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Mohamedin Hussein
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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Lunar article: guava tea leaves


Green tea is good for your health due to its component but do you
know there is new tea in town? Guava leaves from guava plant (Psidium
guajava) is used to make the tea. It is a common tropical fruit cultivated
in many tropical and
subtropical regions. Guava
leaves (picture from are reached in
vitamin C, lycopene and
antioxidants that are
beneficial to the skin and
many part of body. Potassium
in guava leaves or guava fruit
help normalizing the blood
pressure levels since it contains 80% of water. One can brew guava
leaves to make tea. This releases beneficial substances which help in
solving many problems in one’s health. Guava herbal tea leaves are
delicious and can be consumed. It can be prepared within 10 minutes
and can be served either warm or iced. If you are curious about this
herbal tea, here are its health benefits:

Benefits of guava tea leaves.

1. Stops diarrhea.
According to the study published in the Revista Tropical de Sao
Paulo, guava leaf extracts inhibit growth of staphylococcus aureus
bacteria, a common cause of diarrhea. According to the,
people who drink guava tea leaves have less abdominal pain. One
can boil guava leaves and its root and consumed in an empty
stomach for quick relief.
2. Lower cholesterol
According to article published in nutrition and metabolism, it
showed the people who drank guava tea
leaves had lower cholesterol level after
eight weeks. Low density lipoprotein (LDL)
are one of the five major groups of
lipoprotein that transport all fat
molecules in the body and when excess, it
may bring disorder in the organs of body
such as heart. (picture from
3. Manage diabetes
According to the article published in nutrition and metabolism,
guava tea leaves inhibit several different enzymes that convert
carbohydrates in digestive tract into glucose, potentially slowing
its uptake into blood. In Japan, it was approved that guava tea
leaves are among foods for specified health of diabetes. Guava
leaves are in reach of dietary fiber which reduce sugar level and
help diabetes patients to control their health. The compound in
leaves help regulate blood sugar levels after inhibiting absorption
of 2 type of sugars namely; maltose and sucrose.
4. Helps in obesity or weight loss
Some people want to cut off their weight so as to look more
pretty but do they know by just taking guava tea leaves regularly
help in losing weight? The guava tea leaves prevent complex carbs
from turning into sugars promoting rapid weight loss.
5. Lower risk of cancer.
“Guava leaves can lower risk of cancer’’ according to Dr. Anju
Sood, especially breast cancer or oral cancer.
It contains amount of lycopene that is
carotenoid phytonutrient. Lycopene has anti-
tumor properties and protects from prostate
cancer, this is according to Bio Core article on
toxicology and research. (picture is from
6. Heals cough and cold.
Guava leaves contain high levels of vitamin C and iron which helps
boosting the immune.
Decoction of guava leave is
very helpful in reliever of
coughing and cold as it helps
get rid of mucus. It also cleans
respiratory tract. (picture from
7. Prevent hair loss
Many of people especially men are afraid of losing their hairs but
there is a relieve for such problem. Guava leaves keeps
your hair related problem at bay. Guava is reach in
antioxidant that could do wonders in volume of hair.
Just boil guava leaves to make tea or you can massage
it on your scalp. (picture from
8. Reduces stress
According to Dr. Manoj Ahusa, ‘’guava leaves contain vitamin B4
(niacin) and vitamin B6(pyridoxine) which help in improving blood
circulation to brain stimulating cognitive function and relaxing
nerves. This is because it is reach in magnesium that helps the
9. Prevent dengue fever.
According with the Bio Care journal about toxicology and
research, it shows that guava leaves or the juice is effective
remedy to treat dengue fever. That is why medical practitioners
will advise people to drink thrice a day for better result.
10. Reduces acne.
Guava leaves contain high percentage of vitamin C that can get rid
of acne. For better results
one can crush and apply
them on the trouble spot.
(picture is from acne)
11. Improves sleep
According to Dr. Ashutosh Gauter, clinical operation and
coordination manager at Baidyanath says ‘’drinking guava leaf tea
regularly help improve quality of sleep by calming your nerve and
quietens your mind hence making it easier to slip into slumber.
12. Helps in gastrointestinal issues (gas problem)
Guava leaves tea are useful in treating gastrointestinal issues
because they reduce production of extra mucus that irritate
digestive system and prevent further microbial growth in intestine
due to anti-bacterial properties.
13. Promote heart health.
‘’Guava leaf tea may also benefit your heart and circulatory
system’’ says Anshul Jaibharat.
14. Boost immunity
‘’Guava leaf tea helps boost immune system’’ Bangalore based
nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood said. This help body
to fight illness. ‘’Guava has capacity to shrink
and contract any open tissues in your body.
This has anti-bacterial properties that can flush
out the harmful toxins and bacteria from your
body’’ this is according to the Bio Care journal. (picture from
15. Promote heart health.
‘’Guava leaf tea may also benefit heart and circulatory system’’
say Anshul Jaibharat.
16. Reduces pain in joints
People suffering from chronic pain can use both guava leaves and
fruit benefit derive from its anti- inflammatory properties.
17. Helps in fertility.
Guavas contain a mineral know folate which helps promote
fertility in humans.
18. Takes care of your skin.
Guava leaf tea and the fruit itself contain astringent property that
help improve texture of your skin. According to Bio Care journal in
toxicity and research, it says that pink guavas contain twice
amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene is antioxidant
that protects our skin from being damage by UV rays and
environmental pollution. One can make it effective by grinding
the leaves and applying it on the skin.
19. Help relieve painful symptoms of menstruation.
Many women experience painful dysmenorrhea during their
menstruation such as stomach cramps. According to, a study showed 197 women who experienced
painful symptoms in their menstruation, found that after taking
6mg of guava leaf extract daily resulted in reduce of pain. It
appeared that it was even more powerful than some painkillers. It
also helps relieve uterine cramps

In conclusion, guava tea leaves are very good for your health and
should be consumed for alternative with the green tea leaves. In the
above explanation, guava tea leaves have antioxidant, anti-diabetic,
antibacterial, anti-diarrheal, anti-hypotensive, antifungal, anticancer
and high nutritional value.

This article is published by:

Mohamedin Hussein
(researcher- JKUAT)

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