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Name: Francis P.

Velasco Subject/Section: FPE101/12-M

Module_2 Activity 4: Short Story
Write a short story about your conflict experience. Make sure that the following lessons are reflected in
the story:

Whenever two individuals opine in different ways, a conflict arises. In a

layman’s language conflict is nothing but a fight either between two individuals or
among group members. No two individuals can think alike and there is a difference
in their thought process as well as their understanding. Disagreements among
individuals lead to conflicts and fights. Conflict arises whenever individuals have
different values, opinions, needs, interests and are unable to find a middle way. But
these conflicts will help us to be mature enough to understand each other and to
learn from our mistakes. Let me give you an example of my experience with this. I
have a best friend named John. We are always on the go to do nonsense things. We
laughed together at all things that we found funny. For me, every day is bliss when
we are together. But, our friendship was almost severed because of a
misunderstanding. John has a girlfriend named Mary, and she is also a friend of
mine. Mary is a clingy person that she always clinging to my arms. But it is not a
big deal for me because I don't romantically see her. But I have overlooked
someone, and it is my best friend. He became jealous of being clingy of Mary to
me. Every time I greeted him, he just ignored me and walked away. So I told
Mary, respectfully, that she must stop being clingy towards me. So she realizes it
and eventually ceases it to do. We came up with a plan to clear up the
misunderstanding. I usually do my greetings to him but before he ignores me, I ask
him if we can talk privately together with Mary. As we converse in private, we
explain it to him thoroughly and ask for forgiveness. He accepted our apology, and
he also asked forgiveness for being easily jealous and jumping to the conclusion
that Mary doesn't love him anymore. And after that, we usually came back on how
we treated each other just like before.

Identify the levels of conflict present in your story.


Interpersonal Conflict It is the conflict between Me and John
because of our different perceptions of
Mary being clingy.
Intrapersonal Conflict It is the conflict within myself because of
overlooking of the relationship of John and
Mary, and I always tolerating the
clinginess of Mary towards me.

Describe the principles of conflict illustrated in your conflict experience.


Conflict is embedded in all relationships I adjusted my attitude towards the clinginess of
Mary by not tolerating it because I knew that it
will make John jealous towards me.
Conflict is positive. I analyze the relationship of John and Mary and I
recognize that they are lovers. Also, I recognize
my relationship between them as a companion or
friend so as my role as a friend, I will continue to
support their relationship for them to be happy and
contented with each other
Conflict is natural. I acknowledged the conflict or the dispute cause of
the clinginess of Mary towards me that leads to the
misinterpretation of John so that’s why I quickly
seek a way to fix the bridge of friendship between
me and John.
Conflict is an on-going process I recognize that if I don’t fix the conflict between
our friendship and his relationship to Mary
quickly, the connection between us will totally
severed and we will going back being strangers to
each other.

Complete the flowchart below to illustrate the stages of conflict in your story.
Name: Francis P. Velasco Subject/Section: FPE101/12-M
Module_2 Activity 4: Pyramid 3-2-1
1. On a clean bond paper, draw a triangle and divide it into three sections horizontally.

2. In the bottom section, record three things that you learned in this module.

3. In the middle section, write two questions you would like to ask about the lesson in this module.
4. In the top section, describe how you will apply the information learned in this module to everyday life.

5. Take a picture of your output and upload it in the Pyramid 3-2-1 section of your FPE101 VLE. 

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