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Datum 1

June: “Goodness! There you are”.

-goodness: the quality or state of being good

-god: the perfect and all-powerful spirit or being that is worshipped

especially by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the one who created and rules

the universe

In the datum 1, the researcher found euphemistic terms “goodness”. This utterance

indicate that the speaker was a bit suprised by Margaret precense. The ephemistic

term of “goodness” is usually use as surprise or shock expression. This expression

contain religion aspect that people try to avoid by using the word “goodness”,

which refer to “god”. This type of euphemism is belong to the implication,

because the word “god” can implicated/generate the words “goodness” or

“kindness” which is the characteristic of “god”. In semantic, the relation between

“goodness” and “god” can be describe as hyponymy. In this case the word “god”

has a role/place as super ordinate and “goodness” as the sub ordinarte, considering

“goodness” is the characteristic of god. The researcher try to describe this relation

by using diagram/picture below:


Goodness Kindness Evilness

Furthermore, in supporting the description, the researcher will use componential

analysis approach.
Based on the utterance, “goodness” can be elaborated into several features, there

are the feature of [+surprise] that generated from ”goodness” and feature of

[+evilness][+kindness] which is the synonym of “goodness”.

Goodness: [+surprise][+evilness][+kindness]

In this case, the word “goodness” does not hold any sensitive topic, yet it can

refer to a specific thing. Then the researcher try to replace “goodness” with the

intended meaning, to see the difference in the utterance, as the following:

“god! There you are”.

In this utterance, “god” refer as a creator of the universe and being whorshiped by

the people, which god can be unpack into several feature, such as [+creator]

[+being worshiped][+evilness]. Unlike the word “goodness”, the word “god” here

does not hide the ultiour meaning, which the meaning relation of both words can

be seen by classyfyng its feature in the following table:

Goodness God
+ Evilness +
+ Kindness +
+ Surprise -
- Creator +
- Being Worshiped +

In the table above, the word “goodness” has similiar feature as “god”, these

feature are [+evilness] and [+kindness] that refer to the characteristic of god. In

addition, “goodness” and “god” don’t share several component which point out

the feature of [Surprise] [Creator] and [Being Worshiped]. According to

componential analysis table, the word “goodness”does not hold the feature of [-

creator] and [-being worshiped] that included as taboo topic, which make the
word “goodness” less sensitive that the word “god”. In this case, the researcher

can take a conclusion that “goodness”can be used to replace the word “god” and it

belongs to euphemism.

Datum 2

Alfred: “We on this island are strong”.

-island: a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent

-uk: A country of western Europe consisting of England, Wales, Scotland,

and Northern Ireland; (oxford dict)

In datum 2, the researcher found “this island” that indicate euphemistic term. The

word “this island” in the utterance has specific meaning and the speaker intend to

hide it. “This island” point out word which at that time refer to “United Kingdom”

since the speaker gives a speech to the British people. The speaker as a Mayor try

to use “this island” to denote the word “United Kingdom” in order to persuade the

people. Public figure such as the speaker usually use generalize word to deliver

their speech, so the listener will not bothered by the speaker’s utterance.

The type of euphemism in this utterance is implication in which “this island”

implicate or generate the word of “United Kingdom”. In semantic field theory, the

word “this island” and “United Kingdom” have part/whole relationship. This

relation can be describe as following:

United Kingdom

island city countries

The diagram above show the relation between “this island” and “United

Kingdom” which, “island”, “city”, and “countries” are the part of “United

Kingdom”, and in the other hand, “united kingdom” is the whole of those parts.

In order to supprt the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance, “this island” is denote as a kind of place and area. It can

be elaborated into several features, such as:


The component of “this island” does not point out specific thing which make the

meaning of word become more broader. In order to make clear the meaning of

“this island”, the researcher replace “this island” with another word according to

the intended meaning, as following:

“We on United Kingdom are strong”.

This utterance is appropriate, since the speaker denote a kind of place which

implicate the word “United Kingdom”. In this utterance “this island”can be define

as “part of United Kingdom” which “united kingdom” can be unpack as the

following:[+countries] [+place] [+nation]

Furthermore, the researcher provide the meaning relation of the words “this

island” and “United Kingdom” by using table of omponential analysis below:

This island United kingdom

+ Area +
+ Place +
- Countries +
- Nation +
In the table above, the both of words have similiaritiesfeature, these feature are

[+area] and [+place].Yet, the word “this island” share no features of [-countries]

and [-nation] which, make this word less important. The word “United Kingdom”

can indicate the feature of [+countries] and [+nation], because United Kingdom is

consits of several countries and it included as a nation. The speaker intend to use

“this island” instead of “United Kingdom”, because he consider that it is

appropriate and not appealling if the speaker use “United Kingdom” in his

speech.So, the researcher assume that “this island” is euphemistic term that stand

for the word “United Kingdom”.


Datum 3

Margaret: “No, uhm, yes - we have always lived alongside evil. But it has
never been so patient, so avid for carnage, so eager to carry innocents with it
into oblivion”.
-innocents: A person involved by chance in a situation, especially a victim of
crime or war (oxford)
-people: The citizens of a country, especially when considered in relation to
those who govern them (oxford)

In datum 3, the researcher found euphemistic term of “innocents”. In her

utterance, the speaker resent the act of bombing which killed and injured the

people. The word “innocents” represent the “people” who become victim in that

incident. The type of euphemistic term for “innocents” is metonym, since

“inocents” is a specific term which used to denote an entity that refer to the word


innocents adult elderly

“people”. In semantic field, the relation between “innocents” and “people” is

included in part/whole relationship. This can be seen in the diagram below:

The diagram above show that the people is the whole of “innocents”, “adult”, and

“elderly”, since “people” is denote to human beings.To support the description,

the researcher use componential analysis approach.

According to the utterance, “innocents” can be elaborated into several components

based on its meaning relation, such as [+victim] and [+child]. Then the researcher

paraphasing the word “innocents” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“No, uhm, yes - we have always lived alongside evil. But it has never been so
patient, so avid for carnage, so eager to carry the people with it into

In this utterance, “innocents” is replaced by the word “the people”. The word

“people” generate several features, such as[+human] [+adult][+adolescent] and

[+elderly]. In order to differentiate the feature of both words, the researcher use

the table of component below:

Innocents The people

+ victim -
+ Child +
+ Human +
- Adult +
- Elderly +

In the table above show that the common component of “innocents” and “the

people” are [child] and [human]. In addition, the diagnostic component that
differentiate “innocents” and “the people” are [victim] [adult] and [elderly].

According to the common component, the words“innocents” and “the people”

contain related meaning, however the speaker choose to use “innocents” instead

of “the people” because she as a politicianconsider that the word “innocents” is

more propriate and polite one.Therefore,based on the description, the researcher

can take a conclusion that euphemistic tems of “innocent” is stand for the word

“the people”.

Datum 4

Twenty-four-year-old Miss Margaret Roberts lost her bid to win a seat in

Parliament today, but she has put new life into the Dartford Conservative

Association. (27)

Denis: “No one is saying you don’t need a safe seat. You deserve a safe seat”.



-A safe seat:  a seat in Parliament that is very unlikely to be lost to the

opposition in an election.

-seat :  the part of a chair or other piece of furniture that a person sits on

-a position in parliament
In datum 4, the researcher found euphemistic term “a safe seat”. In the utterance,

the speaker try to convince the listener and it related with political issues. The

words “a safe seat” itself does not relate something political, which it included

into type of euphemism of metaphore, bacause “a safe seat” is a figurative

expression that describe something unrelated with its literal meaning.According to

Merriam Webster “a safe seat” is refer to a position in Parliament that is “very

unlikely to be lost to the opposition in an election”.In short “a safe seat” in the

utterance represent “a position in parliament”, this meaning relation in semantic

field describes as metaphore.

In order to support the description, the researcher use componential analysis

approach.“A safe seat” in the utterance can be elaborated into several components,

such as [+physical] [+furniture]. From these component, it can be seen that “a safe

seat” does not hold any sensitive or taboo issue, however it is obvious that the

speaker use “a safe seat” to denote something else.Then the researcher try to

replace “a safe seat” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“No one is saying you don’t need a position (in parliament). You deserve (a


The researcher try to replaced “a safe seat” into “a position (in parliament)” to see

wether “a potition” is the intended meaning of euphemistic term in the

utterance.To see the differences between “a safe seat” and “a position”, the

researcher use table to classify the component of both word. Beforehand, it is

necessary to elaborate the component of the words “a position”that has component

[+job] and [+duty], which refer to a job in [+parliament].The table of

componential analysis is shown below:

A safe seat A position

+ Physical -
+ Furniture -
- Job +
- Duty +
- parliament +

From the table above, the word “a safe seat” and “a position” donot share

common component and consist the diagnostic component such as [physical]

[furniture][job][duty] [parliament].Here, the word “a safe seat” donate a physical

thing that included in the set of furniture and “a position” is refer to a job or duty,

such as job in parlement. In this case, it can be seen that both of word do not has

meaning relation, however in disscusing political issue, usually British people use

“seat” to describe a position or place in parliament (based on dict).Therefore, “a

position” which refer to a job or place in parliament is considered as taboo topic,

in which the people prefer use euphemistic term “a safe seat” that does not denote

the political component at all.

Datum 5

Denis: “But it does not come unless you learn to play the game a little.”

-game: An activity that one engages in for amusement

-game in rawson dict: War, like politics, has been long thought of as a game.

-politics: The activities associated with the governance of a country or area,

especially the debate between parties having power (oxford)
In datum 5, the researcher found euphmistic term “the game”. In the utterance, the

speaker try to give advice to the listener. They discuss about political issue, in

which the listener feel doubtful to not be able to enter the parliament with her

accomplishment. So the speaker convince her and give her an advice, ___ without

mentioning the sensitive issues directly. The speaker intend to use “the game” to

refer something else. In this case the researcher try to analyze the meaning of

euphemistic term “the game” and its intended meaning. Based on the utterance,

the researcher assumes that “the game” is refer to political issues and the

researcher try to describe the meaning of “the game” by relate it with the word

“politic”.In this case, the meaning relation between “the game” and “politic” is

included in metaphore, since “the game”denote entity that different or unrelated

with its literal meaning. Furthermore, the researcher will use componential

analysis aproach to support the description.

The word “the game” on the utterance can be elaborated in to several components

based on its meaning relation, such as component of [activity] and

[entertainment]. These component describe the meaning of word “the game”

which refer to physical activity that has a purpose for entertaining the people. In

the other hand, word “politic” indicate several component, such as: [diplomatic]

[activity][parliament]. The word “politic” can generate these component because

politic refer to a activity which usually take a place in parliament. To see wether

“politic” is the intended meaning of euphemistic term in the utterance, the

researcher classify the components as the following below:

The game Politic

+ Activity +
+ entertaiment -
- diplomatic +
- parliament +

In the table above show that the common component of word “the game” and

“politic” is [activity], yet the diagnostic component is [entertainment] [diplomatic]

[parliament].The word “the game” does not share component of [diplomatic] and

[parliament] which make the word “the game” less sensitive aspect. In the other

hand, the word “politic” contain sensitive component such as [diplomatic] and

[parliament] that represent political issue. From this, the researcher found that that

the speaker intend to use the less sensitive one in order to support his utterance.

Datum 6

Margaret: “It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but
for some of my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like
imagining, I don’t know, being led into battle by their chambermaid.”

In datum 6, the researcher found euphemistic term of “chambermaid”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster

“chambermaid” denotes to a woman who cleans bedrooms in hotels, this notion

does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about. However, the

speaker certainly use the word “chambermaid” to hide its intended meaning. Then

the researcher try to relate the word “chambermaid” with similiar word such as the

word “subordinate”. The meaning relation between “chambermaid” and

“subordinate” indicate the type of euphemism of metaphore, since both of word

does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field theory, the relation

between “chambermaid” and “subordinate” is included in synonymy, because

both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “chambermaid” can be elaborated into

components, such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the

word “chambermaid” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “chambermaid” into

“subordinate” which “subordinate” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +

In the table above show that the common component of the word “chambermaid”

and “Subordinate” are [human] and [underling], mainwhile the other component

such [office] and [domestic] are the diagnostic component. Here, the speaker tent

to use “chambermaid” instead of “subordinate” bacause she consider it is rude to

mention herself as “subordinate” in that situation. Based on component, the word

“chambermaid” is indicating a person or servant that do a domestic job such as

cleaning the house, these description is shown from the component of [domestic].

In addition “subordinate” show the component of [office] and [underling] which

refer to person who work for more powerful person. Therefore, the speaker use

“chambermaid” because she do not want to directly mention herself as

“subordinate” of her colleague.


It is killing jobs and it is bringing this country to its knees. (45)

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.

However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar

word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +


You are the backbone of our nation! Small firms like Loveday’s Ice Cream.


In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.

However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar
word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +

Datum 7

Margaret: “Now, as the test draws near, I ask your help”.

In datum 7, the researcher found “the test” which indicate euphemistic term.

Based on the utterance, the speaker gives political speech in public and she try to

convince the people to help her in election. From this researcher assume that “the

test” which mentioned by the speaker is refer to “the election”. The type of

euphemistic term of “the test” is metaphore, since the word “the test” can be use

to describe the different notion which relate to taboo topic, such as political issue.

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary “the test” can be defined as “a set of

questions or problems to measure someone's skills, knowledge, or abilities”,

mainwhile the word “the election’ can be defined as “the act or process of

choosing someone for a public office by voting”. Therefore both of words does

not have relation, however the word “the test” can represent the word “the

election”. In semantic field these kind of meaning relation is called metaphore.

To support the description above, the researcher use componential analysis

approach as following:

According to the utterance, “the test” can be elaborated into several components

based on its meaning relation, such as [activity] and [knowledge] [examine].

The comopnet of “the election” is connsist of [activity][vote][leadership contest]

[political party]

To see wether “the election” is the intended meaning of euphemistic term “the

tes”, the researcher classify the components as the following below:

The test The election

+ Activity +
+ Knowledge -
+ Examine -
- Vote +
- Leadership contest +
- Political party +

In the table above show that the common component of word “the test” and “the

election” is [activity], yet the diagnostic component is [knowledge] [exemine]

[vote] [leadership contest] [political party]. The word “the test” does not share

component of [vote] [leadership contest] [political party] which assosiate with

political issue, this make the word “the test” less sensitive issue than the word “the

election”. From this, the researcher found that that the speaker intend to replace

“the election” with “the test”, consider that it is more polite and less sensitive one.


Datum 8

Margaret: “we have always lived alongside evil.”.

Type of euphemism : particularization

Evil: criminal

Evil (something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity)

Criminal (a person who has committed a crime)

Semantic field: hyponymy

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “evil”. In this utterances, the

speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term “chambermaid” to

support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “evil” denotes to something

that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity, this notion does not related at all with the

issue that the speaker talking about. However, the speaker certainly use the word

“chambermaid” to hide its intended meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the

word “evil” with similiar word such as the word “criminal”. The meaning relation

between “evil” and “criminal” indicate the type of euphemism of particularization,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “evil” and “criminal” is included in hyponymy,

because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.


evil harmful immoral bad

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “evil” can be elaborated into components, such as

[bad] [harmful] [immoral][crime].

Then the researcher paraphasing the word “chambermaid” with the intended

meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”
In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “evil” into “criminal” which

“criminal” has component such as [human] [bad] [harmful] [immoral][crime].

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

evil criminal
- human +
+ Bad +
+ Harmful +
+ Immoral +
+ crime +

In the table above show that the common component of the word “chambermaid”

and “Subordinate” are [human] and [underling], mainwhile the other component

such [office] and [domestic] are the diagnostic component. Here, the speaker tent

to use “chambermaid” instead of “subordinate” bacause she consider it is rude to

mention herself as “subordinate” in that situation. Based on component, the word

“chambermaid” is indicating a person or servant that do a domestic job such as

cleaning the house, these description is shown from the component of [domestic].

In addition “subordinate” show the component of [office] and [underling] which

refer to person who work for more powerful person. Therefore, the speaker use

“chambermaid” because she do not want to directly mention herself as

“subordinate” of her colleague.

4. Understatement

Datum 9
So you are proposing to go to war over these Islands. They’re thousands
of miles away, a handful of citizens, politically and economically...
insignificant, if you’ll excuse me –

Type of euphemism : understatement

These island: Falkland island

Semantic field: polysemy

Naming: these island [

Defining: a country/ the occident [_____________

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.

However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar

word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +

In the table above show that the common component of the word “chambermaid”

and “Subordinate” are [human] and [underling], mainwhile the other component

such [office] and [domestic] are the diagnostic component. Here, the speaker tent

to use “chambermaid” instead of “subordinate” bacause she consider it is rude to

mention herself as “subordinate” in that situation. Based on component, the word

“chambermaid” is indicating a person or servant that do a domestic job such as

cleaning the house, these description is shown from the component of [domestic].

In addition “subordinate” show the component of [office] and [underling] which

refer to person who work for more powerful person. Therefore, the speaker use

“chambermaid” because she do not want to directly mention herself as

“subordinate” of her colleague.


Twenty-four-year-old Miss Margaret Roberts lost her bid to win a seat in

Parliament today, but she has put new life into the Dartford Conservative
Association. (27)

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.

However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar

word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”
In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +



- in their eyes. A single grocer’s daughter. But if you were to become the
wife of a moderately successful businessman (28)

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.

However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar

word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +


So you are proposing to go to war over these Islands. They’re thousands

of miles away, a handful of citizens, politically and economically...
insignificant, if you’ll excuse me – (72)

In datum 8, the researcher found euphemistic term “these island”. In this

utterances, the speaker discuss political issue which she use euphemistic term

“chambermaid” to support her utterance. According to Merriam webster “island”

denotes to a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent, this

notion does not related at all with the issue that the speaker talking about.
However, the speaker certainly use the word “these island” to hide its intended

meaning. Then the researcher try to relate the word “these island” with similiar

word such as the word “Falkland island”. The meaning relation between “these

island” and “Falkland island” indicate the type of euphemism of understatement,

since both of word does not relate to each other. Futhermore, in semantic field

theory, the relation between “these island” and “Falkland island” is included in

synonymy, because both of words refer to “a person who serve another”.

In order to support the description, the writer use componential analysis approach

for further analysis.

Based on the utterance the word “these island” can be elaborated into components,

such as [human] [domestic]. Then the researcher paraphasing the word “these

island” with the intended meaning, as the following:

“It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of
my colleagues to imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t
know, being led into battle by their subordinate.”

In this utterance, the researcher replace the word “island” into “Falkland island”

which “falkland island” has component such as [human] [underling]

To differentiate the component of both words, the researcher use the table of

component as the following:

Chambermaid Subordinate
+ human +
+ Domestic -
+ underling +
- Office +

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