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Unit 1 Communication

G1 The continuous aspect: present & past

A: Match the example sentences 1-4 with the uses of present continuous a-d.

1. Sorry, I’m busy at the moment. I’m filling in my application form for the summer camp. __
2. A: What are you doing in Science class? B: We’re learning about the universe. __
3. The earth is becoming warmer. / More and more people are leaving the countryside. __
4. We’re leaving tomorrow. /Professor Granger is taking us on a tour of the ancient city at noon. __

a. for changing situations, with verbs like become, get, grow, change, increase, or with expressions
such 1as more and more
b. for continuing, unfinished actions which are not actually happening at the moment of speaking, with
verbs like work, learn, read, study, etc.
c. for a future arrangement with a time reference
d. for actions happening at the moment of speaking, and not finished.

*We do not need to repeat auxiliary verb “be” when we talk about two or more actions.
We are doing an experiment and making notes.

G2 State verbs

B: Fill in the blanks with the non-action (state/non-progressive/non-continuous) verbs in the


contain suppose need smell forget mean prefer agree include

Thoughts and opinions: think, understand, know, _________, believe, want, remember, _________,
depend, _________, feel (=think)
Feelings: like, dislike, love, hate, _________, __________, feel
Senses: see, hear, _________
Possession & existence: belong, _________, have, _________, seem, _________, weigh
I feel (am feeling) schools aren’t doing enough about older kids bullying the younger ones. (think)
The surface feels (is feeling) hard. (give you a particular feeling when you touch)
They all feel / They are all feeling hungry after such a long journey. (experience an emotion)
I can see (am seeing) what she is doing right now. (notice using your eyes)
After all your explanations, I see (am seeing) what you really mean. (understand)
I’m seeing (see) the CEO of the company on Friday morning. (meet)
Having got over Mike, Nicky is seeing (sees) another man these days. (meet/go out)
Can you hear (Are you hearing) me at the back? (receive voice / sound using your ears)
I hear (I can hear) you’ve made yourself a millionaire. Congratulations! (People tell me…)

C: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

A: Are you seeing what they are having at the next table?
B: I’m thinking they have frog legs. They are loving them here in France.
A: Urrrggg! I’m not believing a word of what you’re saying! You’re just wanting to make me feel sick.
B: Are you feel sick really? It isn’t smelling bad! Anyway, are you knowing how many legs a frog is
A: Is it mattering for God’s sake? Two, four, six, who cares? If you go on with this, I’ll leave the table!
B: OK, I’m seeing. You’ve had enough of this. I’m really sorry!

D: Fill in the blanks with either present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in

Scientists ___________(not understand) everything about the universe. They __________ (disagree)
about some important facts. For example, ____________ (it / get) larger or smaller? Although they
_______ (not agree) about everything, there are some facts about the universe which they are sure
about. Take the planet Venus, for example. Here the temperature ___________ (reach) over 400 ⁰C.
Another unusual fact about Venus is that a day there __________(last) longer than a year. Many
scientists ___________ (still search) for life in other parts of the universe. ___________ (they / look)
for life on Venus? It __________ (not seem) to be the kind of place where life might exist. The
atmosphere of Venus ___________ (consist) mainly of CO₂ and it __________ (have) an air pressure
90 times greater than that of Earth.

E: Complete the blanks (a & b) with either present simple or present continuous form of the
same verb. There are 5 extra verbs (!)

use live work produce smell grow move taste shake play

1a. The Earth _____________around the Sun.

1b. The floor _____________! It’s an earthquake.
2a. Most scientists _____________ with computers.
2b. I_____________ on my science project. Can you help a bit?
3a. People _____________ too much energy in our time, which leads to high temperatures.
3b. Our cells ____________glucose to provide energy for all the body parts.
4a. Lemons ___________fresh, which makes most people feel better.
4b. Why do you think the dog ___________that suitcase?
5a. The weather in my country ___________ warmer and warmer each year.
5b. These plants ___________well in hot and humid areas.

F: Fill in the blanks with either present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in

Population __________ (mean) the number of people who live in a particular area. The population of
the world ___________ (not stay) the same. At the moment, it _________ (grow) at an increasing
rate. In fact, scientists __________ (believe that the world population will increase until 2200, and then
stop growing. However, things are not the same in all parts of the world. At present, in many Western
industrial countries the population ___________ (fall). This ___________ (happen) because families
are small, and health conditions are good. In developing countries, on the other hand, the population is
______________ (rise) sharply. In Ghana, for example, most families __________(have) several
children. Many children in Ghana ___________ (die) from illness, so it is important to have lots of
children. They earn money for the family and ____________ (look after) their parents in old age.

G: Fill in the blanks with either present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in

Everybody _________(know) that world’s rainforests __________(disappear). Although rainforests

_______(cover) only 6% of the Earth’s land surface, they ___________(contain) about 50% of all
species of life on the planet. In addition, they remove CO₂ from the air and ___________ (produce)
O₂. If so important, why ______________(they / vanish)? Most scientists ____________(agree) that
there are two main reasons. First of all, the way of life in these forests ___________(change). In
some forests, big companies __________(cut) down more and more trees and __________(cause)
damage to the land. In other places, another kind of deforestation __________(happen). There,
farmers ___________(burn) more and more of the forest and ___________(use) the land to feed
cattle. Now that governments _________(understand) the problem, they ___________(begin) to
control these activities.

H: Match the example sentences 1-4 with the uses of past continuous a-d.

1. When the chairman entered the boardroom at 9.30, all the committee were waiting for him silently.___
2. While the experts were doing the safety tests of the new aeroplane, one of the engines failed.___
3. The rainforest was full of sounds. Birds were calling from the trees and thousands of insects were
buzzing and humming. ___
4. While Cortes was talking to the emperor, his army was taking over the royal palace. ___

a. for two continuous events happening at the same time

b. for a continuing unfinished action in the past
c. for activities as background description
d. for a continuing unfinished action interrupted by a sudden past action

I: Complete the blanks either with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Alexander the Great

While Alexander ___________(grow up), the philosopher Aristotle was his teacher. Alexander
_________(become) interested in science, medicine, philosophy and literature. While his father Philip
_________(attend) his daughter’s wedding, a young nobleman _________(murder) him. Alexander
was king of Macedonia at the age of 20. While he _________(fight) his enemies in the north, the
Greeks in the south _________(start) a rebellion. He __________(destroy) all their cities. He
________(lead) his army against the Persian Empire through what is now Turkey. While he
________(stay) in the ancient city of Gordium, he ________(undo) the Gordian knot. A legend said
that only a future king of Asia could do this. While his army _______(march) through Persia, it
________(defeat) Darius, the king of Persia. He _______ ( found) the city of Alexandria at the mouth
of the Nile while he _________(visit) Egypt. While he ________(travel) with his army, he
__________(give) his name to many other towns. He ________(kill) his friend Clitus in a quarrel while
they _________(have) dinner. While he _________(attack)the city of Mali in India, he
_________(receive) a serious wound from an arrow. While he _________(attend) a banquet in
Babylon in 323 BC, he _________(fall) ill and _________(die).

The Vikings in America

According to Viking records, around the year 1,000, while some Viking sailors ________( look for) the
coast of Greenland, they ________(reach) the eastern coast of America. While they ________(live)
there, they _________(try) to trade with native Americans, known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in
the end, the Native Americans _________(fight) and _________(drive) them out. After several
attempts to return, the Vikings __________(give up). In 1968, while some
archaeologists_________(work) in Newfoundland, they __________(discover) the remains of one of
the Viking settlements, and ________(prove) that this story was true.

Charles-Marie de la Condamine

In 1735, Charles-Marie de la Condamine _________(sail) to South America. At that time, scientists

_______(argue) about the shape of the Earth. The French Academy ________(want) him to take
measurements on the Equator, along with two other scientists. The work ________(take) them eight
years and in the end, another scientific team ________(find) the answer they ________(look
for).While de la Condamine _________(travel) home along the River Amazon, he ________(learn)
many interesting things about the local people and their way of life. When he ________(arrive) in Paris
in 1745, he ________(receive) a hero’s welcome.

J: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. While he took a bath, Archimedes was discovering the principles of density and buoyance.
2. When Eduard Benedictus, a French scientist, worked in his laboratory, he was dropping a glass bottle
which had some plastic inside – and was inventing safety glass.
3. Columbus was arriving in America while he tried to reach the Far East.
4. Alexander Fleming was discovering penicillin by accident while he looked at some old experiments.
5. While Hiram Bingham climbed in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he was discovering the lost city of
Macchu Picchu.
6. While Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple was falling on his head, and he was
understanding gravity.
7. While Dr Harry Coover was trying to invent a new kind of plastic, he was making a very soft substance
which was sticking things together. It was Superglue.
8. While he was observing the Moon through his telescope, Galileo was realizing that it was having
mountains and craters.

G3 The perfect aspect: present & past

K: Match the example sentences 1-8 with the uses of present perfect simple a-h.

1. They’ve been in partnership for quite a while. /They’ve known each other all their lives.___
2. A terrible hailstorm has hit the village; that’s why all the farmers’ crops are now useless.___
3. The spokesperson of the charity has phoned today to thank for our generous donation. ___
4. The scientists have found more than 10 unknown insects in their research area. / The children have
already eaten half of the cake, which means I will have to bake another. / They have visited us three
times but we have never paid them a visit.___
5. The researcher has attended workshops at various institutions; however, he himself has not given one
before. / I’ve been on cruises and skiing holidays but I have never been on a safari. / Have you ever
lied to help save someone’s relationship? ___
6. A: Hey! When and how did you get that new mobile? B: Come on! Does it matter? I’ve bought it and
that’s it. ___
7. As a promising singer, she’s given several concerts all around the country and she will be giving many
more as long as she sustains her popularity. ___
8. Our climate has become much warmer (than it was 50 years ago). ___

a. for past actions whose definite time is not given or unimportant

b. for completed past actions with some relevance to the present ( a present result)
c. for actions that describe changes, comparing the past and present
d. for past actions that describe people’s experiences or what they have done in life
e. for states that started in the past and are still continuing
f. for actions in the past which may happen again
g. for finished actions in a period of time that is unfinished (this morning, this week, today, tonight, etc)
h. for actions that describe the number (how many) of things , the quantity (how much) of something or
the number of times an action has been done

L: Complete the sentences using the present perfect simple form of the verbs in the box.

collect install organize paint plant put up recycle replace send show

What have you done to make your campus a greener place?

1. We _______________ information leaflets to all parents.

2. We _______________ information posters in every classroom.
3. We _______________ over 5 tonnes of litter for recycling.
4. We _______________ 15 trees in front of the school.
5. We _______________ 50 light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs.
6. We _______________ 25 ink cartridges from computer printers.
7. We _______________ 3 films about how to save energy.
8. We _______________ signs on all the doors reminding people to turn off the lights.
9. We _______________ 5 energy-saving heaters.
10. We _______________ teams of students to turn off unused lights.

M: Complete the blanks using the present perfect simple form of the verbs in the box.

not reproduce grow stop reach not do reduce always come lose cause become fall

About 15% of protein that is eaten by humans_________ from fish. Recently, however, the number of
fish __________.Several things__________ this problem. Most scientists agree that governments
_________ enough to stop overfishing. This means that fish populations_________ smaller. Many fish
__________fast enough to replace their numbers. The population of North Sea cod, for example,
__________a dangerous level. EU laws __________the number of fishing boats. As a result, many
fishermen in traditional fishing ports __________their jobs. In recent years, fish in the UK
_________expensive, and many people ________ eating it.

N: Complete the blanks with have been (gone & returned) or have gone (gone but not returned).

1. Two scientists from a laboratory in Oxford _________to Antarctica, and will stay there for three
months. They _________ there to investigate the effects of global warming on the polar ice.
Colleagues in Oxford, who _________to Antarctica on earlier expeditions, will keep in touch with them
by radio.
2. A team from London has arrived in China. They ________there to join a project which is searching for
the fossil remains of dinosaur eggs. “We _________(not) to China before,” said team leader Mark
Jones, “though two of us _________ to the USA, where there is a similar project.”
3. A dangerous spider is missing from a private zoo in Manchester. “Herbie is a Brazilian wandering
spider, and we’re not sure where he _________” said spokesperson Anne Graham. “He only arrived in
the zoo last month, so he __________(not) here long. A lot of children __________to the zoo in the
past few days, and we are worried that someone has taken Herbie, or that he __________out in
somebody’s pocket and they don’t know about it.”

O: Complete the blanks with either past simple or present perfect simple forms of the verbs in
Climate Change
At the moment, scientists agree that the world’s climate __________( become) warmer over the past
50 years, but they disagree about the causes. Some believe that human activities _________(cause)
climate change. They argue that for 1,000 or 2,000 years before 1850, when
records__________(begin), the temperature was more or less stable. Short warm or cold periods
_________(occur) during that time, but the climate always ________(return) to the same level.
However, since the Industrial Revolution, human beings_________(burn) more and more fossil fuels,
such as coal and oil. In 1800, the atmosphere__________(contain) around 280 parts per million of
CO₂. Since then there __________(be) an increase about 31%. This extra carbon dioxide
_________(raise) the world’s temperature because of the greenhouse effect.
Other scientists disagree that human activities over the past 50 years _________(cause) global
warming. They point out that volcanoes and other natural processes __________(always release)
CO₂ into the atmosphere, and that human activity __________(contribute) a rise in CO₂ of only 3%.
In 1999, 156 countries_________(sign) the Kyoto protocol, part of a United nations agreement on
climate change, which _________(come) into force in 2005. They _________(agree) to reduce their
emissions of CO₂, and other greenhouse gases, although so far, some countries such as the USA and
Australia, _________(not take) any action.

P: Complete the blanks with past simple or past perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The two firms __________ (be) in partnership for quite a while when they _________(dissolve) their
2. As they __________(know) each other all their lives, they _________(know) how to tolerate each
3. On our arrival, we __________(see) that a terrible hailstorm _________ (hit) the village; that was why
all the farmers’ crops were ruined.
4. The secretary _________(tell) us that the spokesperson of the charity __________ (phone) that day to
thank for our generous donation.
5. The scientists _________(find) more than 10 unknown insects in their research area before they
_________ (decide) to expand the scope of their study.
6. The children _________(already eat) half of the cake, which ________(mean) I would have to bake
7. They _________(visit) us three times but we_________ (never pay) a visit so we _________(feel)
obliged to accept their invitation.
8. The researcher__________ (attend) workshops at various institutions; however, he himself
_________(not give) one before, which _________(make) him feel nervous.
9. I ________(go) on cruises and skiing holidays but I ________(never go) on a safari so I
________(make up) my mind to give it a go.
10. _________(you /ever lie) to help save someone’s relationship before you ________(do) it for me?
11. I _________(ask) Jimmy when and how he ________(get) that new mobile. He ________(say)
it_________(not matter) and that he ________(buy) it and that was it.
12. By the time she ________(make) her first album, she _________(give) several concerts all around the
country and she would be giving many more as long as she sustained her popularity.
13. Many of the species _________(be badly affected) as the climate _________(become) much warmer.
14. You _________(not take) your studies very seriously. If you _________(try) harder, you would most
probably have had no trouble passing your finals.

R: Complete the blanks with past simple or past perfect simple form of the verbs in the box.
Only one (!) verb in each paragraph is past perfect.

restore - finally arrive – use – think – start - actually arrive - find - paint - finally reach – want - leave - already get

1. Colombus _______Spain in August 1492 with three ships, to try and find a way to India by sailing west
instead of east. When his ships ________land on 12 October, he _______ he was there, but the ships
________in America instead.
2. Captain Robert Scott ________to reach the South Pole first. He and his companions _______there on
January 1912 after a terrible journey across the ice, but _______ a Norwegian flag. Unfortunately for
Scott, Roald Amundsen _________there on 14 December, 18 days earlier.
3. Leonardo ________ his famous The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, but the painting ________
to deteriorate within 50 years. The most common explanation for this used to be that Leonardo
________ the wrong kind of paint, but experts have always disagreed about this, and many believe
that the damp in the wall is the cause of the damage. Between 1978 and 1999, experts _________ the
painting, and the public can now see it again.

S: Complete the blanks with the past simple or past perfect simple form of the verbs in the box.

rise win defeat come fight order murder become (x2) serve be die( x2) return

Julius Caesar ________ from an aristocratic family, though his family was not rich by Roman
standards. When he was 15, his father ________, and to avoid political problems in Rome, Caesar
_______ as a soldier in the east. By the time he ________ to Rome, he _________ awards for
bravery. He then __________ a member of the Senate, and the governor of what is now Spain. By the
age of 40, he _________ to the top of the political world, and formed a political alliance with a powerful
general, Pompey, and a rich man, Crassus. Between 58 BC and 49 BC, he _________ a war against
the people of what are now France, Belgium, Switzerland and parts of Germany. By the end of this
war, according to the historian Plutarch, three million men _________. In 50 BC, the Senate
_________ Caesar to return to Rome. By that time, Crassus was dead and Pompey ___________
Caesar’s enemy. In the civil war that followed, Caesar _________ all his enemies. By the time a group
of Roman Senators _________ him in 44 BC, he _________ the most powerful man in Rome for only
a year.

T: Complete the blanks with one word so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to
the first.

1. When did they buy their tickets?

How long is it ______they bought their tickets? / How long _____did they buy their tickets?
2. We haven’t seen Karen for two weeks.
The last ______we saw Karen was two weeks ago.
3. It’s a long time since I ate out.
I______ not eaten out for a long time.
4. It was the first time they had flown by Concorde.
They had ______flown by Concorde before.
5. I’ve never heard such a sad story.
It is the saddest story I have ______heard.
6. She hasn’t finished decorating the flat yet.
She is _______decorating the flat.
7. I’ve never eaten Chinese food before.
It’s the _______time I have eaten Chinese food.
8. The last time we went to the cinema was a year ago.

We haven’t ________ to the cinema for a year.

9. I haven’t found the love of my life yet.
I _______haven’t found the love of my life. / I’m ______looking for the love of my life.
10. It was the first time they had travelled by boat.
They had never travelled by boat ______.
11. I still hadn’t paid my debts when I had to ask my business partner for more money.
I hadn’t paid my debts ______ when I had to ask my business partner for more money.
12. They have constructed one quarter of the building so far.
They haven’t constructed three quarters of the building ______.

U: Rewrite the sentence using the given word so that both sentences have a similar meaning.

1. Jack hasn’t travelled abroad for years. (time)

2. When did Monica get married? (since)
3. It was the first time that she had visited the National Gallery. (never)
4. The last time I spent a holiday with my family was years ago. (have)
5. It’s two months since she called me. (has)
6. We haven’t played chess for a month. (since)
7. I bought this mobile phone two years ago. (for)
8. I haven’t finished writing the report yet. (still)
9. We’ve never seen such a funny film. (ever)
10. He’s never played gamble before. (time)
11. John hasn’t been to the dentist’s for two years. (time)
12. When did they announce their engagement? (ago)
13. They are still discussing the problem. (finished)
14. He’s the kindest man I’ve ever met. (never)
15. We haven’t had a holiday for six years. (last)
16. I’ve never had such a bad day. (the)
17. How long is it since they graduated from college? (When)
18. The board hasn’t interviewed 20 of the 30 job applicants yet. (has)
19. She hadn’t completed her Bachelor’s degree yet when she was offered an executive job. (still)

V: Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. They are usually starting work at 9 o’clock.

2. Look! That man is having blue hair.
3. Do you study for your exams at the moment?
4. I was being late for class yesterday morning.
5. The secretary is writing twenty letters so far this morning.
6. The sun is setting in the west.
7. We slept when the phone rang.
8. Lydia was buying a car last month.
9. They have been to the shops. They’ll be home soon.
10. I’m going to work by car every day.
11. The builders already finish the block of flats.
12. He has been breaking his arm.
13. Charles have just finished reading a very interesting book.
14. Water is boiling at 100⁰C.
15. John lives here since 2010.
16. Who has use my hair brush?
17. They haven’t still delivered my new washing machine.
18. We haven’t read yet his email.
19. I’ve met Laila’s boss a week ago.
20. They moved to Glasgow a year before.
21. Mike and Kelly got married last month. They had met each other only one week ago.
22. Peter still is at school.
23. When was the last time you have seen Tony?
24. She hasn’t been to a party since she has returned from her holiday.
25. I saw this film three months before.
26. The shop was selling the table by the time I got there.
27. It had rained while they were playing the football match.
28. Linda was singing while she had cleaned the windows.
29. Joe was happy. He was winning first prize in the competition.
30. Rob was opening the box and looked inside only to find it was full of old trivia.
31. I was running when I was slipping on the ice.
32. Eve was delighted to hear that she was getting the job.
33. They were already buying the tickets when they went to the concert.
34. Carol was hurting her back so couldn’t go to her training sessions for a few weeks.
35. We had stayed in a hotel by the sea last summer.
36. Elvis Presley had sung lots of hit songs during his successful music career.
37. The students had stood outside when the results were announced.
38. Andy was relieved to hear that he was passing the exam.
39. They weren’t visiting their grandparents for a long time when she died.
40. A: I must go to the library. B: I have been there this afternoon. I’ll give you a lift.
41. A: I’m very hungry. B: I’m not surprised. You don’t eat all day.

Unit 2 Environment

G1 Present Perfect Simple & Continuous

A. Match the numbered sentences with options a/b.

1. He has been talking to the boss all morning. __a

2. He has talked to the boss this morning. __b
a. He went into the boss’s room at 9.00 and he is still there talking at this hour, 11.00.
b. He went into the boss’s room to talk at 9.00 and he got out at 9.30. It’s 11.00 now.
3. She has had her piano for two years. __b
4. She has been having piano lessons for two years. __a
a. She began taking piano lessons two years ago.
b. She got her piano two years ago.
5. They have been looking for a spacious flat since they won some prize money. __b
6. They have wanted a spacious flat since they won some prize money. __a
a. This is a state they have been in for some time.
b. This is a repeated action they been doing for some time.
7. My feet are killing me! I’ve been walking all day. __
8. My feet are killing me! I’ve walked to work, not driven today. __
a. I want to emphasize the completion of the activity that has caused the pain in my feet.
b. I want to emphasize the continuation of the activity that has caused the pain in my feet.
9. I’ve been checking the exam papers. __a
10. I’ve checked the exam papers. __b
a. There are still some exam papers to check.
b. There are no more papers to check.
11. A: What’s that sad face? B B: I’ve been reading the pathetic story of a once very famous actor. __c
12. A: Can I get back the book I lent you? A_B: Sure, I’ve read the pathetic story and I liked it a lot. __d
a. The question asks about the result of an action.
b. The question asks about the reason of an action.
c. The action may be finished or still going on.
d. The action is finished.
13. Who has eaten my sweets? __b
14. Who has been eating my sweets? __a
a. A few sweets are left.
b. All the sweets have gone.
15. He’s been phoning me since the party. __a
16. He’s phoned me tens of times since the party. __b
a. The focus is on several completed (repeated) actions and the action may be repeated again.
b. The focus is on an on-going action (repeated but number of times not given) and the action may be
repeated again.
17. We’ve been a band since we left high school. __a
18. We’ve been playing as a band since we left high school. __b
a. We formed the band when we left high school.
b. We started making music together when we left high school.
19. I have always liked classical music. __b
20. I have been listening to classical music for a long time. __a
a. I began playing classical music CDs long ago.
b. I was, I am and I will be interested in classical music.

B. Complete the blanks with present perfect simple, present perfect continuous or past simple
form of the verbs in brackets.
The Ageing Population
The number of men and women in the US aged 60 or over still in work __have been
rising_______(rise) for more than a decade. Economists ___gave______ (give) a number of reasons
for this. First, since 1985 the US economy ___has been expanding______ (expand)so there _has
been________(be) an increased demand for labour. At the same time, the cost of some services,
such as healthcare, __has increased_______ (increase) so workers need to earn more money in later
life. In addition, changes in social security benefits and rules ___had_______(have) a considerable
effect on labour patterns. First, in 1977 and 1983 changes to the Social Security Act_____raised_____
(raise) the full-benefit age from 65 to 67 and __ introduced________(introduce)other changes that
make delaying retirement more attractive. Then, in 1986 the Age Discrimination Act
_ended_______(end) compulsory retirement for all workers, allowing them to work later in life.
Changes to pension laws __has also encouraged________(also encourage) workers to stay in
employment longer, as this gives them more chance of a longer pension when they retire.
C. Rewrite the sentence using the given word so that both sentences have a similar meaning.
1. I came here at three and now it’s five. (for) i have been waiting for 2 hours
2. Mark is asleep. (gone) Mark has gone to sleep.
3. I began work here in 2010. (been) i have been here since 2010
4. Anna isn’t here now. (yet) anna hasnt arrived yet
5. We don’t know each other. (before) we havent met before
6. There isn’t any food left. (Someone) has eaten all the food
7. We started waiting in this queue half an hour ago. (for)
8. It’s a long time since I was here. (not)
9. I started to work in the garden early in the morning and it is almost dark now. (all) I have worked all
10. They’ve been a happy couple since they fell in love at first sight. (going out)

D. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I’m playing chess since I was eight years old.

2. We have been eating at that restaurant three times this week.
3. Let me tell you some news. They have just been electing a new club chairman.
4. The teacher has corrected essays for the last three hours and she hasn’t finished yet.
5. The research team has been concluding that the new vaccine is not effective.
6. Emily has not been eating her vegetables yet, so I’m afraid she can’t get her piece of chocolate cake.
7. We have walked for hours. Are you sure this is the right way?
8. I’ve been buying a new skirt. Do you like it?
9. You look really sweaty! Have you worked out at the gym?
10. They have always been giving us their support.
11. Oh, I don’t believe it! Have you been reading my diary again?
12. They don’t live here anymore; they have been moving.

13. Sorry, I will have to order a takeaway. I haven’t been having time to cook anything today.

G2 Indirect Questions

E. Write indirect (embedded) questions beginning with the given introductory phrases.

1. Where is Llanhhdllhsssumsmqnnngogogochia?
Do you know………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
2. Is it the name of a real place?
Do you have any idea…………………………………………………………………………………………..?
3. Was it an invented name?
Can you tell me……………….......……………………………………………………………………………..?
4. Why did they decide to make up a name?
I wonder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. What do the local people say?
Could you tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
6. Where does the name Thameassymngluebynmainestland come from?
I’d like to know……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. How do you pronounce it?
Can you teach me………………………………………………………………………………………………?
8. What does it mean?
Do you understand……………………………………………………………………………………………..?
9. What language is this word from?
Could I ask you…………………………………………………………………………………………………?
10. What’s the longest place name in your country?
I was wondering……………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. Where is the Astoria hotel?
Do you happen to know……………………………………………………..………………………………….?
12. Should we get him a mountain bike for his birthday?
Have you decided…………………………………………………………………………………………..……?
13. How many times do I have to take this medicine a day?
I’m not absolutely sure…………………………………………………………………………………………….
14. Where are you and what are you doing?
I wonder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
15. What is the secret to your positive attitude to life?
Would you mind telling me…………………………………….………………………………………………….
16. How does this coffee maker work?
Can you explain……………………………..……………………………………………………………………..
17. How long do we have to wait?
Have they told you…………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
18. Has she had the required experience for the position that she declares in her CV?
It’s not clear…………………….……………………………………………………………………………….. .
19. How does this reaction take place?
It is important to describe……………………………………………….…………………………………….. .
20. Are we going to start new branches in the same neighbourhood?
It is hard to decide………………………….………………………………………………………………….. .
21. How much have you spent on things you really don’t need?
Why don’t you realize…………………………………………….…………………………………………..… ?
22. Is the economy going to improve after the general elections?
It is doubtful…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
23. Do the female students use more vocabulary learning strategies than the males?
Does the study reveal……………………………………………………....................................................?

F. Complete the text with questions a-j as direct or indirect questions as necessary.

a. Why do some birds fly thousands of miles?

b. How do birds manage to migrate over long distances?
c. How do birds find their way?
d. Which route should they follow?
e. What advantages does migration bring?
f. How do these young birds know where to go?
g. How are young birds able to follow migration routes?
h. How do migration routes become established?
i. Why do some birds stay in the same place?
j. What strategies do birds use on long trips?

Bird Migration

We have all probably wondered ________ 1 between breeding and non-breeding areas every year.
However, not all birds migrate, and scientists still do not know ________ 2 all the year round.
________3 First of all, migration means that birds can find safe places where food is plentiful, and
where it is safe to breed, so it is easy to see________ 4 These migration routes are generally based on
weather differences between regions, for example, north and south, or higher or lower altitudes. This
can involve a lot of flying. In earlier times people found it hard to understand________ 5 The Arctic tern,
for example, flies up to 30,000 kms when it migrates from the North to the South Pole. We now know
________6 These include using high altitude winds as well as resting in convenient places. We also
understand ________7 using the sun and the stars to navigate, as well as looking out for landmarks. It
seems that birds can also sense magnetic north. One interesting question remains. It’s not
clear________8 for the first time, when they are abandoned by the parent birds as soon as they can
fly. ________9 Scientists now think young birds are born with the necessary information about
migration genetically imprinted, so they automatically know ________ 10

G. Read the indirect question and then write the direct question form.

1. Can you tell me who Anne bought a present for yesterday?

2. Can you tell me who bought Ralph a present yesterday?
3. Do you know whose car Tom was repairing last night?
4. Do you know whose car broke down last night?
5. I don’t suppose you know how many guests came to last night’s party.
6. I don’t suppose you know how many guests they invited to last night’s party.
7. It’s not clear who is going to join the research group as an assistant.
8. It’s not clear who the research group is going to offer the position of assistant.
9. It’s really surprising to hear who you saw in that crowd.
10. It’s really surprising to hear who saw you in that crowd.

Unit 3 Sport

G1 Quantifiers

A. Underline the most suitable option in each sentence. Sometimes more than one option is

1. There isn’t some money / any money / a money in the drawer.

2. I’m afraid there is little hope / not much hope / none hope left of any survivors.
3. There are too many containers / many containers / lots of containers to fit into one van.
4. Do you need a few help / a help / help?
5. I’m sorry but you’re making enough / much / too much noise.
6. Do you think we have any / very little / enough paint to do all the rooms upstairs?
7. Could you give me an advice / some advice / any advices about my application?
8. Sit here, there’s just enough room / too much room / a few room.
9. There isn’t much / isn’t a lot / isn’t hardly any we can do about that, I’m afraid.
10. There is hardly any / too few / not much food left, so we’ll have to buy some more.
11. I don’t think there is several / enough / hardly any salt in the soup. Can you pass me the salt?
12. You don’t have to hurry! There is lots of / not much / little time.
13. There are lots of / very few / not many books on this subject, so you might have difficulty finding one.
14. There is too much / not enough / a lot of time to finish the work now. Let’s leave it for tomorrow.
15. Can you wait a minute? There are few / a few / not many things I have to do before I leave.
16. It costs a lot of / too much / hardly any money, and I don’t think it’s really worth it.
17. We’ll have to find a larger room for the lecture. Not many / Too many / All of people have turned up.
18. I have to sleep with the window closed as there are too much / too many / few mosquitoes outside.
19. When the money was counted, it was found that an amount as many as / as much as / as well as
50,000 was missing.
20. I’m sorry, but there aren’t enough / hardly any / several rooms for everyone, so you’ll have to share.

B. Complete each short text by writing a suitable word or phrase from the box in each space.

how much – enough – few (x2) – many (x3) – some (x2) – little –
hardly – lots

Global Warming and Business

________business leaders agree with politicians and scientists that ________has been done to limit
global warming. However, __________companies are only enthusiastic about the profits they can
make when governments start handing out large amounts of taxpayers’ money.

Do we know _________languages there are in the world? Estimates suggest that there are nearly as
________as 7,000 living languages, with ________ experts quoting the precise figure of 6,909.
Interestingly, Europe has relatively ________languages, fewer than 3.5% of the world total – though
_______millions of people speak them as it has about 25% of the world’s population.

A recent survey shows that _______any men and women do the amount of exercise recommended.
Only _______ do 30 minutes’ exercise five times a week, although most of the people interviewed
thought that they were taking ________of exercise. When researchers measured ________ exercise

was taken by a sample of people, they found that most of the sample were not taking ________useful
exercise and were getting out of breath when walking or running.
C. Rewrite the sentence using the word given in brackets so that both sentences have a similar

1. The earthquake made many people homeless. (of)

2. How long have we got left? (time)
3. There is not much point in carrying on with the current project. (little)
4. We’ve been thinking and we’ve come up with two or three suggestions (a)
5. Too little interest has been shown in the project to make it viable. (much)
6. The emergency fund has got no money in it. (not)
7. No patients reported any side effects. (of)
8. There are very few remaining options. (any)
9. The bridge has been badly damaged. (done)
10. We’ve got hardly any information about what to do under these circumstances. (very)
11. Could you advise me about what I should do? (give)
12. This area lacks open spaces. (not)
13. What proportion of the atmosphere is nitrogen? (How)
14. This model doesn’t require much more maintenance than the earlier model. (requires)
15. This condition of the kidney does not have a cure. (is)
16. There is insufficient time to deal with this issue properly (enough)
17. Thousands of people remain homeless. (a)
18. What volume of water does the reservoir contain? (much)
19. Nobody I spoke to knew where the college was. (of)
20. Everyone they asked the question failed to give the right answer. (of)
21. There is an insufficient number of parking places. (are)
22. I need a small amount of sugar for the lemonade. (a)
23. What’s the number of people that are visiting you tonight? (many)

G2 Definite and Zero Articles

D. Write the definite article “the” or zero article “-“.

1. Catherine has always loved ____cats.

2. Look at ____cats. They are chasing a bird.
3. I don’t like ____coffee but I like ____tea.

4. Please cut ____cake and I’ll pour ____coffee.

5. ____life will be very different in the future.
6. ____life of a butterfly is very short.
7. I enjoy ____swimming in the sea.
8. ____children usually like playing games.
9. ____children have gone to the park.
10. All____ people in this room are my relatives.
11. All____ people should have freedom of speech.

12. ____ villages in this part of the country are really picturesque.
13. ____breakfast is the most important meal of ____day.
14. I will never forget how delicious ____breakfast you prepared ____last weekend was.
15. Paul was ____only person who remembered me.
16. I’d like to travel to ____Spain.
17. Have you ever been to ____Netherlands?
18. We travelled to London by____ train.
19. He’s learning to play ____bass guitar.
20. ____first day he was put in ____prison, a fire started in ____building and he managed to escape in

E. Complete the sentences with the definite article “the” or zero article “-“.

1. ____survival of ____most large mammals is being put at risk by ____global warming.

2. Is ____person you are talking about ____Jane Small you knew at ____university?
3. ____foreigners often have ____trouble getting used to ____Scottish climate.
4. ____decoration in ____small bedroom is really pleasing but I don’t like ____colour of ____curtains.
5. I missed ____beginning of ____film, so I didn’t understand ____plot until halfway through.
6. ____experts disagree as to whether ____men are better drivers than ____women.
7. ____most of ____people I know don’t always get on with ____other people ____first time they meet
8. What exactly is ____difference between ____rhythm of a piece of ____music and ____tune?
9. Helen has gone to ____ library to get ____information she needs for ____project she is doing at
10. I don’t know why you always put ____sugar in your coffee if you’re trying to lose weight.

F. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. We went to Liverpool by the car.
2. She likes all the kinds of films.
3. The criminal was sentenced to ten years in the prison.
4. Jason is at the work. He’ll be back at six o’clock.
5. I want a new car. I want one car with a sunroof.
6. A lot of children learn the English nowadays while they are playing computer games.
7. The most people enjoy listening to music.
8. The news is on the TV at seven o’clock in the evening.
9. She is seriously ill. She’s got the cancer.
10. I’m really satisfied with happiness you give me, no need for expensive presents.
11. I absolutely agree that money can’t buy the happiness.

G. Complete the blanks in the proverbs using “a / an / the / - ”.

1. ____Rome wasn’t built in ____day.

2. ____actions speak louder than ____words.
3. ____apple ____day keeps ____doctor away.
4. When in ____ Rome, do as ____Romans do.
5. Where there is ____will, there is ____way.
6. You can’t teach ____old dog ____new tricks.
7. You can’t get ____blood out of ____stone.
8. You cannot make ____omelette without breaking ____ eggs.
9. ____more you get, ____more you want.
10. ____more, ____ merrier.
11. ____home is where ____heart is.
12. Fire is ____good servant but ____bad master.
13. ____squeaky wheel gets ____grease.
14. ____bird in____ hand is better than two in ____bush.
15. It isn’t over till ____fat lady sings.
16. When ____going gets tough, ____tough get going.
17. Hope for ____best, but prepare for ____worst.
18. ____early bird catches ____worm.
19. Too many cooks spoil ____broth.
20. Don’t bite ____hand that feeds you.
21. All ____ good things must come to ____end.
22. There’s no time like ____present.
23. ____beauty is in ____eye of ____beholder.
24. ____necessity is ____mother of ____invention.
25. ____familiarity breeds ____contempt.
26. You can’t judge ____book by its cover.
27. ____good things come to those who wait.
28. ____grass is always greener on ____other side of ____hill.
29. ____honesty is ____ best policy.
30. ____absence makes ____heart grow fonder.
31. You can lead ____horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
32. ____beggars can’t be ____choosers.
33. ____watched pot never boils.
34. There is no such thing as ____ free lunch.
35. ____ picture is worth ____thousand words.
36. ____ fortune favours ____bold.
37. If you play with ____ fire, you get burned.
38. ____knowledge is ____power.
39. ____laughter is ____best medicine.
40. ____enemy of my enemy is my friend.
41. ____time is ____money.
42. Two wrongs don’t make ____right.
43. Where there’s ____smoke, there’s ____fire.
44. All is fair in ____love and ____war.
45. ____attack is ____best form of ____defence.
46. Better to light ____candle than to curse ____darkness.
47. ____children and ____fools tell ____truth.

Unit 4 Medicine

G1 & G2 Future Simple, Future Continuous, be going to, Present Continuous, Future Perfect

A. Match the sample sentences 1-10 with the tense use descriptions a-j.

__1. I like these shoes. I’ll buy them. a. for offers, promises, threats, etc.
__2. They’ll have eaten lunch by two o’clock b. action which will definitely happen in the
this afternoon. future as a result of a routine or arrangement
__3. I’m going to open my own business in the c. for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for
future. the future
__4. This time tomorrow, I’ll be taking my d. predictions about the future
driving test. e. asking politely about someone’s plans for
__5. By the time Jack finishes the race, he will the future
have been running for two hours. f. action which will be finished before a stated
__6. Everyone believes he’ll win the future time
competition. g. to emphasize the duration of an action up to
__7. I’ll tell Paul about the party. I’ll be seeing a certain time in the future
him at work anyway. h. action which will be in progress at a stated
__8. Will you be speaking to Rob later? future time
__9. Look at them. They’re going to catch the i. on the spot (instant) decision
thieves. j. predictions when there is evidence that
__10. Since you’re tired, I’ll cook dinner something will happen in the near future

B. Read the given sentence and complete the second sentence using the verb in brackets in
future continuous or future perfect simple.

1. The film starts at 7.00. I will arrive at 7.15

When I arrive at the cinema, the film _________(start)
2. Our flight to Geneva takes off at 9.00 and lands at 10.30.
At 10.00 we __________(fly) to Geneva.
3. I usually save 200 Euros a month.
By the end of the year, I __________(save) 2,400 Euros.
4. Rebecca leaves home at 6.30. It takes her an hour to get to work.
At 7.00 tomorrow, she _________(drive) to work.
5. The meeting starts at 2.00 and finishes at 3.30.
Don’t call me at 2.30 because we _______( have) a meeting.
6. Sam is paying for his car. The last payment is in May.
By June he ________(pay) for his car.
7. Their last exam is on May 31st.
By the end of May they ________(finish) their exams.
8. She writes a chapter of her novel a week. This week she’s on chapter five.
By the end of this week, she _______(write) five chapters.
9. Sonia is usually at the gym between 6.30 and 7.30.
If you phone Sonia at 7.00, Sonia might not answer as she ________(work out) at the gym.
10. The film started downloading at 7.30. It’ll take another hour.
The film ________(download) at 8.30.

C. Complete the blanks with the correct future tenses using the verbs from the box.

close – leave (x2) – study – meet - talk – fly – finish – live – be (x2) – sleep - call – go – come -

1. A: Your flat is very small.

B: I know. I________to a bigger flat next year.
2. A: Do you know what? I’ve got a new job!

B: That’s wonderful! I________ mum and tell her the good news.
3. A: How old is your daughter?
B: She _______fourteen next week.
4. A: I must phone Julia.
B: Don’t phone her now. She_________.
5. A: Have you been living here long?
B: Yes. By next month I ________here for 9 years.
6. A: Are you having a party next weekend?
B: I hope I _______decorating the house by then.
7. A: What are your plans for tonight?
B: Well, I ________ Steve at eight o’clock.
8. A: I must buy some bread.
B: You’d better hurry. The shops ________in half an hour.
9. A: Shall I come round at ten o’clock tomorrow?
B: No. I ________home for work by then.
10. A: Are you coming to the disco on Friday night?
B: I can’t. I ________for my exam then.
11. A: Are you excited about going to California?
B: Yes! This time tomorrow I ________across the Atlantic.
12. A: It’s seven o’clock.
B: Yes. John _______the office by now.
13. A: There’s somebody at the door.
B: Oh. That _______ the postman.
14. A: I’ve left my jacket at home.
B: I ________and get it for you.
15. A: Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport?
B: Yes. It _______at eight o’clock in the morning.
16. A: Are you nervous about the interview?
B: Yes. This time tomorrow, I ________to the managing director.

D. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

What are your hopes for the future?

Anna: It’s hard to make predictions far into the future, but I think I can say quite a lot of things about
my life in about ten years’ time. I think I _________(still live) in the same city. By that time I
________(finish) my studies, and who knows, perhaps I ________(find) a good job. And I
________(probably go out) with the same friends too!

Bernard: I’m optimistic about the future, so I think that by the time I’m 35, say, I ________(make) my
fortune. By then I _________(run) my own company for ten years, and I _________(almost certainly
become) a millionaire! So I _________(drive) an expensive sports car, I hope.

Catherine: I think we should all be worried about what the world _______(be) like in 50 years’ time.
By then, I hope that the world’s governments________(find) an answer to the problem of global
warming, but perhaps scientists _________(still search) for technological solutions. It’s quite possible
that we ________(still talk) about the problem, as we are now!

David: By the time I’m 50, I expect that nearly everything _______(change) and everyone
_______(try) their best to adapt to new circumstances. For example, I can’t imagine that
we______(use) cars, because by then most of the oil in the world ________(run out). People
_______(travel) in electric cars, or perhaps we ______(walk) everywhere. I hope that scientists
_______(solve) the pollution problem, but who knows! Perhaps some other worse problem
________(come) along by then!.

E. Complete each blank with a verb form from the box.

will result – will receive – will be introducing – will confuse – starts – will have closed – will pass –
will be able – won’t really be – will cause – is going to make – will end up – will prove – will record –
will get – will no longer be – won’t come back – passes

New toll system to cause chaos say hire firms

According to city hire firms, the automated toll system which the government ________ 1on the M36
next year________2 difficulties for car rental companies. When the new system _______ 3 operating,
there________4 a chance to pay tolls directly in cash at toll booths, which ________ 5 . Under the new
system, when the car ________6 through the toll barrier, cameras _______ 7 the car’s registration plate.
Motorists ________8 pay automatically by signing up to the Tollpass payment system. Those who are
not signed up can pay their toll online or by telephone. All tolls must be paid by 20.00 the following
day, and non-payment ________9 in a fine up to €150.This system is not a problem for local residents,
but it ________10 life difficult for customers, such as tourists or business visitors, who are not signed by
with Tollpass. It is the driver who is responsible for paying tolls and fines, and car hire firms think that
this_______11 visitors. “This system ________ 12 disastrous to tourism,” said Monica Donovan of First
Up Cars. “Three quarters of all cars returned to car rental companies at the City Airport _________ 13
through the toll system during their rental period.We think that a lot of visitors ________ 14 not paying
and it ________15 their fault. They _______16 fines through the post, they _______ 17 upset, and they
________18 to the city in the future.”

F. Rewrite the sentence using the given word so that both sentences have a similar meaning.

1. You look desperate! What’s your plan? (to)

You look desperate. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Good news! Jane is expecting a baby. (have)
Good news! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. I’m driving to Leeds anyway on Tuesday, so why don’t I give you a lift? (I’ll)
………………………………………………………………………….……., so why don’t I give you a lift?
4. A: There’s a letter for you. B: I’m sure that’s my new credit card. (will)
A: There’s a letter for you. B: ………………………………………………………………………………
5. Doctors expect artificial organs to be commonplace by the end of the century. (will)
Doctors expect that ……………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Some experts predict a doubling of car use within 20 years. (have)
Some experts predict that……………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Experts expect most people to be home workers in 20 years’ time. (work)
Experts expect that……………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. The future is unknown. (happen)
Nobody knows…………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Engineers expect to have completed the tunnel by the end of the year. (that)
Engineers expect that…………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Scientists predict 90% mobile phone use by the end of the year. (be)
Scientists predict that....………………………………………………………………………………………
11. The forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. (it)
The forecast says that………………………………………………………………………………………..
12. It is hard to predict future diet exactly. (eating)
It is hard to predict exactly what……………………………………………………………………………..
13. Space experts predict human colonization of other planets by the end of the century. (colonized)
Space experts predict that…………………………………………………………………………………….

G. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. They won’t have returned by noon.

2. She will have finished writing the report until tomorrow.
3a. A: How will I have known that I have won a prize?
3b. B: You are receiving an email giving full details.
4. Quick! Get out of the car! It is bursting into flames at any minute!
5. Don’t come round before midday, because I clean the house until then.
6. Sorry I can’t come on Thursday evening. I’ll have worked late on an important project.
7. The cost of construction is almost certainly rising before the end of the year as wage increases
begin to take effect.
8. Here is the money you asked for - €1,000. What will you do with it?
9. Why don’t you give Helen this cheap perfume instead of the expensive one! She won’t have known
the difference!
10. I just want to remind everyone that we hold a Latin-American evening at the town hall this Friday.
11. When I finish my university education, I am finding a good job.
12. Do you meet Arnold later today? If so, do you think you could give this to him?
13. By the end of this week, we will be renting this flat for 5 years in a row.

Unit 5 Transport

G1 & G2 Modal Verbs: Ability, Possibility and Obligation (Future & Past)

A. Complete the blanks with a form of “can / could / be able to”. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.

1. Do you think you _______write that sales report tomorrow?

2. In order to ________play professional tennis, you must be extremely fit.
3. I ________spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy.
4. I’m afraid I ________attend the board meeting as I will be on business in Japan.
5. Fortunately, they ________save the men from the sinking boat.
6. I feel terrible. I________ sleep for the past couple of nights.
7. I’ve always wanted ________ sing well.
8. Do you like________ change your work schedule as you wish?
9. Although he sprained his ankle badly, he _______finish the race.
10. Both my hands were full so I ______answer the door.
11. When I was young, I ________stand on my head.
12. He felt ill but still he ________ complete the task as he had promised.
13. Tony is practising a lot. He ________ speak French soon.
14. I don’t think you ________afford that car. Look at the price. It’s too expensive!
15. I heard his voice calling me but I ________see him.

B. Rewrite the sentence using the given word so that both sentences have a similar meaning.

1. It isn’t necessary for the company to hire new staff at the moment. (need)
2. You will be obliged to type your assignments when you go to university. (have)
3. You will perhaps have difficulty getting access to the website. (might)
4. It wasn’t necessary for John to worry about his grades; everybody was sure he would pass.(didn’t)
5. There will probably be no time for us to stay over for dinner. (not)
6. It was possible for the team to qualify for the quarter-finals although it was a bit hard. (succeeded)
7. Was it possible for you to climb to the top in the blizzard? (Did)

8. You are prohibited from smoking in enclosed areas. (smoke)
10. Schoolchildren were prohibited from talking to their classmates during classes. (not)
11. It was obligatory for workers in this company to do overtime when they were late to work. (had)

C. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. We must go out for a meal this evening, if you like.

2. Although he didn’t like the vegetable lasagne at all, he could finish all on his plate.
3. The shops can be very crowded tomorrow as it’s the last shopping day before the Ramadan
4. I could attend the webinar about learner autonomy last Saturday.
5. The bus can be late today because there is a lot of traffic.
6. Paul was been able to change the flat tyre by himself.
7. They managed in paying their debt just before the deadline.
8. We have finally succeeded to make an appointment with the chairperson of the committee.
9. The children in the 1950s weren’t able to answer back to the elderly when they disagreed with them.
10. You will not have had to pay for the fruit basket and the champagne as they are complimentary for
the honeymoon couples.

Unit 6 Literature and Film

G1 Narrative Tenses: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, and Past Perfect

A. Match the sample sentences 1-10 with the tense use descriptions a-j.

__1. People used to have / had very simple lives in those days.
__2. The secretary was gossiping about the boss when he came in unexpectedly.
__3. The tourists were in hospital because the tour bus had crashed into a truck.
__4. They had been having a wild party all night, so they were all exhausted.
__5. The director was giving the actors instructions while the set was being prepared.
__6. We had been renting that flat for about 13 years before we bought our own.
__7. Princess Diana did a lot of work for charity.
__8. At two o’clock this afternoon the board of directors were having their weekly meeting.
__9. First, she laughed hysterically. Then she burst into tears.
__10. Luckily, we had made an appointment with the advisor to treasury before went to her office.
__11. I finally got used to wearing contact lenses after quite a while

a. to talk about actions of people who are no longer alive

b. action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past
c. actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past
d. to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past before another
past action
e. action which was in progress at a stated time in the past
f. two or more simultaneous actions
g. action in progress when another action interrupted it
h. action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was visible in the past
i. past habit or state which is now finished
j. action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past
k. situations that people become more accustomed to or more comfortable with

B. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use “used to” or
“would” when possible.
1. Corinne and I _______(be) very close, but then we _______(have) several arguments and so we
_________(grow) apart.

2. When I ________(come) into the room, my flatmate ________(sit) with her back to me. When
she________(turn) round, I could see that she________(cry).

3. Our grandmother ________(have) a surprise waiting for us when we ________ (visit) her. It
________(be) sometimes a carrot cake that she ________(bake) before our arrival and at other
times boxes of presents that she _________(choose) carefully for each of us.

4. When my brother ________(be) a child, he ________( not look) like my father at all, but the older
he ________(get), the more he _________(begin) to look like him. After he ________(reach) his
late 20s, they _________(be) physically quite similar, if not very.
5. When I ________(be) small, I always ________(get) into trouble at school and my parents
_________(punish) me by not letting me play with my friends at the weekend, which really
________(drive) me mad.

6. Suddenly we ________(hear) a tremendous sound and we _________(see) that a car

________(crash) into a tree and petrol ________(pour) onto the road, asking for trouble.
7. One fine morning, a man _______(fish) in a river. The sun _______ (shine) and the man ______
(sit) on the river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man _______ (wait) patiently for
several hours when suddenly he ______(feel) something pulling on the fishing line. He
_______(stand up) quickly and ______(begin) to take in the line. He ______(just lift) the huge fish
he had caught out of the water when there was a loud splash and it unfortunately_______(fall) back
into the river.

C. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

arrive – go – win – check in – get – fill in – forget - get on – hurry – look forward to – run

Melissa and Nick McCarthy ________ 1 a nasty surprise when they ________ 2 at Heathrow airport
yesterday with their baby Tommy. They_______ 3 three free plane tickets to Rome in a competition
and they ________4 their trip for months. But, unfortunately, they ________ 5 to get a passport for their
son, so Tommy couldn’t fly. Luckily, they________ 6 very early for their flight, so they still had time to
do something about it. They _______ 7 to the police station in the airport to apply for an emergency
passport. Melissa ________8 with Tommy to the photo machine with Tommy while Nick _______ 9 the
forms. The passport was ready in an hour, so they _______ 10 to the gate and _______11 the plane.

D. Complete the blanks with the past perfect simple or continuous form of the verb in brackets.
If you think both are possible, use the continuous form.

1. I was really fed up because we ________(queue) four hours.

2. She went to the police to report that someone _______(steal) her car.
3. It _______(rain) all morning. The streets were wet and there were puddles everywhere.
4. She got to work late because she _______(leave) her phone at home and _______(have to) go
back and get it.
5. I almost didn’t recognise Tony at the party. He _______(change) a lot since I last saw him.
6. The tourists’ faces were very red. They _______(sit) in the sun all morning and they _______
(not put on) any sun cream.
7. I could see from their expressions that my parents _______(argue).
8. Jess had a bandage on her arm because she ______(fall) off her bike that morning.
9. I was amazed because I _______(never see) such an enormous plane before.
10. How long _______(walk) when you realized that you were lost?

E. Complete the blanks with “used to / would” and the verb in brackets. Sometimes only “used to” is
1. Every day the young prince _______ (go) hunting in the forest.
2. Wild animals________(come) into the garden at night.
3. I _______(enjoy) computer games, but I’ve grown tired of them.
4. Brian _______(speak) Italian quite well, but he’s forgotten it all.
5. Every day Anna ________(wake up) at 4.00 am and go to work at the bakery.
6. My mother ________(play) the piano and sing after dinner.
7. I ________(own) a racing bike but I sold it and bought a scooter.
8. They _______(believe) that one day he would be famous.
9. When I was a student, I ________(go) to bed at about 1.00 am.
10. Helen _______(live) in an old boat on the canal.

F. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1.What were you in my room for?

What……………………………………………………………………….in my room?
2. The start of the match was at 3.00.
The match…………………………………………………………………at 3.00.
3. The temperature was rising.
4. After the explosion, what was your next action?
What……………………………………………………………………….the explosion?
5. We had our lunch during our wait.
6. On her death, the newspapers described her as the country’s greatest writer.
When …………………………………………………………the country’s greatest writer.
7. The police do not know the exact cause of the crash.
The police do not know what exactly…………………………………….. .
8. What was your address at the time of the robbery?
Where ……………………………………………………. at the time of the robbery?
9. During the murder investigation, the police interviewed two men.
While……………………………………………….., they interviewed two men.
10. The conference began after the arrival of the Prime Minister.
The conference began after the Prime Minister…………………………………… .
11. Sleeping in tents has become less of a problem for her recently.
She ……………………………………………………………………. recently.
12. They do not see each other as often as they did in the past.
They…………………………………………………….more often.

G. Correct the mistakes in the sentences

1. I could tell she had been winning the competition because she couldn’t stop smiling.
2. Those two companies ended their partnership last month. They had merged two years ago.
3. I had no idea where I was leaving my wallet. I just couldn’t find it.
4. They would have a pet dog and take it for a walk twice a day.
5. Tom had played the piano for years before he became famous.
6. I used to eat at that restaurant several times last week.
7. We had walked along the beach when we heard a cry for help.
8. Freddy Mercury had given lots of great concerts.
9. He had been breaking his leg when he fell off his skateboard.
10. My neighbour used to give me a lift to work yesterday morning.
11. My tooth was aching for a week before I went to the dentist’s.
12. She wasn’t used to sit all alone.
13. The sniper pulled the trigger and had shot the target.
14. They have used to invite us to dinner parties but they no longer do.
15. She had worked as a research assistant for Professor Granger at the time.

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