Series 4 Gawe For Jakpro - Initiating Leadership Change in Agile Organization

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Initiating Change Leadership

in Agile Organization
By Kristina Aryanti, M.Psi
Version 4.0 I Dec, 2020

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Meet our speakers

Dr.-Phil. Hora Tjitra

Dr. -Phil in Cross Cultural Psychology & Strategic Management
Managing Partner of Tjitra & associates

A former Academic, with over 24+ Years

comprehensive Research on Culture, Talent and Change

2013 2014 2018

9 2020
Leadership in Managing Change

Change Leadership with Agile Mindset


Gawe 4.0 - The Leadership Tools

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change


Has Gawe Implementation
are your key Take-Away so far?
What are missing?
for Changed Your Leadership?

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Leadership and Management - how different are they ?

John P. KoCer is a best-selling author, whereas one

of his 1996 book, Leading Change, was selected as
one of the 25 most influenFal business management
books ever wriRen.

… leadership and management are two distinctive a complementary systems, each having its own function
and its own characteristic, but both are necessary for the management of complex organisations.
… management is about planning, controlling, and putting appropriate structures and systems in place,
whereas leadership has more to do with anticipating change, coping with change, and adopting a visionary

John Kotter (1990, What do leaders really do? Harvard Business Review, 68, 103-111.)
Leadership Roles in Today’s World

Visionary Architect Coach Catalyst

Leaders shape the emergence of a With clarity on what is to be Capability building • They do this in four primary
clear, compelling purpose and accomplished, leaders act as of mindsets, knowledge and skills ways: remove roadblocks that
vision – a North Star by: architects. becomes a criFcally-important area prevent teams from bringing
that leaders need to address. ideas to reality;
• observing and listening to Leaders take on the more • foster connec/ons across
people throughout the system, sophisFcated role of designing the Through encouraging a wide range organizaFon; help people
• offering ideas for consideraFon, organiza/on as of formal and informal learning • connect to the organizaFon’s
• integra/ng others’ perspec/ves • an open and empowered iniFaFves and evolving a culture vision and aspiraFon; and,
with their own original thinking. system, of learning throughout encourage an inclusive and
• able to conFnually plan, execute the organizaFon. • welcoming environment of
• adjust flow of resources in wholeness.
pursuit of its North Star.

Source: McKinsey & Co. article.
Leadership styles based on behavioral approach

Agile Leadership Transactional Leadership Transformational Authentic Leadership

A leadership style that A leadership style based A leadership style that
inspires continuous on exchange, link job A leadership style that driven by vision that shape
learning and quick performance to rewards brings about continuous a clear, compelling purpose,
development through and ensure employees learning, innovation, and through authentic
necessary change have necessary resources change characteristic of the leader

which one are you?


My Leadership Style Inventories

My Preferred Leadership Style

Leadership style name:

I prefer this style because . . .
In what situaHons do I use this style?

My Backup Leadership Style

Leadership style name:

I revert to this style because . . .

What are the challenges your

organisation are facing today?
What are the characteristics Challenges your organisation are facing today?
Which Leadership may fit to it?

Which leadership style may fit to it?

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Leadership in Managing Change

Change Leadership with Agile Mindset


Gawe 4.0 - The Leadership Weapons

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Learn the Ancient China - the Book of Change

Understanding that everything on earth is facing some sort of
01. changes. From mundane thing, to a bigger thing like the changes in
the shape of our continents.
Every changes happening on earth is moving on some constant
02. principles or rules. They are constant because they make a pattern.
For example, the changes in season, human development, etc.

The nature of changes that tend to be constant, make it possible to
03. comprehend it in a more simplistic manner. For example, how farmer
More on
change their crops according to the season, etc The 5th Gawe: Special Edition in 2021
Awakening the Phoenix
Ancient Wisdom on Change Revealed
Next Chinese new year (Jan 19th)
Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

As a leader,
What are the characteristics Challenges your organisation are facing today?
Which Leadership may fit to it?
for tell me your experience in leading changes in Jakpro !

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Dua Sisi Mata Uang: Pemimpin dan Perubahan

Stages of Change
Stages and WHAT)
(WHY of
Stages of Change
WHAT) Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Sustainable System
Get the Buy-in Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Sustainable System
Sustainable System
Getfrom the TOP
the Buy-in
Get the Buy-in
the TOP
TOP Sustainable System
Get the Buy-in
from the TOP

Bergaul Leadership
Bergaul Tools Leadership
Bergaul Leadership
One Team Tools
Passionate Learning
One Voice
One Team
One Team
Bergaul Leadership Passionate
Passionate Learning
One Voice
Change Leadership
(HOW and WHO)
One Team
Passionate Learni
One Voice
Change Leadership
and WHO)
Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change
Stages of Change Process: Why & What

Get The Buy-In

Strategic Planning Sustainable System
from The Top

• Demonstrating the • Designing the

right Business case strategy (what to • Establish strategic
change) ecology system
• Managing
expectation • Bring in the right • Strong HR
team involvement
• Avoiding conflicts and
reducing unnecessary • Simplify the case and • Different interest of
resistance the right Stakeholders

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Stages of Change Process: How & Who

One Team, Passion for

Merakyat Leadership Tools
One Voice Learning

• Panutan/ • Understand the

• Being honest and consistency culture • Technical
demonstrate competence
confidence • Spiritual wisdom • The feeling of WE
• Having courage on
• One voice with • Reward & • Being humble and Calculated risk
clear message punishment involve
• Flexible and Self-
• Be in-charge • Buy - in from all • Aggressive and adaptation
stakeholder patient

Be There - Be confident - Agile Learning - Data-driven - Direction

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

How Agility Started as A Concept - based on software development

progress of making adjustment

team environment


newly rapid and 1.3

constant adjustment 1.2
product testing

adjustment for error fix adjustment for new version automatically updated for
came in boxes as new or error fix was available any adjustment
available version and via download feature
counted as new product

team are always on track and aligned with one another

source: Strategic Doing

Linus Torvald from Linux
and Thousands of Programmers from around the world
popularized this updating method
What We Learned about Agility
10 Skills Needed to Be Agile
from Linux 1. create & maintain a safe space for knowing how to guide conversation and understanding
deep and focused conversation people's feeling
constant experiment
2. frame the conversation with the right being an agile leader is being adaptive with many
question answers to explain one question
3. identify your assets, including the identifying our own resource that could contribute to new
collaborative network hidden ones opportunities
with shared knowledge 4. link and leverage assets to identify combining assets can create new value that is greater than
new opportunities the combined value of the parts
efficiently sorting through many options to identify one that
effective strategy 5. look for the "big easy" has the best chance of success
6. convert your ideas to outcomes with •
keep reading and give chance to a changed mind
measurable characteristics
we cant learn how to make progress until we start doing
7. start slowly to go fast
• developed and refined 8. draft short-term action plan that good ideas dont die by making sure that each member of
by implementing modest include everyone a group shares responsibility for the implementation
9. set 30/30 meetings to review, learn, use a feedback loop to make sure that agile strategy stay
• evaluating the impact and adjust on track
• constant upscaling
10. nudge, connect, and promote to established a collaborated network to thrive, become more
reinforce new habits resilient, and grow over time
Understanding The Concept of Agile

Traditional What? Why How? Who? When? Does It Work? At what cost?
Management Analysis Design Plan Implementation Implementation
Planning, execution and follow-up through systematic & repeatable


Primarily for innovation through rapid prototyping and tight

feedback loop

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Agile System Agile Enterprise
a set of component that supports well coordinated finding the right balance between standardising
system such as company’s purpose and value, its operations and pursuing innovations that often isn’t
talent engine, and its data and technology systems guaranteed risk-free

An Agile Organization Have Agile System & Enterprise

To find the optimal balance, the agile leadership team typically begins by creating new metrics to
help determine how agile the company is, how agile it should be, whether it is moving in the
right direction at the right speed, and which constraints are impeding progress

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Agile Leadership Team: The Agile C-Suite
The Company’s executive committee who will lead the implementation of agility

Creating new metrics to determine the expected agility

of the company and the constraints impending the process

Striking balance between standardizing operation

and pursuing innovation

Becoming mentor for subordinates to promote

collaborative approach

Overseeing the business units and function

Sources: HBR, 2020

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

An Agile Leader
- brimming with self-confidence
- have intellectual humility/humble
- coach not command


Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Leadership Competencies towards Agile Organization

Genuine desire to help Recognise others’

others through shortcoming and work
leadership hard to help
overcome them

Interested in Refuse to compromise

empowering people when their principle is

Guided by the Learn throughout their

qualities of the heart life for lifetime
compassion and the personal growth

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Leadership in Managing Change

Change Leadership with Agile Mindset


Gawe 4.0 - The Leadership Tools

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

7 Indonesian Culture Standard
Based on more than 25 years Scientific Researches
and Professional Experiences

• Family-like working atmosphere

Guyub • Avoiding direct confrontaFon
• Acquaintance personally, smooth out
business affair
• Calmness and relax
Nrimo • Take it as it comes
• Not equal to hopelessness

Facilitative • Giving room to grow

Leadership • Avoiding being dictaFved
• Equal for all team members

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Working Together Virtually
with People from Different Cultures Needs Different Approaches

Set very clear expectations about the leader’s management style and what it implies for team member’s behaviors.

Sources: Hofstede & Hall, in Duarte & Snyder, 2013

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

How does culture give implication

for in the way you lead your organization?

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

How Agile Leaders Can Initiate Effective Communication
in Hybrid Environment

Elemen Tim Hybrid

virtual distance

The Subtle Ways Our Screens Are Pushing Us Apart.

Harvard Business Review. 2015.
Communication Tools Characteristics
Oral Written Printed Analog Electronic Digital Electronic

• Space Colocates Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed
• Time Synchronous Async Async Sync/Async Sync/Async
• Size Small Small Mass Unlimited Unlimited
• Produce Speaking Writing Writing + Print Real-time Variable
• Delivery Sound Transport Transport Electronic Electronic
• Receive Hearing Reading Reading Real-time Variable
• Delay - Some Lots - -

• Store - Integral Integral Integral Integral
• Recall - Limited Limited Limited Limited
• Modify - Limited Limited Limited Unlimited
• Reprocess Separate Separate Separate Separate Integral

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Working in Hybrid Team Using Email

Generating Ideas and Problems Problems

Negotiating Technical or
Plans and with Without Other Factors
Interpersonal Conflicts
Collecting Data Answers Answers

Low cost, easy to use,

widely available, fits with
GOOD Discussion of ideas and Defining problems, Identifying options,
Stating opinions, discussing the culture of most
plans, exchanging comments, discussing problems, discussing options and
For opinions organizations, cross-
revising plans and documents transmitting data approaches
platform compatible, high

Subject to misuse for

Debating options, Deciding among optional
Brainstorming, prioritizing, Reaching consensus on messages requiring
NOT prioritizing options, approaches, reaching
outlining, voting on ideas, problems, performing higher symbolism, low
So Good For making decisions, making compromises, resolving
reaching consensus analysis social presence and
judgments conflicts
information richness
Sources: Duarte & Snyder, 2013

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Working in Hybrid Team Using Video Conference

Generating Ideas and Problems Problems

Negotiating Technical or
Plans and with Without Other Factors
Interpersonal Conflicts
Collecting Data Answers Answers

Stating opinions, discussing Available on Internet,

Defining problems,
GOOD opinions, deciding among low cost (desktop)
prioritizing options, Listing options, debating
straightforward optional transmits some
For making straight- options
approaches, reaching information for social
forward decisions
simple compromises presence

Displaying and High cost (video room),

Brainstorming, prioritizing,
NOT diagramming complex Making complex Resolving interpersonal needs high bandwidth,
outlining, reaching consensus
So Good For about complicated topics
data, performing judgments conflicts small or poor-quality
analyses picture limits utility

Sources: Duarte & Snyder, 2013

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change

Keeping The Guyub Culture in Communication
lesson learned Leadership with the Right Mindset
Growth Mindset
what you can do to achieve growth mindset

Embrace Change be self-aware

disrupt yourself the value of
learning failure

• Learning & Performance Mindset focus on process

• Deliberative & Practical Mindset perseverance
• Promotion & Prevention Mindset

Excellence through Culture, Talent and Change


The Agile Mind-Set:

Strategic Doing
Making Agile Processes Work
by Edward Morrison (2019)
Gil Broza (2015)
Strategic Doing teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward
This book is your compass for the Agile journey. Without prescribing any process,
measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way.
practice, or tool, it will show you how practitioners approach:
Deciding what to work on
Planning and doing the work
Engaging people and performing as teams
Working better
and Others

The New Roles of Leaders in To Be a Great Leader, You

21st Century Organization Need the Right Mindset
by Michael Lurie and Laura Tegelberg by Ryan Gottfredson and Chris Reina
from McKinsey & Co (2019) from Harvard Business Review (2020)

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