For Female: Supine, With Knees Flexed, Feet About 2 Feet Apart, and Hips Slightly Externally

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Introduce yourself and verify client’s identity.

Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, and how the client can
2. Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection control procedures.
3. Provide client privacy. By closing the door or curtains.
4. Place the client in the appropriate position and drape all areas except the perineum.
For Female: supine, with knees flexed, feet about 2 feet apart, and hips slightly externally
5. Establish adequate lighting. Stand on the client’s right if you are right-handed, on the client’s
left if you are left-handed.
6. If using a collecting bag not contained within the catheterization kit, open the drainage
package, and place the end of the tubing within reach.
7.Open the catheterization kit. Open lubricant package and pour a small amount of it in the
kidney basin
8. Apply sterile gloves.
9. Place a waterproof drape under the buttocks (female) or penis (male) without contaminating
the center of the drape with your hands. And also, at the top of the stomach too.
10. Saturate the cleansing balls with the antiseptic solution.
11. Attach the prefilled syringe to the indwelling catheter inflation hub and test the balloon.
12. Lubricate the catheter and place it with the drainage end inside the collection container.
13. We are now ready to Cleanse the meatus.
Note: The nondominant hand is considered contaminated once it touches the client’s skin.
14. Use your nondominant hand to spread the labia.
15. Establish a firm but gentle position.
16. Pick up a cleansing ball with the forceps in your dominant and wipe one side of the labia
majora in an anteroposterior direction. Or by using the diamond stroke in wiping
17. Use a new ball for the opposite side and Repeat for the labia minora.
18. Use the last ball to cleanse directly over the meatus.
19. Grasp the catheter firmly 2-3 inches from the tip. Ask the client to take a slow deep breath
and insert the catheter as the client exhales.
Advance the catheter 2 inches further after the urine begins to flow through it or per agency
If the catheter accidentally contacts the labia or slips into the vagina, it is considered
contaminated, and a new, sterile catheter must be used. The contaminated catheter may be
left in the vagina until the new catheter is inserted to help avoid mistaking the vaginal opening
for the urethral meatus.
20. Hold the catheter with the nondominant hand. In males, lay the penis down onto the drape,
being careful that the catheter does not pull out. For an indwelling catheter, inflate the
retention balloon with the designated volume. Without releasing the catheter, hold the
inflation valve between two fingers of your nondominant and while you attach the syringe (if
not left attached earlier when testing the balloon), and inflate with your dominant hand.
21. If the client complains of discomfort, immediately withdraw the instilled fluid, advance the
caterer further, and attempt to inflate the balloon again.
Pull gently on the caterer until resistance is felt to ensure that the balloon has inflated and to
place it in the trigone of the bladder.
22. For an indwelling catheter, straighten the legs and secure the catheter tubing to the inner
thigh for female clients, or the upper thigh/abdomen for male clients, with enough slack to
allow usual movement. Also secure the collecting tubing to the bed linens and hang the bag
below the level of the bladder. No tubing should fall below the top of the bag.
23. Wipe the perineal area of any remaining antiseptic or lubricant. Replace foreskin, if
retracted earlier. Return the client to a comfortable position. Discard all used supplies in
appropriate receptacles and perform hand hygiene.
Document the catheterization procedure including catheter size and results in the client record.

Insertion of Catheter (Male)

Use your non dominant hands to grasp the penis just below the glands, if necessary, retract the
force skin hold the penis firmly upright with slight tension.
Pickup a cleansing bowl with a Forceps in your dominant hand and get cleansing balls to wipe
the center of the meatus with a circular motion around the gland use new ball and repeat it
three times.
Grasp the catheter firmly 2-3 inches from the tip. Ask the client to take a slow deep breath and
insert the catheter as the client exhales.
Advance the catheter 2 inches further after the urine begins to flow through it or per agency
Hold the catheter with the nondominant hand. In males, lay the penis down onto the drape,
being careful that the catheter does not pull out.
Without releasing the catheter, hold the inflation valve between two fingers of your
nondominant and while you attach the syringe (if not left attached earlier when testing the
balloon), and inflate with your dominant hand.
If the client complains of discomfort, immediately withdraw the instilled fluid, advance the
caterer further, and attempt to inflate the balloon again. Pull gently on the caterer until
resistance is felt to ensure that the balloon has inflated and to place it in the trigone of the
For an indwelling catheter, secure the catheter tubing to the inner thigh for female clients, or
the upper thigh/abdomen for male clients, with enough slack to allow usual movement.
Also secure the collecting tubing to the bed linens and hang the bag below the level of the
bladder. No tubing should fall below the top of the bag.
Wipe the perineal area of any remaining antiseptic or lubricant. Replace foreskin, if retracted
earlier. Return the client to a comfortable position.
Discard all used supplies in appropriate receptacles and perform hand hygiene.
Document the catheterization procedure including catheter size and results in the client record.

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