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Pharmacokinetics in obese patients

Luc EC De Baerdemaeker MD
Eric P Mortier MD DSc
Michel MRF Struys MD PhD

One of the many problems in providing anaes- (where x ¼ 100 for adult males and 105 for
thesia for morbidly obese patients is the influ- adult females).
Key points
ence of obesity on pharmacokinetics and LBM can be calculated using the following
Obesity affects the pharmacodynamics. Drug administration in formulae:
pharmacokinetics of many i.v. obese patients is difficult because recom-

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anaesthetic drugs. mended doses are based on pharmacokinetic Male LBM ¼ 1:1ðweightÞ
The pharmacokinetics of the data obtained from individuals with normal  128ðweight=heightÞ2
new generation of inhalational weights; therefore, mistakes in the determina-
anaesthetics are affected tion of the appropriate dose are often made.
only slightly by obesity. Female LBM ¼ 1:07ðweightÞ
Because of comorbidity in these patients, the
Ideal body weight is useful  148ðweight=heightÞ2
function of organs involved in drug elimination
when assessing dosage of (e.g. kidney, liver) can be affected making
many (but not all) modern pharmacokinetics more difficult and complex. Mostly, dosage recommendations in the
anaesthetic drugs. Practical guidelines for dosage adjustment package inserts are scaled to TBW (not to
Recent target-controlled are proposed in this article. However, in some LBM or IBW) and the assumption is made
infusion (TCI) models for cases (e.g. super-obesity, BMI >55) our recom- that pharmacokinetics are weight propor-
propofol, remifentanil and mendations are not appropriate. Our present tional. Therefore, different strategies of adjust-
sufentanil consider age, ing the dosage in obese patients are adopted,
knowledge of the influence of obesity on drug
gender, weight and height as for example scaling to TBW, LBM, IBW or not
pharmacokinetics is still limited or confused by
covariates, allowing improved
concomitant pathophysiological disorders. In adjusting at all. In their editorial, Bouillon and
dosage adjustments in the
these cases, close pharmacodynamic monitor- Shafer show which of these weight approaches
ing is essential in order to titrate anaesthetic (as a function of patient sex, height and TBW)
drug administration towards the desired can be used clinically when we are unsure about
clinical effect. the true relation between size and pharmaco-
kinetics. This weight can then be multiplied by
the published doses scaled to TBW. As seen in
Changes in pharmacokinetics Figures 1 and 2, weight scaling is important in
Luc EC De Baerdemaeker MD
persons heavier than IBW. Below IBW, TBW
Staff Anaesthesiologist Pathophysiological changes in obese patients
Department of Anaesthesia and LBM are similar. When TBW is greater
Ghent University Hospital are likely to affect drug distribution and than IBW, TBW overestimates LBM.
De Pintelaan 185 elimination. Anaesthetists have become highly Classical pharmacokinetic parameters such
B-9000 Gent skilled at titrating toxic drugs within their nar-
Belgium as volume of distribution (Vd), clearance (Cl)
Tel: þ32 9240 3281 row therapeutic window towards specific thera- and protein binding can change for some drugs
Fax: þ32 9240 4987 peutic effects. It has been observed that most in morbidly obese patients. Highly lipophilic
E-mail: anaesthetists reduce doses in obese patients
(for correspondence) substances such as barbiturates and benzo-
based on experience and intuition alone. How- diazepines show significant increases in Vd
Eric P Mortier MD DSc ever, a better knowledge of pharmacokinetics for obese individuals. Less lipophilic com-
Professor and Chair of Anaesthesia might improve drug titration.
Department of Anaesthesia pounds have little or no change in Vd with
Ghent University Hospital
Does size matter during drug titration? obesity. Exceptions to this rule include remi-
De Pintelaan 185 Before being able to answer this question, fentanil, which is a highly lipophilic but shows
B-9000 Gent the clinician must appreciate what ‘weight’
no significant change in distribution in obese
should be used to calculate dosage: total individuals. Consequently, the absolute Vd
Michel MRF Struys MD PhD body weight (TBW), lean body mass (LBM) remains relatively unchanged and the dosage
Professor in Anaesthesia and or ideal body weight (IBW)? TBW is defined should be calculated on the basis of IBW.
Co-ordinator of Research as the actual weight and IBW can be estimated
Department of Anaesthesia Drugs with weak or moderate lipophilicity
Ghent University Hospital from the formula: can be dosed on the basis of IBW or more
De Pintelaan 185 accurately on LBM. These values are not
B-9000 Gent
Belgium IBWðkgÞ ¼ heightðcmÞ  x identical because 20–40% of an obese patient’s

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 4 Number 5 2004 DOI 10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkh042
152 ª The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2004
Pharmacokinetics in obese patients

e Height Volatile agents
90 Male ty 190 cm
Learn body mass (kg)

80 Halothane is known to have considerable deposition in adipose

70 tissue and an increased risk of reductive hepatic metabolism in the
60 160 cm obese, thereby increasing the risk of halothane hepatitis. Enflur-
50 ane has a blood gas partition coefficient that falls with increasing
40 obesity, possibly reducing its MAC. Morbidly obese patients
130 cm
30 metabolize halothane and enflurane more than normal patients.
20 100 cm Inorganic fluoride concentrations rise twice as fast in obese
50 cm individuals, increasing the risk of fluoride nephrotoxicity after
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 prolonged administration of enflurane.

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Total body weight (kg) The pharmacokinetics of more modern volatile agents seem not
Fig. 1 Nomogram for male patients relating total body weight (kg), height to be influenced by obesity and they have been used safely and
(cm), and gender with lean body mass (LBM) using the formula without major problems. Because of their lower blood gas solu-
LBM ¼ 1.1(weight)  128(weight/height)2. bility, sevoflurane and desflurane display rapid onset and offset of
clinical effect in the obese. Some investigators have observed
significantly higher concentrations of inorganic fluoride in
obese patients anesthetized with sevoflurane, whereas others
e Height
80 lin have found no differences.
Female ity 190 cm
70 Un The major metabolites of desflurane are inorganic fluoride and
Learn body mass (kg)

60 trifluoroacyl chloride, which may bind to tissue proteins or appear

50 160 cm as trifluoroacetic acid in the urine. Only a single case of desflurane
40 hepatotoxicity has been reported. It has been suggested that des-
flurane is the inhaled anaesthetic of choice compared with isoflur-
ane or propofol in this patient population because of its more rapid
20 120 cm
and consistent recovery profile and the fact that desflurane has the
10 80 cm
lowest solubility in fat tissue. In contrast, Oberg and colleagues
0 considered isoflurane the drug of choice in obese patients because
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Total body weight (kg) of reduced propensity to produce fluoride ions and less organ
toxicity, especially when compared with halothane and enflurane.
Fig. 2 Nomogram for female patients relating total body weight (kg),
height (cm), and gender with lean body mass (LBM) using the formula
LBM ¼ 1.07(weight) – 148(weight/height)2. I.V. drugs
Morbid obesity has an influence on the use of most of the i.v.
increase in TBW can be attributed to an increase in LBM. Adding administered drugs used in anaesthesia. The use of ideal or total
20% to the estimated IBW dose of hydrophilic medication is body weight during drug administration is one of the major issues.
sufficient to include the extra lean mass. Non-depolarizing Table 1 shows some guidelines for the most frequently applied
neuromuscular blocking agents can be dosed in this manner. i.v. drugs.
Succinylcholine is an exception, dosage should be calculated
using TBW. Thiopental
The majority of anaesthetic drugs are strongly lipophilic. In obese patients, thiopental has an increased Vd and a longer
Increased Vd is expected for lipophilic substances but this is elimination half life (t1/2), but Cl values are unchanged. It was
not consistently demonstrated in pharmacological studies because stated in as long ago as 1969 that thiopental dosage should be
of factors such as end-organ clearance or protein binding. It has based on LBM. However, Buckley and colleagues suggested a
been observed that the Vd of water-soluble agents is less affected higher dose (7.5 mg kg1) for induction based on IBW. The
by obesity than lipophilic compounds. requirement for this larger dose is explained by an elevated cardiac
output frequently found in morbidly obese patients, resulting in a
lower plasma peak concentration of thiopental.
Application of pharmacokinetics in the
obese patient
Pharmacokinetics in obese patients are different from those of In morbidly obese patients, the induction dose of propofol can be
lean patients in many situations but much of our knowledge is calculated on IBW. Although propofol is highly lipophilic, pro-
incomplete. How can the data be used in our daily anaesthetic pofol does not accumulate in morbidly obese patients. Therefore,
practice? the dosage of propofol for maintenance of anaesthesia in obese

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 4 Number 5 2004 153
Pharmacokinetics in obese patients

Table 1 Utilization of total body weight (TBW) or ideal body weight (IBW) to proportional. Most anaesthetists feel that obese patients may
calculate dosing schemes in morbidly obese patients be at risk of overdose when weight-normalized infusion schemes
Drug Recommended dosing are used. Therefore, a LBM correction has been proposed. Gepts
and colleagues have recommended the corrected body weight of
Propofol Induction: IBW
Maintenance: TBW or IBW þ (0.4  excess weight) the IBW þ 0.4  excess weight. More recently, it has been pro-
Fentanyl TBW posed that the propofol pharmacokinetic set of Schnider and
Corrected weight ¼ IBW þ (0.4  excess weight) colleagues should use of LBM instead of weight. It was concluded
Thiopental 7.5 mg kg1 IBW
TBW that inclusion into the model of weight, height and lean body mass
Midazolam TBW for initial dose improved the fit significantly compared with inclusion of any
IBW for continuous dose
combination of just two of these three variables.
Vecuronium IBW

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Atracurium TBW However, this is in contrast with the work published by
Initial dose 0.15 mg/kg–2.3 mg/10 kg >70 kg. Schüttler and colleagues. They made an estimation of the pharma-
Supplemental dose 0.15 mg/kg–0.7 mg/10 kg >70 kg cokinetics of propofol with respect to the variables of age, body
Cisatracurium TBW
Rocuronium IBW weight and gender and at the same time made an evaluation of the
Succinylcholine TBW inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability. The influ-
>140 kg. Maximum 120–140 mg ence of body weight on all clearances and compartmental volumes
Mivacurium TBW. Divided dosing 0.15 mg/kg þ after 30 s 0.15 mg/kg
Neostigmine TBW could best be modelled by a power function with an exponent
Alfentanil IBW or corrected weight <1. For those patients whose heights were known, the individual
pharmacokinetic parameters did not correlate better with LBM
Sufentanil TBW corrected weight BMI > 40
Remifentanil IBW than with body weight.
Morphine IBW
Paracetamol IBW
It has been demonstrated that the Vd and t1/2 increase in parallel
with body weight but that there is no change in total metabolic Cl.
subjects can be established on the same basis as in lean subjects, Thus, midazolam should be administered in larger absolute doses,
taking into account their actual body weight with no specific risk but in the same doses per unit body weight. Prolonged sedation can
of accumulation. However, this requires administration of large occur from the larger initial dose needed to achieve adequate
doses of propofol. The haemodynamic effects of larger doses of serum concentrations. The rate of continuous infusion, however,
propofol remain to be assessed in obese patients. Plasma propofol should be adjusted to the ideal rather than the total weight.
concentration at the end of surgery after a fixed rate infusion of
propofol are dependent on TBW. This may imply that when obese
patients are anaesthetized with propofol based on TBW, deep
Theoretically, obesity significantly affects the pharmacokinetic
anaesthesia and deleterious cardiovascular effects may result.
profiles of lipophilic drugs, including alfentanil, fentanyl and
Based on the pharmacokinetic properties of propofol, drug
sufentanil. This is because the peripheral compartment is charac-
administration schemes have been developed that allow a defined
terized by a high amount of adipose tissue, which could result in a
concentration to be rapidly achieved and held constant.
prolonged b-t1/2. The pharmacokinetics of fentanyl have been
(e.g. 21 mg kg1 h1 for 5 min, 12 mg kg1 h1 for 10 min,
found not to be affected by obesity and it has been suggested
6 mg kg1 h1 maintenance). The weight used for calculation uses
that fentanyl should be administered using IBW. Obesity
an empirical formula:
decreases Cl and prolongs the b-t1/2 of alfentanil but does not
Corrected weight ¼ Ideal weight þ ð0:4  Excess weightÞ: affect the maximum plasma concentration or Vd. Therefore, it
Various three-compartment pharmacokinetic models have has been suggested that the loading and maintenance dose of
been developed to describe the pharmacokinetic behaviour of alfentanil should be calculated on LBM. However, others have
propofol. These models were applied in TCI devices to administer found that obesity had no effect on alfentanil Cl but a direct
propofol. Originally, all models were derived from lean patients. relationship with the central compartmental volume. In this
In a clinical setting, the ‘Diprifusor’ system (AstraZeneca, model, loading dose and maintenance dose could be calculated
London) was the first commercially available TCI device, using according to TBW.
the Marsh pharmacokinetic set. More recently, other devices have In a study in morbidly obese patients comparing the effects
become available commercially for propofol TCI. These pumps of remifentanil, alfentanil and fentanyl on the cardiovascular
include other models e.g. Schnider model. responses to tracheal intubation, a corrected weight (IBW þ
When using TCI of propofol, the TCI device requires an input (0.4  excess weight)) was used for all opioids. After induction
of the patient’s individual characteristics. Which weight input of anaesthesia, arterial pressures were decreased in all groups but
is appropriate when anaesthetizing a morbidly obese patient? within acceptable limits. It has been shown that the pharmaco-
The kinetic set published by Marsh and colleagues is weight kinetics of sufentanil are altered in the obese patient; Vd is

154 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 4 Number 5 2004
Pharmacokinetics in obese patients

increased and b-t1/2 prolonged. One might speculate that a greater action of atracurium in obese patients are conflicting. Some stud-
fat mass may result in a larger Vd at steady state and a longer t1/2. ies have shown that duration of action of atracurium is independ-
In contrast, Vd/kg (whereby kg ¼ TBW) was similar in the obese ent of body weight and therefore it may be recommended that
and non-obese group suggesting that the drug was distributed at the dose should be calculated on TBW. However, other studies
least as extensively in the excess body mass as in LBM. In their question this. For example, clearance scaled to TBW (absolute
studies of pharmacokinetics and model estimation of sufentanil, clearance/TBW) is significantly smaller in obese than in normal
various authors have found that neither weight nor LBM was a patients, absolute Vd in patients weighing 45–98 kg does not
significant covariate in their models. These studies excluded increase with increasing TBW and the dose necessary to
morbidly obese patients, so it has been suggested that none of maintain 95% twitch depression has been shown to correlate
these models should be assumed to be applicable to these patients. with LBM.

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However, it has been found that the pharmacokinetic parameter Data on the use of cisatracurium in the obese are sparse. There
set of Gepts and colleagues, derived from a normal weight are differences in pharmacokinetics of cisatracurium besilate in
population, accurately predicted plasma sufentanil concentra- various populations (e.g. type of anaesthesia, age, gender, creat-
tions in morbidly obese patients. For BMI > 40, the model inine clearance and presence of obesity). These differences, how-
over-estimated the plasma sufentanil concentrations. When ever, are not associated with clinically significant differences in
using Sufentanil TCI with the pharmacokinetic set of Gepts the recovery profile of cisatracurium but may be associated with
and colleagues, no weight correction has to be made. differences in block onset time.
It has been shown that age and LBM are significant factors that Residual neuromuscular block can be lethal in obese patients
must be considered when determining a dosage regimen for remi- and antagonism of neuromuscular blocking agents is often indic-
fentanil. However, it has also been found that the pharmaco- ated. The antagonism time of neostigmine has been shown to be
kinetics of remifentanil are not appreciably different in obese vs independent of TBW and BMI. Therefore, TBW can be used to
lean subjects. Therefore, remifentanil pharmacokinetics are more calculate the dose.
closely related to LBM than to TBW. Clinically this means that
remifentanil dosing regimens should be based on IBW or LBM
and not on TBW. TBW dosing in obese patients can result in
Key references
excessively high remifentanil concentrations, causing side-effects
such as apnoea, chest rigidity, bradycardia and hypotension. Blouin RA, Kolpek JH, Mann HJ. Influence of obesity on drug disposition.
Clin Pharm 1987; 6: 706–14
Paracetamol Bouillon T, Shafer SL. Does size matter? Anesthesiology 1998; 89: 557–60
Paracetamol Vd is increased in obesity and in males relative to Buckley FP. Anaesthesia for the morbidly obese patient. Can J Anaesth 1994;
41: R94–R100
females. Clearance increases with body weight and therefore is
much greater in obese patients and males. The area under the Gepts E, Shafer SL, Camu F, et al. Linearity of pharmacokinetics and model
estimation of sufentanil. Anesthesiology 1995; 83: 1194–204
curve for oral administration in obese patients when normalized
Gepts E. Pharmacokinetic concepts for TCI anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 1998;
to IBW was more consistent with that in normal subjects than 53 (Suppl. 1): 4–12
when normalized to TBW. Administration of a normal dose of Marsh B, White M, Morton N, Kenny GN. Pharmacokinetic model driven
Paracetamol to an obese patient should yield plasma concen- infusion of propofol in children. Br J Anaesth 1991; 67: 41–8
trations in the same range as the non-obese. Dosing according Oberg B, Poulsen TD. Obesity: an anaesthetic challenge. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
to TBW rather than IBW could lead to toxic effects. 1996; 40: 191–200
Schnider TW, Minto CF, Gambus PL, et al. The influence of method of
Neuromuscular blocking agents administration and covariates on the pharmacokinetics of propofol in
adult volunteers. Anesthesiology 1998; 88: 1170–82
When using succinylcholine in obese adults or adolescents, dosage
Schuttler J, Ihmsen H. Population pharmacokinetics of propofol: a multicenter
should be calculated on TBW. It has been reported that a smaller
study. Anesthesiology 2000; 92: 727–38
total dose of succinylcholine (120–140 mg) provided satisfactory
Wada DR, Bjorkman S, Ebling WF, Harashima H, Harapat SR, Stanski DR.
intubating conditions in patients >140 kg. It could be assumed Computer simulation of the effects of alterations in blood flows
that mivacurium dose should be calculated on TBW also but there and body composition on thiopental pharmacokinetics in humans.
are no data available as yet. Anesthesiology 1997; 87: 884–99
It has been suggested that rocuronium should be administered
on the basis of IBW. However, data concerning the duration of See multiple choice questions 112–114.

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