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Create queries for the following items.

(3 items x 5 points)
1. The company manager requested to view the list of employees on the system,
including employee ID and status. To comply with the request, create a query
that shows the EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, and Status in
the Employee table on the database.

Answer queries:
➢ SELECT EmployeeID, FirstNAme, LastName, Status FROM Employee;

2. Company XYZ manually viewed all the products and purchased items in their list.
They have an existing system, but it does not have the function to view the
products and purchased items. They requested to add a function to the
developer. To comply with the request, create a query that displays the columns
of the Product table and the Purchase table.

Answer queries:

➢ SELECT * FROM Product;

SELECT * FROM Purchase;

3. Company ABC requested to remove the existing database and create a new
database for the new system. To comply with the request, write a query that
creates a new database named dbo.Products and removes the database
named dbo.Items.

Answer queries:

➢ CREATE Database Products;

DROP Database Items;

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