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Cuenca Institute 2.

Junior High School Department
Gen. Malvar Street, Brgy 3, Cuenca, Batangas Module No.

(043) 342-2045 |

S.Y. 2021-2022

Name of Learner ___________________________________________

Grade & Section ___________________________________________

“ Introduction to Team Sports ”
Mrs. Charie M. Palma/Ms. Allianne D. Lopez

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8


Sport pertains to any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to
use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to partici-
pants and, in some cases, entertainment to spectators. Sports can, through casual or or-
ganized participation, improve one's physical health.

This lesson was written for you to describe the nature and background of the
sport, execute the skills involved in it, displays tolerance and acceptance of individuals
with varying skills and abilities. It is important for you to know about this topic to help
you in your physical fitness activities.


The learner...

 monitor periodically progress towards the fitness goals; and

 display tolerance and acceptance of individuals with varying skills and abilities in
executing team sports

 Displays tolerance and acceptance of individuals with varying skills and abil-

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8



Attaining a physically fit body requires planning and setting of targets. After set-
ting a goal, your next step is to put it into action.

1. Which of the two pictures show physical fitness activity?
2. Based on the activity, how do physical activities contribute meaningfully to a person’s
desired level of fitness?

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 2 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8

Benefits in Playing Basketball
1. Promotes cardiovascular health
2. Burns calories
3. Builds bone strenght
4. Boost the immune system
5. Provides strenght trainings
6. Boost mental development
7. Develop better coordination and motor skills
8. Develop self-discipline and concentration
9. Improves awareness of space and body
10. Boost confidence
11. Improves awareness of space and body
12. Boost confidence

Benefits of Playing Team Sport

Physical and Health Benefits - Regular participation
in team sport reduces the risk of health problems in-
cluding diabetes, obesity and heart diseases.
Social Benefits - It provides opportunity to play with others and therefore
help develop and strenghten social skills
Psychological Benefits - Studies shows that playing team sports im-
proves critical thinking problem solving, patience, persistence and self-

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 3 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8

This unit is one of those ways with which ef-
forts were combined to let you learn and at the
same time enjoy playing. As you worked on with the
given activities in each of the four parts of learning
sequence, you were provided with opportunities to
reflect and understand that there’s more team
sports than expected.
Through these activities, you were gradually introduced to the es-
sential knowledge and skills you needed to learn about team sports. And
as expected, you enjoyed them a lot! But those activities were not the end.
Enjoyment was just the beginning of a bigger and better picture. You
were provided with opportunities to express and demonstrate your un-
derstanding of the benefits that you and your family can derive from en-
gaging and participating in team sports by answering the mind-extracting
and thought-provoking questions given. You were made to realize that in
team sports. Individual expertise is highly appreciated but not the ex-
pense of sacrificing the whole team. You might have been a good player
or maybe even the best ones, but you still need the team to back you up
and make things happen together. That’s why it’s called team sports after
all. Each member plays an important role in the game. Winning might
have been important to you and your team, but how you played the game
is even more essential. Your family with all its members, including you, is
a perfect analogy for team sports. Each essentially considering their re-
spective roles and areas of expertise but also equally necessary to carry
out our roles for the family to be fit and healthy. Each member makes a
contribution to the family’s goals and objectives.
As what you learned at home, it is expected that you impart what
you have learned about the essentials of team sports with your friends and
more importantly. With your family. Team sports strengthens your bond
as friends and as members of a family. Cherish every moment as you en-
joy playing with those you love. Just always remember. A family that plays
together, stays forever and lives longer.

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8


Activity 2: Goal-Setting

List down your goals as regards your personal

involvement in basketball and team sports in general.
This activity aim to reaffirm your commitment in making
team sports your lifetime fitness endeavor. The following
is an example of an output on this activity. You are encour-
aged to have other modes of presentation employing your creativity and
resourcefulness in this challenge. Use another paper for your output in
this activity.
What Are Personal
Goals are de-
fined as the desired
states that people
seek to obtain,
maintain, .or
avoid (Nair, 2003).
Personal goals are
goals related to your
work, relationship, fi-
nances, and other as-
pects of life. Pretty
much all goals are per-

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8

TRANSFER ACTIVITY 3 - “Family Journal ”

Team sports family journal

This activity will encourage you to involve your family in playing team sports.
This is a form of fitness activity that requires preparing a documentary of your family
engagement in team sports.

You will need the following:

1. photographs of you and your family engaging in team sports
2. coloring materials
3. folders or card boards and other similar materials
4. Writing or printing materials
5. adhesives or glues
6. anything good for collage like recyclable materials as in old magazines

Criteria for Assessment:

1. Uniqueness and originality This includes the family’s unique way of scheduling or
programming team sports activities including the kind of team sport they play and
how they are captured in pictures or videos.
2. Creativity and resourcefulness This involves the use of less expensive materials
such as indigenous or recyclable ones with a touch of the learner’s creativity and
craftmanship in putting together the artistic elements like color, line, texture, harmony,
balance, and proportion.
3. Deep understanding of the benefits derived from participating in team sports This
defines the learner’s understanding of the essence of team sports as shown through
pictures and/or videos relative to the team sport/s participated by the learner.
4. Involving the family in team sports endeavors Strong evidence that the learner’s
family is really involved in any fitness endeavor related to team sports.

Here’s how you will accomplish the activity:

1. Gather some pictures or videos of your friend’s team sports activities. Prepare a
documentary by organizing them in a portfolio or scrapbook or any other
presentation you wish to do.
2. Put descriptions or captions for each documented activity. Your descriptions or
captions may include the team s
port played, date and place it was taken, and the like.
3. The last page, in case you prefer digital presentation, should include your insights
gained from participating in basketball and team sports in general. Mention also the ben-
efits that you and your friends as a whole have gained from engaging in it.

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8

4. Your uniqueness, imagination, creativity, and resourcefulness will be challenged
through this activity so don’t waste your chance. Go and start your masterpiece!
5. In case you have difficulty in finding or gathering your friend’s pictures in their en-
gagement in team sports, look for pictures of families engaging and participating in team
sports in magazines, newspapers or pamphlets. Cut them out, organize, and paste them
on a clean bondpaper or colored paper. Put captions on these pictures which may
include the benefits that your friend derives from participating in team sports.



 Department of Education, 2013.Physical Education and Health 8 Learners Module. Philippines:

Vacarish Publication and Trading, Inc.

 Miranda, Quennie S., Laura R. Jugueta, Guinevere E. Sacdalan and Maria Teresa R. San Jose,
2016. MAPEH 8. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.





 -vector-happy-cute-kid-boy-play-


Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher MAPEH Coordinator

Cuenca Institute - Junior High School 7 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8

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