blink- cables In your trunk. Also, you should keep a few 20 min. Beds *
ing like crazy. items up in the front seat for
I was greeted by a friendly supplies, but now that I have
So I did what any late person dispacher who told me some- been in a predicament, I think easier access. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
would do, I pounded on the • A pair of gloves. Knit your
one would be there in a bit In that they are actually helpful.
dashboard and then slammed Make sure your trunk contains own or buy a pair for $5 at
about five minutes one of the
my forehead into the steering policemen came up and helped the following items in case police Target. Some cars take awhile 3330 West 26th Street
wheel while making a loud roar- to warm up, and it is difficult to
ing noise.
me jump my car with a portable and safety isn't around to help
drive when you can't feel your Village West Plazaf
battery. you out
My dad was 200 miles away, so All that I had to do was turn • Windshield washer fluid. It
hands. Erie, PA 16506
I knew he couldn't just fix it for costs about $ 1 for a gallon. Keep • An ice scraper. They cost
the key and pump the gas.
me. Also, I couldn't do it over from about $2 to $10. Make sure
After the fact, I called my par- the reservoir filled so that your
the phone; because I know the ents, and they reminded me of view is always clear. it has a brush on one end and a (814) 838-9511
inside of my hood like a blind • Jumper cables. They cost scraper on the other. This is a
the jumper cables in my trunk.
person knows how to perform must have- unless if you want
Oh, that's what those things about 15 to 20 dollars. You need
heart surgery. another car to give you the power wet sleeves when you re going
are for.
Luckily, I have Mercyhurst's to class.
I always thought that my par- to jump your battery, but it would
police and safety number memo- With these items, you won't Expires 1/31/2005
ents were being too cautious by be helpful to carry your own set
rized, and 1 gave them a quick be left stranded in the cold this
loading my trunk with car safety of cables.
call. winter!
January 19,2005

To contact
A n i m e Club offers u n i q u e entertainment
By Andreea Neagu Keiko Miller, professor of I; The dub handed out coupons
Contributing writer Japanese and Asian Studies, ad- for 10 percent off at any Walden-
vises the club. books location, and they believe
Approximately 28 students they had a good turnaround.
It's snowing again, and it is so meet to spend some time watch- "The people who got the cou-
cold that being outside is prob- ing their favorite anime series and pon actually got 20 percent off
ably the last thing you want to planning activities. their purchase. Half of the prof-
da "[The Anime Club] started
itsfromthat discount went to die
Your evenings might be lacking with me in a way, ' junior Becky Anime Club/* in an attempt to
the summertime fun and excite- Opalach, president of the club, t help them fund their main goal
ment that you miss from your said. Erin Moll, also a junior and for the next months. **We plan
warm-weather days. secretary of the Anime Club, ex- to go to an Anime Convention,
There are still among us those plained that "Becky got the idea "Tekkoshocon", in April in Mon-
very brave souls who venture out to start an Anime Club, and I also roeville Pa.," Moll said
into the cold to ski, make snow- wanted to start the club, and so Another planned activity of the
men, go sled riding or just have we did, last year in January". 4A- Anime Club is intended to take
some kid time again with the The two officers of the club, place on March 14, which is the
traditional snowball fight together with James Golab, their "White Day" in Japan.
However, for those students sophomore treasurer, explained "On Valentine's Day the girls
who like watching winter warmly how the club "meets twice a give the guys dark chocolate,
from a distance with something week; one day, generally Sundays Taken from and on White Day the guys are
hot to drink and some friends from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., being a This is an example of a Totoro (right) which is Japaense animation :«; meant to return the favor and
around, Mercyhurst College of- movie night" do not want to see some series, about four assassins that have acter being stuck in the vin give the girls white chocolate,"
fers a variety of opportunities to Opalach went on to explain so they do not come," alternate personalities that work reality." Opalach said.
have some indoor fun. that "we have our members The second day of meetings in aflowershop. At night they The tease of the series seems The Anime Club is always
Among the dozens of clubs vote, most times online on our for the Anime Club is on Tues- usually raid the world of evil" to be the secret as to why the welcoming new members, and all
and organizations on campus Website, on what movies they days, when they usually have a "The second series is called character is stuck in the World/ those interested can attend their
that always have their doors want to see." "series night, and we watch four '.Hack//Sign' and Golab de- which according to Golab, is meeting either on Sundays from
open to any student interested A slight tone of sadness came episodes of a series/' Golab scribed it as being about "some only revealed at the end of the 3 to 5 p.m., or Tuesdays from
in joining, there is a relatively in their voices as they mentioned said. characters stuck in a virtual real- series. 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. in Hirt 213.
new addition, Mercyhurst^ own that usually about 5-10 people Opalach explained how "now ity called the 'World'. Most While the club might not be The Anime club can also be
Anime Club. from all of those that signed up we have two series alternating. of the series takes place in a known to many, its latest fund- contacted via e-mail at: hurt.
The Anime Club provides a come to the meetings, but the of- One is Weiss Kruez' which is video game, with the main char raising activities got a lot of
perfect alternative to frostbite. ficers understand that "some attention.

Fur? Sure! Faux fiir. that is

A tradition of peace By Wendy Donahue
Chicago Tribune (KRT)
"Irs inspired by the beauty of it didn't look good and didn't feel
animals," with all those warm, good," she said.
fuzzy feelings intact "There are some pieces where
^By Melissa Brandt
[^Contributing writer In a year when real fur has it's almost indistinguishable. If
It's the season of the pretend- cropped up in lavender and you look closer, of course, you
er: acrylic fur, artificial jewels on other shades not typically found can telL" |
What does it take to make a brooches, fake snake handbags in nature, faux is an even hotter Real or fake, retro stoles and
connection to today's world? and mock croc shoes. alternative than usual. capes inevitably will tumble from
Iwona Petruczynik, a busi- No doubt animal lovers such "Faux fur is one of the hug- trend lists, Gordon said, which is
ness and communication major as Charlize Theron and Anna est trends of the season," said another reason to invest less.
and a junior at Mercyhurst, has Nicole Smith, featured in the Sarah Shirley, a New York-based But that doesn't mean you
provided her answer to that latest PETA ad campaign, prefer fashion stylist and trend expert should evict faux pieces after
question. fake fluff to the real thing. for Sears. this season.
When the opportunity arose "A lot of the fur that you see "Faux is fun, and you don't "My mother used to say fash-
from Youth Action Net, an in- when you're walking down the have to sink a lot of money ion repeats itself every 20 years,"
ternational organization devel- street is in fact faux fur," said into it" Gordon said. ^ t<?V/ £&
oped by both the International Lisa Franzetta, a PETA cam- | Faux causes less ethical pause I '"Now it's about every ?two
Youth Foundation and Nokia, paign coordinator. than real fur for some wearers, seconds. The pieces I really love,
to participate in an essay con- "Some actually looks quite and the quality has improved, I never get rid of them because
test, Petruczynik accepted the real. So for people who want the said J udy Gordon, founder of - boom! - they're back.
challenge. look of fur, faux fur is a great TheTrendReportcom.
The question tor this year's option." "It's not like the old days when
700-word essay contest had one
dear focus: "What constitutes
a successful peacemaker in
today's world??
Originally from Lublin, Po-
land, Petruczynik's family in-
volvement in the history of her
LakerWinter Term Inn
country created a unique angle ams/Photo editor

for her approach to the essay.

Through involvement and
Junior Iwona Petruczynik recently won an essay writing
contest on the topic of contemporary peacemaking. Galley Grill OLD FAVORITES:
Chicken Fingers
totesrancc, three generations in
Petruczynik's family have con- (EU)^Petruczynik was able to developed with the help of the NEW ITEMS: Sizzling Salad
tributed to spreading peace. travel to other countries and Director of Communications, Ruby's Famous Pizza
She recalled the instrumental foster understanding and re- Dr. Melissa Gibson-Hancox, Tropical Island Oasis
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
role her grandparent's played in spect by teaching Polish culture It placed second out of all the Fruit Smoothies
working for Poland's interests and spending time learning entries from 15-29 year olds in
for peace in the Second World
Strawberry Hours of Operation:
other's beliefs. the entire world.
Wat l & l '-I Her availability as a conduit The added recognition from Banana Monday-Friday 8:00am-1:00 a.m.
Secondly, she wrote about for peace only became stronger the contest certainly encour- Pina Colada
childhood memories regarding while attending International aged Petruczynik to continue Saturday 1:00pm-1:00 a.m.
I her parents working to help
Potato Skins Sunday 5:00pm-1:00 a.m.
Youth Meetings in Germany, the tradition of peace her family
free Poland from the Marshall the Netherlands, Ireland and started for her. French Toast
State. fa t Poland The cash prize of $200 cer- 1/2 lb. Galley Burger
Essentially, their involvement The next country Petruczynik tainly did not act as a deterrent
with the groups opposing com- sought to influence and learn either.
munism in that time affected from was the United States. ' I t [the essay] definitely made
the supposed free elections in Luckily, the International me realize I had input and could OLD FAVORITES:
1990. § [ |
The last section of the essay
Baccalaureate "degree" also
created the opportunity for
make contributions to what's
going on," said Petruczynik.
Laker Express Grilled Chicken Salad
was dedicated to her own direct Petruczynik to apply to Mercy- "Taking part in this kind of NEW ITEMS: Turkey Bagels
effort to spread peace. hurst College. contest makes you think about Meals in a Minute S,Crispy Chicken Salad
Her involvement in the Inter- "Being in the US. has given your part in the world and Ham and Turkey Subs
national Baccalaureate Program me a chance at a better educa- how you can make it a better Macaroni and Cheese"
in Poland granted Petruczynik tion and a way to develop my place," I Stuffed Shells Chocolate Chip Cookies
access to several opportuni- interests and myself" she said. Petruczynik's essay can be • Chicken Parm
ties. \ Petruc2ynik,s essay was first accessed online at http://www. Hours of Operation:
In 2004 when Poland became composed in Polish, translated Penne Pasta w/ Alfredo Monday-Thursday 11:30-8:00 p.m.
part o£i;the European Union, to English and then further test/iwona.cfm. Sauce 11:30-3:30 p.m.
Board Equivalency Available Saturday & Sunday Closed
Come Indoor Rock Climbing!
Meeting January 19th
Subconnection Meatball Sub
At 8:15jin the bookstore | Baja Chicken
SIf you are interested and can't make the meeting, please email SATURDAY SPECIAL: BBQ Chicken Any foot long Sub just $3.25 Hours of Operation:
cash and campus card onlyl Monday-Friday 11:30-9:00 p.m. | add $1.00 for a combo! Saturday 1:00pm-9:00 p.m.
Sunday 5:00pm-9:00 p.m
* No experience necessary, only $14,
Transportation will be provided
PAGE 6 THE MERCIAD January 19,2005

OPINION To contact:

Campus Question
Getting it right Remember the days of Saturday
morning cartoons and after
this time around school TV traditions? What was
yourJuvorUeichildhood TV show?
An interim president is chosen And why ?
and communication on
campus takes a step forward The faculty put up with canceling classes for
By Josh West
short-notice meetings and was forced to act as
Contributing writer liaison between a demanding student body and a
seemingly absent administration. On the whole, "Cowboys of Moo Mesa"...because they
Dr. William Garvey is retiring and life goes on at they handled it well. .
•They are now saddled with trying to reinvent
were cows that rode on horses.
Mercyhurst College.
In the recent months we have observed scandal, the college in a way that makes them proud to
endured deception and benefited from a rare op- teach here.
portunity for our administration to demonstrate its The students are a different story. Graduates
abysmal crisis management skills. whose four- or five-year span happens to include
As far as the people that really matter in this 2004 need to leave on a better note. We've invested
community, we were able to go from "Garvey too much in our education to walk away with rolling
eyes and a shaking head. J u s t i n M a u t z , B u s i n e s s / M a r k e t i n g Senior
Past Questioned" to the selection of a new in-
terim president only a bit worse off than when Much of this mayfinallybe behind us, but what
we started. happens in the days ahead could prove to be truly
But let's face i t If you didn't spend the last significant This is particularly true in terms of
months feeling some combination of frustration, getting students moving through the school who
disappointment and anger, then you weren't paying may still be willing to stand proudly behind their
attention. There was an emotional burden to be diploma.
carried through the whole mess and it was carried Lucky for us, as far as reconstruction and reha-
bilitation are concerned, we might actually be in
"Kids Incorporated," because I always
by us all; some more than others.
* Most of us got ourfirsttaste of the personality of good shape. wanted to be like Jennifer Love Hewett.
the Board of Trustees. We put faces to names. Ed Palattella and the Erie Times-News showed I used to know all the songs and dance
We also got a taste of the priorities of the college rightful interest in our selection of an interim moves...
and the resolve of its leadership. Those elected to president Rather than ignoring his phone calls and I still know them to this day if you want to
represent the students and faculty were given their trashing his letters, Marlene Mosco sent a forceful
e-mail telling him to back off until a decision was see them.
chance to step up or cop out Leaders that could
have unreflectively walked away at the end of their made. Each of us received the CC. Palatella had his
term fell subject to intense scrutiny. Students that story within 24 hours, but not before due process
thought college was just about classes began to was complete and not before the information had
see Mercyhurst as not just an experience, but an reached the campus community — one small step Megan Ostromecki, Communications Sophmore
institution. for communication.
We learned something about the real world and For those idealistic enough to offer the college
about all the human imperfections and insecuri- a blank slate, the board is one-for-one in handling
ties that don't vanish into thin air upon arrival in a Mercyhurst without Garvey. For the more cynical,
leadership position. the board,finallypassing up an opportunity to goof
| ^ We saw a fallible hierarchy of real people. Some up is just too little, too late. 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"...Come on,
of them sat by Dr. Garvey on stage during the Regardless, in a more than timely manner we ' .j»April was hot!! Ok shutup, I know she was •BI>1
retirement address like young kids dressed in their have an interim president lined up to take the helm t»Va cartoon. Bottom line, Ninja turtles was *^S
in March. -
parents' clothes. awesome, Ralphael and Michaelongelo were
Not one among them appeared-to know exactly Michael McQuillen seems to be an ideal choice.
He has spent more than 30 years with the college my favorite. Not only did I watch the shows,
what to do or how to react, which made it inter-
and spent enough of that time in various adminis- I had the toys, and would dress up like a ninja
esting to see who would try and fake it and who
would manage to provide the students with candid trative positions to know how things work around turtle...Yeah, good times.
honesty, even if it wasn't the easiest way out. here, good and bad.
A drama that began with a book published under Dr. McQuillen has a life, including a wife, waiting
"fiction" unfolded to revolve more around miss- for him in Colorado, and there is no indication that
he is going to drag his feet as far as getting the job Eric Hollenbeck, Business/Marketing Senior
ing newspapers, patronizing public relations and
invisible leadership. done and moving on.
In the wake of the whole ordeal, it can become We need a qualified president with an expiration
tempting to write off the entire year as a hope- date and that is exactly what we are going to get
fully isolated embarrassment that will fade away One concern, though, given Mercyhurst's recent
with time. We are inclined to settle for putting it history of communication: Dr. McQuillen is away
behind us, regardless of any lack of satisfaction on sabbatical until March. Did anybody tell him
or closure. about this yet?
"Eureka's Castle" because they had a cool
theme song and the moon talked.

The Good,; the Bad, & the Ugly ©

The Good
Winter is always a joy in Erie, but thanks to the wonderful Police and Saftey and maintenance
staff, it hasn't been as painful as it could. Police and Saftey has been very responsive helping stu- Merissa Frank, C o m m u n i c a t i o n F r e s h m a n
dents jump their car batteries, and maintenance has done an excellent job keeping the sidewalks
shoveled. We all appreciate the extra effort.

Mercyhurst and the city of Erie held several events to honor Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday
A variety of activities were held, from a breakfast to a march downtown. It was refreshing to see
the community come together to honor such an important figure and his work.
Woah...I used to watch way too much TV when I was
The Bad a kid, so this is gonna be to ugh. Hmm let's see...
Pinwheel trippy clamation still fascinates me, "Scooby
The once-freeticketsfor therivalrymatch-up between Mercyhurst and Gannon basketball game Doo" (still a personal favorite) 'The Chan Clan" (kung
are now $3. This is disappointing, considering weVe never had to pay a dime before. The games fu Scooby Doo!), "Ghost Busters" (Awesome!) "You
between these two teams always produce a large turnout with faithful fans. These fans will prob- Can't Do That on Television" (Candian TV of
ably be willing to pay $3 to watch the game, but why should they have to? its finest) "Johney Quest"...WOW...I can keep going...
this is so sad,.
Several professors have been having computer trouble in Preston Hall, leaving them without
e-mail. This makes communication between professors and students difficult and makes it
impossible for a professor to send out an important memo to the entire class or post needed
information on Blackboard. Mike Wozniak, Graphic D e s i g n Senior

The Ugly
Two words: donkey basketball. Why, you ask, are these words even being mentioned together?
What could they possibly have in common? Well if you were in the RBC on Friday night you
already know die answer. In a SAC sponsored event, a basketball game was held where the players
were riding donkeys...that's right, real live donkeys. Not only is this absurd, it is also upsetting to
many animal lovers. While defenders of the activity insist that the donkeys are treated humanely,;
there is still something very disturbing about this, especially since they were hit with sticks in Smurfs, because the blue people are cool
order to make them run. Come on now people, can't we find a more normal and mature way to bunch. Papa Smurfknew what was up.
spend a Friday night?

Several cars were vandalized in a Mercyhurst parking lot last week when side mirrors were de-
tatched from vehicles. Not only will this incident result in expensive repairs, it also makes people
reluctant to park their car on campus or even have it here at all. ?It is sad when you reel uneasy
leaving your car in a parking lot on campus occupied by peers or visitors.*
Frank Pessia, Graphic Design Junior
January 19,2005

To contact OPINION

Students celebrate M L K day by attending! class
Many students had no time to attend events to honor Martin Luther King Jr\
The United States is a nation that campus. Although students would be excused from class, they are apparent disregard toward the importance of Martin Luther King
proclaims freedom and equality to still being penalized by missing lecture notes and other classroom Jr. day. *
all of its citizens and the rest of the work, falling behind their classmates. Rumors have beenflyingaround campus that a response from the
global community.
I, myself, had class at 9:50 and also at 12:50 on Monday and administration in regard to not canceling class was that the school
This country was home to some would have had to miss both my classes that day to attend the MLK is an "Irish Catholic College and doesn't give students off for St
of the greatest intellectual and social events.
th Patrick's Day." Although this statement is simply a piece of hearsay
leaders of the 20 century. With only 10 hectic weeks in each term, students try to miss class and gossip, students have perceived the college's actions and remarks
One of the most prominent, if only when they are sick and can't physically make it With students as disrespectful and insulting. u
not the best proponent of equal- coughing and sneezing all over campus, many of us don't want to Because Mercyhurst is a private and not a public institution, it is
ity and civil rights, was Dr. Martin miss any more class than we have to. up to the discretion of the administration to decide whether to give
Luther King Jr. If the administration notices a lack of turnout to some of the students off for Martin Luther King Jr. day.
The third Monday of January is the national day of recognition MLK events, it is not because students do not wish to participate; it When looking at the 10 weeks of class allotted each term, the col-
for this great humanitarian, and people across the nation take part is because they cannot afford to attend. | lege must carefully try tofitand arrange dates and events on campus
in events and celebrations to honor the memory of this magnificent If the college strongly encouraged students to go to and participate accordingly.
man. ^ in campus events (especially on Martin Luther King Jr. day), why Due to the inability and unwillingness to give students off for all
Throughout the week there are numerous events scheduled to com- didn't the administration cancel classes and give students a chance national holidays (such as Veterans Day and President's Day) the
memorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. both at Mercyhurst College to attend? administration may not wish to make distinctions between the im-
and throughout the city of Erie. * This thought has entered the minds of many students on campus portances of national holidays.
Unfortunately, many students found themselves unable to attend and has left people bewildered, outraged and frustrated. Maybe if the administration had made this point dear to the student
some of the events on Monday due to the fact that the college has Mercyhurst is a liberal arts college that values great intellectuals body, rather than allow the comment mentioned above to resonate
not given students a day off from classes. such as Dante, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Thomas Aquinas and across campus, there would be less confusion and misunderstanding
The college has encouraged all students to attend either some or all Mozart (the medallions along the wall of the library) and is dedicated between the students and the college.
of the events in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but did to espousing the same creativity, passion and perseverance exuded Although some of the events for this week are scheduled at night
not see the need to give students an opportunity to do so. by these men onto Mercyhurst students. so that students (who don't have night class!) can attend, many people
The college has stated that students who wished to attend the For a college that deems the ideals of these preeminent thinkers as still were unable to "participate in some or all" of the MLK events
Martin Luther King breakfast in the Mercy Heritage Room and join vital to the student body, Mercyhurst seems to contradict this objec- the college so earnestly advised.
in the Memorial March at Perry Square on Monday may, "be excused tive by dismissing the importance of one of the greatest intellectuals Apparently the expression "saying one thing and doing another"
from class but should get approval and make appropriate arrange- of the 20* century. \ seems to be an accurate description of many of the policies Mercy-
ments with their respective faculty." Although this inference might seem a bit extreme, many students hurst has embarked upon this year.
This statement seems easier said than done to many students on on campus are extremely upset and angered over the administration's

Madam Malarky asks A real royal mess

Will we ever learn?
Dear Madam Malarky, Knight Ridder Newspapers
Grail" was far more important, especially after
Sometimes I worry about the state of ibis generation. seeing it only 20 times before.
We've all been told thatpeople tend to mature duringThis col- is a classic example of a typical college
Harry Windsor, third in line to the British
lege, but it seems She we've gone in reverse. What[student is your A plea to an unforgiving teacher will not
throne, is how to put this with due charity?.,, a
opinion on this issue? solve this annoyance. Red Bull or any other highly royal nitwit!
! FromJf energizing drink is the only solution. Unless you're an extra on a World War II movie
Generation A key note to remember, if not anything else, is set, it is never right to wear a Nazi armband in
Backward that caffeine is the best friend anyone can have. public, as the prince did at a recent costume party.
Based on the circumstances above, I still believe He is presumably not a Nazi sympathizer and must
Ah, the re- that procrastination is the most learning experience have thought it merely amusing to sport Hitlerian
»*. Madam
suit of reflec- Malarky HHS W a > fcollege? can give. Where else could you learn to
tion on the fe jJtcram £r 10 fpage paper into 24 hours and not suffer ,artn to Prince tiarry. Unless you're Mel Brooks,
generation. It W j any long term il effects? Nazism is not a joking matter.
can truly bog- Finally, there is die issue of sleep. There is never Harry's only 20 years old, some defenders say,
gle the mind __ enough sleep. You ask someone how they are. and therefore prone to immaturity. Nice try, but
at times. The They always respond with tired. Even when there that won't do.
more you think about it, the more frightened you 1 is a chance to sleep, people never d a I know from Back in the 1940s, Englishmen younger than
shall become. Lack of common sense, motivation personal experience. Prince Harry werefightingand dying to save Great
and, most importantly, sleep, are some of the top It's a Saturday night You're exhausted. But do Britain from the swastika. They dtdtft sacrifice
problems this generation faces. you sleep? Of course not A party, movie, or theirfivesso that a prince of the realm could swan
i 'The lack/misuse of common sense is one issue homework keeps your attention span until 3a.m.. around as a swastika-clad Ufe-of-a-posh-party.
that may not be solvable. For example, people Sunday comes along, time to cram in homework Why should Americans care? They should care
scraping ice off cars in a summer t-shirt and ral- due Monday, resulting in you staying up til 2a.m.. because this shameful incident speaks to the im-
lying behind a lost cause then whining about it The cycle continues. Once again, the healthy ad- portance of keeping historical memory alive in a
afterwards is universal. diction to caffeine comes into play. culture.
Most terrifying of all is the lack of manners. To conclude this week's informative article, I An official at Israel's Holocaust memorial said,
A real life example of this is on a certain night not simply must state that maturity has no merit in "When a British prince wears the uniform of a Nazi
long ago, around 2:30a.m.: A kind student drove college. soldier at a party, it indicates that the lessons of the
around blasting his (I'm assuming it was a he) poor Relive your childhood, be a jerk, vote for your Holocaust have not really entered deeply within his Prince Harry, right, shown with brother Wil-
choice in music As the thugs drove down the street, favorite color political party, whatever. Have fun. understanding and consciousness" liam, is under public scrutiny after wearing
I woke up somewhat displeased at this situation. Support Starbucks. Most importantly, lose all the Exactly. a Nazi uniform to a costume party.
Common sense would have been to confront the sleep you can now. There won't be a chance to It is hard to imagine that any decent person,
person or reach into the car to turn off the engine later. having truly confronted the enormity and mean- historical weight and hateful resonance of these
and toss the keys into a bush. However, I ignored Since you will be awake, take the time to ask your ing of Nazi evil, would associate himself with it gestures or worse, that they know exactly what
it until the male student drove off to wake up other questions. Mmalarky04is usually available on AIM in any way. they're doing and don't care.
unsuspecting sleeping students. Wednesday to Friday, based on the school's capabil- fig More commonly, one sees kitschy expressions of This kind of thing is unacceptable, and not just
Who hasn't had an experience like that? Better ity of having a stable Internet When mmalarky04 the communist hammer-and-sickle in popular cul- because it gives offense to some.
yet, who is the perpetrator of this horribly callous is not online, use madam_malarky@hotmail. ture something unthinkable if people understood Philosopher George Santayana taught us the
crime? com. There are a zillion email addresses you can the blood-soaked cruelty of communism.
greater danger from losing our sense of outrage at
Motivation is a curse upon all people. A paper is use. Excuses from any student, including friends, ^ On a less grand scale, incidents in which public evil symbols like the swastika: 'Those who cannot
due next class and youVe only known about it for are not acceptable^ r figures such as Al Lipscomb casually invoke Hitler remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
a month. Logically, you have not started it at all. Using opinions to spread a greater good, or fraternity boys masquerade in blackface are a
Watching Monty Python's "Search for the Holy Madam Malarky sure sign that they either have no clue about the

Kelly Rose Duttine EdltoNn-Chlef editormerciad@mercyhurst edu
Jonelle Davis News Editor I
Jen Helblg Features Editor featuremerclad@merGyhurst. edu
Allison Moore Opinion Editor
Ryan Palm Sports Editor sportsmerclad@mercyhurst. edu
Meghan Sullivan A&E Editor j
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Kristen Plquette Advertising ManagerI
Sarah Dowden Copy Editor
Emily Crofoot Graduate Assistant ecrofo81 @mercyhurst edu

The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is

published throughout the school year, with the exception of midterms week
and finals week. Our office Is In the Hlrt Center, room L114. Our telephone
number Is 824-2376. f f |
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and
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for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Letters ere due the
Thursday before publication and may not be longer than 300 words. Submit
letters to box PH 485. W
PAGE 8 THE MERCIAD January 19,2005

ENTERTAINMENT To contact entertainmentmerciad@mercyhurst. edu

Third Erie Festival of Dance open Jan.

By Lana Rae Forgensi dancing will be featured Hip
Contributing writer hop is also a crowd favorite.
Trust me; it is better live than
JAN. 13-23. Ice show. onMTV. | I
Disney on Ice Presents The hustle and bustle in the There are jazz, modern and
Disney/Pixar's "Find- dance community of Erie is ballet pieces being presented that
ing Nemo," Gund Arena, coming to a peak as the Erie Fes- are worth showing off.
Cleveland. On sale now at rival of Dance is coming together Cultural dances from Latin
Ticketmaster. for its third production. America and the Philippines are
The festival will take the stage unique features of die show that
JAN. 21. Bo Diddley, on Saturday, Jan. 22 in our own add a special touch of culture to
Johnnie Johnson. House Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts the festival.
of Blues, Cleveland. Center. Also, the opportunity to watch
Erie local talent is lining up and the Cleveland Contemporary
JAN. 23. Gospel play. displaying their diverse artistic Dance Theater is right in our
u abilities, along with some of our backyard. I }.
Guilty Until Proven Inno-
' ••«•

cenr with K-Q and JoJo, classmates and the Cleveland As it snows and "Mercy World"
Malik Yoba, Shirley Mur- Contemporary Dance Theater. becomes increasingly confining,
dock, Latrice Pace, Derrick There are two performances it is time to look around to all that
Brinkley. Warner Theatre, scheduled. The matinee at '2 p.m. our campus has to o f fer.
Erie. $25.50, $22.50. On is a child ren's performance, while People are sinking deeper into
sale at Tullio Arena ticket the 7 p.m. performance features their day-to-day routine as the
office, Ticketmaster out- a multitude of styles. winter wears on.
Photographer Nannette Bedway
lets, by phone at 452-4857 The highlight of the festival The Erie Festival of Dance is
and 456-7070. ji £ : is the Cleveland Contemporary The Cleveland Contemporary Dance Theater will be performing at Erie Festival of Dance. a unique, cultural and fun event
Dance Theater. This added touch that will break up the monotony
JAN. 24. XYZ, Every of professionalism is a source of your schedule.
Mothers Nightmare, House of pride. and is swiftly drawing admiring company perform in our area. "River Dance" craze that swept Tickets are $10 and are avail-
of Blues, Cleveland. The company has been rising responses from their work. So why is this interesting to the nation a few years ago? able by calling the D'Angelo box
since its opening six years ago It truly is a gift to have this you? Do you remember the The same traditional Irish Folk office at 824-3000.
JAN. 25. Something Cor-
porate, Straylight Run.
House of Blues, Cleve-
land. 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' brings book to life
JAN. 26. Musical. "Con-
tact." An Erie Broadway
If you are looking for a film a about 'the happiest little elf turn back now...
Series presentation. War- By Meghan Sullivan ful ending
ner Theatre, Brie. $49.50, Arts & Entertainment editor The film lacks die underlying
$39.50, $29.50. On sale at darkness of Handler's book.
the Tullio Arena box office, More emphasis is put on the
Tickemaster outlets, by "Lemony SnicketV. A Series of artistry of the film than the das-
phone at 452-4857 or 456- Unfortunate Events" was based tardly fate of the Baudelaire's.
7070, and online at www. off the writings of author Daniel Visually, you are drawn into the Handler. story through the outstanding
j In this story the parents of the lighting, costumes and sets.
JAN. 26. Styx, Holly Wil- three Baudelaire children just The characters couldn't have
liams. House of Blues, died in a tragicfirethat destroyed been cast better. The always
Cleveland. their entire home. wonderful Meryl Strcep plays
The children are then shipped a starring role as die children's
JAN. 27. Tony Orlando. off to live with the unknown Aunt Josephine. The promising
Niagara Fallsview, Niagara Count Olaf. #' young Australian actress Emily
'Tails, Canada. On sale at After the police find the chil- Browning plays the quick-think-
$88> 836--8118« «jf$r .|^gv •" dren locked in Olaf's car un- ing inventor Violet, i Jude Law
supervised (where he was ac- was a nice choice for the narrator
JAN. 30. Yanni. HSBC tually trying to bring them to in this film.
Arena, Buffalo. On sale their untimely end), the children Of course, no one can over-
now at are taken away to their Uncle look die devilish performance
Monty's and then to their Aunt of Jim Carrey as the sinister
FEB. 5. Yanni. Mellon Josephine. Count Olaf.
Arena, Pittsburgh. Both of these relatives are I am always impressed by Jim
taken out of the picture through Carrey's versatility as an actor.
FEB. 9. Eric Bibb. A jazz the dirty doings of Count Olaf. He proved to us in "Eternal
vespers concert. Christ By sticking together the chil- Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
First United Methodist dren struggle to escape Olaf's that he could be completely bril-
Church, Jamestown, N.Y. evil clenches and solve the mys- liant while playing the dramatic
tery of the freak Baudelaire fire. role. ^
FEB. 12. Yanni. Gund Creating a screenplay for this In Lemony Snicket's: A Se-
Arena, Cleveland. deceivingly simple plot must ries of Unfortunate Events" he
have been quite a challenge for proves to us that he can bring
FEB. 14. Josh Groban. screenwriter Robert Gordon. almost any character to life.
Gund Arena, Cleveland Handler's stories are loaded If you are one of the many
aramont Pictures
with symbolism and hidden readers of the Lemony Snicket
FEB. 18. Frankie Valli and messages. "Lemony Snickefs A Series of Unfortunate Events" opened in theaters Dec. 18. series then this movie is sure
the Four Seasons. War- I think interpretations of his to bring the tragic tale of the
ner Theatre, Erie. $39.75, stories vary greatly between Baudelaire children to life.
$34.75. On sale at Tullio people. Gordon and director Brad Silber- ^Handler's story. except that the movie leaves the
Arena box office, Ticket- Keeping that in mind, I think ling very successfully portrayed They stayed true to the book, Baudelaires with an almost hope-
master outlets, by phone at
^452-4857 or 456-7070, and
online at www.ticketmaster,
pcom. Cameron resurrects Japanese 'Battle Angel'
FEB. 19. 70's Soul Jam
Review with Stylistics, Chi-
Lites, Manhattans, Harold
By Hanh Nguyen
Knight Ridder Newspaper
Jan. 28.
"In that society, it's a tech-
nological dark age following a
'It's a bit of a melange from
the first three books, which
Melvin's Blue Notes, Def- pinnacle of achievement far, far means that its pulls forward the
Ionics, Cuba Gooding Sr. "Titanic," "Terminator*' and beyond where we arerightnow. Motorball story into the Ido/
of Main Ingredient, Ted
Mills. Niagara Fallsview
"Dark Angel" producer James
Cameron is bringing another
So now you have a cyborg
technology which is just a way of
Alita/Hugo story if you will,"
he says.
January Special
Casino, Niagara Falls, Ont. angel to life. life, and people are augmented a "It's going to be live action and
On sale at (888) 836-8118. The Oscar-winning filmmaker lot," continues Cameron. "The CG mixed... meaning we'll build Tall Mint Hot Chocolate $1.50
will adapt the Japanese manga main character... has an organic sets, we'll shoot with actors and Peanut Butter Cookies $.65
FEB. 22. Motley C r u e l "Battle Angel" for the big screen human brain and she looks like we'll have CG characters. Alita
Gund Arena, Cleveland. using the same digital 3-D film she's about 14 years old. She has will be CG, Shell be performed
technology he utilized for his a completely artificial body and by an actress, but what you see
FEB. 24-APRIL 3. Mu- underwater documentary "Aliens she's lost her memory." in thefilmwill be CG." |
sical. "The Lion King) >j
of the Deep." Because of her amnesia, Alita Kiwi director Peter Jackson g FACULTY SPECIAL:
Shea's Theater, Buffalo. Based on the popular graphic is like a newborn soul in this uses a similar technique with
novel by Yukito Kishiro, "Battle harsh and baffling world. actor Andy Serkis providing the 1/2 OFF SPECIALTY DRINKS
FEB. 24. Morbid Angel, Angel" is set in the distant post- The stories revolve around performance for the CG-ani-
apocalyptic future where people Alita falling in love with Hugo, mated Gollum in the "Lord of
reside in the Utopian floating city a young street urchin intent on the Rings" films.
FEB. 25. Wilco. House of
Bines, Cleveland. of Tiphares or in the earth bound earning enough money to live Although no actors have been HOURS LOCATION
city of Scrapyard below, where in Tiphares; participating in the signed to the project yet, Cam-

FEB. 25. Aaron Carter. cybcr-surgeon Daisuke Ido digs combat-like game Motorball; and eron says that he wants to cast Sun.-Thurs. Evenings: Main Floor
up a 300-year-old human head. practicing 'Tanzer Kunst," a long "very recognizable names." 6:00 -12:00 a.m.
Warner Theatre, Erie.
From the head, he creates a lostfightingtechnique. Fans of "Battle Angel" eager
$27.50. On sale now at Hammermill Library
Tullio Arena box office, young cyborg whom he names Despite the violence inherent to see Alita resurrected will have
in the project, Cameron says to be patient, though. Mon.-Fri. Mornings:
Ticketmaster outlets, by Alita.
It's a father/daughter relation- he's aiming for a PG-13 rating, "We're going to make Battle 8:00 -12:00 p.m.
phone at 452-4857 or 456-
7070, online at www.ticket- ship story that has just the most explaining, "(There will be) a lot Angel' over the next couple of
insane action that you can pretty of blood, but it's all blue." years and release it in *07," says
much imagine/' says Cameron at Because of the broad scope of Cameron, adding, "By early sum*
FEB. 26. Clarks. Odeon, a press junket in Santa Monica, the stories and futuristic action, mer of 07 we expect to have
Calif^for "Aliens of the Deep," Cameron will have a challenge somewhere around a thousand
which opens in IMAX theaters bringing the beloved comic to digital 3-D theaters/**
January 19, 2005


A n i D i F r a n c o has^ c o m p a n y o n h e r n e w a l b u m
K n u c k l e D o w n ' i s D i F r o n c o ' s first s t e p o u t of h e r m u s i c a l s o l i t u d e a s a s o l o a r t i s t
Singer/so ng^riter/guitaris t where, how, and when of the ples, chamberlin), Jay Bellerose
Ani DiFranco is about to release record. I knew I wanted to have (drums and percussion), and Niki
a new album. • string accompaniment on this Haris (voice).
It's called "Knuckle Down," record -1 thought I'd get string- The music Ani has created with
and it's due in stores Jan. 25, y with it rather than get horn-y their help is as stunning as ever,
2004. • with it like I have in the past - use from such poignant yet instantly
' Now, if you've followed Ani's those kinds of colors/' irresistible tunes as "Studying
career for a while, that may not On her last album, "Educated Stones" and "Recoil" to the spo-
sound like new; after all, she's Guess" (2004), DiFranco per- ken-word piece "Parameters/* a
been putting out at least one CD formed completely solo, playing harrowing account of a woman
a year since 1990. <* all the instruments, recording the finding an uninvited stranger in
But mistime - for the first time tracks in her own home, and even her bedroom one night
in her career - she has invited a engineering the disc herself. On "Paradigm," Ani recalls
fellow musician to co-produce This time around, while a few helping her mother's efforts to
the new record with her. songs are still primarily one- grassroots activism, when she
• That honor goes to Joe Henry, person affairs, she's also joined was "just a girl in a room full
an acclaimed performer and by more than half a dozen of women/licking stamps and
songwriter with nine highly re- guest musicians throughout the laughing," an image that becomes
garded solo discs to his name. album. a perfect symbol of "the feel-
"I invited him out to share Many of their names will be ing of community brewing/of
the stage, and we just struck up recognizable to people who have democracy happening."
a .friendship and started talking followed Ani's recent career: Through 12 new songs as in-
about*-making records -- which current stage partner Toff Sicka- tricately crafted as short stories,
both of us do, serially [laughs] foose (on bass), former band Ani DiFranco creates an unfor-
- and really hit it off. We had a member Julie Wolf (melodica), gettable musical self portrait of
real lively creative dialogue going, occasional openers Tony Scherr a woman coming to grips with
so I took that as my cue to step (electric guitar), and Noe Venable love's twists and turns, confront-
Photo courtesy of Righteous Babe Records
out of my solitude and work with (voice), as well as Righteous Babe ing the legacy of her family,
a co-producer for the first time Aril DiFranco releases "Knuckles Down" on Jan. 25. recording artist Andrew Bird and learning to live on her own
-invite collaboration back into (violin, glockenspiel, whistling). terms. ?
my life," Ani sayi -> , Less familar to fans but equally
A n o t h e r majof change: Ani their role in the future album "This time, I had not only a for: the group of musicians that notable are the contributing Information provided by Righteous
composed new songs with in mind. deadline, but a context to write I was gonna work with, and the of Patrick Warren (piano, sma- babe Records.

'Photography of the Figure' opens Jan. 20

By Katie Goodwin
Contributing writer
metal penetrates the image from
underneath and becomes part of
Holga medium format camera,
altering the negatives and creat-
events that flower only once,
acquire a transitory existence
This week in reality...
the image. ing assemblages. that never repeats." The work
Time is inherent in the decay Works from their "Slumber- is full of self-awareness and By Pamela Sitt
Photography of the Figure, 0 of the material changes with land" series were previously fea- realization. His beings beg us to Knight Ridder Newspaper
an exhibit featuring the work of time and challenges the sense tured at the Photomedia Center stop merely surviving and "begin
four art photographers, will opeh of permanence conventionally last year, and several pieces from life, leaving behind the fear that
at The Cummings Gallery in the associated with photographic lt are presented in this current paralyzes us-"
prints. exhibition, including "The Son," f$ Coordinators for the exhibit I think we can all agree that the true stars of "American Idol" are
Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts
a recent addition to "Slumber- are the Cummings Gallery di- not the Fantasias and the Clays but the so-adorably-clueless souls
Center on Thursday, Jan. 20. Female nudes are the main sub-
land," which has not previously rector Gary Cardot Cardot is who warble and screech their way through painful auditions. (But
- This exhibition is open and ject matter, providing a ground
been exhibited elsewhere. also the Assistant Director of that doesn't mean I want to buy your album, William Hung)
free to the public and will be fol- literally and symbolically, as a
Art at Mercyhurst College. Eric The gi-normously popular talent search returned to FOX at
lowed by a redfeption at 7-p.rttt catalyst to analyze the transient Javier Lopez Rotella is an
Grignol is the other coordina- Tuesday night and, in the spirit of reality tele\dsion, has undergone |
=^I^H^bfc^ n&g§£ ofvb^ty,-eGh*ing the Argentinean photographer. His|
tor who is also the founder and a bit of an extreme makeover. Among the nips and tucks: Hie
'thi wbrit of jJfli-KsRf Hfyftatfb, imper man en'ce Implied in the sepia toned photographs show
executive director of photo- number of audition episodes has been upped to 10; and the 12
Javier Lopez-Rotella, Jeff Lou- material. groupings of figures in various
mediacenter,org; an Erie based finalists will be chosen from two groups of all-male and ail-fe-
viere and Vanessa Brown who The process, however, is sug- stages of interaction, oftentimes
male semifinalists. During the semifinals, Fox will air three weeks
are all photography artists from gested decay, as the image is pre- combined with layers of hand- online gallery.
of a special three-day schedule, with auditions on Mondays and
various locations in the country served by layers of polyurethane. writing and applied sketches or Photomedia Center will pre-
view select works from the show Tuesdays boys one day, girls another followed by voting results
and all of whom have impressed "Some people think the rust line work.
online at www.photomediacen- on Wednesdays. It's a lot of singing.
audiences with their talented of the metal would constantly The photographs are adhered
In other high-profile reality news, CBS has announced the cast
eyes for a photograph. • progress, eat up the image and to canvas and textured with during the months of
January and February. of "Survivor: Palau," premiering Feb. 17 on CBS. The 10th edi-
This exhibition will put em- eventually destroy it," Hayakawa paint and additional materials.
Its mission is to support artists tion of "Survivor" will feature 20 castaways, up from the 16 to
phasize the different aspects of explains, "but actually, it is pretty The works in this exhibit come
working in the photographic 18 of past seasons.
the human and is aptly entitled stable," which certainly gives a from his Enclosed Beings series,
arts, through exhibition oppor- And, finally, congrats to Ryan Benson, 36, who lost 122 pounds
Photography of the Figure." sigh of relief to collectors of which examines humans who live
tunities, grant resources, project to become "The Biggest Loser" on the first season of NBC's
-. -Hiroshi Hayakawa's wofck ad- his work. on the "limits of uncertainty,
coordination and creative col- new reality hit His pockets are now fatter with the $250,000
dresses the transformation of Jeff Louviere and Vanessa defined by the social order and
laborations prize. Although he could Ve won $1 million if he'd just gone on
the physical and conceptual Brown have been collaborating the assumptions that are the
hjThe exhibits will continue "Survivor," which is like the best diet ever.
properties of the photographic on photographic images and foundation of this order,"
through Thursday, Feb. 17. The ^NANNY911'^ m
medium by means of time. movies since they first met in Lopez-Rotella explains, "Here,
Cummings Art Gallery is open When Nanny Deb said, "I'm afraid I have no choice but to
i Hayakawa's images are printed the mid-90s. the image gives us a limited re-
daily from 2 to 5 p.m., excluding turn this household upside-down," I started thinking about Mrs.
on oxidized sheet metal by the $ Under the moniker Louviere port on pure beings who suffer
Mondays, and also opens Thurs- Piggte-Wiggle and how she actually lived in an upside-down
application of liquid photo and Brown they have created anguish and pain of the worst of
day evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. house. And then when Nanny Deb pulled out a power drill, for a
emulsion onto the surface. moody, atmospheric visuals with modernity: the emptiness."
minute I thought she was going to literally turn the house upside-
In this process, the rust on the various equipment, including the He records "extraordinary
down, but she didn't (9 p.m. Wednesdays, FOX)
Why don't movie fans remember the ladies? 'What are those things called?" "Thighs." You have to forgive
the man; he's the head of a modeling agency so of course hell
never seen thighs be fore. Elsewhere, when the LA, Clippers9
ite movie star?' and to erts as romantic heroine, Depp as Incredibles," "Shark Tale" and
By CStfrfe Rfckfey #"*••- "The Polar Express"); four were Spirit Dance Team (seriously, that's what they're called) was
name one, Krane says. (Harris eccentric outsider, and Wayne as
Knight Riddcr Newspaper plot- rather than personality- teaching the model wannabes some moves, I really wanted them
polled 1,015 people last month man of the West.
driven sequels ("Spider-Man 2," to break out in a dance-off models vs. dancers! a la "West Side
over the Internet.) In the David Letterman era,
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner Story." (8 p.m. Wednesdays, NBQ T§|r J
\ yet given that "on screen where the top 10 lists are more
of Azkaban," "The Bourne Su- *HIGH SCHOOL REUNION'
if Tom Hanks and Johnny Depp 77 percent of clearly identifi- a source of entertainment than
premacy," "Meet the Fockers"); Did anyone else have a "Bachelor" flashback when Gianni
burned bright, Tom Cruise fiz- able protagonists are male and social significance, does it really
and the other two ("The Passion pulled out a plane ticket and presented it to Loretta? (Cue mu-
zled, and Julia Roberts remained 16 percent female/' according matter that American moviego-
of the Christ" and "The Day sic: "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie / That's
the lone female* shining at the to communications professor ers (Harris) and theater owners amore...i€) And by the way, I really didn't need to see Jaime "The
Martha Lauzen of San Diego (Quigley) are more loyal to cer- After Tomorrow") were likewise
,top of Hollywood's firmament, Obsessed Ex" shaving "The Meathead" Brian's back. (9 p.m.
State University,.Another vari- tain stars? story-driven. (Only Hanks, who
according to the 2004 Harris Tuesdays,WB) r^~ '^& — - — - jffi*?
able is that female respondents "If you're at the top of the topped the Harris and Quigley
Poll of America's top 10 favorite THE BACHELORETTE'
may be more likely to name an Harris or Quigley Poll, it doesn't polls, appeared in a top 10 movie,
screen stars. Roberts, likewise, is Besides the fact that Stu is clearly a stalker, Jen should be highly
actor thanvice^versaT-Hanks was hurt your career/' says Paul as an animated character in "The
the only gal to -make- the 2004 suspicious of any guy who says he watches "The Bachelor" "re-
number one among men and Dergarabedian of Exhibitor Polar Express," though Gibson
Quigley Poll 6i top 10 Holly- ligiously" Also, I miss Chris from Kentucky already. Sure, he's a
Relations. directed "The Passion.")
wood box office champs. women answering the Harris
Are actresses not on these A- drunk, but what's not to like about a guy who takes English lessons
* Why is Roberts the only woman Poll; Roberts was number two Hollywood executives do not
lists in greater numbers because from Nelly: "I like your hurr (hair)." (9 p.m. Mondays, ABC)
in these Hollywood men's clubs? among women. want to answer questions about
A simple explanation is that on Top ten lists haven't always popularity polls, not publicly any- audiences aren't queuing up to I'WIFE SWAP' I I
see them? Or are audiences not I can't decide what about this episode was more disturbing; the
screen, women a$e few heroes been so male. According to the way. "It smacks of high school/'
queuing up to see them because fact that Mom No. 1 's three daughters arc lazy, foul-mouthed girls
^outnumber heroines nearly 5-1. 1980 Quigley Poll, asking theater says one who did not want to be
they're not on screen? who all dropped out of school, or that Dad No. 2 has instituted
,.,."As pollsters we're curious as owners who led the box office, identified, while another says cat-
1 a three-tier sponge system in his kitchen. "I caught her with the
to why the list skews male," says four of the 10 stars were women: egorically, "Polls don't count" *?] Last year, admittedly, two of
sponge we use for the floor, up on the countertops," he says of
David .Krane; editor of the Har- Sally Field, Jane Fonda, Sissy Others will allow anony- the most memorable women in
his new wife, "so I had to straighten them out" Yikes. (10 p.m,
ps Poll. "ltVa puzzle. The short Spacek and Darbra Streisand. mously, of course that polling Hollywood blockbusters were
answer is, that we can't think of
• * • - Wednesdays, ABC) | }
Last year when Quigley polled, data "can be a variable" in the animated: Elastigirl (voice of THE AMAZING RACE 6' J
: Increasingly, the star who brands complex algebra of calculating Holly Hunter) in "The Incredi
#ne." $>' } Adam, maybe the reason Rebecca treats you like a child is that
P. The long answer is thai the himself is the one remembered an actor's box office potential bles" and Fiona (voice of Cam- you're the biggest mama's boy I've ever seen. (9 p.m. Tuesdays,
by poll respondents. Harris' list and salary. eron Diaz) in 9Shrek 2."
Harris list favors.the,stars of
of Hollywood favorites heavily To Hollywood executives, a
CBS) Jg~ 5; \
"blockbusters. And, like the re- This may in part explain why T H E REAL WORLD'
mote control, the Hollywood skews toward those who made star's box office is the most im actresses don't immediately come l b be honest, I never knew scabies were real. I thought they were
blockbuster tends to be male- their reputation in franchises. portant predictor of bankability. to mind when pollsters come like "cooties." Anyway, the only thing worse than getting scabies,
driven. I Gibson gained global fame So it's interesting that stars were calling.
rt probably, is getting them on national television. No wonder Mel
i In the 11 years of polling, only as Mad Max, Ford as Indiana almost superfluous in the top But that won't stop those of us hates everyone. (10 p.m. Tuesdays, MTV)
Roberts, who has made the list Jones, Eastwood as Dirty Harry, 2004 box office movies, who believe in equal opportunity
five times, and Sandra Bullock Connery as James Bond. Early Four of the box office leaders from hoping to see the diversity
(twice) have cracked the top 10. in their careers, Hanks branded were animated or computer- of American life on the screen
himself as romantic hero, Rob- generated ("Shrek 2 / ' '(The and in these polls.
PAGE 10 THE MERCIAD January 19,2005

To contact:

field goals in the final two min- at the half. |

By Jim Salisbury
utes of regulation. Tongue's touchdown, which
Knight Bidder Newspapers came with 3:52 left in the third
He could have put the Jets
ahead with a 47-yarder with 1 quarter, enabled the Jets to take a
The feeling in the Pittsburgh minute, 58 seconds left, but that 17-10 lead, throwing a scare into
Steelers' locker room after Sat- boot clanged off the crossbar. the Steelers and the towel-waving
urday night's 20-17 overtime Pittsburgh's Ben Roethlisberg- crowd of 64,915.
divisional playoff victory against er, who on this day was simply Were the Steelers feeling a little
the New York Jets was one more a rookie quarterback and not a lucky?
of survival than triumph. rookie phenom, threw his second Roethlisberger survived a shaky
It looked especially bad for the interception of the game on the performance to remain unbeaten
Steelers with four seconds left in Steelers' first play from scrim- in 14 games as a starter.
regulation. mage after that miss. He completed 17 of 30 passes
With the scoretiedat 17-17, the The Jets then worked the ball for 171 yards. Three of his
Jets' Doug Brien lined up for a into field-goal range, where completions came on the Steel-
43-yard field goal attempt Brien got his second chance to ers' winning drive.
In the stands at Heinz Field and be a hero. Despite two earlier intercep-
in the hearts of Steelers players He would have to settle for tions, he stayed composed and
one simple refrain played. being a goat delivered when he had to.
"Miss it, miss it, miss it," cor- "I thought thefirstone was in," "This isn't the first time he's
nerback Willie Williams said. Brien said. 'The second one, I been in a situation where he's
Brien secured his place in New tried to hit it too hard. I just feel been picked off," Faneca said.
York sports infamy by doing just bad for the team." "But he's always come back from
that One play before the kick, Jets' it, and he continued it today."?
His kick, which was into a slight coach Herman Edwards had "The one thing I like about
breeze, sailed wide left quarterback Chad Pennington (Roethlisberger) is he's unflap-
The game went into overtime, take a knee on third and 8 from pable," Steelers coach Bill Cow-
and the Steelers, lucky to be alive, the 23. Jp her said.
really, executed a 72-yard drive "We thought we could kick a The defeat was excruciating
and won on Jeff Reed's 33-yard field goal," said Edwards, giving for the Jets, who had lost to the
field goal.;;. a short answer to explain his Steelers by 17-6 on Dec 12.
The Steelers, winners of 15 in a strategy. X *• They believed they could have
row, will host the winner of Sun- Jerome Bettis, who pounded won that game, and some of their
day's Indianapolis-New England out 101 yards on 27 carries, players had openly wished for
game for the AFC championship fumbled deep in Jets territory this rematch.
a week from Sunday. early in the fourth quarter. "The opportunity was there
Sometime before that game, Earlier in the game, the Steel- and it slipped away," Moss said.
KRT Photo they should send Brien a thank- ers' special-teamers were vic- "We gave them all we had and
Jets kicker Doug Brien attempts a 43-yard field goal which he would miss giving the you note because he saved their timized for a touchdown on a some more, but we still came up
Steelers a 20-17 victory over the Jets on Jan. 15 at Heinz Field In Pittsburgh. season. 75-yard punt return by Santana a little short"
Brien actually missed a pair of Moss. That made it a 10-10 game

First NFL game quite the experience

MATH By Matt Jackson
at them in return.
The hostility was turned up a
I'm not going to complain,
though, because it provided us
year-old female was announced
as representing the Baltimore
Contributing writer COMMENTARY notch when we arrived in the with the best view to see the Ravens and was greeted with an
LAB I ventured to Pittsburgh this vulgar, insensitive, or arrogant,
parking lot which makes sense
due to the pre-game equation-
hostility rise to its highest level:
actual fights. - ^
eruption of boos, possibly one
of my proudest moments as a
weekend to see the Steelers battle sometimes even all three, but you — big game + 65,000 fans = Everything was smooth when Steeler fan to date.
the Jets in the first NFL game 1 know there is still worse to come tailgating. the Steelers jumped out to a The Steelers were down 17-10
have ever attended. the closer you get to the end of One of the main components quick 10-0 lead. late in the game when I heard
One thing immediately stuck the season. in tailgating, possibly even more It wasn't until the men in green the first possible death threat of
out to me, and it began as early It began innocently the first important than the food, is large scored 10 unanswered before the night
Located in the as the walk to the stadium. few blocks. Just a few glares or amounts of alcohol. the half that things got out of "I'm going to run you off the
LIBRARY No, it wasn't the numerous
street vendors selling shirts with
"Here we go Steelers" directed at
those brave enough to wear a Jets
Put all that together and you
have a lot of drunk, loyal, drunk,
My friend Andy pointed to a
road on the way outta here,"
yelled a very intoxicated Steeler
304 A & B clever and/or insulting sayings jersey to a town that has erupted do-anything-to-defend-their- section of seats where it appeared fan to an even more intoxicated
on them such as El Yeah) and into a football frenzy since re- team fans. a small melee was ensuing. group of Jets fans.
New York Sucks. ceiving their savior in the form Some of these people were Apparently some Steeler fans In the end, the Steelers pulled
It wasn't even the fact that one of a 6'4" 240-pound QB. ready to erupt at the first sight did not feel all that privileged to out the 20-17 O.T. victory, which
of the individuals in my group Then, about halfway to the sta- of green. be sitting next to a man in a Chad was probably the best result as far
was wealing a Kordell Stewart dium the inevitable happened. I was waiting any moment for Pennington jersey, and it resulted as the safety of the New York
jersey, although, honesdy, who A group of Jets fans mustered an innocent little kid wearing in just that one fan being escorted fens was concerned.
OPEN: does that? up the courage to go into the
famous " J E T S Jets Jets Jets"
their favorite Teenage Mutant away from the stadium.
Halftime turned oui to be
Instead of physical altercations
SUNDAYS What I did notice was the hos- Ninja Turtles shirt to get booted the Jets fans were greeted with a
tility, and there was plenty of it chants in front of a large Steeler 40 yards down the street by far my favorite moment of 400-pound shirtless man, holding
THROUGH What was interesting was that fan contingent Of course, if this would have hostility all night and it, oddly a traditional acronym style sign,
THURSDAYS the degree of hostility got worse * That is just something you happened, Doug Brien would enough, had nothing to do with Just End Their Season. ^
each block we got closer to the don't do unless you're prepared have been immediately dismissed the Jets. With New England coming to
stadium. to take a John Lynch type hit to as a possible suspect. The finals of the youth Punt town next Sunday, more of the
It was sort of like seeing a the head. S| Wefinallygot into the stadium Pass and Kick competition was same can probably be expected.
Randy Moss incident early on in These particular Steelers fans and began the long journey to held down on thefieldwith each But until then, you know the
the season. were somewhat mild mannered our seats, end zone section row contestant wearing the jersey of drill.
The incident, whichever one possibly even sober, although LL, also known as the very top their favorite team. Here we go Steelers, here we
CALL it may be at the time, is usually highly doubtful, and only swore of the stadium. Avery courageous young-nine- gol

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January 19,2005

To contact: sportsmerciad@mercyhurst. ed

Volleyball takes two from Clarke

By Matt Jackson with the win regardless of the both matches against Clarke.
Contributing writer opponent Seniors Austin Siewart and Dave
"A victory is a victory," said SchmidI both recorded 11 lolls
Telaak, "but we're not taking in the first match, while junior
The Mercyhurst men's volley- anything for granted. We have a | Justin Waas chipped in with 10
ball team jumped off to a quick few upcoming matches that will in the second match.
start in the 2005 season by win- tell us more on what we have to Junior Dan Kick added 63 as-
ning a pair of contests against work on with our opponents." sists in the contests.
MIVA opponent Clarke.* Telaak led the MIVA in digs per The Lakers will get a better
Starting out 2-0 is great for any game last season and was sixth chance to prove themselves in a
team, but not too much can be nationally in the category. home game against MIVA rival
judged from the start quite yet He obviously hopes for the Findlay on Friday, Jan. 21.
Clarke finished last year 0-16 same success this season but Findlay joined the conference
in MIVA competition and won more importantly wants success in the 2001 season and has yet to
only four MIVA matches in the as a team. achieve a winning record, but will
past six seasons. "Personal goals; will come at least provide the Lakers with
What can be taken from the with the team's success. Getting more of a test than their previous
victories, however, is the domi- recognition as a freshman last opponent.
nant fashion in which the Lakers year was a good time, but this "From what I've heard in
performed. year we're all hoping to take it the past, Findlay is one of our
Clarke could not even manage to the next level with wins," said biggest rivals, partially because
to chalk up a victory in even one Telaak we have been so close to them
game as the Lakers took it to Junior Nate Keegan, who sat every year in the standings," said
them 3-0 in both matches. out much of last season with an Telaak.
Sophomore libero Dennis Te- injury, provided a spark offen- "This year with the offseason
laak, who tallied double digits in sively for the Lakers. work and the tough preseason we Katie McAdams/Photo editor
digs in both matches, was happy Keegan recorded 10 kills in put in, I think we have separated Senior Dave SchmidIrecorded17 kills during the weekend series against Clarke.

Men hoop split pair in Michigan The outburst started in a 63-60 It will be interesting to see how
By Matt Jackson <* loss to Saginaw Valley State on the Lakers come out in the first
Contributing writer Jan. 6 when Ali scored 27 points half .of the game against Grand
t T -

on nine of 17 shooting. Valley State, coming off a last

Coach Gary MancheTs Mercy- He was cooled down a bit in second 67-66 loss at the hands m p ^ p JL
hurst Laker basketball team may 66-59 victory over Lake Superior of Michigan Tech.
be young and may be in second State before scoring 27 in con- The Lakers led by two with
to last in the GLIAC South Di- secutive games against Northern just 28 seconds to play before
vision, but Manchel does have a
senior guard that is not about to
lie down for his opponents.
Michigan and Michigan Tech.
It is not necessarily the fact that
Ali has taken more shots that
Michigan Tech's Daniel Buuetner
nailed a jump shot to tie it and
dropped in one from the charity
Jawad All has made his pres- has increased his scoring, but stripe to complete the three point
ence felt offensively in the past more noticeable is the amount play and win the game.
four games, which has resulted of three-pointers he has at- 'That was definitely a tough
in a GLIAC South Player of the tempted. loss, but Fm very proud of the
Week honor, despite playing in a He has taken 23 three-pointers guys. Bottom line is their star
system that relies on defense. in the four games, making 11 of player made a great play that won
All averaged 23.8, points per them for an impressive 48 per- the game/' said Manchel.
game in the Lakers recent 2-2 cent clip from behind the arc While Manchel is proud of
stretch, with the•.g^escoming Ali will have a chance to keep, hi* players, he if^stilLfer.fro^,
against four GLIAC opponents his hot hand going with three content with the result.
from Michigan,. games in a five-day span with "Fm never happy with a loss,
Ali averaged just 10.9 points home games against Grand Val- Fm not big on moral victories,"
per game in the first 13 games ley State and Ferris State and an he said.
of the season. away game just down State Street The Lakers did avenge a loss File Photo
Manchel isn't at all surprised at the Hammermill Athletic Cen- from last season in the game Junior Jeff Dalsley (42) has seen Increased playing time as of late for the Lakers.
about the outstanding play from ter against the Gannon Golden prior to Michigan Tech when
one of his few veteran players. Knights. Ali's 27 point charge led his time, but it is going to be hard overall and 5-2 in the GLIAC the window when these two
"He is a solid player who works "We're always looking to im- team to a 73*62 win at Northern for the players not to look ahead while Mercyhurst is just 8-9 and teams get together, and the Lak-
hard," said Manchel "He has just prove," said Manchel, "and we Michigan on Jan. 13., on the schedule to the Jan. 24 2-5. p | i # ers' victory last season was cer-
been taking more shots lately and go into every game expecting Coach Manchel noted that he contest againstrivalGannon. Both teams know, however, tainly notforgottenby those who
that's made the difference/ 9
to win. »
wants to take it one game at a The Golden Knights are 11-5 that all records and stats go out witnessed die loss first hand. -:

Women's hockey wins two Tidbits of news from the

on the road against Wayne St. world of sports atlthe Hurst
Marty Schaetzle until the end of
By Eric Meacham By Ryan Palm the academic year in 2007.
Contributing writer Sports editor COMMENTARY • Senior Desi Clark from the
women's hockey team has tied
The women's hockey team • This week saw the Great win over Northern Michigan, as former men's netminder Gary
took to the road after a home Lakes Intercollegiate Conference she converted four free-throws Bowles with 56 wins for tops on
weekend which was somewhat honor a pair of Laker hoopsters, in the final minute of play to the all-time list at Mercyhurst
of a disappointment as members of both the men's preserve victory. Clark can break the 13 year-old
The No. 7 Lakers fell two and women's basketball team • Director of Athletics Pete record this weekend as the Lakers
spots after a split last weekend, received Player of the Week Russo announced Monday that host Boston College for a pair of
losing a heartbreaker to the visit- honors for the South part of the the college is extending the games this weekend.
ing Providence Friars. conference. contract of head football coach
Mercyhurst headed to Detroit Senior Jawad Ali received the
to take on the Wayne State War- Senior Desi Clark honor due to his brilliant play
Freshman Laura Hosier while up in Michigan, Ali had
riors, a team which the Lakers
have had DO problems with, tallied the eventual game win- Jones extended the lead to 3- the hot hand, as he averaged 27
points, shooting a a scorching 70
Coming into the weekend, ner midway through the third
Mercyhurst had an untarnished period, with assists going to
1 when she scored her second
goal of the weekend and sixth percent clip and making nine of
14 from downtown.
record, winning all 20 meetings senior Teresa Marchese and of the year, with assists going to
between the two teams. sophomore Stefanie Bourbeau. Marchese and Bourbeau. ^For the women, junior Cassie Have "Stuff to Sell?
And nothing changed after Freshman Laura Hosier, who Colizza closed out the scoring Seth received the honor, as she
this weekend, except the Lakers made her fourth start of the sea- short handed midway through averaged 16 points in Michigan,
made it 22 straight against the son, kept her unbeaten record the third frame with assists to go along with five rebounds,
three steals and three assists. Advertise i n I lie
Warriors, including 12 wins in stopping 10 of 11 shots that coming from Marchese and
went her way. Pendleton. She also was clutch in the 80-75 Classified section of the
"These were two very spirited On Sunday, Mercyhurst left Senior Desi Clark gained the Merciad.
conference games," noted head no question with the outcome, win for the leakers, giving her
coach Michael Sfsj^'fhe War jumping on the Warriors to the 56 wins for her career, tying her
riors are much improved and win 4-1. $, for first place with Mercyhurst STSTRAVEL.COM $1.00 per One
we had to battle for everything The teams played to a score- Hall of Fame goaltender Gary Sell your:
we got" J lessfirstperiod and a half before Bowles, who played for the
men's team from 1987-1991,§| Books
On Saturday, Wayne State did Marchese scored her tenth goal
give the Lakers a little scare with of the season on the power play, Mercyhurst moves to 13-5-2 Computer
Mercyhurst scoring a late goal to with assists going to Bourbeau and 5-0-1 in conference *C
gain the 2-1 win. and Bonello, They stand at the top the con-
Sophomore defenseman Mi- Mercyhurst added a second ference, which they have won
in each of the past two seasons,
chelle Bonello put the Lakers on goal just before the end of the Self trips, lorn Cash, Go Free!
second period when sophomore when they also claimed the post- Now Hiring On-campus Reps
the board in thefirstperiod with
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son on the power play, this weekend for a two game
Wayne State answered with d
Wayne State cut the lead in non-conference scries with
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PAGE 12 THEMERCIAD January 19,2005

To contact

L a k e r s b o u n c e b a c k after losing in heartbreaker to Holy Cross 5-4
the third period, answering with
By Eric Meacham two goals of their own to tie the
Contributing writer game 3-3.
Wrigley put die Lakers in front
Coming off a lackluster per- for the last time with his second
formance against Robert Morris, goal of the game, with Cham-
the men's hockey team looked to pagne and Hansen again picking
turn it around against Atlantic up the assists.
Hockey rivals Holy Cross and Holy Gross scored on the en-
American International. suing power play as Mercyhurst
On Friday night, Mercyhurst took an interference penalty just
looked to be in good shape early 40 seconds after taking the lead.
on against Holy Cross, leading Junior Tyler McGregor beat
3-1 after two periods. Mercyhurst netminder Andy
But the Lakers could not hold Franck for the second time in the
off the charge of the Crusaders, game to tie the game 4-4, $_
as they scored four goals in the Crusaders freshman Matt Wer-
third period to defeat the Lak- ry scored his first collegiate goal
ers 5-4. just under a minute later for the
junior Dave Borelli opened eventual game-winner.
the scoring for the Lakers on the Mercyhurst had a chance to de
power play for the only goal of with a power play opportunity in
the first period. the last two minutes of the game,
Line mates Ben Cottreau and but Holy Cross and goaltender
Scott Reynolds picked up the Tony Quesada closed the door.
assists. On Saturday, the Lakers
Holy Cross answered back just bounced back to salvage the
three minutes into the second weekend with a 6-3 win over
period as they got a power play American International.
Katie McAdams/Photo editor
goal of their own. [ Mercyhurst came out on fire,
Mercyhurst cashed in on their scoring thefirstfivegoals of the Freshman Kerry Bowman's first two goals of his collegiate career led the Lakers to a 6-3 win over AIC. I?:
next two power play chances as game, giving no chance for the
Cottreau scored his seventh goal Yellow Jackets to answer. scored the next two goals, his cashing in on the power play midway through the third pe- Lakers 7-10-4, and 6-2-3 in the
of the season with Borelli and first two goals of his Laker opportunity. riod. Atlantic Hockey conference.
Hansen gave the Lakers the career.
Reynolds credited with assists. Sophomore Kyle Gourgon But the Lakers were able to Mercyhurst will conclude their
lead just over a minute in the
Hansen added his second goal answered for the Lakers with his hold on for the 6-3 ^victory, homestand with a game Tues-
Senior David Wrigley extended game with Wrigley grabbing the of the game early in the third third goal of the year, dosing out backed by a stellar performance day night at 7 p.m. against the
the Lakers lead to 3-1 with his lone assist on the goal frame, giving the Lakers a 5-0 the scoring for Mercyhurst by sophomore goaltender Mike Can i si us Golden Griffins, who
seventh goal of the season on Cottreau scored his eighth goal lead. Champagne was credited with Ella, earning his first collegiate are l-0-l against the Lakers this
the power play. of the season four minutes later Champagne and freshman Matt his second assist of the game and victory. year.
Senior Rich Hansen and soph- on the power play, with Wrigley Warren were given the assists. fourth on the weekend. Ella, who was celebrating his The Lakers are one point be-
omore Scott Champagne were and Reynolds assisting on the
American International finally The Yellow Jackets tried to 22nd birthday, stopped 29 of the hind C a nisi us for second place
given the assists on the goal. goal. p got on the board just under six pull out another comeback win, 32 shots he faced. in Atlantic Hockey.
Holy Cross came outfiringin Freshman Kerry Bowman minutes into the third period, answering with two quick goals The weekend split leaves die

Women basketball goes 1-1 on week half, we just could not put it
coach came in and told us how
By Denis Kirstein important a win was and that we together."
Contributing writer needed come together as a team "The freshmen came in since
to get a win," said junior guard we didn't have the bodies, they
Everyone remembers the feel- Coco Sommers, who contributed wore us down they had a full
ing when they turned 18 years with three points and some sti- bench," said Sommers.
old. I I I fling defense. « The freshmen did come in and
The state of Pennsylvania says It was the Lakers' defense that Lauren Creasap contributed with
that you are to be treated as an gave them the opportunity to win a career high nine points.
adult now. in the end. Also adding to the Lakers of-
For the Mercyhurst women's ?* In the second half our defense fensive performance again were
basketball team, Thursday Jan. was unbelievably awesome," said leaders Cassie Seth and Julie
13 is date this team will never Sommers, and the offense was Anderson, also with nine points
forget not so bad either. each.
This was thefirsttime the Lady The Lakers got a team high The Mercyhurst women's bas-
Lakers have defeated the North- of 23 points from junior guard ketball team will be back in action
em Michigan Lady Wildcats in 18 Cassie Seth, a native of Water- at die Mercyhurst Athletic Center
years and in program history, by ford, Pa. I this Thursday, when they host
the score of 80-75. Also knocking down jumpers Grand Valley State on Thursday,
It was a game the Lakers knew was reining GUAC South Player Jan. 20, and Ferris State on Sat-
they needed a win to get the of the Week, sophomore Julie urday Jan. 22.
monkey off their backs. Anderson. ^Although the injury-ridden
It was a close game from the Anderson had 19 points along team could certainly use a break,
tip, the Lakers trailed at half time wi th nine rebounds, while battling File Photo they are back in action for their
by 10 points, but that was not some sort of illness. "Straight up Junior Cassle Seth was named the GLI AC South Player of the Week on Jan. 17. third game in five days when they
about to stop them. she is an outstanding player. She travel downtown to take on the
The 80 points scored by the demonstrates this when she plays GLIAC, while the Wildcats drop how long she will be out The Lakers played without the Golden Knights from Gannon.
team is the highest total since with a lot of heart, even when to 9-5 and 2-4 in conference. The excitement of the win presence of three starters and The contest is scheduled to
the Gannon game last year, when she is sick," said Sommers. Unfortunately, starting guard versus Northern Michigan was only dressed eight players. tip-off at 6 pjn., followed by the
the Lakers put up 82 on Jan. 26 The win gives the Mercyhurst sophomore Katlyn Petit was spoiled after a tough loss to One of the players was Som- men's game at 8 p.m.
of last year. women's basketball team a record hurt with a lower body injury no Michigan Tech on Saturday Jan. mers, lyho said, "We didn't have
"We were down at half, then of 6-10 overall and 2-4 in the statement has been released on 15, by the score of 68-47. the numbers down 8-10 at the

No. wrestlers Teams from Divisions I, II

East Coast Duals 82
"We still feel very good about extra things; lifting that extra
By Chris Van Horn and III will be in competition at our team. We feel that we can weight, running that extra mile,
Contributing writer tile duels. hang with anyone in the country etc. Coach Cipollone and I ex-
The Lakers are coming off a right now," coach Curnes said, pect a lot from this team at this
The Mercyhurst wrestling team weekend road trip at Shippens- "We nave been executing well, pomt in the season," Curnes
is heading down thefinalstretch burg University where they took we have great senior leadership said.
of their regular season and hope part in the Bast Regional Duals and these last few matches are The Lakers have several players
tofinishstrong heading into the on Jan. 15. going to be all about who wants ranked in the top 10 based on
Division II Regionals beginning The Lakers beat Kutztown it more, us or them." individual performances in their
Feb.^5. ) University 32-12, but lost to Those last few matches aren't respective weight classes.
The Lakers have a current over- D clew are Valley College 22-11 going to be easy for the Lakers. Senior Ricky Randazzo is
all record of 7-4 in dual competi- and again to the University of After the National Duals next ranked sixth in the 125 pound
tion and have one of the biggest North Carolina-Pembroke 21- weekend, the Lakers will take on class.
weekends of the season coming 18. File Photo Flto Photo West Liberty State University, Sophomore Zach Schafer is
up on Jan. 22 and 23, as they head Despite losing two of three Sophomore Zach Schafer Senior Ricky Randazzo Shippensburg University, which ranked fourth in the 165 pound
to Cleveland State University for matches on the trip, Lakers as- that we just couldn't overcome," cally giving the opposition six is ranked No. 12 in Division II, class.
the NWCA National Duals. sistant coach Doug Curncs was Curnes said. points. Findlay University, ranked No. Senior Ben McAvinew is cur-
'The National Duals will give pleased with the teams perfor- One of those key injuries was The weekend defeats will 10, and Gannon University, who rently third in the 184 pound
the Lakers a chance to showcase mance.? to J J. Zanetta, a sophomore, who threaten to knock the Lakers put on a good showing at the class and senior Justin Mautz is
their skills in front of teams that "We didn't wrestle all that from their No. 5 ranking in Di- East Regional Duals, eighth in the 197 pound class.
fell il with a stomach ailment
are not usually seen on their badly. We had to go deep into our His absence forced the Lakers vision II, but it doesn'tfigureto "To win these last few matches,
schedule. bench due to some key injuries to forfeit his matches, automati- deter their confidence. were, going to have to do the

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