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F E B R UARY / MAR C H 2004


Expressiv e Arts Ther apy


Natalie Rogers
on Arts and Peace

An Eco-Spiritual

The Challenge
of Change

Workshop on War


Le tt
Lett er on N
tter ativ
American Medicine

Inner Revolution Focusing
Psyche & Spirit Anima Twist
Healing Heart Holy Longing
Where Madmen Drown ahp PERSPECTIVE 1TINO PLANK


Using the Creative Process to Connect to the World
— Natalie Rogers

or me these are dark How do the expressive arts help
times. Not only do the us connect to our body, psyche,
short, winter days bring soul and the world?
darkness early, these are The expressive arts—the integrated
times when our government has process of using movement, visual
taken us into an unnecessary and art, music, journal writing, and
futile war killing thousands of psychodrama—are powerful, NATALIE ROGERS AND THE ANGEL SHE CREATED.
innocent civilians and hundreds of creative ways to become aware of
our own sons and daughters. These our feelings about world events, The second step is to find
are times when we are aware that and to transform those feelings constructive ways to release and
the ecological and environmental into self-responsible action. transform these feelings. For
destruction we are causing could The first step is to become instance, on January 18, 2003, I
bring the human species to an end. aware of our feelings about these was about to teach a class of 15
These are times when countries events. I put it this way: Saybrook graduate students.
that used to admire our nation Denial is our biggest personal and glo- However, it was Martin Luther
now mistrust and even hate us. bal enemy. Awareness is its antithesis. King, Jr., day, and most of my
These are times when our civil To deny our grief and suffering over a friends were going to a massive
liberties are being erased. These personal tragedy or over the needless San Francisco rally to demonstrate
human tragedies of starvation, pollu-
are times when dissent is barely against a possible war in Iraq. I
tion, and war puts a lid on all of our
heard or noticed despite massive feelings. This leads us to lethargy, de- wanted desperately to be there—
demonstrations and outpourings. pression, and apathy. To become aware, to put my body where my values
In facing these facts, how do we on the other hand, leads us into the were. However, I realized that I
maintain hope? Just writing the fiery waters of emotions that need to could bring the thoughts and
paragraph above and knowing the be appropriately channeled into crea- feelings about the pending pre-
many layers below each statement, tive energy. It is not surprising that so emptive war to the classroom.
I find myself getting angry, sad, much denial exists in the world. With I asked the adult learners how
disillusioned, frustrated, and even communication technology bringing they felt about the heavy beat of
us news of disasters around the globe,
feeling hopeless. Yet I live with war drums coming closer. We had
we are bombarded with massive
great hope. amounts of anguish. Denial keeps us some free-flowing discussion. All
As the brilliant morning sun from being overcome by despair. Yet views were listened to and heard,
backlights the auburn leaves of my wearing a plate of armor tends to make including intellectual opinions and
Japanese maple tree, and my us into technological robots, capable of feelings. Feelings of sadness,
brown-eyed dog stares at me plead- producing quantities of goods but in- anxiety, rage, fear, hopelessness,
ingly, I go for a walk to cleanse my capable of compassion and creative sol- powerlessness were expressed. One
lungs and soul. I ask further ques- utions. We are also denying the hu- woman felt hopeful because she
tions: How do expressive arts con- manitarian impulse within each indi- thought the massive worldwide
vidual. When a crisis occurs—a flood
nect us to our body, psyche, soul, demonstrations would bring a shift
or earthquake, an abandoned child or
and the world? How does inner maimed individual—people have the in consciousness in the long run.
peace connect to world peace? I opportunity to respond by giving. And I talked about the humanistic
arrive home thinking about expres- they feel rewarded as they provide for principle underlying the work we
sive art as one avenue of helping to others. . . It is important that we find were about to do—the need to
heal ourselves, our clients, and the emotionally safe ways to experience access deep feelings, embrace them
planet. We as therapists and health both sides of the coin: the massive as a necessary part of us, and
professionals need to use our suffering and the altruistic impulse in experience the feelings in a safe
abilities to foster nonviolent each of us. (N. Rogers, The Creative environment to transform them
Connection: Expressive Art as Healing,
solutions to global problems. into a sense of hope and empower-
Science & Behavior Books, 1993)


Connection® process. For almost world. First we energized ourselves
an hour there was focused creative through movement. Then we
ment. These feelings are the energy in complete silence. This is spread out a huge paper circle that
tunnel of emotions through which the sacred space of creativity. was to be “our world.” After spend-
we must pass to get to the other What came out of this process? ing time in a group meditation
side —to self-awareness, First they spent time in dyads where each person was invited to
understand-ing, wholeness, and sharing the creative expression just consider what would help to create
action. Denying that these feelings completed. Then the whole group or build a world of peace, we all
exist turns us into callous and con- met. We listened empathically as began drawing at once. This
strained individuals. Expressing individuals talked about their activity brought a powerful sense
these feelings in psychologically images and feelings. One man of collective consciousness to the
unsafe environments can get us sculpted an angel of death. He had room. The discussion that followed
into trouble. found red berries outside to use as brought individuals to a sense of
With these concepts as a back- blood. He wrote, “The Angel of determination to act in their own
drop, I suggested we first embody Death wept in despair. Kneeling way, in their own community.
our feelings through movement. thigh deep in the river of blood she What happened in this process is
Movement is an effective way to lost all volition and began to faint, typical of in-depth work. First, the
discover and express what we really overwhelmed by the destructive creative process itself was healing.
feel. Our bodies carry messages powers of humanity.” One woman Focusing on creating something
that are only vaguely experienced made a collage with a soldier from an intense feeling helps to
by our minds. My suggestion was: carrying a wounded,
Move with your eyes closed for bleeding child. She
awhile to experience the messages compared the good
of your body. Consider the discus- fortune of her grandchild
sion we’ve just had. How does your who lived safely in this
body want to express that which is country. Another woman
triggered by our discussion. You created a “Seat of Power”
can let out sounds if you wish. Af- to help her gain a sense of
ter a while I put on a piece of mus- self-empowerment. We
ic by Marvin Gaye, saying, “The were careful not to
music is lyrical, however the words interpret or analyze
are of a different nature. Open your anyone’s art, which was a
eyes to move and use any of the ground rule.
colored scarves that you wish.” Thus the inner feelings
As the music started, individuals of sadness, rage, fear, and
slowly swooped up brightly colored gratitude were expressed
chiffon scarves. Gently moving to in outer form. The
the swaying rhythm we listened to emotional, intuitive aspects of acknowledge its existence. Second,
the words: Mother, mother, there’s these students were put into as we look at the image we gain
too many of you cryin’, Brother, various media. The nonverbal, self-understanding and insight.
brother, there’s too many of you nonlinear, imaginative, “right Third, as those feelings are deeply
dyin’, You know we’ve got to find a brain” aspects were brought to the heard, they begin to shift. There is
way to bring some lovin’ here today. fore. In a safe, nonjudgmental, a process of transformation. With
One woman got on her knees accepting, person-centered acceptance and acknowledgment,
with a black scarf over her head as environment, people were given insight and empowerment begin to
a veil. Another person slashed the permission to be their authentic emerge, and the conviction to act.
air as if with a sword. Moods selves using color, line, form,
changed. I experienced a sense of sound, writing, and sharing. A USING THE EXPRESSIVE ARTS
longing in one mover, and a sense sense of release and relief was in FOR COMMUNITY AND WORLD
of power in another. the air. Feelings that had been PEACE
Then I invited people to go bottled up had been expressed in There was an outpouring of art
directly to an art medium to constructive ways. These feelings after the September 11 tragedies.
further express what they were had been heard, accepted, Walls were painted, makeshift
experiencing. They could use clay, understood. This leads the way to galleries had people’s expressions
or collage, or paint. I call this clear-headed thinking and action. in paintings, collage, memorial
sequence of using movement, art, The next morning we started the shrines, photos, homemade flags,
writing, and sharing, the Creative process of envisioning a peaceful sculptures, altars, and poetry.


of play, stimulation, acceptance, theologian Matthew Fox says:
and support helps people recover “To honor creativity is to sow the seed
Songs were created. There is a their innate creativity. of peace in human hearts and culture.”
tremendous need for release of the and “The universe brings with it great
EXPRESSIVE ARTS TO joys and great sorrows. Deep heart
grief and anger after such events.
experiences, such as joy, delight,
Art allows for individual healing in PREVENT VIOLENCE
ecstasy, on the one hand, and grief,
the community setting. In one workshop I witnessed two sadness, and loss, on the other, trigger
Art heals! The process and the friends inadvertently hurt each creativity in us. The mystics called
product bring a sense of inner other’s feelings. They had “stabbed these experiences the via positiva (the
peace. It seems magical, to me, each other in the heart.” At lunch- joy) and the via negativa (the suffer-
that when I am sad or angry and time they asked me if I would help ing). These the universe gifts us with
create art, or dance to music, the them talk to each other. I said I in abundance. They are integral to all
feelings begin to shift. We are not would be glad to if each of them our living—provided we choose to live
first took a half-hour to paint, deeply from the inside out and don’t
talking about the kind of art you
live vicariously or superficially . . . .”
frame or sell. We are talking about create clay, or write about the
art that comes from a deep inner situation before the mediation. As He talks about how creativity flows
wellspring bubbling forth without each woman spent time alone through the human heart from the
a lot of concern for the outcome. creating art, her inner feelings Divine heart.
shifted somewhat. When they came Finding our inner light and
to the mediating session, I asked allowing it to shine forth is a
them first to read and discuss their positive step toward world peace.
Visualization of Inner Peace art rather than to dive into what Being bogged down in a sense of
had happened earlier. As the first hopelessness or cynicism is not
Visualize when you felt inner peace. woman showed the five-foot paint- energy conducive to constructive
How did your body feel? Your heart? ing she had splashed with violent action. Being grateful for the
Your mind? Your soul or spirit? This colors she explained that in the earth, the air, fire, and water, and
could have been a time you spent in process of creating the painting, being grateful for the abundance
nature—a sunset, a moonrise, at the the blaming had started to turn to and love in our lives helps to heal
ocean or a lake, or gazing at a flower. It self-responsibility. She had discov- pain and loss. Allowing ourselves
might have been in meditation or in ered some hidden triggers of hurt to enter the dark and use the arts
church or in a loving relationship. If you from past experiences. The second and our imagination to embrace
don’t recall such a time, make it up. woman had created a piece of clay the divine in each of us adds to the
Fantasize it. Re-enter that space. Be that was Madonna-like, protecting collective passion for peace.
aware of your physical sensations. the child in herself that had been The expressive arts allow us to
When you have finished this hurt. I listened empathetically to transcend our analytic, rational
imaginary journey, dance how you feel in each one in front of the other. The mind and bring us into balance by
this space, then use color or clay or combination of expressive arts and engaging our imagination, intui-
collage to spontaneously express these person-centered listening prevents tion, and spiritual capacities. As we
feelings. the escalation and inappropriate gain an internal sense of peace, our
Write five sentences starting with “I acting out of distraught feelings. way of being in the world shifts,
am, I have, or I feel . . .” Use this art to Taking time out during intel- bringing inspiration and wisdom to
remind you of your sacred inner/outer lectual debates to meditate and use others.
space. Bring your full spirit with you as art as a language to uncover deeper NATALIE ROGERS, Ph.D., is a pioneer
you go about your day. Hold a vision for issues underlying differences can in expressive arts therapy, taking her
peace in your heart and mind. help folks stay together to training to Europe, Japan, and Latin
America, author of The Creative Con-
collaborate—in business, politics,
nection: Expressive Arts as Healing
relationships, organizations, etc. and Emerging Woman, and faculty at
Color and images can give us new Saybrook Graduate
information about ourselves. FINDING INNER PEACE TO School in the Certificate
Many people say, “But I am not CONNECT TO THE WORLD Program “Expressive
creative!” I say: “We are all innately A connection exists between our Arts for Healing and
creative.” As children we played life force—our inner core or soul Social Change.” Her
with paint and clay just for the fun —and the essence of all beings. As workshop “Nature, Art,
of it. Then came the critic—both we journey inward to discover our and Spirit,” will be on
the big island Hawaii in
the inner critic and the adults who essence or wholeness, we discover
March 2004.
graded or put your product down. our relatedness to the outer world.
The person-centered environment In the book Creativity, the radical


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