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What is the market for this product?

Targeted market segment will be urban middle class and upper middle class people who would prefer
local street food in more healthier and hygienic way by bringing health quotient into the equation we
serve the food along with the constituent calorie and nutritional values to let customers have a tab on the
amount of calories they intake at the same time maintaining hygiene standards.


Small restaurants

Food trucks

Value proposition:
1. Health quotient - The whole world is moving towards healthier food habits, especially after the
pandemic. But street foods on the other hand remain a non-healthy space and we are going to
provide healthy food options in the street food segment
2. Middle class and upper-middle class, College & School goers -Most of the street foods in India
cater only to the lower strata of the families. Tapping onto the middle class and upper-middle-
class which form the fulcrum of the distribution would unlock a lot of potential to grow in the
3. Alternative to meat (Vegan)-Meat is said to be one of the major contributors to CO2 emissions
and there has been a growing popularity of moving towards a safer alternative-Vegan. However,
meat-eating lovers are attracted to the taste of the meat. Therefore providing vegan meat which
tastes exactly like ordinary meat would give these people an opportunity to not compromise the
taste and contribute to the environment and personal health as well
4. Local Delicacies -The local street food delicacies always carry an emotional connection and the
rise of popular western food chains has the potential of hampering the local street foods. So,
setting up restaurants and expanding across the places would provide a fillip to the declining
street food outlets and preserve the connection with the local people
5. QSR - The technology has been growing at a rapid pace and this has impacted the way businesses
are run. People now want to spend less time and this is where the quick service restaurants give
rise to. Preparing the food within 7 minutes from the time of order will help us serve the
customers well and also it reduces the congestion in restaurants.
Value Chain analysis:

Customer Need statements:

1. The food which gives its constituent calorie and nutritional values
2. The Restaurant which has highest health rated dishes
3. Eating vegan meat in continental cuisine always is not favorable
4. The snack which can be utilized as pre workout meal
5. A visually appealing space to have local delicacies
6. A contemporary food outlet to provide street food in hygienic manner

On analyzing these statements we came to know about the unaddressed market that was present for street
savories. The existing shops and outlets catered to the customers who were compromising their health for
taste. Most of this segment belonged to lower middle class and lower income groups. Hence this niche
segment of people who were from upper middle class and upper class and had an interest in street food
delicacies remained untapped. Since we planned to bring health quotient into the equation we serve the
food along with the constituent calorie and nutritional values to let customers have a tab on the amount of
calories they intake.
Marketing and Promotional Strategies:

● Online/Social Media Marketing - For any newly launched restaurant business in the recent past,
social media marketing has become a crucial platform that directly contribution to the
success/failure of the business. Some of the methods of engagement through social media or
online media marketing are as follows
○ Online Influencers including food vloggers
○ Presentation of dishes so that they are Instagrammable
○ Adding reservation links to Google Business
○ Offering coupons and discount campaigns
○ Local discovery online using Restaurant SEO
○ Retargeting Ads
○ Encouraging customers to do online reviews and responding to online review

● Demo outlets at Food festivals, and public places like malls etc - Customers can try out sample
dishes and the agents present at these outlets can also explain the uniqueness of our offering,
health benefits and other information to catch the interests.

● Word-Of-Mouth referrals

● Distributing Flyers and Pamphlets

What are the chances of customer acceptance of the product?

Basis the primary survey we have conducted, we received a strong positive response for the product.

Close to 35% of the crowd often intake street foods, and more than 20% have polled that they have street
food atleast once in every fortnight. Further 75% of responses identified hygiene as one of the major
shortcomings in the local street food. Also roughly 50% responses preferred an healthier alternatives,
including vegan products and a proper dining place to experience the local delicacy.

Also from the response, we can infer that only 15% of the sample do not mind about the brand when they
eat local food and 95% of the respondents are willing to pay a higher price for the same products when
served in a more healthier & Hygenic manner with various other alternatives. Furthermore, 60% of the
respondents are willing to pay more than 1.5x of the price that they are shelling out currently.
Have you done concept testing, if yes how?

Yes. We did interviews to our potential customers and they were willing to pay premium price for a
healthy street food cuisine and also expressed their concerns over unhygenic conditions and lack of
healthier alternatives.

Have you made a Prototype, what did you learn?

Have you done any consumer testing with the prototype, what was the feedback

positioning statement

Positioning statement:
For the Health conscious middle class and upper middle class street food lovers who would also want to
switch to healthier alternatives (Target segment), The Kaalan shop (brand name) is the brand of Healthy
street food lovers(frame of reference) that gives hygienic service & Vegan alternatives (point of
difference) because of public awareness on vegan products and implementation of safety & Hygienic
standards that the customers expect(justification)

What is your Go To Market Strategy?

Target Market:
Metro Cities starting with Chennai .

Target: Customer
Urban Middle and Upper Middle Class people who are health conscious, trying alternatives such as vegan
food and who would prefer hygienic local street food as their favourite snack/meal

Pricing Strategy:
Value based strategy after understanding customer needs. Based on the primary research, the customers
are willing to pay 1.5x times the price that they usually pay for an more healthier and hygienic meal

Channel strategy:
Offline Channel providing high quality dining experience especially populated areas for quick turnaround
of customers and using online platforms for delivery of food through food aggregating platforms.

Acquisition Strategy :
Customer acquisition through Digital Marketing Campaign which shall include activities like adding
reservation links to Google Business, presentation of dishes so that they are Instagrammable, offering
coupon and discount campaigns, Local online ads, Improve local discovery online using Restaurant SEO
Retargeting ads, Respond to online reviews, Get Influencers to post on social media and Building and
promote your tribe on social media



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