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Team Productivity through Creativity

Collaboration is one of the most necessary aspects of promoting a productive work culture.

Group work provides individuals the opportunity to enhance collaboration. As people are equipped with

a different set of skills and are able to excel in different roles, group work becomes a venue for the

members to master their skills and offer a diverse range of perspective into problem-solving. As such,

the ability to contribute different ideas is vital to successfully rendering teamwork or group efforts

making creativity and the ability to share creative ideas a key component to a healthy working


To begin with, creativity can be defined as a series of actions that cover different dimensions in

problem solving. It is the development of an central idea that is made to serve a particular need or

purpose (Thongdaeng, 2020). Since groups consist of a number of individuals, having them share a

common goal is what drives interaction. Team members are motivated to work with each other when

there is space o offer creative ideas. With more ideas being share and openly discussed, team members

look towards peers or colleagues for their feedback, thus showing that the creative process encourages

collaboration, hence making it the most important benefit of promoting creative thinking during group

work (Duverge, 2015). An example of a company that fosters creativity is Google. Google is well-known

for its commitment to creativity having a workplace with a relaxed campus and plentiful space for

collaboration as well as a long list of perks meant to keep workers inspired (Duverge, 2015). In general,

creativity leads to productivity.

There are certain measures to take and consider such that creativity is fostered in the

workplace. The first stage is preparation that involves selecting team members that ensures the

potential for creativity is maximized. Following this, the problem that requires the creative idea needs to

be identified, and this is known as the innovation opportunity where several ideas are considered and
possibly integrated leading to the final step of decision-making (Thongdaeng, 2020). All these steps

require effective management. Once placed in, it becomes easier to manage creativity and innovation

while also developing teamwork.

In conclusion, while there are certainly many other factors to consider when optimizing the

effects of group work but allowing room for creative ideas is what fosters the most collaboration.

Creativity not only provides problem-solving ideas, but it also makes for interaction through feedback

and information exchange among peers.

Duverge, G. (2015, December 31). The Manager’s Guide to Fostering Creativity in the Workplace.
Retrieved from TOURO University Wordlwide: https://www.tuw.edu/business/creativity-in-the-

Thongdaeng, H. (2020, December 6). Creativity in Groups. Retrieved from Communication Theory:

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