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My Graduation Speech

Good day, everyone! Family, friends, faculty, and fellow graduates. Allow me to extend
my sincere gratitude to every one of you for being a part of this journey. Fellow graduates, we
did it! Today we have reached the finish line but that doesn’t mean that we stop there. We must
always remember that the end of something is the beginning of something new. Everything that
has ended allowed us to be where we are now. Graduation is not an end goal. It is just a
beginning part of a larger journey of our lives.
At this very moment, I remember a relative telling me that I will never succeed in life.
Harsh isn’t it? Those were the most painful words ever said straight to my face. Looking back to
the moment I stepped into college, I never foresee myself winning. I never expected myself to
become one of the dean’s listers or be the Miss ESSU-Maydolong 2018 because many people
doubted me and questioned my capabilities. But being a smart person, I was smart enough to
choose my circle of friends. One that college life has taught me is that you must choose those
friends who will help you and lift you instead of competing with you. Having good friends and
feeling the support of my family have helped me discover what I can do more. I started to trust,
appreciate and be proud of myself. I started doing things I never thought I can and one of those
was proving those who doubted me wrong and making my believers proud. You see, we all
have our stories. We all have something that we’re deeply drawn to. But if we only focus on the
work, and don’t let our doubter’s voices echo in our heads, someday when we get to where we
are going, we will realize that it was us and the people around us that helped us get there.
This is a new chapter of our lives. Let us see every tomorrow as a new opportunity to be
better and do things for our future. We are the writers of our own stories. We are the creator of
our destiny. Let’s embrace every ending as a new beginning with courage, faith, and
confidence. Wishing everyone good luck to our future endeavors and to this brand new journey
of our lives that we’re about to take. Let’s be brave enough to catch our stars. I hope someday
when we bumped into each other again, we are already successful professionals. I am proud of
all of you. Thank you and good day.
Good day, everyone! My sincere thanks go out to each of
you for being a part of this journey. Fellow graduates, we did it!
Despite reaching the finish line today, we must not stop there. We
must always remember that the end of something is the beginning
of something new. We are where we are because of everything
that has ended. Graduation is not the end goal. Rather, it is the
start of a larger journey.
The college journey was as hard as hell but it brought me
heaven. Reminiscing about my first day at college, the idea of
winning never occurred to me because I was my own worst critic.
My self-esteem has always been low and I never had faith in
myself. The struggle was tough, but my friends and family were
there to help me build up my confidence, realize my worth, and
discover my potential. The moment I started cheering for myself,
everything I never anticipated happened. Now I completely agree
with people when they say, success begins when you believe in
A new chapter of our lives begins today. Let’s embrace it
with faith, courage, and confidence. Our stories are ours to write.
Our destinies are ours to create. However, the Lord's purpose for
us will always prevail. So, keep on praying, it always works. Let’s
be brave enough to catch our stars. Thank you and good luck.

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