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New Sunrise International School

G11 Psychology 1st Quarter 2021/2022

Lessons included in 1st Q
-What is Psychology?
- Biology and behavior (Nervous system – Brain – Endocrine system)
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is the best definition of the science of psychology?
a. humanistic study of emotions and feelings
b. sociological study of individual and group dynamics
c. scientific study of behavior and mental processes
d. study of supernatural phenomena
____ 2. What are the main goals of psychology?
a. to observe, describe, explain, predict, and control behavior
b. to observe and describe feelings
c. to observe and describe phenomena that science cannot explain
d. to research and teach positive visualization
____ 3. Which of the following research methods are widely used by psychologists?
a. precognition and the Ganzfeld procedure
b. surveys and experiments
c. water-float tests and lie-detector tests
d. introspection and reinforcement
____ 4. In what way is the practice of psychology closely related to the practice of the natural sciences?
a. its concern with the nature of the physical world
b. its reliance on scientific research methodologies
c. its interest in animal behavior and biology
d. all of the above
____ 5. Which of the following is considered behavior?
a. talking
b. digestion
c. sleeping
d. all of the above
____ 6. In what field do most psychologists practice?
a. clinical psychology c. industrial psychology
b. school psychology d. developmental psychology
____ 7. What is the goal of a psychological theory?
a. ensuring the success of treatment
b. predicting behavior or mental processes
c. controlling behavior or thought patterns
d. modifying patient habits and relationships
____ 8. What is one difference between a theory and a principle?
a. Theories are never revised, while principles are.
b. Principles are basic laws, while theories are specific attempts to explain things.
c. Theories are basic laws, while principles are specific attempts to explain things.
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d. Theories are helpful, while principles are not.

____ 9. What are the basic elements of the nervous system?

a. neurons c. synapses
b. dendrites d. axons
____ 10. Messages in a neuron travel from which component to which?
a. cell body to dendrites c. dendrites to cell body
b. axon to axon d. axon to cell body
____ 11. Synapses are located between what structures?
a. forebrain and midbrain
b. pituitary gland and hypothalamus
c. left and right hemispheres of the brain
d. axon of one neuron and dendrites of another
____ 12. What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
a. relaying messages between the brain’s right and left hemispheres
b. sending messages between the central nervous system and all parts of the body
c. speeding up respiration and heart rate to increase alertness
d. producing growth hormones
____ 13. What are the two main parts of the central nervous system?
a. somatic and autonomic nervous systems
b. right and left brain hemispheres
c. neurons and synapses
d. brain and spinal cord
____ 14. Which of the following is a neurotransmitter?
a. estrogen c. adrenaline
b. dopamine d. oxytocin
____ 15. Researchers have linked a decrease in acetylcholine to which disease?
a. Parkinson’s c. depression
b. schizophrenia d. Alzheimer’s
____ 16. Study the diagram below, and answer the question that follows.

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Which system is activated when you are suddenly confronted by an angry, menacing pit bull?
a. autonomic system c. parasympathetic system
b. somatic system d. sympathetic system
____ 17. Which system regulates involuntary muscles and internal organs?
a. autonomic system c. parasympathetic system
b. somatic system d. sympathetic system
____ 18. Why is a person who lives in the city able to sleep through the sounds of traffic but awaken to the soft sound
of a bird singing?
a. Song birds are less common in the city than loud cars.
b. Ordinary noises can be screened out by the reticular activating system.
c. The cerebellum instructs neurons to send out serotonin, which produces sleep.
d. The parasympathetic system is restoring the body’s reserves of energy.
____ 19. Which portion of the brain controls many vital, involuntary functions such as heart rate?
a. hindbrain c. forebrain
b. midbrain d. thalamus
____ 20. What is the basic function of the thalamus?
a. serving as a relay station for sensory stimulation
b. regulating aspects of motivation and emotion
c. forming a border around the brain stem
d. enabling the learning of complex information
____ 21. In what part of the brain does complex learning and abstract thinking take place?
a. thalamus c. cerebrum
b. hypothalamus d. corpus callosum
____ 22. When you touch something with your left hand, to what part of your brain is the information transmitted?
a. hindbrain c. right hemisphere
b. midbrain d. left hemisphere

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____ 23. Which lobe of the brain contains the sensory cortex?
a. frontal c. temporal
b. parietal d. occipital
____ 24. What is the main function of the corpus callosum?
a. aiding in the transfer of information from the cerebrum to the cerebellum
b. interpreting visual stimulation from the eyes
c. interpreting auditory stimulation from the ears
d. aiding in the transfer of information from one side of the brain to the other
____ 25. Which part of the endocrine system is located in the middle of the brain?
a. adrenal glands c. thyroid gland
b. pituitary gland d. testes
____ 26. People often speak of “left-brained” people as logical and “right-brained” people as creative. Why is this idea
an exaggeration?
a. Not all right-handed people have their language functions in the right hemisphere.
b. There is no difference between the functions of the brain hemispheres.
c. The medulla and the pons, both located in the midbrain, are also important in creativity.
d. The left and right hemispheres do not work independently of one another.
____ 27. Why is electrical stimulation of the brain not always a reliable research tool?
a. Electrical stimulation is unethical and destroys parts of the brain.
b. Sensations produced may vary from person to person and from day to day.
c. Sensations produced in rats cannot be reproduced with humans.
d. Electrical stimulation is only useful for relief of pain and behavioral control.
____ 28. Which method of studying the brain records the electrical activity of the brain?
a. electrical stimulation c. computerized axial tomography
b. electroencephalogram d. magnetic resonance imaging
____ 29. How are hormones similar to neurotransmitters?
a. Both travel through the bloodstream.
b. Both are part of the nervous system.
c. Both have specific receptor sites.
d. There are no similarities.
____ 30. What gland produces growth hormones?
a. pituitary c. adrenal
b. thyroid d. ovary
____ 31. What is the cause of hypothyroidism?
a. enlarged thyroid c. too much thyroxin
b. too little thyroxin d. small thyroid
____ 32. The purpose of the adrenal glands is to produce hormones that
a. regulate muscle, bone, and gland growth.
b. stimulate labor in pregnant women.
c. enable a person to cope with stressful situations.
d. convert food to energy.
____ 33. What glands produce testosterone?

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a. adrenal and pituitary c. testes and thyroid

b. ovaries and testes d. ovaries and adrenal
____ 34. What ethical problem is associated with the use of anabolic steroids by athletes?
a. Use of anabolic steroids can cause mood swings and aggressive behavior.
b. Use of anabolic steroids can provide an unfair advantage.
c. Anabolic steroids carry the risk of male-pattern baldness.
d. Anabolic steroids are linked to liver damage and heart disease.
____ 35. What are genes?
a. strands of deoxyribonucleic acid c. inherited disorders
b. physical traits d. basic building blocks of heredity
____ 36. Which gland regulates the body’s metabolism?
a. adrenal c. ovary
b. pituitary d. thyroid

Short Answer

37. Identify the two parts of the nervous system, and explain how they relate to one another.


38. Study the diagram below, and answer the question that follows.

Identify the key parts of the neurons shown on the diagram, and explain how these parts work together to
enable messages to pass from one neuron to the next.
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39. Identify the term myelin, and explain myelin’s function in a neuron.

40. Define what a concussion is, and describe at least one cause and one effect of a concussion.

41. Explain what neurotransmitters are and their function.


42. Compare and contrast the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

43. You are home alone after dark when suddenly you hear a crash and the sound of breaking glass coming from
another room. Predict what will happen with your sympathetic nervous system.

44. Name the three sections of the brain, and describe the function of each.

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45. List the four key areas of the forebrain.


46. Explain why the pituitary gland has been referred to as the “master gland.”

47. Distinguish between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.


48. Explain what anabolic steroids are, and describe both the medical and the ethical implications of using them.

49. Identify the four lobes of the brain, and describe the activities generally associated with each lobe.

50. Identify the five methods described in the chapter by which scientists study the functions of the brain.

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 51. To help their patients, psychologists seek to control them, that is, to make the patient conform to behavioral
standards set up by the psychologist.
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____ 52. Because it is impossible to see inside the mind, psychologists are unable to verify their theories.

____ 53. Psychology is considered a social science rather than a natural science.

____ 54. Each neuron consists of four basic components: a cell body, dendrites, an axon, and a synapse.

____ 55. The peripheral nervous system consists of the neurons of the spinal cord and the brain.

____ 56. The brain is divided into three sections: the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum.

____ 57. The hindbrain is the portion of the brain that is involved in vital functions such as heart rate, respiration, and

____ 58. In both human beings and animals, the cerebrum accounts for about 70 percent of the brain’s total weight.

____ 59. Hormones are the substances secreted into the bloodstream by glands in the endocrine system.

____ 60. Males differ from females because testosterone is produced in the testes while estrogen is produced in the

Complete each statement.

61. The pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands are all part of the _________________________ system.

62. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are _________________________ secreted by the adrenal glands.

63. The _________________________ system consists of the neurons of the brain and the spinal cord.

64. Small fibers that branch out from the end of an axon are called _________________________.

65. The three basic components of a neuron are the cell body, an axon, and _________________________.

66. _________________________, or nerve cells, make up the central and the peripheral nervous system.


Select the letter of the term or phrase that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.
a. central nervous system i. synapse
b. peripheral nervous system j. neurotransmitters
c. neurons k. spinal reflex
d. cell body l. somatic nervous system
e. dendrites m. autonomic nervous system
f. axon n. spinal cord
g. myelin o. fight-or-flight response
h. axon terminals
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____ 67. nerve cells

____ 68. white, fatty substance that insulates and protects the axon
____ 69. chemicals such as acetylcholine and dopamine
____ 70. produces energy to fuel cell activity
____ 71. transmits sensory messages to the central nervous system
____ 72. carry information to the cell body
____ 73. transmits messages away from the cell body
____ 74. governs involuntary muscles and internal organs
____ 75. carries messages from the brain to specific muscles
____ 76. transmits messages between the central nervous system and all parts of the body

Select the letter of the term or phrase that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.
a. hormones i. cerebellum
b. limbic system j. cerebrum
c. medulla k. association areas
d. endocrine system l. corpus callosum
e. pons m. cerebral cortex
f. thalamus n. lesions
g. reticular activating system o. steroids
h. hypothalamus
____ 77. “little brain” in Latin, involved in balance and coordination
____ 78. part of the hindbrain, involved in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing
____ 79. tiny; vital to regulation of body temperature, storage of nutrients, and various aspects of motivation and
____ 80. makes possible learning of complex information and abstract thinking
____ 81. involved in regulating body movement, attention, sleep, and alertness
____ 82. outer layer of brain, from the Latin word for “bark”
____ 83. structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain
____ 84. relay station for sensory stimulation, including sight and hearing

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