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1. Work in pairs. Observe the following pictures.


2. Answer the following questions.

a. What activities are shown in the pictures?
b. Where and when do people usually do these activities?
c. Have you ever done one of those activities? When and where?
d. With whom did you do these activities?
e. How did you feel when you did those activities?

3. Read to Monalisa telling her personal experience.

Bye-bye Trans Jakarta
Listen to my experience. One day, my friends and I decided to take a Trans Jakarta bus
to Blok M. after buying tickets; we waited at the bus shelter. We waited and waited, but
the bus didn’t show up. My friends surely had more patience and discipline than I did.
At the head of two neat lines, people stood right before the sliding doors ready to get
on the bus as soon as it arrived. And what did I do? I sat on one of the benches in the
shelter, absorbed in reading a newspaper. More and more passengers came and stood
behind my friends, but the bus was nowhere to be seen. I was so engrossed in the
newspaper that I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings.
The bus came and the queuing Passengers began entering the vehicle. As my friends
and the other passengers jostled Each other to get on the bus, my friends kept shouting
my name. I made a dash for the bus, but it was too late. The doors of bus had closed. I
could only smile meekly and my friends were still shouting with sympathetic faces looking
at me from inside the bus.
I had to catch the next bus alone to get to Blok M. what a journey!

4. Check your understanding. Answer these questions.

1. What is the text about?
2. Where did Monalisa want to go?
3. What did her friends do after buying the tickets?
4. What did she do after buying the tickets?
5. Why didn’t Monalisa know when the bus came?
6. How did Monalisa go to Blok M then?
7. Why did Monalisa tell this story?
8. What can you learn from Monalisa’s attitude?

5. Read the following text and pay attention to the words in bold.
One afternoon, Viona returned home from school on foot. The sun shone very brightly and it
was very hot. Viona was so tired and hungry that she stopped walking. She decided to enter a
food stall. The food stall was not large, but clean and tidy. The seller was also friendly. She had a
chit chat with Viona and told her that Viona was like her daughter. Unfortunately, her daughter
had passed away, aged fifteen.

6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions based on the text in TASK 3, in turns.
You : How did Viona return home from school?
Your friend : She went home on foot.
You : How was the atmosphere?
Your friend : It was very hot.
You : Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.

7. Look at these pictures. Are you familiar with them? Find any information about these people in
the Internet or in an encyclopedia.

8. Discuss with your friends to find the answers to these questions.

1. What do you know about these figures?
2. Why are they so famous?
3. What did they do in their lives?
4. What can you learn from their lives and dedication?

9. In pairs, add more names of famous Indonesian or the world figures. Fill in the table
below. One has been done for you as an example.
No Name Year of life Country of Profession Famous for
1 Thomas Alva Edison 1847-1931 United States Inventor Inventing light
of America bulb lamps and

10. . Read the text and answer the questions!
Luis Lionel Andres Messy, born June 24th, 1987, is an Argentinean football player for F.C
Barcelona. He is not very tall, mainly, due to the growing problem he had when he was
younger. His eyes are brown. He never has short hair.
Lionel Messy started playing football at a very early age in his hometown’s Newell’s Old
Boys. From the age of 11, he suffered from a hormone deficiency and as Lionel’s parents were
unable to pay for the treatment in Argentina, they decided to move to Barcelona, Spain.
In the 2003-2004 seasons, when he was still only 16 years old, Messy made his first team
debut in a friendly with Porto that marked the opening of the new Diageo stadium. The
following championship-winning season, Messy made his first appearance in an official match
on October 16th, 2004, in Barcelona’s derby win against Espanola at the Olympic Stadium 0-1
And now, in 2010, 2011, and 2012 he is the best player in the world.

1. What is the text about?

2. Why did Messy’s parent move to Barcelona?
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
4. What problem did Messy have when he was young?
5. What happened to Messy when he was 11 years old?

11. . Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good and meaningful paragraph.
1 He was a prominent leader of Indonesia’s nationalist movement during the Dutch
colonial period and spent over a decade under Dutch detention until released by the
invading Japanese forces.
2 Upon Japanese surrender, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta declared Indonesian
indepaendence on 17 August 1945, whereby Soekarno was appointed as first
3 Soekarno led Indonesians in resisting Dutch recolonization efforts via diplomatic and
military means until the Dutch ackno9wledged Indonesian independence in 1949
4 Soekarno was the leader of his country’s struggle for independence from the
Netherlands and was indonesia’s first president from 1945 to 1967
4 Soekarno and his fellow nationalists collaborated to garner for the Japanese was
effort from the population, in exchange for Japanese aid in spreading nationalist

12. Rea the text

On April 15, 1912, Titanic, one of the British largest and luxurious liners, sank into the
North Atlantic Ocean which about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada.
That giant ship which carried 2,200 passengers and crews had struck an iceberg. Two and
a half hour later the ship sank into the deep North Atlantic Ocean at 2:20 a.m.
From that tragedy, more than 1,500 people went down in the sinking ship. Some of them
froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water and around 700 people (high class woman and
Children) survived.
Unfortunately that giant luxurious ship was not equipped with much more lifeboats and
good emergency procedures so that the victims of that tragedy were more than the half
passengers and crews.
That tragedy became popular again some years later after James Cameron directed a
movie entitled Titanic in 1997. The movie that was inspired by the tragedy of the sinking
titanic was a fiction story about the members of different social class who meet in
that ship and fallen in love. It was the best movie at that year and still remembered by
a lot of people around the world until now.

13. Complete the following chart to find out the structure of the recount text in TASK 1
Part of a Recount Purpose Summary from the text
Orientation _________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________

A Sequence of Events _________________________ ________________________

_________________________ ________________________

Reorientation _________________________ ________________________


14. Read the text and write questions about the text!
I was dreaming of being super hero when I was a teenager. I imagined myself as
One day, when I was fishing at the river I was bitten by a spider and luckily I was not dying.
At first I felt cold for 24 hours and I was alone in my room. Nobody knew about it. I didn’t
tell my family because I was afraid they would be angry with me.
After that, something had happened in my body and I still did not recognize it. I lived as I
did usually, went to school, go home, eating, doing some activities and so on.
I realized at the first time that I had a super power was when I was getting an accident.
I rode a motor cycle and suddenly there was a bus crashed me. I bounced out of the road
and my motor cycle was totally broken.
But at that case, I did not feel any hurt. There was no blood out of my body.
I was angry at that time because the bus did not stop and escaped. I run after it and I
didn’t know why I could run so fast and jump so high.
I jumped to the back of the bus and climbed it like a spider. I went to the front, stooped
the bus and took the driver out of the bus door.
I knew that I was no more normal human being. I did nothing more to the bus driver. I
went back home and decided the next action to do after that.
I did nothing like the Spiderman at the movie that help people to catch the criminals.
I was an opportunist super hero. I was afraid of killing people so that I hide my power
from anybody else. I used my power only when I or my family and friends got into dangerous.

15. Write five questions about the text above!

a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
e. _______________________________

16. In pair write an imaginative recount!


17. Read the text and answer the questions!
Last week I was visiting Borobudur temple. It was a great temple and one of the biggest
Buddhist temples in the world.
I had been there for several times and I still love to go there again and again. I know a little
bit about the history of the restoration of the Borobudur Temple.
Borobudur temple was built in 9th-century in (now) Magelang city, Central Java, Indonesia.
That temple was built during the reign of Sailendra Dynasty as the symbolic monument
retelling the life of Buddha in which people can learn about Buddhist religion.
The temple was design in Javanese Buddhist architecture as the acculturation of Indian
and Javanese culture.
Some evidences and theories suggest that Borobudur temple was disappeared during the
reign of Hindu kingdoms and Islam in java in 14th-century and the years after it.
It was disappeared because of the eruption of Merapi Mountain that buried most of the
surrounding area including Borobudur.
But because of that eruption then the temple was survived and untouchable until in 1814
during the British colonialization, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (the British ruler of Java at that
time) got information that there was a hill with carved texture.
After that Thomas Stamford Raffles made a project to dig and clear that area and after 2
mounts working the Borobudur temple was appeared.
But of course at that time the face of Borobudur was extremely different from it
appearance today.
Since it was found the British government restored that temple and continued by the
Dutch government. The largest restoration was undertaken by Indonesian government and
UNESCO between 1975 until 1982.
Since that now we can enjoy and learn about the beauty of the Borobudur Temple.

1. When and where was Borobudur built?

2. Why was the temple built?
3. Why was Borobudur disappeared in 14th-century?
4. How was Borobudur found?
5. What happened in 1975 to 1982?
6. Write the text organization of the text!


18. Complete the text with “was/were + adjective”, correctly.

Use the adjectives in brackets.

Many years ago, Mr. Edwin (1. Poor) ___________. Their house (2. Small) ___________ without a
garden in front of it. The poor conditions didn’t make Mr. Edwin sad. He and his wife (3. Not
desperate) ____________ to change their lives. They didn’t give up. They (4. optimistic)
___________ that their lives could change. They (5. Diligent) __________ and hard workers. Now
everything has changed. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin live in a big house.

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that 1. (occur) in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946.
Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung 2. ( burn ) their homes.
British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald 3. ( arrive ) in Bandung on October 12, 1945.
Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There 4. ( be ) black smoke
billowing high into the air everywhere. The British Army 5. ( begin ) to attack so fierce. The
greatest battle 6. ( happen ) in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South Bandung, where there
were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia  7. (
destroy ) the ammunition depot.
The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia was
not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident 6. ( inspire ) to create the famous
song “Halo, Halo Bandung”.

Last week I was visiting Borobudur temple. It was a great temple and one
of the biggest Buddhist temples in the world.

I had been there for several times and I still love to go there again and
again. I know a little bit about the history of the restoration of the
Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur temple was built in 9th-century in (now) Magelang city, Central
Java, Indonesia.

That temple was built during the reign of Sailendra Dynasty as the
symbolic monument retelling the life of Buddha in which people can learn
about Buddhist religion.

The temple was design in Javanese Buddhist architecture as the

acculturation of Indian and Javanese culture.

Some evidences and theories suggest that Borobudur temple was

disappeared during the reign of Hindu kingdoms and Islam in java in 14th-
century and the years after it.

It was disappeared because of the eruption of Merapi Mountain that buried

most of the surrounding area including Borobudur.

But because of that eruption then the temple was survived and
untouchable until in 1814 during the British colonialization, Sir Thomas
Stamford Raffles (the British ruler of Java at that time) got information that
there was a hill with carved texture.

After that Thomas Stamford Raffles made a project to dig and clear that
area and after 2 mounts working the Borobudur temple was appeared.

But of course at that time the face of Borobudur was extremely different
from it appearance today.

Since it was found the British government restored that temple and
continued by the Dutch government. The largest restoration was
undertaken by Indonesian government and UNESCO between 1975 until

Since that now we can enjoy and learn about the beauty of the Borobudur

Look at the picture.
Think of adjectives that are suitable to describe the picture.

20. Write sentences using “was/were + adjective” based on the picture in TASK 1.
Use the adjectives you have written before.

21. . Write a recount text to relate the event, shown by the picture in Task 1.
You may use the sentences you have written in Task 2.

22. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Dear diary,
I’ve just returned from the most frightening trip of my life. It (1.happen) _________ on
my way home after spending a holiday in my best friend’s village. The village is situated in a
hilly area.
It ( _______ late afternoon when my best friend Dodit and I (3. Board) ___________
a very old bus to return home. Meanwhile, the road (4. Be) __________narrow and made of
dirt and stone. I thought, it was quite steep and dangerous. So, I was just praying along the
way, for our safety.
When night (5.fall) ________, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it (6. Begin)
______ to rain heavily. The bus (7. not have) ____________ enough lights and suddenly a
huge quantity of water (8. Fall) ___________ from the upper hill and (9.hit) _________ the
bus. The bus was very wobbly. All passengers ( __________ afraid because it (
not) _________ stable and the water flooded the bus from all sides. I (12.think) ___________
terrible things would happen to us. Fortunately, the driver ( ____________ very skillful.
He controlled the bus pretty well and his assistant (14.try) _________ to calm us down.
After three hours, we (15.stop) ___________ at a gas station in a nearby town. The rain
(16.subside) __________ and the sky ( _____________ clear again with a full moon and
the stars out. We all (18.feel) ___________ relieved.
After having a rest for half an hour, we (19.continue) _________ our trip. The bus
(20.enter) _______ the town around dawn. I felt blessed that everything was O.K. with all the
passengers. I hope I would never experience a similar event in the future.

23. Fill in the blanks with the suitable auxiliaries (am, is, are, was, were).
1. Why Anton left his house ________ still a mystery.
2. My friend and I ________ keen to look inside the hall so we wandered off the place.
3. The 2014 Solo International Performing Arts, or SIPA, _________ held last September.
4. Marwan and Risma _________ explaining the plan for performing a drama for a school
celebration party now.
5. Ida had bought the entrance tickets. Then, we ________ ready to explore the amusement
6. I _________ too tired to continue my journey, so I decided to stop at the nearest park to
7. Firman will be leaving us to study in Australia and the party _________ a good opportunity
for us to say.
8. I __________ grateful to my aunt who has provided me with nice memories during my
holiday in her hometown.

24. Complete the following paragraph with the transitions from the box!

After finally soon at first

Then after after next

Let me tell you about my Aunt Frances. She had an

interesting life. She became a secretary 1) __________
she finished high school. She didn’t like that work, so she
entered a university. 2 _________, she wanted to be a
teacher. 3) __________, she decided to be a nurse. 4)
__________, she thought about being an engineer.
5)___________, she decided to be a doctor. She married 6) __________ she received her
M.D degree and she 7) ____________ had five children. However, she continued to work.
8) __________ some years of experience, she became a medical researcher. She devoted
her career to cancer research.

25. Write the correct conjunctions into this text.

Last Sunday, my family had a small welcome party for my brother 1. _________ he returned
from Singapore. My brother had studied at Nan yang University, Singapore 2. __________
got an I9T degree for it. l my family was proud of him 3. __________ we wanted to give him
a small surprise.
My sister and I woke up early 4. ____________ we went to the market to buy
everything we needed for the party. At home, we cooked his favorite meals 5.
_____________ mother made a cake. 6. ___________ we finished cooking, we cleaned the
house and my brother’s room.
7. ____________ everything was ready, we sat in the living room watching TV.
Suddenly the phone rang 8. _________ I picked it up. To our dismay, my brother said on the
phone that he would arrive late at night 9. ____________ the plane schedule was delayed.
We were very disappointed 10. ______________ we could do nothing.

26. Develop the following nouns into noun phrases. One has been done for you as an
Example: studio
A photo studio
A specious photo studio
A specious photo studio on the 3rd Street

1. Cupboard
2. Sea
3. Forest
4. Floor
5. Bungalow

27. This text contains some nouns. Develop the underlined nouns into noun phrases so
that the text will not look monotonous.

Last week my friends and I went to parangtritis beach. The beach is well-known for its
legend. The Queen of South Sea. We played with the water and enjoyed the waves rushing
to the shores. We stayed there for a day before we decided to go to Malioboro, a shopping
place in Yogyakarta. We went back by train to Semarang.

28. Write a short composition of no more than 150 words. Use the data given to write
your composition.

Title : Going to the Cinema

Orientation : During the last week of the June holidays.

My friends and I at the Lido Theatre
“Batman The Legends” movie.
Events : Take a monorail train to the cinema, arrive at 12.30 p.m.
The movie start at 2 in the afternoon, still have plenty of time.
Go to the department store downstairs, buy T-Shirts, shoes and cokes.
At 1.15 p.m. go back to the cinema, see people standing in line to get
Reorientation : very disappointed, could do nothing, have a pizza at “Burger King” restaurant


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