Centroid & Center of Gravity Questions

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Centroid and center of Gravity Questions Q1. Explain the following in detail A. Difference between centroid and center of gravity. B. Moment of inertia of plane area C. Polar moment of inertia. D, Principle moment of inertia (give expression) E. Product of inertia F. Radius of gyration and how it is related to moment of inertia. G. Mass moment of inertia of solid bodies Q2. Write the position of centroid and expression for moment of inertia of the following standard section about centroidal axis? Arectangle B.triangle C.circle D.semicircle E.quater circle F.cone G.hemisphere H.sphere Q4.derive the expression for centroid of a triangular area of base "b" & height “h” also derive expression for centroid of semi circle lamina. Q5 state and prove parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorem Q6. Locate the centroid of area Q7. Derive the expression for moment of inertia of triangular lamina about its base and also drive the expression for moment of inertia of rectangular section of dimensions width "b"and depth "d" about its x and y axis passing through its centroid Q8. Determine the moment of inertia of the section shown about its centroid (all dimensions in cm) of following two figures (a) Q9 Find the MOI of shaded area about centroidal axis parallel to AB Q10.state and prove Lami's theorem of three forces

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