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Practice writing a thesis statement for a descriptive text.

Fill in the blanks

with the needed information.
1. Write your topic:
A perfect day.
2. Write your dominant impression of the topic:
A tranquil day away from society.
3. Combine what you wrote in numbers 1 and 2 in a clearly written sentence.
A perfect day for me would be one filled with tranquility, away from our
loud and toxic society.
4. You now have a thesis statement. Improve and rewrite it.
To put my mind to ease amidst all this chaos, I sometimes like to lie down,
close my eyes, and envision a day where I don’t have to think about all
this. A day where I can finally run my mind with thoughts that no longer
put unnecessary lines on my face. Away from the people and their
murmurs that makes my burden heavier than it already is.

Generate Details
Generate details by filling out the table below with specific details that
appeal to any of the reader's senses as in the column headings. Remember that
you should provide vivid details so that you will be successful in the making
the readers experience through your words how beautiful and exciting a place
is. Examples have been given to you.

Sight Smell Hearing Touch Taste

Calming effect Exotic food

Long white- Relaxing scent Melodic sounds
of the warm sea sold in local
sand beaches of fresh air of the waves
water style stores

The savory
The tempting
loud chants of textures of the taste of the
smell of fresh
Public markets the market different fruit street foods
fish and
vendors and vegetables sold in the

pointy end of a
the smell of homey taste of
School murmurs of the newly
newly printed my packed
classroom boys at the back sharpened
books lunch

Organize Ideas
Organize your ideas by completing the outline below with your lead-in and
thesis statements, topic sentences for each paragraph in the body, and review of
points in the conclusion.

I. Introduction
Lead-in statement: Lately, Life has not been taking my side. Workloads have
been filling up like the clothes in our laundry bin
Thesis statement: To put my mind to ease amidst all this chaos, I sometimes
like to lie down, close my eyes and envision a day where I don’t have to think
about all this.
II. Body
A. I imagine waking up on a Saturday noon on my own without any
1. The sunlight woke me up and the wind from the electric fan brush against
my puffy face.
2. After stretching myself out of bed, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth
and wash off last night's skincare, just to put on my day time skincare.
B. I go down the stairs to find my mom with the breakfast she has cooked; the
air is filled with the smell of garlic rice, egg, ham.
1. After doing the dishes, I have the rest of the day to myself.
2. Beside my bed, where I'll lay in until I get bored is a charging outlet that
makes my life bearable, I'd rewatch my favorite TV series Friends,
C. Between a pint of ice cream and my favorite TV series, only my actual
friends could complete my perfect day.
1. I treasure my friends just like how you would treasure your phone charger,
funny as it sounds but I have never taken care of anything seriously besides my
phone charger.
2. In a way, my friends are my charger they recharge me to keep striving on.
III. Conclusion
Review of the main points:
The author is describing her perfect day.
Her friends are a key part to making that happen
Memorable statement:
In a way, my friends are my charger they recharge me to keep striving on.

Drafting a Descriptive Text

Come up with a title, introduction, body, and conclusion. Since your focus is
to us the description pattern. Make sure to formulate a vivid introduction and
interesting conclusion, Begin with a lead-in statement and end your essay with
statements that are directly connected to your topic to surely come up with a
well-written text.
Here are some tips to construct your title:
Use as few words as possible (e.g., "Breathtaking Boracay").
Let you tittle carry the tone of your text.
Be specific about the topic of your text. (e.g., "Culture shock in an Out-Of-

Write your first draft by devoting one paragraph for the introduction, at least
three for the body, and another for the conclusion. Remember that to make your
description effective, you must arrange the details logically, using appropriate
transition words and phrases for spatial order, such as the ones below.

Across the road on your left over

adjacent To the right behind

in the opposite extremes on top between

Draft your descriptive text using the format below. Do not worry if the
space is not enough. You can still add more ideas in your next draft.

A perfect day
Beginning the text.

(Write a good lead-in statement here.)

Lately, Life has not been taking my side. Workloads have been filling up
like the clothes in our laundry bin. The school year is about to end, and the rays
of the summer sun are approaching fast.

(Write a transition sentence leading to your thesis statement.)

On top of everything that I have accomplished this year, seeing my efforts pay
off is probably one of the feelings in the world. But that doesn't mean that a
part of me hasn't been burned out yet.

(Write your thesis statement here.)

To put my mind to ease amidst all this chaos, I sometimes like to lie down, close my eyes
and envision a day where I don’t have to think about all this. A day where I can finally run
my mind with thoughts that no longer put unnecessary lines on my face. Away from the
people and their murmurs that makes my burden heavier than it already is.
Adding details to supporting details.

(Write you first supporting point here.)

I imagine waking up on a Saturday noon on my own without any
disturbance, as the sunlight woke me up and the wind from the electric fan
brush against my puffy face.

(Add specific details here. Refer to the Graphic organizer and outline that you worked on
in prewiting the page.)

after stretching myself out of bed, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and
wash off last night's skincare, just to put on my day time skincare.

(Write your second supporting here.)

I go down the stairs to find my mom with the breakfast she has cooked, The
air is filled with the smell of garlic rice, egg, ham. The typical Filipino
breakfast that has never failed to leave me salivating.

(Add specific details here. Refer to the Graphic organizer and outline that you worked on in
prewriting the page.)
After doing the dishes, I have the rest of the day to myself. I'll take a nice
refreshing shower then put some clothes on that smells like your typical

(Write your third supporting here.)

Beside my bed, where I'll lay in until I get bored is a charging outlet that
makes my life bearable, I'd rewatch my favorite TV series Friends, as I devour
on a pint of ice cream.

(Add specific details here. Refer to the Graphic organizer and outline that you worked on in
prewriting the page.)
Between a pint of ice cream and my favorite TV series, only my actual friends could
complete my perfect day. I treasure my friends just like how you would treasure your phone
charger, funny as it sounds but I have never taken care of anything seriously besides my
phone charger. In a way, my friends are my charger they recharge me to keep striving on.

Ending the text.

(Write your ending point here.)

When I come to think of it, a perfect day for me is just a day without any
school works. It maybe low but in my circumstances it seems reasonable, I
know that as I grow old my perfect day would change just like how
perspectives will.

(Write a memorable statement here or a repeat a key word from the

"I know that as I grow old my perfect day would
change just like how perspectives will."

Karyle Joyce Bulanhagui

11 - Agape B (ABM)

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