Web-Based Procurement System

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A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of Southern Leyte State University

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Presented by:

Rosebeb Agad
Arnold Tomol Jr.
Jemaima Bohol
John Onez
Aljie Mahinay

Madelyn B. Manun-og

December 2021
Republic of the Philippines
Ambacon, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte


The Capstone Project entitled “Web-Based Procurement System” prepared and

submitted by Rosebeb Agad, Jemaima Bohol, Arnold Tomol Jr., John Onez, and
Aljie Mahinay has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance.


Adviser ITSO Manager Research Facilitator

APPROVED by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED on_____


Member Member

ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology.



This project is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been

our source of strength and inspiration, who continually provide their spiritual and

financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, and classmates who gave us word of

advice and encouragement to finish this project.

And lastly, we dedicated this project to our Almighty God, thank you for the

strength, motivation, guidance, wisdom, and for giving a healthy life. All of these, we

offer to you.

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His

showers of blessings throughout our research work to complete the research


We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our Capstone

adviser, Mrs. Madelyn B. Manun-og for giving us the opportunity to do research

and providing invaluable guidance throughout this research. Her sincerity and

motivation have deeply inspired us. It was a great privilege and honor to study

under her guidance.

We would also like to thank our research adviser, Sir Ruther Manun-og

him for his guidance and kindness throughout the research. And To our

Research co-adviser, Sir Gamaliel Minel, thank you for motivating and guiding


We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring,

understanding, and sacrifices. Also we express our thanks to our sisters,

brothers, and friends for their support and valuable prayers.

Extending our thanks to Sir G-Mar T. Mondragon of Procurement office,

for his support and patience during the discussion we had with him regarding

the capstone project. We also thank all the staff of Procurement office of

Southern Leyte State University Hinunangan Campus, for their kindness.

Finally, our thanks go to all the people who have supported us to complete the

research work directly or indirectly.

The Researchers



In the age of Information Technology, the life of human beings has been simpler

and more convenient. Information Technology has a significant impact on the process of

procurement, the technology helps collect the data, but it is also much effective in

reducing errors by saving all the necessary information electronically. Procurement is

the buying of goods, services, or construction for various purposes. The Web-Based

Procurement system has its goal to implement a procurement process that is faster and


According to Jae Moon (2005), state governments that are more likely to adopt

e-procurement tools tend to be larger, managerially innovative, and to have a strong

centralized procurement office. Overall, e-procurement is a promising technology, but

managerial and technical challenges remain. (Mohsen, 2001) also states that web-based

procurement has an enormous amount of potential benefits when properly employed.

These could be classified into strategic, operational, and opportunity benefits and will

vary in emphasis across the different organizations. With web-based procurement can

eliminate the need to re-enter data from paper documents and would prevent clerical


The government procurement department faces some challenges in the

procurement process as they do their work manually, (a) Not computerized process, they

still do manual input of data with paper forms and spreadsheets, this problem is not only

time consuming but also prone to a high chance of typical errors. (b) Difficulty in

keeping of records and generating of reports, as one of the procurement officers said that
this task is important to be organized and keep. (c) The user mostly forgets to make

purchase requests (PR) based on their Project procurement Management Plan (PPMP)

target schedule for purchase.

For this reason, the researchers proposed a system entitle Web-Based Procurement

System to help solve the gaps regarding the procurement process. This proposed system

aims to provide an excellent opportunity to the government procurement department in

reducing manual human input, updating of information, generation of reports, and keeping

of records.

However, only the admin (Procurement Officer) and end users (department head)

has the access to the system, it will not cover outside supplier and the inventory; it only

focuses on procurement process. With this proposed system, organizations can improve

efficiency and mitigate risks in the procurement process.


The researchers want to develop an effective system that aims to support and help

the Government procurement office to minimize the time and effort in preparing

documents for procurement process, specifically in the following;

1.1 Generation of reports

1.2 Keeping of Records

1.3 Automatic Calculation of budget

1.4 Reducing of errors

1.5 Updating of Information



This chapter presents a brief discussion of the recent literature and studies/systems on

Web-Based Procurement System

Review of Related Literature

E-Procurement is considered one of the major developments in public

procurement especially in organizations and offices. An e-procurement system is the

acquisition of goods and services electronically. A smooth electronic documentation

process and automation of the entire system can help improve the procurement

performance in the organization. Thus, it is well-liked in both the public and private

sectors. The popularity of e-procurement has remained a topic interest in the world of

internet, and it is one of the emerging trends in a numerous establishment Geoffrey et

al. (2015)

E-procurement is the modern method of making business-to-business purchase

online using electronic tools. Moreover, it also benefits in the supply and delivery of

services for online sales via Internet-based technology and IT applications (Nawi et al.,

2016). William (2020) conducted an electronic procurement among commercial state

in Ghana to enhance the performance of the corporation when acquiring. However, the

study encountered a limitation, and several functions are still performed manually. In

addition, Shaikh et al, (2015) carried out an approach of using the internet-based net

application in Information Technology (IT) to boost the access and delivery of goods

and services to the organization. As a result, the changes in economic conditions

impose organization and firms to implement new technologies to stay competitive.

Nevertheless, procurement has a long history, its role as a strategic part of the

organizational structure still relatively new and it can be expected that the procurement
will only continue to develop and expand its ability to impact successful organizations

(Mike Nolan, 2021).

Hulsen et al. (2019) proposed a system, primarily focused on a more convenient

function of e-procurement, and over time their popularity grew, the e-procurement

bring vital price to companies and its value is mostly restricted to enhancements in

market access. In addition, Tate et al. (2018) proposed the latest development available

on mobile devices that provide flexibility and easy access to the data and information

on the go. However, the strategy led to a negative consumer reaction due to both the

intimate nature of mobile devices and the inability to restrict advertising delivered to

mobile phone. The use of the internet and technology to conduct business in the global

market appears to be the future trend.

Review of Related Studies

As stated by William (2020), the increasing trend towards purchasing inputs and

other raw materials from outside the organization and procurement has become

significant tactic in most companies. The previous approach in which the functions are

still performed manually and time consuming was an inconvenient task. After having

these issues, William proposed e-procurement that improved the future performance on

business and organization. The proposed system has led to cost reduction, improved

transparency, accountability, and the improvement in competitive bidding and sourcing.

According to Khi (2017), procurement system was also developed that is

operated in the environment and the government. The system is determined by the

government and is influenced by its economic, cultural, legal, political, and social

environment. Conversely, e-procurement system can influence and may also hinder

buying from small local firms that are not enabled.

Based on Bello et al. (2019), the developed e-procurement is gradually gained

wide acceptance by public sector organizations in Nigeria as a mode of transaction. The

designed and implemented system has the potential to significantly improve the

proficiency of the current manual-based tendering system used by the Nigerian public

procuring entities. In the same way, Augustin et al. (2016), conducted an e-procurement

in PT Tetap Lancar Mandari. The system discussed the minimum point of stock for

subsequent ordering material to suppliers that would help the company shorten its

business process. The only field study conducted was the interview with the director of

the company.

According to Bokolo (2019), e-procurements have many advantages which

include collaborative and interaction among buyers and sellers and procurement

managers. Most of the e-procurement system support procurement management to

address the uncertainties experience, more accurate and timely business intelligence.

In addition, Nugraputra et al. (2015) presented a system that process the vendor’s

registration, manufacture of goods ordering letter, goods verification, good stock update

and payment that could benefit the time and cost aspect. The scope was limited, and the

methods used were only document studies and interview with the head of the warehouse.

Furthermore, Ang et al. (2018), web-based procurement supports procurement

process effectively and efficiently and integrate the inventory and approval system. The

system results in simpler process of document approval, innovative products and

services and facilitated new ways of doing business.



The researchers gathered information about the project and brainstormed about

what possible technologies to be used that can help improve the development of the

system. The Web-Based Procurement System is a procurement process where the admin

can do the work regarding the procurement matters via online without using the

traditional process. These are some of technologies that are being used by the

proponents in the project; Visual Studio code, Xampp, Google Chrome, Bootstrap

Studio, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop. Furthermore, the programming languages being

used are JavaScript, PHP, and HTML.

These are the following technologies details to be used;

o Visual studio code, it is a streamlined code editor with support for development

operations like debugging, task running, and version control.

o Xampp is a popular cross-platform web server that allows programmers to write

and test their code on a local webserver.

o Google Chrome is a free web browser develops by Google, used for accessing

web pages on the internet.

o Bootstrap Studio Bootstrap Studio is a proprietary web design and

development application. It offers a large number of components for building

responsive pages including headers, footers, galleries and slideshows along with

basic elements such as spans and divs.

o Adobe Photoshop is computer application software used to edit and manipulate

digital images.
o MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. As with

other relational databases, MySQL stores data in tables made up of rows and


The researchers had decided to use Incremental-Software Development Life

Cycle (SDLC) model in developing the proposed web-based procurement system. The

first phase is requirement analysis phase. In the requirement analysis phase, the

proponents would analyze the current manual procurement system being used in SLSU-

Hinunangan College, investigate any problems associated with it and evaluate

alternative solutions. In this phase, the researchers came up a solution to some of the

common problems of the faculty and staffs in the said institution. The second phase is

the design phase; the proponents brainstormed and came up with the design for website

after analyzing the collected requirements. In this phase, the researchers decided that the

application will be used to design are the VS Code, Bootstrap, and Adobe Photoshop.

The third phase is coding phase, the proponents start working to develop and

design through coding the software with the aid of internet. The fourth phase is the

testing phase. In the testing phase, the proponents test and debug the program to ensure

that the system would be running and functioning. The results were determined and

observed to test that the faculty and staff would benefit the features of the proposed




The study was conducted in Southern Leyte State University – College of

Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (SLSU–CAFES) which is located at

Ambacon, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte. The Institution offers four-degree courses

namely: Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (BAT), Bachelor of Agricultural

Entrepreneurship (BSAE), Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education (BSED –

English, Mathematics, and Biological Sciences), and Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology (BSIT). The current School Administrator is Dr. Wade C.


Population of the Study

Organizational Chart/Profile


Figure1. Fishbone Diagram

Figure 1 shows all the possible reasons of project failure while developing a system.

Fishbone Diagram also called a cause and effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram, is a

visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes of a problem in order to identify

its root causes.

Figure2. Functional Decomposition Diagram




For the completion and development of Web-Based Procurement System, it follows

its time frame as shown below.

Activit Schedule of Activities

y Activity Year 1 Remarks
No. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1. Drafting plan and finalizing ideas

2. Proposal presentation

3. Information gathering for the

website content
4. Creating the website layout
5. Designing the website
6. Coding the web content for
7. Testing and debugging
8. Deployment and Implementation

▪ Economic Feasibility
• Cost and Benefit Analysis

• Cost Recovery Scheme

▪ Requirements Modeling
• Input
• Process
• Output
• Performance
• Control
• Either of the following two (2) or combined, whichever are

o Data and Process Modeling

▪ Context Diagram
▪ Data Flow Diagram
▪ System Flowchart
Figure3. Administrator System Flowchart
Figure4. User System Flowchart

▪ Program Flowchart (highlights only)

o Object Modeling
▪ Use Case Diagram
▪ Class Diagram
▪ Sequence Diagram
▪ Activity Diagram
▪ Risk Assessment/Analysis

▪ Output and User-Interface Design
• Forms
• Reports
▪ Data Design
• Entity Relationship Diagram (preferably done in MS Access [but
MS Access is discouraged as DBMS])
• Data Dictionary
▪ System Architecture
• Network Model
• Network Topology
• Security


The development of the web-based procurement system follows the Incremental

- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model which is a process of software

development where requirements are broken down into multiple standalone modules of

software development cycle.

Figure1. Incremental Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model

As shown in figure 1, Incremental SDLC Model development is done in steps

from requirement analysis, design, Coding, and testing. The system is put into

production when the first increment is delivered. The first increment is often a core

product where the basic requirements are addressed, and supplementary features are

added in the next increments. System development is broken down into many mini

development projects (Martin, M. 2021).

 Requirement Analysis

The researchers made an appointment to have a meeting with the procurement

officer regarding the study. Then, the researchers together with the procurement officer

decided to develop a Web-Based Procurement System based from encountered problem

in their current procurement process. In the next day, the researchers gathered together

for group discussion, regarding for the study and to give tasks for each members to

complete the needed data for the development of the system and also for the

documentation within the estimated time schedule on finishing the project. The

researchers gathered references in the internet regarding the related studies and
literature. After the collections of needed requirement for the system, the researchers

analyzed the collected requirements and data.

 Design

 Coding

 Testing

Software Specification

 Visual Studio Code

It is famously known as VS Code, is a free open source text editor by Microsoft.
VS Code is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Although the editor is

relatively lightweight, it includes some powerful features that have made VS

Code one of the most popular development environment tools in recent times.

(Mustafeez, Z. 2021)


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. As

with other relational databases, MySQL stores data in tables made up of rows

and columns. Users can define, manipulate, control, and query data using

Structured Query Language, more commonly known as SQL. MySQL’s name is

a combination of “My,” the name of MySQL creator Michael Widenius’s

daughter, and “SQL” (Drake, M. 2020)

 Bootstrap Studio

Bootstrap Studio is a proprietary web design and development

application. It offers a large number of components for building responsive pages

including headers, footers, galleries and slideshows along with basic elements

such as spans and div. The program can be used for building websites and

prototypes (Wikipedia.com, 2021).

Hardware Specification

 1 unit Laptop

Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) N4000 CPU @ 1.10GHz 1.10 GHz

Memory 4 GB or Higher
Hard Disk 500 GB or Higher
OS Windows 10 Home Single Language

 SmartBro Pocket Wi-Fi

A pocket Wi-Fi is a portable wireless modem, also known as MiFi, mobile

hotspot, or internet dongle that connects any Wi-Fi enabled device (smartphones,

laptops, and tablets) to the internet through a mobile telephone network.

Program Specification

 PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

PHP, Known as a general-purpose scripting language that can be used to

develop dynamic and interactive websites. It was among the first server-side

languages that could be embedded into HTML, making it easier to add

functionality to web pages without needing to call external files for data (Mino,

S. 2021).

 JavaScript

JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-

side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive. Where

HTML and CSS are languages that give structure and style to web pages,

JavaScript gives web pages interactive elements that engage a user

(Hackreactor.com, 2021).
 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup

Language which is used for creating web pages and web applications. Let's see

what is meant by Hypertext Markup Language, and Web page (javatpoint.com,


▪ Programming Environment
• Front End
• Back End
▪ Deployment Diagram
▪ Test Plan

▪ Unit Testing
▪ Integration Testing
• Compatibility Testing
• Performance Testing
• Stress Testing
• Load Testing
▪ System Testing
▪ Acceptance Testing (must be done after the Oral Defense)

▪ Conclusions
▪ Recommendations
▪ Implementation Plan
o Project Implementation Checklist
o Implementation Contingency
o Infrastructure/Deployment



o Relevant Source Code

o Evaluation Tool
o Sample Input / Output / Reports
o Users Guide
o Other Relevant Documents
o Working Title Form
o Grammarian’s Certification
o Curriculum Vitae


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