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p4 Personality p5 Present simple and p6 Teenage challenges

All about you
Personality adjectives (generous, lazy, rude, etc.)
Negative prefixes: un-, in-, im-, ir- and dis-
Verbs not used in
Reading: The Duke of Edinburgh Award
” Four teenagers doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award
” Describing people’s personalities continuous tenses

Get ready for your exam 1 p12 ǯ Speaking Picture description ǯ Listening Completing a table ǯ Use of English Open cloze task
ǯ Reading True/False statements ǯ Speaking Situational role-play

p14 A question of sport p15 Past simple p16 Village sports

Winning and
Sports (athletics, boxing, surfing, etc.) play/go/do + sport
Collocations: sports and games (win a race, score a goal, etc.)
Pronunciation: -ed
Reading: Bog snorkelling
” A snail race
losing ” Sports commentaries
ǯ Language Review Units 1–2 p22 ǯ Skills Round-up Units 1–2 p23

p24 Landscapes p25 some, any, much, p26 Different views

House and home
Rural and urban landscapes (pavement, field, roadworks, hedge, etc.)
Prepositions of movement (across, through, etc.)
many, a lot of, a little,
a few
Reading: Fox-hunting
” Hunting
Compound nouns (homework, weekend, etc.)
” Following directions
Get ready for your exam 2 p32 ǯ Reading Multiple-choice statements ǯ Speaking Picture description
ǯ Listening True/False statements ǯ Speaking Situational role-play ǯ Use of English Word formation

p34 At the cinema p35 Comparatives and p36 Film fame

Lights, camera,
Types of film (action film, comedy, musical, etc.)
Adjectives to describe films (dull, gripping, etc.)
superlatives Reading: The Oscars
” The Razzie awards
action -ed and -ing adjectives (annoyed/annoying, disappointed/
disappointing, etc.)
” Excerpts from films
ǯ Language Review Units 3–4 p42 ǯ Skills Round-up Units 1–4 p43

p44 At the shops p45 Present perfect p46 Street life

Shops (chemist’s, DIY store)
Verbs: shopping and money (borrow, owe, spend, etc.)
been and gone
for and since
Reading: Covent Garden
Vocabulary: entertaining and performing (audition, busk, venue, etc.)
” Conversations in shops How long … ? ” Announcements
Get ready for your exam 3 p52 ǯ Listening Multiple-choice statements ǯ Use of English Sentence transformation ǯ Speaking Picture comparison
ǯ Reading Matching sentences to texts ǯ Speaking Situational role-play

p54 Electronic devices p55 will and going to p56 Screen time
How techie
Electronic devices (ebook reader, satnav, etc.)
Phrasal verbs (turn on, switch off, pick up, etc.)
Pronunciation: going to Reading: Electronic obsessions
” A radio interview about social networking
are you? ” Radio advertisements Vocabulary: websites: verb and noun phrases (upload photos, update a profile,

ǯ Language Review Units 5–6 p62 ǯ Skills Round-up Units 1–6 p63

p64 Body language p65 must, mustn’t and p66 Giving and receiving
Around the world
Gestures (bow, wave, wink, etc.)
Phrasal verbs (stand up, turn over, lie down, etc.)
needn’t Reading: Has Christmas become too commercial?
” Gifts given and received
” Customs in different countries Vocabulary: gifts and special occasions (perfume, wedding anniversary, etc.)

Get ready for your exam 4 p72 ǯ Reading Matching headings to paragraphs ǯ Speaking Situational role-play
ǯ Listening Matching statements ǯ Use of English Open cloze ǯ Speaking Picture comparison

p74 Planet Earth p75 Second conditional p76 Rubbish

What if … ?
Natural disasters (avalanche, famine, tsunami, etc.)
Word formation: noun suffixes (-ation, -ion, -ness)
Reading: Proud of their dustbin!
” Recycling
Pronunciation: natural disasters
” News reports
ǯ Language Review Units 7–8 p82 ǯ Skills Round-up Units 1–8 p83

p84 Crimes and criminals p85 Past perfect p86 Outlaws

Crime scene
Crime (burgle, mug, rob a bank, deal drugs, etc.)
Word formation: noun suffixes (-er, -ist and -ician)
Reading: The Legend of Robin Hood
” Is it ever OK to steal?
” News reports about crimes
Get ready for your exam 5 p92 ǯ Listening Comprehension questions ǯ Speaking Situational role-play ǯ Use of English Word formation
ǯ Reading Gapped sentences ǯ Speaking Picture-based discussion

p94 Publications p95 The passive (present p96 To be or not to be?

The written word
Publications (biography, comic, manual, etc.)
Books and text (back cover, title, etc.)
and past simple)
” Publishing – past and
Reading: William Shakespeare
” Teenagers talking about Shakespeare
Pronunciation: word stress present
” Talking about books
ǯ Language Review Units 9–10 p102 ǯ Skills Round-up Units 1–10 p103


” Listening (1.01 = disk 1, track 1 / 2.01 = disk 2, track 1)

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p7 Verb + infinitive p8 Music and personality p10 Exchanging opinions p11 A personal profile
or -ing form What does your musical taste say about you? ” Expressing likes and dislikes Modifying adverbs (a little, not at all,
” Song: I bet you look good on the dance floor Vocabulary: hobbies and interests (playing sport, chatting quite, really, etc.)
online, etc.)

p17 Past simple p18 Surf’s up p20 Talking about the past p21 An informal letter
and continuous Surfing superstar! Vocabulary: free-time activities (go bowling, have
a barbecue, etc.)

p27 Articles p28 Urban farmers? p30 Picture description p31 A holiday blog
Pronunciation: Who wants to be a farmer? Vocabulary: descriptive words (crowded, scary, indoors, etc.) Vocabulary: holiday activities (buy
vowel sounds Vocabulary: farming (crops, plough, etc.) Fillers (let me think, hmm, etc.) souvenirs, sunbathe, etc.)
and the ” Song: Country house

p37 (not) as … as, p38 Shaken and stirred p40 Buying tickets p41 A film review
too, enough How did they do that? Checking understanding (Pardon? Sorry, did you say …?, etc.) Words for expressing contrast (however,
Pronunciation: Vocabulary: films: compound nouns (special effects, Pronunciation: intonation in checking phrases although)
weak forms slow motion, etc.)

p47 Present perfect p48 Bids to become famous p50 Making a complaint p51 A formal letter
and past simple Online auctions Vocabulary: faulty goods (The zip has come off, Can I have
Have you ever … ? Vocabulary: advertising and selling (bids, goods, bargain) a refund?, etc.)
Pronunciation: making a complaint

p57 Zero conditional p58 Brainwaves p60 Invitations p61 Messages

may, might and could Crazy ways of getting around Vocabulary: social activities (go skateboarding, have can for requests and permission
a barbecue, etc.) (Can you buy some milk?, Can I borrow
Making invitations your laptop?, etc.)
Pronunciation: intonation in invitations

p67 First conditional p68 Don’t get fooled again p70 Giving advice and recommendations p71 Invitations
Pronunciation: will April Fool! ” Asking about tourist attractions Abbreviations (PS, RSVP, asap, etc.)
and won’t Vocabulary: events and places to visit (carnival, castle,
shopping district, etc.)
should and ought to for suggestions, advice and opinions

p77 I wish … p78 A real danger? p80 Stimulus discussion p81 An essay
Collision course Vocabulary: fund-raising events: (get fit, sponsor a runner,
Vocabulary (death/die, destruction/destroy, etc.) collect money, etc.)
Fund-raising methods

p87 Reported speech p88 High-tech crime p90 Reporting a theft p91 An email
Cyber Crime ” Reporting thefts Colloquial expressions and
Vocabulary: compound nouns (cash machine, PIN number, etc.) abbreviations (a guy, LOL, BFN, etc.)

p97 The passive p98 Vampire stories p100 Arranging to meet p101 An informal letter
(present perfect The Vampires Return Vocabulary: suggesting activities (Why don’t we go for a
and future) Vocabulary: novels (chapter, plot, sequel, etc.) pizza?, etc.)
” Song: Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) ” Arranging to meet

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They're on a rollercoaster in a theme park.


to send




to pass

to lend
to buy

(избегать) (обещать)

with to

offer carry on / go on / keep / continue

expect don't mind
hope can't help
promise can't stand / hate / like / love / fancy
try look forward to

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