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fg Dextra Quality Supervision Plan of Bartec Coupler (Type 2) in accordance with CoP2013 for Off-Site Threading ‘Quay Supervision Fis or BerleeTyoe 1 & 2 Couper, Poge of 6 Contents Introduction wsnsnnnne Personnel on Quality Control Supervition. Work Flow of Thread Preparation, Assembly, Sampling, Testing and Installation ..usnonsvn Quality Supervision in Dextra Threading Factory ‘Sampling and Testing on Site.. Quality Supervision of Coupler Assemblies Installation on site... Inspection Log Book PNA Me we Stautory Submission Appendices ‘Appendix A: Process Flowcharts of Quality Supervision and Sampling Arrangement of Coupler ‘Appendix B: In Process Quality Control Inspection Form ‘Appendix C: Checklist of on-site assembly of Bartec Couplers directly in any location ‘Appendix D: Proposed Quality Control Coordinator and Backup ‘Appendix E: Proposed Quallly Control Supervisor and Backup (Quolly Supervision Pian for Bartac Type + 82 Coupler, Page 2015, Introduction ‘This document proposed is “Quality Supervision Plan* on enhanced site supervision and independent checking to the installation of *Bartec” mechanical couplers for steel reinforcing bars for non- ductility (Type 1) and ductility (Type 2) requirement in the Project of CUHK Private Teaching Hospital, No.12 & 18 Chak Cheung Street, Sha Tin. For the fabrication works, Type 1 and Type 2 coupler of size 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm & 50mm for steel reinforcing bars would be used, Bartec couplers are manufactured by Dextra Pacific Ltd. (‘Dextra"), which is also responsible for preparing the connecting ends af steal rintarcing hare. Far this Project, ra-bar threading type A (standard thread), type B (extended thread) and type C (extended thread to fit full Iength of a coupler and a lock nut) would be used ‘The quality supervision is in additional to: 8) Ihe qualited ste supervision shell be carried out by TOP from RGBC and TCP3 from RSE; and ) The Quality Assurance Scheme prescribed in the technical manual implemented by Dextra, accordance with the ‘The function of this plan is to ensure the mechanical coupler works are carried out i plans approved and that the required qualily standards are complied with including the quality assurance scheme of the manufacturer. This quailty supervision plan prescribes the essignment of a Qualily Control Coordinator from RGBC/ RSE to supervise the manufacturing process of the connecting ends of the steel reinforcing bar, and the installation of stee! reinforcing bars to the coupler. Personnel on Quality Control Supervision Quality Control Coordinator TCP-1 of RGBC stream is assigned to provide full time on site supervision Of the works at a frequency of not less than 10%. The name of proposed Quality Control Coordinator is ‘enclosed in Appendix D, ‘Quality Control Supervisor TCP-3 of RSE stream is assigned to provide on site supervision of the works ata frequency of net less than 10% of the works. The name of proposed Quality Control Supervisor is ‘enclosed in Appendix E, Work Flow of Thread Preparation, Assembly, Sampling, Testing and installation Please refer to Appendix A for a process flowchart from the delivery of re-bars to the installation of Coupler Assemblies. Details of each step are dascribed hereafter. ‘Qually Supervision Pan for Barec Type 1&2 Couper, Page 3 of 15 Quality Supervision in Dextra Threading Factory ‘Threading works are carried out in Dextra’s threading factory in Yuen Long, Re-bars to be thresded are delivered tothe factory. Color coding system with labels shall be adopted by Dextra to identified re-bars {rom various sourcesictents, Al threading works ere carried out by Dextre qualified threading technicians who are direct employees to ensure threads are prepared in accordance with prescribed procedures and to meet the thread quality requirements, Dextra provide full supervision on their rabar cutting, cold forging and threading process, Dextra will provide all the necessary trainings (including on site demonstration) on their rebar cutting, cold forging and threading work, Dextre will also demonstrate to representatives of RGBC-TCP1 ain! RSE-TCP3 on how they can maintain consistency and speedy production of their threading process. Under the QA system of Dextra, rebar threading shall be checked by using Go-and-No-Go Gauges and Length Gauges to determine ifthe metiic thread pitch and thread length is within the acceptable tolerance range. An In Provess Qualily Contut Inspection Foun “(IPQC}" shall be provided with each balch of coupler assemblies delivered to site. Calbration records of the Go-and-No-Go Gauges and Length Gauges shall be checked and maintained, ‘Sampling and Testing on Site Quality Control Coordinator and Quality Control Supervisor shall be responsible for the receiving inspection of every batch of coupier assemblies delivered to site. Delivery notes, mil corficates for round ‘bar, and the IPQC shall be verified against the batch delivered. ‘Table 1.0: The rate of sampling shall follow the following table: ‘Minimum number of splicing assemblies Number of couplers to be used | “Tesis-as per clause 32.8.4 | Tests as per clause Wes.) Sihie compression orcpaors| _Temarenteengetonet Less than or equal to 100, 3 3 ‘ort sooth 2 3 orth 40007 2 3 2 2 Every 1 to 500th thereafter amples shell be taken randomly from the designated batch by Quality Control Coordinator and Quality Control Supervisor with signature on sampled couplers. ‘Qualty Supervision Plan fr Bariee Type 1 & 2 Coupe. Poge 4 of 15, 6 a Where any test specimen failed to meet the specified criteria, RGBC-TCPI/RSE-TCP3 shall notily the Engineer's immediately, and carry cut investigation to find out the reason. RGBC-TCP1/RSE-TCP3 shail report the tinaings end propose turther action, such 2s rejection or retesting for the Engineer's ‘agreement prior to taking action. Quality Supervision of Coupler Assemblies Installation on si Quality Contivl Coordinator and Quality Control Supervisor shall be responsible for the quality supervision Of the i) manufacturing process of the connecting ends of the steel reinforcing bars; and i) installation of steel reinforcing bars to the couplers. A "Checklist of on-site assembly of Bartec Couplars directly in any location” has been detived for use. Frequency of quality supervision should be at least 20% of the coupler essemblies for the Quality Control Supervisor of the RSE and full time continuous supervisor by the Quality Control Coordinator of the RGBC of the splicing assembly works. For coupler to be used at the top of pile cap and transfer plate, the frequency of quality supervision should be at least 50% of the splicing assemblies by the quality control supervior of the RSE and ful ime continuous supervision by the quality control co-ordinator of the RGBCIRSC. Inspection Log Book ‘An Inspection Log Book shall be maintained in the site office and, when required, provided to staff of the ‘Authority for inspection The lag hook shall include the following: + Register of Quality Control Coordinator and Supervisor; ~ This Quality Supervision Plan; + Delivery notes: = Mill Certificates of the couplers; + In Process Quality Control Inspection Form ("IP QC"); + Test Reports to COP 2013; and + Calibration Records of Go-and-No-Go Gauges Statutory Submission ‘The following documents ate required to be submitted, which should include: @) A quality supervision report signed by the Competent Person, which should be submitted upon compotion of the coupler aeeembly works to confirm that the qualiy auporvision has beon adequately Provided with, the inspection log bock of the RGBC-TCP1/RSE-TCP3 for the coupler assembly works. b) A copy of mill certificates of the constituent materials used to produce the couplers, which should be submitted after of the delivery of the mechanical couplers to the site, ‘Quafty Supenison Pan for Barter Type + & 2 Couper, Page Sof 15 APPENDIX A PROCESS FLOWCHARTS OF QUALITY SUPERVISION AND SAMPLING ARRANGEMENT OF COUPLER ‘Quely Supervision Pan for Sart Type 1 & 2 Couper Page 8 0115 1. Sampling Flow Chart for Splicing Assemblies Steel reinforceing bars delivered to site with certificate Deliver the steel reforceing bars to DEXTRA for production Couplers supply by DEXTRA of threads Randomly select the steel reinforceing bars with threads and couplers by the RSE representative at site / Dextra workshop Y ‘Assemble the couplers and the steel ‘reinforcing bars with threads and tighten by trained skill labour — Test the assembled sample at HOKIAS assembled Inhoratory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Couplers acceptable for use Couplers re-test onsite Pass Fail Fail Batch removed from site ‘Qvalty Supenision Pion for Batee Type 1& 2 Couples, Page 7of 15, 2. Sampling and Testing Flow for Splicing Assemblies [ step_| Responsible Procedures if¥es | No 1 | contractor |?l2t order to Dextra with defined coupler sie and] | seer quantity 2 Dextra__|Collect couplers from Dextra Yard : (Check the collected coupler match with the 3 | Contractor ordered quantity and the general condition of 4 | coupler 4 | contractor [Record batch number for each size / type of Sete coupler RSE/T3__ |Random select coupler samples from each batch 5 | appointed by lof couplers. Sample quantity should follow Table : Gent __|1.0,p.4 RSE/T3 [Random select tested rebar for coupler sample 6 | appointed by |preparation ae Glient 7 | Contractor [Deliver selected rebar to Dextra workshop 5 a Dextra__|carry out rebar threading = | = 9 | contractor |Pelver threaded rebar samples back to project ste |__| 10 | contractor [*ssemble rebarinto coupler by trained skillabour |__| RSE/T3 [Keep the assemble coupler test samples ina secure 11 _ | appointed by [compartment under the control RSE shoe Client [Send request to HOKIAS accredited laboratory for 12 | Contractor coupler test to CoP2013 Clause and : confirm test date RSE/T3__ Escort the coupler test samples to HOKLAS 13. | appointed by laboratory on scheduled date - |e client | IHOKLAS laboratory carry out coupler test to 14 — }coP2013 Clause under witness by - : [Contractor and / or RSE representative(s) [Coupler test results all satisfactory? ie ase _|!¥M0,gobackto Step Sfor coupler retest. Retest. | 4, |< samples quantity may be increased subject to RSE recommendation Retest coupler results are satisfactory? 6 Dextra if no, delivered couplers with the same batch 7 number shall be rejected and removed off ste io : ll couplers of the same batch number arc i acceptable and can be used on site ‘Qustty Supervision Plan for Bartee Type 1 & 2 Coupler Page 8 of 15 APPENDIX B In Process Quality Control Inspection Form (“IPQC”) (Qualty Supersion Plan for Batic Type 1 & 2Coupir, Page 90f 15 In Pracess Quality Control (IPQC) inspection form besvapateu. ene Woeog tor753 oo: T2081 Hing ann ston reczemss roenterghe Doxtra In Procars Quality Control Inepection IPQ) Form A rode na ae 35, Forme eval Lo EBZRE: si) ° atg Angle PE (eepare cb RSARR 23% Gh ok Ia z aaa a a a vax Fe. Waa ay a a ya) vex L (scene tate IRAE ead sn He sad sd ie Seety ex rs 4 Ia a a ag ae T ea a a ag [rare T F.tiessotmele F5. (cea iter SEN: inden (IE gage lM Noo ange ees) “io gape ezna go bat coupleren glazes plete ask" SIR, oul We ssf al mola By 73 vat L Baa a a a a For Noo gauge eyhan ihe UF) IN vs ogg ca go > So ae an ga) fr fa als 7 ta a ag a =a a a Ba a a a og a tt Tok L G.tweastengh spinach eed cene th x enn dae SCRA) Tay ya a st ia aa a aaa ag ag a vee L renee Teather pater TAR Tasttvestichies RSA (bn Stan Moi ponion a SERS an analy eT eT — ine reducer ange sepa om ent 1 ug 2015 ers feprg ont eahecagersnen ually Suparsion Plan for Baris Type 1 82 Couple, Page WaT APPENDIX C Checklist of on-site assembly of Bartec Couplers directly in any location (SAMPLE) ‘Quatty Supenision Plan fr Bates Type 1 &2 Coupler, Page 11 of 15 shaban arereo.apoe sae sapes reso NY = = = ae ar : = = iF ck sane 2) op maces 3) yi ony ype a wo [oem | ay [ese [em] oe Pare ~ = meme ciamesinno on pe opm ce aaa os scope metamnpeny Seay saws th jenna alanvs a RE Wan ea doo se aM | om see wu hg a ae (Quty Supervision Plan or Bartoc Type 1 & 2 Coupler, ort a ua AES] aw Tf air bE ae sl E ar FE EE ‘srs——| A aus ro-| arr Hs pa pian) wo_| wis ie tv | spy rr ‘mee Ly AreAL TERS Pam ‘ean cnn aren teensy ae ‘Quay Supenision Plan for Bartae Type 1 & 2 Couper, Page 120095 APPENDIX D PROPOSED QUALITY CONTROL COORDINATOR ‘Quetty Supervision Plan fo: artes Type 1 & 2 Couple, Page 14 01 15 APPENDIX E PROPOSED QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR ‘Quality Supension Plan for Barse Type 1 & 2Covglor, Page 15of 15

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