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Risk Management: Hedging Strategies

Why hedging prevents you from speculation!

Hedging represents an excellent tool for a

risk management kit of purchasing
Course of raw material
Initial situation: development
Loss from raw material price development

is balanced out against the profit from the
Increasing demands for raw materials, for example as currently contract.
seen in China and India, lead to long-term trends and cause x raw material price

high price volatility. In this world of volatilities and unpredictable 100

Planning price
changes the profit of your company is is in demand.
Course of contract
Companies dependent on raw materials or companies which
source Commodities dependent on raw materials, can drastically

reduce the risk of increasing prices or volatilities with the help of

modern financial instruments. Hedging therefore is a term that The hedger receives a price level for a certain raw material, e.g.
encompasses not only these instruments but also special meth- copper, for a defined point of time, e.g. a year.
ods to transfer risks.
Therefore, neutralising the price change risk is an essential task
Hedging in our terms means the safeguarding of an existing
of hedging. This means that the purchaser has a reliable basis
or still expanding position, e.g. of raw materials or currencies
for his calculation and an excellent new tool for his or her risk
against undesired market price developments.
management kit.

Important reasons for your purchasing departments to operate dynamic hedging

Hedging is an answer to the risk scenarios connected with price exit markets at any time
changes. Hedging enables your purchasing department to transfer and to participate from bearish and bullish market scenarios
and manage risks. Therefore, your business benefits from Without an early warning system, such as hedging, you will only
planning reliability (e.g. calculation with fixed prices, volatility find out about price changes when your supplier passes on the
of your cash flow is reduced) price increase to you. As a quintessence you will find out that a
early recognition of trends professional hedge will give you an excellent support to manage
a competitive advantage your risks.
Furthermore a dynamic hedging strategy should give you the Hedging is directly opposed to speculation. It prevents you from
opportunity to speculation!
So, what do you, as a purchaser, need for a good
To make a good hedge happen in the purchasing department you An outstanding asset management system, trading and capital
need a special kind of information that will realize your hedging markets experience plus an excellent supply chain management
tasks. consultation may give you important information. A combination,
On the one hand you have to know how much of your commod- which is hard to find either in the financial or in the purchasing
ity, when and where it will be purchased. On the other hand you world. This combination is realized by BrainNet and its strategic
should be able to choose the right financial instruments as there partnerships with the banks, raw material and energy traders,
are futures, options or over the counter (OTC) products that help brokers and certified accountants.
you to neutralize the price risks of your commodity. Workshops and trainings held by our consultants will enable you
to get your purchasing department started.

Our approach to manage your price risk

Closing the loop of risk management means in our approach: risk analysis and identification, strategy and tactics, realizing measures and

Risk Analyis Hedging Strategy Implementation Adjustment

Identification of relevant Identification of relevant Adjustment of

goods and materials financial derivatives your portfolio

Correlation Process planning: Process implementation,

creation of a controlling Controlling and round table
analysis and calculation roles and responsibilities
and monitoring process

Result: hedging Result: optimized

Supply chain analysis Build up purchasing and hedging
strategy and policy
of a derivative portfolio strategy

Result: business case &

Result: asset
feasibility study
management and
controlling process
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Fax: +49 (0) 228 72537-37 Fax: +41 (0) 44 38078-16 Fax: +1 (617) 2738001 Fax: +1 (813) 6397501

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Fon: +49 (0) 228 72537-0 Fon: +48 (0) 71 344908-0 Fon: +1 (312) 8277964 Fon: +86-21-28909072
Fax: +49 (0) 228 72537-37 Fax: +48 (0) 71 344908-9 Fax: +1 (312) 3469603 Fax: +86-21-28909999

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