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Organization and Management

Quarter 2 Module 5-6

NAME:____________________ DATE ______________
GRADE & SECTION: ____________ SCORE:_____________

___1. A common practice among Filipinos is to show an initial interest and enthusiasm
about a certain project but gradually declines during the course.
a. Manana Habit c. Social Mobility
b. Filipino Time d. Ningas cogon

___2. It refers to how much the society should reward and encourage people for being king,
fair, friendly and generous
a. Reward System c. Reinforcement Theory
b. Humane Orientation d. ERG Theory

___3. A motivation theory that says, an individual tends to act based on expectation that the
act will be followed by an outcome that may be attractive or unattractive to him.
a. Goal-setting Theory c. Expectancy Theory
b. Job Design Theory d. ERG Theory

___4. A style of leadership that only works on highly motivated employees because the
leader does not participate in directing them.
a. Autocratic style c. Laissez-faire style
b. Situational/contingency theory d. Democratic style

___5. A theory that focuses on how leaders behave and assumes that their leadership traits
can be copied by other leaders.
a. Autocratic style c. Laissez-faire style
b. Situational/contingency theory d. Democratic style

___6. This style of leadership only accepts a little or no inputs from its subordinates.
a. Autocratic style c. Laissez-faire style
b. Situational/contingency theory d. Democratic style

___7. A theory on leadership that states that the most effective leadership style always
depends on a particular situation.
a. Autocratic style c. Laissez-faire style
b. Situational/contingency theory d. Democratic style
___8. This refers to a motivation theory that states that the lower the hierarchy of need, the
greater the need for satisfaction.
a. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory c. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
b. Adelfer’s ERG Theory d. Job Design Theory
___9. Leadership is an art or process of influencing people so that they will strive to
forcefully and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goal. a. The
statement is correct
b. The statement is wrong
c. The statement is either correct or wrong
d. The statement id neither correct nor wrong

____10. The process of sharing and exchanging of messages among people is what you call?
a. Motivating c. Motivation
b. Communication d. Communicating

___11. What is referred to as the overall control of performance instead of only those of
specific organizational processes?
a. Quantitative Methods c. Qualitative Methods
b. Non-quantitative Methods d. Non-qualitative Methods

___12. Which should be excluded from the choices below?

a. Feedforward control c. Concurrent control
b. Employee discipline d. Project runway

__ 13.Enforcing discipline in the workplace is not easy. In what way a manager should
control his or her employees?
a. Feedforward control c. Employee discipline
b. Project management control d. Concurrent control

__ 14..Which among the choices is considered the lifeblood of a business?

a. Budgets c. Sales
b. Audits d. Profit

__15. This tests the organization’s ability to meet short term obligations.
a. Liquidity Ratio c. Activity Ratio
b. Leverage Ratio d. Project Management c.
___16.This determines if the organization is technically insolvent.
a. Liquidity Ratio c. Activity Ratio
b. Leverage Ratio d. Project Management c.
___17.This determines if the organization is carrying more inventory that what it needs.
a. Liquidity Ratio c. Activity Ratio
b. Leverage Ratio d. Project Management

___18. What control method uses data and different quantitative tools for monitoring and
controlling production output?
a. Quantitative methods c. Qualitative methods
b. Non-quantitative methods d. Non-qualitative methods

___19.What method is referred to as the overall control performance instead of only those of
specific organizational processes?
a. Quantitative methods c. Qualitative methods
b. Non-quantitative methods d. Non-qualitative methods

___20. What is being identified as an instrument of planning, management and control?

A. Budgets B. Audits C. Capital D. Profit

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